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Babel: Or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of The Oxford Translators' Revolution | R. F. Kuang
From award-winning author R. F. Kuang comes Babel, a thematic response to The Secret History? and a tonal retort to Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell that grapples with student revolutions, colonial resistance, and the use of language and translation as the dominating tool of the British empire. Traduttore, traditore: An act of translation is always an act of betrayal. 1828. Robin Swift, orphaned by cholera in Canton, is brought to London by the mysterious Professor Lovell. There, he trains for years in Latin, Ancient Greek, and Chinese, all in preparation for the day hell enroll in Oxford Universitys prestigious Royal Institute of Translationalso known as Babel. Babel is the world's center for translation and, more importantly, magic. Silver workingthe art of manifesting the meaning lost in translation using enchanted silver barshas made the British unparalleled in power, as its knowledge serves the Empires quest for colonization. For Robin, Oxford is a utopia dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. But knowledge obeys power, and as a Chinese boy raised in Britain, Robin realizes serving Babel means betraying his motherland. As his studies progress, Robin finds himself caught between Babel and the shadowy Hermes Society, an organization dedicated to stopping imperial expansion. When Britain pursues an unjust war with China over silver and opium, Robin must decide Can powerful institutions be changed from within, or does revolution always require violence?
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1) I picked a rather obvious name 😃

2) Drive, crafting, laundry, clean house, play solitaire, or cook (for easy but time-consuming meal).

3) Tagged.

Eggs Are you Native Texan? I love that you cook 🧑‍🍳 2d
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Bailed after 1/3 of the book: huge disappointment. There is an amazing world where words have power and translators are doing magic. But there is no action at all, the characters lack substance and the anti-colonial agenda is being pushed down the reader's throat with much force, but little understanding of nuances

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I loved Yellowface so not sure why I‘m surprised that I‘m enjoying this so much but, I‘m really enjoying this dark academia novel. The footnote reading in the audio version though, not so much.


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Tbh this was a bit of a slog but I very much appreciated all of the linguistics involved. The author clearly did so much research.

#AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

Soubhiville Agreed, very heavily researched book I imagine. 3d
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3d
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Ultimately enjoyable, though the pacing in the first half leaves a lot to be desired. Would round up to 4 out of 5 stars. If you can push through to when the real story starts in the back half, I‘d say it‘s worth it. #AuthorAMonth

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Final 100 pages left! The back half was/is much more exciting. Wish this pacing was more prevalent throughout. #AuthorAMonth

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Phew! Took me half the month but I finished! At the beginning, I really thought this book wasn‘t going to be for me. I don‘t care how words were created. 🤷🏻‍♀️. However, once it got going, it got pretty interesting. Especially towards the end!

It‘s been a while since I‘ve listened to such a long audiobook!


Soubhiville Congrats! 1w
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A treatise on translations; that‘s what this book feels like and I especially enjoyed the story positing itself as an intellectual history. Translations drive this alternative historical world about the English empire, literally giving power to silver, which gives power to the empire—at the expense of the empire‘s colonies. Oxford, where the translators and silver form the Tower of Babel, foreign-born students realize their calling is to the ⬇️

Texreader detriment of their homes, China, India, Haiti, etc. A student rebellion is born. The book dives deep into friendships—cohort Letty alone would be an excellent topic for a book club. The book also takes on economics (some of which I take issue with) and class warfare. What I didn‘t like: how the plot went awry with a murder and then the ending. There was so much that could have happened and instead these plot points felt like an easy way out. ⬇️ 2w
Texreader I‘m very glad to have read it. I wasn‘t a big fan of the author‘s Poppy War book one. I‘m amazed the author can tell such different stories and unique world-building. I feel sometimes that fantasy authors can get in a rut even in different worlds. Not here. Quite an undertaking and done extremely well even if the Poppy War wasn‘t in my genre. #authoramonth @Soubhiville 2w
Soubhiville Well said! 2w
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As I approach halfway thru this tome, I keep asking, where is this actually going? Feels like a long walk. #AuthorAMonth

julesG Oh, glad I'm not the only one 2w
Soubhiville I thought it dragged… just posted my review today. 2w
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I liked parts of this #AuthorAMonth book a lot, but it dragged quite a bit.

