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The Bride Test
The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
From the critically acclaimed author of The Kiss Quotient comes a romantic novel about love that crosses international borders and all boundaries of the heart... Khai Diep has no feelings. Well, he feels irritation when people move his things or contentment when ledgers balance down to the penny, but not big, important emotions--like grief. And love. He thinks he's defective. His family knows better--that his autism means he just processes emotions differently. When he steadfastly avoids relationships, his mother takes matters into her own hands and returns to Vietnam to find him the perfect bride. As a mixed-race girl living in the slums of Ho Chi Minh City, Esme Tran has always felt out of place. When the opportunity arises to come to America and meet a potential husband, she can't turn it down, thinking this could be the break her family needs. Seducing Khai, however, doesn't go as planned. Esme's lessons in love seem to be working...but only on herself. She's hopelessly smitten with a man who's convinced he can never return her affection. With Esme's time in the United States dwindling, Khai is forced to understand he's been wrong all along. And there's more than one way to love.
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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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Another great read. I can‘t wait for Helen Hoang to write more books I‘ll have to see if there are others out there. Really love this storyline and characters.

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Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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Starting this now 📖

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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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Someone PLEASE tell me his former-male-escort cousin is going to school the boy!!!
#HelenHoang #TheBrideTest #autism
#Aspergers #neurodivergent #busbooks #audiobook

julesG I am assuming you know who's giving him the slap over the head, by now. 13mo
GingerAntics @julesG oh yeah. I finished it last night. That was hilarious! 12mo
GingerAntics @julesG I was actually a little stunned at how little Michael said in that conversation. 🤣😂🤣 I would have thought he would have had a ton to say on pleasing women. The stunned nature of Michael‘s contributions and the basic one word responses were hilarious. 12mo
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julesG Yeah, he was stunned. 🤣🤣🤣 12mo
GingerAntics @julesG I love that conversation entirely. 😂🤣😂 I love the advice Quan gave, honestly. Then here‘s Michael who is still half asleep I think wondering why he‘s been woken up for sex ed. I get the impression, if his wedding had gone differently between Khai and Esme, he would have pulled him aside at some point and given him some pointers. 12mo
julesG Why did I tell you I liked the second one less? 🤔 I was wrong. I liked this one better than the third book. Honestly wondering whether the summer heat boiled my brain 12mo
GingerAntics @julesG 🤣😂🤣 it‘s quite possible. I found this one to be rather charming and sweet. I think both of them were a little clueless about each other, but in the end they probably bonded over that. I would have loved to hear their conversation about Jade, but clearly he loves her in the epilogue. 12mo
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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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Khai needs this one, too. To touch him firmly right in the heart. Then, his family needs to be beat over the head with it.
#HelenHoang #TheBrideTest #autism
#Aspergers #neurodivergent #busbooks #audiobook #autismpride #bridezilla #autismisnottheproblem

The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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Oh Khai, I love you so much. You‘re feeling so much, but they tell you there is something wrong with you and you feel nothing. You feel it man. It‘s okay you don‘t show it like they do.
#HelenHoang #TheBrideTest #autism
#Aspergers #neurodivergent #busbooks #audiobook #autismpride #bridezilla #autismisnottheproblem

The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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Can we just talk about Khai‘s cousin Sara? I mean, seriously. She‘s a b!tch! She expects Khai to understand her, but doesn‘t give a shite about understanding Khai. His autism is no secret. She‘s fully aware of it. So he can‘t put his feelings into words. His comment “I've been wondering all night what's wrong with this wedding… It's Andy. He should be here” is Khai‘s way of saying Andy would have loved this. He would have wanted to be here.

GingerAntics I miss him. I wish he was here. I wish he was still around. Instead of commiserating with her cousin, “yeah, I miss him too” or “I think he‘s haunting the DJ station over there” or anything remotely caring and loving, she condemns him, her new jack🤬 husband condemns him, and everyone at the table goes with “Khai put his foot in it again,” instead of recognising the one who put their foot in all of it was Sarah. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 13mo
GingerAntics I feel like this entire story would be so different if his family wasn‘t sitting here telling him, sending the message, that he doesn‘t feel emotions, and accepted him as he is and that he expresses and experiences emotions differently. Khai needs the above image to learn that he‘s okay. Sara (and the rest of the family) need the above image to get their heads out of their 🤬es. 13mo
JamieArc I read this a long time ago, but if I remember correctly, I didn‘t love this one as much as the first. I did love Khai, a lot! But the sexual relationship felt a bit problematic, forced and manipulative to me. 13mo
GingerAntics @JamieArc her mother is definitely giving me creepy, manipulative vibes (then again so does his mother if I‘m honest). I guess I can see where it‘s that or stay poor, but it‘s still a little weird. I‘m waiting for her to somehow get diagnosed as on the spectrum in a minute here. 13mo
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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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Such a great story. I liked it better than The Kiss Qutient. The characters were fabulous and the plot was so well excuted. Give me more of these kinds of books please! 4.5⭐️

