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#ReadAway2024 #SeriesLove2024 #ForTheLoveOfBooks

Read for #NancyDrewBR I read an extra 15 minutes & finished this during #HyggeHour last night. Book 11 in the series, I read the 1965 version which apparently differs completely from the 1934 addition. This one has Nancy, Bess & George traveling to Maryland asked by her father (who gets around with the cases) to drop off a key for a young woman renting the cottage. There‘s sightings of a ghostly⬇️

DebinHawaii … ship scaring the locals & the romance of the young woman & a rising singer, plus some potential record piracy for Nancy to get involved in too. ***Concussion Spoiler*** Since our #NancyNogginKnockout counter #NNK just tracks Nancy‘s knockouts, our count is now 4/11 books, HOWEVER there are 4 knockouts in the book: Cecily (the young woman—twice, George once (dazed) & Cecily‘s singer boyfriend Niko. 🤕🤕🤕🤕 poor heads! ⬇️ (edited) 3w
DebinHawaii … This one was pretty good & I didn‘t really remember much about it. Looking forward to the discussion on 9/15 & hearing about the differences in the versions. 3w
TheSpineView Awesome 📚 3w
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TheBookHippie 😂😝♥️♥️♥️♥️ 3w
DieAReader 🥳Great! 3w
Librarybelle Hooray! It sounds like the head knockouts continue, but at least Nancy‘s head is safe. 3w
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Homing pigeons!
Car chases!
Nancy saves a child!
Nancy Noggin Knockout!
It‘s all in a day‘s work for our plucky heroine!

(Is anyone else concerned that Nancy collects “mementos” like a serial killer? j/k I am, however, concerned about her having CTE by the time she turns 30!)


Librarybelle I‘m currently reading this, and it‘s intense! (edited) 1mo
DGRachel @Librarybelle It‘s a wild ride, for sure! 1mo
Read4life I was reading earlier and yelled “Nancy‘s Noggin! Concussion protocol!!” 😂 My family looked over and went back to what they were doing. I guess nothing I say while reading surprises them anymore. 😂 1mo
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DGRachel @Read4life 🤣🤣🤣 1mo
dabbe Now THAT'S the hashtag for the #NancyDrewBR: #nancynogginknockout 😂😂😂 1mo
Bookwormjillk @Read4life 😂😂😂 1mo
DGRachel @dabbe All credit to @DebinHawaii for that one, if memory serves. #NNK 1mo
DebinHawaii Yep we are at 4/10 now on the #NNK counter for potential concussions! 🤕 I remain worried! And yes, I totally keep thinking of her crime “mementos” & that worries me too! 😱😂 (edited) 1mo
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#ReadAway2024 #SeriesLove2024

I read an extra 20 minutes at #HyggeHour last night so I could finish up Book 10 for #NancyDrewBR I‘m also going to use it a few hours early for the #AboutABook #ByMultipleAuthors prompt as the Nancy Drew series was written by many ghostwriters under the name Carolyn Keene. (Books 8-10 were written by Walter Karig).

But, back to the book, once I started it I remembered it instantly & the injured homing pigeon ⬇️

DebinHawaii …that kicks off the first mystery. I remember being fascinated as a child with Nancy‘s bird/homing pigeon 🐦knowledge! There‘s a 2nd mystery that *small spoilers ahead* of course is related. And even though Walter used chloroform in the last 2 books to knock Nancy out, our concussion watch is back on when Nancy is pushed down & knocked out on the driveway, making the #NancyNogginKnockout #NNK count now at 4/10. 🤕 ⬇️ (edited) 2mo
DebinHawaii Best lines in the book? "Here we arel" husky, blond Burt Eddleton exclaimed with a grin. "The world's greatest camp counselors!" He was George's special friend. (You really need to use air “ “ & a wink when you say “special friend!” ??) All in all I liked this one best of Walter‘s 3 books! Looking forward to the discussion on 8/15. 2mo
DieAReader 🥳Great 2mo
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Librarybelle Yay! I‘m starting this one this weekend. It sounds like it‘ll be a fun one! 2mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 1mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 📚 1mo
Eggs Great choice - I remember this one! 1mo
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2. Nancy is juggling a couple of mysteries, as well as preparing to see Ned at Emerson! How does she do it?!?!

Let's think about the overall plot of the book. In part, there is a carryover from last month's book and the postal service. Nancy violates regulations inviting Ira into her home to rest! Nancy also faces danger but no #NancyNogginKnockout .

