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May I Have Your Attention Please?
May I Have Your Attention Please? | James Corden
31 posts | 5 read | 9 to read
So... the story of my life. I've often thought about this moment, about what it would be like to write my memoirs. I always thought it would make me feel important. It doesn't. If anything it makes me feel a little strange. The truth is, I should never have been this famous guy. I wasn't the cool, clever, good-looking boy at school. But I always dreamt of it, hoped for it, longed for it: throughout school when I was disruptive, in my teens when I tried to form my own boy band and through hundreds of auditions for parts which were met with constant rejection. Until finally I co-wrote Gavin and Stacey. And my whole life changed. This is that story. The story of how I found myself here, talking to you.
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My favorite thing this year is my family challenge. My baby niece (7 years old) was just the first to hit her personal goal ❤️. I‘m doing a buddy read with her & a Junie B Book. And the rest of the kiddos and I are doing HP #1 as a book club ❤️. It‘s so great ❤️📚❤️📚❤️

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2019 is looking good so far 😎📚

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January was a great month 👍🏻
25 reads for me, with only 1 DNF.

Happy reading, everyone!

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A couple months ago, I decided to try MyTBR.co - My Tailored Book Recommendations. There are a couple levels of service. I chose to get 3 book recs for $15. I answered a bunch of questions. And I shared my Goodreads link. And I got a letter with these 3 recs.
The poetry book wasn‘t perfect for me, but I wanted more poetry, & a stretch. So I got that.
The other two? 5⭐️ - both.
Check out myTBR.co & try it. You might ❤️ it too!

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This has been my year of challenges. I‘m DONE with all but #MountTBR. So while I have a few minutes tonight, I‘m going to document them here for the record.


Sweettartlaura Author track: 7y
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Sweettartlaura Title track: 7y
DGRachel That‘s impressive! 7y
Sweettartlaura @DGRachel That‘s how many books I had lying around 🤣. I only had to get ... 2, I think. Maybe 3. Even though I‘ve sworn to go much lighter on the challenges next year, I‘ll probably repeat this one... because again, I pretty much can 🤷🏻‍♀️ 7y
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I‘ll finish up Mount TBR this month!!!🙌🏻

DebinHawaii Congrats! 🎉📚🎉That's awesome! 7y
britt_brooke Excellent! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 7y
Simona Congrats 📚📚📚🍾👊 7y
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The good news: 3 are done -
A to Z (both tracks)
Page Count

The rest ...
4 more for #birthdaychallenge
4 more for #readharder
3 more for #popsugarreadingchallenge
2 more for #litsyreadingchallenge
And one more series to catch up on
Those will cover the remainder for #mounttbr

The bad news...
I won‘t get much spooky reading done this year 😕

DivineDiana You are amazing! 👏🏻📚👏🏻 7y
drinkteareadbooks Impressive! 7y
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With that last DNF, I still read enough that I just hit my 2017 goal of 50,000 PAGES!!!
Whoo hoo!!!

DGRachel Congrats!🎉🎉🍾🎉🎉 7y
Bookzombie Congrats! 7y
L_auren Omg great job!! I've never thought to have page goals. I've hit 35k with over 100 books-- how many books does that mean you've finished?? 7y
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Sweettartlaura @L_auren This is my first year tracking it. I know Goodreads gives you a count, but in the past I haven't always chosen the exact same edition/format. So this year I've tracked it myself. And I have over 180 Reads in this number. That includes about 2 dozen comics issues, plus audiobooks. So at the end of the year I'll break it down further. But today, I'm just enjoying meeting this goal 😊 7y
L_auren @Sweettartlaura cool!! Thanks for the info. Yay you!! 7y
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Just a PSA... the next Dewey's #readathon is in a month ❤️📚📚📚


Natasha.C.Barnes Thanks for putting this out there, I've never participated! Quick question...it looks like a lot of mini challenges end up being entered via a tweet or Instagram post or something like that and tagged with a hashtag (that or a blog post if ppl have that)...do you know if people ever just use Litsy for that? Dunno if the hosts would check it. I just don't like inundating my Instagram with book posts-and I think I'd be posting a lot in that 24 hrs.. 7y
Sweettartlaura @Natasha.C.Barnes I don't know 🤷🏻‍♀️ I know people did post here during the last round. And maybe the people who run it will include Litsy this time. I don't normally do these for the prizes - just the excuse to read alllllllll day 😜 7y
Natasha.C.Barnes @Sweettartlaura Yeah I've never been one to win prizes often in my life but I do like being able to interact more...otherwise it's just be siting at home reading--as usual! 😆 7y
Sweettartlaura @Natasha.C.Barnes 🤣🤣🤣 I did actually win a book from @24in48 this last time😊 I like to interact afterward, but I will use some audiobook time for a little perusing as well 👀 7y
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28 reads
9,539 pages
5 Nonfiction
3 Audiobooks
3 Graphic Novels
3 Comics
1 Readathon

I have one more Harry Hole to read to be current on the series.

