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The Dead House | Dawn Kurtagich
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1. I hate when books get a bit silly like the tagged book, See Under Love, Foe, and I will never get over Her Fearful Symmetry. I just can‘t suspend disbelief 🤷‍♀️

2. The more people go on about ACOTAR the less I want to read it - same goes for Crawdads, Blood Orange and any domestic thriller


RaeLovesToRead I'm like that with films - I didn't watch Juno or Slumdog Millionaire for ages because everyone kept saying how great they are! 😅 With books, though, I'll take any excuse to read them! 🤣🤣 1y
TrishB These posts are funny 😁 I loved Her Fearful Symmetry! 1y
Vansa 😱😱Same issue with Her fearful symmetry! It was..... completely ridiculous. The entire ending was just so idiotic. How did she ever think.....dying was a good idea? 1y
julesG Read ACOTAR for #DickSoapGate and #LitsyAfterDark it's definitely on my "overrated" pile. 1y
RosePressedPages I finally tried ACOTAR after years of avoiding it and it was not worth it 🙃 bailed on book two and I still can‘t believe I finished book one 1y
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Friends... why am I pondering the logistics of human/dinosaur sex on a Saturday night? 🤣

Because the tagged book was mentioned in a Facebook book group and of course I had to see if it was legit or a joke. It's not a joke and now I might need to borrow one of these this week just to see how things line up.

I read the book blurb to my guy and, no lie, Watson looked weirded out like above.

I mean, really...Triceratops and Bottoms?! 🤣🤣🤣

Buchbeeg 😆😆😆 2y
rubyslippersreads Those covers are hilarious! 🦖🦕 2y
CBee Omg 🫢🫢😂😂 2y
GondorGirl Oh lord... a million years ago we used the #LitsyAfterDark tag and read the WORST erotica. I think there was some terrible Dinosaur porn.🤣 2y
Born.A.Reader I saw that post on FB! To each their own, but def not my cup of tea.. 2y
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No way am I the first person on Litsy to read this. Where are my other deeply entrenched romancelandia weirdos at?

Whatever, this was actually a super fun read and when I got to the end of the book and was absolutely gifted with this image I almost died. It's just so absurd. I've never been happier.

LibrarianRyan You need to hit the #LitsyAfterDark Group. We are the ones that read and discuss these things. There is a hole big discussion last winter about dino porn. so fun. 3y
everlocalwest @LibrarianRyan I have never been more excited to click on a hashtag, lol! Thanks for sharing! 3y
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Where the Heart Is | Billie Letts
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I love this movie and just realized it was based on a book. Novalee just had her baby in a Walmart and is in the hospital. I dunno if it‘s cause it‘s late and I‘m super tired, but I just laughed like an idiot for 5 minutes straight after reading this part. 😂😂😂 The next paragraph is even worse lol.


GingerAntics I‘ve read one of Letts‘s other books and adored it. 3y
KathyWheeler I really liked this book. 3y
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Anyone else read this book?? If I didn‘t have book club next week I would be right onto the next in the series!!

TheSpineView Yes! Love the series! The next book in the series comes out on February 16th. 3y
Deblovestoread Yes, love the whole series! 3y
julesG A few Litten read it for #LitsyAfterDark after #DickSoapGate. 😁 3y
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Ok, I found another book with #tentacles. I‘m pretty sure it showed up in my suggestion list because of the last book I read. Amazon is stalking me!

It‘s in KU so I‘ll have to borrow it once I work through some other books I have on my list.

#tentacleporn #LitsyAfterDark

Taken and Crowned | Michael Mandrake, Michael Mandrake Writing as Rm Durand
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Ok, so the alien had the babies because they needed to be full alien so they‘d live. I guess half-alien, half-human babies don‘t live long or something??? Anyway, the tentacles aliens don‘t have a gender and they can all have babies. The human was annoying. This wasn‘t really very good but I‘m committed so I‘ll read the next one some day.

#tentacleporn #LitsyAfterDark

Taken and Crowned | Michael Mandrake, Michael Mandrake Writing as Rm Durand

They‘re about to get to sexy times and our tentacled alien who has hijacked a human body still hasn‘t said to the other character, hey, I want you to have my babies.

In case no one has realized, this is mpreg.

Also, the alien ran off from its home planet because it wanted more out of life.

Update: not so much mpreg because the alien has the babies and their species doesn‘t have genders.

#tentacleporn #LitsyAfterDark

Bookgirl This made me laugh!!! I‘m intrigued... 4y
jenniferw88 😂😊 4y
rockpools I‘m not sure I‘m up for tentacle porn but I‘m SO glad you‘re here to read it for me 😁🐙🦑 4y
jpmcwisemorgan @rockpools I‘m taking one for the team! 4y
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Taken and Crowned | Michael Mandrake, Michael Mandrake Writing as Rm Durand

Alrighty then. I‘m reading Love at First Crush and there are no sexy times yet, at not quite 50% through. The alien who stole a body, and that person is now dead because they can‘t live and be a host, is ready to make the human guy an egg carrier but he‘s not yet told him he‘s a tentacled alien. There‘s a lot that can go wrong here.

#tentacleporn #LitsyAfterDark

Taken and Crowned | Michael Mandrake, Michael Mandrake Writing as Rm Durand

I‘m 7% in and the tentacled alien that‘s apparently been living in the Atlantic Ocean is looking for a host so they can experience being a human.

I think the author might have made cephalopods actual aliens but I‘m not sure.

#tentacleporn #LitsyAfterDark

BookishMarginalia I‘m enjoying the updates! 4y
jpmcwisemorgan @BookishMarginalia I‘m not sure what I got myself into! 😬 4y
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