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Joined December 2020

Married to the (almost) equally as bookish @GrizzVarela. 😍📚😍
Plain Bad Heroines | Emily Danforth
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This was an impulse buy on my last trip to my new favorite bookstore. I haven‘t started it yet, but the cover caught my attention and the story sounds intriguing. Have any of you read it? Thoughts?

No Title | None
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I finally got my first bookish tattoo. 😍

WorldsOkayestStepMom *gasp* I LOVE IT! 10mo
julesG 😍😍😍 10mo
BookwormAHN Fantastic 💜 10mo
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Meshell1313 😍😍😍love! 10mo
LiteraryinLawrence This is EPIC!!!! Major congratulations!! 10mo
SamAnne That is absolutely beautiful!!! 10mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 10mo
PaperbackPirate Beautiful tattoo and quote! 😍📖🐦‍⬛ 6mo
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Starting a book after midnight, when I have plans first thing tomorrow morning. I might regret this, but I‘m doing it anyway. This line is already setting up the vibe of how creepy this book might be: “…eyes so black they were like the tinted windows of a sleek limousine — he could see out, but you couldn‘t see in.”

The Book Eaters | Sunyi Dean
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I‘ve been asking for new bookshelves for my birthday on Saturday. I don‘t think it‘s going to happen, so I decided to buy myself more books to add to my already over flowing bookshelf. Also, I don‘t have little dogs anymore. I have a little one and a big one. I‘m taking suggestions for what my new username should be!

TheBookgeekFrau paws_and_pages or tails _and_tales or printlove (as in paw prints and the printed word) or . . . Yeah, I think my creative inspiration just ran out 😂 but I kind of like paws & pages 11mo
Ruthiella I like “paws and pages” too! 11mo
SassyBookworm I love ‘paws and pages‘ too! Such a great username! 🐾📖 11mo
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This beauty was named Harper before she became my fur baby/service dog/constant companion/shadow. I started calling her Harper Lee a few days after that. I figure, if I‘m going to use the name, I should probably at least reread this book and read Go Set A Watchman. 🐕‍🦺📚

TheLudicReader Not sure I would waste my time on Go Set a Watchman given how it came into the world. TKaM is well worth the time, though. 12mo
wanderinglynn What a cutie! Hello Harper! ❤️ 12mo
Ruthiella ❤️🐶❤️🐶❤️ 12mo
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I took Harper Lee to the bookstore with me for the first time today. One of the tasks she‘s trained to do for me is carry items while walking next to me so I can keep both hands on my crutches and use a hands free leash. She wasn‘t into holding things she isn‘t familiar with today, but walking next to me through the whole bookstore is a step in the right direction. Books probably taste bad anyway. The tagged book is the one I purchased today.

Bklover I enjoyed your tagged book! 14mo
Bklover Oh, and Harper Lee is beautiful!❤️ 14mo
Soubhiville She is beautiful! Maybe if she had a small book bag to carry it would feel better in her mouth than a book? 14mo
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Julsmarshall Harper is lovely! 14mo
smalldogs_bigbooks2419 @Soubhiville I‘m working with her on carrying bags. She‘ll hold an empty bag for a few seconds, but nothing with anything in it yet. She‘s great with pill bottles, my phone, my wallet, shoes and socks and her leash. I just brought her home a week ago, after two weeks of intensive training together away from home. Some days it feels like starting over from square one, but she‘s worth it and going to help me so much! 14mo
BookBosomed1 What a beautiful face! 14mo
lynneamch So sweet. 14mo
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The Snow Child | Eowyn Ivey
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My new fur baby Harper Lee would probably make a great “snow child”. Instead, we‘ll just share the couch while I read about one. She‘s on Instagram under the username harperlee.sd if anyone would like to follow our new life together as service dog and handler.

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This was a gift a few weeks ago from a member of one of the many bookish FB groups I‘m in. I love murder mystery/true crime tv series. This will my first murder mystery book series.

Fairy Tale | Stephen King
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There were parts of this book that had me totally hooked and parts that seemed to drag on and on. I‘m glad I stuck it out and finished it, but the ending was a little bit of a let down. After all of that action, that‘s it? 🤔 Please tell me I‘m not the only one. I don‘t know exactly what I was expecting, or what would have made it better, but I‘m feeling a little let down.

