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The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue
The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue | Mackenzi Lee
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July #TitlesandTunes 📚🎶
Focusing less on the rock & roll part, but here are my picks for next month
📖: The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue
🎶: Don't Blame Me, Taylor Swift

@BarbaraBB @Cinfhen

Cinfhen Fun picks!!! I love your interpretation 😁 13mo
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There is a LOT going on in this book. An aristocratic young man whose father threatens to disinherit him if he doesn't curb his queer debauched ways. His best friend, who he's secretly in love with, who is hiding problems of his own. His sister, who wants to be a doctor, but can't get an education because it's the 18th century and she's a girl. A European tour that descends into mayhem. And alchemy. And pirates.

Cuilin Sounds fabulous. 1y
arlenefinnigan @Cuilin it's quite the ride! 1y
lindarebello24 I absolutely loved this book! Such a heartwarming read! 8mo
arlenefinnigan @lindarebello24 he's such an endearingly silly boy! 8mo
lindarebello24 @arlenefinnigan yeah!! Have you read the others? I just finished the third book and I love them all! 8mo
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#ReadHarder challenge 17: a romance with bisexual representation.

swishandflick I loved this one! 1y
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Eggs 🤎💛🤎 1y
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A half-assed fantasy MacGuffin, a viciously annoying MC, a little less annoying (but still annoying) side characters, and too much (waaay too much) drinking—overset by unsolvable problems taken seriously, adventure, hilarious situations, and honest emotions. Balances out, but just so.

(Seriously tho. Percy is a saint to put up with that lot.)


eol (Should‘ve been titled: “Too drunk to not have dun it.” But then, if it wasn‘t for alcohol, two-thirds of the plot points could‘ve been avoided. Vice, indeed. And not addressed once.) (edited) 1y
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I really enjoyed this book, the three main characters were all nice, it was funny, with a forbidden romance and a mystery too.

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This is queer historical fantasy. Though it's set in 17th century England, it is not historically accurate. It's more of an adventure book than historical fiction.

The characters are all interesting, the relationships between them are explored well, and they grow and change as the book (and series) goes on.

#AdventRecommends @emilyrose_x

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Screenshot from The Atlantic

I‘m not a historian, literary scholar, or etymologist, but the anachronistic word choices are driving me batty in this book set in the 1700s. Within the same chapter, Lee was centuries off with the use of “shithole” and “prick” as insults.

I didn‘t realize how much of a romance this was and I‘m not a romance reader, so I‘m sadly bailing. I know so many of you love this series, but it‘s clearly not for me ☹️

sarahbellum This was my #bookspin for September @TheAromaofBooks 2y
julesG According to Merriam-Webster.com 'shithole' was first used circa 1629 referring to anus. 'prick' as vulgar/slang term was first used in the 16th century (wiktionary.com). 2y
TheAromaofBooks Sometimes a book just isn't a match. At least it's off the list!!! 2y
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sarahbellum @julesG yes, I found those references too. Monty refers to Paris as a shithole and using shithole to describe a place wasn‘t used until the 20th cen (highlighted screenshot). Prick was used as slang for penis for centuries, but wasn‘t used to insult a person (Percy calls Monty a prick) until the 20th cen 2y
sarahbellum @julesG I‘m happy to be wrong here (like I said, I‘m not an expert!), but hopefully this context helps explain how I drew the conclusions that I did 🙂 2y
julesG I'm not an expert either. But now I'm interested and might dig deeper. 2y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing! 2y
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Unconvincing, as our three heroes seem to be 21st century people in 18th century clothes and there were some details where I was wondering whether the writer had done her homework properly. Although it wasn't so bad that I wanted to DNF it, it didn't really grip me either. I certainly don't see why it won so many awards. Hovering between a Pan and a So-So

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The humour is definitely what makes this book stand out. A bisexual protagonist is also a win, especially when paired with a biracial love interest. However, the ending disappointed me, in that it didn‘t properly resolve the issues at stake (in my opinion). I wanted real confrontations - or, at least, a tangible plan for the future. I know there‘s a sequel, but I expected more in THIS book. I listened to the audiobook and enjoyed the narration.

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LOVED THIS BOOK!! It was everything I ever hoped for. All the characters had flaws and fears and it made you love them so much. Ngl I almost cried at some parts. 5⭐️
Points for gay🌈

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Just so much fun with witty banter throughout. Monty‘s Grand Tour they Europe takes some wild twists and turns. Definitely recommend the audiobook narrator.

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My creative outlet.
I like to be able to flip through and remember all the special things about my favorite characters. Makes me want to reread! Maybe the Nobleman's Guide will help with that.

#WEHATERICHARDPEELE #TheGentalmansGuideToViceAndVirtue #MontyandPercy

JamieArc That‘s really cool! 3y
chasjjlee @JamieArc Thanks 😊. It's not my art, I just journal it. 3y
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I‘ve been in a serious book reading slump lately (the amount of fanfic I‘ve consumed is unreal, though). But now I managed to finish listening to this #audiobook! I have mixed feelings about this, I liked it but it wasn‘t as good as I‘d hoped. A nice story but nothing too spectacular for me.

