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Joined June 2016

Bibliophile, fiction curator, bookseller, and moderator extraordinaire at U Book Store, Seattle // Everything is story.
The Tethered Mage | Melissa Caruso
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@InBooksILive @hwestfall @Shadowfat These are the books I‘m considering for my #LMPBC #Round8 #GroupF pick. They‘ve been languishing in my list for a while. Let me know if you‘ve read any of these—I know they‘ve been around a bit, but I‘ve really wanted to check all of them out!

hwestfall I haven‘t read any of them. This is going to be such a fun round! 4y
InBooksILive I've read Bloodprint. But the other three I have not. They sound SO good! I want to read all of them haha 4y
InBooksILive Also! Did you know what color you'd be using?? You also @hwestfall ? 4y
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hwestfall I‘ll use green and hide the pen from my daughter. She loves office supplies and swipes all the good pens and sticky notes 😂 4y
aeeklund Haha, I love that @hwestfall! I‘ll use purple! @InBooksILive @Shadowfat 4y
Shadowfat I'll go with a blue pen then, since that's the only other color I have lol. Either today or tomorrow I'll post my options for books, it's been surprisingly busy! @InBooksILive @hwestfall @aeeklund 4y
aeeklund @Shadowfat Have you read any of these ones? 4y
InBooksILive @Shadowfat you‘re fine! We have all month to read ☺️ 4y
Shadowfat No I haven't @aeeklund 🙂 4y
InBooksILive Hey 😁 just wanted to see if you were able to send your book out? I know the last time you messaged, you said you might be able to so just wanted to check in! Hope all is well. 4y
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The Mercies | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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Currently listening to this one while I do some work from home. I keep getting caught by the beauty of the writing. The narrator‘s way of holding words and resting in the sentences really suits the author‘s style.

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Untamed Shore | Silvia Moreno-Garcia
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A slow burn of a thriller that does clever things with the “femme fatale” trope. I loved the metaphors and description she employed. And yes, I took advantage of the opportunity to put a shark on my Staff Faves card. 🦈🦈🦈

Hooked_on_books Love the cover and love your shark! 4y
Leftcoastzen Cool! 4y
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Some days I know exactly why I do what I do. #booksellerlife #IRememberAddie #mostanticipated

kyraleseberg I'm so jealous!!! 4y
InBooksILive O.m.g!! I'd love to be a fly, that's able to read of course, on the wall while you read this! Haha 4y
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Sadie | Courtney Summers
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Starting my first #NewYearWhoDis pick from @monalyisha on audio while the Floof and I work from home due to the snow! Loving this one so far (and it‘s definitely helping with the spreadsheets). #snowday #miyacatsprite #miyareads #catsoflitsy #seattlesnow

monalyisha Love your Floof, that you‘re enjoying the book & that you get to work from home! Not loving the snow. 😝 5y
TheLibrarian Such a good book! I just read it because my #NewYearWhoDis match also selected it as one of their top reads last year. 5y
Leftcoastzen 😻 5y
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Creatures | Crissy Van Meter
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Bring it on, Christmas. I‘m ready. #holidayretail #booksellerlife #arewethereyet

Leftcoastzen Love a store with staff picks! May your customers not be crazy! 5y
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The Orphan of Salt Winds | Elizabeth Brooks
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I‘m so excited about the list I received from @monalyisha for #NewYearWhoDis! I‘ve been meaning to read the tagged book for absolutely forever, and several of the others have been languishing on my TBR and this is the perfect chance to move them to the top. There were others as well that I‘m hoping to get to later in the year—I‘m so spoiled for choice!! Can‘t wait until January!! 📚📚📚

Emilymdxn Some great books on here! 5y
TheLibrarian The Orphan of Salt Winds is so good!! 5y
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Harrow the Ninth | Tamsyn Muir
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saresmoore Gah! Holy crap! When is this getting published?? 5y
Kallik93 @saresmoore June 2020!! 5y
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Tam Lin | Pamela Dean
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I have been searching for this book—specifically this cover, specifically in hardcover—for so long. And then, out of the blue, after a truly terrible day, it was on the shelf of my local indie, used, pristine, for $7.99. I‘m not going to lie, I cried.

