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Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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I have mixed feelings about this book. The writing is great, love me some VE Schwab. The story was intriguing, despite at first feeling very similar to another book I've read recently. This would be a great autumn book, it's very moody and spooky. I loved the portrayal of the main character. She is mute and finds unique ways to communicate despite others not caring enough to try. The ending was just a bit disappointing for spoilery reasons

PuddleJumper I might keep this one for cosy season. I live a good autumnal vibe 2w
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GALLANT. | V.E. Schwab
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For my #weeklyfavorites, I‘m sharing the tagged book. This book was compared to the book The Secret Garden and I agree with that because The Secret Garden has a garden and this book has a dangerous garden. I thought that was interesting. This was the first book I‘ve read by V.E. Schwab and I enjoyed it. I think it‘s a good book to start with if you haven‘t read anything by her because it‘s a standalone book and it‘s short.

Read4life Nice! 3w
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GALLANT. | V.E. Schwab
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Here‘s my review for a book I just finished reading.

I‘m counting this book for a reading challenge:

Hecate | Goddess of Magic, Necromancy & Ghosts:
A book featuring necromancy - #greekmythologychallenge

GALLANT. | V.E. Schwab
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I started this book tonight when I took my dog for a walk to the park in my neighborhood and I really like it so far. I‘ve never read V.E. Schwab before.

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GALLANT. | V.E. Schwab
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I looked on Libby and saw that my hold came in for the #whimsicalreadsbookclub book for this month. This is perfect timing since we‘re discussing the book at the end of the month but it also means I‘m in a dilemma because I want to read Gallant to fulfill a reading challenge prompt but I also need to read my book club book. I think I‘ll read Gallant first since it‘s shorter and I‘ll borrow my book club book too because I need to read it.

Gallant | V.E. Schwab

I thought I would like this book more than I did; I'm usually quite a fan of fantasy (especially dark fantasy) but it just felt like there was something... missing from this book, if that makes sense? No spoilers, but I thought that there were certain threads that were started at the beginning of the story that weren't followed up on, and I didn't like that Olivia's muteness is rendered as a non-issue at the end of the novel.

GALLANT. | V.E. Schwab
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For one of my choice books, I've decided to read V.E. Schwab's 'Gallant.' I've actually wanted to read Schwab for a while, so when I saw one of her books, I figured that I best give it a go!

Gallant | V E Schwab
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Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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Read this one for my SciFi book club. It was okay. I enjoyed the ending but I had trouble getting sucked in.

GALLANT. | V.E. Schwab
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Thank you @Chrissyreadit for my #AllHallowsReadswap package. Gallant has been on my TBR since it came out and the other book looks interesting and the candy will probably be stolen by the boys lol. @MaleficentBookDragon

Chrissyreadit I hope you enjoy the books! and it sounds like i should have sent more candy…. 9mo
MrsGagnonreads2024 @Chrissyreadit I will and don‘t worry about the candy we will have plenty after tomorrow lol. 9mo
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Gallant | V.E. Schwab

This was a different side of her writing for me. The themes of silence were interesting as well as how different people/magic could communicate (or not) but could reach an understanding without a word. I liked the open ending that felt ominious or hopeful, depending on your mood.

Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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This was a very comforting read. The book was quite small, which is nice for now and then. I also liked how the disability of the main character wasn't the entire subject of the book.
The plot kept me reading, although there were several moment where I wished things whould have gone a different way, although I guess that's how things work.

GALLANT. | V.E. Schwab
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Free -- a small word for such a magnificent thing.
I LOVED this book, which is no surprise as I love all of V.E.schwab's books.
The mystery of the house and the garden, and the way the plot builds was so captivating, I couldn't put it down.

Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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4.4⭐️ Victoria Schwab has to be one of my all-time favorite authors, and she doesn‘t disappoint with this story. Gallant was dark and mysterious with rediscovering family and purpose. It‘s sad and hopeful and can give you some feels. It is a YA so it does read a little young, but all in all a great book.

Gallant | V E Schwab
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4✨ read this really fast! It was too good to put down. We have a young girl who cannot speak left at a girl home when her mother disappears. All she has is her mothers journal show her slowly going crazy. One day she gets a letter to return home to her uncle. When she gets there there is a lot more happening than just some family drama.

