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The Murder of Mr. Wickham
The Murder of Mr. Wickham: A Novel | Claudia Gray
"After many years of happy marriage, Emma Knightley and her husband are throwing a house party, bringing together distant relatives and new acquaintances-not all of whom are well known to the Knightleys but are certainly beloved by every Jane Austen fan: Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam Darcy, Marianne and Colonel Brandon, Anne and Captain Wentworth, and Fanny and Edmund Bertram. Very much not invited is Mr. Wickham, whose latest financial scheme has netted him newfound wealth-and a broadening array of enemies. With his unexpected arrival, tempers flare and secrets are revealed, making it clear that everyone would be happier if Mr. Wickham got his comeuppance. Yet the Knightleys and their guests are all shocked when Wickham turns up murdered-except, of course, for the killer hidden in their midst. With everyone a suspect, it falls to the house party's two youngest guests to solve the mystery of who finally delivered to Wickham his just deserts: Juliet Tilney, the smart and resourceful daughter of Catherine and Henry Tilney, eager for adventure outside Northanger Abbey; and Jonathan Darcy, Elizabeth and Darcy's eldest son, whose adherence to propriety makes his father seem relaxed. In a tantalizing fusion of Austen and Christie, the unlikely pair must put aside their own poor first impressions-and uncover the guilty party before an innocent person is sentenced to hang"--
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Most of Jane Austen's couples gather at Donwell Abbey for a houseparty. Mr Wickham crashes the party & it soon transpires that everyone there has a grudge against him, which becomes awkward when he is murdered. Young Johnathan Darcy has a solid alibi & Juliet Tilney had never encountered Wickham, so, as the only ones w/o means or motive, they decide to investigate once they realize the magistrate (Frank Churchill 😄) is bungling the inquiry. ⬇️

bookandbedandtea ⬆️ I really liked revisiting these much-loved characters (though it made me sad to see them all struggling in their relationships) & I'm eager to read the next book to watch things develop between Johnathan & Juliet. But I did feel the author relied too much on how well known these characters are. If I had never read the original novels I don't think I would have understood them properly. I did have one big issue, semi spoiler below. ⬇️ 8mo
bookandbedandtea ⬆️ William Price would never have written Fanny about his secret. I've no doubt he'd have told her but only in person. I get that the author needed something for Wickham to hold over pure little Fanny but every time the letter was mentioned all I could think was NO WAY! 8mo
bookandbedandtea ⬆️ Also, I found it hard to believe that so many of these intelligent, prudent characters were convinced to invest such vast sums. 😒 8mo
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Ahhh Saturday 😊

At the halfway point I'm really enjoying Johnathan Darcy and Juliet Tilney but the state of the marriages of many of my favorite Austen couples is making me sad.

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Catching up on September reviews... A #pemberlittens read
I really enjoyed this Austen-inspired murder mystery. It was interesting to see Gray's interpretation of the characters years later, some were done better than others but overall I had no major issues. Wickham is as dastardly as ever and it was satisfying seeing his downfall. I loved the new characters introduced, Miss Tilney and young Mr. Darcy. They will definitely carry this series far

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This wasn't quite as good as I was hoping it would be. It was fun though, and I want to read the sequel. Having just finished Mansfield Park, I think my favorite part was how stuffy and unpopular Edmund was! 😂

lauraisntwilder I forgot to mention, this was my #doublespin for October! @TheAromaofBooks 10mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 10mo
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September Fiction #ReadingBracket2023 update
Loved revisiting with favorite characters in this Austen-inspired murder mystery 🕵🏼‍♀️

Kimzey Sounds great! 10mo
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#SummerEndReadathon #Rushathon #SeriesLove2023

Finished this earlier than scheduled for #Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent but work is keeping me scrambling & I‘m just reviewing now. This was good fun. I have to admit, at the beginning I was not happy with some of the choices the author made with the characters & their HEAs & marital bliss but overall, she redeemed herself (except Fanny & Edmund didn‘t get much 💜 but they are my least favorite ⬇️

DebinHawaii …couple from the main JA books so…🤷🏻‍♀️)The whodunnit kept me guessing & was resolved fairly well, so I got the next book in the series for cheap on Kindle & I will be along for the ride in October. Thanks to @StayCurious for the fab hosting! 🤗 10mo
StayCurious It was fun! Thanks for joining 😄 10mo
TheSpineView Great job! 10mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 10mo
Andrew65 Looks good. Well done 👏👏👏 10mo
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This book was a delight. And the killer was not someone I would have predicted. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟#PemberLittens #JaneAdjacent

mcctrish It was so good ❤️❤️ 10mo
CatLass007 @mcctrish I didn‘t want to stop listening!! 10mo
StayCurious So glad you enjoyed it! 10mo
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A fun exploration of Austen characters, thrown together by a house party, with murder. That the murder is of Mr. Wickham makes it a bit of a cozy mystery element (the hated character of the group). I think Gray cleverly weaves the characters and the storylines together, introducing offspring of well known couples from Austen‘s books. Admittedly, I was a bit puzzled by the austere and prim characters of the Bertrams, especially Fanny ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Librarybelle ⬆️⬆️⬆️ though Mansfield Park is probably my least read Austen book (I‘ve read it only a couple of times versus others by her, which I‘ve reread much more often!). I always imagained Fanny, though shy and slightly timid, as a strong character in her own way. Gray‘s characterization of her does not speak to that. Thanks to #PemerLittens #JaneAdjacent for reading this, and thanks to #NetGalley and the publisher for the #ARC . @StayCurious 10mo
StayCurious I agree with you about Fanny completely 10mo
ravenlee @Librarybelle @StayCurious I agree - Fanny is my least favorite Austen heroine, but I still thought her characterization here was off the mark. She‘s a caricature, a tiny little mouse, when in MP she has a quiet determination and strength. 10mo
Librarybelle @StayCurious @ravenlee I actually felt bad for her and the way she was portrayed in this novel! 10mo
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I read this as a buddy read with #pemberlittens. We connected each day after reading two chapters. The buddy read experience is 5 stars, the book though gets 3 stars from me. Wickham being murdered?
10 out of 10 recommend. #janeadjacent