I love that books have the power to do that.


batsy Oh, what a find! 🙌🏽 One of my favourites. 5y
Texreader Hope all continues to get better for you 5y
quirkyreader I read this in paperback years ago. From what I remember it‘s a good story. 5y
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Seasons of the Storm | Elle Cosimano
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Managed to fight off a brutal cold for weeks only to finally take myself to urgent care, where I learned that thankfully it hadn‘t gone into my lungs, but I did need antibiotics, which are now wreaking their own kind of havoc on me. 🙄

My other prescription has been YA fantasy after YA fantasy, with the assistance of my furry little nurse. ⚔️✨🐈

**If you think a cold may be lingering, PLEASE get it checked SOONER rather than later!! 💜**

Leftcoastzen If you have to be sick , it‘s nice to have furry nurses!😻 5y
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Wake, Siren: Ovid Resung | Nina MacLaughlin
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Happy (slightly belated) book birthday to the stunning, visceral Wake, Siren by Nina MacLaughlin. The voices of the women in Ovid‘s stories of metamorphoses are given room to rage and soar in this vivid, resounding space. Important and welcome.

Jee_HookedOnBookz Omg the cover 😍😍😍 5y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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And then there are the days when I know EXACTLY why I‘m a bookseller!!! 😱😱😱 AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! 😍💛💕🎉

elkeOriginal YESSSSS 5y
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I remember vaguely understanding that the musical Chicago was based on “the women of Murderess Row.” But somehow I didn‘t know that it was based on SPECIFIC women. Or that the reporter who covered their trials and wrote the basis for Chicago WAS A WOMAN. 🤦‍♀️ Barely into this audiobook and I‘m learning so much.

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The Bird's Nest | Shirley Jackson
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While visiting my parents in their new town in CA, I discovered that they hadn‘t yet found a little bookstore to call their own. Well, I obviously had to fix that! (Tagged book is one I picked up while there. Because obviously I needed more things to pack. #noregrets )

Sace That looks like a perfect bookstore. I love it. 5y
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The Book of Lost Saints | Daniel Jos Older
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I can‘t get over all the gorgeous covers on our new release table today!!! 😍😍😍

The Queen of Nothing | Holly Black
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Welp. If anyone needs me, I think we all know where I‘ll be... ⚔️🐍👑💀

#booksellerlife #bookmail #mostanticipated

Chrissyreadit Ohhhhh!!! 5y
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The Monster of Elendhaven | Jennifer Giesbrecht
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Miya and I have made cocoa and settled in with our third @DeweysReadathon book! Someone is enjoying spooky book season! #miyacatsprite #miyareads #catsoflitsy #readathon #novellasnovellasnovellas

valeriegeary Such a cute pic 5y
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Been taking a bit of a lazy day today, drinking purple tea and participating in @DeweysReadathon . I had grand plans of making a dent in my literary fiction stack, but abandoned them in favor of Tor.com novellas and this eagerly anticipated YA follow-up to The Hazel Wood. I think I made the right choice. And the Floof agrees. #readathon #miyacatsprite

Night Theater | Vikram Paralkar
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I was supposed to go to Small Press Night tonight and meet publisher reps and hear about upcoming titles, but when I got in the car it wouldn‘t start. (Of course!) Looks like our weekend trip to a wedding + the cold weather = DEAD

So I‘m reading with this goober to keep my frustration down while my husband gallantly gets the battery charged. Ugh. Life, man!

