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Rosemary's Baby (Anniversary)
Rosemary's Baby (Anniversary) | Ira Levin
Shortly after Guy lands a plum Broadway role, Rosemary becomes pregnant--and the Castavets start taking a special interest in her welfare. As the sickened Rosemary becomes increasingly isolated, she begins to suspect that the Castavets' circle is not what it seems...
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Rosemarys baby | Ira Levin
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So so good!!

Cathythoughts Great shot. 4mo
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Rosemarys baby | Ira Levin
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Happy Leap Day! I think this is the first post I‘ve ever done on a leap day so that‘s fun. Anyhow it‘s time for my February 2024 wrap up. And let me just say to be such a short month my reading was all over the place. I‘ve had more dnfs than I think I‘ve ever had in a month. But I‘ve also found some new favorites.

What about you? What did you read this month?

Rosemarys baby | Ira Levin
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My first five star book of the year came from an unexpected contender. I picked up Rosemary‘s Baby on a whim and I was hooked immediately. It check all the boxes that I look for in a thriller. Plus, the ending was totally unexpected. But now I‘m in a total book hangover. 😅


dabbe Such a riveting read! 🤩 5mo
Reggie I love this book and movie. ‘What have you done to his eyes?‘ ‘He has his father‘s eyes.‘ ‘Those aren‘t Guy‘s eyes!!!!‘ ‘Guy isn‘t his father. Satan is. Hail Satan.‘ Lolol love it! 5mo
wildwoodreads @Reggie I haven‘t seen the movie but it‘s on my list now! I could see it being a favorite. 5mo
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Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin
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We went to The Smoky Mountains this weekend. One of my favorite stops to make in Pigeon Forge is the Book Warehouse. It‘s the first bookstore I ever remember visiting. It helped to fuel this obsession. So, it‘s kind of full circle to be writing a post about the place that helped spark this love of reading. I‘m so excited to get to do this Book Warehouse Book Haul.

Full haul here: https://wildwoodreads.com/2024/01/30/book-warehouse-book-haul/

SarahBookInterrupted I had a similar experience. On the way to my grandparents who lived in the middle of nowhere, in a forest. There was a bookstore warehouse on the way also with nothing around it. No town, the forest would open up and we‘d see the bookstore. We knew we were getting close to their house and my mom always stopped and each of us kids could get a book. We loved it!! Enjoy your haul and happy memories. You brought back mine. 6mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty photo 📚❤️ 6mo
wildwoodreads @SarahBookInterrupted That sounds amazing. What a wonderful memory. Thanks for sharing that memory with me! 😊 6mo
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Rosemarys baby | Ira Levin
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1 of 2024. ⭐️⭐️⭐️✨

Rosemarys baby | Ira Levin
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Perfectly paced, wonderfully eerie, and very well written. I really liked Rosemary, I found her a brilliant protagonist. I love these sorts of horror stories - I find witchcraft fascinating.

Rosemarys baby | Ira Levin
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I want to shout out @TheQuietQuill for picking some amazing reads for the All Hallows Read Swap. Rosemary‘s baby was an enjoyable spooky read and Welcome to Dahmerville was a new book that will become a classic! Thank you so much! 😄

TheQuietQuill You‘re very welcome! I‘m so glad you enjoyed them! 🥰 8mo
KaylasReadingNook @TheQuietQuill I most definitely did! Thank you 😄🥰 8mo
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Rosemarys baby | Ira Levin
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Omg thank you @TheQuietQuill I was so excited to get these books and really wanted to read them both! Thank you so much! 😄 I have a full nights reading before me! @MaleficentBookDragon #allhallowsreadswap #bookswap

TheQuietQuill Yay! So glad you like it! Enjoy! 🎃🎃🎃 9mo
MaleficentBookDragon Rosemary's Baby is one of my all time favs. 9mo
KaylasReadingNook @TheQuietQuill I am so excited to start reading both books! Plus the snacks are going to make it even better 😄 and the black cat plush is fitting as well just adopted two black cats this weekend 😁 thank you so much I‘m so happy to start reading! 9mo
KaylasReadingNook @MaleficentBookDragon I‘m so excited to read it! 9mo
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Happy Halloween, kids! As Mia Farrow said in her IG post….Beware of the Neighbors 🔪

mabell Ha! Happy Halloween! 9mo
Reggie What‘s wrong with his eyes?! What have you done to his eyes? Those are his father‘s eyes!!!! Those aren‘t Guy‘s eyes!!!! Guy isn‘t his father. Satan is!!! Hail Satan! Hail Satan!!! I freaking love this movie. Hope you had a great Halloween AmyG! 9mo
AmyG @Reggie This is my most favorite movie of all time. Thanks for appreciating and making me smile. Hope you had a good Halloween, too! 9mo
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Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin
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I say that this is a "pick", but this book was really hard to stomach in many ways between the sexual abuse and pregnancy horror. It is not at all my favorite kind of scary story, but it was intense.
#Scarathlon #SpookyGhostClub #rushathon #littenlisten #31by31 #falling4books #spookoween #scarathlonatoz @Clwojick @Andrew65 @aperfectmjk @catsandbooks @Read4life @TheSpineView @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES @Texreader

