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Joined April 2016

We're mastering the art of reading and walking, reading and eating, reading and not sleeping. IG: @subwayreads
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West with the Night by Beryl Markham
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When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi

Couldn't do it. Too many books in the world to read about mean girls. I get that in the end she'll become a better person (at least I hope so), but right now she's too much of a bully for me to give a shit.

Jess_Read_This I am in the same situation now. Total agreement that she's such a brat I don't really care what happens or what life altering lesson she learns. 7y
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Prodigal | Derek Walcott
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RIP Derek Walcott. Thank you for your words. Many nights you have soothed a storming soul.

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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough
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Some people stock up on bread and kale before snowstorms. We stock up on Brooklyn Blackout cake & thrillers. (PS: I'm baaaaack. 👻) #winterstormstella #stella #snowday

Hooked_on_books Welcome back! That cake looks scrumptious. 7y
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Good as Gone | Amy Gentry
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Florida's version of fall...more beach & sandy books. 😎 Hurricane Matthew delayed their arrival but my Book of the Month box is finally here! 📚⛱✌🏽️(PS: finishedThe Mothers! Review coming soon along with a surprise 😉)

BookishFeminist How did you get all 5 in your box?! 😱 Jealous! 8y
subwayreads @BookishFeminist hahah my boyfriend has a subscription *cough* essentially my house gets two boxes 8y
BookishFeminist 😂😂 tempted to do the same 8y
subwayreads @BookishFeminist he doesn't mind, on the first he just forwards me the email but I have to share the extra goodies that come in the box haha 8y
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The Mothers: A Novel | Brit Bennett
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Just a taste of the perfect wording in this book so far.

Merethebookgal Wow, beautiful writing 8y
courtney God, I have only read like six sentences of this book all together and each one has given me chills. I am SO EXCITED to pick this book up 8y
BethFishReads Need to. Bump this up 8y
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The Secret Place | Tana French
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It was hard to like this book, at first. The main character was alright, a solid character, and the basic premise too. But the teenage angle was pretty terrible: I know that some teenagers actually talk like that but it still makes my ears/eyes hurt to read it. Yet, out of all the DMS books this had the best mystery. I couldn't figure out who had done it, and there were plenty of twists. I enjoyed it in the end, it just took a while to get there.

BooksTeasAndBookishThings I really need to get this book! 8y
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The Mothers: A Novel | Brit Bennett
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The Mothers The Mothers The Mothers The Mothers The Mothers so much hype about this book, crossing my fingers it's true. With @RiverheadBooks behind, it usually is. Plus this cover 👌🏽 and the view ✌🏽️ happy humpday

Louise Nice cover! The description is intriguing. I wonder how the author will manage to interweave such big themes! Will add to TBR to find out! 😃 8y
Gleefulreader Lovely pic! 8y
subwayreads @Louise so far I'm 15 pages in and really liking it. Every word is perfectly placed and I'm completely sucked in! 8y
subwayreads @Gleefulreader thank you 😬 8y
Louise @subwayreads Isn't it wonderful to find a book that draws you in like that?! So rewarding! 🌟 8y
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There was an article on @bookriot a few days ago about binge-reading Tana French. A kind of wish I hadn't seen it because now I'm binge reading Tana French and life has gone out the window. The full article is below. I'd heard of French but never tried her out. Now I've read three of her books in four days and thankfully I'm already unemployed or else I'd be in trouble. Full link in comments (or Google "bookriot tana French binge")

