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Joined January 2017

Ready or Not | Cara Bastone
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This guy has been hanging with me while I finished up this one this week. I liked the characters in this one a lot! Thats really what sells these romances for me. If I don‘t like the characters, it‘s game over. I actually laughed at some of the banter between Shep and Eve. A fun one to be sure

Ruthiella 😻😻😻 5h
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 4h
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Alexander Hamilton | Ron Chernow
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I‘m that person who‘s so late on this, but I just watched Hamilton for the first time around the 4th. I liked it but all of the sudden last week I was like “I‘m gonna listen to the soundtrack” and it‘s been on legit repeat since 😂 Honestly the songs/story are so compelling. Hard not to enjoy even though hip hop isn‘t my typical genre

#tuesdaytunes @TieDyeDude

Ruthiella Never too late to discover this awesome soundtrack! 🎵🎶❤️ 3d
TieDyeDude Yes! It just digs into your brain. Just typing this, the Skylar sisters song is begging to be heard 😅 3d
LiteraryinLawrence Right!! Just an amazing score. 3d
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TheDaysGoBy @TieDyeDude I swear I hear the songs running through my brain while I‘m lying in bed trying to sleep 😂 It‘s honestly the best though. Definitely digs in and doesn‘t let go 2d
TheDaysGoBy @LiteraryinLawrence it‘s incredible. I‘m mad it‘s taken me this long to get into it honestly 😂 2d
TheDaysGoBy @Ruthiella When I watched it on Disney+ at first I was like “uh oh, I don‘t think I‘m gonna like this” but somewhere it flipped and I started enjoying it. I think part of me was expecting it to not live up to the hype but it‘s honestly just incredible 2d
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1. Spoiled. Often it‘s not the ending but getting there that‘s satisfying
2. Favorite character
3. Romance I guess. So not my typical answer - must be all the romance I‘ve been reading lately 😂
4. Historical fiction. Sci-fi is not my jam
5. Skip the last

#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

Eggs Thx for playing 🦋 1w
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Finished up this audiobook during work today. I didn‘t do too many of the exercises but I loved the message the author conveyed and the tools provided to help you actually care for yourself. There was one part in particular that resonated with me - talking about how you‘re not entitled/deserving of help/charity/whatever because other people have it worse. I do that all the time. So yeah makes you self-aware about things and how to change it

Till There Was You: A Novel | Lindsay Hameroff
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My reading buddy. I finished the tagged book - overall was enjoyable. Lexi honestly annoyed me for a while towards the end. Felt like she just kept fighting with Jake about the same thing. Also I couldn‘t understand her relationship with her dad - just didn‘t get her feelings on that at all particularly since it clashed with the rest of her personality. All in all, I‘d say low pick

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3w
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Rich and Pretty | Rumaan Alam
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I got 87 pages in and I‘m just not feeling it so I‘m gonna bail. Normally it‘s not something I do, but I‘ve seen so many Littens take this route when they‘re not feeling a book because our TBRs are long and life is short - and they‘re so right! Story about two best friends but I‘m hardly convinced they actually are. Definitely more character driven which is fine if I like the characters but not the case here

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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Why We Swim | Bonnie Tsui
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Finished this up on audio today. It was pretty interesting. I definitely learned some things I never knew before

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Waiting for Tom Hanks | Kerry Winfrey
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This was SO fun. At times I was annoyed with Annie, particularly in the beginning because she seemed to take immediate offense to Drew and never even considered she might be approaching the situation wrong. But she grew on me. What I enjoyed most about this though was I had literal laugh out loud moments - pretty rare for me with a book. It surprised me every time but in the best way. It was a lot of fun

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
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Finished this up before bed. It‘d been on my shelf for a while. A story about a pandemic that wipes out most of the world leaving some people with magical abilities as well as without. Not my first pandemic book since living through the covid pandemic but it‘s still so weird and eerie - the stuff the author describes hits different after living some of it. Overall, I liked it. Likable characters and I‘m intrigued. Gave The Stand vibes