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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent What a satisfying ending! I only caught wind of the true events towards the end. Although - did the culprit get off for murder or do we agree with the magistrate‘s decision? Would it have been the same if the killer had been low born? No one was forgotten in the author‘s rap up which was appreciated. I can‘t wait to read book 2 so I‘m going to suggest that as our group‘s next read - would anyone like to join me?

peanutnine Yes! I've already bought book 2, would love to read it with the group! ☺️ I was happy with the ending although I agree if it had been a servant or something in the same circumstances they might not have been so lucky to get a merciful decision 10mo
IndoorDame I was also thinking she definitely wouldn‘tve gotten off if she‘d been lower class. Which is awful! But I still agree with the magistrate‘s decision. And I didn‘t know there was a sequel, but I‘m definitely down for joining you to read it! I predict romance and maybe more murder… and now I‘m off to read a synopsis to see if my powers of prediction are strong today :-) 10mo
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Bookwormjillk Sounds good to me! Also I think you‘re right about the class issue. 10mo
ravenlee I‘m in for the next one (I‘ll even try not to read ahead…but I think we all know it‘s a 50/50 chance!). 10mo
BarkingMadRead I am definitely in to read the next one! I really enjoyed this! I had no clue about who it was, I‘m glad she didn‘t get into trouble but I wonder if it would have ended that way for someone lower born. Sad but true! 10mo
Larkken I enjoyed this one and would be up for reading the next with y‘all! I‘m not sure if the reveal made sense to me and it was all very pat and easy, but Wickham is easy to hate and it‘s nice seeing the old familiar characters going happily on :) 10mo
CogsOfEncouragement I was glad that no one had to serve time for Wickham‘s demise. I do think these particular men would have done the same had it been a servant. In general, in the Regency Era? I‘m not so sure any woman would be let off this easy but that is why we escape to fiction sometimes. This has been such a fun buddy read. I appreciate you hosting, and all who joined in to make it so enjoyable. 10mo
willaful So, they don't even need to do a *trial*? Is that historically accurate?

I do think the psychological implications are interesting (and will likely come up more in the next book.) Marianne herself is not sure she was acting only in self-defense. Though personally, I am all for killing someone who's attacking you. 😡

I've already put book 2 on hold so I'm all for that. It will work with the #scarathlon too. (Did I finally spell that right? Nope!)
(edited) 10mo
quietjenn I thought it was a fun read and appreciated your posts, even though I read it semi on my own. I would definitely read the sequel! I was satisfied with the ending. 10mo
Librarybelle This was such a fun book! I‘m up for reading book 2 next!! 10mo
julieclair I agree with the magistrate‘s decision. But I also think the culprit could have been convicted of manslaughter if there had been a trial. I‘m definitely up for reading book 2. This has been fun! Thanks for hosting! 💙 10mo
CatLass007 I enjoyed this book very much. Book 2 is already on my personal wish list, so I would love to read it with you. I like that there were no loose ends. Yes, the groundwork was laid for more books in the series, but if it had turned out to be a standalone, it would not have been a disappointment. I don‘t know if this was discussed in other posts, but did it occur to any of you that Jonathan Darcy was on the autism spectrum? 10mo
StayCurious @CatLass007 great I‘ll add you to my tag list! Yes, I do believe you are right about Jonathan. 10mo
rubyslippersreads @CatLass007 I definitely thought that. 10mo
rubyslippersreads I‘d like to be on the list for the sequel. As far as this one, I would guess the magistrate would have quite a bit of latitude when it comes to the gentry. I agree with others that a servant might have received a less lenient ruling. 10mo
CatLass007 I‘m really looking forward to discussing The Late Mrs. Willoughby.📖 10mo
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I love it when retellings end up being even more satisfying than you‘re hoping! I thought this was a blast! A mishmash of Austen characters meet up for a house party long after the curtains have closed on all their stories, murder ensues, and a couple of their teenage children decide to play Nancy Drew because the local police seem incompetent. Thanks for choosing this one @StayCurious ! #pemberlittens

BarkingMadRead Yesssss I totally agree! I loved this one! 10mo
StayCurious It was a lot of fun! 10mo
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This book was delightful. Gray brought so many characters together from Jane Austen‘s books for a murder mystery in a way that seemed authentic and humorous at the same time. I can‘t wait to get my hands on the next one!

Thanks @StayCurious for leading us and the rest of the #PemberLittens for adding to the fun.

StayCurious I‘m asking if anyone wants the sequel to be our next read because this one was so fun 10mo
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While this one started with an interesting premise, the glaring anachronisms especially regarding the Edmund/Fanny/blackmail plotline really wore on me. The pacing was all over the place, the constant POV-jumps wearing, and while I initially felt like the couples' drama made sense, it started to grate on me after a while. The scene where Elizabeth gets drunk was really where this book started to completely lose me. I didn't find the ending ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) especially believable, either. But I was glad to read this one as it has been on my list ever since I first saw it. I know a lot of the others in the group really enjoyed it, so maybe this is just a case of me being grumpy 😂

Thanks for hosting @StayCurious !!!