#miyacatsprite #miyareads

Bette Hope your weekend goes well. 🐱❤️ 5y
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Listening to this atmospheric book on my early rainy bus ride this morning. Alternating between print and audio, and I‘m fully invested in both iterations. Loving that I‘ll be able to keep listening at work. I was instantly hooked.

nelehelen Ooohh can‘t wait to hear how it is when you‘re done! It‘s on my list 5y
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Conjure Women: A Novel | Afia Atakora
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‘Tis the season!! This is still one of my favorite prompts to work off of in October. Julie Israel created a fun, laid-back bingo card for a fun challenge (short stories, movies, and TV episodes can totally count). Anyone want to join me? #spooktober #spooktoberbingo


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Hello #groupl for #round7 of #lmpbc! Here are a few works in translation I‘ve been eyeing for a while. The tagged book is a collection of short stories; Memory Police is nominated for the National Book Award this year; the other two have been hanging around my TBR for a long time because they sound really interesting. Let me know your thoughts; I‘ve tagged the others below. Excited for this round! @rachelm @lele1432 @Carolyn11215

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Carolyn11215 The Memory Police sounds amazing! 5y
rachelm Ditto Memory Police! 5y
KT1432 I was thinking of doing Things We Lost in the Fire as an option myself, so I'm really interested in that one! But Memory Police sound amazing as well! 5y
aeeklund @lele1432 You could still pick Things We Lost in the Fire, if you want! I‘ll go for Memory Police. (Cc: @Carolyn11215 & @rachelm ) 5y
KT1432 Sounds good!! 5y
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“But human memory resembles a late-night reveller who has had a few too many drinks: hard as it tries, it just cannot follow a straight line.”

Break room‘s full due to it being Rush, so I‘m squirreled away in Remainders, hanging out with Elif Shafak‘s incredible 10 Minutes 38 Seconds in this Strange World, out in December from @Bloomsbury_Publishing

#annareadsthebookershortlist2019 #amreading #introvert #booknerd #booksellerlife

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Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I want!!!!! 💚📚 5y
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merelybookish Adorable! 😻 5y
Pogue My cat would eat the book and then hide it under the fridge. 5y
Sace Look at that toe fluff! 5y
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Leftcoastzen 😻 5y
Chrissyreadit 😻😻😻 5y
nelehelen Awwwwwww 5y
elkeOriginal That is epic toefloof! 🥰🥰 5y
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Ninth House | Leigh Bardugo
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#booksellerperks #booksellerlife

Follow.my.read I already pre ordered this😊 5y
Ashley_Nicoletto 🤣🤣🤣 5y
elkeOriginal Soooo....did you like this? 5y
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aeeklund @elkeo_TheBookDragon I did!! I can definitely see how it wouldn‘t be for everyone, though. It is a very different book than she usually writes. But it‘s an important one. She doesn‘t shy away from trauma, its effects, and the grueling process of healing/living. And, as always, she crafts a FASCINATING world. 5y
aeeklund @elkeo_TheBookDragon Also, there‘s a thing I think I should tell YOU, specifically, that I‘ll post under a spoiler tag. 5y
aeeklund @elkeo_TheBookDragon There will definitely be a book 2. 5y
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K is for Kitten | Nikia Speliakos Clark Leopold
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It‘s official! I‘m taking part in my first ever #LMPBC. Looking forward to exchanging books with #GroupK: @nelehelen @RestlessFickleBookHoarder and @Pogue !! Thanks for hosting, @suvata !!

Sace I'm really looking forward to it! 5y
suvata 👍🏻 5y
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Magic for Liars | Sarah Gailey
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That time I not only met Sarah Gailey, but was then retweeted by them. 😱😳😍

Hollow Kingdom | Kira Jane Buxton
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Anyone pick up the Indie Next newsletter when you browse your local indie? Booksellers from indies across the US submit blurbs to recommend books as they come out. This is one reason I‘m constantly reading at least two months in advance. This past weekend I was finishing books and blurbs for submission. Here are the four I finished up; reviews to come. Any of these on your radar?

kyraleseberg I can't wait for The Nickel Boys and am curious about Hollow Kingdom. 5y
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This short story collection is masterful, having a LOT to say about women today. It captures the tolls that “growing up” takes on a girl, that war bleeds from a person, and that a small decision or mistake can have on a life. And it does all this in absolutely gorgeous language. The audiobook, especially, is amazing, the stories perfectly navigated by Adjoa Andoh. LOVED it.

