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El hroe de las Eras. Nacidos de la bruma -Mistborn- III (Edicin revisada)
El hroe de las Eras. Nacidos de la bruma -Mistborn- III (Edicin revisada): Nacidos de la Bruma III (Mistborn) | Brandon Sanderson
Desde 2006, y en solo diez aos, Brandon Sanderson se ha convertido en el gran renovador de la fantasa del siglo XXI y el autor ms prolfico del mundo. Ha logrado ganarse a ocho millones de lectores, ser publicado en treinta pases y postularse como el heredero de todo un gnero. El hroe de las eras es el tercer volumen de la saga Nacidos de la Bruma (Mistborn), una obra iniciada con El imperio final y parte imprescindible del Cosmere, el universo destinado a convertirse en la serie ms extensa y fascinante jams escrita en el mbito de la fantasa pica. Durante mil aos los skaa han vivido esclavizados y sumidos en el miedo al Lord Legislador, que ha reinado con un poder absoluto gracias al terror y a la poderosa magia de la alomancia. Kelsier, el Superviviente, el nico que ha logrado huir de los Pozos de Hathsin, encuentra a Vin, una pobre chica skaa con mucha suerte. Los dos se unen a la rebelin que los skaa intentan desde hace un milenio y vencen al Lord Legislador. Pero acabar con el Lord Legislador es la parte sencilla. El verdadero desafo consistir en sobrevivir a las consecuencias de su cada. En El hroe de las eras se comprende el porqu de la niebla y las cenizas, las tenebrosas acciones del Lord Legislador y la naturaleza del Pozo de la Ascensin. Vin y el Rey Elend buscan en los ltimos escondites de recursos del Lord Legislador y descubren el peligro que acecha a la humanidad. Conseguirn detenerlo a tiempo? Sanderson es un escritor brillante. Patrick Rothfuss Sanderson es una bomba a punto de explotar. Ernest Als, El Peridico de Catalunya
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This was an excellent culmination of this series. And the ending of this book. Wow. I think I‘ll be thinking about it for a long time.
I enjoyed the whole journey - I read and listened to it, and Michael Kramer is an excellent narrator.
My husband finished it not long before I did, so the “oh and then Sanderson did this!” conversations have been plentiful.
I‘ll definitely be traveling more into his Cosmere!

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A beautiful conclusion to an amazing trilogy! This is getting 4 stars from me because this is the only one out of the 3 that felt like it really dragged in the middle. But the ENDING.. ifykyk 😭

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I enjoyed listening to the audiobook of this book!!! It seems like I connect with the characters more with this series, since listening to the books on audio. I am enjoying the characters and the plot so much. I rated this book a 4 out of 5 stars. This book is the third book I have completed for #JubilantJuly readathon hosted by @Andrew65

Andrew65 Fantastic 👏👏👏 11mo
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Wow what an epic conclusion to a new favorite fantasy series. Though the first half is very slow moving political machinations, the second half is non stop action, Magic and drama. The ending is both heartbreaking and satisfying. I look forward to starting the second era trilogy! 4.5⭐️
#WinterReadathon #bookspinbingo

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Hero of Ages | Brandon Sanderson
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This is the final installment in the Mistborn trilogy. This book is epic in size and scope of story. It took me a long time to read, and I found myself losing a little interest in the middle. But the last third of the book is everything that people who loved the first two books have been looking for. This series was an incredible and original epic adventure. ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 stars

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July probably wasn't one of my better months for reading but I was kind of in a slump so I'm proud of what i did accomplish. I think the highlights for me this month were Hero of Ages and Hiding in Plain Sight. Two very different books but both very worth the time it took to read them.
4 physical
1 audio

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Okay so I was a little disappointed with the Well of Ascension but this one was truly back to the glory of the first. I loved how everything was built upon and the resolution came together nicely. There were some guessable twists and some that were still utterly surprising which I feel is the best because you get the little satisfactions of knowing and then the thrill of omg what just happened.

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Managed to finish two books this week and enjoyed both for the most part.
My goal this week is to finish the tagged and make some headway into the chonky sea of stars.

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I absolutely cannot. Yesterday it said my hold was estimated for six weeks so I started reading my physical copy and ended up reading all of part one. Now I have to decide if I want to finish in audio or not. The narrator is really good but I‘ll finish it faster if I eye read. Decisions are hard guys.

xicanti You could bounce back and forth between audio and eyeballs. I sometimes do that when I don‘t want to put the book down to do everyday stuff like cooking and I‘m able to borrow the audio right away. 2y
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So I maybe picked this one up right away despite the fact that I was doing the series in audio because my hold for the audio is six weeks out and I can‘t wait to see what happens next.