Cupofjo I love jo nesbo 7y
mrozzz Wow! Nice job 👍🏻 7y
Simona A lot! 👏👏👏 7y
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Sweettartlaura @Cupofjo Me, too😍 7y
Sweettartlaura Thanks, @mrozzz & @Simona - I wanted to get 10K pages this month, but I really can't complain🙂 7y
[DELETED] 3216391035 I've never read Jo Nesbo...what book should I start with? 7y
Cupofjo @Sweettartlaura I'm so behind with Hole... think I'm only on book 6! 😬 7y
Sweettartlaura @Basia I would just start with his first Harry Hole novel, The Bat. You'll know right away if you want to go on after that... but I think you will 😉 7y
Sweettartlaura @Cupofjo Catching up on my series was one of my goals for this year. So every couple months I dedicate a month to one of them. I thought Harry was done at 10. But surprise! The Thirst came out right before I started this month. So now I'm already behind, as well 😜 7y
Gissy Awesome!📚📚📚🎈🎈🎈😍❤️I will like to read Ji Nesbo👍 7y
diovival Impressive stack 7y
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2017 is coming along nicely ❤️📚

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2nd challenge of the year done 😀

RohitSawant Congrats!! 7y
julesG Congratulations! 7y
DGRachel Congrats! 7y
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BookishBlonde12 Nicely done! 7y
shanebeth way to go! 🎉 7y
JessClark78 Congrats!! 7y
asiriusreader Wow!!! Amazing!! 👏🏻🎉🎉🎉 7y
LeahBergen 🎉🎉🎉 7y
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I won't get anything else done for June. So here's my year-to-date on the big challenges. On to July...

Marchpane 👏👏👏👏Amazing progress on these! 7y
Sweettartlaura Thanks, @Marchpane 😊. After July, my focus is my #birthdaychallenge / #192019challenge ... 7y
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Marchpane So interesting to see the trends over time! 7y
Sydsavvy Read many on the list. Never heard of the one from my year and not really feeling it! But what a fun article! 7y
MinDea The Color Purple...I have not read it but have seen the movie... maybe I should read it! 7y
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HotMessJess I've read a few of these... I'm not going to lie, I burst into tears when it got to 2007 though ⚡️ 7y
josie281 Thank you!! I need to get my butt in gear to finish the challenge (edited) 7y
Sweettartlaura Glad you liked it, @Sydsavvy & @josie281 🙂 7y
Sweettartlaura @MinDea That's not a bad idea. As readers we know that no matter how good the movie is, the book is always at least a touch better 😉 7y
Simona Interesting list! 7y
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I won't finish anymore before 6/1. And besides #litsyatoz I haven't made noticeable progress on the rest. But these are coming along well, and these are the top priorities. So yay, 2017!💃🏻🍾. And thanks for being such a supportive community, Litsy!

sprainedbrain Those are amazing stats!!! 👏 7y
UwannaPublishme Wow! Way to go! 👏🏻👏🏻🎉🎉 7y
Reviewsbylola You're killing it!! 7y
melbeautyandbooks Way to go! 7y
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Cinfhen 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 7y
Ashley_Nicoletto Nice work! 76 is great for May 1st. 7y
melbeautyandbooks Way to go! 7y
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Online-only sale at Powell's
... Because I know you all need more books😏📚❤️

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Awww, look what happened after I fell asleep😍

You guys are the best! Every day I'm so glad I have this community to connect with ❤️

Happy reading , & thanks so much!

stacybmartin Yay - congrats!! 🎉📚🎉👏🏼 7y
cathysaid 👏👏👏 7y
JoeStalksBeck 👏👏👏👏👏👏❤️📖📚🌹🤜🏻🤛🏻 7y
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KarenUK 🙌🙌🙌💕 7y
Suzze Yay! Congrats. 🎉🎺🍾👏 7y
Kalalalatja Yay!! 👏👏👏 7y
LeahBergen Yay!! 🎉🎉 7y
asiriusreader Woohoo!!! 👏🏻👏🏻🎉🎉🎉 7y
Simona Congrats 🍾📚👏👏👏 7y
Cinfhen Congrats 💖🎉📚😀 7y
DebinHawaii Congratulations!! 👍🎉👍🎉👍😀 7y
JessClark78 Congrats!! 🎊🎉🎉📚 7y
moranadatter Congrats!🎉🎂 7y
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Whoo hoo!!! Made it to Mt. Vancouver on the #MountTBR challenge🙌🏻. 36 down... 64 to go📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚

DebinHawaii Congrats!! 🎉📚📚📚👍 7y
Sweettartlaura Thanks, @DebinHawaii - I'm so glad I'm doing this challenge this year. Hoping to get to Everest (100), but heading to Ararat (48) next! 7y
Cinfhen Wow!!! Fantastic 🎉🎉🎉 7y
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@Jenn1 I think I have a buddy read for us this autumn 🤗

Jenn1 Ooohhhhhhhhh I like the idea of this! 7y
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Stats as of the end of February

sprainedbrain Look at you go! 👏 8y
saresmoore Woohoo! 8y
Sweettartlaura @sprainedbrain & @saresmoore Thanks! I'm getting somewhere with all my piles o'books - physical, audio, & digital 🙌🏻. Feels good! 8y
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For everyone missing #24in48...
Next up is #deweyreadathon - Whoo hoo!!!

