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A Column of Fire
A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
The saga that has enthralled the millions of readers of The Pillars of the Earth and World Without End now continues with Ken Follett's magnificent, gripping new story. Young Will Willard is coming home to Kingsbridge at Christmas as A Column of Fire opens. The year 1558 will turn Will's life upside-down and change Europe forever. The ancient stones of Kingsbridge Cathedral look down on a city torn by religious hatred. High principles clash bloodily with friendship, loyalty and love. Will finds himself on the opposite side from the girl he longs to marry, Margery Fitzgerald. When Elizabeth Tudor becomes queen, all of Europe turns against England. The shrewd, determined young monarch sets up the country's first secret service, to give her early warning of assassination plots, rebellions and invasion plans. Waiting in Paris is the alluring, headstrong Mary Queen of Scots, part of a brutally ambitious French family. Proclaimed the rightful ruler of England, she has her own supporters scheming to get rid of Elizabeth. Will Willard hunts the slippery, enigmatic Jean Langlais, not knowing that the false name hides a childhood classmate who knows him all too well. Over a turbulent half-century, the love between Will and Margery seems doomed, as extremism sparks violence from Edinburgh to Geneva. Elizabeth clings precariously to her throne and her principles, protected by a small, dedicated group of resourceful spies and courageous secret agents. The real enemies, then as now, are not the rival religions. The true battle pitches those who believe in tolerance and compromise against the tyrants who would impose their ideas on everyone else no matter what the cost.
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A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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First book of the year! I loved Pillars of the Earth and World Without End, but kept passing over this one because of its size. Hoping to finish the Kingsbridge series in 2024!

@TheSpineView @Andrew65

Andrew65 I‘m hoping to finish this series as well in 2024, and will be reading book 4 in a couple of days - has to be back at the library by 7th 😳 7mo
GinaKButler @Andrew65 You‘d better get reading then! 😂 7mo
TheSpineView Love Follett but his books are chunkster. Good luck! 7mo
Andrew65 @GinaKButler It‘s only 1000+ pages 🫣 7mo
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Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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I finally got my hands on all books in this series. My goal is to finish it this year.

TiredLibrarian I loved the first two; need to finish the other two! 13mo
PirateJenny There's a new one coming out in Septmber. The Armor.of Light. Goes from the invention of the spinning jenny (also one of my childhood nicknames 😀) through Waterloo) 13mo
Parvez @TiredLibrarian Happy reading 👍 13mo
Parvez @PirateJenny Oh, have to check that out. 🤓 13mo
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A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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This is the 3rd book of the Kingsbridge series but could easily be read as a stand alone. Wonderful prose and great characters make this historical fiction a must read. Good enough that I know I will reread this in the future. 5⭐️

#SeriesLove2023 @Andrew65
#ChunksterChallenge @Amiable
#LitsyLoveReads @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Amiable Good to know! I loved “Pillars of the Earth” 14mo
CoverToCoverGirl He has another one in this series coming out in August. I can‘t wait, such an amazing story teller. 14mo
TheSpineView @CoverToCoverGirl Exciting news! 14mo
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Andrew65 I love these books. Well done 👏👏👏 14mo
AmyG 🎉🙌🏻 14mo
Deblovestoread Well done! 14mo
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A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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#Weekend reads @rachelsbrittain

Currently reading Space and A Column of Fire.

My reading buddy and official shadow, Bella, in her jammies.

rachelsbrittain Thank you for sharing your reading buddy! I love it 😍 14mo
Ruthiella Those jammies! 😂♥️🐶 14mo
TheSpineView @Ruthiella IK! She loves them in the winter. She hates being cold. 14mo
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A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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I decided to start this chunkster this afternoon. GoodReads says it is 916 pages. I decided an audio book would be the best course to take. This is book 3 in the Kingsbridge series by Ken Follett.