CBee I‘m just here for the super duper cutie pie doggie 😍😍😍 2y
Enchanted_Bibliophile I'm still trying to figure out how I didn't see the end of this one coming... I thought I knew who the Hero was until I read the words... 😍 2y
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Hero of Ages | Brandon Sanderson

Just finished what I thought was last in the Mistborn series, but it turns out it was only book 3 of 7 (not counting a short story and a novella). As everything Brandon Sanderson I've read, this book was great: a lot of action, magic, unexpected twists and turns, great characters (both good and bad) and quite a lot of emotional moments. Loved it!

@PuddleJumper - my #Roll100 February #2 pick!

PuddleJumper Brilliant! 2y
Nute One of my favorite reading experiences is one of his smaller non-series books. 2y
claudiuo Can you please let me know which one? I just bought the first book on the Stormlight Archive series and can't convince myself to start it. Over 1200 pages. For a slow reader like me that is a very long book. I love his writing and of rather read a shorter not part of a series book. 2y
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The last day of December is tomorrow, guys. I can‘t believe it. Since I‘ll be doing my 2021 wrap up tomorrow let‘s get the December one out of the way.

I didn‘t read a lot of physical books this month. It‘s been so hectic, but I did listen to several audiobooks. And I found a new favorite book of all times. So, I would deem this a successful reading month.


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Guys, I did it! I finally finished The Hero of Ages, and it was amazing! When I first started the Mistborn series I thought the political machinations were the main focus. But I was wrong. The second book hinted at the bigger picture, but The Hero of Ages takes that and runs with it. This book changed everything, and I loved it.

Full review: https://wildwoodreads.com/2021/12/20/the-hero-of-ages-review/

BookDadGirlDad These were so good. The final twist was so cool. I rarely read a series back to back. This one just drove me book to book. 2y
wildwoodreads @BookDadGirlDad They were! Have you read the second era yet? I hope they‘re as good. 2y
BookDadGirlDad @wildwoodreads Not yet. I need to put them on the TBR with the 54643675246 other books I want to read 😁😁😁 2y
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🎄It‘s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.🎄

I‘ve finally decorated my bookroom for Christmas. My tree my be a little large for my space, but it still makes me happy. I can‘t wait to curl up with some hot chocolate and a good book.

Full bookroom tour: https://wildwoodreads.com/2021/12/03/its-beginning-to-look-a-lot-like-christmas-...

BookmarkTavern How cozy! 🎄 3y
Allydanielle88 That tree is very pretty, and the room looks so comfortable and relaxing 😊 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️🎄💚 3y
TurnerofPages Very cozy!! 3y
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🎄I had so much fun making my December 2021 reading journal spread. I decided to go all out for the last month of the year. I broke out of my normal routine for this spread and I really love it. I used to like a very uniform, almost formulaic theme, but I think I‘m ready for something new. 🎄

Do you keep a reading journal?

Full spread: https://wildwoodreads.com/2021/12/02/december-2021-reading-journal-deck-the-hall...

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I‘m not putting much on my December 2021 tbr. I want to mood read this month. Plus, we‘re probably going to be really busy. While I like setting goals, I know sometimes taking a step back is better than setting unattainable goals. So I hope to read these, and The Hero of Ages is my top priority. What are you reading this month?

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Happy Labor Day, guys! How are we here already? This year has flown by. Today I started thinking about the books that I need to finish before 2022 and somehow I ended up with a list of Sanderson books. So here they are. What books do you need to finish before the end of the year?


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Eggs Great cover!! 3y
BookDadGirlDad That is a much more interesting cover than the one I have. 3y
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TheSpineView @BookDadGirlDad I didn't realize there was an alternate cover. 🤔 3y
BookDadGirlDad @TheSpineView I have a Mass Market edition box set. Different covers 3y
TheSpineView @BookDadGirlDad Oh.. that explains it. 3y
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A fantastic end to the series! It really showed the depth of the world created!

