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Wellness | Nathan Hill
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Just another Saturday night 🫶 Please note I‘ve had this rug since I started Litsy. I don‘t think it was meant to last this long 😂 #Bitsy #BabyCakes

Mimi28 Welcome back!! Oh how I have missed you friend!! ❤️😊🙏🏽☺️😎🤩 9mo
MallenNC It‘s nice to see you on here! 9mo
LeahBergen OH MY GOD. It‘s YOU! 🥰🥰 And my sweet Bitsy! 🥰🥰 9mo
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mabell Welcome back! Hi Bitsy! 9mo
Librarybelle It‘s great to see you! Welcome back! 9mo
KathyWheeler Im glad you‘re back. 9mo
mcipher So nice to see you back here!!! 9mo
MaureenMc 👋👋😁 9mo
batsy Hello! It's good to see you! And Bitsy! 🥰 9mo
mrp27 Bitsy!! 9mo
BarbaraBB Hi!! Such a wonderful surprise to see you here - and your rug! @Megabooks loved this book so I bought it too but haven‘t read it yet. I hope you‘re enjoying it! 9mo
Simona Happy to see you … and yours buddy readers 😍 9mo
squirrelbrain Exactly what @barbarabb said - lovely to see you! And I also got the book(on NG) after Meg‘s review @megabooks. 9mo
Megabooks Good to see you here!! Yes, this definitely will be on my best of the year list!! Enjoy! @BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain 9mo
LauraBeth 👋 hope that you‘ve been well @MallenNC ! 9mo
LauraBeth @LeahBergen helloooo! How is my sweet Johnny doing? 9mo
LauraBeth Thanks @mabell ! A big congratulations on your sweet baby girl! ❤️ 9mo
LauraBeth Thanks @Librarybelle ! Hope that you and your kitties are well! 😺 9mo
LauraBeth Thanks @KathyWheeler ! I‘m so sorry to hear about your dad and your brother ❤️ That‘s a lot for sure. Glad to see you‘re taking care of yourself by walking outside. 9mo
LauraBeth Thanks @mcipher ! Hope you and the cats are doing great! Happy news about your new house! Congratulations! 9mo
LauraBeth 👋 @MaureenMc hope all is well! Glad to see you have an Ella - which is the best of cat names! 9mo
LauraBeth Hey @batsy 👋! Hope all is well! I‘m looking forward to doing a deep dive on your page and getting some great book recs! 9mo
Librarybelle Thank you! We are doing well! 9mo
LauraBeth Bitsy is hanging in there! Good to see you @mrp27 - have missed seeing your middle grade reviews! 9mo
LauraBeth @BarbaraBB 👋👋 so good to see you - I‘ve missed my Litsy family! I‘m really enjoying it so far! @Megabooks has great taste so I‘m sure it‘ll be great! Hope that you‘re well! 9mo
LauraBeth @Simona 👋 I‘m so happy to see pics of your sweet pup during your audio walks! What a cutie pie 🥰 9mo
LauraBeth @squirrelbrain good to see you ! 👋 Looks like you and Henry have been having a wonderful reading year! 9mo
LauraBeth @Megabooks did you also read The Nix? 9mo
LauraBeth @Mimi28 👋 I hope you‘ve been well! 9mo
Megabooks @LauraBeth I did and I loved it too!! 9mo
Megabooks And thank you! 😘 9mo
LeahBergen He‘s 4 now! And as bad as ever. 😆😆 9mo
LauraBeth Oh I don‘t believe that ONE BIT @LeahBergen !! 😂 9mo
BarbaraJean Wait, whaaat is that name in my feed?!? Welcome back!! You've been missed! And Bitsy!! 9mo
LauraBeth @BarbaraJean thanks - good to be back! 😀 9mo
Prairiegirl_reading Welcome back!!! Hi Bitsy!! Missed you both! 9mo
TrishB Hi 🐶🐶 and Bitsy!! Only just seen x 9mo
mabell Thank you! She is a sweetheart 💕 9mo
Suet624 Really so happy to see your posts. 9mo
63 likes39 comments
Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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Going to give this one a whirl.