#ChunksterChallenge2023 @Amiable
#SeriesLove2023 @Andrew65

Andrew65 2 Chunksters on the go at the same time. We are not worthy! 😂

Love this series and wave to re-read them at some point 😳

Best of luck, think I did this one on audio.
TheSpineView @Andrew65 IK! I debated about starting the 2nd. 14mo
Amiable Wow, you finished this in an afternoon? Holy cow! 14mo
TheSpineView @Amiable No, not finished. I just decided to start it when I am already working on another chunkster. It will probably take me at least a week or more to finish. I'm a gluten for punishment!😋 14mo
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Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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A little quiet time with Theo while I try to get a few pages in! 😋 #SuperSeptember

Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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Going to spend a few minutes in 1558 Kingsbridge! I‘ve missed it and after a client and I talked about the series I decided it was time to go back. 😍

TrishB Great books 👍🏻 2y
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A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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I love Follett‘s Kingsbridge books 😍 and this one is no exception. It deals with many of the complex topics and important historical events in England, Scotland, France, Spain, and the Netherlands between 1558 and 1606, via characters placed close to the key figures.
Maybe needs a bit of suspension of disbelief with how Ned manages to be present at almost EVERY major event (and be so influential), but still, a great read.

A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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#CuriousCovers @AlwaysBeenaLoverofBooks @Eggs #LittenListen @aperfectmjk

My longest audiobook this month, but when listening to it, it didn't feel like it was 30 hrs.

Eggs 👏🏻🌺👍🏼 3y
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A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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#BookSpinBingo #DoubleSpin @TheAromaofBooks #LittenListen @aperfectmjk

Although I feel like Kingsbridge wasn't featured in this book as much as I would have liked, it was still an epic read that swept me up into its history and wonderful characters.

I'm excited to see what the next book is going to be about.

Side note: At 30hrs long, this was a massive undertaking as an audiobook, but the narrator did a great job.

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A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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A rainy Saturday is adding to my readathon vibe.
#deweys24 #deweys24hourreadathon #readathon #litsycats

A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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AvidReader25 Loved Survivors! 3y
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A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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Patrol of birds in yard is underway!!
#litsycats #wednesday

rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 3y
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A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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#sundayreading. ..... Beautiful day and a great book 📚... could not be a better Sunday 🤓

A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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Happy national beer day!

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Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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As always, I am really enjoying living in this world for a bit. More than the previous two books in this series, it also feels easier to jump in and out which I love.

Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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Tackle the TBR 🤓📚 #boleybooks #bookjoy #kenfollett #columnoffire #readwithme
What are you reading? 😊

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Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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Here‘s my #aprilwrapup. I read 8 books this month which is a lot for me. 2 audio books and 6 physical books. Three 5 ⭐️ ratings from me.

Clwojick Sweep was soooo good! I loved it! 4y
juliegumdrop @Clwojick agreed! I like a good middle grade novel now and again. 4y
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Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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Tackling this #bigbook. This is the third in the Kingsbridge series. Epic. Phenomenal.

A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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Definitely look at my Goodreads for this review. It's a big one. Overall I was disappointed. 3 stars for Follett's writing ability, but I didn't care for the story line much.

A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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After taking the month of February off to read other books in my tbr pile-- I managed to complete 10 books for February-- I am looking forward to diving back into the Kingsbridge trilogy with the final book, A Column of Fire. I have been putting it off because I don't want it to end! But I think I am now ready. I hope I'm not disappointed.

LittlePixels Are you buying the new Kingsbridge novel this month? I'm currently reading this one so I can get the new one asap! 4y
perfectsinner @LittlePixels I preordered and entered to win a copy on Goodreads 4y
LittlePixels @perfectsinner I did too! Both preordered and entered to win the Goodreads giveaway. Good luck! 4y
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perfectsinner 🤣 that's awesome! Either way, we'll be getting copies, right?! I just need to finish the Century trilogy now. Feel free to add me on Goodreads, also, if you'd like. 4y
LittlePixels @perfectsinner I just did. :) Did you get a chance to read The Evening and the Morning yet? I just finished it a few days, and thought it was fantastic. Possibly tied with World Without End for my favorite Kingsbridge novel. 🥰 4y
perfectsinner @LittlePixels yes I did! My Goodreads review is super long lol. It was great. I read it in about 3-4 days 4y
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A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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Wow, I've just finished the Kingsbridge series. These were the first books I read by Ken Follet, but most certainly not the last.
Hands down, the best series I have ever read. Jack, Merthin and Sir Ned's tales will stay with me for a long time.
Absolutely magnificent.

