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IQ | Joe Ide
A resident of one of LA's toughest neighborhoods uses his blistering intellect to solve the crimes the LAPD ignores. East Long Beach. The LAPD is barely keeping up with the neighborhood's high crime rate. Murders go unsolved, lost children unrecovered. But someone from the neighborhood has taken it upon himself to help solve the cases the police can't or won't touch. They call him IQ. He's a loner and a high school dropout, his unassuming nature disguising a relentless determination and a fierce intelligence. He charges his clients whatever they can afford, which might be a set of tires or a homemade casserole. To get by, he's forced to take on clients that can pay. This time, it's a rap mogul whose life is in danger. As Isaiah investigates, he encounters a vengeful ex-wife, a crew of notorious cutthroats, a monstrous attack dog, and a hit man who even other hit men say is a lunatic. The deeper Isaiah digs, the more far reaching and dangerous the case becomes.
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IQ | Joe Ide
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This is a solid start to a “new” detective series (six books now in total published to date). IQ is a young Black man in Long Beach, CA who solves crime for the poor and the helpless. But occasionally he has to take on a paying gig. In this one, he and his would-be partner, the mouthy Dodson, help a local rapper who‘s the target of a hit man. Definitely to be developed for film or TV. The mystery is secondary to the characters and sense of place.

vivastory I've read the first 3 in this series & have enjoyed all of them 1d
Ruthiella @vivastory Good to know! 1d
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IQ | Joe Ide
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My September pick for #12Booksof2023

Andrew65 Looks a good choice. 7mo
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IQ | Joe Ide
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I picked this up based on an audiobook narrator recommendation, and am I glad I did! IQ is a “detective” for those that are overlooked and underserved. Usually his payment is in kind, baked goods or services or something… But once in a while he needs a paying customer, so he takes on the case of a local rapper who someone is trying to kill.

This is more than a mystery, it is about living one‘s best life in difficult circumstances. ⬇️

Mollyanna It is about overcoming past mistakes, and it is about grief. IQ is a great character and a modern take on the Sherlock Holmes archetype character. I look forward to spending more time with him in future books. 10mo
Mollyanna #SeriesLove2023 - Book 1 in a new series 10mo
TheSpineView Excellent! 10mo
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IQ | Joe Ide

This was an excellent start to this series. A smart black man in LA takes on cases from the neighbors and helps them solve mysteries. 4.5 Stars.

IQ | Joe Ide
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Solid mystery, great characters, will definitely read the sequel!

aa_guer2021 Thank you for making me remember this book and my enjoyment of it. Would you be surprised to find out he‘s on book 5 (!!) of the series by now! 🙀🙀😹😺 3y
Julsmarshall @ruskigurl16 I didn‘t know that! I‘ll have to keep going! 3y
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IQ | Joe Ide
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IQ | Joe Ide
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I‘m loving this book so far! It‘s a re-imagining of Sherlock Homes. Isaiah Quintan (IQ) is Black man who is possibly on the autism spectrum. After a traumatic experience as a teen, he takes on cases to help people, but also to pay his bills (he lives in the projects in California.) I‘m only a few chapters in, but MAN. Powerful stuff from the very beginning.🔎🔬🕵🏻‍♂️

vivastory Really liked this series. I haven't read the most recent one. I think another one is coming out pretty soon. 4y
mom2bugnbee Ooo! I love Sherlock retellings! Thanks for putting this on my radar. 4y
Leelee08 @vivastory I was so glad to find out it was a series! 4y
Leelee08 @mom2bugnbee You‘re welcome! I‘m glad I stumbled upon it😍 4y
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IQ | Joe Ide
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Book Outlet #bookhaul came in :) Santa told me to go ahead and splurge, I‘ve been a good girl this year! What should I read first?

vlwelser I would start with the Abbi Waxman. But the David Grann is really interesting. 4y
Julsmarshall Thanks @vlwelser ! (edited) 4y
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IQ | Joe Ide
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So good!!!

Cathythoughts It was good 👍🏻 4y
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IQ | Joe Ide
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Fresh bedtime reading.

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IQ | Joe Ide

What a debut rock star this joe ide. So well written I truly felt I was living the words my eyes were reading. I flew through all four and left me wanting more!!

IQ | Joe Ide
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While I suppose the story came full circle to an extent, the writing was pretty horrible and the plot felt all over the place. It didn‘t seem like there was an idea for an ending, and that Ide wrapped everything up without giving it a second thought. Additionally, something about a non-black person continuously using the N word in his writing doesn‘t sit well with me. Don‘t waste your time with this book.