Traci1 I remember liking the first half or so of this one so much and feeling like the last half was a slog. 1y
Larkken It felt looong. I liked the eldritch horror but it was over so quick in comparison to the rest of the book lol 1y
Cassafrass I felt the exact same! I just finished it. The audiobook gave it a little more spark with character voices and sounds but geeeze. It took me 3 days to get through and felt like 3 weeks 1y
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Women Talking | Miriam Toews
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@lynneamch this is the perfect reward after spending my afternoon at the laundromat. If I‘d gone to the post office first, I would have started it while I waited. @BookishPiper I sent my husband the post office to ship The Book Hater‘s Book Club a few days ago, so I‘m not sure exactly when it will be delivered but it shouldn‘t be long.

BookishPiper No worries, looking forward to it! 1y
lynneamch Looking forward to your (and others) comments when I get it back. This is my first postal markup and I'm into it! 1y
smalldogs_bigbooks2419 @lynneamch this is my third. I love it. I took a long break between my first and second round. These last two have been back to back. I hadn‘t even sent the last book from the previous round back to @suvata before starting The Book Haters‘ Book Club. 1y
smalldogs_bigbooks2419 @BookishPiper It‘s a little bit of a romantic comedy/chick flick story. I don‘t know what you‘re into, but I hope you enjoy it more than my husband enjoyed my summary of it. 🤣 1y
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The Book Haters' Book Club | Gretchen Anthony
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I love days where my only real goal is to finish a book. I loved a lot of the characters in this story, but found it a little predictable. Looking forward to reading Women Talking next, for #litsymarkuppostalbookclub# @BookishPiper @lynneamch @shellleigh33

The Book Haters' Book Club | Gretchen Anthony

@shellleigh33 @lynneamch @BookishPiper Hi everyone! I hope you‘re all enjoying the books we‘ve each started with for this round of #LMPBC. Just wanted to check in before the end of the month because I don‘t remember exchanging information about which order we‘re swapping in or where each of us is sending books. That information came in an email from @suvata in the other 2 rounds of #LMPBC that I‘ve been a part of.

BookishPiper From what I gather, you will send your book to me. I will send mine to @shellleigh33 . She sends her book to @lynneamch who then sends hers to you. 1y
lynneamch I have an email from Suellen Williams dated February 26. It has an attachment at the bottom with our contact info. If you don't find 1y
lynneamch it, I can email it to you. 1y
smalldogs_bigbooks2419 @lynneamch Yes please. I tried searching through my inbox just using her name. All I found was emails from previous rounds. It‘s very possible I just accidentally deleted the message. Does the email regarding this round have our email addresses in it? 1y
suvata If y‘all tell me what group you‘re talking about, I can resend the email 1y
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Not Yeti | Kelly DiPucchio
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I don‘t post about children‘s books very often, but this one is too cute not to share. My nephew is slowly becoming less attached to our routine of readings books together, but we both enjoyed a good snuggle on the couch with this one. “Yeti isn‘t like the other monsters.” 🥰

The Book Haters' Book Club | Gretchen Anthony
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Looking forward to starting round 17 of #litsymarkuppostalbookclub with all of you! Do any of these sound good to all of you? I‘ve got around 60 books on my shelf, so there are plenty of others to choose from. Just figured I‘d start here. @shellleigh33 @lynneamch and @BookishPiper

BookishPiper I think The Book Haters Book Club would be good. I recently read Devil in the White City and it was very good also. 1y
shellleigh33 I have not read any so I am good with any of them. 1y
lynneamch Book Haters Club is good for me. I've read Devil and Mrs. Tom Thumb, though wouldn't mind reading again if you want. 1y
smalldogs_bigbooks2419 Book Haters Club it is then! I love it when decisions can be made that easily 👍🏻👍🏻 1y
wojo Erik Larson is a great author, Isaac‘s Storm was an excellent read. 1y
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The Measure | Nikki Erlick
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Please excuse me as I nurse the worst book hangover I‘ve had in a LONG time. I‘ve known it was coming for days, and I still wasn‘t ready. This story is going to stay with me for a long time. The book will go back to @suvata soon, but I plan to buy either a physical or digital copy. Maybe both. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @vonnie862 @Bookwormjillk #lmpbc

suvata I‘m so happy you liked it 1y
peanutnine This is on my bookclubs list to read and I cannot wait! 1y
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I haven‘t a clue what this story is about, but the tiny woman on the cover caught my attention.

