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Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries
Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries: A Novel | Heather Fawcett
110 posts | 96 read | 4 reading | 72 to read
A curmudgeonly professor journeys to a small town in the far north to study faerie folklore and discovers dark fae magic, friendship, and love, in this heartwarming and enchanting fantasy. Cambridge professor Emily Wilde is good at many things: She is the foremost expert on the study of faeries. She is a genius scholar and a meticulous researcher who is writing the worlds first encyclopaedia of faerie lore. But Emily Wilde is not good at people. She could never make small talk at a partyor even get invited to one. And she prefers the company of her books, her dog, Shadow, and the Fair Folk to other people. So when she arrives in the hardscrabble village of Hrafnsvik, Emily has no intention of befriending the gruff townsfolk. Nor does she care to spend time with another new arrival: her dashing and insufferably handsome academic rival Wendell Bambleby, who manages to charm the townsfolk, get in the middle of Emilys research, and utterly confound and frustrate her. But as Emily gets closer and closer to uncovering the secrets of the Hidden Onesthe most elusive of all faerieslurking in the shadowy forest outside the town, she also finds herself on the trail of another mystery: Who is Wendell Bambleby, and what does he really want? To find the answer, shell have to unlock the greatest mystery of allher own heart.
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And that's #WickedWords done for July! @AsYouWish

A graphic novel, a story, two fantasy historicals, and a historical romance. My pick of the lot has. got to be Emily Wilde, though I enjoyed all of them.

AsYouWish Yay!!! 💙💙💙💙💙 1w
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This book was 100% my catnip, and it delivered for me. Lady scientist, alternate history fantasy context, inscrutable fae, lovely sense of place, neurodivergent coded MC, canine sidekick w/ a secret, cosy village slice-of-life - all good for me.


#SBTBingo - #stargazing #epistolary
#booklistqueenchallenge24 - #grwinner2023
#popsugar2024 and #readharder2024 - #cosyfantasy
#Pantone2024 - #redorange and #goldenpalm
#WickedWords @AsYouWish

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My adorable husband surprised me with this book because he thought I would enjoy it.

Emily is a researcher, she researches Fae, Fairies etc. She has gone on an expedition to document never before documented wee folk and hopefully high Fae. Her adventure is crashed by an annoying coworker, townspeople are kidnapped by Fae and the adventure turns out to be much more than she expected.

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I know I‘m the last person in the world to read Emily Wilde, but it‘s SO GOOD! If lady scientists travelling to distant lands to study hitherto unknown species of fae are your jam, this could be the book for you. These are not cute pink wingéd fairies, though. Fae will fuck you up. Carry a copper coin, an iron nail, a well honed sense of peril.

Cheryl_Russell_BookNotes I loved these books! 2w
sprainedbrain This is just the way I like my fae stories! Such great books! ❤️ 2w
Lauredhel @sprainedbrain can‘t wait to read the whole series! 2w
zezeki I still haven't read it, though I do have a physical copy of it. 😅 2w
CaramelLunacy I loved this one - need to read the sequel! 2w
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This book had all the right ingredients for me to love it. For some reason, however, it never really clicked for me. It's possible it was a mood thing. It wasn't bad, but I was ready to be done reading it by the end.

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I liked how this book balanced out the somewhat light main plot with heavier "research" sections. Fawcett was successful in making the faeries both charming and cruelly dispassionate.

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An enjoyable tale of an academic who studies the fae and her time in Norway to collect stories of the northern Folk. To her dismay, she is joined by a colleague, Wendell. To his dismay, she gets a little too involved in the stories she studies.

Just give me all the fairy stories please!

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Sigh. I wanted to enjoy this a lot more than I actually did. The story was great. Emily goes to a town to look for the faerie folk. She gets enmeshed into the town and their troubles. Her colleague Wendell shows up and definitely helps her with the town and to make friends, even though all she wants to do is read her books and spend time with her dog. Something was just a little off for me, which stopped me from loving it and just liking it.

