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The Wright Brothers
The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
On a winter day in 1903, in the Outer Banks of North Carolina, two unknown brothers from Ohio changed history. But it would take the world some time to believe what had happened: the age of flight had begun, with the first heavier-than-air, powered machine carrying a pilot. Who were these men and how was it that they achieved what they did? Far more than a couple of unschooled Dayton bicycle mechanics who happened to hit on success, they were men of exceptional courage and determination, and of far-ranging intellectual interests and ceaseless curiosity, much of which they attributed to their upbringing. The house they lived in had no electricity or indoor plumbing, but there were books aplenty, supplied mainly by their preacher father, and they never stopped reading. When they worked together, no problem seemed to be insurmountable. Wilbur was unquestionably a genius. Orville had such mechanical ingenuity as few had ever seen. That they had no more than a public high school education, little money and no contacts in high places, never stopped them in their mission to take to the air. Nothing did, not even the self-evident reality that every time they took off in one of their contrivances, they risked being killed. Historian David McCullough draws on the immense riches of the Wright Papers, including private diaries, notebooks, scrapbooks, and more than a thousand letters from private family correspondence to tell the human side of the Wright Brothers' story, including the little-known contributions of their sister, Katharine, without whom things might well have gone differently for them.
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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Up next: I‘m using this for 2015 in the Book Girls‘ Backlist Challenge.


Amiable I adore David McCullough 😍 3mo
GinaKButler @Amiable I really enjoyed this one! 3mo
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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#wondrouswednesday Thanks @Crazeedi @TheSpineView for the tag!

1) tagged and it was so good
2) historical fiction: Ken Follett, Bernard Cornwell, Ruta Sepetys (many more but those I can think of off the top of my head)
3) Too many to name just one: David McCullough, Jon Krakauer, Laura Hillenbrand, Jack Weatherford (and many more)

Texreader James Taylor‘s audio memoir also was excellent: 3y
Blueberry Jon Krakauer's Into Thin Air was so good. 3y
MoonWitch94 Yessss to Ken Follett!!! 3y
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TheSpineView You're welcome! 3y
Eggs Love all your choices 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Thanks for playing 🙏🏻📚🌺 3y
Crazeedi Perfect choices! I forgot McCollough 3y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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This was good. So much I didn't know about them. It made me appreciate the work behind flight.
#TeamReadNosedReindeer #WinterGames2020 #CrushTheRush #ReadYourWay @StayCurious @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick @TheSpineView

TheSpineView 😊👍📖 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I should listen to some more non-fiction. I referred to them with my niece a few weeks ago as "The Wright Brothers. You know, Orville and not Orville." 4y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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TheSpineView ❤🎄❤🎅 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick That's adorable!🎅 4y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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Got a few audio hours in yesterday #CrushTheRush #ReadYourWay @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick @TheSpineView
Pictured is an ornament I can see my reflection in, ornament from my niece which sparkles and reminds me of her (big one) and ornament with north pole character 50 pts #TeamReadNosedReindeer #christmasornamenthunt #WinterGames2020 @StayCurious

TheSpineView ❤📖❤🎄 4y
charl08 Love the decorations! 4y
bthegood @charl08 thx🎄 4y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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TheSpineView Good luck! ❤📚🎄 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Happy reading! 4y
StayCurious Lovely picture! 4y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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TheSpineView ❤🎄🎁 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick ⛄So cute!⛄ 4y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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I decided that since I return to work on Monday, I needed to double down on books. Trying to conquer this #tbr pile while I have time. I decided to start reading all of McCullough's books this summer and started with this one because I already own it. Thought it was great and realized I didn't actually know the story.

The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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Amiable I love David McCullough. If he wrote about the history of potato chips I'd read it! 4y
Eggs Great choice👏🏻🤗 4y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ Other than being aviation pioneers, I knew nothing about the Wright Brothers. Learning the details of their designs and various trials was fascinating. Though there are definitely lulls in the story, it‘s an interesting and important history. But, I can‘t get over how unfortunate names were back then - Orville and Wilbur. Yikes. But I‘m certain folks 150 years from now will think current name trends are gag worthy. I already do.

marleed The race for flight with France was my #TIL of this book! 5y
britt_brooke @marleed Yes! Same here. I‘m glad I‘m not the only one who didn‘t realize this. 5y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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Confession: I‘ve never seen Top Gun. It‘s one of those pivotal 80s movies that everything has seen...except me. And, I‘m not really interested in watching it.

