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The Last Murder at the End of the World
The Last Murder at the End of the World: The dazzling original new high concept murder mystery from the author of the much loved, The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle | Stuart Turton
Solve the murder to save what's left of the world. Outside the island there is nothing: the world destroyed by a fog that swept the planet, killing anyone it touched. On the island: it is idyllic. 122 villagers and 3 scientists, living in peaceful harmony. The villagers are content to fish, farm and feast, to obey their nightly curfew, to do what they're told by the scientists. Until, to the horror of the islanders, one of their beloved scientists is found brutally stabbed to death. And they learn the murder has triggered a lowering of the security system around the island, the only thing that was keeping the fog at bay. If the murder isn't solved within 92 hours, the fog will smother the island and everyone on it. But the security system has also wiped everyone's memories of exactly what happened the night before, which means that someone on the island is a murderer and they don't even know it... The outstanding new high concept murder mystery from the Sunday Times bestselling and Costa Book Award winning author of The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle. An ingenious puzzle, an extraordinary backdrop, an audacious solution. Available to pre order NOW.
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This book is in the middle of Turton‘s oeuvre for me: lighter in tone and style than The Devil and the Dark Water, not as fiendishly intricate as Evelyn Hardcastle. I really liked the world of this book and would class it a postapocalyptic story with a mystery at its heart rather than a mystery set at the end of the world, if that makes sense.

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I loved that it contained elements from some of my favorite genres: mystery, thriller, science-fiction, and dystopia, and Turton weaves all of these various elements together really well. The novel also contains a countdown of sorts, leading to what will be the end of the world if they are unable to solve the murder, it lends a sense of urgency to the novel and creates quite the page-turner. Turton creates a number of complex characters as well.

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This was really fun, I‘m now desperate to read the seven deaths of Evelyn hardcastle

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This book is like The Hangover with a murder mystery set in a dystopian world (island). It was weird and it hooked me from the start.

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My weekend read is The Last Murder at the End of the World.

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Still not loving the narrator, but I am hooked on the story anyway. I can‘t stop listening. If only they had chosen a calm female voice, like the woman who narrated Station Eleven. That would have been perfect. The omniscient narrator in this book is an AI who‘s referred to as female, for goodness sake! What was the publisher thinking with this fussy male audiobook narrator? Anyway, enjoying the book and all the sci-fi twists!

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Starting this one tonight and I already love it because there‘s a map! 💕 #thelastmurderattheendoftheworld #currentread

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Book 49📚 3.5⭐️

A post apocalyptic sci-fi thriller. When a deadly fog takes over the earth, one island is safe. But after the murder of their leader the fog begins to close in…

MaleficentBookDragon Glad to hear you liked this one. I got it in my #aardvarkbookclub box and plan on reading it soon. I ❤️❤️❤️ his 1mo
BeeMagical @MaleficentBookDragon I‘ve added his other books to my TBR cause of this one 😊 4w
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I‘ve just started this audiobook, and I HATE the narrator. Terrible choice. They should have picked someone altogether less histrionic. I may have to start over with a non-audio version. This guy sounds like he‘s used to narrating arch but cozy mysteries set in the English countryside, not dystopian fiction.

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Part 2/2 #lasttenbooks

Actually, in terms of books I passed on and then regretted it and bought a new copy of, the last one I re-bought was Station Eleven. They were changing the cover and I kinda liked the old one.

Also, I replaced my copy of A Little Life because I wanted the original UK cover before it became obsolete.

I'm always arguing about books, but I remember proper disagreements about Nod by Adrian Barnes at a book club long ago.

vivastory #8 😂 (Me in a used bookstore “Do I own this?“) 1mo
RaeLovesToRead @vivastory The amount of times I've accidentally duplicated purchases 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ (I have occasionally been known to buy a second copy just because I've loved a new cover too 🤭) 1mo
vivastory @RaeLovesToRead A new cover is 100% valid IMO 1mo
RaeLovesToRead @vivastory Yes! This is what I keep trying to tell people... I hope that soon I can get my own place so that I can properly display them 😊 1mo
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My first #aardvark box!
So colorful and pretty.
And I‘m very excited to read these.