Karkar Book riot is dangerous 📚📚❤️❤️😍😍 8y
subwayreads @Karkar bookriot & litsy = more TBR less money 8y
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jessberk13 Interesting!!! I read In The Woods first and really enjoyed it, but I haven't liked any of her others that I've tried. Maybe I'll try the order they suggest and see if it changes my mind! 8y
subwayreads @jessica were the others also from the Dublin Murder Squad series? I haven't read anything other than the series so far. I'm on my third (technically the fifth) and it's not my favorite but I still like it! 8y
jessberk13 @subwayreads yes, I think they all are. I started to listen to The Secret Place and just couldn't finish it. I think I might be able to in print though. 8y
jessberk13 PS I've been following you on instant forever and you're one of my favorite accounts 😊 would love to meet you if you're heading to Book Riot Live next month! 8y
jessberk13 Or insta* lol 8y
subwayreads @jessica yes! That'd be awesome - DM me on insta. Also at first I was/am skeptical about The Secret Place. The other books have felt more natural so far. The whole teenage girl angle on this one is a little forced. Buuuut I'm now about ⅓ of the way in and it's getting creepier...so I'm hoping it pays off!! 8y
subwayreads @jessica and thank you! I'm not entirely sure you don't have me confused with the fantastic subwaybookreview but either way I'd love to meet up :) 8y
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I actually can't listen to another word Trump says so I'm going to read instead. Tana French, please take me away. You know it's bad when psychological murder thrillers are your happy place. #ImWithHer #MakeAmericaReadAgain 😤

SoniaC He is truly awful. It's so hard to watch him. 8y
BookishMarginalia I just cannot understand why this election is too close for comfort. 8y
BethFishReads My head is exploding 8y
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DebinHawaii I just can't do it--it is way too painful! 😱😱😱 8y
bookishkai I tried to listen and spent most of it working a jigsaw puzzle. @BookishMarginalia I hear you. It's terrifying. 8y
Beachesnbooks Ugh I feel the same way after watching that debate 8y
obviateit You guys are my people. ❤️ 8y
subwayreads @obviateit amen to that! 8y
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And the Mountains Echoed | Khaled Hosseini
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I was hesitant about "And The Mountains Echoed" because I hated "A Thousand Splendid Suns." But I shouldn't have worried. Hosseini brings back the magic from "The Kite Runner" and tells a beautiful, moving story. Well-written, quickly paced, and with wonderful characters, this book enchants from page one. Pair with a beach day or a comfy armchair. Either way you're not going to want to move.

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Illuminae | Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff
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It isn't perfect but it delivers. Two teenagers break up and then their planet gets attacked. The story is told through reports and chats and journals, so you're piecing things together. I read it on kindle which I do not recommend--I think that a lot is lost in the formatting. It's funny and smart and you definitely get sucked in.

BethFishReads I really like this 8y
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Illuminae | Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff
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Loving this book so far. Bought it for 1.99 on Amazon kindle! The format is very different and a little confusing but not enough to lose me.

BethFishReads I really liked this 8y
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Good on Paper | Rachel Cantor
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All prepped for #HurricaneMatthew. 7 books and 7 movies and two back up batteries.

Soubhiville Be safe! 8y
KVanRead Hope all goes well! 8y
MrsV Be safe! Praying for all in the path. 8y
BooksTeasAndBookishThings BE SAFE!!! ❤️ 8y
subwayreads @Soubhiville @KVanRead @MrsV @BooksTeasAndBookishThings thank you!! It didn't touch our area but I am thinking of all it did affect! 8y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters

A year ago today I was also sick and reading my first Sarah Waters. I loved the writing, even if the plot did spin its wheels a bit. What did you guys think? Which Sarah Waters would you recommend? #tbt

Soubhiville Tipping the velvet has always been my favorite! 8y
susanw Fingersmith! 8y
subwayreads @Soubhiville @susanw I will check those out! 8y
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Litsy so sorry I've been MIA. I've been sick :( I missed you guys so much and have so much to update you on and can't wait to see all your updates. So happy to be back!! Best birthday gift: 6-month membership to @bookofthemonthclub and finally starting to get over this flu.

BooksTeasAndBookishThings Welcome back! Happy Birthday! And hope you continue to get better 😘 8y
BookishFeminist ❤️❤️❤️ hope you're feeling tons better. And happy bday! 🎉 8y
Merethebookgal Glad you're feeling better and happy birthday! 8y
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Emily92Bibliophile Happy birthday! Hope you get to feeling better! 8y
Alma Happy Birthday 🎉 And get better soon :)) 8y
Lupita.Reads Happiest of birthdays! Wishing you many many more and of course tons of books!!!! ❤️📚 8y
CherylDeFranceschi Happy Birthday! Glad you're feeling better! 8y
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B Is for Bookworm: A Library Alphabet | Renee Graef, Anita C. Prieto
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B is for Bookworm & Brooklyn. The #BKBF was awesome. I couldn't stay for long because of the humidity but I wanted to stay forever. Hit up the @Litsy booth, met @Liberty , bought a few books and mostly fangirled about all the people and books for as long as my brain let me. More pics & reviews coming soon! #BKLovesLitsy #IloveLitsy #BKBF16