Mr. Wrong Number | Lynn Painter
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I never used to be much of a romance fan but I had a couple good ones hook me a year or two ago and now I like to throw one in every so often as it‘s nice to just blow through a book. I liked this one - not a favorite but mostly enjoyable

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3mo
RaeLovesToRead Hello floofy! 💕 3mo
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Just finished this one up during lunch today. It was interesting. I do think there were some missed opportunities but I thought the story was unique


dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3mo
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Listened to this on audio while working this week. I enjoyed it a lot! I found it so interesting. I‘m not outdoorsy in the least but I can appreciate why people hike these trails. Not that you‘ll ever talk me into it 😂 But yeah, fascinating and heartbreaking all the while

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Finished up this book while watching March Madness. I enjoyed it a lot! A memoir about adopting a blind kitten and how the cat‘s spirit impacted her life/way of thinking. Definitely makes me appreciate my kitty all the more, especially given my Sammy is turning 16 in a couple months. Was a nice reminder to love him even in those moments of frustration

Ruthiella 😻😻😻 4mo
RaeLovesToRead Aww Sammy 💕💕💕 4mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
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You guys are all picking cool stuff for this, but I can‘t help sharing this. A new *NSYNC song off Justin Timberlake‘s new album - the song is Paradise. As a die hard *NSYNC fan it‘s brought me so much joy



BethM Yaaaassss 4mo
TieDyeDude Nothing wrong with this! Solid song. I didn't realize the album was out. The couple songs I've heard have been a bit auto-tune heavy, but I'm reserving judgement till I listen to the whole thing 4mo
TheDaysGoBy @TieDyeDude Overall it‘s a great album! Feels like there‘s a bit of range on it which is always nice having a song that‘ll fit basically every mood. That *NSYNC song made me so emotional though 😂 4mo
TieDyeDude Have you seen his Tiny Desk? Such an entertainer! How is anyone that charismatic?? 4mo
TheDaysGoBy @TieDyeDude I did! It was so good! I‘ll be seeing him on tour this summer too. He always puts on a great show! 4mo
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@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks just got my book in the mail. Thank you again so much!


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yay!!! 🎉🎈 4mo
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Everything Is OK | Debbie Tung
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My BFF gifted me this for my birthday and I just got around to reading it. I‘ve been struggling with stress and general displeasure with my job so I appreciated this book and a lot of the comics spoke to me. Nice to have a reminder it‘s ok to be down sometimes and to step back and take care of yourself


dabbe 💚💙💚 5mo
LiteraryinLawrence 💗💗💗 5mo
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Iron Flame | Rebecca Yarros
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Wasn‘t a huge fan of Fourth Wing but figured I‘d give the sequel a go to see if more time with the characters/plot changed my mind. Unfortunately, it didn‘t. I can see why people enjoy this story but for me the “shocks” and “twists” don‘t have a huge impact. I think because nothing ever really get explained in the detail needed so when those things happen you don‘t have an emotional reaction to it. Surely there will be another book but I‘m out

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 5mo
RamsFan1963 I never made it past the first book. 5mo
TheDaysGoBy @RamsFan1963 I probably wouldn‘t have bothered if I hadn‘t gotten the sequel for Christmas. For such long books the author could‘ve done way more world building 5mo
RamsFan1963 @TheDaysGoBy I couldn't get past the, IMO, school girl romance elements that brought the story to a screeching halt every time they popped up. 5mo
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I listened to this on audio. Really short audiobook but it had some good info/tips on how to stop yourself overthinking everything - habit I‘m definitely prone to


Fourth Wing | Rebecca Yarros
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Unpopular opinion here. This was so overhyped. The premise sounded amazing but the writing style wasn‘t very successful - at least not for me. The author struggles to develop characters and relationships properly. We‘re expected to believe Violet is friends with people because the author says so rather than actually showing it and letting the readers see the growth. And the romance? Ugh. Felt so one sided with Violet and suddenly it‘s not? ⬇️

