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Joined May 2016

Slow cook, slow knitter, slow reader but hey, that's just me.
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This is not a book for everyone. It is actually a pretty tough read - sad and lonely, I think.
There is a quiet story line about love in all of it‘s shapes and sizes. I would not recommend this book to everyone but it is definitely a beautiful worthwhile read. I think it will stay with me for quite a while.

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Here‘s hoping for a 2018 of peace, calm and empathy for others.
Read more.
Happy New Year.

Untitled | Unknown
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And I‘m a slow reader too!

#blameitonlitsy has helped me narrow my book choices to books that are almost always on target.


Priestdaddy: A Memoir | Patricia Lockwood
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Hmmmm...... different, funny, certainly irreverent. Definitely NOT a book to recommend to your Grandma (unless she is irreverent as well). This was a good read after all of the Christmas “togetherness” with family.
Lockwood talks about some pretty serious subjects with humor and insight.

Suzze On my pile. I‘m really looking forward to this. And I am a Grandma. 😁 7y
Posemn Me too @Suzze! 7y
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Victoria | Daisy Goodwin
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Well, I give up. I have revisited this book 3 times thinking 3 would be the charm. I am at least half way through and still feel nothing for the characters and there seems to be very little “sense of place” to me. I know many Litsy readers enjoyed the book so I am taking Victoria to the Little Free Library down the street tomorrow in hopes that she will find a new happy home.
My apologies to the author.

Mdargusch You can‘t say you didn‘t try. I would love to find that in my LFL! 7y
Posemn That is good to know @Mdargusch. I have been known to check on books after I put them in a LFL. It‘s silly, but I like to know someone wanted it. 7y
Mdargusch I totally get that. I made a list of all the books people took from mine this past summer because it fascinates me what people like to read. 7y
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Posemn What a great idea @Mdargusch. Have you noticed any trends? We have several LFL in town that seem to lean toward their own genre - children‘s books, fiction, nonfiction, science....... I‘m not sure if they are “curated” that way or if people with like interests visit them more often. I know I do have a favorite one that I like to visit. 7y
Mdargusch Mine is in a community of summer cottages so anything seems to go. I have a huge selection of children‘s books and middle grade chapter books because I have an extra cabinet for them. But the newer books only last a day or two. I‘d say classics are not so popular. 7y
Posemn Hmm, “a community of summer houses.” Where are you @Mdargusch? I live in a community of (mostly) former summer cottages here in MN. Lots of original summer cottages still but it is a year round community now. 7y
Mdargusch Lakeside Chautauqua on Lake Erie. It‘s a big family place with lots of foot traffic, so I get people browsing all day long. It‘s really amazing. 7y
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My commitment to only reading library 📚after our book downsizing is going really (really really) well....
except when I go to Half Price Books.....

KCorter Same here! We just got a couple of bookshelves and it all fits so nicely. I need to stop bringing books home. I have to stay away from AbeBooks! All those books for only $3 (with free shipping!) is just so tempting. 😉 7y
Posemn Yes @KCorter! I don't even LOOK on line. That is double the danger! Wait. $3.00?! 7y
KCorter I am probably being an enabler... But yes! AbeBooks is AMAZING. 7y
Posemn oh no. thanks. 😱 7y
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The Weight of Ink | Rachel Kadish
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How could I have gone all of these years (and I have pretty many of them) without knowing about the heads on London Bridge? 😱

bedandabook I didn‘t know about London Bridge but was aware it used to be common practice outside the Houses of Parliament, because I used to work there. We‘re a gruesome lot, the English 😉 7y
Posemn Yikes @bedandabook, more heads?! Oh......the English. 😉 7y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Hey @DebinHawaii I made your Moroccan Corn Chowder and it is delicious! Thanks so much for sharing the recipe. #kahakaikitchen #cooksoflitsy

