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The Very Hungry Caterpillar
The Very Hungry Caterpillar | Eric Carle
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A big board book edition of Eric Carle's classic, The Very Hungry Caterpillar.The Very Hungry Caterpillar has been enchanting generations of toddlers for over forty years. Now you can share this enduring story in a brand new big board book format, perfect for the home, library or nursery classroom.Eric Carle is an internationally bestselling and award-winning author and illustrator of books for very young children. Eric lives in Massachusetts with his wife, Barbara. The Carles opened The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in Massachusetts in 2002.Don't miss all the other Very Hungry Caterpillar and Eric Carle books:The Very Hungry Caterpillar; Eric Carle's Very Special Baby Book; Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do You Hear?; The Very busy Spider; The Very Quiet Cricket; The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse; 1, 2, 3 to the Zoo; Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What do you See?; The Very Hungry Caterpillar Pop-Up Book; Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?; The Very Hungry Caterpillar's Buggy Book; Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?; The Bad-Tempered Ladbybird; The Very Hungry Caterpillar: Little Learning Library; The Very Hungry Caterpillar: Touch and Feel Playbook; My Very First Book of Words; The Very Hungry Caterpillar Book and Toy; Little Cloud; Today is Monday; My Very First Book of Shapes; The Very Hungry Caterpillar's Sound Book; The Very Hungry Caterpillar; From Head to Toe; The Very Hungry Caterpillar Big Board Book; Draw Me a Star; Mister Seahorse; Do You want to be My Friend?; The Tiny Seed
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There was so much to learn in this book. And it helped me understand where butterflies came from. So glad Lea shared this one with me as we get our nursery library set up.

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Rome753 I remember reading this as a kid. 1mo
Roary47 This is baby E‘s 1st birthday theme! 🤩 I love this book so much. 🥰 1mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 💚 1mo
Eggs A favorite in my family 🐛 1mo
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“But he was still hungry.“


This book can be used to teach about metamorphosis, sequencing, and basic counting, making it an engaging resource for science and math lessons


Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a delightful and educational story about transformation and the days of the week. Through the vibrant illustrations, it takes children on a journey from caterpillar to butterfly. The book is a perfect choice for teaching about life cycles

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Does anyone know this eastern US caterpillar snacking on our geraniums?? We can‘t find it on google. 🤔🐛🤔

So life is conspiring to make this spoonie really tired, but I have finished a few books, and they are three of the best books I‘ve read this month. (Two 4.5⭐️ and a 5⭐️!) And while I‘m will to dash off an okay review for an okay book, I‘d really like to do these justice. 🤞🏻 I get to them tonight or tomorrow morning.

mabell We use the inaturalist Seek app to identity plants and bugs 😄 11mo
LaraReads My phone tells me it‘s a White-marked Tussock Moth larva 🤷🏻‍♀️ I use my phone photo feature for all kinds of plants, animals, and bugs (edited) 11mo
LaraReads It‘s very pretty! 😍🐛 11mo
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Cosmos_Moon Tussock moth caterpillar is correct… I think they sting, so I wouldn‘t recommend petting it‘s fuzzies. 11mo
Megabooks @mabell I‘ve downloaded that now. Thanks! 11mo
Megabooks @LaraReads @Cosmos_Moon yes! That‘s definitely what it is. Thank you both!! 11mo
mabell @Megabooks Great! It‘s a lot of fun to use 11mo
Cinfhen Super curious to hear about the books you loved!! And I love the apps that identify plants, flowers and bugs!!! Sooooo cool 😎 11mo
Suet624 You definitely shouldn‘t hold one of these. My grandson felt like he had needles in his hand and then his hand went numb. 11mo
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I found a classic as a board book. Magpie approves.

dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 11mo
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Ruthiella 😂😂😂 13mo
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Mitch Book me in! 1y
AmyG I‘d do that in a heartbeat. 1y
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The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a feast for the eyes, and I enjoy him merrily munching away in full technicolour. I feel like Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? is the prequel to The Artist Who Painted A Blue Horse, (i.e. rainbow menagerie) but that's probably adult reading order bias. Still completely in love with Eric Carle's enthusiastically colourful style.