CogsOfEncouragement I finished this up today. There were so many great quotes and I enjoyed the group‘s daily interaction. Overall though, I give it three stars. 10mo
mabell 😬 I‘m glad I didn‘t continue this! I didn‘t like the beginning - it seemed like it would be more drama than fun 10mo
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TheAromaofBooks @CogsofEncouragement - I know a lot of the others in the group really enjoyed it. It just didn't end up being a match for me!! 😂 10mo
TheAromaofBooks @mabell - It really just kept getting more and more melodramatic. I don't know if you got to the part where there was the big reveal as to what Fanny was hiding, but it was a letter from her brother, where he had written to her to tell her that he's gay and in a relationship with one of his crew members!? I couldn't deal with how the whole thing was handled, like no, in 1820 a man would not even remotely talk with his sister about this, much ⬇ 10mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) less WRITE IT IN A LETTER?! That whole plot line sent me over the edge - it was just 100% 21st century platitudes being regurgitated by characters from 200 years ago and it MADE NO SENSE. Combined with the completely destruction of Wentworth's character... it just ended up being a big nope for me!!! 10mo
mabell Oh wow. Wow. I would have hated this! I‘m really surprised everyone seems to enjoy it so much! Especially Austen fans! I bailed almost immediately, so I‘m glad I didn‘t put in any more time. Eek. But so fun to hear what you found problematic with it! 😂 10mo
BarbaraJean Thanks for posting a review that enabled me to un-stack a book that's been on my Litsy TBR for I don't know how long! 😂 10mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarbaraJean - I have to say that a bunch of the group who read this actually really enjoyed it and are going on to read book 2, so maybe I'm just harsh 😂 10mo
BarbaraJean When I read “glaring anachronisms“ and “the scene where Elizabeth gets drunk“ I thought: you know, I'm good without reading this. 😂 10mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarbaraJean - the anachronisms really got to me. I'm willing to give some leeway for a book that's obviously just being written to have a good time, but this went way over the top, including a little “Scripture-quoting battle“ between Edmund and Mr. Elton about how God is love and everyone should love everyone and never show any judgment or tell anyone what they're doing is wrong which leads Edmund to realize how he's just been so ridiculously ⬇ 10mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) and unreasonably judgy about Fanny's brother being gay! Her entire attitude about that storyline was basically that homosexuality was just something people found somewhat uncomfortable and needed to get over instead of recognizing that at the time it was literally illegal, punishable by death, and that if anyone had found out about this it would literally have destroyed their entire family. There is a 0% chance that Will would have EVER ⬇ 10mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) discussed this with his SISTER, much less written it in a letter, so the whole thing just came across as incredibly polemic to me, just a chance for the author to condescendingly explain why ACTUALLY the Bible says being gay is fine!!! Which is an entire other discussion that simply doesn't belong in a book set in 1820! I don't know, this book started intriguingly and then just slowly went off the rails for me! 😂 10mo
BarbaraJean Hahahaha... wow. Yeah, while that sounds like a decent discussion, which I might value in a different setting (minus the condescension), that is NEVER how it would play out in that particular time period. 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.22-23: what a reveal! But do we believe it or is Colonel Brandon covering for someone out of chivalry? His wife perhaps? I still don‘t think things are quite resolved - but I was happy to see progress with Fanny and her secret, with Elizabeth helping with the investigation, and with Churchill giving his blessing to investigate (no doubt b/c Jonathan and Juliet are doing a better job than he!). We‘ll finish tomorrow!

IndoorDame 🤯🤯🤯🤯 it‘s plausible given his motive I guess, but I agree it just seems to early for us to wrap up neatly 10mo
mcctrish Reading on my kindle I have no idea where we are really ( apparently it‘s below me to check the % of book read 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️) so Colonel Brandon‘s declaration had me - out loud “wait, WHAT?!” and now I‘m all RUN!!!!!! #meddlingkidssaveyourselves 10mo
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Bookwormjillk Seems too abrupt. I think there‘s more to it! 10mo
ravenlee Colonel Brandon seems one of the least likely characters to do something so rash! I feel like Churchill is kind of amazed that anyone knows how to investigate - honestly, I get a Kenneth Branagh-as-Professor Lockhart vibe from him. 10mo
CogsOfEncouragement @mcctrish LOL @Bookwormjillk same. My suspicion is that Brandon believes he did, but it will actually turn out to not be the case. Excited to see how Gray reveals the whole of it. 10mo
peanutnine @ravenlee omg that comparison is so apt! 😂 10mo
willaful @CogsofEncouragement Interesting theory! I was in the “protecting his wife“ camp, but that would be a fun twist.

@ravenlee we definitely have some dream casting there. ;-)

I'm suspicious of Grace. She seems perfectly nice but consider her father, and she could have a motive to pin suspicion on Juliet. Though it would be awfully cruel to poor Miss Bates.
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My friend and I are in Helen, GA for a quick girl‘s weekend and I couldn‘t resist stopping for a quick read!

Leftcoastzen So cool! 10mo
AnnCrystal 🤩😍🐻‼️ Epic 😊. 10mo
StayCurious Great picture! 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.20-21: Poor Juliet! First to be chastised by the elder Mr.Darcy, then to be questioned on the discovery of evidence in her room - how mortifying and terrifying! At least some of our couples are actually speaking to each other again. The Wentworths are making progress, as are the Knightleys and the Darcys- ⬇️

StayCurious but Fanny and Edmund are strained (not a huge loss) and so are Marianne and the Colonel. Getting a happy ending seems unlikely for some 10mo
julieclair But I want them all to have happy endings! And I want the murderer to be some stranger we‘ve never heard of before. 10mo
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IndoorDame I couldn‘t believe Juliet is so composed when Darcy caught them in the library!!! And why wasn‘t she supervised? I assume Emma is her de facto chaperone and the murder has distracted her at home, but you‘d think she‘d pay closer attention when they go out to a ball, no? 10mo
ravenlee @IndoorDame well, Emma isn‘t really known for her discretion, right? 10mo
IndoorDame @ravenlee haha, true 10mo
willaful @julieclair it would be exceptionally rude to the shade of JA to destroy the happy endings of her couples! (edited) 10mo
mcctrish #fitzwilliamisadumbass also I can‘t stand that Elizabeth wears a mob cap and a turban to a ball 😩 10mo
StayCurious @mcctrish I know! I don‘t like to think of her with “shorn” hair 10mo
BarkingMadRead I really hope they all work towards their happy ending. And Jonathan waiting for Juliet for hours… swoon! 10mo
rubyslippersreads Jonathan‘s obsession with the Roman Empire is right on trend: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/15/style/roman-empire-men-tiktok-instagram.html 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.18-19: ooh those Eltons- their arrival was a funny scene. They came to show how much more righteous they are and they got schooled by the other clergyman. While I don‘t much like Edmund, I appreciated this. Juliet and Jonathan are eager for the ball - more so as a chance to investigate. The others in the party have mixed feelings. How will the ball go I wonder?

ravenlee I really disliked Edmund up to this point, but this exchange was awesome. 10mo
Bookwormjillk I take back what I said yesterday about wishing Edmund was the murderer. Bro kind of answered his own question there though. 10mo
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DebinHawaii I too am sorry about saying I wanted to throat 🤜 Edmund yesterday. At least as long as this really does get him to think about this own actions & beliefs. (Otherwise 🤜🤜🤜!) 🤣 10mo
CogsOfEncouragement This was such a great lead in: “There is no plan so pleasant, no expectation so cherished, that someone cannot be found to disapprove of it.” Always satisfying to have these types of characters put to right. (edited) 10mo
willaful I'm glad there was a happy ending for Mary. She's even grown into some wisdom. 10mo
julieclair @CogsOfEncouragement I loved that quote too! 10mo
mcctrish I love that Edmund hears himself talk 🏳️‍🌈 10mo
BarkingMadRead I love the way Edmund put them in their place, even if he is a bit of an ass! 10mo
rubyslippersreads Edmund has been such a sanctimonious prig up till now. I‘m glad he‘s finally starting to realize it. 10mo
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Really enjoyed this one. Her take on familiar characters felt mostly true, but I think it was smart to make the investigative team offspring. Both of whom I liked a lot. Looking forward to the sequel.