LiteraryinLawrence Great review! 5y
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Karen Russell‘s work is some of my favorite writing happening today, and it‘s so exciting to have her latest out in the world to shove at people!!

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The Starless Sea | Erin Morgenstern
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I spent most of today in our new hammock (courtesy of @RavenRenegade ) completely lost in Erin Morgenstern‘s masterful new novel. I‘ve been so nervous to read it, in case it didn‘t live up to The Night Circus, but oh my. This book. 🖤🐝🗝🗡🖤

Cinfhen Cool!!! Didn‘t know she had a new book coming out 5y
PatriciaU I admit, I am conflicted. I'm finding the alternating between the fairytales and the narrative a little disruptive. 5y
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DEV1AT3 (Deviate) | Jay Kristoff
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Spending time with Jay Kristoff (and a coffee as big as my head—YAY) this morning.

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The Starless Sea | Erin Morgenstern
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swishandflick Score! 5y
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A Treason of Thorns | Laura E. Weymouth
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Today‘s #salonread is one of my most anticipated books of 2019. I absolutely LOVED The Light Between Worlds last year (ok, real talk, that book DESTROYED me—beautifully), so I‘m really looking forward to seeing what Laura E. Weymouth comes up with next!

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Oh my goodness, @TorieStorieS !! Thank you SO much for the goodies!! The journal is PERFECT, and the card is stunning!! I have been meaning to read Gail Carriger FOREVER, and am so excited to finally own Cruel Beauty and Overstory!! The honey and treats look incredible, and I love the hat (will definitely be putting it on the Floof for a photo!). Thank you @TheReadingMermaid for hosting #MadHatterTeaPartySwap!! Now pardon me, I have tea to brew!!

BeansPage Haha that is so amazing I'm so glad you enjoyed everything! You are most welcome sweetheart thank you for participating. 😍😍😍 5y
hermyknee I can‘t get over how cute this swap is! 5y
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The Devouring Gray | Christine Lynn Herman
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Sticking with the fantastical elements theme for my #readathon reading today, and escaping into some dark and sinister woods in a book that promises Raven Boys/Stranger Things vibes. Count me in! (Pairs well with chili.) #deweysapril @DeweysReadathon

KarouBlue Curious what you think! 5y
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Gideon the Ninth | Tamsyn Muir
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Finished this amazing book on Kindle while still in the waiting room and literally yelled when I got to the end. Absolutely phenomenal—funny, creepy, twisty, action-packed ride with such amazing, amazing characters. I will be promoting the HELL out of this one when it comes out in September!! I cannot wait for book two!! #deweysapril @DeweysReadathon

Bookcation74 I have already preorder this book based on the effusive love from @Liberty 5y
aeeklund @Bookcation74 YOU WILL NOT BE SORRY!! IT IS SO GOOD!! 🖤💀⚔️ 5y
Bookcation74 Have you read Nevernight and Godsgrave by Jay Kristoff? Is it somewhat similar? 5y
aeeklund @Bookcation74 I am a huge Jay Kristoff fan! And yes, there are definitely similar vibes with this one. I plan to recommend it to fans of his! 5y
Bookcation74 Awesome! Can‘t wait! 5y
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Wicked Saints: A Novel | Emily A. Duncan
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I almost didn‘t join #deweysapril this time around, because I knew today would be interesting in terms of free time and I have work tomorrow, but then I remembered I don‘t *have* to finish, just hang out with some books and friends and steal reading time when I can. So I signed up! Easing in with something fun while I wait for @RavenRenegade at her hair appointment. @DeweysReadathon

annahenke Pretty 5y
Emilymdxn What a beautiful book! 5y
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Feeling under the weather today, which is just as well because it‘s started to rain. Curling up with some chicken soup, a Floof, and a gorgeous book to escape into. #rainyday #miyacatsprite #miyareads #catsoflitsy