The good: the friendship between the 4 scholars, the idea of magic coming from the deep meaning of words across languages, the worldbuilding and imagery.

What didn‘t work for me: too much deep dive into academic ideas of history, science, etymology. How long it took to get through many plot points.

The ideas/themes here were really interesting, mostly it felt too long.

ShelleyBooksie Adorable snuggle party ♡ 2w
AmyG Everyone looks tired today. So cute! ❤️ 2w
dabbe 🖤🐾🐾🖤 2w
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Texreader Great review. I‘m about to write mine and thought of dividing it in two parts as well, what I liked, what I didn‘t. 2w
Soubhiville @Texreader thanks! It had such potential, I wanted to like it more. 2w
Melismatic As I close in to the finale, I agree with all of your points. The back half really made me enjoy it more but I don‘t think it should have taken almost 300 pages to get cooking. 1w
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Checking in! I‘m about a third into Babel for #AuthorAMonth - it‘s admittedly slow going especially compared to Yellowface which I sped through. I am enjoying it but I get the criticism too. 🤷🏻‍♀️🥈

Soubhiville That looks really yummy! 2w
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I enjoyed this more than I initially thought I would. #authoramonth @Soubhiville

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I‘m going to bail on this one for now. It‘s not bad. It just feels like more of a fall book and I can‘t face 7 more hours of it. Until we meet again Babel! I‘m going to try and hunt down something else for #AuthorAMonth and put this on hold for October.

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 2w
Lesliereadsalot I read to the end but wasn‘t crazy about it. 2w
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 🖤 3w
Eggs Perfection 🖤❤️🩶🖤 3w
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I‘m listening to this audiobook now for #authoramonth @Soubhiville

dabbe LOVED this one! 🤩 4w
Texreader @dabbe I hope I will too. I‘m enjoying it so far. 4w
marleed Oh I liked this! 4w
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Man, I haven't read The Neverending Story in years! 4w
BarkingMadRead @TheAromaofBooks I‘ve never read it! I got that copy at a used bookstore in NOLA 4w
TheAromaofBooks So when I was in probably 1st grade I went to a friend's birthday party and they played the movie there and it genuinely SCARRED ME FOR LIFE 😂 So it wasn't until college when another friend said... you know, you might actually like this as a book LOL and I did! It's an odd one... but honestly not as bizarre as the movie!! 4w
5feet.of.fury I swear, some day I‘m going to finish The Witching Hour 4w
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What a lovely read “Babel” is! It is a fantastic vehicle for discussing colonialism, racism, misogyny, and inequality. Kuang is so thoughtful about her characters and the story. Couldn‘t recommend it enough 😊

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I was intrigued by the idea of a dark academia story revolving around a group of friends studying translation. I wasn't so sure about the fantasy element because, well, I'm not a fantasy person.

It all worked beautifully, and I LOVED this book about friendship, where we place our loyalty and what we stand for.

I thought this was brilliant 👏🏻

dabbe #metoo! 🤩😀🤗 1mo
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I know im late to the party with this one but i finally got here. Ive rated it 5 stars because its completely unique, its masterfully done, and i feel like the last third took my head off! Its as if with Yellowface someone said to Kuang “write a 5 star contemporary novel about publishing that perfectly demonstrates appropriation” and on Babel “write a 5 star historical dark academia novel that demonstrates colonialism and capitalism” ⬇️

Centique Im going to be thinking about these characters for a long time. Kuang can really do complex characters and dysfunction in relationships so well. I need to go pick myself up off the floor now….. 2mo
Reggie Wow what a review! I still need to read it. 2mo
CarolynM I‘ve been resisting this but after such a stellar review from you I‘m going to have to stack it. 2mo
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LeahBergen Great review! 2mo
Centique @Reggie thank you 😘 it is a decent chunkster but worth it! 2mo
Centique @CarolynM there is one fantastical element in that a lot of the empire building is supported by this magical silverworking that the students are learning. I dont know if non-fantasy readers would find that a bit off-putting because its a huge part of the plot. 2mo
erzascarletbookgasm Haha great review! I‘ve been meaning to read this and your review just push it way further up :) 2mo
dabbe I couldn't agree more with what you wrote! 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
squirrelbrain Paula - I don‘t read fantasy but really liked this book, and it didn‘t put me off. @CarolynM 2mo
Centique @erzascarletbookgasm thank you 😘 Hope you enjoy it! 2mo
Centique @LeahBergen thank you Leah 😘 2mo
Centique @dabbe oh thank you! Its so good when we love the same books 😍 2mo
Centique @squirrelbrain phew! Im so glad to hear that! I can recommend it without qualms 😍 @CarolynM And i think it will probably help going in to know that the fantasy is quite contained to one element. Its not about to go dragons and wizards on you! 2mo
Rissreads I really enjoyed this one too! 1mo
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Downloaded this on a whim before my big travel day and am really enjoying it ☺️ ✈️