However, I know enough to know that planes and fighter jets play a role. Why not celebrate aviation history? McCullough writes such great histories, and this one showcases the Wright Brothers. #TopGunAnthem #SoaringScores

Libby1 Same here about Top Gun! 🙋🏼‍♀️ 5y
Cinfhen @EadieB posted today that a sequel for Top Gun is coming out Summer 2020 ~ maybe you‘ll see that film 😉 5y
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Cinfhen Top Gun was really good, just saying 5y
marleed This book was a bit of a slow read for me but even still I‘m very glad I read it. I was unaware of the competition between France and USA to create a flying machine and found that fascinating. And talk about family loyalty! 5y
Librarybelle @marleed I haven‘t had a chance to read this one by McCullough yet, but I agree with his writing style. It‘s not narrative, and can be a little slow at times, but the information he conveys is extraordinary! I‘ve enjoyed what I‘ve read by him. 5y
CrowCAH We have the Wright Brothers to thank for getting us off the ground! 5y
ravenlee I saw it in college and still haven‘t figured out what the big deal is. I found it pretty boring, honestly (and I have always disliked Tom Cruise). Wish I had those hours back. 5y
Librarybelle @ravenlee I‘m not a Tom Cruise fan either! 5y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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Day 13 - #Brothers #SoulSeptember

The two pictures on the top are books on my TBR list!

The two bottom pictures are my brothers - Tom with my niece Jane and John with my nephew John.

Eggs Great photos 🤗👏🏻❤️ 5y
EadieB @Eggs Thanks! 5y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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I really enjoyed this book. I think David McCullough is one of today‘s best popular historians. Not only is this good history, it is great storytelling. Though lacking in technical details, what you get is a story of the excitement of the times. You feel you are with the crowds who showed up in both Europe and the US to watch this “miracle” and you are in awe.

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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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Felt better so I headed out to the library book sale and an estate sale. It is once again raining and really windy so I don‘t think I‘ll be walking outside but I will be doing something inside.
This is my library book sale haul.

marleed I just read the WrightBrothers for my public library bookclub in May. Then I forgot to show up for the event! 5y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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I‘ve always been obsessed with air planes and flight, so this book was right up my alley. I enjoyed the story of the invention of the first air plane by the Wright Brothers and battle for recognition of their accomplishments. Over all, I would absolutely recommend this book. It‘s a little slow getting started, but it‘s worth the build up.

GingerAntics I guess this book builds in the same manner of the first air plane did, from successful glider to successful powered plane. It took more time in the beginning than it did once the got the basic mechanics down. I can only imagine what the Wright Brothers would make of today‘s air craft and the recent MAX 8 tragedies. I can only imagine them rolling in their graves over 9/11. These were good guys, mostly, who did an amazing thing. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 5y
GingerAntics The Smithsonian playing politics even decades later is despicable. At least they‘ve finally gotten it right now. My only issues with this book are more organizational than anything. If you‘re going to break up your chapters into parts, just make them different chapters. I also didn‘t feel like some of the details at the beginning were necessary. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 5y
GingerAntics How was “the sitting room to the left of the door” important to the narrative of the invention of the air plane? Just saying. My only other complaint is more a disillusionment with BS. A continuing theme throughout is that anyone with the drive and determination could have invented the air plane or done anything else. It was just the Orville and Wilber had it more than other people. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 5y
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GingerAntics I despise this type of thinking as it diminishes the Wright Brother‘s actual achievements (even if this was how they thought), but it also makes people who are held back for any reason (economic, racial, gender, etc.) at fault for their failure. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 5y
GingerAntics A confusing aspect was that everyone during their lifetime touted their achievements as what man can do if he sets his mind to something, but then later people said their achievements were because of their upbringing. #wrightbrothers #flight #davidmccullough #thewrightbrothers #firstairplane 5y
Eggbeater Great review! 5y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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I‘ve been trying to figure out where I‘ve heard David McCullough‘s voice before. Then it hit me: he‘s the narrator of Ken Burns‘s documentary “The Civil War.”
#davidmccullough #thewrightbrothers #narrator #thecivilwar #kenburnes