Tamra This sounds fun! 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.16-17: more conversations are had and overheard and now we‘re getting more into the nitty gritty of it all. The estrangement between the Darcys - the reason behind it - is so sad! The estrangement between Fanny and her pompous husband - less so. Although the more we see of her, the more I am coming to suspect her - especially since it was her letter which was discovered in the hearth. ⬇️

StayCurious And Poor Jonathan! To suspect his father! I feel deeply for him. 10mo
peanutnine Fanny is growing a backbone and I am INTRIGUED 10mo
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Bookwormjillk I hope Fanny‘s husband did it. 10mo
DebinHawaii I want to throat punch 🤜 Edmund! 10mo
julieclair Edmund is such a prig! I‘m so proud of Fanny for insisting that love is the right response to William. 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.14: everyone is starting to see love hearts around Juliet and Jonathan - and that‘s not a good thing. Or is it? It‘s so confusing to the young pair! Jonathan discovers what he believes to be the murder weapon. How should he go about revealing this information to Churchill without drawing the man‘s suspicion? ⬇️

StayCurious Ch.15: there‘s to be a ball! Oh dear - not really the time, eh Churchill? And to invite all of your suspects? Whatever Gracey wants Gracey gets I suppose. Then a letter is discovered…is it Marianne‘s letter from the scandalous Willoughby? Fanny‘s letter from William? Or something else entirely? 10mo
Bookwormjillk The ball is so funny to me. He may be a murderer, but he may marry my daughter. Worth it! 10mo
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CogsOfEncouragement The contrast between Harriet Martin and the Churchills within minutes was telling. Awe, poor Miss Bates. I think Gray did a good job with the dialogue here with lonely Miss Bates so happy to see anyone and so flattering towards Grace. Emma put in a mood to be more patient with her after the snub. 10mo
julieclair @CogsOfEncouragement I agree that the dialogue feels true to Miss Bates‘ character. I have always found her to be endearing. 💝 10mo
julieclair If the latter was Fanny‘s or William‘s, what was it doing in the Darcy‘s fireplace? 🤔 10mo
CogsOfEncouragement @juliclair “[Marianne] shoved the letter into the middle of a pile of paper rubbish set aside for the maid to take away; it would most likely be used to light a fire” 10mo
willaful I suspect the conversation Willoughby wants to have with Marianne is off the criminal variety. 😒 10mo
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Love this cause it sounds so pretty and musical, but also cause it means exactly the opposite of what I expected it to #weirdwords #weirdwordwednesday @CBee

CBee I wouldn‘t have expected this definition either 😀 10mo
dabbe Same here. I thought taking chances was dangerous, not unchancy, so to speak. 🤩 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.12: Edmund finally wrings the truth out of Fanny - she gave Wickham her ring in hopes of retrieving a letter from her brother which would expose his secret relationship (a secret I think many of us guessed at). Edmund reacts poorly as expected of his character, his profession and the times. And it pisses timid Fanny off.⬇️

StayCurious Meanwhile, Juliet discovers that Darcy left his room that night and that her partner in this investigation- Jonathan - lied to her about it. ⬇️ (edited) 10mo
StayCurious Ch.13: Aw I ❤️ Jonathan! After his falling out with Juliet he apologizes very sweetly. The plot keeps thickening amongst our suspects. I honestly don‘t have a clue as to who the culprit is - and I‘m not meaning to brag here, but I usually have at least some small idea of what‘s going on in a mystery novel. I genuinely applaud Gray in her writing so far! (edited) 10mo
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CogsOfEncouragement So good-

“…we knew Wickham the best and therefore liked him the least.”

“One could argue that, were we ever to commit violence against Wickham, we would certainly have done so long ago.”
Bookwormjillk I am just loving this book. Probably gonna read the next one right away. 10mo
peanutnine I'm disliking Edmund more and more... I loved Johnathan's apology note though! He was very sweet in owning up to his actions 10mo
BarkingMadRead I adore Jonathan and Juliet! They work so well together. I have a few theories but I would be shocked if they were accurate 🤣 i feel like this is going to amaze me! 10mo
peanutnine @CogsOfEncouragement so many great lines! 10mo
willaful Love that meme!

Anyone *not* guess Fanny's secret?

I've read a number of Austen “sequels“ that clearly felt Mary Crawford got a raw deal. Kind of fascinating to see one that believes Fanny got a raw deal!
(edited) 10mo
willaful @Bookwormjillk I think we might as well just make the next book the next read. ;-) 10mo
StayCurious @willaful I think I‘ll put it on the list for sure! 10mo
CogsOfEncouragement @willaful 🙋🏼‍♀️I didn‘t have any guesses about Fanny‘s secret. 10mo
mcctrish I‘m reading this on my kindle and I‘m kicking myself I didn‘t just go and buy the book. I want to hug it, it‘s making me so happy 10mo
ravenlee I didn‘t guess Fanny‘s secret, either @CogsOfEncouragement 10mo
Larkken There's an excellent Clue-like atmosphere I'm really into! Also, Mr Collins... Erm I mean Edmond, is the terriblest and, therefore, innocent 😆 10mo
willaful @Larken I hate how he's depicted here! It's plausible enough, psychologically, but ugh! 10mo
julieclair I love Jonathan and Juliet together. As far as the murderer goes, I have no idea. I keep thinking it is going to be some totally out of the blue character, because I like everyone else too much. (edited) 10mo
DebinHawaii Fanny‘s secret is what I believe many of us suspected. Edmund is an ass hat. 10mo
DebinHawaii Oh, and while I have a few suspicions, I really don‘t have an clue how this will end up. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 10mo
TheAromaofBooks I may be in the minority, but Fanny's secret felt very unrealistic to me. I can't imagine Will discussing this with his sister, writing it in a letter, OR writing a letter that specifically names his lover, all during a time when this was viewed as horrifically immoral AND illegal. Fanny is such a pious, rule-abiding individual, whose faith is genuinely important to her that I just cannot picture Will discussing something like this with her or ⬇ 10mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) forcing her into a situation where she has to wrestle with this. Men didn't talk with their sisters about sexual relationships, much less illicit, illegal ones?? So this ended up feeling very plot-device-y to me. 10mo
willaful @TheAromaofBooks Oh, I absolutely agree. It's way too modern and implausible for the book. 10mo
TheAromaofBooks @willaful - It just seemed very shoe-horn-y to me 😂 10mo
rubyslippersreads @TheAromaofBooks I agree that it was too dangerous at that time for William to put in writing. 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.10: ooh, they discover a ring in Wickham‘s room -at first I thought Fanny lost it while searching through the room for her letter, but we soon learn that she gave it to Wickham as payment. Her husband must suspect something surely…but like with the other couples in this story, a lot goes unsaid. I‘m so invested in this book! Who did it?Who?!Ch.11: we are introduced to Grace Churchill and she seems like a nice girl⬇️