Amor4Libros I loved it! 2mo
AmyG Wonderful book. Safe travels! 2mo
dabbe A fave! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🖤🩶🖤 3mo
Eggs 🖤🩷🩶 3mo
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dabbe @Eggs 💙🩵💙 3mo
lil1inblue 🤩🤩🤩 3mo
dabbe @lil1inblue 💙🩵💙 3mo
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Babel by R.F Kuang. 9,6/10 rating.

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I‘ll just join the chorus of millions singing the praises of this brilliant, brilliant book. What an absolute genius and true gift. R.F. Kuang is a marvel.

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BABEL again for the win! 🤩

TheSpineView It's a good book! 4mo
dabbe @TheSpineView It sure is! 4mo
Catsandbooks Awesome! 💚 4mo
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BABEL for this month's win. 😃

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I think the first half could have been considerably shorter. You can tell Kuang is a huge etymology nerd, and I think people who have similar interest in language and its history will probably feel that it scratches that itch. For me, it was just too much. The story itself, though, was really good, and the final 1/4 of the book was much faster paced and more interesting to me personally.

I'm glad I stuck with it.

dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
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I'm really struggling with this one. It's not that it's not good. But it just feels so long. And normally I love long books, but for some reason I keep wanting to put this one down. Ever feel that say? What do you do? Push through? Set it aside for a bit? Ugh. I just kinda want to be done with it.

Leftcoastzen That‘s why I‘m hesitant to start it though some people really loved it! 4mo
dabbe I did feel that, too, but then all hell broke loose at the end! Do what feels right to you, though. There are too many other good books out there that might not do that to you. Life‘s too short as it is. 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
Traci1 @dabbe I'm not giving up just yet. And I do feel like there'll be a payoff in the end. I just think what I've read so far could have been cut down by half with no real loss. 🤷‍♀️ 4mo
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Traci1 @Leftcoastzen I think in the end, I'll be happy I read it. But I think it's longer than necessary. 4mo
dabbe @Traci1 Agree 💯!!! 4mo
Suet624 I keep plugging along but I whine the entire time. 4mo
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NGL, I'm still gathering my thoughts on this book. I really love that it's focused on linguistics and I need a physical copy! but it's also a story that takes a while to develop. That said, it's interesting from start to finish but I think that's my "problem" with it. It's just so...perfect? LOL. does that make sense? It's obv a 5/5 read but it doesn't *feel* like a 5/5 read. It feels more like a 3.5 read?? But it does have some powerful messages

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I enjoyed this at times, got frustrated with it at times, but persevered to the end. Imaginative, but heavy handed at certain points.

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Definitely this one. 😃

Read4life Adding it to my TBR! Thanks for participating 💙💙 5mo
dabbe @Read4life It was simply stunning. 💚💙💚 5mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘ve been debating this one! 5mo
dabbe @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks It's night and day compared to YELLOWFACE. I can't even believe the same person wrote both of them! 🤩 5mo
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@TheSpineView (thanks for the tag!) 😘