#flowers #springintoreading
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88

esurient That is a quite excellent Floof. 5y
Texreader Hope you feel better soon!! ❤️😻 5y
Leftcoastzen Feel better soon! Love your floof nurse. 5y
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Bette ❤️🐱 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I hope you feel better ❤️ 5y
vkois88 How pretty!! I hope you're feeling better ❤❤❤ 5y
elkeOriginal FLOOF!! 5y
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Look what has officially arrived!! I‘m so excited for my very first swap!! @TheReadingMermaid #MadHatterTeaPartySwap

BeansPage Yahz!!!! 🎉 5y
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I‘ve been meaning to read this book for forever. Today was the day! I devoured it in basically one sitting (aside from when a certain Floof decided I was too engrossed). Beautifully written, engaging, and all-too-plausible. Really made me think about how much time and energy I invest in work vs. home/fulfillment. Definitely worth the attention it‘s receiving!

#miyacatsprite #miyareads #catsoflitsh

wanderinglynn What a beautiful cat! ❤️🐱 5y
elkeOriginal FLOOF!! 5y
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March was a bit of a dead zone for me, readingwise. I‘m halfway through several things I‘m enjoying but stalled out on for some reason. Hopefully I finish in April and get out of this slump.

This last weekend was a flurry of reading activity, however, as I‘m going to another dinner tonight with the authors of these upcoming novels! I read Stay and Fight and The Electric Hotel this weekend and am halfway through the tagged book.

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After the post office, I had to stop by the library for my holds. Excited to read both of these! Just got the arc of the sequel to Trail of Lightning in the mail—I have a fun marathon in my future!

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Just got home from the post office sending off my very first swap box! @WeeziesBooks I hope you enjoy!! Should deliver to you on Monday!! Excited to see if you like everything!

Thanks so much, @TheReadingMermaid for hosting this fun #MadHatterTeaPartySwap!!

BeansPage You are very welcome sweetheart. Thank you so much for posting! ✔️ 5y
SmartSassery It's my very first too!! 💜 5y
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I got to meet Mallory O‘Meara tonight!! I absolutely loved her book The Lady from the Black Lagoon, a memoir/biography/essay blend that not only explores the life of the fascinating woman who designed the Creature from the Black Lagoon, but delves (with Mallory‘s signature snark) into the still-rampant sexism in the Hollywood scene. Mallory‘s absolutely delightful and very kindly took a photo with me.

Leftcoastzen Very cool!Bet she‘s fascinating! 5y
AutumnRLS Great picture of the two of you! I just finished the book and really loved it. 5y
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Dealing in Dreams | Lilliam Rivera
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If this book isn‘t on your TBR, I highly recommend you add it, if for no other reason than for the time spent in a post-apocalyptic, girl-gang-run world where this sentence is true. Even amidst the high stakes, there‘s a really refreshing REST.

monalyisha Sold! 5y
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Kill the Farm Boy: The Tales of Pell | Kevin Hearne, Delilah S Dawson
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Attended Emerald City Comic Con over the weekend and went to author panels for daaaaaaaaays (not pictured: the two that I moderated). So. Many. Great. Authors!! Went with the tagged book because I think I saw Delilah S. Dawson the most times. #ECCC #ECCC2019

Leftcoastzen Looks like fun! 5y
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I am so excited about access to this #audiobook via Libro.fm!! I‘m a huge fan of Mallory‘s Reading Glasses podcast, and was SO glad when her familiar voice started reading to me. Makes working today MUCH better!! #booksellerperks

Christine Exciting!! I‘m going to see her (and I think Brea too?) at my neighborhood bookstore on Friday. :) (edited) 5y
aeeklund @Christine I am so jealous!! I saw that they were doing that, and wished it was near to me! 5y
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The Need | Helen Phillips
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This is my evening tonight, guys. Simon & Schuster pre-release cocktail party. 😳📚🍸

How did this become my life?

valeriegeary Sounds fun! 🤗 5y
Samplergal Wow! What a fun evening! Enjoy. 5y
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