Hooked_on_books Sounds awesome! 8y
DebinHawaii So great that you got to go! 👍📚❤️ 8y
LauraBeth Great pic 😀 8y
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The Versions of Us | Laura Barnett
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Two people, 3 storylines. Similar to Sliding Doors & One Day, although not as good. The characters are a bit flat & it drags in the middle. But I liked the concept; it's unusual to get the whole scope of a romance, from beginning to end and all the messy, lovely, difficult bits in-between. It's not the best book out there, but it definitely made me think. If you're in the mood for an interesting romance, here's your book.

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The Complete Persepolis | Marjane Satrapi
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Amazing. Marjane's experiences are both unique & universal. This is a coming-of-age memoir, a war memoir, a family memoir, a feminist memoir, a kick-ass memoir. I learned so much while reading and related to so much. I wish I could speak more intelligently about this, but I'm still at lost for words and I've read it twice. Read it! It will touch your heart and blow your mind. Books like this convince me that books really are the best weapons.

stephhammer Loved this book for all the reasons you state!❤️📚 8y
GardenJess This is an amazing book. 8y
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The Complete Persepolis | Marjane Satrapi
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This graphic novel is blowing my mind. I can't put it down. So unique but also universal.

ramyasbookshelf I love this book and see/learn something new every single time I re-read it! 8y
Twocougs ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 8y
subwayreads @ramyasbookshelf I just finished it and I want to read it again. I loved it. Ahhh I'm in book heaven! 8y
subwayreads @Twocougs ❤️x1000000 8y
Twocougs @subwayreads you're right! 8y
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The Complete Persepolis | Marjane Satrapi
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An example of why I love this comic/book. It's an amazing mix of growing up and history and politics and family. It's serious but never takes itself too seriously. This was me as a girl, ranting about resolutions while being scolded to be more "proper." I bought it this morning and I'm flying through the pages! Amazing.

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Refreshing and funny. It has a frank-witty-dry tone. Like if Tina Fey and Hemingway had a literary child. I read it a year ago and loved it.

Bought it today on a "quick trip" to the Strand. They need to change their tag line to "killing your bank account one mile at a time."

Anyway- Barbara the Slut! You won't regret it.

Dark Matter | Blake Crouch

I didn't love it, but I can see why other people did. I never quite believed the main character or the premise, so I wasn't very invested. It's definitely a page turner and it keeps you on your toes. But I just didn't care.

Dark Matter | Blake Crouch

I didn't love it, but I can see why other people did. I never quite believed the main character or the premise, so I wasn't very invested. It's definitely a page turner and it keeps you on your toes. But I just didn't care.

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So much to say. Colehead writes with such nonchalance...he doesn't spell out the horrors of slavery in graphic detail. Just a few well placed words & our imagination fills in the rest. It's incredibly powerful & unsettling. One act of violence shocks us; slavery was endless violence, one act woven into the next, the fabric of life. I don't think I'll ever truly comprehend it, but Colehead's book brought me one step closer.