Tamra Yes! Love his writing & voice. 5y
GingerAntics @Tamra right? There is something so authoritative, yet very soothing about his voice. This is he first McCullough book I‘ve read, so I don‘t know as much about his own material. I‘m quite enjoying it, however. I‘m definitely going to have to look into more of his own historical work. 5y
Amiable He‘s a fabulous historian and writer. Love his work. 5y
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CBee My husband is a history buff/genius 😂 One of his favorite documentaries is Burns‘ “The Civil War.” 5y
GingerAntics @CBee I love that documentary. 5y
CBee @GingerAntics it‘s amazing. Really anything Ken Burns does is incredible. 5y
GingerAntics @CBee I‘m trying to think if I‘ve seen any of his other stuff. I know I wanted to watch the World War documentary he did, but I got outvoted when it aired on PBS. I‘ll have to go in search of more of his documentaries. 5y
CBee @GingerAntics hubs says he‘s done one on WWII, Vietnam, oh and the National Parks one (he hasn‘t seen that one). All excellent. 5y
GingerAntics @CBee not a huge fan of the world wars, especially with the way people talk about them now. The National Parks one sounds wonderful. Good thing Burns did a documentary on them, as at this rate we won‘t have them much longer. 5y
CBee @GingerAntics I can understand that. Let me know if you watch the Parks one, it sounds amazing! 5y
GingerAntics @CBee especially after reading this and hearing about how much Orville was hurt by their invention being turned into a weapon the way it was, I think I need more distance from this before I can see the WWII documentary. lol I‘ll keep you posted. 5y
CBee @GingerAntics you learn something new every day - I didn‘t know that 😕 5y
GingerAntics @CBee yeah Wilber was dead and Orville watched on as WWI raged and said something along the lines of they knew it would have military applications like transport, but they never imagined planes would become bringers of death and destruction like that. He said he didn‘t regret anything, it just saddened him. (edited) 5y
CBee @GingerAntics oh, that‘s sad. I can‘t say I‘m surprised. War, what is it good for, right? 😢 5y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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The plane the Wright Brothers flew from The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia.

The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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Raised by a preacher, all three brothers and their sister were free to read and contemplate anything they wanted. On top of that, the brothers decided to stop attending church and their father was fine with that as well.
#thewrightbrothers #davidmccullough #audiobook

readinginthedark This is how it was in my house. Raised going to church but encouraged to explore and form various ideas. 5y
GingerAntics @readinginthedark I feel like that‘s how it should be. You can believe what you want, but your children need to be free to believe what they want, they need to be free to be fully educated. The idea of restricting a child‘s education is just wrong. I‘m sorry, but it‘s child abuse. 5y
readinginthedark I agree. I have discussions like this a lot with my son, where he'll ask me questions about God. I always ask what he thinks and then answer with, "Well, this is what I believe...many other people believe this...or this...[etc]" And then I usually recommend that he read and learn more about the topic before forming his own definite opinion, as well as allowing for change over time. I mean, every individual believes something a little different... 5y
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readinginthedark ...from the next person, no matter what they say, you know? 5y
GingerAntics @readinginthedark I absolutely completely agree!!! YES!!! I wish more parents did that. That‘s an absolute parenting win right there. I see so much indoctrination and I‘m seeing how it‘s hurting my friends as adults now and I wish parents would just love their children no matter what they find to be truth for them. 5y
readinginthedark Thank you! I see that, too. Maybe we can leave this world a little more loving and open-minded; that's all I want. 5y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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Getting started on this beauty. I‘ve always been a huge fan of flight and airplanes (Max 8‘s not withstanding), and I‘ve been on the wait list for this for a long time. I‘m excited to finally get to sit back and enjoy this audiobook.
#thewrightbrothers #davidmccullough #audiobook #audiobookandtea #audiobookwithbreakfast

The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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At just 262 pages of actual narrative, I thought there was no way this would have the kind of detail that I look forward to in a book by David McCullough. I was wrong. This is compact, but it draws you into the narrative and it keeps you there. How did Wilbur and Orville--two men who never went to college-- figure out the physics that made manned flight possible? I love reading the little details that help contribute to the bigger story.

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Loved this one! After I read it I found a signed copy for $5. Score! Ive heard the audiobook is very well done too. 6y
Bookwormjillk I liked this one too. I especially enjoyed the detail around the Wright sister. 6y
Amiable @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I love David McCullough--I would get the audiobook just to listen to him talk! 6y
Amiable @Bookwormjillk I agree! I liked the personal details about all of the family members. 6y
Crazeedi I've heard good things about this book, added! 6y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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It was ok. I listened to the audio, which was narrated by the author, which may not have been the best choice, but it does make it hard to decide if the parts I wasn‘t as interested in was due to the subject in those sections of the book or because I just lost interest due to the narration. I‘m going to guess a bit of both. Cont in comments...