Cathythoughts I liked it , but I‘m not going to follow it up ( I think there‘s a second book ) 4y
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IQ | Joe Ide

98 pages into this book and not really enjoying the writing style of Joe Ide.. feels like I‘m missing something?? Not a fan of the way he sets up chapters that are from multiple perspectives and times of day. Hoping the book itself gets better, but am having doubts so far

IQ | Joe Ide
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“It‘s Murphy‘s other law. Anything that involves a teenager will be a goddamn horror show.“
Seems like a modern Sherlock Holmes. Loved this one, and can‘t wait to read more of the series.

IQ | Joe Ide

3.75/5 ⭐️ I like mysteries, and the whodunnit part of this was well done. I think the setting and language made it hard for me to really enjoy this. I might give the next in the series a go, someday.

IQ notices things, puts puzzle pieces together in his mind. Mystery Is told in present day, flashbacks tell of his complicated relationship with Dodson and questionable choices made.

IQ | Joe Ide
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This is marketed as a kind of “Sherlock Holmes in the hood” mystery - with Isaiah Quintabe as IQ, a super smart unofficial investigator and problem solver - but what I really loved was Isaiah‘s backstory and the complicated, messed up relationship between the main characters. I wished Ide spent more time in Isaiah‘s head and we didn‘t get quite as many other POVs but that‘s a mere quibble. Really good page turner!

TheAromaofBooks This was the first NetGalley proof I ever received, and at the time I didn't really know what I was doing and never actually read/reviewed it (and didn't request another NetGalley for a few years haha) It's still on my Kindle, though, and I keep thinking that I should actually read it! 4y
Centique @TheAromaofBooks ha! I‘ve never read an ARC or netgalley myself. I‘m backlist all the way 😂😂😂 This is a good read though, hope you get to it one day! 👍 4y
Reggie Right, the whole part about his brother squeezed my insides!! 4y
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Cathythoughts Yes ! It was a good page turner 👍🏻❤️ (edited) 4y
TheAromaofBooks That was when I first got my Kindle and thought that it might be fun to get on the ARC bandwagon, but I swiftly realized that the pressure (mostly from myself) to read and post reviews promptly was not going to fit with my actual book blogging life. Now I read maybe a half dozen review copies a year at the most, which is a much better system for me! I don't know how people stay on top of all their review commitments!! 4y
Centique @Reggie yes! Insides squeezed here too 💔 4y
Centique @TheAromaofBooks I‘m glad you found a nice balance. 🥰 4y
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IQ | Joe Ide
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4th book down for #24B42020 #readathon

This isn't your average detective story/ mystery. The author did a great job of taking us back into off-the-books detective Isaiah Quintabe's past to explain where he was coming from, while still keeping up with the suspense of the present. I'm interested in reading further into this story line to see where this hero takes us.

@Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid @jb72

Andrew65 Going great. 👏👏👏🙌 5y
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IQ | Joe Ide

A new private detective series - enjoy how the relationships are developing between the main characters...all brought together by circumstances they can‘t control in spite of no true trust between them. That may come in future books though...in the meantime it is fun to watch the gang operate.

IQ | Joe Ide
IQ | Joe Ide
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Isaiah Quintabe (known to his friends as IQ) is a unique detective character. He doesn‘t have a Ph.D. like Alex Cross. Or a PI‘s license like Kinsey Millhone. He‘s just a guy who dropped out of high school because he had to pay the bills. Isaiah is an Everyman character who feels universal, if you don‘t count his gigantic intellect and reasoning skills. Strong 3.0

Full review http://www.TheBibliophage.com
#letteri #litsyatoz

IamIamIam I was debating on this because B&N had it for $5! 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @IamIamIam It‘s worth $5, I think. Someone said book 2 in the series isn‘t as good. But I may still try it. 5y
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IQ | Joe Ide
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Such a page turner! Have you watched the Denzel Washington movie 'The Equalizer'? The character of Isaiah reminds me of Denzel's character. Smart as hell, quiet, super observant, and out to bring down the bad guys.
I'm having a hard time putting this one down and getting anything accomplished. (I've heard the audiobook version is really good as well in case you are looking for one!)
#recommendread #blameitonlitsy

BarbaraTheBibliophage I listened to the audio last week. It‘s definitely good! 5y
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IQ | Joe Ide
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My new audiobook listen as of today. Already like it a lot! #letterI #litsyatoz

MicheleinPhilly I really liked this one and I don‘t know why I haven‘t continued the series yet. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5y
Allietaylor16 I loved this one! 5y
AlaMich This was a great book! But I only got about 30 or so pages into the sequel before I bailed. It seemed scattered and unpolished to me, as though he rushed it through. YMMV 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @MicheleinPhilly I do that all the time with series books. I want to string out the goodness, or I just get sidetracked and never get back. 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @AlaMich Oh, that‘s a bummer about book two. But so far I‘m enjoying this one. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 5y
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IQ | Joe Ide
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ReadingRover I really liked this one! 5y
aa_guer2021 I loved this book! 5y
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IQ | Joe Ide
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I wasn't sure what to expect, but, overall, I liked it. Good character development. I'll probably try the second in the series. [Trigger warning: There is violence toward humans and animals.]