Leftcoastzen Awww!🐶 3y
Megabooks It‘s fun! 3y
LauraBeth @Leftcoastzen she‘s my old girl ❤️ 3y
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LauraBeth @Megabooks I love it so far! 3y
CarolynM It's fun. Enjoy. 3y
Suet624 I‘m reading it now too. 3y
LauraBeth @Suet624 I really love her figurative language 3y
Suet624 Yes and she‘s making me guffaw now and again. 3y
LauraBeth Thanks @CarolynM ! 😀 3y
UwannaPublishme Hope you‘re doing well along with your family and fur babies. Miss seeing your hilarious posts of #Bitsy! Give her a big hug for me. 🤗❤️ 2y
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Our favorite seat on the cottage porch. Jack finds it pretty comfortable too. 😆 #lilithjuly #windowseat

wanderinglynn Adorable! He‘s so comfy! ❤️🐶 5y
Cinfhen I love a sun room 🌞 5y
LeahBergen 😆😆 He‘s so cute. 5y
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MicheleinPhilly 😍😍😍 5y
mabell Oh my! 😂😂 5y
TrishB Aww 😘 5y
Crazeedi Sweet!!💕💕💕 5y
KarenUK He‘s doing a #bitsy 😂 @laurabeth 💕 5y
LauraBeth @KarenUK 😂 He‘s adorable!😍 5y
AlaMich Awww! 🐶❤️ 5y
S3V3N Cute! 5y
Megabooks Cutie!! 5y
mrozzz 😍😍😍😍😍 5y
103 likes13 comments
Small Fry | Lisa Brennan-Jobs
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This is tough to review because it IS someone‘s personal story and by giving the book a poor review, it seems that you‘re actually casting a review on the author. The good: This is somewhat well-written. The bad: Brennan-Jobs has very little introspection of herself and doesn‘t seem at a place in her life where she could have added forgiveness and resilience to the memoir. She‘s still very wounded and that makes for a sad and uncomfortable read.

batsy And an appropriate expression from Bitsy as well ❤️ 6y
Notafraidofwords Hmm. This really is a fascinating discussion. Do you feel like forgiveness is necessary? 6y
DivineDiana Very perceptive @LauraBeth I believe forgiveness is always necessary if you want to live in peace @notafraidofwords And @batsy I so agree! #bitsy (edited) 6y
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Reecaspieces Hello Bitsy! 6y
LauraBeth @Notafraidofwords and @DivineDiana I don‘t think forgiveness of the act(s) are necessary - no. But when someone is able to forgive and accept the person behind the acts, it does display a level of personal growth and emotional maturity to me. Forgiveness doesn‘t require closure, which is what I was left feeling that Lisa still needs for herself. 6y
DivineDiana I look at it as forgiving the person not necessarily the act. It‘s complicated. I hope Lisa finds peace. 6y
LauraBeth @DivineDiana truly complicated! I think forgiveness (not just apologies), can be a long and difficult road but could really free her from all of the hurt that still seems to consume her. (edited) 6y
DivineDiana Agree wholeheartedly. ❤️ 6y
LauraBeth @batsy 😂 she didn‘t care for this either 6y
LauraBeth @Reecaspieces Bitsy says good morning to you and your crew ☕️ 6y
AmyG I am halfway through and I may just agree with you....if I even finish this. A few times, the little voice in my head screamed “oh, for goodness sake, read something else!”. (edited) 6y
LauraBeth @AmyG I regret that I didn‘t just bail on it like @JennyM did! I could have been reading something far more enjoyable 😀 6y
Notafraidofwords Hmm. I guess I‘m a Taurus. I hold on to my resentments close to my heart and pet them like I would a gray cat. 6y
LauraBeth @Notafraidofwords As a fellow Taurus - I can relate! 6y
AmyG And...I officially bailed. Onward! 6y
LauraBeth @Notafraidofwords and @AmyG I think I spent most of the book wanting Lisa to stop wanting Steve to be her savior. Like, girl - be your own hero in your story. I got the feeling that she didn‘t mourn not having a traditional father - more that she mourned not having Steve Jobs, the celebrity and billionaire, be the ideal father. 6y
LauraBeth @Notafraidofwords and @AmyG She spent her entire life trying to seek his validation and approval when she could have just looked in the mirror and realized it wasn‘t going to happen, it wasn‘t her fault and the person in the mirror is the only one she needs approval from. 6y
AmyG I agree. And I just don‘t care about her anymore...and she is the main character. I kept thinking that if she wasn‘t his daughter, would anyone care? And who voted this one of the beat books of the year at the New York Times? 😳 6y
Reggie Awwww @Laurabeth you totally gave me Hannibal Lecter vibes from Hannibal where he‘s telling Clarice about how much she yearns for her department to recognize her honor and brilliance when all she really needs to do is look in the mirror. You‘re awesome. 6y
LauraBeth @AmyG NPR names it a best book too! 🙀 6y
LauraBeth @Reggie 😂😂 I need to stop falling asleep with the tv on... 6y
JennyM @LauraBeth @AmyG I felt a awful bailing on a memoir!!! But it just wasn‘t for me, and knowing I‘m not alone in this view makes me feel a little better. Good on you for getting through it, Laura 6y
Notafraidofwords I have to agree but the reality is that most people don‘t get there. Most people spend their entire lives seeking validation from others. 6y
LauraBeth @Notafraidofwords no truer words than those ❤️ 6y
rubyslippersreads May take this off the TBR list. 😏 6y
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Limelight | Amy Poeppel
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Husband outside in the heat grilling while we‘re inside with the books. We wine - I mean win! Cheers 🍷🍷