ItsAngel Would love the recipe if you openly share it @DebinHawaii 🤗 7y
Posemn @ItsAngel Deb has a blog with her recipes kahakaikitchen.blogspot.com where she shares recipes. 7y
Posemn Sure hope I got the spelling right. All of those vowels always get me! 😬 7y
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Suet624 Thanks for the link! 7y
ItsAngel Thanks @Posemn 🤗 7y
DebinHawaii @Posemn I am so glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the blog shoutout and link. It is an unwieldy name to spell and say! 😆👍 @ItsAngel @Suet624 Here's a link to that particular post with the recipe: http://kahakaikitchen.blogspot.com/2017/08/moroccan-corn-chowder-for-food-n-flix... 7y
Suet624 👍 7y
ItsAngel @DebinHawaii thank you! 7y
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Salt Houses | Hala Alyan
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I am neither Israeli nor Palestinian by ancestry but if my Mom and Dad and special Aunt and grandparents were here today I would give them all great big hugs after finishing this book. Alyan tells a heartbreaking and beautiful story about family and displacement. I loved this book.

heidisreads I saw this on the shelf at the library the other day and almost picked it up... but I already had so many books in my arms! 😂🤣 7y
Posemn I know that feeling @heidifk! I try not to look at the "New Books" shelves when checking out books I have requested. I always come home with extra books when I look! 7y
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What Happened | Hillary Rodham Clinton
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While I do not usually buy books by politicians I decided to buy this book yesterday because I want Hillary's book sale numbers to be the BIGGEST, BADDEST sales numbers ever! (Compared to that other guy's numbers).
My rule of NOT buying new books after our downsizing purge "re begins" tomorrow..... kinda

Jess7 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 7y
Jess7 She was awesome on Colbert! She told a story about meeting with Putin while she was Secretary of State. Putin was "manspreading" (spreading out on the chair, head back, acting disinterested with everything she was saying about #humanrights) so then she brings up wildlife conservation which Putin cares about. He tells her he is going to go in to the wild to tag these animals and then he asks her if her husband would want to come. She says: 7y
Jess7 "I don't know but if he's busy, I'll go" - I would of loved to have witnessed the look on Putin's face. I love her!!! #ImSTILLwithHer 7y
Posemn Ahhh, @Jess7 that is a great story! I would have liked to see that in person as well. I don't think she gets enough credit for a quick wit. 😉 7y
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The Weight of Ink | Rachel Kadish
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Plan A: Downsize home. Downsize bookshelves - a heart wrenching experience. Vow to get books from library.
Read 100 pages and fall in love with AWESOME book. Decide buying my own book is not much more expensive than overdue fees to finish next 400 pages. It begins.
Plan B: ....sigh.....

Suet624 😂😂😂😂 7y
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Delicious! | Ruth Reichl
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Still struggling with my reading mojo this year (damn Election.) Spending way too much time with political Twitter feeds! But, apparently books with food involved my be the way to my reading-self's heart! This is my second in a row. I usually like "bigger reads" but find I am reading more comfort books while I struggle with my focus issues. This is a nice story ... and I have made a copy of the recipe for a MN fall baking day. Story suggestions?

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This was a sweet (literally and figuratively) story about people who care about each other. It is certainly a story you have heard before - girl leaves previous life, finds new life, new job, new love...... but it was just what I needed in this year of (political) turmoil. Read this if you need a "comfort break."

Suet624 I liked this book a lot too!! 7y
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Homegoing: A novel | Yaa Gyasi
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This morning I have been reading other Litsy blurbs on this book because it hasn't been a quick read for me. I realized that, indeed, the book reads like a collection of short stories. When I have stopped trying to tie family members together (because by the nature of slavery many DID lead separate lives away from each other) the story makes more sense. Well worth the read, just need to change my perspective!

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A little bit of snow in MN this morning to finish Lillian's walk through NYC on New Year's Eve in 1985. This is a quiet, pleasant (mostly) story. The author's play on words and touches of humor make this book a great read.

lynneamch 💗💖💕 7y
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Beautifully sad
Poetic and magical

Mickey's Christmas | Catherine McCafferty
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And to all a good night.

