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Firefly - Big Damn Hero
Firefly - Big Damn Hero | Nancy Holder, James Lovegrove
The first original novel tying into the critically acclaimed and much-missed Firefly series from creator Joss Whedon. The Battle of Serenity Valley was the turning point that led the Independents to their defeat at the hands of the Alliance. Yet the Browncoats had held the valley for weeks against all odds, before being ordered to lay down their arms. Command stated they refused to send in airpower because the ground war was "too hot." But the soldiers who were there insist that was not true... While picking up a new cargo on Persephone, Captain Malcolm Reynolds is kidnapped by a bunch of embittered veteran Browncoats who suspect him of sabotaging the Independents during the war. As the rest of the crew struggle to locate him, Mal is placed on trial for his life, fighting compelling evidence that someone did indeed betray them to the Alliance all those years ago. As old comrades and old rivals crawl out of the woodwork, Mal must prove his innocence, but his captors are desperate and destitute, and will settle for nothing less than the culprit's blood.
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Firefly - Big Damn Hero | Nancy Holder, James Lovegrove
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Another book finished for #SciFiSummer. This was a great first book in the Firefly series and I'm looking forward to reading the others.

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Firefly - Big Damn Hero | Nancy Holder, James Lovegrove
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This puts the romp in space romp with that signature Firefly western bent. What I expected and not half bad for the pulp and spin-off that it is!

Firefly - Big Damn Hero | Nancy Holder, James Lovegrove
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#Firefly 🚀✨ #SummerSpecial 🏖️☀️🌻🎆🍉

#BookNerd 🤓📚💙

Eggs 🥰📚🧡✨ 13mo
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Firefly - Big Damn Hero | Nancy Holder, James Lovegrove
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Not the best writing, but not the worst either. It kept me listening and I was glad to hang out with these characters again ❤️

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Audiocrafting with my cuddle buddy. Trying to learn how to knit after ~30 years of being a crochet queen. Slooooowly getting the hang of it. #huey #catsoflitsy

rubyslippersreads Lovely photo, but my cats would have that ripped to shreds in no time. 😹 3y
jen_hayes7 @rubyslippersreads HA!! So true!! Huey‘s the only cat I‘ve known that has zero interest in yarn. I‘ll never pull off a photo like this with our other cat. 😹😻 3y
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Firefly - Big Damn Hero | Nancy Holder, James Lovegrove
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I couldn‘t sum up better my feelings about Firefly. The first time Hubby asked me to watch it with him I wasn‘t all that interested. But last year I watched past the first episode and fell in love with the ‘verse. Firefly is my favorite and my adorable Hubby found novels that had been written in collaboration with the original author and got them for us, because he is an adorable man who knows the way to my heart. I‘m so excited to read this today

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Hubby had the most epic surprise the other day...as he constantly reminds me these are for both of us haha 😜

Firefly is my absolute favorite, I powered through the series, the movie and comics, I had no idea someone wrote novels and collaborated with the original creator.

I cannot wait to read all of these!!!!

AkashaVampie I wonder if they are on audio. The hubby loved the movie. It's the only way to get him to read 4y
FeatherV @AkashaVampie it‘s worth looking into! 4y
Traci1 I've read all of them except Generations (I have that as well, just haven't gotten to it). They're all terrific. And @AkashaVampie they are all on audible. 😊 4y
AkashaVampie @Traci1 oh awesome. Thanks 4y
FeatherV @Traci1 oooo yay! I‘m so excited to read them, I believe another one is coming out this year as well 4y
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Firefly - Big Damn Hero | Nancy Holder, James Lovegrove
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🎧 Firefly fan? If you are then this might be for you. The narrator is good. It‘s written pretty true to the series. It‘s like having a 2nd season. I‘ve been hesitant to get into these, afraid they‘d disappoint but the dialog is so spot on that I can hear the actors in my head. I own a couple of the books but I think I will collect the audios. Loved it! It was just what I needed. Star loss due to a few narrator missteps. Back to work. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️3/4

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Firefly - Big Damn Hero | Nancy Holder, James Lovegrove
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Mal knew he had a tendency to underestimate Badger, because the man seemed so gorram stupid. But stupid and dangerous weren‘t mutually exclusive.
Look at Jayne.