#LitsyLoveReads @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

TheSpineView This is my #BookSpin choice for June. @TheAromaofBooks 13mo
julesG Ha, I read it last week and wrote a similar review. 13mo
TheSpineView @julesG Great minds! 👍😊 13mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 13mo
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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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First book of Sunday. Second book in the series.

I liked this better than The Kiss Quotient. Probably because I connected better with both MCs.

#SeriesLove2023 @TheSpineView @Andrew65
#JoysOfJune #readathon

Andrew65 Excellebt 👏😁👏 14mo
TheSpineView Awesome!💙📖📚 14mo
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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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Khai‘s mother brings Esme to the United States to seduce him b/c his autism causes him not to be good w/ emotions. Esme doesn‘t expect to fall for him. But does Khai feel the same way?

I liked the first one more. This one was still cute with the plot & diversity In characters. I just wanted a little more spice & I didn‘t like the characters as much as I did in the first one.

The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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Another adorable romance set in the same universe as the Kiss Quotient. Khai is autistic and not interested in a relationship so his mother takes it up on herself to find a wife for him in Vietnam. Esme is looking for a better life for her and her young daughter, so she agrees to come to America to try to win him over. It was lovely watching both characters overcome their vulnerabilities as outcasts.
#SeriesLove2023 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Fantastic! 1y
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 1y
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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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A crazy proposition, a number of plot elements to keep track of. While I would have liked and understood more detail to the side plots, this was a fun page turner. I don‘t think it‘s a sequel to the kiss quotient that I got to read years ago,… but the characters here are human, decent, and lovely to get to know. Started and completed in less than a day!

The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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I keep trying to figure out what I didn‘t like about it. I think it was a combination of writing, pacing and when things were revealed.

The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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A low pick. The writing for me was a little lackluster. I didn‘t feel the tension one would expect in this situation and it wrapped up almost too neatly. But it was a nice palette cleanser.

@CBee Another book off my kindle for #TBRTarot

@Clwojick #Pantone23 #BeetrootPurple

CBee Awesome! 😊😊 1y
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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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#TBRTarot #February. And an unplanned #SeriesLove2023 selection.

TheSpineView I've not read yet. On my list though. 1y
CBee Awesome 👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻 1y
Andrew65 It happens so often, the list just gets longer 🙈😂 1y
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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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Loved this book! It was cute, romantic, funny, and steamy. The woman love interest had a lot of agency and goals beyond love and that was nice to see. Also loved the exploration of grief here.

The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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Didn‘t get as much reading done this month as I‘d hoped. I got a new position in my company and a lot of days I was just DONE with mental tasks when the work day was over. Tagged book was my #doublespin for September.

TheAromaofBooks I had a crazy work month as well - I've been spending evening time in Stardew Valley to wind down!! 2y
keys_on_fire I‘ve never played that one! @TheAromaofBooks (edited) 2y
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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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Here are my #WickedWords books from June.
Ready to tackle July.

AsYouWish Yay!!! That is awesome!!!!💙💙💙💙 2y
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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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the tagged book The Bride Test by Helen Hoang is the book from my previous post i got from the library.
@Pogue @TheSpineView @TheKidUpstairs @UwannaPublishme @Catsandbooks

TheSpineView Awesome! 2y
UwannaPublishme 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 2y
Catsandbooks Ohhh that's on my tbr! 2y
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Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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“My heart works in a different way, but it‘s yours. You‘re my one.” #TheBrideTest #HelenHoang
👀😍 Link in Bio for Review♥️

I love the way Helen Hoang writes & how she develops her love stories. These aren‘t insta-love, these aren‘t stories you can read half heartedly. You are invested in their growth, culture, families, struggles, & it is EVERYTHING.