Robotswithpersonality Overthinking begins: I don't know if children's educators have taken a harder look at a book aimed toward younger audiences telling the story of a big, fat caterpillar becoming a much more slender butterfly. I can see this book being used for overdramatic on both sides of the fat positive/fatphobic divide. I choose to see lovely art portraying a varied diet consumed without shame, and gentle nutrition introduced prior to the conclusion. 2y
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📖 The Very Hungry Caterpillar, V for Vendetta, The Vor Game, Venus in Fur
✍️ Jules Verne, Catherynne M. Valente
📺 Veronica Mars
🎤 Van Morrison
🎶 Vocal (Madrugada), Valentine's Day (David Bowie), Virtual Insanity (Jamiroquai), Voodoo Child (Jimi Hendrix)

#ManicMonday (It really was manic, hence the ManicMonday on a Tuesday) #LetterV @CBee

CBee I still love the Very Hungry Caterpillar 🐛 2y
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“On Thursday he ate through four strawberries, but he was still hungry”


One of my favorites from my childhood. The illustrations bring such attention to the book and it is so recognizable. It shows the kids how eating food helps you grow!

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Question for the moms: what the heck are these crinkle sounding books called? Aquamarina can hold it now and loves it so wanna maybe get her more for Christmas 🥰

BeckyWithTheGoodBooks I think they are usually called a “soft” or “cloth” book, but you can put “crinkle book” into Google and get a lot of options! 2y
TEArificbooks Maybe “bath” books cause they can usually go in water 2y
Linear Sensory books, I think 2y
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Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over. It became a beautiful butterfly.


I love the page in the story when the caterpillar is eating anything it can find like ice cream and cake.


Another one of my all time favorite picture books. The story follows a caterpillar who is extremely hungry. The caterpillar finds a great many things to eat as it grows until it eventually becomes a butterfly.


The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a children‘s picture book, designed, illustrated, and written by Eric Carle. The book includes counting, days of the week, different types of food, and a butterfly‘s life cycle!
“On Saturday he ate through one piece of cake, one ice cream cone, one pickle, one slice of Swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake, and one slice of watermelon.“

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Look everyone! It's finally up! Now everyone can feed The Very Hungry Library! 😁

#LFLSteward #TheVeryHungryLibrary #LittleFreeLibrary

Addison_Reads Love it! 💚💜💙 2y
Allylu That is so cute! ❤️📚🎉 2y
Ruthiella Beautiful! 😍 2y
Gissy Beautiful!😍 2y
Deblovestoread So cute 😍 2y
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Once upon a time, there lived a Caterpillar 🐛 that was HUNGRY for adventure. One day he awoke with bravery in his tiny green heart and headed out into his world, with a long path ahead of him. He knew it was not going to be easy, but through perseverance and a big ‘leaf‘ of faith - he would make it to the end! Where his wings would take him far beyond…wearing his technicolour dream coat, soaring towards the end of a rainbow. #parody #ericcarle

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I love this classic that teaches so much - the transformation from caterpillar to butterfly, counting, the naming of different fruits - and as always with Carle‘s illustrations, bright and cheerful.

In my search for challenged/banned books for #BBRC , I discovered that this #PictureBook was challenged in Australia for being detrimental to children. Specifically, it promoted child obesity. #LetterV

Clare-Dragonfly 😯🙄 2y
Bookwomble 🤦 2y
LibrarianRyan Interesting 2y
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AnnR Hmmm.... 2y
CarolynM Good grief! Really? Must have been a crank doing the challenging. I imagine they would have got short shrift. 2y
Librarybelle @CarolynM I cannot remember the group, but they wrote an article several years ago listing multiple “detrimental” titles. This one was highlighted. It didn‘t get too far! 2y
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Here's the entire #veryhungrylibrary as you can see, all Eric Carle inspired.