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Firefly - Big Damn Hero | Nancy Holder, James Lovegrove
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#jamminjune @Eggs #fireflies The Firefly series was great, and there are several books and comics that continue the story.

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm That‘s awesome! I really enjoyed the series and movie and had no clue the story was being continued in other media‘s!! ❤️😍❤️ 4y
Eggs Looks like a great series! 4y
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Firefly - Big Damn Hero | Nancy Holder, James Lovegrove
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Take my love, take my land
Take me where I cannot stand
I don't care, I'm still free
You can't take the sky from me
Take me out to the black
Tell 'em I ain't comin' back
Burn the land and boil the sea
You can't take the sky from me
There's no place I can be
Since I found #serenity
But you can't take the sky from me


lahousewyfe Love Firefly! 4y
Vansa Oh captain my Captain Mal Reynolds!!! 4y
Centique Love Mal, love Firefly! 😍😍😍 4y
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Firefly - Big Damn Hero | Nancy Holder, James Lovegrove
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How did I not know about these!! Totally starting today, readalongs, challenges, whatever be damned!!!

SpaceCowboyBooks Awesome! I hadn't heard of those either. 5y
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Weekend plans.

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Firefly - Big Damn Hero | Nancy Holder, James Lovegrove

I absolutely loved this story and happy I can continue reading adventures of the Serenity crew. We find out more about Malcolm's past that catches up with him, River's weird things, Shepherd's fuzzy past and of course Jayne's machoness (I miss that the most!). All in all a great read that I couldn't put down. Looking forward to reading more stories in this genre.

Firefly - Big Damn Hero | Nancy Holder, James Lovegrove
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Flew around the ‘Verse to pick up these two books with Shiny! covers.

#mayscavengerhunt @Clwojick @RadicalReader @TheReadingMermaid

BeansPage Awesome sauce girl 👌😊 5y
SconsinBookyBadger @TheReadingMermaid aiming to misbehave today with some reading time 😏 5y
Erofan Beautiful covers 😍 5y
SconsinBookyBadger @Erofan they sure are 💓 5y
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Firefly - Big Damn Hero | Nancy Holder, James Lovegrove
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What wonderful brain candy! I‘ve already been telling fellow Browncoats about this series. It‘s no Season Two, but it‘s a heck of a lot of fun. Lovegrove hits the characters‘ voices and the cadences of speech the series developed and created a fun tale. Looking forward to the others in the series. These will likely be library reads for me due to space issues, but I don‘t plan on missing any of them.

Firefly - Big Damn Hero | Nancy Holder, James Lovegrove
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Okay! I‘ll finally stop posting about this book. I finally finished it! I tried to savor it as much as possible, but at a certain point I just had to finish it!

This book was so good! It was like a lost episode of Firefly. I could picture everyone while reading it. It takes place in the middle of the series, so everyone is in, Wash, the Shepherd, River, everyone!

So much nostalgia while reading this. I need the other books now!

rretzler 💕 5y
GypsyKat Oh god, I need this! ❤️ 5y
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Firefly - Big Damn Hero | Nancy Holder, James Lovegrove
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I‘ve got my pie, my tea and my book to cheer me up on this dreary afternoon.

I‘m slowly getting through this book because I want to savor it. And never want it to end. 💚

Unlike the way I ate my pie. It‘s already eaten as I‘m posting this. 😂😂😂

My mom made a whole custard pie and I‘m really the only one in my family that eats it. My husband told me just because I took it home doesn‘t mean I have to eat it all. Of course I‘m going to eat it!

