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November's End
November's End | Heather McVea
14 posts | 1 to read
Fate moves you - whether it's a gentle nudge or a violent push, your life is never entirely your own. Calina Konev is a gutsy and determined young woman, trying desperately to support her family in early 20th century Baltimore. Sparks fly when she meets her new co-worker Nessa Brennan, a charismatic beauty with a keen intelligence and lively wit. But both women have big secrets... Faced with impossible choices, Calina and Nessa must find the courage together to not only overcome the dangers of their everyday lives, but also defeat a cunning threat in a world neither knew existed.
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November's End | Heather McVea
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Read 12 books in November, which isn't bad considering I traveled home for Thanksgiving. I also had five 5 star reads this month (3 were rereads).

November's End | Heather McVea
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I had a slower reading month (for me), because I was busy and read some longer books.
Also all but one of these I read via Audiobook.
My favorites of the month:
The three Joe Abercrombie books - I just love his characters!
Look Closer was a very funny twisty thriller
& Kindred was just excellent.

November's End | Heather McVea
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My final statistics for November.

27 Books Read
10,337 Pages Read
183 hours of reading
Reading Rate 56.5 pages per hour
Best Day : 585 Pages Read in 613 minutes
Average of 345 Pages per Day
Average Book Rating : 4.06

16 #ReadingTheAmericas2023 Books Read during the month. @BarbaraBB @Librarybelle
#Rushathon @DieAReader @Ghabi4Roses

DieAReader Fantastic! Great job📚🤓❤️‍🔥 8mo
tpixie Amazing stats! 🥳🏆🥳 8mo
Librarybelle Wow! I know you had recorded a lot of the #ReadingtheAmericas2023 books…so impressive!! 8mo
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Suet624 My goodness! 8mo
erzascarletbookgasm 😲What a fantastic reading month! 8mo
Ruthiella Amazing! 🤩 8mo
Gissy 🤩📚📚📚📚🎉🎉🎉👏👏👏 8mo
Andrew65 @PaperbackPirate Thanks, it was a good month. 7mo
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November's End | Heather McVea
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Here‘s the books I read in November.

Books I DNF‘d

🍁The Echo Of Old Books - Barbara Davis
🍁A Merry Heart - Wanda Brunstetter
🍁Escape From Virtual Island - John Lutz

November's End | Heather McVea
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November 2023 report
20 books read
4 bingo lines with #BookSpin & #DoubleSpin completed
No #ISpyBingo lines completed

dabbe What a stack! 🤩🤩🤩 8mo
Gissy It was a productive reading month. Not always is like that. I‘m happy that 20 books are out of my extensive tbr, not that I‘m complaining of my huge tbr, but I‘m so happy. I could read those books, no matter the rating. I just wanted to read them and discover by myself how they work for me📚🤗❤️ 8mo
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November's End | Heather McVea
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The Rachel incident

We came, we saw, we left
The drift
The word is murder
Kids run the show
Wees onzichtbaar (Dutch)
Underground airlines
The fortunate ones

Greenery street
My favorite thing is monsters
Tastes like war
The hate u give
For your own good

What you are looking for is in the library

Tender is the night
Shark drunk

TrishB Good month 👍🏻 8mo
Megabooks Yay! Glad you love TRI! 8mo
BarbaraBB @Megabooks This month‘s favorite ❤️ 8mo
See All 8 Comments
squirrelbrain A good month - I‘m looking forward to The Rachel Incident! 8mo
LeahBergen Great month! 👏 8mo
sarahbarnes So excited to read Rachel after such high praise from you! 8mo
BarbaraBB @sarahbarnes it was so enthralling but you should be in the mood for reading about people in their 20s, which I turned out to be very much 🥰 8mo
Suet624 Look at you! Just cruising through those books! 8mo
62 likes8 comments
November's End | Heather McVea
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Late update, I know but these are the books I finished for #NovelNovember readathon. I had some others planned but Dr. Saint Emily Rath herself blessed us with the release of Pucking Ever After Volume 2 on Thanksgiving and I dropped everything and read all 70K words in one day. 💯

November's End | Heather McVea
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Did I post this!? Am I questioning my sanity!? My November list is here and hopefully will go as well as October did. #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 9mo
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November's End | Heather McVea
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November #Wrapup
15 books finished
3 physical books
3 audiobooks
1 graphic novel
0 nonfiction
3 impulse reads
0 rereads
1 short story


November's End | Heather McVea
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Well, I completely whiffed my reading goals for November. Between traveling and personal stuff, I‘m surprised I managed to finish anything.
✅ 1 #roll100 title
✅ 3 audiobooks, one of which was my #bookspin
✅ 2/4 from my TBR
✅ 4 years added to #192025
🚫 1 DNF

I‘m midway through 3 books right now, so hoping my Dec reading will look a bit more robust 🤞

November's End | Heather McVea
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I had a pretty solid November. Looking forward to allllll the holiday reads in December (after I finish my current, non holiday reads lol).

November's End | Heather McVea
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It was tough to pick my favorite this month as I read some excellent books, but I had to go with Babel. For me it totally lived up to the hype.
What will be my top read of the year?

Megabooks That‘s exciting because Babel is on my December TBR! 2y
Nessavamusic @Megabooks I hope you enjoy it! 2y
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November's End | Heather McVea
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I achieved my goal of completing 9 books for the @Andrew65 #Readathon #NovelNovember ! And, in completing that, I reached my 2022 goal of 250 books!!! This is the largest yearly goal I‘ve ever set for myself and the earliest I‘ve achieved it. Thanks @Andrew65 for the challenge. Also to @wanderinglynn for the #BFC22 and encouraging walking and #audiobooks. That is a big part of how I finished so many books this year!

Andrew65 That‘s brilliant and way to go! 🎉🎉🎉🥳🍾 2y
wanderinglynn 🎉👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙌🏻 Awesome! 2y
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November's End | Heather McVea
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Lots of good books coming up in November 🥰 #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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