StayCurious but she has eyes for Jonathan which invokes a bit of jealousy in Juliet. A bloody kerchief is discovered and - with the help of Juliet and Jonathan - Frank is finally set to believe that it was a guest who committed the murder - not a servant or roving traveller. 11mo
Bookwormjillk I‘m wondering if they‘re actually going to get to town or if it will stay a locked room type mystery 11mo
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TheAromaofBooks I'm SO curious how this is going to turn out! I like everyone and don't want any of them to be the murderer 😂 11mo
CogsOfEncouragement Frank Churchill seems even more blundering, bringing his daughter for a little visit to a home with an ongoing murder investigation. Heavens! 11mo
StayCurious @CogsOfEncouragement just because there was a murder, that can‘t get in the way of matrimonial ambitions lol and young Darcy is a prime bachelor 11mo
CogsOfEncouragement @StayCurious Right? lol Very funny for Gray to write it this way. As much as I have read classics from this era I still needed Juliet to remind me just why Churchill brought Grace along. 11mo
mcctrish @CogsOfEncouragement Churchill might be regretting bringing grace now that he realizes the murderer is ‘somebody‘ but still who takes their daughter to a crime scene ?! 11mo
peanutnine @Bookwormjillk I hope it stays at the Abbey the whole time 11mo
CogsOfEncouragement @mcctrish Agreed. It will be interesting to see how Gray interprets Churchill moving forward. He‘s been kinda useless up to this point, we‘ll see if he has any fatherly-protector in him. 11mo
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#readingindisney yesterday at EPCOT. I might be a little ahead now…..

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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.9: the investigation continues with Juliet & Jonathan spending more time together which is noticed by Darcy, Jonathan‘s father. He decides to let it be for now-Juliet doesn‘t seem to be a fortune hunter. Fanny, Marianne & Wentworth are all visibly upset-Fanny most of all. Wickham‘s chamber is found to be ransacked. Was Fanny desperately looking for her letter? Also, would we like to change to 2 or 3 chapters a day?

BarkingMadRead I‘ll read as much as you want 🤣 I‘m loving it 11mo
peanutnine Same. 2 chapters a day would be fine with me. This reads so quickly 11mo
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IndoorDame I‘d be on board too. Definitely a page turner! 11mo
Librarybelle Whatever the group decides! I‘m loving this! 11mo
Larkken I'm also in. I'm almost more invested in Darcys and Lizzies estrangement than in who killed Wickham! 😭 11mo
mcctrish I won‘t be able to keep up 🤣🤣 but whatever happens I will read when I can. I must say I need Darcy and Elizabeth to get their acts together so she can talk some sense into his stupid head! After a lifetime of being the odd duck Jonathon is finding a friend ( and maybe more ) and Darcy thinks the worst as he is want to do 👎🏻👎🏻 11mo
mcctrish Me too @Larkken 11mo
Bookwormjillk 2 chapters works for me! Also hoping Darcy and Lizzy reunite 💔 11mo
TheAromaofBooks I'm down for whatever works for the group. I'm pretty engaged in this one!! 11mo
Sparklemn I'm up for two a day 11mo
willaful I could definitely do more. It's hard to stop! 11mo
CogsOfEncouragement Two chapters sounds good to me. I always want to start the next chapter. 11mo
DebinHawaii Either one or two chapters works for me. 11mo
rubyslippersreads I‘m slightly behind, but wouldn‘t mind having an excuse to just go ahead and find out whodunnit. 😄 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.8: the interviews begin - first with the Wentworths and then the Darcys. Already some lies have been given - known only to Juliet and Jonathan. How are they going to be able to expose a killer if some are unwilling to tell the truth? Only by working together I think.

BarkingMadRead I definitely wanted to read ahead! This is getting good! 11mo
Bookwormjillk I am loving this book! Can‘t wait to see what happens tomorrow! 11mo
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mcctrish Everyone lies 😱poor Jonathon, he won‘t handle it well 11mo
peanutnine I loved Juliet's response to Johnathan's "peculiarity" 11mo
Sparklemn @peanutnine Me, too. Very much a “whatever, live and let live“ reaction. Loved it! 11mo
julieclair I loved the way that Juliet was able to lift the mace that weighed 20 whole lbs. Shocking!! 11mo
julieclair @BarkingMadRead Me too! I had to slam the book closed to prevent myself from continuing on to the next chapter. 11mo
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Jeez Louise school is kicking my butt! Saturday morning is for getting caught up on all my reads #nobodytalktomemyearsarebroken

Tamra Perfect plan - mine too 11mo
mcctrish It‘s not working so well yet @Tamra 😢😢 11mo
Tamra @mcctrish if your household is like mine, I keep getting interrupted and I keep scrolling & commenting on Litsy. 😜 11mo
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mcctrish @Tamra somebody rang the doorbell, I did the dishes, my ikea order got delivered, I got msgs about cereal boxes I asked for in a free group ( we are making puppet theatres at school for the elephant and piggie books) I haven‘t even finished the coffee yet 😆🤦🏻‍♀️) 11mo
Tamra @mcctrish 😂 yup, sounds about right 11mo
dabbe All I can see is your drink. What is it? It looks DIVINE! Hope things calm down for you soon, too. 💛💜🧡 11mo
mcctrish @dabbe just a latte that my husband went nuts on with the frothed milk ( he knows it‘s been a week 🤣) 11mo
dabbe @mcctrish He's a definite keeper! 🤩🤩🤩 11mo
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I only meant to stay here long enough to catch up on my chapter a day reads, but now Daisy is comfortable. I guess I need to read a while longer.