Cinfhen Why else would you take it home!!??? And even better, you don‘t need to share the pie with anyone 😉 5y
Laughterhp @Cinfhen Right!!! Crazy man! I only get this pie twice a year so of course I‘m going to eat it all! 🤣 5y
DivineDiana I love pie! 😉❤️👏🏻 5y
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rretzler Loved the show. Bought the book but haven‘t read it yet. I assume it takes place during the series and not after the movie? (I ask because I‘m fond of Wash) 5y
Laughterhp @rretzler Haha yes it takes place during the series. Everyone is in it! Including Wash! 😊 5y
rretzler Good to know. I can now approach it without trepidation! 5y
LoveToReadLiveToRead Shiny! 😁 (edited) 5y
Kaye If my husband said that, I‘d eat it all tonight. 5y
Laughterhp @Kaye Haha I‘m going to eat as much as I can! He doesn‘t have a sweet tooth, so he doesn‘t get it! 5y
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Firefly - Big Damn Hero | Nancy Holder, James Lovegrove
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1. I obviously had to start this book right away!
2. Nothing really going on Saturday. But celebrating Easter with my family and then the in-laws on Sunday.
3. No
4. Probably Lily, no real reason. Just have always liked the name. If we ever had a kid and it was a girl, I‘d probably name her that.
5. 👍🏻💚👍🏻


EastWind76 I loved that book! It was like an extra episode of Firefly! 5y
wanderinglynn Clearly a must-read! Stacked! 5y
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Thank you so much @Kayla.Adriena for the amazing #sffs package! So many amazing books that I can‘t wait to read!

And that is the biggest Toblerone ever! I don‘t even know where to start with it! And gunpowder green tea is my favorite so I can‘t wait to try it!

Ahh I‘m so excited! Thank you so much 💚💚


Kayla.Adriena 🤣🤣 I did not know it was a huge candy bar when I ordered it and how bout that bonus book 😆😆🤣 5y
Laughterhp @Kayla.Adriena Yeah, I appreciate the bonus book, but not really my tastes 😂😂 Dunno what I‘m going to do with it yet. 5y
Avanders 🧬🦄♥️👏🏽👏🏽 5y
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Who‘s excited about the Firefly books?! I can‘t wait for them to come out in audio! For know I‘m #knitting here watching #serenity with my cup of tea 🥰 #knittersoflitsy

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Well... I was about to start this but she looks comfortable.

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I enjoyed this—it‘s your basic tv show tie-in so it felt like a decent episode of the show but as with most tie-in stories, stakes are low because you know that nothing big enough to change the fundamental dynamics will happen—Mal isn‘t going to die or hook up with Inara—but there was a reasonable level of “okay he is going to survive but how?” Suspense and since I loved this show, any chance to spend time with these folks is worth it!

Firefly - Big Damn Hero | Nancy Holder, James Lovegrove
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You have to really love Firefly, have some serious nostalgia in fact, to like this book. The story itself was cliche and quite juvenile rather than the offbeat quirky antics of the show or graphic novels. I'm a big fan of Firefly, that's the only reason I read I through.

Admittedly, it was fun having time with the crew again. I just wish the story and the writing had been better.

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#MarchIntoThe70s #Day25 #BornToRun Wow, we are in the final week of March already! It‘s been a blast introducing people to not just new books, but new music as well. Can‘t wait till next March🙌My book for this prompt is all for Captain Mal. After the defeat of the Browncoats, Mal has kept on running, trying to outpace the Alliance while tweaking their nose a bit by stealing from them. I loved the tv series, loved the movie & now the novels.🧡🚀

Centique All the love for Mal! 😍😍😍 5y
gradcat And who doesn‘t love Nathan Fillion?! 🥰 5y
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Firefly - Big Damn Hero | Nancy Holder, James Lovegrove
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I'm really excited to start this one! #fireflyforever #bigdamnheroes #wedidtheimpossible #allthefeels

readinginthedark Ooh, is this good? I didn't know someone wrote a novel! 5y
EastWind76 @readinginthedark I loved it! It was like having a new episode of Firefly! 5y
readinginthedark 💗I'll have to read it! Firefly is my favorite! 5y
EastWind76 @readinginthedark Best. Show. Ever! ❤ 5y
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When Captain Malcolm Reynolds is mysteriously kidnapped, it‘s up to the rest of Serenity‘s scrappy crew to come to the rescue.

Even though the fan service sometimes felt like checking boxes (mention Jayne‘s hat, Badger shows up, Hands of Blue, etc.) and the truly surprising identity of Mal‘s kidnappers wasn‘t developed as much as it could have been, this was good fun.