AardvarkBookClub Happy first box!! 📦 🤗💕We hope you enjoy these titles so much! 1mo
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This author manages to combine sci-fi (fantasy here) with murder mystery in a unique way. And I'm here for it.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1mo
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Sci-fi readers will be well fed next month 😋
#aardvarkbookclub #scifi

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I don't have any strong feelings about this book. It was just an okay story that entertained me for a little bit.

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Happy Friday, littens! 🥳📚💕

Today is a good day. I went to Barnes & nobles earlier (more on that in the next post...) and now I am cuddled up with Rumpel and finally digging into the new Stuart Turton book! I am officially HOOKED! That man can really write a compelling story!

@RaeLovesToRead Tagging Rae since Turton is her author hubby! 🤭🩷

#catsoflitsy #rumpel

AnnCrystal 💕😻💝. 2mo
RaeLovesToRead I am his number one fangirl 🤣🤣 Hope you love this as much as I did 💕 2mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
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Long time no reviews! Hi! This was a weird friggin‘ book guys. Like way more racism than I expected. I‘m trying to finish a boatload of books this summer for all staff SRP, so I can‘t tell if this book was compelling or if I‘m motivated by bragging rights and a trophy.

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Themes: Dystopian Utopia, Sherlock Holmes-esque, Family Bonding

Yay! Finally a Stuart Turton book I completely understood the ending to! 😆 I enjoyed his other books, but in that, “I think I got it? But I‘m not sure…. I liked what I did get!” way. This one is by far my favorite by him; I loved his characters and the setting. It won‘t be everyone‘s cup of tea, and that‘s alright, it will definitely bring some good discussions to the table.

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This book was so freaking good! I was immediately invested and needed to find out what was going on. I was flipping through these pages so fast. It also makes you think a lot, especially about humanity. It kept me guessing until the last page. Was seriously so good. 5/5

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I kept seeing reference to this book, and had to dive in. It was an interesting dystopian murder mystery with some quite quotable lines. I thought parts were repetitive- okay, Jack died 5 years prior! But I thought the character development was very good. Imagine if the human race was hard-wired to always choose kindness over power.

BookWrym I like Turton‘s other books so will give this one a go 😀 2mo
marleed @BookWrym It‘s quite good! I was about 40% in when I was like Woooah! So it‘s going to go this direction! 2mo
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Excellent book. So different from what I usually read and I couldn't put it down.

Full review: https://lsmoore49.blogspot.com/2024/05/the-last-murder-at-end-of-world-by.html

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Oooooooo! Love me a fun #bookmail day 🤩 I splurged on the B&N Exclusive copy of Stuart Turtan‘s latest so I could get the bonus short story 😎 I am already figuring out what weekend I should block off to sit and read this beauty - Turton‘s books always require my full concentration and brain power 😂

jlhammar Stunning! Good to know about the B&N bonus story. 2mo
Aims42 @jlhammar 🙌🙌🙌🙌 2mo
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Because of the excitement of Stephen King's new release, I forgot to make a post celebrating these other two books which were also released on Tuesday! I'm particularly excited about the tagged book! I really love Turton's previous books! 💕📚

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#BookMail that‘s been steadily trickling in since January.This signed special edition of Turton‘s latest is gorgeous! His 3rd novel,I adored his 1st book but his 2nd was not quite there. It sounds like another twisty turny plot so🤞122 villagers & 3 scientists live on an idyllic island that shatters when one of the scientists is murdered.They have 107hrs to find the killer before the fog that killed the rest of the world envelops their sanctuary.

marleed It‘s beautiful 😍 2mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag What a gorgeous edition! I quite enjoyed it (but then I loved his second book, haven‘t yet read his first) 2mo
CarolynM Beautiful book 😍 Hope you are feeling a bit better💕 2mo
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Any of my US buddies going to see my favourite Autobuy author this week or next???