I think for many of us he opened the door for our love of reading. I hope that by people opening the doors to my Little Free Library it will open the door to a new book they love.

wanderinglynn Super cute! 2y
Ruthiella Adorable! 😍 2y
Catsandbooks So beautiful! Everyone who visits your LFL is so lucky! 2y
peanutnine Love it! 💗 2y
BookNAround Perfect! 2y
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Update... I left it white. 🤷‍♀️

Thanks for the input everyone! 😘

I think I'm done. Just need to seal it now.

#theveryhungrylibrary #littlefreelibrary

BarkingMadRead This is gorgeous! 2y
Catsandbooks Seriously so awesome!!!💕 2y
BookmarkTavern That looks amazing! 2y
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Chrissyreadit 😍😍😍 2y
TheRiehlDeal I love it! ❤️ 🐛 2y
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Okay, I need your opinion. Do I put the dots behind the lettering or leave it white? 🤔

I'm just afraid that the dots will make it harder to read.

#ineedyourhelp #theveryhungrylibrary #littlefreelibrary

BookmarkTavern I would leave it white behind the letters. And it looks super cute! ❤️ 2y
Soubhiville I‘d leave it white as well. It‘s really fun! 2y
aperfectmjk @ozma.of.oz @Soubhiville maybe I could do some half circles just below the lettering to kind of finish it off since I have two circles that go up higher. 2y
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BookmarkTavern That would look great! 👍🏻👍🏻 2y
RaeLovesToRead Leave the lettering white! It looks fantastic 😊 2y
IndoorDame Love it! Leave it white 2y
claudiuo It's awesome that you got a little free library! 2y
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A book that delights all of us!
#alphabetgame #LetterV

Leftcoastzen For sure! 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing 🙌🏻📚 2y
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This is a classic, I suppose, but I don't really know why 😬 3/5 ⭐️

Deifio Well, I always liked the holes in the book, through everything that the caterpillar had eaten. It was just something different as a kid 2y
bibliobliss @Deifio I suppose!! 2y
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‘On Monday he ate through one apple. But he was still hungry.‘ This is a monarch caterpillar munching away at milkweed. I planted the entire side of my yard in native plants. It‘s quite overgrown and I love all the nature-activity it creates! Black-eyed Susan‘s are my state flower! ❤️

DHill I love this! 2y
Susanita Maryland? 2y
Cortg @susanita Yep! I think you‘re also in the area. I‘m in Anne Arundel Co 2y
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Cortg @DHill Thanks 😊 2y
Susanita We‘re neighbors! I‘m in Howard 2y
Cortg @Susanita Hi neighbor 👋🏻 2y
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Check out Lia‘s book review of The Very Hungry Caterpillar on Book Interrupted‘s Manuscript Monday. https://www.bookinterrupted.com/post/manuscript-monday-the-very-hungry-caterpill...

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Eggs Wonderful 🐛☁️🦋 2y
tpixie Beautiful collage! 2y
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I loved these books when I was little and I love that now I get to share them with my Nieces and Nephews 🥰
#EricCarle 🐛 🦋 🕷 ☀️ #WeRemember 🌹💔

#BookNerd 💙🤓📚

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love!! 💛❤️💙🧡 2y
Eggs Great collection! 2y
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My favorite is probably the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe room, but all are delightful. My son already has an Eric Carle rug in his room, though, so I feel like we're a step ahead on the tagged book.

Picture from the article: https://www.homeessentials.co.uk/shop/page/Kidsbedroom/show.action?utm_campaign=...

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BethM Hahahahahaha 2y
vivastory Nor am I a llama in red pajamas 🤣 2y
Branwen I'm also not a mouse who has been given a cookie. Very disappointing! 😁 2y
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KatieDid927 Lmaoo 2y
julesG 🤣🤣 2y
Bookwormjillk 😂😂😂 2y
sprainedbrain 😂😂😂 2y
Bookzombie 😂😂 2y
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Happy world book day!!!