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A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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Starting the 3rd book in the Kingsbridge series. Oh, what a fantastic adventure this has been so far 💜💜

Column of Fire | Ken Follett

I‘m not a big fan of historical fiction, but this was awesome. Clashing noble families, religious wars, espionage, love, loss, sea battles, and a look at life in the 1500s and 1600s in Europe.
It‘s almost 1,000 pages, but if that doesn‘t bother you, go get this one!

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Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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@SamHeartCoffee Thank you for the goodies and the book! I really liked the first one and am looking forward to reading the sequel😁 Happy holidays! #CBBC #coffebeanbookclub

SamHeartCoffee You‘re welcome! Enjoy 😁 5y
SamHeartCoffee And Happy Holidays to you as well! 5y
MommyOfTwo Hey wondering if you have received your #jolabokaflodSwap package? 5y
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A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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#keeplitsyactive #historybooks

My favorite historical time period to read about is the Elizabethan Era and it was really well illustrated in this Ken Fillet historical fiction chunkster. Queen Elizabeth I of England is a fascinating badass, however you feel about her ruling choices. The woman really was an anomaly for her time. I would love to go back in time and meet her.


ljuliel Great post ! Thanks ! 5y
Crazeedi An excellent read!! 5y
Andrew65 Loved the whole Kingsbridge Trilogy. 5y
Eggbeater @Andrew65 I know! I NEVER realized how interesting cathedral architecture could be. 5y
Andrew65 @Eggbeater 😂 Who knew! 5y
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A Column of Fire | Ken Follett

Great book!

A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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A Column of Fire | Ken Follett

Set in the time of Elizabeth 1 I loved this. Not as long as the others but really enjoyable.

Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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These are my #top6reads for the year...top 4 pictured which I gave ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ add Shell by Kristina Olson and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy by John Le Carre which I gave ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. I am on track with my Goodreads Challenge of 50 books and loving all the Litsy influence!!
Thanks everyone💕💕
Thanks @Cinfhen ❤️

Cinfhen My IRL bookclub is reading OverStory for September ~ I‘m really looking forward to it!!! 5y
Cathythoughts I‘m curious about Overstory too @Cinfhen 5y
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Freespirit @Cinfhen and @Cathythoughts I loved it. It's complex but dare I say life changing....you won't look at trees again without thinking of it❤️❤️ 5y
Cinfhen That‘s what I‘ve been told 🌲 5y
AnneCecilie Both Lanny and Overstory are on my tbr. I hope to get to them soon 5y
Freespirit @AnneCecilie they are both very different but beautiful books❤️ 5y
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A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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TheSpineView Someone photo bombed your shelfie! 🤣 Love it! 💜📚 5y
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A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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Finished these two great books. A Column of Fire is the last in a trilogy I began many years ago with The Pillars of the Earth. It‘s a story of politics, love, hate , history in the 1500‘s. Ken Follett is a fabulous story teller!
TTSS is a very different but equally entertaining and complex spy story. I felt it helped that I had seen the movie to help navigate the complicated twists and character development!
Two books well worth recommending😍📚

Ericalambbrown Have you read Follett‘s Century Trilogy? If you like his writing, you‘ll probably like it. I loved them! 5y
Freespirit No I haven‘t @Ericalambbrown I have that series in my sights. I do love his books... I disappear inside them! Thank you for the recommendation!😊 5y
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A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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I absolutely love Ken Follett‘s books! They take me to another place full of interesting characters and plot twists. It‘s a chunky book at 900 pages so not a quick read and I‘m 1/3 in! I‘ve also started a jigsaw which is taken from a painting of beautiful Queensland houses in Brisbane painted by my good friend Deb. It‘s tough!! #history #literature #easterfun

Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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Congratulations to @Mitch on reaching 100k litfluence. Wow!
The series I am planning on finishing this year is Ken Follett‘s Kingsbridge series. I‘ve read Pillars of the Earth and World Without End and loved them both. A Column of 🔥 is next. Thank you for the chance to participate in your #completetheseries #giveaway.

