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#ReadAway2024 #SeriesLove2024

Read for #NancyDrewBR I‘m behind on reviews & while I finished this a couple of weeks ago, I never even made it to the discussion. This wasn‘t my favorite of the books so far, but a soft pick for nostalgia. As usual, there are a couple of mysteries to solve that coincidently link together. And this is the 2nd time Nancy identifies & solves mail fraud so maybe a career option is the USPS—at least if she doesn‘t ⬇️

DebinHawaii …marry Ned Nickerson. 🙄 (Go to school Nancy!) This one has Nancy, Bess & George headed to visit their men at Emerson College (where I‘d like to see all of them going too). No concussion for Nancy & the #NNK count (NancyNogginKnockout, now 3/8) so yay for her head! 🎉🤕 but she does get chloroformed so ends up unconscious anyway. 😱🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ (edited) 4w
Librarybelle Love it—career option in the USPS!! 4w
TheSpineView Fantastic! 4w
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 4w
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#ReadAway2024 #SeriesLove2024

I actually finished this one for #NancyDrewBR before my trip but I‘m finally getting to the review now since not a ton of reading is happening this weekend-mostly sleeping.
Another enjoyable Nancy Drew book—in this one we get to meet Ned Nickerson & while Nancy solves a couple crimes, she isn‘t in as much danger & doesn‘t get knocked out so now the #NancyNogginKnockout or #NNK count is 3/7 books. 🤕 So I guess ⬇️

DebinHawaii …because I read lots of thrillers with serial killers, it brings them taking trophies to mind when Nancy keeps or is given something to commemorate solving a mystery! 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 And this is one of my favorite Nancy Drew book covers! 🏃‍♀️🔥 2mo
Librarybelle It‘s a fun book cover! 2mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2mo
TheSpineView Fantastic!🤩📖 2mo
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I honestly think this may be my favorite to date. It definitely made for a fun couple of hours reading on a rainy Saturday. No #NNK, but plenty of snooping, meddling, and a proper introduction to Ned. ❤️

Librarybelle Yay!! A rainy day is a good Nancy Drew reading day! 3mo
Bookwormjillk I haven‘t read it yet but the cover is definitely my favorite so far! 3mo
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#LittenDetectives : we‘re two weeks away from our next #NancyDrewBR discussion! Dare I say Nancy will find a clue in the diary???

Discussion questions posted on May 15th!

TheAromaofBooks But will she do it without getting bopped on the head??? 😂 3mo
DGRachel @TheAromaofBooks Maybe the diary is on a shelf and the baddie pushes the shelf onto her and it knocks her out? 😂 I can‘t wait to find out! I picked up my library hold yesterday and will tuck in as soon as I finish my current read. 3mo
TheAromaofBooks @DGRachel - I feel like instead of “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover“ maybe we need a theme song along the lines of “50 Ways to Get a Concussion You Ignore“ ??? 😂 😂 😂 3mo
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DGRachel @TheAromaofBooks Or “Concussion Time” set to “Hammer Time” “da da da da…da da…da da concussion time…break her head now” 🤣🤣 3mo
Librarybelle @DGRachel @TheAromaofBooks What will the #NancyNogginKnockout count be this month? We didn‘t have any last month, so we are due for some #NNK action! 3mo
DGRachel And now I shall spend the rest of my day altering songs to fit Nancy Drew. 3mo
Librarybelle @DGRachel A worthy pastime! 😂 3mo
TheAromaofBooks @DGRachel - oh my gosh, Concussion Time is PERFECT 😂 3mo
BarkingMadRead I‘m ready!!! 3mo
lauraisntwilder The cover on my copy is WILD. I can't wait to see how this image could possibly make sense. 😂 3mo
bookandbedandtea @TheAromaofBooks @DGRachel Concussion Time gave me a good laugh this morning! 3mo
bookandbedandtea @lauraisntwilder I'm eager to see which copy you have! 3mo
Ruthiella Looking forward to this! 👍 3mo
lauraisntwilder @bookandbedandtea It's just the yellow Grosset & Dunlap hardcover, but Nancy has her arms in the air in front of a burning house and there's a boy/man hiding in the bushes in front of her. And, I can't explain it, but it looks like it was drawn by multiple people, like, the pieces don't match? 3mo
lauraisntwilder @bookandbedandtea I just saw your post -- it's the same as yours, but mine is glossy. 3mo
Deblovestoread Hope to get this one read earlier in the month this time. 😁 3mo
bookandbedandtea @lauraisntwilder Ah yes, the proportions are definitely off in this picture! There's no depth. Looks like something I'd draw. 🙃 3mo
Bookwormjillk @lauraisntwilder mine too 🔥🔥🔥 3mo
julieclair Fun! 3mo
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Trixie Belden and the secret of the mansion | Julie Campbell, Kathryn Kenny
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#ReadAway2024 #AwesomeApril #readathon #SeriesLove

Read along with @TheAromaofBooks & some friends for a book a month Trixie Belden readalong (we need a hashtag!) It‘s been a few years since I reread the series & this first book which sets it up with Trixie meeting poor-little-rich teen Honey Wheeler & them discovering runaway Jim Frayne hiding in the old mansion. I forgot Brian & Mart (Trixie‘s brothers) are away working at a boys camp for ⬇️

DebinHawaii … the summer so we don‘t get to meet them yet. The first book mainly sets the stage for coming books, although shades of Nancy Drew (& my #NancyNogginKnockout counter or #NNK ) both Trixie & Jim got hit on the head from a dive & a ladder fall respectively!! 🫣🤕 Gleeos! Looking forward to book 2 next month! (edited) 3mo
Ruthiella Two concussions in one book!?!? Watch out Nancy! 😂 3mo
TheAromaofBooks We definitely need a hashtag! I'm open to suggestions. Something with Bobwhite? 3mo
TheSpineView Well done! 3mo
DieAReader 🥳Great! 3mo
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The Secret at Shadow Ranch | Carolyn Keene, Russell H. Tandy
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For those #NancyDrewBR #LittenDetectives keeping count every time she gets coshed on the noggin! 😂😂😂

DebinHawaii @Librarybelle @dabbe @Read4life Love it! 🤣 Love it! We have agreed on the following hash tags: #NancyNogginKnockout or #NNK 4mo
Read4life Yes! I love it! #NNK 😂😂 4mo
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TheBookHippie 🤣🤣🤣🤣 4mo
dabbe And the current score is #threeoffive #nancyisstillalive 🤩😂🤩 4mo
kwmg40 Nancy is indestructible! 😂 4mo
Bookwormjillk 🤣🤣🤣 As a sports mom the ignored traumatic brain injuries really stands out! 4mo
jlhammar That is awesome 😂 4mo
Bookwomble This reminded me of Jerry Seinfeld's "Helmets" routine ? https://youtu.be/xgOUgrOHuFc?si=TcGcExAXFV7GTeY_ 4mo
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