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Yes you are and we LOVE you for it 💕!

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Wow wow wow!!! “Teen Vogue“ was right, this was abso-bloody-lutely (😉) the queer teen historical I didn't know was missing from my life. This was such a beautiful adventure. I didn't want it to end, I am still swooning over Monty and Percy❤!

On another note, I have no idea what “Book Bingo“ is, I just saw it going around on here and thought that it looked fun so I made my own 😅.

Happy reading and happy OCTOBER bingo-ing 😁!

Nutmegnc It‘s so good!! 3y
chasjjlee @Nutmegnc so good! I didn't want it to end! 3y
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The story itself was alright and love gay men in historicals. My biggest issue was I just didn‘t like Monty the main character. He was so annoying to me I almost didn‘t want to finish it. Still I pushed through and it was okay for me though I‘m sure others will enjoy more. #bookspinbingo

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This book was fun. I read part of it in print and part on audio, and highly recommend the narrator. He had a great voice. Monty, the MC, was a little annoying at first bc he was one of those characters who got in trouble in dumb ways, but I ended up loving him. Percy and Felicity were great too

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This book was so cute! Highly recommended! I loved the diversity in characters going from pocs, lgbtq, and women. I also liked the character arc in the protagonist, Monty, very distinctive. Finally, I enjoyed the happy ending. That‘s definitely a plus for me. ❤️

MallenNC I just finished this. I loved it too. 3y
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This is my second time reading this book in anticipation of the third of the series coming out at the end of the month. I enjoyed it even more on the second go. It is playful, original, and adventurous. I also like that it addressed the difficulties of being bi-sexual, female, or a person of color during the 1700s. It is about resilience, perseverance, and keeping a sense of humor.

Scochrane26 Love this series. Thanks for the reminder about publication of the 3rd one. The dates had changed & I forgot it was soon. 3y
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Bisexual British Lord Monty goes on a Grand Tour with his best friend, who is also is secret crush. What could go wrong? Will let you know how it is. #LGBTQ #Libby

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It took some time, due to the utter selfishness and cluelessness of the main character, but this book won me over. If characters like Monty didn‘t say and do utterly stupid things, then they wouldn‘t end up in risky predicaments and strange scenarios and there‘d be no real reason to read such a book! I‘m glad I finally got around to this; it ended up being a sweet and fun book overall! I loved the supporting cast of Percy and Felicity.

suvata Funny book. I really enjoyed it. 3y
HeyT Felicity is my fave 3y
JoeMo @Suvata and @HeyT , did either of you read the sequel which has Felicity as the protagonist? If so,was it worth it? I was only planning to read the first installment, but the book was fun and it would be great to read a book with a strong female lead! 3y
suvata @JoeMo I only read the first one. I own the second one but I just haven‘t got around to reading it yet. This post made me remember how fun the book was. So, I‘m sure I‘ll be reading the one from Felicity‘s perspective soon. 3y
HeyT I enjoyed the second one just as much. Felicity's story has three great women in it which made me love it more than the first. 3y
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Loved it. Had me laughing most of the way. The story was great and characters were amazing.

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This one's been sitting on my shelves for a while now, and I'm not sure what I've been waiting for. It was really fun and surprisingly sweet. Henry is a wonderfully flawed and utterly charming character. I loved this one.

Vansa I loved this book, which made the sequel even more disappointing! I would recommend against reading it! 4y
Traci1 @Vansa that's good to know. I don't have it but was considering getting it. 4y
readordierachel I loved this one too. And I liked the sequel, though not as much as this one. 4y
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What‘s the use of temptations if we don‘t yield to them?

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The queer historical novel I didn't know I needed in my life until now.

Great book, looking forward to reading the rest of the series.

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This was awesome! There was more action than I expected & a good blend of tension & humor. A really fun read with high energy & the BEST flippant protagonist. I didn't want to put it down & I freaking loved Monty. He's just a fantastic rakish character. He is snappy & full of personality. Great historical content, a good amount of queer rep, & attention to racial prejudices. All in all, a great read & I'm looking forward to the rest of the series.

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Three books in one 😍 I can't wait to read it 😍
The cover is brillant! It's amazing even on the inside... I hope I'll love the book as I love its cover 🤣
#mackenzilee #siblingsedition #threbooksinone #amazingcover


“It occurs to me then that perhaps getting my little sister drunk and explaining why I screw boys is not the most responsible move on my part.”