Gleefulreader Terrific review and I love your notes. 8y
OrangeMooseReads I have only read good things about this book. I'm going to have to put it at the top of my purchase list. 8y
LauraBeth Great review! 8y
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UwannaPublishme 😊👍🏻 8y
TheJOMOreader Such a thoughtful review! 8y
Carissa-Green-Reads "Colehead?" Is that a thing? I'm behind ? 8y
kenhahn He is a great writer, I've had a hard time putting this book down. 8y
Graciouswarriorprincess I am reading this now. 8y
Ehbooklover Just finished this one. Absolutely loved it! So powerful. 8y
Bakingbookworm I'm about half way through so far. A great read. 8y
Kaylamburson I love how you have a page of notes with quotes. I want to start doing that for all the books I read. Great idea! You can then always look back and relive the pages. 8y
Tav "Colehead" lol 8y
subwayreads @Gleefulreader @LauraBeth @UwannaPublishme @LindsayInTheLibrary thank you!! It took me three days to gather my thoughts 🙈 8y
subwayreads @OrangeMooseReads yes! I wish I could send you my copy but my father is currently reading it. 8y
subwayreads @Carissa-Green-Reads @Tav 😳😳😳 welp that's embarrassing hahaha I blame postgrad school exhaustion. Great catch! Off to correct my goodreads review too... 8y
subwayreads @kenhahn same! I wanted to read it slowly to really soak it in but I didn't succeed haha 8y
subwayreads @Graciouswarriorprincess can't wait to hear your thoughts! 8y
subwayreads @Bakingbookworm eee enjoy! I wish I could read it for the first time again haha 8y
subwayreads @Kaylamburson I have so many notebooks littered with quotes/book notes. Maybe one day I'll put them all in one book haha 8y
Tav @subwayreads we knew what you meant! 8y
BibliOphelia Colehead = Colson Whitehead fan. Makes perfect sense! 8y
Kaylamburson @subwayreads I'm sure it's always a nice throw back when you find them. 8y
Bakingbookworm @subwayreads Have you read Roots by Alex Haley? It's my all-time fav book. I think it was even more emotionally raw than TUR (or at least the half that I've read so far). An outstanding read as is Book of Negroes by Lawrence Hill (it's got a different title in the US than here in Canada). I like how TUR is focusing on different aspects of the slavery era in the US. The actual railroad and how African Americans were treated even if they were free. 8y
Posemn I thought "Colehead" was on target as well. Like Rom Com, Sci Fi.....maybe you started a "thing" @subwayreads! 8y
subwayreads @Bakingbookworm Roots has been on my TBR for forever :/ I read parts of his Malcom X autobiography in high school but have never finished. And I'll look up the Lawrence Hill. Thank you so much!! 8y
subwayreads @BibliOphelia @Posemn hahahaha thanks for the vote of confidence. Ill stick with Colehead then :) 8y
Bakingbookworm @subwayreads And don't forget to read the Kitchen House. I'm working on my review of UR right now but I had a very different reaction to it. 8y
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Reading Challenge | Casey Malarcher, Andre Janzen
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Yay! Because of grad school I set my challenge to a little bit over a book a week. I underestimated my powers of procrastination hahaha. Also I've actually read 82 books if you count all my re-reads, but I don't want to change the original date of reading on goodreads, so goodreads doesn't count them as read in 2016. I think I'm going to start keeping a book journal - any tips?

LauraBeth This is awesome! 8y
britt_brooke 🙌🏻🙌🏻 8y
CherylDeFranceschi Awesome! 8y
Soubhiville Good for you! I also get frustrated with Goodreads not counting rereads. There are several books I like to read every couple years. I'm thinking of starting a spreadsheet to track more accurately and easily. I know I've seen people post methods here before, and a lot of folks just use a notebook. Good luck! 8y
BookishFeminist 🎉🎉 that's awesome, especially while in grad school! 8y
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Not perfect, but definitely an enjoyable thrill. I had no idea who was behind anything for most of the book--not a clue. My guess was completely wrong too. The pacing is a bit off (personally felt that too much time was spent describing her constant panic--we get it!) but the mystery was incredible. Id be surprised if you can put it down.

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Finally! The library waiting list for this is always soooo long - got it on sale for 2.99 today. Some great ebooks on sale go check them out.

Definitely next on my TBR, this woman is my hero. 👌🏽

Reviewsbylola My daughter's name is Florence! ❤️ 8y
Hooked_on_books I really enjoyed this. She's a remarkable young woman--the taliban messed with the wrong person! 8y
subwayreads @Reviewsbylola great name 😉 does she go by Flo? I go by Flo and sometimes forget my name is Florence. I'm sure there are people who know me who have no idea that my name isn't just Flo hahah 8y
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subwayreads @Hooked_on_books I'm so excited, she's such a boss. 8y
Reviewsbylola She goes equally by Flo, Florence, Baby Flo (she's two and the baby of the family!), and Flossie. 8y
subwayreads @Reviewsbylola that's awesome! Hi Flo! 8y
ValerieAndBooks I just finished this one, I think you'll really like it too. 8y
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I love this. The book has flaws but Ruth Ware NAILS all those aspects of being a woman that go "unnoticed"--especially a woman on antidepressants. If I had a penny for every time someone (usually a man) has told me to "calm down" or "just relax" or "don't worry", I'd be JK Rowling rich.

