When the sun is just at the right angle to make the paper structure really stand out!
When the sun is just at the right angle to make the paper structure really stand out!
I just started this book about the history of sustainability, mainly focusing on the middle ages of Europe. It is a very interesting collection of facts about the life of people back then in comparison to what we now think those lives looked like. As a way of taking a few steps back and being able to possibly see our own modern world from a different perspective.
I am taking this book into the #outstandingoctober readathon by @Andrew65
Alright everyone, I'm back after not posting anything on Litsy for two years! Let's start up some sparking conversations about interesting books and share challenging insights. Let's talk about love, adventures, fears and the ability to imagine a new future...
Pizza, wine and books! What do you consume with your books?
A wonderfull short read that made me feel so many things at the same time, that it is hard for me to write an acurate review. Just read it and you will se for yourself...
'Fault always lies in the same place, my fine babies: with him weak enough to lay blame.'
Artwork by Phil Hale.
A raw and dusty start to what feels like will become a true epic piece of literature... it has so many impressive images i felt like puttin down the book to paint a whole bunch of times. A badass book for sci-fi and western lovers.
1. 'House of Leaves' by Mark Z Danielewski
2. 'Fortune's Daughter' by Isabel Allende
3. 'Bad Monkeys' by Matt Ruff
4. I usually try to ask musicians that I love for book recommentations, they tend to have really good taste...
5. 'The Familiar' by Mark Z Danielewski because it brought back curiosity into my life. (Tagged book)
@OSChamberlain @Ecatstic @shadowspeak17 @Realitybynate
#recommendationrainbow #recommendation #litsygame #litsylist
(Amazing invitation to a fight:) 'If I'm mistaken as to the actual nature of your lower extremeties, I beg you to join me in the courtyard of this house, at your leasure but preferably soon, so that, with the pedagogical instrument of your choice, you may educate me.'
I really wanted to love this book as it started out with such fresh ways of getting the reader to feel like they are part of the story. The subject is very interesting and relevant as it's about the pros and cons of religious restrictions such as the burka.
But I have to say that either the writing style in general or the translation, plus me not being from Turkey made it an impossible read for me.
"There was so much silence you could hear it. Everywhere it went, it stuffed the ears with invisible fluff."
"There are all kinds of darkness, and all kinds of things can be found in them, imprisoned, banished, lost or hidden. Sometimes they escape. Sometimes they simply fall out. Sometimes they can just not take it anymore."
This was a surprise for me. I picked it up not knowing what to expect, but very quickly fell in love with the mysterious incidents that these people are trying to solve together, each and everyone somehow being involved but not knowing anything about the secrets surrounding their small town of gold diggers and fortune seekers.
A quote to live by...
#favoritequote #favouritequote #quote
Here is a great inbetween read that all of you will for sure enjoy! It's a shortstory of incredible finese. Stick with it through the first couple of pages and you will be rewarded! Word magus Mark Z Danielewski at his best!
Tell me about what you thought!
#markzdanielewski #clip4
I have always wanted the beautiful glow in the dark, pop up editions of hungarian artist Kincső Nagy... they are such wonderful pieces of art!
A wonderful and light journey through the lives and hearts of people living in 1843's chile. Love, shame, deceit and amazing temptations taking shape during the time of the california goldrush. Some characters take you on journeys throughout the world, while others sit at home with nothing but loss and hurt to keep them company...
For more illustrations check out: www.instagram.com/piesdegallo
Beautifully dark drawings with a so far very intriguing story. I can't wait to see where this is going...
It's 1939. A very intriguing and fast moving story about a Prague born escapist, that starts a new life as a comic book artist in new york while his family is left behind in the claws of uncertainty and death. All of which is put into a neat little heartbreaker full of Michael Chabon's fantastic, jewish humour. And it has that intriguing smell of the old world.
Great book - Great cover! I love his storytelling and will for sure reread these in the future.
This is a book I will keep on rereading.
"If you remember me, I don't care if everyone else forgets."
Better late than never, I finally brought together this list:
A : 'The Amazing Adventures of Cavalier and Clay' by Michael Chabon
G : 'The Golem' by Gustav Meyrink
N : 'Narcissus and Goldmund' by Hermann Hesse
E : 'The Essential Calvin and Hobbes' by Bill Watterson
S : 'The Supernatural Enhancements' by Edgar Cantero
Thank you to @Bookzombie @DeborahSmall and @CouronneDhiver for tagging me.
I tag @Aadini @GabrielleMRO @nathaily @ecroli @Sabrina
A german goodie. What a wonderfully funny and heartbreaking story! So imaginitve that I had to do double (and triple) takes at least twice a page.
Some old Penguin Chandler editions. I just love the old covers...
For @Jess_Read_This 😊
Sick in bed. Enjoying some Chandler...
Another quote that made me do a double take...
Some beautifuly put secret to a 30 plus year relationship...
#bookquote #bestbookever #myfavorite #markzdanielewski #thefamiliar #cat #beahymnforgood #houseofleaves #readingclub #mustread #addictive #bookrecommendation
The book came to life at the reading in Vienna. I loved hearing Mark Z Danielewski reading out the characters, it made me feel like I met all of them in person.
#markzdanielewski #thefamiliar #readingclub #houseofleaves #sailormoon #fanpic #meetandgreet #myfavoriteauthor
Now this is the kind of book, where I would want to immidiately make friends with anyone that has read it. It's that good! If you haven't read it yet, do yourself a favor and start reading it right now! It will suck you in (but without the garantee of spitting you back out).
#houseofleaves #markzdanielewski #thefamiliar #zampano #tattooapprentice #dashaus #insanebook #recommended #hauntedhouse #favoritebook #myalltimefavorite #bookrecommendation
A must read for everyone wanting more from a book than just reading!
#bestbookever #myfavorite #markzdanielewski #thefamiliar #cat #catandbook #beahymnforgood #houseofleaves #readingclub #mustread #addictive #bookrecommendation
A must read for everyone wanting more from a book than just reading!
#bestbookever #myfavorite #markzdanielewski #thefamiliar #cat #catandbook #beahymnforgood #houseofleaves #readingclub #mustread #bookrecommendation #addictive
A must read for everyone wanting more from a book than just reading!
#bestbookever #myfavorite #markzdanielewski #thefamiliar #cat #catandbook #beahymnforgood #houseofleaves #readingclub #mustread #bookrecommendation #addictive
A must read for everyone wanting more from a book than just reading!
#bestbookever #myfavorite #markzdanielewski #thefamiliar #cat #catandbook #beahymnforgood #houseofleaves #readingclub #mustread #bookrecommendation #addictive
First step towards a life long friendship...A must read for everyone wanting more from a book than just reading!
#bestbookever #myfavorite #markzdanielewski #thefamiliar #cat #catandbook #beahymnforgood #houseofleaves #readingclub #mustread #addictive #bookrecommendation
A page turner! Has it all from horror, mystery, secret society, conspiracy theory, riddles, codes and haunted house feeling...
#bestbookever #bookrecommendation #recommendation #favorite #myfavoritebook #horror #mystery #addictive
I am always looking for books like this one. Books that are lifechangingly different, magickal and dark...
#bestbookever #bookrecommendation #recommendation #favorite #myfavoritebook #horror #mystery #addictive
This was such a fun read!
#funbook #bestbookever #bookrecommendation #recommendation #favorite #myfavoritebook #horror #mystery #addictive #mattruff