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 9mo
TheSpineView Great job! 9mo
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Read4life 🍁👻🎃 9mo
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼🦇🧡 9mo
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 A true classic. 9mo
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Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin
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Decided to look up Ira Levin to see if there was personal history that made him so keen to write about women being manipulated/gaslighted by their husbands and got distracted by his stage plays. AKA Guy‘s resume from the book.

Rosemarys baby | Ira Levin
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Never not good.

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Rightly considered a horror classic. I couldn‘t put it down once I got started. Creepy and suspenseful but not gory. Perfect for spooky season 😈

Anna40 Do you feel it‘s outdated now or still creepy? Haven‘t read it … 9mo
shortsarahrose @Anna40 it‘s still creepy. Some of the cultural references might not land for everyone, but they aren‘t really key to the plot. 9mo
Anna40 Ok! Thanks :) 9mo
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1. This year…white chocolate Reeses ghosts
2. Maybe not Halloween themed but my most favorite spooky book and movie….is the tagged one.
@TheSpineView #Two4Tuesday

TheSpineView I have seen the white chocolate but not tried it. I need to fix that. Thanks for playing! 10mo
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This was really good! But the ending wasn‘t what I was expecting but I‘m glad I read it. This is my choice for #bannedbooksweek!

#scarathlon #TeamCreepinItReal 541 pts
#31by31 #bookspinbingo #falling4books #littenlisten #readysetgoreadathon #RushAThon #Spookoween #promptmaze #20in4

AmyG My favorite! 10mo
TheSpineView Excellent! 10mo
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 10mo
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DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 10mo
Read4life 🍁👻🎃 10mo
dabbe With Mia Farrow reading it? Cool beans! 🤩🤩🤩 10mo
Catsandbooks 👏🏼🖤 10mo
Andrew65 A true classic. Well done 👏👏👏 10mo
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1. Cat
2. Tagged book
3. Suburban Mom witch. One year I dressed up in black pants, red velvet blouse, witch hat, full make-up and blacked out a front tooth. I answered the door to this child and smiled. Freaked him out. He ran away. 🤣
4. 8
5. Rosemary‘s Baby (with Mia Farrow)
6. Chocolate

#HHS #Haunted HallowSwap @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn 🎃👻🙌🏻 11mo
5feet.of.fury I have 2 black cats so it would be messed up if I didn‘t pick them haha 11mo
KaylasReadingNook 1. Black cat! 2. Anything Stephen King. 3. Coraline was my favorite costume I‘ve done! 4. Themed socks are so cute! I‘m a size 10 and adore my Halloween socks year round. 5. Coraline/the nightmare before Christmas/corpse bride. 6. Popcorn balls are my favorite 😍 10mo
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Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin
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I'm diving into this one! ❣️

AmyG Remember to watch the movie with Mia Farrow. The BEST! 11mo
Ast_Arslan @AmyG I'll give it a try 😉❣️ 11mo
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Rosemarys baby | Ira Levin
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Best attempt at my mood board. Some of my favorites reads, practices of Mabon and just over all vibes. Hope it helps. 😊

#hhs23 @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Love it! 🎃 11mo
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Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin
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Are you a witch? Do you practice witchcraft? Or like me, do you just like fictional witches? Go to the page of @BookwormAHN and sign up!!!

#MWS #ModernWitchSwap

BookwormAHN Thanks for sharing 🐈‍⬛ 11mo
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Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin
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I finished both my #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin for April.

I may actually get a #bingo this month! I've got two slots open and plans to conquer those categories before May comes in. Wish me luck!


TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Looking great!! 1y
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Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin
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This was so compelling and readable that I was devouring this on my lunch break. For 3/4 of the book, it read like a domestic thriller but Levin stuck the ending. Wow! That ending!

Definitely recommended if you haven't read the book and looking for occult horror.

This was my #TBRDeckOfCards for April and my #Doublespin for April.

Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin
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Started this on lunch and all I want to do is get back to it!

#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

dabbe Ooh, is it good! #enjoy 😊 1y
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Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin
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Rosemarys baby | Ira Levin
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I finished this book yesterday, and ended up watching the movie last night. I loved the book from beginning to end! The movie was just as great, and was pretty spot on. I know it‘s a cult classic, and i wish i would have read it sooner.