SusanInTiburon Cozy cozy 8y
Suet624 This is a beautiful photo! 7y
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Reading a couple of chapters before the day's Christmas busyness begins.
Cocoa for Santa.
Kicking Horse "Grizzly Claw" coffee for me.*

*I'm going to need it as we get down to the wire before company gets in town!


Lilac Girls: A Novel | Martha Hall Kelly
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When I went through the Litsy reviews I see that I am not the first person to have to return Lilac Girls to the library when I have not finished it. I am only about half way through - made it to the red thread. The book has been a little slow for me - could be my state of mind. Is it worth it to get the book again? I am number 74 😱on the wait list.

Untitled | Unknown
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He is writing me a story. So far there has been a one-armed creature (?) under the water......(?)
Loving the grandson adventure!!

Suzze 💙💙💙💙 8y
britt_brooke This is so stinking sweet! 💕 8y
Donna_sBookMinute Oh, how sweet. He's so intent. After he gives you the name of his story, you can "read" it to him. My grands are teens but my "baby" just got married; so I'm ready for round 2. Enjoy the story. 8y
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Posemn Thank you @Suzze and @britt_brooke! @Donna_sBookMinute lucky you! You got to enjoy a first round of grandchildren and now get to start again! I think this may be my one and only grandchild 😕 but that's okay. He is pretty wonderful!! 8y
Suzze @Posemn @Donna_sBookMinute I am lucky enough to have 7 grandkids! 4 boys, 3 girls. Love it (except my budget at Christmas -ouch!) 8y
Posemn @Suzze, 7 grandkids! Wow! That is a lot of Christmas books to buy. What fun though! 8y
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Whew! I have been in a pretty long post-election funk - really couldn't even read. This is the first book that came up on my library hold list once I started paying attention again. It made me feel hopeful, as if .... no matter WHO is in the White House, the people who take care of the president (whoever that is) and his family keep things on an even keel. ((small comforts))

ValerieAndBooks Welcome back 😊 8y
Posemn Thanks @ValerieAndBooks! It feels like coming back home and putting on my comfy flannels. Good to be back to reading too. 8y
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Stillmeadow Calendar | Gladys Taber
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I've owned these books for years - a few of my books that survived our downsizing purge. They are books about the seasons of a quiet, simple country life. Some copyright dates are 1937 with reissues in the 60s.
These are some of only a few books I reread. I think they will provide a much needed quiet calm in future days.

Flaneurette I have stillmeadow sampler that I read years ago. I should reread it. Thanks for reminding me! 8y
Posemn And @Flaneurette you have given me the name of a Stillmeadow book that I don't see on my shelves. The hunt begins! Thanks! 8y
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Orphan Master's Son | Adam Johnson
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Had to take a pic from a NY Times review as I no longer own the book. This is a gripping SCARY story about life, culture and very scary politics in a closed society - North Korea. This was a gripping book and it has stuck with me a long time. It is NOT an easy read but, wow!, well worth the time. I notice obscure news items ( Japanese kidnappings) all of the time now. This book will make you glad to live in an open democracy!

Suzze I agree. It was not an easy book to read but it will stick with me. Amazing book. 8y
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#cookbooklove I have probably used Ina Garten's books Make it Ahead and Barefoot in Paris the most this year but you can see I have lots of pages marked for big cooking plans this MN winter - if we ever get a winter this year.
Still 60s and 70s here!