Alisnazzy 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 8y
BookishFeminist RIGHT. Like, you telling me to calm down isn't going to make me calmer. And if you're so worked up about me not being calm, maybe you should do the calming down. 😐 8y
subwayreads @BookishFeminist exactly!!! Drives me nuts. 8y
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Yes. Sarcastic feminist digs FTW.

(Finished The Underground Railroad this morning. Haven't been able to put together coherent sentences about it yet. Read it.)

Megabooks Nice!! 8y
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I'm about to finish The Underground Railroad so I brought my next read. Haven't had a beach day in so long, I'm in heaven.

Guys the The Underground Railroad is so good. If I hadn't already read Homegoing, Id say TUR is the best book of the year so far. It's not an easy read, I had to put it down every few pages because the horrors are just...unspeakable. But it's so well written and so authentic and true. And horrifying.

MrBook Niiiiiice! Perfect 😊👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 8y
BibliOphelia I WANT BEACH! 🏖🏖 Need to get Uderground Railroad ASAP. 8y
cariashley Gorgeous! Am jealous. Stuck in an office right now 😣 8y
britt_brooke Envious! Enjoy!! 8y
RealLifeReading that sand!! That sea!! Oooh 8y
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IM BAAAAAAACK. Turned in my final project and now FREEDOM / job hunting but mostly READING. My clever ravenclaw ring got me through. & all the litsy and support. Thank you 🙈

Started this stunning book on the plane today & cannot put it down. Whitehead writes with such authority but also nonchalance; I shiver every few paragraphs.

LauraBeth Yay 🎉🎉 8y
OSChamberlain Congrats! And Whitehead is gonna be at the Miami book fair so I might meet him! 8y
subwayreads @OSChamberlain I'm in Miami right now! My parents live here. I'm going to try to make it to the fair this year too. 8y
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BookishFeminist Woo! Congrats!! 8y
OSChamberlain @subwayreads Woahhhh no way awesome! What part of Miami? 8y
subwayreads @OSChamberlain they live in Bal Harbour. I've never officially lived here but I spent six months in Miami about a year ago and I've been coming to Miami since I was born. It's one of the places I consider home! 8y
sparklemotion Yay! Congrats 😊 8y
OSChamberlain Nice! I on the other hand can't wait to get out of here! 8y
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Complete Poetry | Maya Angelou
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I don't think there's much to be said except this book deserves a spot on your shelf. Whether you read it cover to cover or just occasionally pick it up, it will provide comfort, inspiration, and knowledge.

I love poetry. I'm not very knowledgeable about it, but every year I fall more in love. The first poem to take my breath away was "Is/Not" by Margaret Atwood, and I've been trying to catch my breath since. #augustphotochallenge (#day19)

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#augustphotochallenge I LOVE used books. It's one of the many reasons I love HousingWorks Bookstore. I love its mission, the books, & the events. Most of their books are used in good condition & 100% of their profits go to fighting homelessness & HIV/AIDS. I used to volunteer there & I'd say about ¼ of my books in NYC are from HW. Buuuut, I can never read there--to many books distract me. My bed is probably my fav place to relax. (day 17&18)

GinaAnderson What an incredible place! 8y
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Can't sleep so I'm catching up on #augustphotochallenge. My favorite collaborations are the authors & illustrators in picture books. This was the first children's book I read as a grown up and it's one of my favorite. I love both Daywalt & Jeffers. A funny, unique, and creative book with a clever story & drawings. For kids and adults alike. 👍🏽 (#day16)

teainthelibrary My students love this one! It won the California Young Reader Medal, I believe. 8y
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This was a perfect book for me right now, but I don't think I would always recommend it. It's very "high school drama," which I have nothing against but I don't necessarily want to relive. I think the author wrote about issues of sexuality and race in an honest & subtle way. It's not the best YA book I've read, but it was fun while it lasted. Somewhere between a pick and a so-so depending on your mood. (Also I MISS LITSY.)