GondorGirl Your dress is adorable! Is that one you made? 2y
DPgirl @GondorGirl thankyou ☺ I got the pattern from a book 2y
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Literally the cutest 😩😍

Cathythoughts What a little dote ❤️😍 3y
Megabooks 💜💜💜 3y
bthegood I'd never get anything done, I'd just stare at him all day, cute🥰 3y
reading_rainbow Congratulations!!💛💛💛 he‘s so sweet 🥲💕 3y
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"Day 4: Book you remember from your childhood"

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Ethan Thomas, 6lb 7oz, 3-10-21

Hopefully be a huge bookworm like his parents! 🤓

Tagged the hungry caterpillar because he is an absolute boob monster already 🤣🥰

@TheNeverendingTBR 🖤

readingjedi Meep! So cute! Have to look away now cos I WANT ONE!!! 3y
Reagan Congratulations 🥳 3y
IuliaC Congratulations! 🎈👶 3y
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BookmarkTavern Congratulations! 🎉💕🎉 3y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick 🎉Congratulations!🎉 3y
Chelsea.Poole Congratulations! 📖 🐛 3y
MicheleinPhilly Congrats! 3y
JessClark78 Congratulations! 3y
bthegood Congratulations @LostInSpace and @TheNeverendingTBR - he is beautiful 😊 (edited) 3y
Q84 Congratulations 🎉 3y
Traci1 Congratulations! ❤❤ 3y
BookwormAHN Congratulations 🎉 3y
BookwormM Congratulations he is gorgeous 3y
Reggie Congratulations!!! 3y
LostInSpace @Cathythoughts this was when we announced his birth! 3y
Cathythoughts Thanks for tagging me .. how did I miss this ?! ! ( I must be getting on a bit 👵🏻) Congratulations, what a gorgeous boy 😍 3y
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Hungry caterpillars and busy bees are making up the view around here. While it felt like autumn this morning, it heated up to the 80s by this afternoon.

#LitsySummerCamp @ImperfectCJ

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I couldn‘t resist. 🤣💀

(From the For Reading Addicts Facebook page.)

Eggs 😂😂😂😂 3y
Tamra Bahahaha 3y
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Reggie Totally my type of book!! Lolol 3y
MariaW 😱 3y
Bookzombie 😂😂😂 3y
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Eggs True classic 💚📗 🐛✅ 3y
youneverarrived My son‘s favourite ♥️ 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💚📚💚 3y
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Jennaree3 This is so true. At what point do we transition from unadulterated curiosity to curiosity hindered by crippling self-doubt? 3y
Eggs Middle school 😂. Great (rhetorical ) question 3y
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"That juvenile has become a pejorative is one of the saddest facts of our language." - Eric Carle


R.I.P., Eric Carle.

I don‘t believe in angels...but I‘d like to think that somewhere, somehow, this beautiful artist now has wings. ?

Christine This is an amazing insight from Carle - thank you for sharing it! One of my kids enduringly loves The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and this quote is transformative re: my appreciation of it. 3y
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The #babylitten wore his Very Hungry Caterpillar shirt in honor of Eric Carle and Lois Ehlert; we don't have a shirt of hers, but do have the beautiful books.

kspenmoll Adorable and what an appropriate tribute! 3y
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A very sad loss to the children's book world 😔 brought much joy for myself as a kid and sharing with my own children. Rest in peace beautiful soul 📖🐛📚 🦋 #sadloss #greatauthor #childrens #classic #caterpillar #ericcarle #litsylove

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“`Caterpillar‘ is a book of hope: you, too, can grow up and grow wings.”

I remember my mom reading this book, and many others of Carle's, to me growing up. She loved his books and wanted to share them with me and my siblings. They played a huge part in my childhood and some of the best memories I have of my mother are with these books. I will always cherish what Carle has gifted to me - memories, stories, encouragement, joy. He will be missed.

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Nute Yes! 3y
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Oh no!

Catsandbooks Noooo! 😭 3y
Eggs Awwww a classic!! RIP Mr. Carle 😞 3y
SarahBookInterrupted So sad, my children love his books. The greedy python is their favourite. 3y
fredamans RIP 3y
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RIP Eric Carle. My kids and I grew a love for reading through your classics 🐛🍎

leah152 I just saw this 😭 3y
Leftcoastzen 😢 3y
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