Roary47 It turns into a unique fictional world which I don‘t completely understand even now. Worth a read if you haven‘t gotten the chance. #HTBookClub @Littlewolf1 #DoubleBookSpin @TheAromaofBooks 11mo
wisherwishinguponastar I have enjoyed Schwab as an adult author, but I have never read her middle grade books. 11mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 11mo
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GALLANT. | V.E. Schwab
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OK, let‘s see if I can focus my attention a little bit more on my TBR list for the month as I present August #BookSpinBingo. I have some pretty big reads on here this month, but also some fun cozy mysteries that I‘m hoping balance things out. Still working on catching up my #FriendsPicForMe so this month I am reading Belinda and The Shadow Of What Was Lost. I do have a re-read on here because last time I sped through it, so I‘m rereading Bunny.

Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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I don't know about this one. I loved the idea of the story. It started out slow, but it was interesting so that was ok, but it stayed slow. Then all of the sudden it just seemed to hurry up and end. Just felt like there should have been more. Maybe I just wanted there to be more. It wasn't a bad book. Just left a lot to be desired I guess. I always feel bad saying I didn't like someone's work.

GALLANT. | V.E. Schwab
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A rather simple story, but it is atmospheric and captive. The writing was nice and the concept was cool.

TracyReadsBooks I really enjoyed this one! 1y
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Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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I loved the haunting imagery I got from this Gothic tale. It made my imagination run wild with ghouls.

Gallant | V E Schwab
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Finished this audio while helping to scrap the paint off the nursery floor. Today we are finishing it and I'm so happy. 38.5 weeks and my body is rebelling by swelling so this is not an easy task. (Any tips? Happy to hear!)
This book was so Gaiman-esque that I would have assumed that's who the author was had I not known. So if you're a fan of that fantasy/supernatural/gothic style, queue it up!
Also, mute heroine was great!

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GALLANT. | V.E. Schwab
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#bookreport #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

#6 - Audio - 7 March - Hollow Places - 2.5 🌟
#7 - Audio - 8 March - Butcher & the Wren - 3.75🌟

#17- 10 March - Gallant - 3.75🌟

A little blurb about each is below in the comments. Been super busy with getting back to work after the break. Managed to squeeze in reading and 2 audiobooks!

CloakNQuill Hollow Places - 2.5 🌟
Wasn't for me. The ex storyline kinda ruined everything else going on.

Butcher & the Wren - 3.75🌟
Fan of Dexter or Criminal Minds? You need to read this. I was craving more pages with the juxtaposition between the two characters & the dynamic they have.

Gallant - 3.75🌟
THE ATMOSPHERE!!! Didnt know I was craving another gothic novel until it fell into my lap. Really interesting and sucked me from the start.
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1y
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GALLANT. | V.E. Schwab
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I usually highlight some of my favorite classic women authors (Virginia Woolf, Jane Austen, Anne Bronte) on this day, but with the exciting bookish announcement that dropped earlier today I decided to feature one of my favorite contemporary women authors - V.E. Schwab! I absolutely adore her! 🥰💕📚

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GALLANT. | V.E. Schwab
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Olivia, Olivia, Olivia, a mute orphan, finds her family home and relatives she didn't know existed. Gallant is her home, but it exists on the border between two worlds. Olivia learns that home is a decision and death is an inevitability.

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Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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Book 10 of 2023! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Absolutely devoured this one. Creepy, eerie goodness!

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Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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I enjoyed this book! Thanks again @Gissy

Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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A gripping display of world-building and personality. Shadows that reach beyond the page and into what it is to face death amongst life and life amongst death.

GALLANT. | V.E. Schwab
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Thank you so much @Gissy This book has been on my list for awhile and I‘ve read others by her so looking forward to it. We shall see if I have time to start it tonight. And the chocolate sounds super yummy, my favorite. #jolabokaflod

Gissy I enjoyed this book. I know it ha mix reviews but it worked for me. I love signed copies🤗 2y
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Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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This book is not intended for high suspense or adrenaline. That was not the purpose behind the writing of this book and Schwab makes that very clear from the get-go. Instead, it more reads like a detailed/extended fable or Grimm‘s fairy tale. It‘s something I like to call a “cozy read”. The writing style is paced, purposeful, and slowly sinks you into this beautiful story about chosen homes and making “thick or thin” choices for family. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

PunkedRocker56 Cont: This story was honestly so beautiful and captivating. Even though it‘s not suspenseful or tense like most books I read, I found myself hooked and invested in the characters and their journey. The writing style is the equivalent of being rowed down a river in Italy: you just sit back and enjoy the ride. 2y
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Gallant | V.E. Schwab

Seeing as this is the newest book by one of my favorite authors, AND I‘ve been absolutely dying to read it, I just can‘t understand why I‘ve been putting it off for so long! It‘s been almost a year since it was released and I am more than ready to jump into this as my next read!
#fantasy #veschwab #addielarue #gallant #newread #bookworm #book #booklovers

willaful That happens to me all the time. I'm so eager for a sequel and then it comes out and I'm not ready to read it. 2y
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Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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And with that I'm done #fourfoursin22! Thanks for a fun challenge @Lauredhel!