BookishFeminist It misses you too! 8y
katelizabee Excellent bookmark! 8y
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I friend sent me this IG snapshot and I thought it too accurate. "Yes Master" = me 100%

Thanks for all the well wishes on my last week. Every time I'm feeling overwhelmed I just pop into litsy and look at your comments & take a deep breath. Happy Thursday everyone ? & I can't wait for the android users to join us. Litsy love!

scripturient Love this!!! So true. 😂 8y
Hooked_on_books 100% true! 8y
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LauraBeth ❤️ this! 8y
Alisnazzy Edit: *Now ex-friend. 8y
subwayreads @Ambrosnazzy hahaha good point! I also believe my dog would be 100% supportive of me. 8y
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I'll be a little absent from litsy for the next week. Last week of my masters and have massively procrastinated on my final project :/ Will be popping in to read your posts but won't have much time to read/post myself. Will miss you all! Enjoy the Olympics 😘😘😘❤️

sparklemotion Good luck with your project! 🙏 8y
DebinHawaii Hang in there 👍😬 8y
Hooked_on_books Best of luck! 8y
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Twocougs Hang in there and good luck! Boy does it feel good when you're done😊 8y
CherylDeFranceschi Fortitude! Best of luck! 8y
Books_Wine_Repeat Good luck! You can do it! 👍 8y
KVanRead Best of luck! Knock 'em dead and Litsy will be here to welcome you back once you're done. 8y
Sue Good luck!! 8y
BookishFeminist Best of luck, Flo! Kick some butt. We'll be here when you get back. ❤️ 8y
LauraBeth Good luck 😀😀 8y
Baileeandme Good luck with your project! 😃 8y
Megabooks Good luck! 👍🏻👍🏻 8y
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Winnie the Pooh | A.A. Milne
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It looks peach colored? Boyfriend and I had a big debate about the color of peaches and what "peach" color is. Peaches are not peach colored! They're yellow / red / orange. Which makes peach? God it's like math ?? #augustbookchallenge

Books_Wine_Repeat 😂😂😂 peaches = math! That's hilarious! 8y
BookishFeminist 😂😂 I was thinking the same thing earlier so I was like fuck it, I'll just get red orange and yellow books together and call it good. 8y
Gezemice I believe the name of the color comes from peach blossoms, not peaches. At least in Hungarian, the color is called "peach flower". 8y
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The Hopefuls: A novel | Jennifer Close
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Started out strong and then whimpered at the end. Or whined at the end? Because there was a lot of whining and pettiness. This book is an ad for "do not get married." Or "do not move to DC." It is a page-turner & the first half+ is interesting and clever. But then the characters become so repetitive & no one changes or grows. Maybe this is "realistic." Lots of people will like it; sadly not for me.

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Re-reading this as I read "West with the Night." Both are so good. My boyfriend thinks I'm insane because I keep demanding we have champagne and go horseback riding. (Him: "we live in NY" Me: "we can ride the police horses!" Him: "cool call me from jail.") Read this book! Amazing woman :) [also apologies for repeat/missing comments last night - Litsy was acting up :/ ]

Mayread There's a stable in Park Slope (ish). So you could drink champagne & then visit the horses. That's pretty much what I did visiting friends in BK. Although we may have been drinking and singing on an overpass instead of at a bar. 8y
MrBook 😆😂👍🏻 There's always the Central Park horses too. Maybe you can give a sufficient reason to ride one in a parade. They can be rented. 😊 8y
LauraBeth Just go to the Central Park carousel and get your fix 😀 I love that you love this book so much because I really love it too 8y
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subwayreads @Skiles checking this out as soon as I'm done with grad school. I've only been horse riding once but I love horses! 8y
subwayreads @MrBook oooo! I've always wanted to ride in a parade, so double-win 8y
subwayreads @LauraBeth hahahaha fair! And yes, I'm going through a major colonial-Kenya obsession thanks to this book! 8y
MrBook 😂👍🏻 8y
Zimachills I loved this book. Beautifully written. 8y
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West with the Night | Beryl Markham