Tell him I said Hi 😁

Susanita It‘s tempting, but I don‘t think my nerves could handle a trip to the beach over Memorial Day weekend. 2mo
Roary47 Awww man. That would have been fun. Its today, and I can‘t get there that fast. 😢 (edited) 2mo
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Points for creativity, but ultimately I didn't really enjoy the experience of reading this book. There was a lot going on, and I felt lost almost the whole time, and when you finally learn what's going on it just wasn't worth the lead up. It felt long and at times it was repetitive, going over the same basic suspects over and over again. But then at times it would skip ahead several hours and I would be totally lost.

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Well this is off to a good start... 🌫🏝😬

RaeLovesToRead Amazing book and adorable kitty! 2mo
Onioons @RaeLovesToRead it was so good! Love it when a book turns out to be as good as the cover promised! 2mo
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Still thinking about this book - this quote in particular

Aims42 I can‘t wait, this one sounds soooooo good!!! I splurged and pre-ordered the fancy painted edge version from Barnes & Noble -Kermit flailing arms- 2mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Aims42, love that for you! Love a fancy edition. Hope you love it - I went in knowing almost nothing and somehow it still wasn‘t quite what I was expecting? But I guess one does just have to expect that with a Stuart Turton. I really liked his authors note at the end too. 2mo
Aims42 @thegirlwiththelibrarybag Lol, yes I‘ve learned to go in being slightly confused and just go along for the crazy ride with his books 😆 2mo
CarolynM Great quote. It feels a bit too much like where we are at. 2mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @CarolynM, I think that‘s why it stuck with me 2mo
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This was one of my most anticipated books for the year and my library hold arrived while I was in the midst of a deep reading slump… but I‘m so glad I kept reading, even if it did take me way longer than it should have.

It‘s such an interesting premise and most of the time it really delivers and definitely makes you think about humanity, the general state of the world and the power of community bonds, greed and unethical science.

Crazeedi Sounds interesting 2mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Crazeedi, the author is on a mission to write a murder mystery in every possible genre and I‘m here for it 🙌🏼 2mo
Crazeedi @thegirlwiththelibrarybag that's so cool!! 2mo
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Rissreads Ho hum. Another book to buy. What a shame…….🤣 2mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Rissreads, oh no 😁 that‘s just awful 😉 have you read any of his? 2mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Rissreads, I haven‘t read that yet. I started with 2mo
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Loved it. Locked-island, post-apocalyptic murder mystery madness.

Readable as heck. Probably full of plot holes I don't give a damn about. Twisty, turny, ambitious, and totally bananas.

I continue to be a huge Stuart Turton fan. I eat up everything he puts out and love that his books are original and different from each other.

He simply can't write fast enough for me 😊💕

julesG Bananas and plot holes fits. 🤣🤣🤣 3mo
Branwen I can't wait to get my hands on this! 🥰 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @Branwen I think you will love it!!!!! 3mo
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#two4tuesday @TheSpineView 😊
Thanks for the tag @The_Penniless_Author 💕

Bit late on this one!

1) I was so excited about reading the tagged that I made a whole video fangirling over Stuey T


2) Does the Pope **** in the woods? 🤣🤣

I'VE GOT PRE-ORDERS COMING OUT THE WAZOO. They will probably continue arriving long after my death.

Happy Tuesday / Wednesday everyone 👍🏻

TheSpineView Never too late! Thanks for playing 4mo
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A small island. About 125 inhabitants. One is found dead. It could have been any inhabitant. Because everyone's memory of the night had been erased including the AI's who was the only one capable of doing so.
The murder collapsed the barrier keeping the island safe. If the villagers can't find the murderer and get the AI to raise the barrier again they'll all die. It's a race against time, they have less than two days.