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I'm joining @Andrew65 and sharing some of my favorite series.
Still playing catch up!
Day 16: The Montague Siblings (in progress)
18th century adventures on the high seas! Another YA series I'm reading, with the 3rd book to come. We have a bisexual rogue & a brainy young lady with aspirations beyond her gender. Quick read that pulled me into the time period, even if it had a more modern feel. Book 3 to come...
#20series20days #Top20Series

Andrew65 This looks very interesting. 4y
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I don't know why but I avoided this series for the longest time and I have no idea why! I loved Monty and Percy and it such a good story (bad time in history but that is a given.) What I am slightly annoyed by is the fact that Felicity has absolutely zero personal growth in this book and everyone just needs to realise how wonderful she is... at 15!
Nope sorry I don't believe it. Hopefully her growth happens in the next book.
Still 4.5/5 Stars.

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LibrarianRyan 😁👍🏻❤️ 4y
Cinfhen Fun choice for #Booked20❣️🎉🙌🏻 4y
alisiakae It‘s been a few years, but I remember I grew to like the character a bit by the end! 4y
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TheAromaofBooks I've heard a lot of mixed reviews on this one!! 4y
Sarahreadstoomuch I remember growing to like Monty too.... and liking this book more than the second 4y
AlaMich This was a lot of fun on audio, thanks to an excellent reader. 4y
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Reading a Georgian period novel on my Victorian couch


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Fun adventure novel of mishaps during a Grand Tour. I‘m not sure how historically accurate any of it is, but I‘m up for any book that entertains and uses “Zounds!” In dialogue. There are highwayman, killer Dukes, alchemy, pirates,streaking through Versailles and an entitled, self-centered protagonist who says and does some really stupid things, yet you can‘t help cheering for. It‘s just a fun, entertaining read.

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Fantastic book! Monty, his sister Felicity, and his best friend Percy are on their grand tour of Europe and nothing is going right. When Monty steals a seemingly useless trinket box from a French lord‘s apartment, it goes from bad to worse. Highwaymen, a pair of Spanish siblings with something to hide, pirates, & near death all while Monty is dealing with his feelings for Percy. Funny, exciting, & touching, a great will they or won‘t they romance.

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I took a break from my #readyoursign book and read one of my all time favorites The Gentleman‘s Guide to Vice and Virtue. I highly recommend this book.

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#bookspinbonanza #bookspin #doublespin @TheAromaofBooks

I struggled with this book but not because it was a terrible book or that it had awful characters cause neither is true. I really enjoyed the characters and laughed out loud quite a few times. I just am not a historical fiction fan. I keep trying to read them and I can never stay focused or interested so I do believe I'm done trying. I'm just not gonna give them the love they deserve.

TheAromaofBooks Great review!! Sometimes a book just isn't the right fit!! 4y
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Now on to my #doublespin pick! I really highly doubt I‘ll be reading all 20 books unfortunately this month since I‘ve been in such a terrible reading slump lately and have barely been able to read but I‘m going to at least read the 3 picks! I‘ve had this ebook for awhile now and I‘ve went to start it many times but never have so I‘m excited to finally be “forced” to get into it cause it sounds like a fun read!
#bookspin #bookspinbonanza

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Got the audiobook and loved the narrator. The story is all about about growing into ones self and had it ended any other way I might have bought the book just burn it, kidding! I did enjoy the story and the main trio of characters had me eagerly listening throughout the book. The main character made me reflect on my own life and all the thoughts I keep to myself so much that I think I get to take away more then I expected from this book.

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Book #10: Found this book as a recommendation for readers who enjoyed Red, White, and Royal Blue. Once I heard “18th century bisexual prince galavanting through Europe” I was sold!

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This book Had. It. All. ⭐️
High adventure, romance, travel, humor, family secrets...and I highly, so highly, recommend the audio version. Christian Coulson, who played Tom Riddle in the HP movies, is the reader, and he is gloriously perfect for this book. #audiobooks

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LibrarianRyan Omg. I was just following a thing on Twitter about this author. Apparently she works for a book shop and signs other authors books. With her own name. I‘m not sure if it was because people were asking or because she just does, but it was an interesting twitter debate. 4y
SiriGuruDevSingh @LibrarianRyan Yeah, apparently she was trying to boost sales by having fun with customers, and didn‘t think it through or something—it‘s unfortunate the tidal wave of drama that resulted from it, after all the great causes she‘s supported over the years. She even deleted her Twitter account because of all the hate😔 4y
LibrarianRyan @SiriGuruDevSingh really? I didn‘t catch all of it. Interesting. 4y
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49-2020 ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
This was surprisingly good!! Young Henry is a bit of a good time party boy, sent on a tour of the continent with his younger sister and best friend whom he is hopelessly in love with before settling into his position as Lord of the manor.

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I loved this book! It was one of the best YA I‘ve read this year ( a rare 5 star YA). Percy and Monty are so interesting and I loved the focus and discussion on epilepsy and how people with epilepsy are deserving of and can have fulfilling lives.

Also, hello from my reading spot as I practice good social distancing in the central coast! 📖 🏖

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Amazing! So fantastic: funny, fast paced, swashbuckling! Great on audio; I immediately downloaded 2nd in the series 😄 If this has been on your #TBR, move it up!