PrincessLibrarian That Better Homes has my heart ❤️ 8y
Flaneurette Fellow Minnesotan here- this weather is weird😛 8y
MrBook #NoTotsNotACookbook!!! 😂👏🏻 8y
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queerbookreader I love my Moosewood cookbooks 💞 8y
Posemn @PrincessLibrarian the Better Homes is an old well used cookbook. I got it for a wedding shower and we have been married 42 years (😱). Pages are falling out, stained and marked. It has my ❤️ too. 8y
Posemn @Flaneurette I remember a few years ago when I saw a water skier skiing on the Mississippi River in St Paul on Thanksgiving day. Sadly, I think that was before our 2013 Year of Snow. I like snow, just not so much in May. 8y
Posemn @MrBook, surely you have heard of Minnesota Hot Dish. There are many ( many many) hot dish recipes with tater tots. I think you could be happy here! 8y
Posemn @lemonlime799 I haven't used the Moosewood cookbook as much - not really sure why. Do you have a couple of recipes to recommend 8y
MrBook 😳.......😮.....😱....😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻!!!! 8y
BookBabe That 365 book caught my eye! 😮 8y
Posemn @BookBabe 365 is a Rachel Ray cookbook. Most of the recipes are quick and easy! 8y
MrBook Ooooh! 8y
lynneamch Ina's brownie recipe is over-the-top incredible! 8y
Posemn Well I am going to have to try the brownies then some day @lynneamch. (( but not until after I get over ALL of the Christmas cookies that keep calling my name))..... sigh 8y
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The Light of Paris | Eleanor Brown
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I love all things Paris, but I want the story about Margie STAYING in Paris, struggling through her problems, and making a life that was everything she wanted.
Also....my apologies to A Gentleman in Moscow who keeps getting set aside ( because I own it) due to all of the library books that keep coming up in my queue after months!

Shelter: A Novel | Jung Yun
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Not sure what I expected when I put a library hold on Shelter. The book is a quick, somewhat suspenseful read, but mostly it is just sad. I would still recommend the book - not to everybody - because it is thought provoking and I like the way Yun slowly developed the characters. Domestic violence is never a fun read but it is interesting to see the characters outward lives compared to their inner thoughts. Sheesh. Tough review.

Untitled | Anonymous
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Nothing says "joy" like the fact that our US election season (hopefully) comes to a close two weeks from today.
My vote has been cast - easiest POTUS vote I have ever cast - and now I am trying to wait patiently ? for results.

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Company last weekend so Lola and I are spending some time "speeding" through @Litsy to catch up with posts. May I just say I don't like this version of Litsy time. I like the slow-every-morning-with-a-cup-of-coffee visit better. ( I am thinking company will have to wait in the mornings from here on out). Glad to be back!

Bette 🐶❤️ 8y
KCorter That reading nook is perfection! 8y
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Commonwealth | Ann Patchett
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The life history of a fairly dysfunctional family and I find myself sympathetic to and caring for all of the characters -all within only 300+- pages. How does Ann Patchett do that?!

slhbooks Looking forward to reading this one! I'm hoping it's available on the 'Lucky U' shelf at the library tomorrow📚📚📚 8y
Karen3 I can't wait to get to this one! 8y
Gulfsidemusing Planning to start today!! 8y
somanybooks I adored it!! 8y
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Sounds like a perfect night for reading 🌨🌬❄️🍷( wine is my own idea).

Gulfsidemusing Got tired of waiting for a library copy and bought my own today! 8y
Posemn I haven't had much time to get into the book yet @Lakesidemusing, but already I can tell I am happy that this book will be a keeper. 8y
Gulfsidemusing @Posemn 😀👍🏻 8y
MaureenMc It is just so fabulous. 8y
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Commonwealth | Ann Patchett
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This is a great book and my MN self loves these lines! ( Better drawing skills to come at a later date, hopefully).

Bette 🐻👢😊 anything goes for a MN winter 8y
Posemn That's right @Bette! I wear my very chic leather mittens with my mukluks every January! 8y
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What a ride! This series is an adventure in Neapolitan life and culture told through the story of a "splendid and shadowy" friendship. The four books detail the lives of Elena and Lila with passion, darkness and moments of beauty. It is my hope that if Elena Ferrante's true identity HAS been discovered, the author will sell rights to the books and PBS will make a Downton Abbey-like story with many long, delicious seasons to watch.

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The man is a Keeper!
My husband is a big reader but not at all a social media guy. I told him about all of the great reviews on @Litsy about this book and he downloaded it right away.
He decided I would love it too so he bought the book for me ( I don't really like reading on an iPad unless I'm traveling).

Yep, he's mine!

#blameitonlitsy and Thank you very much!

