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Stone Blind: A Novel | Natalie Haynes
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There is more than one #Snake on the cover of our current read for #SheSaid 🐍

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great cover 💚🖤 4d
Eggs 💚🐍🖤 4d
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Stone Blind: A Novel | Natalie Haynes
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Karisa I‘m enjoying this quite a bit. Feels like it is going by so fast. It has me wanting to look up more about Medusa and the Gorgons because this retelling is so different than the one I know. I love the spin on Perseus, too funny. I‘m listening on audiobook because I love hearing this author narrate. She puts so much life into her characters! Her book A Thousand Ships is amazing too. 5d
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Karisa I just picked up her Pandora‘s Jar to get a bit more backstory. It was on kindle unlimited for free reading, and is supposed to be non-fiction. Apparently many of the myths we learned are watered down versions of the originals that were more female centric, reducing them to side characters and wives. So I thought I‘d check it out. It wouldn‘t surprise me though, we know there is a world of difference between other myths through the⤵️ 5d
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ the ages from say Grims Tales or Hans Christian Anderson to Disney (edited) 5d
vlwelser Perseus is such a tool. But I think that's the point. The one whose story I don't know is actually Andromeda and I'm still curious there. I love the writing in this, the random side character perspectives, the latest being the snakes. 5d
vlwelser I need to look up Pandora's Jar and give it a listen. But my queue is absurd rn. 5d
Riveted_Reader_Melissa …actually Litsy has it listed as Fiction too. 🤷‍♀️ we will see 5d
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I see the second half of the tag list never posted…. Let me try again… 5d
MallenNC @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I also got Pandora‘s Jar from my library to read once we‘re done with this one. 5d
MallenNC I really like the writing of this retelling. I am excited to finish it but I‘ll also be a little sad to be done. I‘m already feeling sad for Medusa. 5d
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Ok then…be that way 😂 5d
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @MallenNC anyway…after a posting snafu…I feel bad for her too, and if you know the myth at all you know it‘s not a happy ending for her…which makes it worse 🫤 5d
MallenNC @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Yes knowing how it ends has given a sense of dread throughout as I‘m reading the book. It shows how much a difference providing POV makes bc I don‘t remember thinking much about Medusa at all when reading the myth in school 5d
Riveted_Reader_Melissa So the work of a good author ✍️ 5d
KathyWheeler I never thought much about Medusa while I was learning about Greek mythology or watching Clash of the Titans. This book made me think about her. 5d
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Stone Blind: A Novel | Natalie Haynes
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The narrative structure in this book is very different, and there are quite a number of different points of view. At different points, even crows and olive trees provided input on the story. I really enjoyed it. Thanks #SheSaid — I might not have read it otherwise. It was actually in the high 70s after the rain today, so I got to walk outside. Continued with Possession after I finished Stone Blind. #byattbuddyread #audiowalk

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This looks good, putting it here so I hopefully remember to add it to #SheSaid the next time we vote to add books!

Stone Blind: A Novel | Natalie Haynes
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Hello #SheSaid!

How are you doing this weekend?

Thoughts on this week‘s section?

See you in the comments!

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘m really liking this…and the asides from some characters are really great. It is not only a great way to piece together parts of the story, but those asides I find amusing….and they tie together the mythology so much better from individual stories to a whole narrative. 2w
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa “There are 50 of us, and you don‘t know our names…can‘t you count to 50” 😂 (edited) 2w
vlwelser I just finished this section. And not a whole heck of a lot happened but it seems like it's setting up the plot to carry forward. 2w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @vlwelser yes, setting up all the players on their paths with what they need before they intersect. 2w
vlwelser That nonsense with the nymphs was quite comical. I do enjoy the way this was written. 2w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @vlwelser Yes, I think she is doing a good job weaving together both the comical parts, and dark parts into a cohesive story. The Crow was good too and I enjoyed the Nereid, Unnamed and her anger, plus the asides on how Perseus treated different groups he meet, and how stupid the gods guiding him think of him (any mortal really). They are just oblivious to anything not important to them. Gaia, that was some unexpected twist I did not ⤵️ 2w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ Remember…hey, this god assaulted you. Let me give you his child to care for. 🫤 (edited) 2w
KathyWheeler @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Yeah, I didn‘t remember that either. And then to learn Poseidon set up that whole proposal?! I loved the section with Perseus and the Hesperides. 2w
MallenNC I just got caught up with this section. I am really enjoying her style, and how approachable the writing is (edited) 2w
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Stone Blind: A Novel | Natalie Haynes
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I love the crow in this book; he‘s hysterical! Poseidon is probably the most petulant god in this book, and that‘s saying a lot. The rec center is nice later in the evening — not as many people there. #audiowalk #SheSaid

Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley

I‘ve been looking forward this and wasn‘t disappointed: six excellent essays by Canadian actor and director Sarah Polley that eloquently address really complex themes. She looks at what it‘s like to be a disempowered young actor, navigating whether to speak or be silent as an assault survivor, dealing with chronic illness and injury, childbirth and parenting, balancing childhood fame with an adult career, and more.
#Nonfiction2024 #Speak