BookDadGirlDad Mistborn is one of the very few series I read back to back. That ending!!! Didn't see it coming!! 3y
PetiteMass Yeah I also read it back to back, couldn't get enough! I know! Such a fantastic ending! 3y
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My August #WrapUp doesn't look to bad.
I didn't realise I reaf this much. It felt like I read very little outside of The Hero Of Ages

My favourite for this month was definitely The Hero Of Ages
I'm still not sure what I'm feeling towards Bunny.
And my least favourite was the 2 Graphic Novels.

I'm aiming to read 5 books in September.

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Very good ending to this series. There honestly was no other way the author could end it. Is this how I wanted it to end? Definitely not, but he had no choice. Everything was wrapped up beautifully. (Also finished this ages ago and forgot to submit my review!) 7/10

Hero of Ages | Brandon Sanderson
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1. I don't really know anyone far away, but I'd love to spend time with some book loving fellows overseas.

2. I'm thankful for an empathetic and understanding boss. She has been really supportive this week with my health issues.

#ThankfulThursday @Cosmos_Moon Thanks for the tag 🤗

@Abailliekaras @DaveGreen7777 @Cathy_J @mrp27

DaveGreen7777 Thank you for the tag! 😊 4y
LazyOwl @DaveGreen7777 No problems 😁 4y
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Finally about to dive into this baby! 😍 I hope the end is as epic as the beginning was! 🙊

KrystalClarity I‘d love to hear what you think when you‘re all done! I‘m on book two of the second Mistborn trilogy and having a great time 😃 4y
Mishu94 @KrystalClarity I loved book 2! It was so fast paced and I‘ll definitely let you know! 🤗 4y
Mishu94 @KrystalClarity I just finished reading it and I‘m just speechless! I‘m happy and sad at the same time! 😭 4y
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KrystalClarity @Mishu94 I know, right?? I love how everything ties up so neatly at the end. I didn‘t see it coming, but once I made it through I could see all the setup that had led to it. 4y
Mishu94 @KrystalClarity yes! It was so amazing! I think I‘m going to read his other works aswell! 4y
KrystalClarity @Mishu94 Nice! Have fun! If you want to stay in this world there‘s a second Mistborn trilogy that‘s set a few hundred years in the future, the first one is called Alloy of Law. I‘m on book 2 of that trilogy right now, it‘s basically a Western and it‘s pretty great 😃 Or if you‘re interested in some more epic fantasy, The Stormlight Archive is fantastic! That series starts with The Way of Kings. (edited) 4y
Mishu94 @KrystalClarity okay! Is the storm-light Archive as good as mistborn? I‘ll get to that then! 4y
KrystalClarity @Mishu94 So far, I have loved every single one of the Stormlight Archive books ❤️📚 I‘ve posted reviews for each of the ones I‘ve read so far if you‘d like to look but to answer your question, yes! They are as good as Mistborn 😃 4y
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#FallFinds Day 8: Clearly, Fats has a preference for #fantasy novels as can be seen in her book haul. More here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-hqo

Eggs Beautiful covers👍🏼👏🏻 4y
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It‘s difficult to remain spoiler-free when reviewing the third novel in a trilogy, but suffice it to say that all of the loose ends got tied up neatly with a spiffy little bow. Details that I hadn‘t noticed in the previous books are masterfully put into play here and the commentary on the nature of faith spoke directly to my own experiences. It is rare for me to feel like I‘m on the same page with someone on that front and it was truly nice.


Why did they believe? Because they saw miracles. Things one man took as chance, a man of faith took as a sign. A loved one recovering from disease, a fortunate business deal, a chance meeting with a long lost friend. It wasn‘t the grand doctrines or sweeping ideals that seemed to make believers out of men. It was the simple magic in the world around them.

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Sorry I haven‘t posted in a while I‘ve been stuck in my feels lately going through some stuff but here‘s a picture of Dumplin laying on my belly last night while I was reading.

Gdsjenny My daughter wants rats. I‘m putting her off until after our upcoming move. Dumplin looks very loving. 4y
Ruthiella Hope you feel better soon! 😀 4y
AmyG Feel better. Your nurse is too cute. 4y
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kamoorephoto 💓💓💓 4y
TheBee ♥️🐞♥️ 4y
Zelma I understand having the feels. It is just a shit year and doesn‘t help if you have other personal stuff piled on. Welcome back. 4y
Nute I hope that you are doing okay, Robert. It was nice to see a post from you and Dumplin! Take Care! Sending {{{HUGS}}} 4y
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Libraries are slowly reopening in my area and with that library sales are back. Yay!