CloakNQuill Fantastic book & film! 2y
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Rosemarys baby | Ira Levin
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Starting this one now 😵‍💫

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Rosemarys baby | Ira Levin
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Doing some coloring while 🎧 to Rosemary's Baby #darkcolor

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Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin
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A lover of Poe and all things of the macabre, I finally picked this one up ... and was not scared in the least. Maybe because of all the true day-to-day horrors one has to witness in 2022, this has become a tamer read. Give me a good ghost story, though, like THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE by Shirley Jackson, and then I can be scared out of my wits with the best of 'em. I still enjoyed Levin's writing style, though, and will read more of him.

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The suspense building was great. I also enjoyed the 1960s references. This was my bookclub scary pick for October.

Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin
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Rosemary believes she‘s carrying the devil‘s child. Could she be right? A great tale that's a true classic in horror.

#horror #pregnancy

tpixie I woke up from a scary dream and I saw this post I said I what a cute baby and then I started reading! (edited) 2y
tpixie @johncadams lol I just looked at the photo and moved on! 2y
Susanita Fun fact! When my friend was pregnant with her first child, she went to hospital with what turned out to be false labor. Doc said she was still pretty close though, so they put her in a room to chill and wait. During that time she watched…Rosemary‘s Baby. 2y
johncadams @Susanita Excellent! 2y
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Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin
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Mahalo for the #ThoughtfulThursday tag @MoonWitch94 🎃

🔍 or 🔪 pretty impossible to choose. I 🖤them both & a good mystery/thriller featuring FBI profilers is a sweet spot for me! 😱

👻 or 🔪🔪🔪 Love both but I lean slightly to serial killer

😈👶🏻 The tagged book scared the 💩out of me when I was 8-ish & snuck it off my parents‘ shelf & it still holds up today!

Tagging any #TeamMonsterMash friends or anyone who wants to play! 👻

MoonWitch94 Thanks for playing 🎃✨📖🏚🕯 2y
TheHungryBookworms Read both mystery and thriller and live haunted house and serial killer stories. As of now my favorites are #thehauntedforesttour and #stolenTongues 2y
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Rosemarys baby | Ira Levin
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Spooky reading season has started!

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Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin
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That was terrifying. Rosemary, a young housewife in late ‘60s NYC, feels paranoia growing in her (alongside a baby) as her aging neighbors grow a bit too solicitous and her husband‘s career unexpectedly takes off. Strange gifts, odd illnesses, an apartment building with a Satanic past…Levin‘s chilly prose relentlessly turns the screws as Rosemary‘s isolation and fear become unbearable. A masterclass of suspense and horror.

Hamlet I like and admire the movie, but I had forgotten it was a book! Thanks for this one! 2y
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Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin
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Eggs Ahhh I remember this movie with Mia Farrow 😱 2y
Leftcoastzen @Eggs yeah , it was something! 2y
vivastory At first I thought Capote's blurb said, “A darkly hilarious tale of modern deviltry...“ 😂 2y
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Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin
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This guy was ahead of his time falling into a rabbit hole like this before the internet even existed.

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A horror masterpiece. Levin‘s pacing, suspense building, and dry prose gripped me from the start and I read this in one day. The sense of unease, dread, and then full on terror that Rosemary feels throughout the novel is executed almost flawlessly. The clear commentary on misogyny and its insidious nature is much appreciated. A true classic of the genre, its influence has a rightful place among modern horror. 5⭐️

Alfoster Agree! Loved it so much but the movie scares me!😱 3y
BeckyWithTheGoodBooks @TheAromaofBooks This is my #doublespin for January. Starting the year strong! 😂 3y
BeckyWithTheGoodBooks @Alfoster I don‘t know if I‘ll watch the movie. I have a softer skin with scary movies. 😂😂 3y
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
swishandflick Random and not related to this book but I love the handle you chose 😂 2y
BeckyWithTheGoodBooks @swishandflick 😂😂 Thank you!! 2y
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Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin
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I‘ve never seen the film and have meant to read this forever and very glad I decided to start it today. I devoured it over the course of the day, it‘s suspenseful, creepy and I found the story so engaging. Perfect for Halloween

AmyG The movie is the best!!! 3y
Crazeedi I read this when I was a teenager 3y
Cazxxx @AmyG I want to see it now! 3y
Cazxxx @Crazeedi It‘s a good one! 3y
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Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin
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This was my book club‘s 🎃 pick. I was excited about the Palahniuk foreword, but it‘s just so-so. Honestly, the book is well-written, but I think the movie spoiled it for me, and man, it hasn‘t aged well. Lots of 1960s references. It‘d be interesting to see a contemporary revision from a more feminist POV. This was definitely written by a man (In the book there are hints to Satan‘s, um, state of endowment) 🙄

Bklover Some books just don‘t age well! 3y
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Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin
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Week 1 challenge complete for #screamathon 👿
The book I enjoyed. The movie I did NOT. I couldn't find a copy of the movie that wouldn't cost me a 30 day trial I'll forget to cancel so I went with the remake. It was painful. Always go with the original.