Stone Blind: A Novel | Natalie Haynes
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#SheSaid #ReadAway2024 I enjoy the way the author turns the Greek myths we all know, which primarily are centered around masculine heroes, into something new and exciting. Are the male characters truly heroic? Are those characters who are considered monsters really all that monstrous? Are outward appearances really important? The Olympians are considered gods. Olympians care little about mortals and are in constant competition with each (cont)⬇️

CatLass007 other over trivialities. Their powers, which include immortality, are what make them god-like. The offspring of human women raped by various gods can be demigods with some power, but they rarely are immortal. Other offspring have no powers at all. (edited) 3w
TheSpineView Fantastic! 3w
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July, July | Tim O'Brien
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I‘m a week late with my July TBR. It‘s ambitious but I‘m reading books for #SundayBuddyRead #ChildrensClassicRead2024 #SeasonalCozies #CampLitsy24 #SheSaid #NancyDrewBR #BobWhiteBuddies #FoodandLit #Turkey #Naturalitsy (finishing up June & hopefully starting July if my hold comes in) #Roll100 July, an ARC & #Roll100 May/June catch ups.

The ? Is for the multiple Libby e-books on hold that say “~ 2 Weeks” that will probably all come in at once!

Stone Blind: A Novel | Natalie Haynes
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Hello #SheSaid!

How are you all doing this week?

Liking the new book, it‘s a definitely a shift from our last book and normal non-fiction, but I‘m enjoying it…I‘ve always liked mythology, so for me it‘s a fun read. I was hoping for more of a Circe-type deep dive, but we are still at the beginning.

See you in the comments!

Riveted_Reader_Melissa It also reminds me that Greek mythology is basically all 1 big trigger warning for women. 3w
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa But I like how she is handling those parts without ignoring them or breezing over them 3w
MallenNC I don‘t remember a lot from studying Greek myths in school but I remember the basics of this story. I like how she is telling it, especially as it gets further into the narrative. It‘s doing a good job of making the reader consider who the monsters really are in these stories. (edited) 3w
DGRachel I really love how Haynes writes. I appreciate that while she has hit on some of the horrible things, she didn‘t dwell on it or go into detail. 3w
vlwelser This book is so girl power and I love how she keeps calling out Zeus and the other dudes for being very rapey. And how they point out that Perseus is only a hero from one perspective. I mean he does go cut off Medusa's head. Poor Medusa. 3w
MallenNC @vlwelser I loved that chapter where she said “I bet you feel sorry for poor little Perseus” and then proceeds to destroy that idea. 3w
KathyWheeler @MallenNC That‘s my favorite chapter so far! I just love the way it‘s told. 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @MallenNC & @KathyWheeler Yes, loved that part. Normal hero myth, nope! Let me tell you the real story 😂 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @DGRachel Exactly. They can be hard to retell just because of all the violence, but I also like that she is confronting it, but not dwelling, not just sweeping it under the rug. 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @vlwelser I also liked that she is “humanizing” Hera a bit. Who is usually just jealous vindictive to all of her husband‘s bastard children. But they point out, she can‘t get revenge against him, so that‘s all she can do. Meanwhile how little Zeus cares.. ‘remember that girl you liked…which one…the one locked in a prison…ummm…the one you turned into rain to sleep with…oh yea, she was nice and lonely….she going to die.. oh…and your son….‘ ⤵️ 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ Hera thinks he cares, the woman sometimes thinks he cares and is watching over the kids, his new goddess daughter thinks he cares. Meanwhile he doesn‘t think about any of them, totally oblivious. 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I am waiting for Athena to grow up a bit. She‘s so young and needy yet here as a newborn goddess, I‘m waiting for her to grow into that wisdom bit. 3w
vlwelser He doesn't care even a tiny bit. He barely remembers any of them. They have to tell him a story with himself as the main character before he even remembers. 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @vlwelser yes! Exactly! 😂 3w
KathyWheeler @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I think I forget about the newborn aspect of Athena. I hope she does grow into that wisdom. Right now, she‘s a brat. 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @KathyWheeler yes she is, guess they needed to find a reason for the curse from a wisdom Goddess 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Maybe the idea is, they are all brats, no matter their qualities. Plus someone once told me a different version of Medusa, maybe not so much a curse as a gift so no one could touch her again if she didn‘t want them too. Curious to see how this one spins it 3w
CatLass007 Last month I participated in the #LiteraryCrew buddy read of the author‘s A Thousand Ships, which I believe was excellent. It deals with the after effects of the Trojan War from the female perspective. Stone Blind also focuses on the perspectives of female characters and characters that are neither human nor Olympian, but something else entirely. I‘ve finished the book so I‘m making every effort to not spoil anything. Such a good book! 3w
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CatLass007 I‘m so glad you liked it! But yes, don‘t tell us… I‘m trying so hard not to read ahead with this one. 2w
CatLass007 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I have read several retellings of myths in the last couple of years. The two by Natalie Haynes have to be my favorites. 2w
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