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I'm glad it wrapped up the way it did. I was a little annoyed with Poppy the majority of the book and I felt that Alex deserved better. And yes, I was disappointed with the Croatia reveal. However, this was a quick read that had many cute and funny moments. 3.5⭐️

#BookspinBingo #doublespin #1 #12
@TheAromaofBooks #littensloveromance @StayCurious

TheAromaofBooks When I read this book a couple years ago, Poppy drove me batty. Maybe because I live in Ohio so her constantly bashing it/acting like literally the worst thing that could ever happen to her would be having to live there - was a bit insulting 😂 8h
vonnie862 @TheAromaofBooks I completely understand. Even towards the end how Poppy kept talking negatively towards her hometown made me roll my eyes. 8h
TheAromaofBooks I get that rural life isn't for everyone... but city life also isn't for everyone lol 7h
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An opposites attract romance that just didn‘t hit for me… I spent most of the book super frustrated with the characters and the ending seemed a little too perfect after all of the angst!

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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.34&35: that was a pretty good speech. Impassioned and romantic. And it didn‘t work?! I guess 12 years of trouncing on Alex‘s heart have made him super cautious. Maybe he‘ll chase after her and be like, “Same, Babe.” Maybe. At least, if nothing else, Poppy is trying to work on herself.

Graciouswarriorprincess @StayCurious Please tag me in the voting for next month. Thank you. 😊 17h
LiseWorks I think Alex was shocked. I'm hoping he will run after her. I wanted to know more about that bully. As one who was bullied a lot in middle school I can relate to Poppy. 15h
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julieclair I, too, think Alex is super cautious. And I can‘t blame him. But surely he‘ll come around… I hope… 15h
Kshakal If Alex doesn‘t come around, I am going to be ticked! 15h
vonnie862 I'm glad Poppy was brave enough to tell Alex everything. I don't blame Alex for being cautious. I would be too. 11h
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After his wife died Bernard Oliver set out to walk the Silk Road. This trip sounded STRESSFUL. I‘ll definitely read the rest since this book only covered his time in #Turkey. #FoodAndLit

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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.32&33: After an entire book of avoiding what happened in Croatia - the big reveal was underwhelming to say the least. That‘s it? They kissed and almost went further but didn‘t? Sigh. The secrecy and not talking about it for years wasn‘t necessary. They didn‘t even have a big falling out. Now the scene in the airport was more likely to cause a rift. Poppy stuck her foot in it big time. Poor Alex. How will she fix this?

Kshakal What happened in Croatia was a huge let down… 2d
LiseWorks No kidding. Hiw will she fix this? 2d
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julieclair I am liking Poppy less and less. That airport scene. I felt so sorry for Alex. 😢 2d
vonnie862 I feel cheated!!! All this build up about Croatia only for THIS to be it! 🤨 And poor Alex, Poppy needs to grow up. 1d
Roary47 Ugh. Major let down. I‘m probably just going to finish it now. It‘s really is not much left. 1d
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I read this 4 book club & I have mixed feelings. Some parts were really engaging & other parts dragged. I‘d give it 3.5 stars. I thought it could‘ve been shorter. Definitely an interesting premise! A woman must keep moving (literally) so a curse won‘t kill her! I could tell that this was a 1st novel. I‘ll be eager to see what people at book club have to say about it! If you‘ve read it, please share your thoughts in the comments!

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1) ethnologists are the best and most ignored and I want to be one (not hyperbole) 2) love how Linnerhielm does a "satisfying water asmr" two hundred years early.

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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.30-31: well David kind of lets the proposal to Sarah out of the bag and Poppy kind of starts spiralling. Luckily she and Alex TALK for once and are honest and seem to be okay for the moment. They still have a ton of issues to work out I think, and not much book to do it in. We‘ll see how it goes once they get to the end of their trip.

Kshakal I am not entirely convinced that we aren‘t going to see more of a Poppy spiral… 2d
LiseWorks Oh I'm so tired of Poppy. She complicates everything so much. 2d
vonnie862 Lol, "not much book to do it in." Inhave a feeling things are going to be wrapped up pretty quickly. 2d
julieclair It‘s good that they‘re talking honestly, but Poppy needs to get a grip. 2d
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Diagnosed with complex PTSD, Masud uses the flat places she visits as a way to deal with that. The flat paces are places of conflict and colonialism. She visits Morecambe Bay, Orford Ness and the Orkney islands and each trip represents a different challenge

I loved her description of the different places that she visited and at times I felt that I was visiting these places along with her

youneverarrived Great review. She definitely takes you there. I love the way it‘s written. 2d
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I googled Turkish lamb stew, & found hünkar beğendi (sultan's delight): lamb cooked with onions, tomatoes & peppers, served on puréed eggplant mixed with béchamel sauce (and cheese). Nice and easy. Allegedly invented for the visit of Empress Eugénie (wife of Napoléon III) to Topkapi Palace.
Stew pretty much a “basquaise“ that would have been familiar to Eugénie who spent her holidays in Biarritz! 😂

#FoodandLit #Turkey
@Catsandbooks @Texreader

Texreader Yummy!! 3d
Dilara Also finished The Caravan Moves On yesterday. It's most probably a novel masquerading as a travelogue - that's slightly disappointing because I don't know what's invention and what's true about the Yürük tribe! 3d
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