Bonus points to Lovegrove for nailing everyone‘s distinct voices.

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Firefly - Big Damn Hero | Nancy Holder, James Lovegrove
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This legitimately made me laugh out loud. Oh, Mal, you rascal.


Reggie Lolololol 5y
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Firefly - Big Damn Hero | Nancy Holder, James Lovegrove
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A fantastically enjoyable story set in one of my most beloved worlds! Can't wait for the next few novels in the series

TieDyeDude I've heard mixed reviews. I'm glad you liked it 5y
wtimblin I thought it was great. Managed to capture the atmosphere of the show well 5y
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Dear book,

I wanted to let you know that you‘re quite enjoyable, even more than I thought you would be, but I have a concern...

if there is one thing that Captain Malcolm Reynolds does NOT need it is a Tragic Backstory about a Dead Girlfriend* and you seem to be heading in that direction. It‘s not too late to course correct though, and you seem better than that kind of gōngniú fèn so far.

Do the right thing.

Yours, etc.

TobeyTheScavengerMonk *I‘d say his Tragic Backstory quota has been more than met, what with the whole “losing countless comrades in the failed war for independence” thing. 5y
Lindy 🥇 for letter-writing 😊 5y
saresmoore Ha! Brilliant. 5y
davidjoseph Shiny! 5y
readordierachel 😂😂 5y
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My afternoon pick-me-up

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Soooo good. So so so good. Oh, I have missed these people so much, and it was like getting to visit with old friends, old wonderful, sweet, and funny friends. Just so much love for this book, and I can't wait for the next one to be released.

Nearly done with #24in48. I'll probably finish up with some LotR.

bookseller_cate Hadn‘t heard of this. Thank you! 5y
EastWind76 AHHHHH, I NEED THIS!!!! 5y
Traci1 @bookseller_cate and @EastWind76 If you like the show at all, you'll love the book. The second one, The Magnificent Nine, comes out in March. 5y
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KathyWheeler I miss them a lot — this many years later. Can‘t wait to read this. 5y
bookseller_cate @Traci1 @Easywind I have so many friends who need this series! 5y
hermyknee Does this take place in a world where the Serenity movie never happened? I want ALL my characters! ♥️ 5y
EastWind76 @Traci1 off to look for it on Amazon! 5y
Traci1 @hermyknee YES! They are all there! 😁 5y
Aimeesue Shiny! 5y
PSreads73 I love the show. It shouldn‘t have been canceled so soon. This will probably be a future read for me. 5y
TieDyeDude Yay! I've heard mixed reviews. Can't wait to read this 5y
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I ❤ Jayne.

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Firefly - Big Damn Hero | Nancy Holder, James Lovegrove
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The writing itself was a bit heavy handed at times, but I‘m a huge fan girl so I had SO much fun being back in the ‘verse for a little while! 😺

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I'm alternating between reading Big Damn Hero and listening to Veronica Mars: The Thousand Dollar Tan Line. Both are tons of fun. Getting to 24 hours is going to be a struggle, but I'm gonna try my best. Staying caffeinated is my strategy.


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Books based on licensed properties are always a gamble, largely because they limit the characters‘ chances to grow. All the big revelations need to happen on a screen. Still, if the author can nail the same tone as the show this can‘t help but be fun.

I‘ve read a few of James Lovegrove‘s Godpunk books and he can handle actions and snappy dialogue, but his plotting can sometimes be a bit wonky.

Here‘s hoping things turn out shiny. #Starting

Eyelit Looking forward to your thoughts! I have this on my kindle. 6y
Traci1 I'm so excited for this one. I hope it's terrific. 6y
Bradleygirl Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee 6y
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Firefly - Big Damn Hero | Nancy Holder, James Lovegrove
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Current commute read

TobeyTheScavengerMonk Reading this too! Solid so far. 6y
Timg138 @TobeyTheScavengerMonk let me know what you think. I'm halfway through and it's starting to get good. 6y
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Firefly - Big Damn Hero | Nancy Holder, James Lovegrove
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Early morning reading before early morning work.