The Art of Dying | Ambrose Parry
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This was an especially appropriate and depressing purchase to make today. 🥺

RaeLovesToRead Hope you're OK 💙 1y
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Ninth House | Leigh Bardugo
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I really shouldn‘t be trusted to walk through a bookstore when I‘m feeling sad for someone I love. I end up buying books for myself instead of doing anything nice for them. I wish there was a way to post multiple pictures at once, but I guess I‘ll write a post for each individual book.

RamsFan1963 There is a photo collage app called CollageArt that you can use to put multiple pictures in one post. 1y
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This probably isn‘t a book I would have chosen for myself, but that‘s part of why I love swaps, book clubs and Litsy in general. I found all but one of the characters to be pretty likable and liked how it all came together in the end but wasn‘t predictable. #lmpbc @vonnie862 @suvata @Bookwormjillk

suvata Sounds good 1y
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The Measure | Nikki Erlick
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Sunday goals include finishing the last 80 or so pages of America for Beginners by Leah Franqui and starting The Measure by Nikki Erlick. I‘m mostly sharing this picture because I wanted to show you all my new bookish mug. This is the first one I‘ve found without going online. Now I “need” to find more. 🥰

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Many of the books I read make me dream of going to well-known places. This book has me thinking seriously about planning a trip to Corning, NY to visit The Corning Museum of Glass. This floor to ceiling sculpture stands in their visitors center. What random places have books made you want to visit?

ChaoticMissAdventures This piece looks like a Chihuly? Seattle has a fantastic museum of his work I always find it amazing to visit.

vonnie862 I too want to visit the museum of glass because of the book! 1y
TheLudicReader I made it a point to visit the Lost Gardens of Heligan on a trip to the UK in 2007 100% because of 1y
CoverToCoverGirl I went to NYC to see Phantom of the Opera because I read 1y
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The Measure | Nikki Erlick
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Thank you @vonnie862 ! I‘m way behind on reading America For Beginners, but I really want to finish that before starting this. It sounds so good though! @suvata @Bookwormjillk #lmpbc

Fairy Tale | Stephen King
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Family vacation to June Lake, CA. 18 degrees. Snow covering half of the windows. They chose to take my nephew skiing for the first time. I chose to sleep in and enjoy the cozier option. 🥶

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I said book, dog-child said belly rubs. We agreed I could have one hand for each, and she fell asleep within seconds. Oh the sweet life of a very old, very demanding, very loved reading buddy. #lmpbc @suvata @Bookwormjillk @vonnie862

Soubhiville I loved this book! Hope you do too. 2y
Bklover What a sweetie! Sound asleep, paws up!❤️❤️❤️ 2y
smalldogs_bigbooks2419 It was a slow start, but I‘ve read several chapters this evening. I think I‘m finally hooked in. 2y
suvata Nothing like a good belly rub! 2y
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Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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This has been on and off of my TBR since it came out. Hubby promised to buy me a book since he needed to pick up one while I was at work. I was able to convince him to wait, but he kept his promise of buying the book. 2 trusted bookish friends have recently said it was better than All the Light We Cannot see, so I decided to see for myself. ☁️

The Mad Women's Ball | Victoria Mas
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This week‘s book purchase. I‘m trying to keep myself to a limit, but I‘m at least up to several purchases a month. It‘s so much shorter than I thought it‘d be!

No Title | None
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I‘ve reopened a StoryGraph account under the username smalldog_bigbooks19 which I really should change my Litsy username to as well, since we just have the one small dog now and I still love big books. Happy new year from said small dog, 17 year old Carla. This is the guilt trip I get when I pick up a book or my phone instead of giving her attention. She‘s now napping in front of the heater. All‘s well in her world. Please follow me on StoryGraph!

wanderinglynn What a cutie! ❤️🐶 2y
wanderinglynn And I followed you ☺️ 2y
smalldogs_bigbooks2419 @wanderinglynn am I supposed to get some sort of notification when someone follows me? I don‘t see it. 2y
wanderinglynn Hm, I don‘t know. I haven‘t really explored StoryGraph‘s community features yet. But I saw your friend request! 2y
wanderinglynn Hm, I don‘t know. I haven‘t really explored StoryGraph‘s community features yet. But I saw your friend request. 2y
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What the Moon Saw | Laura Resau