ValerieAndBooks Aww how sweet!! 8y
Gulfsidemusing Love this!!! Can't wait to read it😍 8y
RealLifeReading Yeah he's a keeper! Lucky you! 8y
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Huh. Sounds like somebody else we know in our election season here in the states.

Notafraidofwords Hmm 😉 8y
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Sigh.... It took me several days to digest this book before I could even begin to think about a review.
Read this book!
It is one of the toughest I have ever read and it is important, heartbreaking and eye opening.
I really appreciated the fact that CW took us all over the country to show how slavery and racism was/is everywhere. It has not been limited to the southern states. I want everybody to read this book!

Bette Did. Agree. 👍 8y
JenFischS I have been telling everyone to read this book. 8y
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It is a beautiful chilly morning in MN. I am making a big cup of coffee and settling in with my book for a little while.
This candle is definitely Litsy's fault. I live in MN and had never heard of Frostbeard Studio until seeing book lovers' posts on @Litsy
The candle adds a very nice fall touch to my morning.


BooksTeasAndBookishThings Omg!!! I LOVE @FrostbeardMPLS !!! That scent is next for me! ❤️🎃❤️ 8y
Posemn Yes @BooksTeasAndBookishThings, I think it was your post with the Fahrenheit 451 candle and the Fireplace Bloom tea that, perhaps, sent me over the #Blameitonlisty edge. 🤗. If you order a Pumpkin Juice candle please let me know how you like it compared to Fahrenheit 451 (since you said it smells like autumn as well). This was my first Frostbeard purchase. Thanks for the recommendation! 8y
BooksTeasAndBookishThings Haha glad to help you spend money 😉 I definitely will when I get it! 🙌❤️ 8y
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My turn! My turn! My turn!
My name ( finally ) came up on the library hold list just in time for the weekend.

RealLifeReading Hooray! 8y
Bibliogeekery Just finished this one today! Enjoy! 8y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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This book came up in my library queue just in time after finishing The Underground Railroad.
There is nothing earth shattering in the book. It is a quiet, sweet love story set in Burma.
Definitely worth a read if you are looking for a gentle heart warmer.

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The Witching Hour | Anne Rice
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Not my photo ( because of these darned down-sized bookshelves at my house ....grrrrr) but I read Anne Rice's The Witching Hour years ago and it is still one of the scariest books I've ever read. Truth be told, I read very few scary books. 😖
I read this on a snowy weekend in a very drafty (cue wind sound) rented condo while my family went skiing.
I couldn't put it down. The guys were lucky to eat that weekend!


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I have been through so much with her and there are still 50 pages of fear and trepidation left, but this line from a quiet moment for Cora kind of breaks my heart.

slhbooks It got me too😢💔 8y
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I spent most of the afternoon (at the expense of other things that should have been done) reading about Cora. I REALLY want to finish this book but I must confess, I don't think I can read it before I go to sleep! I am using
The Year of Living Danishly by Helen Russell to calm my mind. Underground is amazing and intense!
I will be back at it ASAP tomorrow.... in the light of day.


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After a nice respite with Louise Penny's Still Life, I'm goin' in!

BTW, after downsizing my life AND our books a year ago, this is the first fiction book I've bought as opposed to getting it from the library. I just couldn't wait. ((I'm looking for new places to put bookshelves in this little down-sized house now)) ....sigh.....


PNWBookseller85 I love your chairs. 8y
LauraBeth What a great reading nook 😀 8y
Posemn Thanks @BeckyMerilatt and @LauraBeth! This corner is where I do most of my reading. 8y
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I have had so much fun going through the #getindie book store posts! I finally got a chance to get a pic of my local indie shop. Lake Country Booksellers in White Bear Lake is just a little pocket of a shop ( downstairs only) but they always seem to have what I go in to find. Best of all, it's close enough that I can walk there in a snowstorm...should a book emergency come up. ❄️🌨🌬☃