1. Sherlock Holmes, of course. I'd try to be his gal Watson. 😃
2. BABEL: talk about roommates! #sheesh

Play? @AmyG @IndoorDame @Cupcake12 @Catiewithac @Sleepswithbooks

TheSpineView Great choices. Thanks for playing! 5mo
AnnCrystal 👏🧐👍. 5mo
dabbe @TheSpineView 💚💙💚 5mo
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dabbe @AnnCrystal 💚💙💚 5mo
Cupcake12 Thanks for the tag x 5mo
dabbe @TheSpineView 🤩😍😃 5mo
dabbe @AnnCrystal 🤩😍😃 5mo
dabbe @Cupcake12 😘 5mo
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STUNNING. Kuang's ode to Oxford is also a love-hate relationship––just like the two sides of the silver bars used magically in this novel to support England's Industrial Revolution in the 1830s as well as their arrogant pursuit of colonialism. Dark academia, meticulous etymology, bildungsroman, speculative fiction that reads like fiction and NF at the same time ... I am completely gobsmacked. I'll be reeling from this one for a long time.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks This has been on and off my tbr!! 🖤 5mo
dabbe @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I sat on my butt and read 300+ pages yesterday because I just couldn't put it down! 🤩 5mo
lil1inblue This is my favorite read this year so far. I still think about it. Just... WOW. 🤯🤩 5mo
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dabbe @lil1inblue 💯 agree! 🤩 5mo
IMASLOWREADER this is on my list...on waitlist from library 5mo
dabbe @IMASLOWREADER Can't wait to read what you think of it! 🤩 5mo
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I‘m really enjoying the book so far but want to know about the stylistic choices of the physical book! Someone who read the book, if you could please help me I‘d greatly appreciate it. In the audiobook, there will be pauses and then a different narrator will speak with more information on a point. Connected but not directly. Are there footnotes? Annotation? Brackets? Why does a woman narrator come in randomly? Haha I like it, just curious!

rabbitprincess Yes, there are footnotes from what I remember 🙂 5mo
dabbe Yes, there are TONS of footnotes. I‘m reading it now, too! 🤩 5mo
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Audiobooks have been my savior this month. I‘ve been working long days with long commutes so listening on my drive and then when I get home to cook dinner has been the most reliable way to get any reading in. Though I have been keeping to lighter audiobooks, I think I‘m ready to attempt attacking this novel next with the new headphone my momma got me. Have seen tons of great reviews so I‘m excited!

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Wow this was so good. I loved that the book was completely immersed in Etymology. The world building - taking such a familiar places and building it out with just a bit of magic was so well done. I listened and read this so that I could get a feeling for the sounds of the non-English words and names, highly recommend the story was a bit too complex for full audio but the narrator does an amazing job.
I will continue thinking about this one.

BkClubCare Extremely ambitious work 👏👏👏 5mo
dabbe I just started Part 2! 🤩 5mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @BkClubCare yes! I kept thinking that as I was reading, very ambitious with her characters, her themes and the creation of the world. 5mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @dabbe I hope you are enjoying it too! I had high hopes and I feel like they were met. I am very impressed that she can write such different books, I read her Yellowface last year and this is so incredibly different. 5mo
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Thanks for the tag, @Eggs! 😘

1. Scarlett O'Hara from GONE WITH THE WIND. #tomorrowisanotherday
2. Joe Gargery from GREAT EXPECTATIONS. #everthebestoffriendspip
3. Tagged: BABEL.

Play? @Aimeesue @Read4life @BeeCurious @TieDyeDude @WildAlaskaBibliophile @JenReadAlot @The_Penniless_Author @Librarybelle ... if you've read this far, consider yourself also tagged! 🤩

The_Penniless_Author Thanks for the tag, but I already responded. 😊 5mo
lil1inblue Ooh, great picks! I just finished Babel and week and a half ago and I'm still thinking about it. So good. 5mo
SpellboundReader Thanks for the tag. 😍 I will have to think about this one before posting an answer. 5mo
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dabbe @The_Penniless_Author You're too popular! 🤩 5mo
dabbe @lil1inblue I'm reading it slowly and savoring it. So well-researched! 🤩 5mo
Librarybelle Thanks for the tag! 5mo
Eggs Thank you for playing and sharing 🤗🤗 5mo
The_Penniless_Author That's certainly the impression I'm trying to cultivate. 😆 5mo
dabbe @Eggs 😘 5mo
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A slow first half with strong world building and then an action packed final half/third.