YA just isn‘t my thing. I tried because it was for the #litsymarkuppostalbookclub. This is the second book in the club that I haven‘t really loved. The first was my own, so I felt like I had to finish it. Starting the third today, and hoping to enjoy it more. @vonnie862 @Bookwormjillk @suvata

suvata It‘s okay to bail. Not every book is for every reader! 2y
Bookwormjillk I think the 3rd is my book. The pressure 😂 2y
smalldogs_bigbooks2419 @Bookwormjillk I‘ve only read the first chapter and already hate Ram. Sometimes things like that are enough to keep me interested in a story. 😂 2y
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I‘ve been really wanting to start the new year with a new book. This one came at the perfect time! Thank you @vonnie862 #lmpbc #round16 #groupC @suvata @Bookwormjillk

Alphabet Soup | Kate Banks
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One of the reading challenges I‘ve seen a lot recently is to organize your books alphabetically and read them in order. I need books with titles that start with C, J, Q, X, Y and Z. Whatcha got for me?

bnp The chosen and the beautiful by Nghi Vo (fantasy), Citizen: an American lyric by Claudia Rankine (poetry), The cold dish by Craig Johnson (mystery), Just like us: the true story of for Mexican girls coming off age in America (nonfiction), A quiet revolution: the veil's reemergence from the Middle East to America (nonfiction) 2y
bnp of four girls . . . 2y
bnp You don't belong here: how three women rewrote the story of war ( nonfiction) 2y
smalldogs_bigbooks2419 @bnp I thought you were saying I don‘t belong here on Litsy (one of my absolute favorite bookish communities). I was about to get very defensive. 😂 2y
bnp @smalldogs_bigbooks2419 Yipes! Glad you were able to figure out it's a book title. 😄 2y
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On Beauty | Zadie Smith
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Bookish gifts are some of my favorite kinds. @AFrostCauseReads thanks for joining me in our own Jolabokaflod swap, after I missed the sign up date for the one here on Litsy. Bookmark from my 4 year old nephew, with help from my sister. We live by the same motto: READ ALL THE BOOKS!!

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The Christmasaurus | Tom Fletcher
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Just like I do for most special occasions (and sometimes just because) the only Christmas gift I gave my 4 year old nephew was a new book. As a person with an outwardly visible physical disability, I love sharing books with him that feature a person with a disability where the story isn‘t completely based around the person‘s disability. This was a very cute one. Merry Christmas everybody. 🥰

Eggs Merry Christmas ❤️ 2y
TheBookHippie Happy Christmas! 2y
CoverToCoverGirl Merry Christmas! 2y
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I‘ve been trying to get my husband to pick a book for me, instead of just giving me gift certificates, for years! Supposedly The Magicians is a must read for those who enjoyed Harry Potter. I loved Harry Potter when I was 12, but tried rereading it recently and just couldn‘t. I‘ve decided to check out The Magicians, just because I‘m so happy my husband finally chose a book for me. 🪄

Kaikeyi: A Novel | Vaishnavi Patel
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I walked into the bookstore with the intention of using a book credit (which I did) and buying books as gifts. Yea…that part didn‘t happen. 🤦‍♀️

Riveted_Reader_Melissa 😂 that‘s a great book cover though! 2y
JamieArc This is my current read! 2y
smalldogs_bigbooks2419 @JamieArc are you enjoying it? 2y
JamieArc @smalldogs_bigbooks2419 Honestly, it‘s one of those books where I really enjoy it while I‘m reading it, but it‘s easy not to pick it back up again for a while. I‘m about halfway and it‘s getting better. I‘m curious where the story is going to go. 2y
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My mom is absolutely where I got my love of books and one of my most dependable sources of good book recommendations (when I can keep her from giving away the end of the story). I already knew about Jolabokaflod and love the idea of starting that tradition together. Shipping chocolate to Hawaii might not be the greatest idea, but I‘m hoping to at least swap books with her this Christmas. 🥰

The Shadow of the Wind | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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Today has been a good day. I found a new stylist I can trust with my wild curls. The salon just happened to be next to the cutest, tiniest used bookstore I‘ve ever seen so of course I had to check it out and buy the first 3 books in this haul. And of course I had to stop on my way home and buy 2 more books at my usual spot. It‘s been a bit of an expensive day, but I don‘t regret any part of it.