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Absolutely dazzling with sweetness and light academia. I thought Emily would annoy me in that FMC way of “ohh I‘m so bad at people that all my actions are all beyond cringe.” However, no, the juxtaposition of Emily and Bambleby is genuinely sweet, and I loved Emily more and more. I need more light hearted adventurous fantasy. Thank you, @Kimberlone , who has been recommending this since she read it. #fantasy #audiobook #fairy

Darklunarose I really loved this book. 3mo
BookmarkTavern The sequel is just as good! 💖 3mo
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I almost bailed on this read. I found the writing kludgy and the authors‘s tendency to drop unnecessary classical allusions into the text was just plain weird. About halfway though, it was like a switch was thrown and suddenly a plot appeared and the characters began to shine, and maybe that was the point. Once Emily accepts the help of her fae colleague, Bambleby and that of her neighbors, she grows beyond her stodgy ways.

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This book was magical, to say the least. I love the way the author described the little enchanted places where the fairies lived. It makes me wonder if it‘s possible that they live among us, using their little doors to get from realm to realm. This book was part one of a series that I plan to continue. It seemed to have a little of everything, including romance.

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This was a cute respite from my usual reads - mysteries, serial killers, murders, et al. Emily is extremely likable even though she isn‘t likable (INTROVERTS UNITE!!) which makes the story better. I‘m never a fan of perfection. I like my characters flawed and fabulous and that‘s Emily. Full review IG ScrappyMags (I follow book peeps back!)

BookmarkTavern I felt the same about Emily! 💕 3mo
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This atmospheric story about scholars, Fairies, and a bunch of villagers isolated in a snowy land, pulls the reader in to another realm. Unfortunately, the ending fizzled.

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Out for an #audiowalk with tagged book. It's a great story to consume outside! I'd love to take it to a forest sometime.

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1) Craig Johnson, Louise Penny, Carlene O‘Connor, Amanda Flower, Heather Weber, Kate Khavari,

2) Right now, the tagged book

3) Craig Johnson, Louise Penny, Amanda Flower, and Carlene O‘Connor (sorry. Choosing one was too stressful. 🙂)

Eggs Wonderful! Thanks for playing 🤗 4mo
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1) Fairy

2) Emily Wilde‘s Encyclopaedia of Faeries and Emily Wilde‘s Map of the Otherlands. Looking forward to Emily Wilde‘s Compendium of Lost Tales


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I really enjoyed the mc and her adventures in the faierie realm. Her single-mindedness makes for awkward relationships with the humans around her. I loved Wendel Brambleby and his interactions with Emily as well!

ItsAnotherJen Loved this one too! 4mo
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I loved this book so much! The idea of faerie being real and studied academically was so fun to me, and both scholars definitely reminded me of personalities I've encountered as a grad student / professor. I will certainly be reading the sequel!

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I was wary of this, so many cosy reads lately I have found too saccerine. But this is in the vein of the Lady Trent books and I enjoyed it a lot. The main secondary character is Irish and I was very pleasantly surprised to find zero hint of stage Oirishness in the book. Strong pick.

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"remember the trouble you had giving co-author credit to that Welsh shepherd for your paper on faerie mounds? Your peer reviewers wouldn't let it go to print."

? I'm such an academic - this was the passage that convinced me that the seemingly morally ambiguous Emily was actually a good person at heart and not just motivated by her own ambition.


This is overall a really fun read! I do wish there had been explicit explanation of why eating the faerie food is just fine (since it not being without consequences is a common trope), but otherwise I had a great time reading this one.


The cold had claws.

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I am the same kind of curmudgeon that Emily is…almost. Another beautiful cover and a book that I was engrossed in. I liked the character interactions. The book read fast.

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I adored this book & jumping right into the sequel. If you‘re looking for a wintery fantasy with a cute tiny community & creepy yet cute faerie creatures—check this one out. Set in Norway.

What books with a winter setting have you enjoyed recently?