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⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ (5/5)
I cannot stop thinking about this book. It was so ambitious, and RF Kuang executed every element to perfection. I was struck, of course, by the powerful statement it makes about colonialism, but it was the bits about the power and limits of translation that really tickled my brain. I'm simply in awe of this book.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great review! Stacked 📚 5mo
dabbe I'm reading it right now and absolutely loving it! ❤️💜🩷 5mo
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To go along with BABEL (the tagged book), how about “Land of Confusion“ by Genesis? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq7FKO5DlV0

For those interested, here's a link to a Spotify playlist for all #booknotes tunes:

Care to play? @AnnR @Amieesue @AmyG @itchyfeetreader @Crazeedi @IndoorDame + any and all! 🤩

AmyG Thanks for the tag but I am off to SF. 5mo
dabbe @AmyG I thought you were already there. Safe travels! Hope your daughter is doing better. 🩷💜❤️ 5mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🎤📀🎵 5mo
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks How is this one? I stacked it! 5mo
dabbe @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I am digging it! It reads like history, but it has magic. In a way it reminds me of A NIGHT CIRCUS. And I loved her book YELLOWFACE, so I had to read this one, too. It's long, but I'm thoroughly enjoying it. 🤩 5mo
Crazeedi Thanks for the tag! Not sure I can think of a song for the book I'm reading 5mo
Crazeedi @AmyG safe travels Amy!! 5mo
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“By the time Professor Richard Lowell found his way through Canton's narrow alleys in the faded address in his diary, the boy was the only on in the house left alive.“

lil1inblue This is one of my current reads. It's so good! 6mo
ShyBookOwl I've heard good things about this one! 6mo
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1. I‘m easy to please so no big deal for me, just feeling thought of is nice… even just a nice card will do. But I also love giving gifts to my hubby and our kids.

2. Tagged. The point of the book isn‘t about love, but the MC and his friends love each other dearly and connect on a deep level throughout all the chaos.

#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Loved Babel. Thanks for playing! 6mo
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This was almost a so-so for me because there were slow parts and some redundant/repetitive parts. I also wished we had seen more of the Hermes Society and more of the magic. But I loved the characters (except for one but I won‘t spoil it for anyone) and loved the historical/academic references. The narrator was great too. The overall theme calling out colonialism and all its trauma was a powerful and necessary one.

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Today‘s haul from the New Orleans book crawl that my hubby organized for me 🥹🥹 we still have a few more to visit, probably tomorrow

AnnR Nice! I'll look forward to your thoughts about How to Save Time. Based on the reviews it looks like readers really, really loved it or were incredibly disappointed in it. 6mo
BarkingMadRead @AnnR I feel like that‘s all of his books 🤣 I loved Midnight Library, so I‘m hopeful 6mo
5feet.of.fury Some day I‘m actually going to read The Witching Hour 6mo
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5feet.of.fury I really liked both Blacktop Wasteland & Babel 6mo
Bluebird Great haul! I loved Babel and The Witching Hour 6mo
Leftcoastzen Woo Hoo! 6mo
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I enjoyed this ambitious, sweeping novel — Oxford in the 1830‘s, a good cast of diverse characters and informed writing regarding language, history and culture. I only regret having had big expectations for magic, fantasy and world building. Instead, enchanted silver bars were mostly a stand in for the Industrial Revolution, leaving our reality relatively unchanged. However, as a fan of dark academia and historical fiction I found it quite good.

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From HPB today for #authoramonth @Soubhiville

5feet.of.fury Babel was good! I‘m hoping to read Poppy War for #authoramonth too! 7mo
Texreader @5feet.of.fury I‘m very excited about Babel. 7mo
Soubhiville I‘m planning to read Babel as well. It‘s hefty, but I hear it‘s excellent. 7mo
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This is probably the most brilliant piece of historical fiction I have ever read and could very well be the best book I read this year. It‘s the first one.
There‘s too much to praise about this book for me to make a coherent statement. The characters, the plot, the setting, the depiction of friendships, the betrayals, the list goes on. It‘s so well written.
Let‘s just say it‘s been a while since a book has impacted me this much emotionally.

Texreader Yay!!! I just bought this one today 7mo
Lovelylottereader @Texreader Great choice!! 7mo
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We‘re not the only ones.


She learned revolution is, in fact, always unimaginable. It shatters the world you know. The future is unwritten, brimming with potential.


“That‘s just what translation is, I think. That‘s all speaking is. Listening to the other and trying to see past your own biases to glimpse what they‘re trying to say. Showing yourself to the world, and hoping someone else understands.”


Language was just difference. A thousand different ways of seeing, of moving through the world. No; a thousand worlds within one.