Lcsmcat The Cat must always be obeyed! (At least that‘s how it works in our house.) 11mo
Jari-chan There cat knows what's good for you (and for the cat 😸) 11mo
dabbe Hello there, Darling Daisy! You are gorgeous! 🖤🐾🖤 11mo
AnnCrystal Oh my! Too adorable 😻💝. 11mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.7: Jonathan and Juliet discuss the suspects - they make a list of the guests and try to deduce who had a proper motive. I love how they‘re working together in a clandestine manner - so naughty 😁“How unfortunate for public morals that being unladylike feels so…exciting”

IndoorDame Best quote ever!!! 11mo
TheAromaofBooks I'm a little scared to find out who the murderer is - I like everyone!! 😂 11mo
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Sparklemn @TheAromaofBooks I'd be OK if it were Fanny's husband only because I have no memory of reading that book. So he's like a stranger to me! 😃 11mo
peanutnine @Sparklemn I never really cared for him too much in the original, so I'd be fine with that 😅 11mo
julieclair Loved that quote! And I thought it was cute how Jonathan cleverly picked up the note from Juliet‘s desk. I would have thought he was too rigid to do something so sneaky. 😎 11mo
Larkken @TheAromaofBooks @Sparklemn @peanutnine Edmund is giving me Mr Collins vibes (didn't someone say they were hoping for a surprise Mr Collins murder cameo?) so I agree, id be ok if it's him lol 😬 11mo
Bookwormjillk Love that quote! 11mo
BarkingMadRead Is it bad that I‘m cheering on the murderer? #sorrynotsorry 11mo
mcctrish @BarkingMadRead there is no love lost on Wickham, it‘s a shame to have a good character pay the price for the #happylittleaccident 😂 bring on the #mrcollinsmurdercameo 11mo
BarkingMadRead @mcctrish omg yesssssss 11mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.6: how interesting to read how a murder investigation was conducted back in the 1800s! I love how both Jonathan and Juliet are eager to find out more despite what propriety dictates. I think they‘ll probably be better at it than Churchill.

Bookwormjillk Love the team of Jonathan and Juliet (edited) 11mo
willaful I don't like Jane being killed off. :-( I kinda hope Fairfax did it. ;-) 11mo
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peanutnine I was just waiting for Johnathan and Juliet to have their moment of recognition and partnership and the chapter ending was just perfect! 11mo
CogsOfEncouragement Well, ultimately Emma wanted to be a successful matchmaker. Seems her house party has the young couple well on their way to happiness. 11mo
julieclair I liked how Jonathan and Juliet each came to the decision to eavesdrop independently. Neither influenced the other. But they both seemed happy to become “partners in impropriety.” 😏 11mo
BarkingMadRead I love Jonathan and Juliet as partners in crime! This is what will finally bring even together, I‘m sure! Frank did it 🤣 that‘s my ridiculous guess 🤣 11mo
mcctrish @julieclair “partners in impropriety” ❤️❤️ I wonder if the #meddlingkids will solve it ? 11mo
julieclair @mcctrish 😂😂👍 11mo
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Do you ever sit down for a snack and belatedly realize you‘ve eaten the entire bag/box/ice cream container? My kiddo calls it a snaccident, and I…kinda did it with the tagged book. I was going to read ahead a bit as this weekend promises very little reading time, and then I just…kept going. I promise no spoilers and will follow the daily updates gladly!

Caroline2 😂 11mo
Tamra 😂 I gotta tell my kids about “snaccident” (edited) 11mo
ravenlee @Tamra it started with something like I had a snaccident and now there aren‘t any more Cheezits. 🤣 It has become one of my favorite words. 11mo
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StayCurious Hahah I‘ve had to stop myself from reading on - it‘s a really good book and pulls you in! 11mo
dabbe 🤣🤣🤣 11mo
Deblovestoread Snaccident=perfection 11mo
Sparklemn Stealing “snaccidents“ 😉 11mo
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Happy National Read a Book Day! (in the U.S.)
Here is what I‘m reading today:

I joined the chapter a day read along for Mr. Wickham.

Just Don‘t Fall is the first of the fall vibes “Sweater Weather” rom-com series dropping once a week for six weeks by different authors.

Summer Melt is an audible novella that seemed a good choice for one last summer themed read.

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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.5: Duh Duh Duh…..! What a great chapter and lead up to what we‘ve all been waiting for. This author really knows how to build suspense. I honestly can‘t think of who the culprit is in our cast of characters. Now, on to the solving!

peanutnine Such a great chapter! I loved the way she hinted at the different characters' whereabouts. And the description of the storm is so ominous, it reminds me of Clue ⛈️ 11mo
Bookwormjillk I don‘t want any of them to have “done it.” I like them all too much. Maybe Mr Collins is lurking around or something 😝 11mo
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BarkingMadRead It was so ominous, with the storm and everyone waking up to “a sound”. Perfection 11mo
willaful @Bookwormjillk Same! That would be perfect, and we will headcanon that Charlotte has been thriftily putting away the housekeeping money and will be perfectly fine without him. :-) 11mo
StayCurious @Bookwormjillk haha poor Mr.Collins 😜 11mo
Bookwormjillk @willaful perfect! 11mo
julieclair So well done! I love it when I really have no idea whom the murderer may be. 11mo
Sparklemn @julieclair So do I! 11mo
Sparklemn @willaful I'd love to believe it! Her story always made me sad. 11mo
CogsOfEncouragement Poor Juliet. Which is more traumatizing? Finding a dead body, or realizing everyone still living will know she just got back from the privy? 11mo
StayCurious @CogsOfEncouragement I was more shocked that no one thought she and Jonathan had been out together in a compromising situation. They were both rain soaked and she‘s in her shift! 11mo
rubyslippersreads @Bookwormjillk Mr. Collins could only be the murderer if Lady Catherine told him to kill Wickham. 🤣 11mo
Bookwormjillk @rubyslippersreads ha! It would be amazing if she shows up! 11mo
CogsOfEncouragement @StayCurious Oh! That did not cross my mind. That would have been horrible-needing the stable boy to swear where Jonathan was and everyone examining Juliet‘s broken chamber pot! 11mo
mcctrish @rubyslippersreads 🤣🤣 maybe Wickham bilked Lady Catherine too and put a hit out on him #mrcollinsgunforhire 11mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.4: The rain continues and they cannot toss Wickham out into the storm - despite desperately wanting to. Knightly and Emma have a plan to drag Wickham to court but will Wickham cooperate or fight back with a plan of his own? Wickham continues to ingratiate himself to the members of the house party and really at this point, anyone could have a motive to get rid of him. Very cleverly written.