#winter #wintersetting #fantasy #bookreview

Kimberlone I love this book and those illustrations are so gorgeous! 5mo
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I've been wanting to read this for a while & was motivated to get a move on from #AudLangSpine & @julesg , & I'm so glad because it was wonderful. An academic writing an encyclopedia on faeries travels north for research and is followed by her overeager--& quite possibly magical--colleague. Emily is so delightfully stoic and socially inept, & Brambelby is her perfect foil. What a fun read! Definitely going to have to read the sequel.


monalyisha I need to get to this soon, as well! Happy to see your review is enthusiastic. 🤗 5mo
Kimberlone I have been re-reading this today during the Super Bowl so that I can start the next book! I 💜 Emily and Wendell! 5mo
julesG 🥳🥳 I'The second book was just published 5mo
julesG Whoops, sent off too early. I wanted to say: I'm glad the #AuldLangSpine list nudged you to read this. 😁 5mo
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I made all the snacks (not pictured: nachos and second round of wings still currently in the oven) and now I get to enjoy the game (i.e. read my book) until the half-time show (who else is excited to see Usher?!).

Ignore the book boxes I emptied yesterday when filling out living room shelves.

Bookzombie I‘m not watching the game but I will definitely look up the halftime show later. 🙂 5mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yeah, yeah, yeah 🎤 🕺🏾 🙌🏻 love Usher! 5mo
Kimberlone @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks he brought it! 🥵🔥 5mo
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What Super Bowl?

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Now we're ready for a road trip home from Kansas City. Audiobook for the road tagged.

marleed I hope you had fun. It‘s a great era to be in Kansas City! And Go Chiefs! 5mo
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Current situation

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Gorgeous gorgeous girls are a bit surprised when they open up book mail and realise that they ordered book one which they‘ve already read and not the new one…

(It‘s ordered now - and it will match this one)

julesG And the cover matches the carpet. (*duck* 🤭 couldn't help myself) 6mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @julesG, it‘s an aesthetic match! 6mo
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Emily has spent most of her life reading stories of the small Folk and studying them in the wild corners of the world. She finds herself in Ljosland, a far north village to study the elusive Hidden Ones.
Known for her even keeled academic nature, her research is being threatened by her new found fondness for the town, its people, and the faeries that live there. Really liked the beginning of this one but the end left something to be desired

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Is there anything better than a cozy chair, a purring cat, and a good book???🥰🥰

rubyslippersreads Two purring cats. 😹 6mo
451Degrees @rubyslippersreads trueeeee! My other one was in his cat tree🤣🤣❤️ 6mo
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Sadly I could care less what happens in this story. Moving on.

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I finally finished my first book of 2024. Emily Wilde‘s Encyclopedia of Faires was a light and airy read. I loved the characters and the lore in the story as well. Poe is the best character and you will not convince me otherwise.
The only thing I didn‘t completely love was the romance. It fell a little flat for me. But overall, I had a good time with this one.


Cupcake12 Love this cover design x 6mo
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julesG Beautiful edition 7mo
Eggs Perfect 🤩 7mo
Gissy @julesG Thank you is from FairyLoot 7mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 💜 7mo
Gissy @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you! I‘m subscribed to FairyLoot this their edition 7mo
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#Fairies 🧚🏼‍♂️🧚🏼‍♀️🧚 #NewYearNewBooks 🎆🥳📖

#BookNerd 🤓📚💙

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 🧚💕 7mo
Darklunarose I loved this book and am looking forward to the next in the series. (edited) 7mo
britt_brooke So pretty! 7mo
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emz711 Wow look at that bookshelf! 7mo
Julsmarshall So pretty! 7mo
Eggs What a splendid display 🧚🏻‍♀️🩵🧚 7mo
Cheshirecat913 Love your book shelf! 7mo
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Bailing. Maybe I'm just not in the right frame of mind for whimsical at present.

dabbe #hailthebail! 🖤💜🖤 7mo
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I really really liked this! 🤗
I just love books with magic in them. Finding out that there is another book in the series coming out in a week or two is so exciting. I may have to buy that one.