LibraryCin I did find the biographical parts much more interesting than all the information about their experimenting. I also liked reading about their sister, Katharine. I did also have a copy of the print book, which was nice, as it includes photos 6y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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Although I have been to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, I have not read this book yet. #TBR #flyonthewingsoflove #septemberdanes

Amiable A very good book. As is everything written by McCullough! 6y
DivineDiana @Amiable Thank you! I want to read all of his books! 6y
Kalalalatja Great pick for today 👍 6y
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Reviewsbylola This one sounds really good! 6y
DivineDiana @Kalalalatja Thank you! 🙂 (edited) 6y
DivineDiana @Reviewsbylola I think so too! 🙂 6y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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I think of the Wright brothers as the original #RocketBrothers as their invention was critical in the evolution of flight and to the ultimate endpoint of space travel. Pieces of their airplane from Kitty Hawk were flown on the Apollo 11 which I think is really cool! #SeptemberDanes

Cinfhen I agree!!! The original #RocketBrothers 💙💙 6y
Kalalalatja That is cool! 👏👏 6y
DivineDiana Interesting fact about the pieces of their plane going into space! 6y
Mdargusch Good choice! 6y
Ncostell @Kalalalatja, @Divine Diana, @Mdargusch That was a neat fact that I picked up from this book. It really struck me as amazing when you think about how much progress was made in such a short period of time, from the first flight at Kitty Hawk in 1903 to the Apollo 11 mission landing people on the moon in 1969. 6y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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I really enjoyed listening to this and even got a little choked up at the end (spoiler alert) when Orville dies. I really became attached to the Wright brothers and their sister Katharine as this book really brought them to life. It‘s amazing to think that they created their first airplane a little over a hundred years ago and the progress that‘s been made over such a short time since their groundbreaking invention.

theladygreer I heard about Katharine only recently and really want to hear more about her story! Definitely want to pick this up. 6y
Ncostell @theladygreer I did not know anything about her prior to listening to this, so it was great to hear her story as well. Hope you enjoy it! 6y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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McCullough brings his incredible eye for detail and narrative skill to this nonfiction book. I‘m loving learning more about the men behind the invention of the airplane.

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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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"All the money anyone needs is just enough to prevent one from being a burden on others."

Interesting nonfiction about The Wright Brothers. I learned some cool things! I've always loved flying and anything else involving being way up in the sky.

The audio is a bit of a snoozefest, not a huge fan of the way the narrator came across. He needed a nap. Or maybe he just made me feel as though I needed a nap? ?

The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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That time I met David McCullough, author of "John Adams," "The Johnstown Flood," "Truman," "The Great Bridge" ... heck, too many to list!

LeahBergen 😍😍 7y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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On my radar, from renowned McCullough. #learntofly #tuneintonovember

Cinfhen Niiiice!! It's on my TBR too 🙈 7y
Librarybelle I know, @Cinfhen . Yet one more book on the ever growing TBR list! 7y
rustoryhuf Added to my ever growing pile as well. 7y
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Bradleygirl This one is awesome! Enjoy 7y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled This one is SO GOOD! Enjoy!! 7y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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Visiting the Wright Brothers Memorial National Park. Amazing, the history that occurred on this site! Beautiful!

Read4life My family loved it there! 7y
Graciouswarriorprincess @Read4life it was wonderful! 7y
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The Wright Brothers | David G. McCullough

Although the subject looks fascinating, the writing style was so tedious I gave up after 60 pages or so. So many other books to read, I can't justify continuing with one I'm not enjoying.

The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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This was so good! I loved the audio. And I was pleasantly surprised to learn so much about Katherine, the Wright sister! 🙂 I feel like I learned a fair amount about the brothers in school, but Katherine's aid and involvement in their lives was new to me.

LeslieO I loved his book about the Brooklyn Bridge. I'll have to try this one. 7y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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Looking at this view while listening to this book seems wildly appropriate. Listening to the bit about the first 12 second flight while in the air somewhere over the Midwest gave me goosebumps.

elkeOriginal This photo makes me claustrophobic 😬 7y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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I'm not far into this, and I just got all choked up. McCullough describes how the whole Wright family were avid readers, and mentions how an acquaintance told Orville that he and Wilbur were examples of how people with no advantages could do amazing things. Orville replied that they had had a huge advantage - growing up in a home that always promoted intellectual curiosity. 💜 Maybe someday the Howard sisters will say something similar! 😭💕

Lexeegee I listened to the audiobook. It was narrated by David McCullough. It was really good 7y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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One of my #bookishpetpeeves is picture pages interrupting a paragraph of text. How am I supposed to remember the first half of the sentence while I look through the pictures? Props to this book, who had three sections of pictures, all of which were after a completed paragraph!

