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Lover Revealed (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #4)
Lover Revealed (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #4) | J.R. Ward
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#BDB #BDBBuddyRead #BDBBookClub

It seems Zsadist has taken John under his wing. He tells John he will go through the transition soon. Butch discovers he is drawn to lessers and tells V that he inhaled part of a lesser. Marissa goes to the council meeting and finds out that they will ask Wrath to have unmated females be put in seclusion. Havers kicks Marissa out of the house and she takes refuge at the mansion. Van has been training the lessers..

TheSpineView ..in MMA and Mr. X forces him to join the society. He trades his bothers life in return for joining. V is able to heal Butch after he imhales the lessors. Marissa needs to feed and knows she must use Rehv even though she doesn't want to. Butch wants her to feed from him and he discovers that he is releasing a bonding scent. Marissa calls Rehv and sets an appointment to feed. Butch downs his sorrow in alcohol. Z finds out Lash has started shit.. 5d
TheSpineView ..again with John. He tells John he will kick Lash out of the program. John tells him not to because he doesn't want to appear weak in front of the other trainees. @julesG @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @tdrosebud @InkedBookworm13 @PageShifter @Laughterhp @ShananigansReads @DuckOfDoom @CoverToCoverGirl @StayCurious @BooksNBowls 5d
TheSpineView Since Thor is not around, I think Z is the best choice to be a mentor for John. Also think Lash is nothing but bad news. And don't get me started on Havers. He is an asswipe. 5d
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julesG Z is the best "big brother" for John. 5d
julesG Lash - I have no words. Bully through and through. Havers and some of the other Glymera males need a reality check. They are so stuck in their ways. It's amazing to see how the vampires of the Brotherhood evolved with the current times and how old-fashioned the Glymera is. 5d
TheSpineView @julesG You hit the nail on the head. Z is the older brother where Tohr is a father figure. 4d
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#BDB #BDBBuddyRead #BDBBookClub

In these opening 12 chapters we start with Butch and Marissa pining for each other. Butch has a run in with a group of lessers. He can't reach V on his phone because he and Phury are tied up with another group of lessers. V is kidnapped and tortured by Mr. X, who is now back as the fore-lesser. The Omega shows up and puts a part of himself into Butch. He plans to use Butch to get back at the Brotherhood.

TheSpineView Butch is left in a field barely alive. V is able to find him and starts the healing process. The Scribe Virgin tells V what to do to save Butch. Butch is taken to Havers and put in quarantine. Marissa goes to Rehv to feed but can't because of a nightmare she had about Butch. Rehv reveals to Marissa what he wants to mate with her. Once back at Havers, V tells Marissa that Butch was in a car accident and where to find him. He instructs her to wear.. 1w
TheSpineView ...a hazmat suit. Of course she fails to do that and now she has to be quarantined too. Butch wakes after 3 days and Marissa has been there the whole time. It appears Butch is going to pull through. Mr. X is recruiting an underground fighter to join the society. He thinks this man is going to fulfill a prophecy. V talks with Marissa and it is discovered that she never knew Butch came to see her. John passes out again while in class. 1w
TheSpineView John refuses to go see Havers. Beth is worried that he is not eating and that he is sleeping in Tohr's office in his chair. Once Butch is released, he and V are at ZeroSum and Butch discovers he can feel lessers. @PageShifter @Laughterhp @julesG @ShananigansReads @DuckOfDoom @InkedBookworm13 @tdrosebud @CoverToCoverGirl @StayCurious @BooksNBowls @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 1w
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julesG The miscommunication or better non-communication 🙄🙄🙄 instead of talking we're both miffed the other didn't visit/talk/phone/... I hate this trope. 1w
julesG The Omega had a nice idea, but he should have known this would not work out. The Brotherhood might be old but they weren't born yesterday. 1w
julesG Will we ever find out why John blacks out? Why John acts like he does, knows certain things, and has certain habits/gestures/...? I have an inkling. Future books in the series support the inkling. But so far (beginning of book 10) only the internet confirmed it (I accidentally read it in a wiki). 1w
julesG Also, Marissa is pretty naive/dumb in hospital. She walks into the quarantine without suiting up?! 🤦🏻‍♀️ 1w
TheSpineView @julesG I agree on the troupe. Unfortunately we see it more in this series if I remember correctly. 1w
TheSpineView @julesG I think at some point we do. It has been so long since I read these books I can't remember. 1w
TheSpineView @julesG She is naive and so sheltered. That is one of the things I disliked about her character. 1w
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#BDB #BDBBookClub #BDBBuddyRead

Lover Revealed is the next book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series we will be reading. This book is about Butch and Marissa, though I know we get bits and pieces of the other character's stories as we go along. I am most excited to learn more about John Matthew.

There are 50 chapters in this book. Which means we will be reading 12 chapters for the first two weeks and 13 the last two weeks of September.