MoonWitch94 Where the Forest Meets the Stars is a really great one! (edited) 2y
smalldogs_bigbooks2419 @MoonWitch94 I had never even heard of that one. The title just sounded intriguing. 2y
sarahbellum As a fellow curly haired person, finding a good stylist is a serious accomplishment! I‘m about to move and got my last cut with my trusted stylist tonight 😭. The hunt begins anew! 2y
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smalldogs_bigbooks2419 @sarahbellum I had to go a little further from home than I usually would, but she was worth it. Plus, I never would have seen the tiny used bookstore if I hadn‘t gone to her. Win win! I wish you luck in finding another person you can trust with your tresses. 2y
sarahbellum @smalldogs_bigbooks2419 thank you! 🤗🤞 2y
SamAnne The Shadow of the Wind was one of my favorite reads of the year. Now I want to go to Barcelona. (edited) 2y
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What the Moon Saw | Laura Resau
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Thank you @vonnie862 My brain is a little fried from working corporate retail on Black Friday, but I plan to start this when it recovers enough to follow a story. #LMPBC #GroupC @suvata @Bookwormjillk

vonnie862 It's an easy read so no rush in getting started. 2y
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Does anyone else feel compelled to buy certain books when you come across them, specifically because you remember seeing someone significant to you reading it years ago? I swear I remember seeing my mom read this when I was a fairly young child. I didn‘t even know what it was about until I found it on Pongo Books about a month ago, but I recognized the cover immediately when I saw it.

EvieBee That means your mom was the coolest! 2y
smalldogs_bigbooks2419 @EvieBee the older I get, the more I agree with that. She‘s absolutely where I got my love of reading and my favorite source of recommendations. 2y
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@Bookwormjillk @suvata @vonnie862 #LitsyMarkUpPostalSwap This is a cute story and, as you can see by all of those paper clips, I did have a lot to say as I read it. Maybe it‘s because I‘m also reading and much more interested in Fairy Tale by Stephen King, but I felt myself getting bored several times with this one. Revisiting characters from Waxman‘s other books was fun. This one was just ok.

suvata I haven‘t read any of her books, so I‘m not familiar with any of the characters. Maybe that‘s a plus. 2y
smalldogs_bigbooks2419 @suvata they‘re all likable people that I wouldn‘t mind hanging out with. This story just wasn‘t anything special in my own opinion. The Bookish Life of Nina Hill sat on my shelf for months and I ended up loving it. 2y
suvata @smalldogs_bigbooks2419 it happens…sometimes the time is just perfect for a certain book 2y
smalldogs_bigbooks2419 I‘m sorry to be sending you a book with a so-so review. Hopefully the rest of you will enjoy it more. Maybe it would‘ve been different if I wasn‘t also sucked into another book. 2y
JamieArc I felt the same about this book. I really liked many of her other books, so I was surprised I didn‘t like this one as much. 2y
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Practical Magic | Alice Hoffman
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Who else here is a chronic series starter and not finisher? Here we go again. 🧙‍♀️ 📚

LitStephanie LOL, I have a different problem. I start series and feel compelled to read the entire thing, even if I strongly dislike some of the subsequent installments. 2y
smalldogs_bigbooks2419 @LitStephanie life is too short for books you don‘t love! 2y
LitStephanie @smalldogs_bigbooks2419 agreed. I am currently working on my compulsion to finish any book I start, which probably comes from discipline instilled in college. I have probably bailed on more books in the past year than in the last 10 years combined. Baby steps, ha! 2y
smalldogs_bigbooks2419 @LitStephanie I‘ve done that a lot over the last couple of years. Definitely bailing on way more books than I finished 😞 2y
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The Book Haters' Book Club | Gretchen Anthony
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Definitely not a club any of us would join, but the bright books on the cover caught my attention and the story sounds cute. Bonus: It contains actual book suggestions!

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Game of Thrones | George R R Martin
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I found books 1-4 of this series in the Little Free Library that‘s dangerously close to my house. I‘m there way too often. The back of this book says it‘s book 1. Internet says there‘s another before it. So which is it? There was another book 1 in the LFL, but the summaries on the back were identical.