TheDaysGoBy I wanted to like this so much but the author didn‘t even do any real world building. Nothing is really explained about the ongoing war or what things are really like outside the walls of the city - what are they heading out into after graduation. I did like the dragons and thought all that was interesting. Just wish this was written better. That said, I‘m still planning to read the sequel so we‘ll see if that changes my feelings at all 6mo
dabbe As a former English teacher, this is what I loved most about teaching. When the kids would challenge each other's thoughts on a piece of literature. When I'd tell them that they could have opposing opinions and as long as they could accurately and intelligently defend their analysis (which is crucial to literary development) and they'd SMILE, ready to critique and support. You nailed all of this in your post. Thank you. 🖤💜🖤 6mo
TheDaysGoBy @dabbe Thank you! I feel like I‘m overly critical sometimes because I write (not published or anything but just for fun and yet I take it quite seriously) so I feel that makes me less sympathetic sometimes. Reading other people‘s reviews that praise the world building and character development makes me feel like I‘m missing something but I guess I have a different idea what that looks like 6mo
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I enjoyed this a lot! The characters were all wonderful. I love stories where I have characters I can connect with/root for and I got that in spades here. It was a cute, feel good story. Good way to start the new year!


dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 7mo
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Winter Games: A Mystery | John Feinstein
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My final total for #GhostsOfXmas #wintergames

I had a blast! I‘m sad it‘s over - the holidays go way too fast but it was a great event! @BookwormAHN thanks for being a great team captain! 🙂

BookwormAHN Nice 🩵🤍🩵 7mo
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Really happy I hit my goal - for a while there wasn‘t sure it was gonna happen. Trying to decide what my new goal for 2024 should be and if there are any challenges I should join. I‘m not very good at finishing them but it feels weird to not join one either 😂

Ruthiella Nice work! 👏👏👏 7mo
PaperbackPirate Congratulations! 📚 6mo
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Some more ornaments:

Too big to fit in palm of my hand
With an animal on it
Favorite color
With a date on it

#GhostsofXmas #wintergames #christmasornamenthunt


BookwormAHN Lovely 🤍 7mo
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1. The tagged book
2. The Most Likely Club. Ugh, literally the worst book I‘ve read in so long
3. Nothing yet. I‘ve got a cold so I‘ll see how I‘m feeling. Might just kick it at home just me and my kitty and I‘m perfectly fine with that
4. No but I did end up at the mall for an hour or two
5. I guess kinda brown because it‘d been raining. I always want a white one and never get it 😂

#ghostsofxmas #wintergames @BookwormAHN

BookwormAHN I would love to have a white one too ❄️ 7mo
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It‘s been a crazy few days with the holiday and then of course I had to come down with one of the many illnesses flying around so apologies on the late posting of this. I got 435 words on the word game which was where I‘d left it the night of the 23rd so 4,350 points

#GhostsOfXmas #wintergames


BookwormAHN I hope you are feeling better 🤍 7mo
TheDaysGoBy @BookwormAHN I think it‘s just a cold but today was rough. Hopefully this was the worst of it and I‘m on the upswing now! But on the plus side I got some Hallmark Christmas movies watched being on the couch all day lol 7mo
BookwormAHN Nice 🩵 7mo
dabbe Feel better! 💙❄️💙 7mo
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Fourth Wing | Rebecca Yarros
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Wow, thank you so much @CindyMyLifeIsLit - you spoiled me! I don‘t think I‘ve seen a bigger bag of the peppermint bark in my life, but it‘ll still get eaten 😂 The socks too look nice and cozy. This book has been on my TBR - a friend of mine and I were planning a buddy read for it.

Thank you so much! So generous. Merry Christmas!