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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough

One of the real startup stories. Inspiring to the very core - these two were the real American heroes and entrepreneurs.

The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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Not recent and not "read" (I did audible) but it is my most #recentnonfictionread. Loved it. #marchintoreading

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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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The portion of the Wright Brothers' story that takes place in Dayton, Ohio is local history for me. I live just south of Dayton and worked there for a few years. I love antique sewing machines, and own a Davis, which was made in Dayton over 100 years ago. Imagine my surprise to see the company mentioned in this book!! #historynerd

SaraFair The Kitty Hawk part is local for me. I spent summers growing up there and in school here they go to the museum for field trips. Our high school plays "First Flight" high school in our region. Such a cool story. 7y
SharonGoforth @SaraFair That's awesome! I've never been to the Outer Banks, but I would love to! Hoping to get there when I move to NC 😊 7y
OrangeMooseReads I love when history in books becomes personal through things like this 😊 7y
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SharonGoforth @OrangeMooseReads Yes, me too! 😊 7y
kspenmoll Real life connections are so wonderful when reading! I often choose a book for that reason😄 7y
Luv2readbookz I love going to the Carillon Historical Park in Dayton. The museum has a lot of Dayton's inventions. 💕 7y
SharonGoforth @Luv2readbookz Yes! I really need to visit it. 7y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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This is the book closest to me because I brought it to work to read on my lunch hour 🍲. I had homemade loaded potato soup that our chef assistant made. (Should have shared a pic, but it's gone!). One of the advantages of working for a food service equipment company 😊. #funfridayphoto

Graciouswarriorprincess I really enjoyed this book but I like everything that he writes. 7y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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More current non-fiction reads rather than recent, but I've just started The Wright Brothers and Herodotus' Histories. I will be reading the new Jonathan Swift bio and dipping into The Novel for background info when I tackle Gulliver's Travels. #recentnonfictionread #marchintoreading

vivastory "The Novel" looks very interesting. Love that cover! 7y
SharonGoforth @vivastory I know! Isn't it great? Here's a link for The Novel 7y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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Whenever my husband and I take a long drive, we listen to a David McCullough book. This time: The Wright Brothers. I had the vague idea that they were bicycle designers who peddled into the wind. Ha! Now I think that they may have been equal to Einstein in raw brains, combined with remarkable perseverance. This is an incredibly inspiring book--they hit road blocks so many times, vowed to give up, & started anew in the morning. #mccullough #audio

AnnaDesourdy My family and I have traveled to the Outer Banks since I was born (grandparents have a house there) so I grew up going to the Wright Brothers Memorial and learning all about them. I'll have to check this out! 7y
EloisaJames @AnnaDesourdyAuthor my mother spent her childhood summers in the Outer Banks, so I love those descriptions--I think you'll like those parts too. 7y
bigg9058 Great book. Any McCoullough book is worth a read. 7y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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Fist bumps to David McCullough for this thrilling account of how we first took flight. Orville and Wilbur succeeded where bigger budgets and more resources failed by studying birds, leveraging their skills as mechanics and through countless hours of research and good ol' fashioned trial and error. A trip to the Smithsonian to see the Flyer firsthand is now on my bucket list! Inspiring.

Suzze Their cycle shop and home are here (Michigan) at Greenfield Village. I want to take my book with me next time I go to get a picture with it. 8y
Reviewsbylola I've had my eye on this one so I'm glad to read your review! 8y
Texreader I loved this book! 8y
Hollie McCullough is so awesome! I loved 8y
jeff @Suzze That's awesome! 8y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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What could be more perfect for #planestrainsandautomobiles than this Wright Brothers biography? In addition to being perfect for #day2 of #photoadaynov16 , I realized it was also perfect for yesterday's #imlateimlate #novemberland as it has been on my shelf for over a year. I love David McCullough, and have no valid excuse for not having read this yet. I might be adding this to the #nonfictionnovember stack 😬

Libby1 I love David McCullough. 8y
SaraFair Spent my summers in Kitty Hawk/Nags Head area and live an hour from there now. The museum and Wright Memorial has grown from little shacks to a very cool set up. The full size plane is in there. Worth the trip... 8y
Reviewsbylola I bought this for my dad for Father's Day but I have no idea if he has read it yet! 8y
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SharonGoforth @SaraFair I've never been to Kitty Hawk, but would love to visit 😊 8y
Bradleygirl I really liked this-hope you enjoy it! 8y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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After hearing David McCullough talk about this book, I had to read it! A gifted writer, he is.

The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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Loved it!

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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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#nextup on audio

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