becausetrains 😄 another bookstore to visit when I visit home! 8y
Posemn Yes, indeed, @becausetrains. There is also a new(ish) bookstore called Subtext. It used to be under Nina's on Selby Ave in St Paul and has since moved downtown (St Paul) on 5th street. Have you been? 8y
youngreadrshelf Where is this cute bookstore? 8y
Posemn In White Bear Lake MN @youngreadrshelf. It's right on the main drag "downtown" ( which is only a block long). ? 8y
youngreadrshelf @Posemn good to know. Never know where my travels will take me. 8y
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I found my light read that seems to be holding up well after Americanah. I decided to try Louise Penny's Inspector Gamache books after so many Litsy people talked about them. This book is certainly a cozy mystery - perfect for fall - and has made me chuckle more than once. Best of all I am just beginning the series!

MrBook Love this pic! 8y
Dragon Enjoy it's a fun series. 8y
TheCanuckReader I'm just starting too :) 8y
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A Fall of Marigolds | Susan Meissner
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I'm afraid this book had the unfortunate circumstance of following Americanah. I am looking for a light read but, sadly, this one is going back to the library. Maybe another day.

Notafraidofwords I just finished Ameicanah and I'm afraid of the book hangover. 8y
LitsyFeministBookClub Americanah book hangover is real 😭 8y
Notafraidofwords @LitsyFeministBookClub I feel myself slipping away lol 😩 8y
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Americanah | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
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I'm sorry this isn't a very helpful review.
I loved it, it moved me, it opened my eyes to things I didn't know.
I'm glad I was alone when I finished it.


MrBook Good review 😊👍🏻! 8y
becausetrains I think that is a perfect review, @Posemn. Been feeling pretty emotionally stunted recently (beyond the stereotypical MN reserve), and I'm really looking forward to Chima's emotional writing to help me out of my funk. #WNDB #BLM 8y
SusanInTiburon This picture makes me smile. 😀 8y
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Posemn Thanks @MrBook and @becausetrains! I hear you about the "MN reserve", @becausetrains. I'm not a MN native (Ohio) but that was also a good training ground for learning that emotional restraint.? ( I am working on getting naturalized in MN though. )We love it here! You are right. Chima's writing is emotional - both beautiful and raw at times. 8y
Posemn Thanks @SusaninTiburon! Lola is my best reading company. 8y
LitsyFeministBookClub Can't wait for you to join our discussion! 🍋😀 8y
rachelm That book. ❤️❤️🍋🍋❤️❤️ 8y
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Americanah | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
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Wow @BookishFeminist this is a very timely read for our election season! I really can't pick a quote - there are so many. This is a book I always heard about but may not have read without a nudge for #LitsyFeministBookClub. Thanks for putting this together!

Posemn Ha! I just want to say that I was reading about Obinze and immigration when I posted this. I am farther into the book and the election now. 8y
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Rewritten history (again).
"In American history we learned of the Vietnam War. We read about guerilla warfare and the Vietcong. The Ho Chi Minh Trail and communism and democracy and Americans and Vietnamese. There were no Hmong - as if we hadn't existed at all in America's eyes."
Most of the Hmong here in MN came as refugees because they fought with Americans in the Vietnam war.
Kao Kalia Yang's book is a good telling of the Hmong refugee story.

RealLifeReading I loved her latest book The Song Poet. Have to read this one! 8y
Posemn I didn't even know she had another book out. ( Guess I'm a little late to the party). I am going to put it in my stack. Thanks @RealLifeReading! 8y
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Americanah | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
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Ahhhh.....not as much time as I would have liked, but I was able to get some reading done today after a nice weekend with friends. I am really enjoying Americanah and The Latehomecomer is a nice memoir written by a MN author about coming to The US after living in a refugee camp in Thailand. Both books are good stories about other lives and other places - some of my favorite kinds of reads.

BookishFeminist Americanah ❤️❤️ 8y
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Americanah | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
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I am sure it will be a wonderful weekend with our out of town friends coming to stay tomorrow, but.....sigh.....
I just picked this up at the library. Kind of looking forward to Monday evening. 😏



LitsyFeministBookClub 🎉🎉 Hope you enjoy when you get the chance to read it! 8y
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