ravenlee I am loving this! It reminds me of the movie Gosford Park, which the director described as a “who-cares-whodunit.” 11mo
IndoorDame @ravenlee oooh fun! Will be rewatching gosford park soon! Haven‘t seen that in years. 11mo
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Bookwormjillk @IndoorDame @ravenlee good idea to re-watch Gosford Park! It kind of reminds me of Clue The Movie too. 11mo
IndoorDame @Bookwormjillk Clue is one of my favorite movies! 11mo
ravenlee @Bookwormjillk @IndoorDame I love Clue, too! I got to share it with kiddo recently and it was so fun! 11mo
julieclair Putting Gosford Park and Clue on my watch list! 🍿 11mo
CogsOfEncouragement So many people to be relieved by his end. 11mo
mcctrish @ravenlee thank you for reminding me of Gosford Park, I‘m joining the rewatch too. I keep thinking the problem lies with people with ‘scruples‘ trying to fight against someone without #tosswickhamintotherain 11mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.3: I love how the author is showing so many of these characters will have a motive to get rid of Wickham. She‘s building up suspense for sure. Wickham is engaged in blackmail now - I have a guess as to what Fanny‘s secret is: what do you think? And how does Brandon know him?

Librarybelle I think I know Fanny‘s secret too. I‘m really engaged in this story and want to keep reading! 11mo
StayCurious @Librarybelle so far I‘m really enjoying it as well 11mo
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IndoorDame So far I‘m really enjoying this too but I don‘t have any guesses about her secret yet and I‘m super curious as to what could be worth a year‘s income! 11mo
mcctrish The prologue threw me, I was a chapter ahead and spoiling with spoilers 🤦🏻‍♀️ school starts tomorrow and hopefully I will be able to track the day AND find time to read. Wickham is dastardly on all the levels 11mo
Bookwormjillk I have no idea what the secret is, but I‘m curious to find out. Takes a lot of guts to just show up and start blackmailing people 🤣 11mo
BarkingMadRead This feels so much like an Agatha christie mystery and I‘m here for it! 11mo
willaful I also have a strong suspicion about Fanny's secret. Are we all guessing the same thing? Let's promise to be honest when we find out. 😁

I feel like this book, as well as the last one, kind of overdo Edmund's annoyingly moral nature. Though I suppose his work might reinforce it into pomposity.
DebinHawaii The prologue threw me too @mcctrish I thought I was catching up yesterday & then read today‘s chapter. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think we are all thinking the same about Fanny‘s brother there were a couple of strong clues in there. I am very curious about Colonel Brandon & his past with Wickham. Enjoying the book so far! 11mo
Sparklemn All I could think about was how lovely it would be to spend a long rainy weekend in a ancient abbey with a book and a glass of wine. 🍷 11mo
CogsOfEncouragement The number of our beloved characters wishing Wickham dead is amusing and understandable. He is diabolical. This is only reinforced by the speed in which he blackmails Fanny. (edited) 11mo
TheAromaofBooks My sister is also reading this book and I texted her yesterday to say that if someone else doesn't kill Wickham soon, I might have to do it myself 😂 I can't believe how Gray is able to make him even more odious than ever!! 11mo
rubyslippersreads @willaful I think I know Fanny‘s secret too. And yes, Edmund is annoying. 11mo
rubyslippersreads @Sparklemn I know—so many of the characters hate it, and it sounds so enjoyable to me. 11mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.2: Oh that horrible Mr.Wickham! We learn a bit about his investment scheme and about some of the victims - the Wentworths included. The houseguests are so angry that some propriety is forgotten as they speak freely about the scoundrel. Fanny goes up to her room only to find Wickham lurking there with her letters - the nerve! But then, it makes us curious as to what she is hiding.

BarkingMadRead These memes though 🤣🤣 11mo
mcctrish Mr Wickham is so shady! It‘s not enough he had a pyramid scheme now he‘s blackmailing 🤯😡 11mo
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Librarybelle Wickham is horrid! 11mo
ravenlee @mcctrish I‘m guessing he was already blackmailing somebody, and that‘s how he got people (including an earl?) to vouch for his scam in the first place. 11mo
Bookwormjillk I‘m going to have a hard to only reading a chapter a day! 11mo
julieclair Wickham really is a classic villain. All bad. 11mo
Sparklemn Wickham waiting in Fanny's room was so creepy. Of all the secrets, I'm most curious about what she is hiding. 11mo
mcctrish @ravenlee yes, you have a point 11mo
mcctrish @Bookwormjillk oh this book wants to fly 🤣🤣 11mo
CogsOfEncouragement “Therefore, none of them had ever met George Wickham before. Darcy envied them the privilege.” I feel that to know Wickham is to despise him. Gray has done a good job of keeping Wickham as despicable as ever. 11mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.1: the month long (!) house party begins - starting off better for some than for others. I love that we see the perspectives of all these different characters. Juliet and Jonathan have a meet cute - ok…maybe not haha. And the party is crashed by the dastardly Mr.Wickham.