Bklover First book is A Song of Fire and Ice. The first sentence of the prologue reads: “We should start back” Gared urged as the woods began to grow dark around them. (edited) 2y
smalldogs_bigbooks2419 @Bklover it‘s the same in this book. 2y
Bklover That‘s great! Then you‘re good to go! 2y
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Fairy Tale | Stephen King
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I‘ve reach a new level of book nerd. I‘m on Chapter 15 of Fairy Tale by Stephen King using the Books app on my iPad, and my husband just convinced me that I needed a physical copy of it as well. This feels slightly unnecessary but, in his words “You never know what might happen with a digital copy”. 🤨

Bklover He has a point! Always have a hard copy of SK books! 2y
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No Title | None
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@mom_of_4 @Bookwormjillk @vonnie862 I‘m really looking forward to my second round of #litsymarkuppostalbookclub #round16 #groupC Would either of these work for all of us? I‘ve definitely got several more options. Just wanted to see if either of these would work before taking a bunch more out.

mom_of_4 Yes either one 2y
vonnie862 Either book works for me 2y
smalldogs_bigbooks2419 @suvata how about you? One of these or should I find another? 2y
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suvata @smalldogs_bigbooks2419 Either one is good for me. And, they both sound good. So you get to pick. 2y
Bookwormjillk They both sound good to me too! 2y
suvata @Bookwormjillk I‘ve never read anything by Abbi Waxman so, that might be fun. (edited) 2y
smalldogs_bigbooks2419 Alright. If everyone else is fine with either, I‘m going to go with Adult Assembly Required. (edited) 2y
smalldogs_bigbooks2419 I‘ve only read one of her other books. The Bookish Life of Nina Hill. I think I have all of her books though. 2y
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I love coming home to sparkly pink packages on my doorstep. Especially when they contain a book I‘ve been looking forward to rereading, to see what new friends thought of it. @Jerdencon @suvata @IndoorDame I‘d love to do another swap like this!

Jerdencon Glad it made it there! And so sorry for the delay again… 2y
Jerdencon And the sign ups for the next round are open! 2y
smalldogs_bigbooks2419 @Jerdencon thanks for letting me know! Just signed up for another group. 2y
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The Wild Hunt | Emma Seckel
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I love building relationships with bookstore employees and taking their suggestions when I can‘t decide how to spend a gift certificate.

EvieBee The Wild Hunt sounds great! Will have to check it out. 2y
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Fairy Tale | Stephen King
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If you had told me just a few years ago that I‘d become a big #StephenKing fan, I would never have believed you. Eye of The Dragon is the only one of his books that I‘ve DNF‘d and I assumed just by the title that this one would be similar. I assumed wrong and in this case I‘m perfectly fine with that. Also, I‘ll be heartbroken if anything happens to the dog. The fact that there‘s a dog in the story is part of what drew me in.

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The Atlas Six | Olivie Blake
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Hubby “scolded” me for buying another book from Amazon instead of waiting until our local bookstore had it. I‘m only a little bit sorry because it got bent almost in half in our mailbox. 😞 Any thoughts on this book and the rest of the series?
#knowledgeiscarnage #theatlassix #series #newyorktimesbestseller

NovelGirl82 This has been on my tbr since it came out, but I have t bought it yet! You‘ll have to let me know how it is. And shame on your mail person for bending a book like that! 2y
Branwen I own two different editions of this book because I love it SO MUCH! If you like magic and dark academia then I think you will love it too! 💕 2y
smalldogs_bigbooks2419 @Branwen I‘m not completely clear on what dark academia is, but I do love stories that have sort of “magical” element to them. 2y
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I had originally planned a much more #bookish tattoo for my birthday. Plans had to change when my artist cancelled 24hrs before my appointment. While it wasn‘t my original plan at all The Order of the Phoenix was a great book and I‘m absolutely in love with this abstract beauty now perched on my arm forever.

wanderinglynn It looks fantastic! 2y
Avanders 🤩🤩 2y
Soubhiville Love it! 2y
JessClark78 🖤 2y
MoonWitch94 Love it! 💕 2y
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The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek | Kim Michele Richardson
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My mom is terrible at “summarizing” books she suggests. If she can manage to not give away the ending, I can usually guess just using the information she gives me. She did well enough on this story to actually pique my interest and even inspire a Google search to see if the story is based on real people. I also just noticed the review from the author of Water for Elephants and I loved that book.

BookBosomed1 Loved that book. I have the sequel on my TBR shelf. 2y
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