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The List
The List | Yomi Adegoke
From award-winning journalist and bestselling co-author of Slay in Your Lane, Yomi Adegoke, comes The List, a sensational, page-turning debut novel about secrets, lies and our lives online.
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The List | Yomi Adegoke
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Next audio book . . . Determined to give audio books a chance.

The List | Yomi Adegoke
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The List | Yomi Adegoke
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It‘s been a minute since I‘ve read a book in a single sitting but I literally couldn‘t put this down today. I loathe social media and influencers and the pitchforks brigade but for some reason will gobble up fictional narratives of their toxicity like ice cream. Incredibly compelling.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️ 🐾 2mo
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The List | Yomi Adegoke
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Really enjoyed this. Very nuanced, every-time one of the characters made a crappy decision we were given a bit more info. Very current and explored many modern dilemmas.
Many morally dubious men in this.

squirrelbrain I enjoyed this one too. 2mo
MicheleinPhilly This 99p right now, yes? 2mo
TrishB @MicheleinPhilly absolutely 😁 2mo
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Cathythoughts Oh good ! Looking forward to my lovely copy you gave me ❤️ 2mo
Megabooks Just bought this week. Glad to read another good review!! 2mo
Caroline2 I really enjoyed this one too. 👍 2mo
CarolynM Sounds interesting. Stacked. 2mo
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The List | Yomi Adegoke
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Thankyou Trish. ♥️ I‘m very excited for these books. I‘ve seen the reviews on Litsy that had me stacking them… and now I have them 😁. Thankyou my old Litsy friend @TrishB

TrishB Hope you had a fabulous day Cathy ❤️ 4mo
Cathythoughts @TrishB Thanks Trish , for the lovely books. ,was a lovely day. A lot of chocolate went down. I just had more for breakfast. 😂 4mo
LeahBergen How nice! 🥰 4mo
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BarbaraBB Is it your birthday Cathy? I hope you‘ve had a happy one. My belated congratulations 🎈 4mo
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen Yes! I‘m delighted ❤️ 4mo
Cathythoughts @BarbaraBB Thanks Barbara 😘 4mo
UwannaPublishme Happy Belated Birthday! 🥳🎉📚🍫 4mo
Cathythoughts @UwannaPublishme Thankyou X 😘 4mo
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The List | Yomi Adegoke
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On Twitter appears a list of men accused of abusing women. Michael is on it. He and Ola are about to get married but she wants proof of his innocence first. Reading about both sides of possible abuse and the rollercoaster of #metoo on the internet has been executed very good. I was surprised though by the reaction of some of the characters. The total lack of communication between Ola and Michael for example, why didn‘t they stay in contact? ⬇️

BarbaraBB And why had most people such a bold opinion and didn‘t doubt it for a minute? That felt a bit unreal to me. However, a very interesting read that‘ll keep me thinking for a while. Thank you so much for this thoughtful gift @squirrelbrain 🤍🩷 (edited) 4mo
Cathythoughts . Ones that we keep thinking about are good. Stacked. 4mo
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Librarybelle Great review! I have this on my to read list. 4mo
squirrelbrain Glad you (kind of) liked it! 4mo
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain I certainly did! I read it quite fast! 4mo
Kristy_K This has been on my tbr, glad to hear it‘s thought provoking! 4mo
BarbaraBB @Kristy_K It is and I hope you‘ll enjoy it 4mo
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The List | Yomi Adegoke
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I started this late last night and ended up reading wayyyy past my bedtime! 😂 I thought this was a riveting and gripping read and it really kept me guessing! Loved it. Thank you for getting this for me @squirrelbrain

squirrelbrain Glad you loved it - I did too and really didn‘t expect to! 4mo
BarbaraBB I am about to start this one and was given it too by @squirrelbrain ❤️ 4mo
squirrelbrain I bought it for a few friends @BarbaraBB as I liked it so much! 4mo
Jeg It‘s lovely to see all those hard backs standing in a row. We hardly get hard backs here , books come out as trade paper backs. I‘ve often got favourite books in hard cover as remainders. Years ago my daughter worked for a book seller here. She did a buying trip to the US and shipped back tons of hard backs that had been remainered. ( if that is a word) . 4mo
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The List | Yomi Adegoke
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#weeklyforecast 13/24

I started Hangman which is quite estranging. I am also in the midst of Enter Ghost. Some parts I love, some parts I don‘t. I also hope to read the tagged book this week but I won‘t have much reading time. Work is busy (which is good!) and this weekend I‘ve been hiking with my girlfriends (which is also good 😊).