Check out 24hourreadathon.com for details. And of course, stay tuned to Litsy 😊. I'm sure as it gets closer, there will be a lot of chatter about it.


TheNextBook Yes! Awesome. 8y
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I've already mentioned I'm doing #litsyatoz (both author & title tracks); #popsugarchallenge ; #birthdaychallenge ; #mounttbr ; #readharder ; #litsyreadingchallenge ; #192019challenge ; 123 books for Goodreads; and 50,000 pages. On top of that, here are a few more resolutions for 2017.

Cinfhen Are you familiar with the word overachiever 😜🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻go for it, I'm rooting for you💋 8y
Sweettartlaura @Cinfhen 😂😂😂 Thanks! A lot of these will piggyback, though. The biggest stretches will be hitting 50,000 pages & the #birthdaychallenge - it's oddly difficult finding books from the 80s I haven't read yet that I want to 🤔 8y
Sweettartlaura And, I find it's good for ME if I take a weekend a month to just read. It resets me. So that's more a personal goal than a reading goal. 8y
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Cinfhen I started the #birthdaychallenge 4 months ago...try finding books from the late 60's and early 70's😩I'm dying 😖I am super pleased to be broadening my reading, though🤓happy new year and best of luck with your reading goals🙂 8y
Sweettartlaura @Cinfhen I may have a 74 book for you! Try Helter Skelter. I'm doing it as an audiobook, & it is FASCINATING! It's long, but you won't notice it. And if you prefer print, it will still hold your attention. Good luck! 8y
Cinfhen I will jot it down as I'm only up to 1971...I might also poach on your 80's titles...thanks 8y
Sweettartlaura @Cinfhen I'll try to keep you in the loop as I get through them - happy reading & good luck! 8y
Marchpane @Sweettartlaura @Cinfhen I have a 192019 shelf on my Goodreads - multiple books from every year. Feel free to take a look, there might be something there that takes your fancy 😄 8y
Cinfhen Thanks @Marchpane 🙂I'll check it out later today 8y
quirkyreader I hope all of your resolutions come to fruition. 🐸🐙 8y
Godmotherx5 @Sweettartlaura @Cinfhen I put a list together last night, if you want to check out 1973-2017: https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/8372971-tina?shelf=birthday-challenge-2017
Good luck with your goals. I've considered a blog, too.
Sweettartlaura Thanks, @Godmotherx5 ! I'll check that out😊 8y
Godmotherx5 @Sweettartlaura Happy to help (or add my two cents) 😉 8y
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2016 is in the record books, with one more snuck in at 11:15pm PST. Next up, 2017!

Reviewsbylola 🎉🙌🏻🎉 8y
quirkyreader Yippie for you. 🐸🐙 8y
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Love James Corden, love this book. Love that I ended 2016 with such a fun book.

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The top are definite. The bottom are ones I should be able to complete with most of what I read for the top ones. All the picks are not set in stone. But I've mapped out enough to confidently say I can do this😊
#MountTBR #LitsyAtoZ #BirthdayChallenge #ReadHarder #PopSugar #LitsyReadingChallenge

TheLondonBookworm 👍👍👍👍 8y
emtobiasz I always write out all of the challenges I find. I never complete ALL of them, but it's still fun to see where they all take me! 8y
saresmoore 💪📚 8y
tpixie Great goals! Good luck! 📚🍀📚 8y
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It is my pleasure to introduce a new member of our community, @ohmygoshbeck . She is an all-around cool chick with lots of interesting things to say. You'll love talking books with her. Please give her a warm Litsy welcome!!!😊

PS - a couple of her favorite books are Like Water for Chocolate & Homecoming. But of course she has lots more. Just ask her 😊

Texreader Welcome @ohmygoshbeck to Litsy!! 8y
BooksTeasAndBookishThings Welcome @ohmygoshbeck 😊🙌📚🎉 8y
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Varshitha Welcome to Litsy @ohmygoshbeck .. 8y
LeahBergen Hello, @ohmygoshbeck !! 👋🏻 8y
Marchpane Hi there @ohmygoshbeck glad you could join us! 👋 8y
the.bookish.valkyrie @ohmygoshbeck Welcome to Litsy! 📚💕🎉 8y
AnnieReads Welcome to Litsy @ohmygoshbeck ! 8y
Lacythebookworm Following! Welcome @ohmygoshbeck 🎉 8y
Well-ReadNeck 👋🏾 8y
CherylDeFranceschi @ohmygoshbeck Welcome to Funland! 8y
Sweettartlaura Thanks, everyone!👏🏻 8y
ohmygoshbeck Thanks for the warm welcome @Sweettartlaura and everyone else! Very excited to FINALLY be here lol. 😎 8y
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