QueenJen I think this would make a fantastic action flick! 5y
JoyBlue @QueenJen I could see that. 5y
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IQ | Joe Ide
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Starting this one. I‘ve heard good things but I‘m a little weary so far. Maybe it‘s just me but even though the writer is a POC he‘s not black so I kinda feel he‘s using another culture he might not know all the intricacies to-also a character used the N-word and I was like “oh no I don‘t know bout that” 🤦🏽‍♀️

IQ | Joe Ide
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This was a different kinda of mystery. Isaiah Quintana, better known as IQ, lives in East Long Beach and usually accepts a live chicken and an arroz con pollo recipe and the like as payments for helping out people but now he needs cash to help out a friend. Through a person from his past, Dodson, he picks up a case trying to figure out who‘s trying kill a rapper. This book was full of interesting characters who all had backstory. I was hooked.

rockpools Apparently I‘ve already stacked this one - it still sounds great! 5y
batsy It sounds really good. Like @RachelO I've already added it to the pile thanks to Litsy 😊 5y
Cathythoughts Great review... yes lots of interesting characters! I loved it too 👍🏻♥️ 5y
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LibrarianJen Did someone say aroz con pollo? 😋 sorry, I seem to be distracted by food today. I swear I read your entire review. 😂 5y
Reggie @RachelO @batsy It was really good. I guess it‘s the beginning of a series and the 3rd one is just coming out. @Cathythoughts Thanks!! Yeah, some of the backstories had me tearing up. @LibrarianJen lol, up here in Espanola we have this place called Parasol that has the best caldo de arroz con pollo. Every time I‘m sick, it makes me feel better. 5y
andrew61 Great review, reminds me to find the next one. 5y
LibrarianJen Ooh! I‘ll have to check it out next time I find myself in that area. 5y
Centique Now I‘m looking up recipes for caldo de arroz con pollo - never had it and WANT some now! 5y
minkyb I have taken quite a liking to IQ and his environs! 5y
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IQ | Joe Ide
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I love when an author develops the characters slowly and drops jewels that make me just adore them. IQ pulled my heart strings HARD! I like mysteries and thrillers and this book was so unique and different from others in its genre. Definitely looking forward to reading the next in the series. #MountTBR

JoScho Sounds good! 5y
Bookdragon69 Based on that review, I have to read it now. I also like mystery thriller books. 5y
raeintheworld The second one is so good! 5y
NatalieR @Bookdragon69 I hope you enjoy it! 😀 5y
NatalieR @raeintheworld Can‘t wait! 👍 5y
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IQ | Joe Ide


I love when an author gives you the full back story for a character and I can‘t wait to read the other novels in this series. Isaiah Quintana is a fascinating character. Ide‘s East LA is great setting.

If you‘ve loved Walter Mosley, you‘ll love Ide. If you haven‘t read Mosley, read him next (or first)

IQ | Joe Ide
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#bookandapet #riotgrams

Nothing quite like coming home from an almost 12 hour shift to a new book on Libby and warm, cuddly fuzzballs.

#catsoflitsy #Lucygirl #dogsoflitsy #Riley

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IQ | Joe Ide
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I‘ve heard rave reviews from multiple places, and I really tried to get into it, but this just wasn‘t for me. Way too much crass language, and I couldn‘t deal with the dog fighting / cruelty.

Laughterhp Good to know about the dog fighting! I‘ve had this book on my TBR list for a year and don‘t remember why! 5y
Ajessgirl @Laughterhp If you‘re sensitive to animal stuff, definitely skip it! A key plot point focuses on animal abuse. :( 5y
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IQ | Joe Ide
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Audible sale alert. Tons of previous Daily Deals are priced low. I really used restraint to only pick four!

#iregretnothing #proudofmyself #audiobookhaul #damnyouaudible

sk888888 Love, love, LOVE IQ. I think the third book, Wrecked, was even better than the first (IQ) and that was incredible! 6y
TieDyeDude Yay, Murderbot! 6y
Red.Reads I would legit buy an audiobook just for Craig Wasson's narration. His reading of 11/22/63 was absolutely perfect. 6y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage @sk888888 I have the first two. Need to get to them. I‘ve been on a mystery / thriller binge lately! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @TieDyeDude Yes, it gets so much Litsy love! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Red.Reads I love having fav narrators. Not sure if I‘ve listened to him read before. 👂🏻 6y
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IQ | Joe Ide

Not very compelling at first so I felt like I missed some beginning details.