🎊 #bookreview #bookworm #booklovers #bookblogger #GreatReads #RecommendedReads

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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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This was a borderline “pick”. First half was intriguing yet a bit annoying. The way some things were portrayed didn‘t sit 100% right with me, but at the same point, made me think “well who am I to judge”. Everyone is different, whether they‘re neurodivergent or not, and I think Hoang shows a facet of that.
The second half was more predictable in a “rom-com” way, but the flow was so good, and the feels were on point!
#2021 #Autism

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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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What a cute and fun, fluffy, fast paced read! I loved The Kiss Quotient, so I was eager to read this and it didn‘t disappoint. It makes you laugh. It makes you tear up. It makes you feel frustrated for/about characters, which is all too real with Autism Spectrum Disorder (which is close to my heart). Little bit of sexy, a lot of sweet and extremely heartwarming. This was my November #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
keys_on_fire I have the first book in This series on my December TBR, even though it‘s not a Christmas pick. Fellow #wintergames teammate here! 3y
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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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4.5⭐ This one was better than the first one. I liked the characters more and I liked the whole story and plot more.

The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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I played a bunch of Candy Crush while I listened to all of THE BOOK OF FORGIVING by Desmond Tutu and Mpho Tutu and the beginning of the tagged book. I was a little dismayed to learn my narrator nemesis, Emily Woo Zeller, performs it, but her volume modulation isn‘t TOO bad so far.

Oh, and I‘m now at 4:34 for the Readathon. Time for another comic, I think. #deweyoct #readathon

Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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Started reading “The Bride Test” by Helen Hoang and I love it.About a Vietnamese gentleman who is autistic that is getting set up by his mother so desperate for him to have a girlfriend.Its romantic and sweet.It‘s the 1st time I‘ve read a book by Helen Hoang.I‘m looking forward to reading other books by her.I believe the others are related but are not a series to be read in order.anyone know for sure? #romancebooks #autisticstory #helenhoang

The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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Why did I wait so long to read this?! I was so into it and rooting for Khai and Esme so hard that I felt it viscerally. I am so excited for Quan's book!

The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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I still can‘t stop ‘thinking‘ about my last wild ride of a book, I‘m Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid. I figured my #currentread would help.


The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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Good morning, Littens!! For once, I'm not late.. i can take my time for breakfast and I'm re-reading The Bride Test 💕
Have a nice day & a great week! 💪🌞🌻

IuliaC Good morning! Have a wonderful week! 🌞 3y
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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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Esme & Khai
While I loved The Kiss Quotient this one fell a bit flat for me. It felt forced which makes me sad. I think the ending was rushed and didn‘t feel true to the characters

The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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Happy people don‘t wear all black.

So simple if only it were true

Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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Well this was just deliciously delightful 🥰Sure there were a few plot holes, and yes my eyes rolled a tiny bit….but I was still smitten by the story of Khai & Esme. Helen Hoang writes wonderfully seductive contemporary romance novels, with a focus on both Asian characters and those who are on the spectrum. Like her previous book, The Kiss Quotient, the sex was steamy and the drama minimal. A perfect summer listen ♥️🎧Loved the narration ❣️

britt_brooke Love this series. 💚 The 3rd book is out next month: 3y
Cinfhen Yesssss, I know @britt_brooke 😍it‘s a #BOTM but I‘m waiting for the audio. I think the narration elevates these books for me🎧💚 3y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen I prefer them on audio, too! 3y
Cinfhen #GreatMinds 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️ @britt_brooke xx 3y
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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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I have at least 6 #NetGalley #ARCs due the first week of August and what do I do for my next read…choose a rom/com audio!! And so far, it‘s delightful ❣️❣️❣️🎧 #Hoopla

Cathythoughts Good luck with them all 👍🏻😁 3y
Cinfhen Hahaha, thanks @Cathythoughts I‘ll need lots of luck 🍀 3y
DivineDiana I liked this book. Enjoy! 😘 3y
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Cinfhen I‘m really liking it a lot!!! @DivineDiana 🥰 3y
TrishB Who can ever figure out the reading brain! 3y
Cinfhen Honestly @TrishB and this one is really what my readers brain was craving 😀😋❣️ 3y
TrishB I went to the shop this morning as I needed to buy a card and brought a book (obvs) that I needed to read instantly, got it home and it‘s number 2 in a series, so I‘m now reading number 1 🤷‍♀️ (edited) 3y
Cinfhen Hahahaha @TrishB that sounds about right!! 3y
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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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Compared to book 1, The Kiss Quotient, The Bride Test was cute, but I didn't love it. In this one, our male MC Khai has autism & is perfectly happy with life as it is. While I liked Esme well enough, the Female MC & love interest, a few points of their relationship didn't sit right with me. It seemed that Khai and Esme didn't truly communicate their feelings or bond over much. The fact that Khai's mother went to Vietnam looking for a woman⬇️

Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick to marry her son, with no disclosure of his autism or habits, seemed problematic to me. Moving said young lady into the son's home without much disruption or care for HIS desires, also annoying. Add to it that Esme didn't know what Autism is, nor did the MCs actually address it with each other, but it was revealed by other characters, and I'm further annoyed. The end result is OK, but I never felt a true love connection between Khai & Esme ⬇️ 3y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick more of a mutually beneficial kindness. I appreciate that the female narrator only slightly changed her voice for the men and didn't try to hard for a comically deep voice like many others do. Having read book one, listening to this book, more of the Vietnamese culture felt present, with accents and pronunciations better than my limited understanding would accomplish by reading it. 3y
TheAromaofBooks Great review!!! 3y
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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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I loved The Kiss Quotient and I loved this one too ❤ I really enjoy Hoang's writing and they are very easy reading.