squirrelbrain Sounds like a lovely weekend! Hangman is indeed strange…. The List would be a great palate-cleanser from all these ‘serious‘ book lists! 🤣 4mo
batsy I wasn't into The List and bailed about 40% of the way in. Look forward to your thoughts. 4mo
Suet624 Have a wonderful time 💕 4mo
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The List | Yomi Adegoke
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With the #MeToo movement, women are feeling empowered to speak out against men who have harassed or been violent to them. Careers, relationships and reputations destroyed for bad behavior that has finally come back on the perpetrators. This book is written from both perspectives, allowing the reader to get inside each of their mindsets as the situation plays out. You get an up close and personal view of the damage done.

The List | Yomi Adegoke
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#20in4 #readathon @Andrew65

Making Naan while listening to the tagged #audiobook. I blame @squirrelbrain's review, because I wanted to ignore the book because of the social media aspect. I'm glad I read the review and put the book on #MountTBR. Just took me an age to get to it, as usual.

The narration is 👩🏻‍🍳😘

squirrelbrain It was good wasn‘t it?! What have you been making? 5mo
julesG @squirrelbrain The book was great. I'm glad I gave it a chance. The audiobook had a Q&A with Yomi and the female narrator at the end, which was about where the idea came from and why Yomi branched out writing fiction. Today's dish is butter chicken and naan. Again 🙄🙄🙄. Seems like the kids can't get enough of it. 5mo
squirrelbrain Yummy! I used to make butter chicken in the slow cooker, but haven‘t done it for ages - might have to make it again soon. 5mo
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The List | Yomi Adegoke
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A Good Morning America bookclub pick, but I didn‘t love it. Ola and Michael are the “it” couple and are getting married soon. However, someone posts a list on social media outing men who are abusers and Michael is included. He claims his innocence and we see the relationship crumble because the “internet is real life”. I think anyone under 40 might like this more than I did. I just kept wishing these folks would actually talk in real life ;)

The List | Yomi Adegoke
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A portrait of a relationship in the era of #metoo. Semi-famous British influencers Ola and Michael are due to be married in a month when “The List” comes out: a list of men who‘ve sexually assaulted or otherwise abused women. Michael‘s name appears and Ola is assigned to write a piece about it for the feminist magazine she writes for. Does Michael deserve to be on the list? Great audio narration!

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The List | Yomi Adegoke
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Great concept. Poor execution. 😵‍💫

The List | Yomi Adegoke

Great concept but too many unfulfilled plot lines.
This story really toyed with the idea of accountability and the pressures of social media.

Thought-provoking but I was disappointed/ bored at times.

The List | Yomi Adegoke

3 out of 5

The List | Yomi Adegoke
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Feminist journalist Ola is a month away from marrying Michael when his name shows up on a list of men who have been labeled abusers. This felt very real, and I appreciated it‘s nuanced look at many current realities, from patriarchy to people‘s behavior online. I really enjoyed this.

squirrelbrain I really liked this one too. 9mo
Hooked_on_books @squirrelbrain It‘s fairly low rated on Goodreads, and I‘m a little perplexed about why. I looked at some of the lower starred reviews and felt like we read a different book! 9mo
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The List | Yomi Adegoke

I‘m surprised only 2 people seem to have read this one ☝️ it‘s one of the most hyped books of the year and apparently the author was paid millions in a bidding war - sounds a true version of yellow face the other major hyped book of the year

The List | Yomi Adegoke
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New reading buddy 🦋

IndoorDame 🤎🖤🦋 11mo
ravenlee How cool! 11mo
julesG Cute! 11mo
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TheBookgeekFrau Cool! Love the Chuck's!😍 11mo
Yuki_Onna Ohhhhh, how beautiful! 😍☺️ 11mo
BittersweetBooks Amazing photo!! 11mo
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The List | Yomi Adegoke
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I‘d seen a lot of hype (too much?) about this book so I was a bit wary going in.

Well, it is just fabulous! I read it in one sitting and was breathless by the end.

Ola, is marrying Michael in a month, when his name appears on ‘The List‘ - of men accused of varying levels of abuse. Michael is also starting a new high-profile job in the media that very day.

The narrative was propulsive and realistic, and the last chapter was totally unexpected.

CBee Oooooo, this sounds so good!! 13mo
Cinfhen #stacked 😁 13mo
BarbaraBB I am definitely stacking too. You make me so curious! 13mo
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