IQ | Joe Ide
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YASSSSS! I loved this #audiobook !! The narration is spot on and the character, IQ, is fabulous!!! I can‘t wait to pick up the next two in the series. 🙌🏼💯

AlaMich I thought IQ was great, but I actually bailed on the second, which I began right after finishing IQ. I‘d be interested to hear your opinion. 6y
Ruthiella Book serindipity! I just read about this series on a book blog! Now I must read it!😀 6y
minkyb Just picked up the 3rd from the library. Great series. 6y
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IQ | Joe Ide
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Taking a break to read! Really enjoying this one so far.

IQ | Joe Ide
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Hmm. It was fine. When I read a little about the author, a big Sherlock Holmes fan, his effort to create a duo like the classic detective & his sidekick seemed overt to the point I couldn‘t enjoy waiting for whatever dire situation they'd end up in.

IQ is a somewhat interesting character but the constant push and pull between the chapters from the past and the present became tedious. I didn't care much whether anyone died or anything was solved.

Owlizabeth I‘ve tried this one three times and haven‘t been able to get into it. 6y
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IQ | Joe Ide
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This was a really fast paced and entertaining book with a Ray Donovan vibe. I really liked the writing and the plot. It was exciting and a quick read.

IQ | Joe Ide
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My reading buddy this morning 😻 #catsoflitsy

JoScho So sweet 💜 6y
Lreads So cute! 😻 6y
AlaMich @JoScho @QuietlyLaura She can be! 😊 6y
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Bookzombie So sweet! 💕🐱 6y
emilyhaldi ❤️😻❤️😻 6y
Lel2403 Ah all snuggly 6y
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IQ | Joe Ide
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Good book! Character development was great and the narrator was nearly perfect. I will definitely look forward to reading other books in the series.

IQ | Joe Ide
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I tried to read this a while back and couldn‘t get into it, but I‘m trying again on audio and completely sucked in. I really like the narrator!

Guildedearlobe I liked both of these in Audio. I always hate when audiobooks or Tv shows have made up songs/raps. They never feel authentic but in this one the narrator pretty much nails it. 6y
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IQ | Joe Ide
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Book: “IQ” - Joe Ide
Author: Greg Iles
Movie: Independence Day
Food: Iced Coffee 🥤🥤🥤🥤

#manicmonday #letteri

JoScho 💛💛💛 6y
Mamashep Iced coffee - yum! 6y
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IQ | Joe Ide

A fast paced book, a quick read and keeps you engaged, what more can you ask for from a mystery novel. One think I really liked about it is the character development especially of the protagonist. You can understand why he is doing what he is doing, his loss, his vulnerabilities. Would definitely recommend to anyone as a good vacation read.

IQ | Joe Ide
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It‘s 920 and the kids are still asleep...but that‘s because they were up several times in the early morning (2 something, 3 something) which of course meant that their chatting woke me up! So I‘m trying to make the most of the morning by reading and working on the ripple blanket.

Bookworm04 Good plan that :) even if just 5mins , amazing how reading can be a big difference to day 6y
amywithbooks Love “IQ”- enjoy! 6y
Jason7 This was a pretty good one. Has anyone read the sequel yet? 6y
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IQ | Joe Ide
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Started a new book yesterday!

Tonton Loved it, enjoy! 6y
Jason7 This is a pretty good one. I also have the sequel, though I‘ve not started it yet. 6y
Booksnchill Liked this one! 6y
raeintheworld I loved this and the sequel! 6y
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IQ | Joe Ide
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Audiobooks are magical

IQ | Joe Ide
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This was fast and entertaining. There is a lot of street language and use of the “N” word in the beginning but it takes place in Los Angeles and the main characters are young black guys so 🤷🏽‍♀️. I will definitely read the next one.

minkyb I enjoy this series. 6y
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IQ | Joe Ide
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Reviewsbylola Love it! 6y
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IQ | Joe Ide
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I feel blue. No idea why. A little bit of a book hangover maybe? IQ was great! I‘ll miss Isaiah, but only until next week when I buy the next in the series. No need to fret, there are 2 more Joe Ide IQ books already out. MEANWHILE... Big Steve will help me to RELAX!!! (Ren & Stimpy reference). Reading outside this late afternoon, but a breeze kicked up, so I threw my robe on over my shorts until dinner time. 🌤🌬🍷📚

Ashley31 I‘m reading The Outsider as well! I‘m totally intrigued so far. 6y
sprainedbrain Book hangovers are rough! 6y
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IQ | Joe Ide
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Reading poolside...😂😂😂

IQ | Joe Ide
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