How does this one compare to the rest of the books so far? #NancyDrewBR #LittenDetectives

DGRachel I actually liked this one more than the others. I think because there isn‘t as much of a savior complex, or at least not that stood out. Her blatant disregard for postal service regulations is kind of funny, although I also think it‘s abhorrent that she not allowed to offer her postal carrier respite from the heat. 3mo
Bookwormjillk I thought it was a little convenient that all the mysteries ended up to be connected. I did like all of the different locations Nancy traveled to though. 3mo
Sace I liked this one better than The Haunted Showboat but not as much as the Clue in the Diary. I think there was just a little too much going on, postal tampering, Lonely Hearts scams, missing heiress. 3mo
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CogsOfEncouragement I noticed Nancy didn‘t get to show off some out of left field special skill in this one. lol I was struck by how many times she promised to be careful, and then immediately go off on her own - trust some rando w/a message that says to meet someone in an empty theater and doesn‘t take a friend with her, etc. 3mo
bookandbedandtea It did seem like there was a lot more than usual going on in this one but I liked the trip to Emerson (which luckily helped the investigation!) and I looked 3mo
bookandbedandtea ... and I *liked seeing how close Nancy and Hannah were in this one. Nancy did get knocked down several times, if not OUT, and was this the first time she was drugged? 3mo
TheAromaofBooks It really seems like Ira was actually the one who violated code by going inside for the drink, rather than Nancy for offering him one. How would she know about the rule?? It seems like it would be Ira responsibility to say thanks but no thanks. 3mo
Ruthiella I thought this was a little more disjointed plot was from previous books… not that these are tightly plotted masterpieces to begin with! 😂 But it felt less focused than previous books to me. 3mo
AmandaBlaze I skimmed through the last part of this one, which I haven't done before. I just wasn't as connected to the storyline. It was still a fun read, though. At least this time Nancy was drugged rather than knocked out. 3mo
lauraisntwilder @CogsOfEncouragement Yeah, no special skill! I kept thinking she was going to step in for Ned as QB when he got hurt. I'm sure she could throw a great spiral! 😆 3mo
PurpleyPumpkin I liked this one but not quite as much as the previous books. There was a lot going on! But the ending wrapped everything up nicely. 3mo
julieclair I actually liked this one the best so far. I think because it was a bit more realistic, rather than having Nancy using “some out of left field special skill” (great phrase, @CogsOfEncouragement ! 3mo
mrp27 I agree with many others and ultimately I didn‘t like this book as much as some of the others, too many mysteries, too convoluted. I did like their trip to Emerson and the football game. Would love to read more too how Nancy is teenager doing teenage things. 3mo
kwmg40 I didn't like this one as much as the earlier ones, though it was still entertaining enough. Some of the subplots seemed overly contrived. 3mo
Librarybelle I liked this one, but I don‘t think it was the strongest we have read so far…maybe because it did not seem like Nancy didn‘t show off a special skill, like @CogsOfEncouragement said. I would have loved your thought @lauraisntwilder of Nancy becoming the QB! @DGRachel @Bookwormjillk @Sace @bookandbedandtea @TheAromaofBooks @Ruthiella @AmandaBlaze @PurpleyPumpkin @julieclair @mrp27 @kwmg40 3mo
Roary47 I was going to mention she did get knocked out with the drug like @bookandbedandtea and @AmandaBlaze mentioned. I say cut Ira a break he‘s retiring, but probably shouldn‘t have put his bag down! I agree with @TheAromaofBooks it should be Ira remembering and abiding by these codes. 3mo
MariaW I liked this one more than the other ones so far. Even though there have been subplots again, this time it made more sense how they ended up being entangled with each other. Ned doesn‘t feel that needy like in the previous story. But I found the ending quite abrupt. (edited) 2mo
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Can‘t wait for the discussion for this one. These earlier books are so much better than the later ones (IMO).

No #NancyNogginKnockout in this one but there was a knockout.


Librarybelle Hooray!! 3mo
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#ReadAway2024 #SeriesLove2024

I actually finished this one for #NancyDrewBR before my trip but I‘m finally getting to the review now since not a ton of reading is happening this weekend-mostly sleeping.
Another enjoyable Nancy Drew book—in this one we get to meet Ned Nickerson & while Nancy solves a couple crimes, she isn‘t in as much danger & doesn‘t get knocked out so now the #NancyNogginKnockout or #NNK count is 3/7 books. 🤕 So I guess ⬇️

DebinHawaii …because I read lots of thrillers with serial killers, it brings them taking trophies to mind when Nancy keeps or is given something to commemorate solving a mystery! 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 And this is one of my favorite Nancy Drew book covers! 🏃‍♀️🔥 4mo
Librarybelle It‘s a fun book cover! 4mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 4mo
TheSpineView Fantastic!🤩📖 4mo
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The Haunted Showboat | Carolyn Keene
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Ruthiella Pow! 💥 4mo
Librarybelle Oh no! 4mo
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3. Nancy and her friends experience a few adventures in this one - the most intense for me was the road rage episode!

Are there any “danger“ aspects that stick out for you?

Note for those keeping track of the bumps on the head: While we did not have a #NancyNogginKnockout , Nancy was slapped in the face!