PageShifter Thank you for the schelude! I'll get the book tomorrow! 3w
julesG I'm ahead of schedule. Finished book 9 the other day. A long standing series with lots of books to catch up on is light a dare to me. I have to make myself stop in between. 😑 3w
TheSpineView @PageShifter I plan to start reading today. 3w
TheSpineView @julesG Wow, book 9! Impressive! I have struggled not to read ahead. 3w
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Hope everyone was able to get a copy of August's book, Lover Awakened #3 of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series, and you are enjoying. Just a reminder that September's book is #4 in the series Lover Revealed. This is Butch's story. I have already located a copy at my library. However, I might purchase the audio book.

@PageShifter @Laughterhp @julesG @ShananigansReads @DuckOfDoom @InkedBookworm13 @tdrosebud @CoverToCoverGirl

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Shocker, I‘m behind on reviews. Finished this earlier in the week. Still obsessed with this series! Book 4, Butch & Marissa‘s storyline.


** Update. Just realized I tagged the wrong book.

Andrew65 Know what you mean on reviews 😔🙈 Well done 👏👏👏 1y
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I loved Butch & Marissa‘s story in Lover Revealed.

#bookquote #jrward #loverrevealed #paranormal #romance

Lover Revealed | J R Ward
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Butch's story. #BlackDaggerBrotherhood

Lots going on that will probably be revealed in book 295.😜😜😜 @GingerAntics

Low/soft pick.

#20in4 #readathon @Andrew65

julesG @Catsandbooks #LitsyCrafters - basic Tee-shirt in the making. It's finished, but the light is bad atm. I'm sure my daughter will claim this. 2y
Trashcanman Oh that's nice 2y
GingerAntics 😂🤣😂 I think she hinted at a book 300 at one point. That could be the next book though. (edited) 2y
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sprainedbrain You are burning through these! 2y
Cathythoughts Nice pic ! 2y
julesG @Trashcanman thank you. How are you, George? 2y
julesG @sprainedbrain I'm certain I won't touch the sewing machines for quite some time after this week's sewing marathon. 2y
Andrew65 Great progress 👏👏👏 2y
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I don‘t know why so many reviewers call Butch and Marissa “whiny” in this book. Clearly those are people who have never been abused, shunned, relegated to the sidelines in their lives. Both Butch and Marissa had a lot to work through from their pasts before they could come together in the end. This was another great Black Dagger Brotherhood story. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

GingerAntics I love Butch after reading this, but at the same time, I think Wrath has officially become my favourite brother. It doesn‘t hurt that he‘s also the most laidback, compassionate king. The way he cares for John is just perfection in storytelling. #jrward #BlackDaggerBrotherhood #LoverRevealed (edited) 2y
Branwen I love this series so much! 2y
GingerAntics @Branwen a friend introduced me to this series back in 2009 just before I broke up with my ex. The series only had 6 books at the time. I don‘t know what happened, but I ended up sort of losing track of the series. I start grad school and everything turned ugly. I lost my whole library including these books. Then a few weeks ago a whole other friend texted me and told me I needed to check out this series. Now I‘m falling in love with it all over. 2y
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Branwen @GingerAntics First off, I am so so sorry you lost your whole library. I know the pain of what that is like, and I feel for you, friend. I am really happy for you however that you are rediscovering your love for this series! That has got to be not only enjoyable, but therapeutic as well! 💕📚 2y
GingerAntics @Branwen with the crazy beginning to this year I‘ve had, it‘s therapeutic on SOOO many levels. The audiobooks are great. I highly recommend them, even if you already know the books. The same guy seems to narrated them all, so there is a beautiful continuity to listening to them. 2y
GingerAntics @Branwen I‘m slowly rebuilding my personal library, but it makes me so nervous I swear I have library PTSD. 2y
Branwen @GingerAntics I will have to try out the audiobooks! 😃💕📚 And yes, I know exactly what you mean about library PTSD. Once I moved out here to Michigan 4 years ago, I started rebuilding my library- and now it's finally better than it was before. But I definitely have a lot of weird attachment issues with my books now that I never had before. 2y
GingerAntics @Branwen oh yeah. I had just started to rebuild (maybe had 50 books or so) and lost those… so that was hard. Especially since I had just gotten a huge stack of books from my uncle‘s library after he died. I think those were the hardest books to lose at that time. 2y
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It‘s hard to pick a favourite, but it really might be Wrath. He‘s the greatest king ever!!!
#jrward #BlackDaggerBrotherhood #LoverRevealed

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I‘m so excited to reread Butch‘s story. This is another one I vividly remember parts of. I think I mostly remember what is quite possibly the most dramatic point of the story, but feeling like I remember a lot of the story (like the last time) generally means I‘m going to be surprised a lot.
#jrward #BlackDaggerBrotherhood #LoverRevealed

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The best way to spend a day off that happens to be National Read a Book Day!! Finished both books and they were both fabulous 🤓😍📚

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Every time I finish a book about one of the brotherhood I like his story best 🤣 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

GingerAntics I have that same problem. 😂🤣😂 She does such a great job and bringing that brother to life, you can‘t help love him. 💙💙💙 2y
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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

I liked Butch‘s journey from book one until now with this book. I even liked Marissa‘s growth throughout this book. I did find both characters to be whiny and indecisive a lot throughout this book. There was a lot of misunderstandings and pettiness between the characters. These things made this book one of the books I didn‘t really like out of this series.
#litsy #littens #bookstagram #bibliophile #bookreview #review #jrward

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Lover Revealed | J R Ward

I'm going to have I start giving these books four stars from now on they are good but the sequence of events in each book is becoming predictable and there is an over the use of the same phrases that I feel is not needed in the storylines are great and I am enjoying reading about certain characters but the reasons for the 4 stars stated above remain the same.