Lauredhel Congratulations! 2y
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Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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Dark Academia/ orphanage / magical - this book had so much depth for a YA novel. I almost feel like it shouldn‘t be one. It‘s deep, well written, and causes you to 💭 ponder.

Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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When people see tears, they stop listening to your hands or your words or anything else you have to say. And it doesn‘t matter if the tears are angry or sad, frightened or frustrated. All they see is a girl crying.

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Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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Good read for spooky month, but not a great read for me, personally. Read my full review here: https://debbybrauer.org/#gallant

Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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VE Schwab shares her spookiest reads! I may be readjusting my October tbr list. #scarathlon #teamslaughter @Clwojick @StayCurious


Clwojick Ooooh! 2y
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Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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This was so atmospheric, which I loved! Definitely a slow burn story, so I would only recommend for major Schwab fans and people who don‘t mind not much happening. I adore Schwab‘s writing style, which is what made this a pick for me. Great book to get you in the Spooky Halloween mood! Olivia was a great MC, but I wish the side characters were more fleshed out.

TheSpineView Yes! 2y
Larkken Agreed! Good writing, but could have had a little more… oomph? 2y
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Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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I am loving the illustrations in this book! My eye catches in one thing then slowly sees the other details.

🍄Username change, previously 4thhouseontheleft🍄

Soubhiville I did the audio so I missed out on the illustrations. I‘d love to see more if you‘re inspired to post them 🙂. 2y
alisiakae @Soubhiville Yes! I'll make a collage and post it. 2y
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Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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It may be in the 80s outside, but it certainly feels like fall when reading an atmospheric spooky story with a kitten curled up in my lap! #monalisa #catsoflitsy

🍄 Previously 4thhouseontheleft, will keep this note at the bottom of my posts for the next few weeks. 🍄

AmyG 😻 2y
Gissy 😻❤️❤️❤️ 2y
Leftcoastzen Awww!😸 2y
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Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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#fourfoursin22 circumference (the cover art) @Lauredhel

I do enjoy a good gothic creepy house with secrets book. I'm also late to Schwab's work, this is my first book of hers. Won't be the last!

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Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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Gallant 🤘⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - all the Gothic home feels and continuous sense of unease.
My Sister the Serial Killer 🤘⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - just wow! This is going to be a reread for me for sure. And to think it languished on my kindle for 2 years.

Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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Soft pick for me. I liked the gothic atmosphere and the ghosts and it has a good, tense climax, but I found the ending unsatisfying. Maybe it's the just that I don't like sad endings?

GALLANT. | V.E. Schwab
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Wasn‘t really a huge fan of this one as much as her other works. The story is pretty atmospheric and doesn‘t drag, but it just lacks something for me.

Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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This book is as beautifully written as it‘s external (special edition) appearance.

🥀Gorgeous atmospheric, lyrical prose;
🥀 Gothic vibes;
🥀 A wonderful protagonist on Olivia, who despite her loneliness and fear is incredibly brave and loyal;
🥀 Stunning illustrations;
🥀 Themes of family, belonging, loss, grief.

#youngadult #fantasy #gothic #specialedition

Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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This book was creepy as. I listened on audio, the narration was great. Perhaps not my favorite Schwab book. But that‘s far from an insult as I think she‘s fast becoming one of my most favorite authors. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Gallant | Victoria Schwab
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Mixed feelings. I liked the writing style and story. It started so well. But then in the middle of the story some parts were like disconnected, loose descriptions without adding depth to the story. Then, those final chapters were so good connecting the characters with the house. Are we expecting a sequel? So gothic. Olivia is in a birding school with no family. But then, one day she received a letter from an unknown uncle.⬇️

Gissy “You are wanted. You are needed. You belong to us. Come home dear niece”. Who is this uncle? What is Gallant? Every house has secrets, what are the secrets of this house? Olivia Olivia Olivia.

#TheForgottenBook pick
August 2023 #BookSpin (I corrected the error-this is the correct bookspin)
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaOfBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
Gissy #OriliusMagicalReadathon
Career-Mage Hunter Class (Q)-Incantation Echo=Find someone else tbr and pick a book matching (ForgottenBookCub pick)
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