Mitch Cool...I‘ve not read these! Good choice 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 5y
juliegumdrop @Mitch they are all quite chunky books, but I highly recommend them if you enjoy historical fiction and epic, sweeping tales. 5y
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Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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Just downloaded this beast for my next audiobook. I wonder if I can get thru in 21 days before my loan expires!!!! #litsyAtoZ challenge Wish me luck! My 2 book clubs also announce their newest choices next week so we shall see!

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Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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Finished Book 3 A Column of Fire
Pillars of the Earth, World without End, and then A Column of Fire
Started the series in August. Read a few other books in between but was determined to finish!
Enjoyable, educational, thought provoking.

Lauram Nice job! 6y
LoverofLit Just finished World Without End last month! Such great books 5y
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A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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A satisfying ending to the Kingsbridge saga. This 3rd book is more about espionage and court intrigue than building and creating. In that way, it is fittingly more modern than the first two books, but I think Follet makes that adaptation nicely. I'm fascinated by the Elizabethan Era and Queen Elizabeth I is my hero because she ruled without men. The characters surrounding her were captivating and fact and fiction blended together well.

nudibranch Stop! You're making me wanna read these #chunksters and I already have a tottering TBR pile of them! 6y
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A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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Dog with a book! #dogsoflitsy

I'm wrapping up this excellent chunckster about the Elizabethan era, but Odie has other ideas. He keeps resting his head on my book and presenting his belly to be scratched. I won't get any reading done because I am a sucker!🐶❤

GingerAntics 🤣😂🤣 6y
ShookBelf What a gorgeous sugar face he has ❤❤ 6y
SleepyDragon I love your dog's name. 6y
DGRachel Meh, the book can wait. Belly rubs are definitely more important! ❤️🐶❤️ 6y
BooknerdsLife Awww who could say no to that adorable face! 😍😍😍 6y
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A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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#FriyayIntro @howjessreads
1.Teleport to another planet. Half of the time I don't even mean the inappropriate things I'M thinking, so my being able to read others' minds wouldn't be fair.
2. In the middle of this excellent chunkster for January
3. To get a resolution.
4. Not Netflix but Castle Rock on Hulu
5. Already done! 😀

A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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His mind was like a house he had spent his life furnishing... Strangely, the character of Ned that lived [there] did not remain the same....But, of course, they were all just different versions of himself, the owner of the house. And one day soon, the place would fall down as old buildings did, and then, quite quickly, it would all turn to dust. With that thought, he drifted off to sleep.

Chelleo Welcome to Litsy! Hope these #Litsytips by @RaimeyGallant http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU are helpful. There‘s so many fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! Check out @LitsyHappenings for details. #LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
Lcsmcat Welcome to Litsy! 6y
WebbyReads Thank you!!! 6y
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kspenmoll Welcome to Litsy! 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🎈😊🎈 6y
RaimeyGallant Welcome! 6y
Itchyfeetreader Welcome to Litsy, it a fun place to be! 6y
CoffeeNBooks Welcome to Litsy! 📚 6y
Slajaunie Welcome! 📚📖 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Welcome to Litsy!! 6y
BridgetteM Welcome to Litsy! 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 📖💙 6y
CarolynM Welcome to Litsy 🌼 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Welcome! 👋 6y
SassyBrit Welcome 👋 6y
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A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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Here we go, folks. A 30 hour audio book. Review coming in 3 weeks probably, lol!

A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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🍁🍂Mounting end-of-fall TBR plus two ebooks and an unknown naughty November book club book: 12 total by mid December. Can I do it? Do you see anything here you liked? I try to keep a little variety in my reading.

RainyDayReading Reign of the Fallen is on my TBR as well! 6y
HOTPock3tt I liked A column of fire, but I didn‘t love it. It was Between a pick and so-so for me🤔 it‘s the only one of the stack that I‘ve read. I‘m curious about Vox though!!! (edited) 6y
kimmypete1 I picked up the audio of the John Scalzi book. 6y
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A Column of Fire | Ken Follett
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Finally getting a chance to start this one. The first two of this series, #pillarsoftheearth and #worldwithoutend are two of my most favorite books. Excited that he finally wrote a third and hope that it holds up to the first two.

Andrew65 Enjoy 😊 6y
TrishB Love these books 👍🏻 6y
Jee_HookedOnBookz Loved the series! Such a brilliant author! 6y
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