#jolabokaflod @MaleficentBookDragon

Karisa Oooh, just finished that book. It‘s a fun ride! 7mo
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Here‘s some of my ornaments starting with the top row:

Ornament that sparkles
Ornament that represents sports
Ornament I got this year
Oldest ornament on my tree

#GhostsOfXmas #wintergames #christmasornamenthunt


BookwormAHN Lovely 🩵 7mo
PaperbackPirate Beautiful ornaments, and a good reminder to do this challenge! ❤️💚👻🎄 7mo
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Home Alone | Kim Smith
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Another classic I make a point of watching every year. Also been watching a lot of specials I haven‘t been posting about. Love this time of year!

#GhostsOfXmas #wintergames @BookwormAHN

BookwormAHN Fantastic and just keep a tally of those specials 🤍 7mo
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On a Night Like This | Lindsey Kelk
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This was almost a so-so for me. I liked the MC Fran, but it took so long to get to the romance part of the book. I did appreciate it was about more than that but I was annoyed with Fran at times as she did things that made me second guess her professionalism as an assistant. I did enjoy most of it, but in the end I think I needed more guy time than I got

#GhostsofXmas #wintergames @BookwormAHN

BookwormAHN Fantastic castle clock 🤍 7mo
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My #jolabokaflod package came today! Love this tradition and can‘t wait to open it 🙂


A Christmas Carol | Charles Dickens
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Got our first #teamread for #GhostsofXmas read. I‘d read it in high school so it‘s been a good 15 years or so. It was nice to revisit a classic, especially given how many versions there are of this story in movie form now. Is it my favorite? No, but it is a classic you have to appreciate and who doesn‘t love a bit of a redemption story.

@BookwormAHN #wintergames

BookwormAHN Absolutely ❄️🤍❄️ 7mo
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Some of my watches the last couple days. I also watched a Hallmark Christmas movie with dinner last night. I hadn‘t seen that Beauty and the Beast one in a decade and Belle was always my favorite princess so it was fun

#GhostsOfXmas #wintergames @BookwormAHN

BookwormAHN Nice 💚❄️💚 7mo
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I got 110 words total for the word game related to winter/holiday. Not too bad for doing it in the nth hour 😂

#GhostsofXmas #wintergames

@BookwormAHN @BookwormAmber

BookwormAHN Fantastic 🩵 8mo
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The Santa Clause | Daphne Skinner
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One of my favorites I make a point of watching every year.

#GhostsOfXmas #wintergames


BookwormAHN A classic 🤍 8mo
PaperbackPirate Me too! Do you like the sequels? 7mo
TheDaysGoBy @PaperbackPirate They‘re alright. Definitely not as good as the original. I‘ve been watching season 2 of the show. Have you watched that at all? 7mo
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Absolute crazy day but wanted to post I got my #jolabokaflod swap in the mail today. Love this tradition and also happy to check another thing off my to-do list


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BookwormAHN Fantastic 🤍 8mo
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Watched Trolls Holiday in Harmony on my lunch hour. These movies/specials are actually pretty cute

#GhostsOfXmas #wintergames @BookwormAHN

BookwormAHN Nice 🤍 🩶 🤍 8mo
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Christmastime | Alison Jay
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Hey #GhostsofXmas team! I‘ve been seeing you tagging me in posts for the last week and I‘ve wanted to participate but I was in Disney World last week - absolute blast (though the Christmas party could‘ve been warmer 😂)! Just didn‘t want anyone to think I was ignoring you!

But I‘m home now and getting back into reading. I‘m excited to start posting all the time and wrack up some points with games and of course reading!