DGRachel 😂😂 6y
LeahBergen Oh, #Bitsy. 😂😂 6y
LauraBeth @DGRachel and @LeahBergen she‘s always the lady! 😂 6y
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Refugee | Alan Gratz
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Just for you @LauraBeth 💕💕a #Bitsy sighting 😄

LauraBeth Awwww ❤️❤️ 6y
LeahBergen 😂 6y
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The Brothers K | David James Duncan
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Rescued from the FREE bin at 2nd & Charles ❤️

Books88 I love the free bin!! 6y
LauraBeth @AJBowers I do too! 6y
minkyb 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
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ValerieAndBooks It‘s been a while since you last posted— hope all‘s well. 6y
LeahBergen I need my #Bitsy fix. 😘 6y
Mimi28 I miss you too!! 😻👍😊❤️📚✌🏽🤗 6y
DGRachel Hope you are okay. Miss you! And Bailey misses Bitsy! 😘 6y
TrishB Hope all is well 😘🐶 6y
Suet624 Gah! We lost you again!!! 6y
Notafraidofwords Hope you‘re okay. It‘s been a minute since I seen gray cat. 6y
LauraBeth Thanks @ValerieAndBooks 😘 Just truckin‘ along - hope all is well with you too! I need to go stalk your feed and see what I‘ve missed! 6y
LauraBeth @LeahBergen I‘ll get on that 😘 6y
LauraBeth @Mimi28 thanks girl - I hope you‘re doing well! 💕 6y
LauraBeth @DGRachel Thanks! ❤️ How is our Bailey girl doing? 6y
LauraBeth @Suet624 nooooo - I‘m here!! 😘 6y
LauraBeth Thanks @TrishB! 😘 I‘ve missed Litsy! 6y
LauraBeth Thanks @Notafraidofwords! It has been a minute, hasn‘t it? I need to fix that! 6y
SamAnne Fantastic book. His best. 5y
124 likes18 comments
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Good lord. Just what I need to see 😂 #catsoflitsy

tammysue 😹😹😹 6y
riversong153 😻 Gotta love cats lol (edited) 6y
julesG Cat yoga! 😹 6y
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tracey38 Hahaha 6y
Rissa1 😹 6y
ladym30 Adorable! 6y
auntie_jenn taking her cues from #Bitsy? @LauraBeth 6y
140 likes8 comments
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One part elated to be reading a new book by Denis Johnson - one part saddened that these will be the last written words we‘ll ever have from him. 😿 I hope the publication of this book introduces him to a new generation of readers.

Hollie Hi #bitsy! 👋 7y
Lacythebookworm I‘m looking forward to this one, but also have those thoughts of waiting so I‘ll have something of his remaining to read. 7y
MicheleinPhilly I‘ve never read Denis Johnson. 😬 7y
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LauraBeth Bitsy says Hi @hollie 🐶 7y
LauraBeth @Lacythebookworm I know how you feel 7y
LauraBeth @micheleinphilly He had three rules of writing: 1. Write naked. That means to write what you would never say.
2. Write in blood. As if ink is so precious you can‘t waste it.
3. Write in exile, as if you are never going to get home again, and you have to call back every detail. And that‘s how he wrote.
(edited) 7y
DivineDiana Such an inspiration! 7y
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Sleeping Dogs | Sonya Hartnett
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Ronin‘s weird. She always sleeps like this

tpixie Lol silly girl!! 7y
Booksnchill Happy puppy! 7y
mcipher She‘s a #Bitsy clone! @LauraBeth 7y
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Tanzy13 🐶 7y
LeahBergen 😂😂 7y
Gezemice 😂😂😂 Love it! 7y
TricksyTails 😂🐶 Ronin! ♥️♥️ 7y
ju.ca.no our dog does too 😂😂😂 7y
LauraBeth @mcipher she‘s adorable! Just like my Bitsy 💕 7y
2BR02B She's roaching! So cute. ❤ 7y
TNbookworm So cute! 7y
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