Good night Littens! (Thanks Liberty for that perfect term.) I had a great day full of books/reading. Unfortunately my Litsy has been acting up - I've been trying to comment on your uniquefact posts but my comments don't appear. My apologies if you've actually been receiving 5 of the same comment 😳 I can't see them so I don't think they've gone through. I'll try again in the morning but thank you all for sharing! Such an honor to read your stories

West with the Night | Beryl Markham

Good night Littens! (Thanks Liberty for that perfect term.) I had a great day full of books/reading. Unfortunately my Litsy has been acting up - I've been trying to comment on your uniquefact posts but my comments don't appear. My apologies if you've actually been receiving 5 of the same comment 😳 I can't see them so I don't think they've gone through. I'll try again in the morning but thank you all for sharing! Such an honor to read your stories

West with the Night | Beryl Markham

Good night Littens! (Thanks Liberty for that perfect term.) I had a great day full of books/reading. Unfortunately my Litsy has been acting up - I've been trying to comment on your uniquefact posts but my comments don't appear. My apologies if you've actually been receiving 5 of the same comment 😳 I can't see them so I don't think they've gone through. I'll try again in the morning but thank you all for sharing! Such an honor to read your stories

West with the Night | Beryl Markham

Good night Littens! (Thanks Liberty for that perfect term.) I had a great day full of books/reading. Unfortunately my Litsy has been acting up - I've been trying to comment on your uniquefact posts but my comments don't appear. My apologies if you've actually been receiving 5 of the same comment 😳 I can't see them so I don't think they've gone through. I'll try again in the morning but thank you all for sharing! Such an honor to read your stories

West with the Night | Beryl Markham

Good night Littens! (Thanks Liberty for that perfect term.) I had a great day full of books/reading. Unfortunately my Litsy has been acting up - I've been trying to comment on your uniquefact posts but my comments don't appear. My apologies if you've actually been receiving 5 of the same comment 😳 I can't see them so I don't think they've gone through. I'll try again in the morning but thank you all for sharing! Such an honor to read your stories

Oh! My God! I Miss You | Yoshitomo Nara
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one #uniquefact about me is that I love postcards (& cards). My friends & family all receive postcards from me regularly. I can't go anywhere new without buying a postcard & I spend way too much on cards. I collect them from everywhere, and always keep one for myself and then send some along to whoever they remind me of. My friends joke that I keep USPS running. I have over 200 postcards for myself & then about 100 that I keep to send.

subwayreads #augustphotochallenge - and yes I use BOTM boxes to separate between "my" postcards and the "to send" postcards and other stationary 8y
Hooked_on_books Very cool! And smart system of organization. 8y
jessberk13 One of my best friends collects postcards! You have a lovely collection! 8y
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KVanRead I've been doing this for years. Then I started using them to send my kids mail at summer camp and this year I ran out ( except some weird ones of naked Beat poets) so now I'm stocking up again! 8y
subwayreads @Hooked_on_books yah I used to use shoe boxes but this is more bookish 😉 8y
subwayreads @jessica oh cool! No one I know collects them, my friends all think I'm slightly deranged hahaha 8y
subwayreads @KVanRead that's such a great idea! I love buying postcard collections - this "oh my god I miss you" I've sent exclusively to my best friends, who all live abroad. Museums and bookstores have the coolest collections! Also penguin has one that I love - "Postcards from Penguin: One Hundred Book Covers in a Box" 8y
read.run.travel I absolutely love post cards too! I send them to my closest friends from wherever I go 💌 8y
Hooked_on_books Did you know there's an app called Snap Shot Postcard where you can make your own postcard from any photo? I love it! 8y
KVanRead Yes museums are the best and the Penguin collection sounds amazing. Want it! 8y
BookishFeminist Cards/postcards are so much fun! I keep every one I'm ever sent & ones I find in books 😀 you have a killer collection! 8y
TheSpinecrackersBookClub Wowie. This is great. 8y
PurpleyPumpkin I don't send many, but I love receiving and collecting postcards. When my husband and I are on vacation, I try to send a postcard back to us. It's always a nice memento of our travels. 😊✈️💌 8y
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Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
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I know this a book platform, but I love stories. Before we had books, we had stories. I love movies too. Not all movies, because I think a lot of movies are made for purposes other than telling a story. But sometimes movies are only the medium, as is a book. And the story is beautiful and true, even if it's fiction. Out of Africa is like that. The story of a proud brave woman and a proud brave man and how they did their best.