@BookwormAHN #wintergames

BookwormAHN Yay, I hope you had a blast 🤍 8mo
peaKnit I‘m a Disney maniac, love this!! 8mo
TheDaysGoBy @BookwormAHN it was the absolute best time! We were kinda sad to come home 😂 8mo
TheDaysGoBy @peaKnit Me too! This was actually our second trip for the year. The other was in August - just me and mom melting. My dad had serious regrets and joined us on this one lol. I should‘ve really gotten an annual pass at this point, though I do live in PA 8mo
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Finished this up on audio today. I got the rec from a fellow Litten and they‘d mentioned it was on Spotify. I upgraded to premium recently and figured I‘d give it a listen. I thought it was good and she gave me a lot to think about. I‘d tried the online dating thing years ago and basically have given up since then. Now I am considering giving it another go in the new year using some of her tips


The Leaving | Tara Altebrando
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For most of this book I wasn‘t sure what to make of it, but it did kinda suck me in. I wanted to unravel the mystery of the kids that were taken and returned 11 years later. Scarlett‘s pov was kinda weird with the formatting and everything but it was interesting. The premise was definitely one that held my interest


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🐈 ❤️ 8mo
dabbe Hello there, cuddly kitty! 🖤🐾🖤 8mo
ChasingOm A cat on the lap is the best reading buddy! 👻🎄 (#GhostsofXmas) 8mo
LocalTXLibrarian Oohhhh, this one sounds amazing! (love the kitty reading buddy!) #ghostsofxmas 😁 8mo
Charityann Cute little buddy!😄 8mo
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My final point total for #Scarathlon


@dabbe - thanks for being a great team captain! It was fun!

Chrissyreadit 🎉🎉🎉 9mo
dabbe #yahooyou! It was fun having you be a part of our witchy team! 🧡🖤💜 9mo
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Just signed up for this! Scarathlon is lots of fun but Christmas is my jam! Love this event! Join the fun!


@Clwojick @StayCurious

Read4life I love this event, too. I‘m glad we‘ll be teammates for #WinterGames #GhostsOfXmas 🤓 8mo
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This was a rec I saw from a fellow Litten and I enjoyed it a lot! It was really so fascinating. Definitely made me see cemeteries in a new way. I also thought learning the history of it all was so interesting. I weirded my family out as I shared with all of them the various things I learned like how/when embalming bodies started 😂

#hhc #scarathlon @dabbe

JenReadsAlot I almost started this one today! 9mo
Texreader I ❤️ that 🎃! 9mo
dabbe 🧡🖤💜 9mo
TheDaysGoBy @Texreader Thank you! It‘s one of my fave Halloween decorations 9mo
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I‘m looking to read 20 chapters. Hopefully finished my current book (tagged) and start on my next one. Need to earn some final points for my team

@Andrew65 @dabbe #20in4readathon #hhc #scarathlon

dabbe 🖤🎃🖤 9mo
Andrew65 Hope it‘s going well 😁 9mo
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Got 108 words on the game this week. Another fun one!

#hhc #scarathlon @dabbe

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One of the team reads for #hhc #scarathlon

I‘d never read it before and I did enjoy it. The story was intriguing. Gave me Needful Things by Stephen King vibes - kinda assume he got some of the inspiration from this story. Just a like not a love for me. Spooky elements for sure


dabbe 🖤🧡🖤 9mo
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Love this one! Finally picked it up on dvd this year since it‘s not always on tv anymore since AppleTV picked up the Peanuts gang.

#hhc #scarathlon @dabbe

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Got 660 words for 6,600 points. Love this game!

#hhc #scarathlon @dabbe

dabbe 🧡🖤🧡 9mo
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Thank you for the package today! I‘ve been fighting off a cold all week and it‘s trying to make me miserable today so this was a nice lift. Thank you again!

#LitsyLove @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @wordslinger42

Bklover Feel better soon!! 9mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks You‘re welcome!! I hope you feel better ❤️‍🩹 9mo
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Untitled | Anonymous
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Watched Haunted Mansion earlier tonight. Didn‘t love it but I liked it. I‘m a huge Disney geek and love the Haunted Mansion ride so the detail they put into this was so fun! So many little things from the ride. I liked what they did with some of the story but there was something about it that was kinda slow or not super engaging? Still fun though

#hhc #scarathlon @dabbe

dabbe 🧡🖤🧡 9mo
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