Couldn't resist... 😁

Most I will drop in one of the #littlefreelibrary around but a couple are for me to add to my huge TBR pile.

jessi_2013 Haha that's impressive! 😝 Have fun! 4y
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Hero of Ages | Brandon Sanderson
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I‘m on the third #Mistborn book. It‘s so good! #epicfantasy

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After reading this I'm thinking Brandon Sanderson should go into politics. I've never read more wise fantasy book! 😁

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Here is my book haul from yesterday. I was very excited to find the two Robin Hobb books in hard cover at $3 each. Score! The stacks just get bigger!💜📚💜🤣

Mitch That‘s a great haul! 😃 4y
TheSpineView @Mitch I was super excited to find so many great books.😁 4y
Mitch @TheSpineView the Hobb 😻💕😻 4y
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I told myself I was going to be really productive and #audioclean while the kids were at daycare today... but it‘s way more fun to #audiocrochet
I‘m giving myself 20 minutes before I make myself get up and vacuum...

Buchbeeg 😍 I LOVE what you have going on there! So pretty! 4y
RealLifeReading Lovely pattern you‘ve got going. Is that for a baby blanket? 4y
Johanna414 @RealLifeReading Yep - we‘re in the middle of a baby boom at work right now 😂 4y
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This is so heart-breakingly true! ☹

AkashaVampie very true!! 4y
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Train reading. 🚂🚃🚃🚃 Heading home after spending Christmas with my parents. Only three pages in and I'm already hooked. 🤓

Verba Docent
Hero of Ages | Brandon Sanderson

An excellent and satisfying ending to this trilogy! Solid internal consistency of the plot and world. I had a lot of fun experiencing this adventure of gritty, high fantasy.

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Saturday night done right!!

I have been reading this book for months but getting to the last hundred pages and plan to finish it this weekend.

My favourite book series by far. 😍

BookmarkTavern I love Brandon Sanderson! I‘ve never read this series though! (edited) 5y
my.books.in.squares @chaoticgoodhufflepuff his writing is amazing. Defo pick up this series if you get a chance I absolutely love it. 5y
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Well, I finally did it. I made it through this epic trilogy! Sanderson's world-building is simply amazing. This final book is hard to read - it's the end of the world after all, and it's hard to know if they're going to make it, and if so, who. It wasn't the ending I wanted but it's a satisfying one.

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Book 1 was a near perfect con-artists-plan-a-heist-to-save-the-world thrill ride.

Book 2 was a slow moving city-under-siege tale.

Book 3 was... jeez, it was a lot. Lots of discussions about benevolent authoritarianism and the forces of two warring gods (who maybe should have been introduced in this trilogy before now) battling it out while the world comes to an end.

I have no issues with the ending though. It was extreme, but fitting.

DGRachel I loved book one, but I bailed on book two. I‘ll get back to it eventually, because the series was recommended by a friend so I feel obligated. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5y
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Finally finished the Mistborn trilogy! I felt a bit let down by book 2 so it took me longer to get around to reading book 3. But I'm glad I did resume the series. The Hero of Ages was quite a rewarding and satisfying read!
(Line pictured made me laugh. Me either, TenSoon!)

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Yes, finally some time to return to the mists!

LiteraryinLawrence Nice bookmark! A friend got me this same pattern but as a pair of socks. 😋 5y
Curiouser_and_curiouser Bookmark 😆😂🤣 5y
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Hero of Ages | Brandon Sanderson
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Slowly making my way through book number three in the Mistborn series. I love Brandon Sanderson's books but it takes me a while to get through them!

DaveGreen7777 I‘m the same way with Sanderson! I‘ve been going through “Oathbringer” very slowly, not because I‘m not enjoying it (I‘m loving the book), but because there is so much detail and world building, I want to savor every word! 😊 5y
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Well, we are a little over a month into the school year and I‘ve already had a student tear through the first Mistborn trilogy while I am crawling through book 3.

On the one hand that‘s kind of awesome, but on the other I now live in fear of spoilers.


LibrarianRyan 😁 😂 5y
LeahBergen 😆😆 5y
Billypar Ha- love this! 😃 5y
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batsy I love it 😆 5y
ljuliel Isn‘t that a neat idea ! Do you always put your current read on display for your students ? What a great way to snag new readers . 5y
TiffanyMichele Yay! You respected the Mistborn book hangover *applauds* 5y
vivastory Hey, I hope everything is okay. You're missed around here. 5y
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