BarkingMadRead 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 definitely less danger, and that road rage incident was super scary! Yikes! 4mo
Bookwormjillk This one was danger lite. I agree the scene with the truck on the bridge was most intense. I don't think she even got tied up in this one did she? (edited) 4mo
DGRachel The road rage was terrifying, I think because it‘s the event that seems most “real” of her adventures. 4mo
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dabbe @DGRachel Especially because it seems to happen a lot these days, too! 😱 4mo
Ruthiella I was expecting the road rage incident to somehow tie into the rest of the story because it usually does, but it didn‘t. 😂 Honestly, the slap surprised me the most. That‘s assault! 😱 4mo
CogsOfEncouragement @Bookwormjillk I literally had the thought “huh, Nancy didn't get tied up in this one“ LOL

Nancy sure kept her composure after being slapped too. Another one of her skills and talents to be sure.
AmandaBlaze I agree with @Ruthuella. I expected more to come from the truck incident. It was scary, though, especially when they came to the bridge. 4mo
kspenmoll The road rage incident gave a contemporary feel to the novel! It seemed like it was intended to demonstrate Nancy‘s patience, & her ability to keep a clear head in the face of danger. 4mo
mrp27 Agree with many others in thinking the road rage incident would figure into the plot. Also agree that the slap was startling, it took me by surprise. (edited) 4mo
lauraisntwilder @Ruthiella Yes, exactly! I was sure that truck driver was going to show up again with the "bad guy." 4mo
AnneCecilie The road rage incident was scary, and as others have already said because it‘s the most “real” of her accidents. I also excepted more to come of it in the story later 4mo
DebinHawaii Hopefully the slap wasn‘t hard enough to jar Nancy‘s noggin! 😉 The house explosion & road rage were the most dangerous. 4mo
MariaW The road rage was somewhat of a red herring which was not well used. The slap was very interesting. I actually expected Mr Raybolt becoming more violent when being discovered, but he just ran away. Because the whole setting with digging up important papers in a burned down house in the middle of night is quite a scary setting. The “easy” way out was a little disappointing to me. 2mo
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Nancy will always be a pick for me. My only disappointment was that Nancy didn‘t get conked on the head, trapped or bound and gagged. 😆


Ruthiella Out of context, that sentence would raise an eyebrow or two! 😂 5mo
Sace @Ruthiella Right? I even debated whether to include it or not! 😂 5mo
Librarybelle Oh boy! That makes two in a row that there is no #NancyNogginKnockout ! 5mo
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Sace @Librarybelle you know, I almost marked this with a spoiler. Since everyone is keeping a close watch on The knockouts and it adds to the experience I didn‘t know if people just wanted to find out for themselves if her noggin got knocked or not 😆 5mo
Librarybelle @Sace You‘re totally fine! 😂 It‘s definitely a joke from the last few books…not a spoiler! 5mo
Amiable @Librarybelle OMG, I am totally in love with that hashtag. 😄😂 5mo
Librarybelle @Amiable It‘s hilarious! @DebinHawaii came up with it! 5mo
dabbe No conking on the head! That makes 2/7 books where her head is safe, right? 🤩😂😀 5mo
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#LittenDetectives : we‘re two weeks away from our next #NancyDrewBR discussion! Dare I say Nancy will find a clue in the diary???

Discussion questions posted on May 15th!

TheAromaofBooks But will she do it without getting bopped on the head??? 😂 5mo
DGRachel @TheAromaofBooks Maybe the diary is on a shelf and the baddie pushes the shelf onto her and it knocks her out? 😂 I can‘t wait to find out! I picked up my library hold yesterday and will tuck in as soon as I finish my current read. 5mo
TheAromaofBooks @DGRachel - I feel like instead of “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover“ maybe we need a theme song along the lines of “50 Ways to Get a Concussion You Ignore“ ??? 😂 😂 😂 5mo
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DGRachel @TheAromaofBooks Or “Concussion Time” set to “Hammer Time” “da da da da…da da…da da concussion time…break her head now” 🤣🤣 5mo
Librarybelle @DGRachel @TheAromaofBooks What will the #NancyNogginKnockout count be this month? We didn‘t have any last month, so we are due for some #NNK action! 5mo
DGRachel And now I shall spend the rest of my day altering songs to fit Nancy Drew. 5mo
Librarybelle @DGRachel A worthy pastime! 😂 5mo
TheAromaofBooks @DGRachel - oh my gosh, Concussion Time is PERFECT 😂 5mo
BarkingMadRead I‘m ready!!! 5mo
lauraisntwilder The cover on my copy is WILD. I can't wait to see how this image could possibly make sense. 😂 5mo
bookandbedandtea @TheAromaofBooks @DGRachel Concussion Time gave me a good laugh this morning! 5mo
bookandbedandtea @lauraisntwilder I'm eager to see which copy you have! 5mo
Ruthiella Looking forward to this! 👍 5mo
lauraisntwilder @bookandbedandtea It's just the yellow Grosset & Dunlap hardcover, but Nancy has her arms in the air in front of a burning house and there's a boy/man hiding in the bushes in front of her. And, I can't explain it, but it looks like it was drawn by multiple people, like, the pieces don't match? 5mo
lauraisntwilder @bookandbedandtea I just saw your post -- it's the same as yours, but mine is glossy. 5mo
Deblovestoread Hope to get this one read earlier in the month this time. 😁 5mo
bookandbedandtea @lauraisntwilder Ah yes, the proportions are definitely off in this picture! There's no depth. Looks like something I'd draw. 🙃 5mo
Bookwormjillk @lauraisntwilder mine too 🔥🔥🔥 5mo
julieclair Fun! 5mo
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