CampbellTaraL I am hoping this one is under the tree--hints were dropped--otherwise I'm heading out the next day to get it. I love Firefly! 💛 6y
Maewyn @taraWritesSci Me too! This was totally supposed to be a present but I was planning on reading it before sending it on. Now I think I can't give it up and I will get her other books instead. 🤪 6y
Maewyn @taraWritesSci As a sidenote,every time I see your handle come up I want to change mine to @ taraReadsScifi. 😉 6y
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Rae2 @Maewyn So, how much will you bribe me not to tell her? 😜 6y
Maewyn @Rae2 Not necessary, I have other stuff for her. I can say I found something I thought she would like more. *Whistles innocently* 6y
CampbellTaraL @Maewyn hahaha, balanced! 6y
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Firefly - Big Damn Hero | Nancy Holder, James Lovegrove
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Wow. I am the luckiest gal EVER! My bestest friend, @DaveGreen7777 just sent me a box of Christmas presents and it was filled to the brim with these lovely goodies! 😀 Missy and Zoe funko pops! A Firefly book with best title ever! Fantasy books that look amazing! AND THE MOST FANTASTIC DOCTOR WHO GIRL POWER BOOK EVER!!! 📚 You really outdid yourself, my friend. 💕 Thank you SO much! I'm so lucky to have you as a friend! 🤗💕

Libby1 She is my son‘s first Doctor. I LOVE that! He was talking about past Doctors the other day and actually said “she - I mean, he”!!! 6y
hermyknee ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 6y
DaveGreen7777 I‘m so happy you like your presents! Merry Christmas, Becky! You are such an amazing and wonderful person, and your friendship is one of the greatest gifts I‘ve ever been given! 😊 6y
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saresmoore HOLY GEEZ IS THAT A MISSY POP FIGURE?!?!?! 😱 Awesome gifts, @DaveGreen7777 ! 6y
Branwen @hermyknee 💕💕💕 @Libby1 That is so freaking awesome! I love it! 😀 @DaveGreen7777 Merry Christmas to you too, my dear! YOU'RE the wonderful one! My life is so much richer with you in it! 💕 6y
DaveGreen7777 Thank you, @saresmoore ! I actually found Funko Missy by accident, but as soon as I saw her, I knew Becky had to have her! 😁 6y
saresmoore @DaveGreen7777 Now, that‘s friendship. 6y
Branwen @saresmoore YAAASSSS IT IS! MISSY IS MY QUEEN OF SASS! 😁💕 6y
BookishMarginalia Firefly Funko Pops! 6y
Eyelit Wait, there‘s a new firefly book??? That‘s fantastic! 6y
Branwen @Eyelit Right?! Isn't it gorgeous?! 😍 6y
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This is giving me all the Firefly feels.❤️

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Oh my god oh my god oh my god! It‘s finally here! I‘m such trash for Firefly, Nathan Fillion & anything Joss Whedon. I was totally gutted that it was cancelled after just one short season. Loved the movie & the graphic novels but having a proper story set in the ‘verse is just so fantastic. My inner geek is in raptures! Now I‘m just waiting on Slayer by Kiersten White, the new Buffy verse novel🚀 #thebrowncoatsarecomin

Erinsuereads Sammmmmmeeee!!! I've been seeing it at work for a bit! Need to buy! (edited) 6y
Cinfhen Hi 👋 hope all is well!!! This post made me smile 😃 6y
Lizpixie @ErinSueG as soon as I saw it on the release lists I had to have it! @Cinfhen hi yourself my sister from another mister!👋 things are still💩and I‘m sick to death of these damn crutches! Do you know how hard it is to make & carry a cup of tea when you‘re on crutches?!?🤦🏻‍♀️ I‘ll be ok, still hanging in there, I just tend to retreat from the world when things are bad. I‘m sorry for being so flaky lovely, I really appreciate your checking in😘❤️ 6y
Cinfhen I‘m sorry you‘re not feeling 100% but at least you‘re still able to shop online!!! Dam the crutches!!! 6y
Lauredhel Oh lord, it's too early in the morning... For ages there I thought there was a new Buffy verse novel. As in, a novel of poetry. About Buffy. :D 6y
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