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Here‘s my August #SeasonalCozies pick. Another I‘ve had on my digital shelves for a few years.

julieclair This looks fun! And the macarons are appropriate with all the focus on Paris right now. 😀🥇🥈🥉🇫🇷 6h
kspenmoll Pretty!!!! & I like the Paris connection. Watched the Olympic Opening Ceremony today. 🥇 (edited) 6h
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My August pick for the #seasonalcozies.

julieclair Adorable cover! 😘 6h
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My #SeasonalCozies August selection is Betrayal at the Beach, downloaded to my Kindle for free yesterday thanks to @Read4life ‘s post. 😃

What will everyone else be reading?

BarkingMadRead Ohhhhh I have to pick mine! 13h
Librarybelle I‘m picking this weekend! 13h
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Read4life Love those free ebooks!!! 🥰 9h
Graciouswarriorprincess This is my August pick from Kindle Unlimited. 9h
Avanders I may have given myself a head start… 🫣. I‘m reading 4h
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Live and Let Chai | Bree Baker
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julieclair Have fun with it! 😀 6h
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Just when I‘ve gotten my ebook TBR below 900…

Here‘s the link if you‘re interested:


PuddleJumper I feel like it will be a mistake to click ... But I'm gonna do it anyway! 🤣 1d
Read4life @PuddleJumper I know the feeling 🤓 1d
PuddleJumper @Read4life I'm set for Christmas cosies! 1d
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Librarybelle @julieclair I picked up a bunch this morning! 1d
Allylu Thank you. I just loaded up my Kindle with new cozies!!! 1d
kspenmoll Thanks! Just got some!!!! 1d
julieclair I have never heard of the Cozy Mystery Book Club before, but I‘m signed up now. A free ebook every month? Woo hoo! Thanks again for this post, @Read4life ! 👏 1d
sblbooks Thanks! 19h
Avanders Thanks @julieclair ! 😘 and thanks to you @Read4life for posting about this book bounty! 🙌🏽 18h
JessieKB Thank you @julieclair 💗🎉 17h
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#Seasonalcozies July 2024 @julieclair
This one is definitely set in the summer, I wasn't sure before I started reading it. It's the second book in the Lighthouse Library series. The author does a great job with the setting. I'm really enjoying this series.

Bookwormjillk I like that series. Makes me feel like I‘m on vacation. 2d
julieclair Gorgeous graphic! 2d
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Murder Is No Picnic | Amy Pershing
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I really wanted to like this month's #SeasonalCozies book, but ended up bailing on it. The main storyline was interesting, but there were too many other subplots that didn't seem to make sense with the main storyline. Hoping for a better pick for August!

julieclair Oh, too bad. And the cover is so cute… ♥️🤍💙 5d
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Untitled | Unknown
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Currently Reading:
📚 Murder is no Picnic #SeasonalCozies
📚 The Cookbook Club
📚 Murder Road #SundayBuddyRead

Might Read This Week:
📚 The Watchmaker of Filigree Street
📚 The Hideaway

Up Next:
📚 Does This Beach Make Me Look Fat?
📚 Finlay Donovan Rolls the Dice
📚 Summers at the Saint
📚 Meet Your Baker

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m going to try to plan my next reads! We will see how that goes! ❤️ 5d
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Pretty cute holiday cozy! I‘ve read one other in the series and I‘m sure I‘ll read more.


DieAReader 🥳Great! 1w
julieclair This looks adorable. 🐶 1w
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 1w
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After her mother dies,Francesca Amaro moves from NYC to her hometown,Cape Bay,located on the North Shore of Boston, to manage her family‘s cafe. Walking home after work one day she stumbles upon an elderly neighbor‘s dead body. a possible suspect in his poisoning, she joins forces with his son Matty, an old HS friend,to solve the case.An easy read. #seasonalcozies #July #readyourkindle

julieclair Sounds fun! Do you think you‘ll read more of this series? 2w
kspenmoll @julieclair Yes! It is #1 of 11 in the series. I enjoyed the cafe setting, the beach, & the characters. So it was a win for a cozy! 2w
julieclair 👍 Stacked! 2w
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