GardenJess The book is great. 8y
subwayreads @GardenJess yes I loved it! So very different than the movie, but I love them both for very different reasons. Although they both manage to transport me, especially the book, which I love 8y
GardenJess That's a fairly accurate description about them both. 8y
GinaAnderson I saw the movie when it came out and what I most remember is how visually stunning it is. I need to rewatch it. 8y
subwayreads @GinaAnderson I highly recommend it! I recommend the book for different reasons, but the movie is visually stunning but also told with such grace and subtlety and honor. Sorry I'm gushing ☺️ 8y
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HOLY SHIT GUYS. Just realized that "Felicity" in the movie Out of Africa is Beryl Markham. Wonder who is going to play her in the movie of Circling the Sun? & Karen Blixen? & Denys? I can't imagine Denys as not-Robert Redford, but I'm excited to see who they pick for Beryl. I loved reading the story from Beryl's perspective & now it's fascinating to see it from Karen's again. (Also interesting that Beryl wasn't mentioned in book Out of Africa.)

BethFishReads Yessssssssss. I didn't realize you didn't know that 8y
subwayreads @BethFishReads nope. I'd always seen it once before and was so entranced by everything else. It's a beautiful movie 8y
BethFishReads I've seen it more times than I can count! 8y
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BethFishReads BTW -- here's a post I wrote about a few books about colonial Kenya http://www.bethfishreads.com/2015/07/12-ways-into-colonial-africa.html?m=0 8y
subwayreads @BethFishReads I love it! I'm read West with the Night now, a few chapters at a time. The rest of these Ill get to :) also - do you find it interesting that not as much has been written about Denys finch Hatton? 8y
BethFishReads Yes! I don't know why. There was a biography years ago, but I haven't been able to find a copy 8y
subwayreads @BethFishReads "Too close to the sun" is on Amazon, I will see if my local bookstore can order me a copy though. But I haven't heard very good things about the book, mostly that the author had little facts and was mostly enamored with her subject :/ 8y
subwayreads @BethFishReads just ordered a copy of "too close" and also Judith Thurman's biography of Blixen. The bookstore said they'd be next week. Officially obsessed ? 8y
BethFishReads I have (& have read) Thurman but I haven't seen "too close" 8y
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Us: David Nicholls | David Nicholls
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Torn between pan / so-so. The marriage bit was okay, anyone in a long term relationship will relate to the ups&downs, the endless doubts. However the characters were so unrealistic & the surly voice was maddening. If there are more cliche characters somewhere, please, show me. Strict scientist father. Loving artist mother. Moody angry teenage son. Nothing happens for 300+ pages except a lot of excuses. Also, no humor! Didn't laugh once. 😑

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(Ok, technically not "my" bookstacks.) My bf's family is selling the family house, which has been in their family for about 250 years. There are book stacks EVERYWHERE. They are selling some of the rarer books. It's been so weird to see the house dismantle, but also amazing to be able to go through books that I've been walking by for ages! Sadly they did not take very good care of the books, so a lot of them are in ruins :( #augustphotochallenge

Hooked_on_books What a marvelous place! I have no idea how to do the pics as thumbnails and include multiple pics in one post. Guidance? 8y
subwayreads @Hooked_on_books I use an app called "live collage" (other people use picstitch). It allows you to select different layouts with numerous # of pics from 1 - 10+. Then you select what pictures you want inside the layout and you can move them around too. It's pretty user friendly and you can change the color of the background/lines. 8y
Hooked_on_books Awesome, great tips. Thank you! 8y
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