The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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I enjoyed this fun book, the second in the series. Khan Diep is happy as he is, but his mother is determined to see him married. While in Vietnam she meets Esme and convinces her to come to the US to see if she can seduce Khai into marrying her. But things don't go as planned.

The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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I‘m also reading this one. It was gifted to me by my girlfriend- I can‘t remember for what occasion. I‘m only a couple of chapters in but I‘m already laughing. It‘s about a young man whose mother decided to bring him a wife from Viêt Nam with no warning because she felt he needed help finding love.

Theexplorer Commenting on my own post, ha! Just finished The Bride Test. It was a light fun read for the most part. I found some parts of it extremely annoying but that‘s mostly because I usually stay away from overly romantic novels. When people are ‘hopelessly‘ in love I start to get irritated so that‘s a me problem. If you‘re looking for a nice romance that includes immigration issues and a character on the autism spectrum this one‘s a good read. (edited) 3y
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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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Finished book three for the #readtherainbow challenge! The Bride Test by Helen Hoang for yellow! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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Next up!

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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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4.75 ⭐️

I loved this book so much! My roommate recommended it after I gushed over 'The Rosie Project'. This is similar, but MUCH steamier, hehe. I loved Esme's determination and I felt like her reactions and thoughts were totally understandable. Khai frustrated me somewhat. There was one sub plot that I felt was resolved too quickly and neatly, but it's still a good feel good with some pleasant twists and turns along the way.

ScientistSam Kiss Quotient is really good too if you want more Helen Hoang to read! 3y
DanaManiac @ScientistSam Ah, thanks Sam! ☺️ 3y
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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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I really enjoy Kiss Quotient but had no idea that a sequel existed. Although I didn't really find it as a sequel, this is an enjoyable read. A beautiful, conflicting, romantic read

The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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When a wealthy woman offers Esme a trip from Vietnam to California as a “test fiancé” for her son, Esme reluctantly agrees, knowing the money offered would help her family.
Khai doesn‘t do relationships, or feelings, so when his mom tells him about the woman she chose for his bride, he‘s reluctant to obey.
Esme and Khai have instant chemistry but secrets and misunderstandings keep them at arms length.

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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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I liked both Esme and Khai; they were believable, likable, and I felt for both of them throughout the book. I loved that the surrounding characters were supportive and helped these two along in their journey together.

I found myself laughing out loud and crying at the sweetness of it.

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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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Enjoyed the book but didn‘t understand why Khai didn‘t think he could find someone when Stella had in the first book. He even went to Stella and Michael‘s wedding in this book. That part was frustrating.

The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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While not quite as steamy as The Kiss Quotient, I absolutely loved Esme. This was a beautiful story about self worth and appreciation. The author‘s note brought such a beautiful sense of closure to this story. I‘m so happy I read it.

The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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About half way through this one and I love that I already feel like I know a few of the characters. Reading from an autistic perspective adds a fascinating element to the story.

The Bride Test | Helen Hoang

Read like a fan fic but I wasn‘t complaining. A feel-good, easy read to start out the year.

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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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It got better as it went on.
I was cringing for the first 25%, but enjoyed the ending. Overall I'm glad I persevered, and I did finish it pretty quickly in two days.

It's nice to be back into reading, I've been a bit slow recently.
I finish work on Saturday for a few weeks - looking forward to getting properly stuck into Winter Games!

#wintergames2020 #merryreaders #tbrread @Clwojick +16

Clwojick Way to go! 4y
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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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Well...damn. This book totally charmed the pants off me, in spite of myself. Is the premise slightly problematic? Yes. But the characters are so utterly compelling (especially Khai), & Hoang fleshes out their world-views with such empathy & grace that it‘s impossible not to love them & root for a happy ending anyway. Once again I had some minor issues with plot, but otherwise this was a sweet, steamy, addicting read. ★★★★☆.

Freespirit Lovely review💕 4y
Sharanya @Freespirit thank you!! ♥️ 4y
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