Non team theme: 5pts
#littenlisten :60pts
#screamathon :60pts
#bookspinbingo :60pts
#spookoweenreadathon :60pts
#wickedathon :60pts
#scarathlon2021 #teamslaughter

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“The baby kicked like a demon. Rosemary told it to stop or she would start kicking back.“

Another instance of being very familiar with the movie, but still being utterly drawn into the story despite knowing the outcome. The sense of paranoia, claustrophobia and dread leapt right off the page and just added to what was already a chilling and disturbing read.
(About the photo…I may have gone a little sticker crazy)
#scarathlon2021 #screamathon

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Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin
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How many hints do you need, girl?? 🤔

Kimbono 😂😂😂 3y
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Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin
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My #bookspin list for October 2021! Hoping for some spooky reads this month. 👻 🎃

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Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin
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#FallTreasures @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs
Prompt: Published Year You Were Born

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 😱🙌🏻📚 3y
Eggs 👿📚👶🏼 3y
JenDR I love this book. 3y
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Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin
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I'm not really sure what my #spookyaesthetic is, but these are a few of my favorite (Halloween-ish) things. @wanderinglynn #HHS

TEArificbooks I love making pumpkin seeds! 3y
wanderinglynn Perfect! 🙌🏻🖤🎃 3y
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Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this book. It's a nice quick read, and I really felt the desperation of Rosemary's plight the whole way through.

Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin
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Sitting at the mechanic waiting for an oil change thinking about the #conflictedworlds #nightmare prompt and this one came to mind.
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @eggs

Eggs Spot-on 👏🏻 👿 📚🖤 3y
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A twisted and disturbing horror masterpiece. Levin‘s prose is crisp and dry — as is his humor. It helps make this book a truly memorable and accessible read. I also love this particular version of the book; King‘s foreword is great. #horror

Cathythoughts Love Ira Levin ❤️ 3y
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Summer is for reading on the deck with a drink nearby. #horror

Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin
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#RedandWhite cover for #CuriousCovers Day 2.

I have seen the movie, but still haven‘t gotten to the book. I love this vintage cover though, and it‘s a slim novel so it will be a fast read whenever I do get to it.

reading_rainbow That‘s a great cover 😍❤️ this has been on my TBR forever, it‘s one of my favorite movies 3y
Kimberlone @reading_rainbow the movie is absolutely terrifying. Pretty sure I bought this at the thrift store just for the awesome cover. 3y
sharread The movie is so old it's actually very funny. The make job for the demon was like 🤣 3y
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Texreader Gosh I read this like forever ago. It‘s so good. 3y
Kimberlone @sharread you‘re right the monster is very silly by 2021 standards, but the movie up to the end is very psychologically disturbing as the woman is being gaslit by everyone around her into hysteria 3y
Eggs ♥️⚪️♥️👏🏻 3y
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Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin
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Happy Mother‘s Day!!!!!

MicheleinPhilly 😂😂😂 3y
Oryx Love that 3y
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OriginalCyn620 Happy Mother‘s Day to you! 😂 3y
erzascarletbookgasm Happy Mother‘s Day to you! 3y
CBee I adore you @AmyG 😂😂😂😂 3y
Ruthiella 😂😂😂 Happy Mother‘s Day! 3y
Deblovestoread Love this! 3y
mrp27 😂😂 Happy Mother's Day! 3y
LeahBergen Awesome. 😆 3y
Tera66 Haha!! Awesome!🤣 3y
Reggie Lol 3y
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Rosemary's Baby | Ira Levin
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This was an engrossing read -- creepy and suspenseful! Unfortunately, I've heard that the sequel is terrible, so I think I'll skip it.

Fourth book finished for #ShutdownRound3 and #AwesomeApril!
@DieAReader @Andrew65

DieAReader Keep up the great reading! I‘m loving the extra encouragement😉♥️📚 3y
BarbaraBB What is the sequel? 3y
TheNeverendingTBR That ending!! 😶 Such despicable characters in this one 3y
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kwmg40 @DieAReader Thanks! I'm happy to have the encouragement myself!

@BarbaraBB The sequel is Son of Rosemary. I've seen some very mixed reviews of it!

@TheNeverendingTBR Yes, that ending was really intense!
BarbaraBB I never even heard of that! But I won‘t try, it might spoil the great 😱 ending of Rosemary‘s Baby! 3y
kwmg40 @BarbaraBB Yes, that's what some reviewers have said -- that the sequel ruined the first book for them I'm going to avoid it too! 3y
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