#NetGalley #ARC #MountARC

Balibee146 Looking forward to this one 👍 4mo
TrishB I‘m thinking I‘m the only person who doesn‘t like this author 🤷‍♀️ also I have AI every second in work, feels like the only thing we‘re talking about. So I‘m reading medieval based books from now on 😁 4mo
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julesG @TrishB It was a low pick. Not because of the AI, but it played a role. 4mo
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 4mo
TrishB 👍🏻 I don‘t feel I‘m missing out. 4mo
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“The Last Murder at the End of the World” by Stuart Turton is a gripping mystery novel set in a dystopian world. In a world devastated by a deadly fog, a group of islanders find themselves trapped on an isolated retreat. The fog, which kills anyone it touches, is kept at bay by a security system. ⬇️

suvata when one of their beloved scientists is brutally stabbed to death, panic ensues. The murder triggers a lowering of the security system, endangering everyone on the island. If the killer isn‘t identified within 92 hours, the fog will engulf the island and its inhabitants. The story revolves around Darby, who investigates the murder. ⬇️ 4mo
suvata She discovers shocking secrets about the island‘s billionaire organizer, Andy, and his family. As the tension rises, Darby must unravel the truth before time runs out. Paranoia, hidden motives, and complex relationships make this novel a thrilling read. 4mo
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And look what arrived today! It's the Goldsboro version! (See previous post) 💕

So which one do you all like best????

@Leniverse is encouraging us all to read crime this Easter as per Norwegian tradition so will get started right away 😜

#whoworeitbest #Eastercrime

Branwen I actually think this one is my favorite edition so far! 🤩 4mo
RaeLovesToRead @Branwen The pink is awesome!!!!! OMG I need to go book shopping, Becky. It's been too long!!!!! I mean, in reality it's probably like a couple of weeks but I'M WITHDRAWING!!! 4mo
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STUART TURTON HAS A NEW BOOK OUT! And it sounds every bit as bananas as his other ones!

Can't wait to dive into this one...

If you wanna listen to why I love Stuart Turton so much, I've posted a #booktube vid. He's my number one autobuy at the moment.


Aims42 Can‘t wait!! I have my pre-order in with Barnes & Noble so I could get their exclusive splayed edges 🤩 Your copy is gorgeous!!! 4mo
Leniverse This is the prettiest one! You need to shelve it edges out! 4mo
RaeLovesToRead @Aims42 Gah... B&N don't ship to the UK 😅 (not that I'd buy a 3rd copy....) (OK I totally would haha) 4mo
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RaeLovesToRead @Leniverse I need to decide which version gets read... the other will stay pristine haha! 4mo
julesG You could get the B&N edition and have it shipped to @MicheleinPhilly or @Susanita? 4mo
RaeLovesToRead @julesG I don't need a third copy hahaha. 4mo
julesG Are you sure? 😈 4mo
RaeLovesToRead @julesG Hahaha 😅 4mo
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Wanted to read the tagged #ARC. You know, eroding #MountARC and all that... Got sidetracked and spent nearly an hour reading reviews and review comments on Goodreads. 🙈🤦🏻‍♀️🙈🤦🏻‍♀️🙈🤦🏻‍♀️

Anyone else regularly fall down a reviews rabbit hole?

RaeLovesToRead I'm going to go see Stuart Turton next month. He is awesome! 4mo
julesG @RaeLovesToRead I'll let you know if I've got any questions for him. I'd love to live somewhere where I can go to author events without having to use my passport 😐 4mo
Hooked_on_books I do sometimes do that. Sometimes I‘m glad I did and sometimes I regret it, as some people have spoilers they don‘t mark as such. 4mo
Ruthiella Totally. Sometimes I spend more time reading ABOUT reading than I do actually reading books. 😆 4mo
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This is a dystopian murder mystery which takes place on an island & home to the last humans on Earth. Between the AI character, multi POV format, and short chapters - this was an engaging mystery to unravel.

This book comes out May 2024! My buddy read group gave it 3.5-4 ⭐️

💭 Do you like books featuring AI characters? If so lmk some book recommendations for more bc I‘m into it!

#dystopian #newbooks #stuartturton #endoftheworld #bookishfirst

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