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I didn't like this one as much as the first three. Butch's whiny, macho shit gets on my nerves and he and Marissa are all drama disaster. It made me wonder why I'm reading this series. It's really different from my norm.

Trashcanman 🤗💛💛 4y
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Lover Revealed | J R Ward
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I love this series, but this one, not so much.

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The fourth book in the BDB series. I thoroughly enjoyed Butch‘s story! He is so dang sweet! I found Marissa to be a bit prissy and unsupportive of Butch at times, but given her background I can understand why. Butch and Vishous have such a tight-knit friendship and I‘m so glad this book leads into V‘s story. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I love when I get the chance to work from home. Lunch time reading always helps the day go a bit smoother. Also, does anyone else get a little anxious when peeling a sticker off their books? 😅 #currentlyreading #blackdaggerbrotherhood

Louise Yes re: sticker-peeling anxiety! Some stickers are easy to peel off, but others. . . 😳😤🙁😫! 5y
AmandaEve @Louise right! I‘m always afraid I‘ll rip the cover 😖😢 5y
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The 4th book in this amazing series. This book focuses on Butch the human in this series. I love this series the world and lore building that Ward has done is amazing


The first time I read the series, this book was my least favorite. It seems to be true this time around as well. I wasn‘t as invested in Marissa and Butch as I was the other couples in the series. I feel like Butch‘s story needed more, instead of just a few sentences at the end explaining his childhood. Worth the read, though.

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#splashintosummerreads day 26: I can't hear the word #bromance with out thinking about The Blackdagger Brotherhood. All the brothers are tight but Butch and V's relationship is on a whole other level of bromance👌😁

Seekingtardis 😍😍😍😍😍 7y
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Lover Revealed | J R Ward
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It's been too long since I've read one of these! #blackdaggerbrotherhood #vampire

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Lover Revealed | J R Ward

This was one of the very last BDB books I read. The first 2 or 3 were fantastic, then they got a bit sketchy here and there, then they became highly inconsistent in both writing and content. This particular book did shine, as I really enjoyed the character of Butch and wanted to know more about him. It was wonderfully written, but I think this is a case where the author should have ended on a high note.

AngelicRanger Another series i keep meaning to get back in to! So many books... 8y
Bookwitchery I've heard the most recent couple have been closer to what the earlier ones were. They got so bad I'm a bit wary though. 8y
Bookwitchery Have you tried Larissa Ione? Her books are fantastic. 8y
AngelicRanger Ooh no i haven't....Another one to add to the tbr! 8y
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Starting this tonight. Such an amazing series, I can't even force myself to take a break in between books!

CoverToCoverGirl No forcing allowed... 😃 those books are an addiction you will never overcome! So glad you finally joined the BDB family! 8y
stargazerblue49 At least there are a bazillion of them to read! At least, that's what it feels like sometimes! 😄 8y
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I've been in need of distraction this week, so binging on a new (to me...) series seems in order... read the first 3 on my kindle and got this one from the library yesterday

Lover Revealed | J R Ward
Lover Revealed | J R Ward

Although the story was good it might be my last Black Dagger Brotherhood book. They pretty much follow the same story line and I'm getting tired of the repetitiveness.

Pruzy Honesty! Nice! 8y
sprainedbrain Truth! 8y
Owlizabeth That's what I like. They're like old slippers! 8y
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TheLibrarian @Owlizabeth - They aren't terrible but after the fourth one I need a bit of a break for a while. 8y
TheLibrarian @Pruzy @sprainedbrain Haha. I always appreciate when people are honest and truthful so I thought I'd do the same. 8y
stargazerblue49 It was Lover Unleashed that killed me. Thinking about just skipping to the next book! 8y
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Lover Revealed | J R Ward
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Spending the early work morning reading and eating. Working Saturdays is boring but a great time to get some quality reading time in!

Lacythebookworm That's often how I feel at the reference desk! 8y
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Reading this as well. Such an awesome series! This is one of my favorite series of all time. I can't put them down! 📚😘👍

Lauren_reading Love JR Ward! 8y
beyondbookish Yes! I'm devouring this series. I am interested to read what else she has out! 😀 8y
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Lover Revealed | J R Ward
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maximoffs Why are there so many books with potato launcher incidents? I'm wondering if this is a new trope 😂😂 8y
Sammidnightsun @steverogers I was thinking the same lol 8y
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I could read this series over and over and never get bored

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Just finished my re-read.... Love Butch so much but this time around I seem to have connected more with John than I did the first time!