BarkingMadRead Poor Jonathan, hopefully he can straighten it all out! 11mo
Graciouswarriorprincess I just started it! 11mo
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CogsOfEncouragement This amused me: Instead, [Knightley] wore a rueful smile, and Emma wore a wedding ring. 11mo
peanutnine Aww Johnathan is socially awkward just like his dad! Hopefully Juliet will loosen him up 😉 11mo
Bookwormjillk This was a promising beginning! 11mo
ravenlee So hard not to keep going! 11mo
willaful I think perhaps Jonathan may be intended to be autistic. A number of people theorized that Darcy was, although my absolute certainty is that Mr. Woodhouse was. 11mo
julieclair @willaful I had the same thought about Jonathan. 11mo
mcctrish @CogsOfEncouragement me too 🤣❤️ 11mo
mcctrish @willaful absolutely he is, poor kid 11mo
kspenmoll I am behind; hope to catch up tomorrow! 11mo
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Such a busy work week that culminated in an early flight to Hilo yesterday to spend all day in a quarterly business review , lead the lunchtime activity, present my department‘s slides in the afternoon & fly back last night. 😵‍💫

In need of recovery, this morning I treated myself to a savory breakfast bowl & a latte, along with the first chapters of this book for our #PemberLittens #JaneAdjacent read-along for September.

dabbe Hope things slow down for you asap! 🧡💜🧡 11mo
LiteraryinLawrence Yikes, that‘s intense! 💗 11mo
Cuilin You prioritized self care today 🎉💕 11mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Prologue: This very interesting beginning introduces and reintroduces characters to us that will play a part in our upcoming mystery. It was great to see where some of our favourite characters are now - sad in some instances - but I think so far the author has done a great job of drawing in new and old fans of Jane alike.

peanutnine I loved that the prologue set up everyone's backstory. I think that will be very helpful going forward to keeping everyone straight. I also found it interesting that not all the couples were living a happily ever after. Definitely believable for some of them 11mo
Bookwormjillk @peanutnine seemed like most the couples were a little stressed at best. 11mo
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IndoorDame I thought it was clever of her to have ascribed a year to each book based on little text clues in such a way that she ended up with a realistic spread of ages for her house party 11mo
Larkken I tried reading this years ago and the way the characters were introduced put me off then - I don't know why! Maybe it was v different from my then-mental vision of everyone? In any case, I'm trying again! 😏 11mo
BarkingMadRead I love that everyone has something going on, it should make the mystery more exciting 11mo
willaful I won't be happy if the issues aren't resolved, but I think it's all quite plausible and emotionally resonant so far. 11mo
julieclair I thought this prologue was really well done. We‘re off to a good start! 11mo
mcctrish I feel like I‘m reading JA already, the prologue has set the tone perfectly 11mo
ravenlee I‘m loving it so far. I really like the mix of where-are-they-now and the setting of the tone for a murder mystery. @IndoorDame I liked that too, and I kept flipping back and working out timelines based on the dates she assigned. 11mo
Sparklemn @IndoorDame Yes! She could have just started everyone out where their books left off. It wouldn't be nearly as interesting! 11mo
CogsOfEncouragement Very fun so far. Looking forward to what unfolds. 11mo
rubyslippersreads This immediately reminded me of Old Friends and New Fancies, with the characters from all of Austen‘s books. 11mo
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I love the first day of the month when all of the buddy read start again!! @StayCurious #pemberlittens

Traci1 I have that same Jane pop. ❤️ 11mo
julieclair Yes! I was actually just thinking the same thing earlier today! 11mo
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Starts tomorrow!

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Today‘s library #bookhaul was mostly for the kiddo (standard) but I‘m ready for #PemberLittens September buddy read.

I told a friend the title of this book and she just shrugged and said, “Well, somebody should.”

Clare-Dragonfly 😂 11mo
StayCurious Haha that‘s great! 11mo
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I had to redo this stack 4 times 🤣 I kept forgetting things! #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

IndoorDame Binti is my pick for #aam next month too, and I also have a Nancy Drew on my stack! 11mo
Soubhiville Nice stack! I just started The Hacienda. I‘ll creep through it slowly in the mornings cuz it‘s too creepy to read at night! 😱 11mo
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BarkingMadRead @Soubhiville I love creepy books!! @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m looking forward to it! 11mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 11mo
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Repost for @StayCurious

#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Our September Buddy read has been chosen by 80% of the vote! We‘ll be starting The Murder of Mr. Wickham September 1. Let me know if you‘d like to be tagged in my daily posts!

kspenmoll I am in! 11mo
LitsyEvents @staycurious see above comment 11mo
CatLass007 @StayCurious Please include me in The Murder of Mr. Whickam. 11mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Our September Buddy read has been chosen by 80% of the vote! We‘ll be starting The Murder of Mr. Wickham September 1. Let me know if you‘d like to be tagged in my daily posts!

Bookwormjillk Yay! I‘ve been meaning to read this one! 11mo
mcctrish Woo Hoo !!! 11mo
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IndoorDame Yes, please tag me! 11mo
BarkingMadRead Woohoo!! I‘ve already got this on my shelf! 11mo
peanutnine Yay so excited for this one! 11mo
Librarybelle Hooray! I‘m excited to read this one! 11mo
DebinHawaii Yay! I am excited to get it off my shelf & finally read it! Please tag me! 11mo
willaful Tag me please. 11mo
PageShifter I am planning to join! 11mo
AllDebooks I'm planning to join but struggling to get a copy from library. 11mo
julieclair Yay! And yes, please tag me. 🙂 11mo
TheAromaofBooks Definitely planning to read this one, so keep me on the list!!! 11mo
ravenlee I‘m in! 11mo
rubyslippersreads Please tag me. Thanks! 11mo
CatLass007 @StayCurious Please tag me. 11mo
Sparklemn I'd like to join in! 11mo
CogsOfEncouragement This has been on my tbr for awhile. Great pick for a buddy read! Please tag me. 11mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig I don't know if I'll reread this one but I had opinions I would love to discuss. Tag me please. 11mo
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This was delightful! Enjoyed all the cross over stories. The smarts of all the women are really displayed - thoughtful retellings

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What could go wrong at a house party in the country when Mr. Wickham unexpectedly arrives? Everything as it turns out and if many of the characters, who will be quite familiar to readers of Austen‘s book, don‘t always behave as expected, everything comes together in a satisfying conclusion. This is a fast, fun read, the first in a series, which is perfect for readers who want to spend time with some familiar characters above all else.