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After 5 days I found myself on page 89 of 291 and knew I had to bail. I really wanted to love this. Maybe I put too much "first book of the year" pressure on it but I cannot continue.

BkClubCare I don‘t seem to have good luck with first books… 7mo
angieinwonderland Must be the pressure. Though I had a few 5 stars for a few years in a row, so I guess I was due. 7mo
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I‘m excited to tackle my first tbr of the year. I think I‘m most excited for Emily Wilde‘s Encyclopedia of Faeries. What are you looking forward to this month?


ShelleyBooksie Beautiful photo 7mo
wildwoodreads @ShelleyBooksie Thank you! 😊 6mo
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3.5 🌟 Brimming with folklore and whimsy, this tale is an engaging fairytale adventure. I enjoyed the quirky characters and their dynamics, and my attention was held throughout, which counts for a lot! At times the perspective got a bit tangential, and none of my feelings were stirred, but I had a good time. Also, who can resist that gorgeous cover?! 🧚🏻

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All of the physical books I read in 2023 📚

Ruthiella What a stack! 🤩 7mo
BookmarkTavern Nice! 💖 7mo
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Such a fun way to end my reading year. Lucky for me the sequel comes out next month!

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It took awhile to decide but I finally picked my last read for 2023 (the tagged book) and decided to start my 2024 reading with one I have been meaning to get to for for years, Beartown. Thanks @BookNAround I love making these very important decisions with you every year.

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Happy final check in day for #Adventathon ! I hope you all have been having a wonderful season, with the peace and joy you all deserve. 💖

Do you have an author you discovered this month that you are looking forward to reading more of in 2024? Let us know!

Heather Fawcett thoroughly charmed me with the tagged book! Her prose is lovely, and her characters are delightful. I can‘t wait to see what else she will do!

Andrew65 Yes 2 or 3 : Christie Barlow, Rachel Greenlaw and Julie Caplin. 7mo
peanutnine Honestly I mostly revisited a lot of favorite authors this month, but there is one that I really enjoyed and want to check out more of her backlist, Clare Lydon. I loved 7mo
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AnnR Maybe I'll read more of the Sherlock Holmes fanfiction by James Lovegrove. Otherwise I've been reading or rereading a lot of holiday classics by authors I'm familiar with. 7mo
Light_of_Aether I look forward to reading more from the authors of 7mo
RamsFan1963 I read mostly authors I was familiar with, I hadn't read any fiction by Annalee Newitz, but I had read her non-fiction book Four Lost Cities. 7mo
Catsandbooks B.K. Borison of the Lovelight series. And also Helen Tursten, a Swedish author 7mo
TheSpineView My favorite holiday books this month was 7mo
Larkken I didn‘t find a new author per se but I rediscovered how nice it was to read short stories this year, so that‘s fun! (edited) 7mo
BookwormAHN I rediscovered Max Brooks. I forgot how much I enjoy his books 🩵 7mo
kwmg40 I discovered this wonderful series by Umi Sakurai 7mo
OriginalCyn620 Didn‘t read too many new-to-me authors, but I did enjoy this one and would like to check out more of her romances! 7mo
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So I've completely lost track of what day it is for like the last week lol. I did manage to finish one book though (the tagged) and found it delightful.

My main goal this week is to catch up with ReadingWesteros as I've fallen a bit behind. Work has managed to finally fill the staffing vacancies so I should have more reading time available to me. I also want to finish Black Sun as I've only got around 4 hours left.

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This was utterly delightful. I loved Emily's hyperfixation on the science to the detriment of her social awareness. It was also fun to see her gradually thaw into a more socially conscious person.

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Managed to finish Djinn City this week it was good until the ending. Also made a decent dent in the tagged and Black Sun.


Goal this week is to finish Emily Wilde and hit three quarters of Black Sun.