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How to Sell a Haunted House
How to Sell a Haunted House | Grady Hendrix
198 posts | 157 read | 5 reading | 75 to read
New York Times bestselling author Grady Hendrix takes on the haunted house in a hilarious and terrifying new novel that explores the way your past--and your family--can haunt you like nothing else...
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My July #BookspinBingo list! Pictured with the first 2 days of my #ala24 conference #bookhaul Ingot to hear the author speak and he was so smart, funny, and thoughtful!

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Mark and Louise‘s parents suddenly die and what‘s left behind is the epitomy of horror stories..puppets….lots of puppets and dolls. Once Louise returns home to help sell the house, strange things start to happen! This book was weird at points and one part I completely skimmed. This book was low pick for me. It was more about family dynamics with a little bit of horror thrown in that just didn‘t reel me in as I was hoping.

KadaGul Your Dog 🐕 isn't Digging this book 📚. #PetsLife 4mo
AnnCrystal 💕🐕💝. 4mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
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Bec_lectic @KadaGul haha I‘m thinking she‘s not! 4mo
Bec_lectic @dabbe ☺️☺️ 4mo
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Eggs Excellent 👌🏼 4mo
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1. It‘s not springtime without amazing thunderstorms (and, unfortunately, STAAR testing 😫).
2. The tagged book is both spooky and funny!
3. My plans for May include boxing up my office and mentally preparing myself for whatever job I get next. My district cut over 50 librarians and I was among them. Two years was not long enough in my dream job! 😢
#Wondrous Wednesday

Susanita Ugh. I‘m sorry about your job. 😕 5mo
ShyBookOwl So sorry about your job! My dream job lasted 4 yrs before the company sold to a cold corporation that I can't stand. I get it! There's a grieving process to be had. I hope u have a stack of comfort reads to get u through! 5mo
ElizaMarie I am so sorry to hear about the job! That sucks! I hear about this all over. Librarians are much needed. Its so sad to see so many go. 5mo
Eggs So sorry to hear about librarian cuts!! That‘s brutal. I‘ve seen a good bit of that in 40+ years of teaching. Praying you will find the job you deserve🙏🏻🥰 5mo
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I‘m late but here I am!! 😁
1. I really enjoyed the tagged book—lots of creepy things but lots of humor, as well.
2. I‘m trying to decide between Fourth Wing and Demon Copperhead. 🤔
Thanks for the tag, @TheSpineView !

TheSpineView Never too late to play. Loved Fourth Wing 5mo
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Estranged siblings Louise and Mark suddenly find themselves back at their childhood home after both of their parents die in a car accident after leaving in a hurry one rainy night. Almost suddenly after returning, Louise begins to have odd events happen to her. Being attacked by a squirrel nativity is one of them. After a fight with her brother, the pair call on their realtor cousin to help them sell the house…

Read more at: FictionLux

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Despite this being a horror novel, this was quite wholesome. I‘d argue it‘s Hendrix‘s most accessible novel to horror-averse people yet. There‘s only a handful of scenes that are remotely “gory” (generous)…unless you‘re afraid of puppets. In that case, avoid this.😅 Overall, it‘s a well done commentary on family dysfunction and grief.

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I can describe this book in one word… CREEPY!! A house haunted by puppets and dolls? Hell, no!! I‘ve always been a huge horror buff. Parts of this book were very good, and parts seemed a little “hoakie”. I enjoy this author‘s witty writing style, but I definitely enjoyed “The southern book clubs guide to slaying vampires” more. I hear it‘s being made into a tv series, which I look forward to watching.

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Requisite eclipse pic 🌙🌖🫣

dabbe Now that could be on the cover of a mystery book! 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
AmyG I couldn‘t even get a photo. 5mo
Melismatic @dabbe 🥰🥰 thanks!! 💖 5mo
Melismatic @AmyG I think my camera exposure did most of the work/lucky shot. Overall, it was pretty anticlimactic near us. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5mo
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Finally finished this audiobook!! It was spooky and creepy and intense and heartbreaking and overall the best Grady Hendrix I‘ve read yet!! Absolutely recommend!!!

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My Library Card expired so went in person to get a new one…featuring Jay-Z‘s album art. Brooklyn Public Library did a huge installation with him a few months back. 🔥

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Haunted. Dolls.

dabbe 😱 6mo
Gissy 👻🖤👌 6mo
StaceGhost @Gissy @dabbe I know! They‘re so creepy 😂💀it was also silly and fun though 6mo
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I mean, it‘s whackadoodle, sure, but I also had a lot of fun with this story of an estranged brother and sister who are tasked with cleaning out and selling their parents‘ house after their sudden deaths. It‘s often laugh-out-loud funny, squirm inducing and also surprisingly poignant, but the puppet-adverse should beware.

LeahBergen Pupkin! 😆 7mo
TheLudicReader I couldn't help but imagine a demonic Casey, @LeahBergen . 😂 7mo
LeahBergen No!!! 🤣🤣 7mo
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This was such a tough one. At times I struggled with “when does the horror kick in?” and even with some surprises, it still felt predictable. Not what I expected, rounding this up to 3 ⭐️

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I haven‘t been active on here in a while but I‘m still around! It‘s been slow going lately but I‘m doing my best to keep my pace with my reading goal.

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I think this might be my favorite Hendrix that I have read so far. It did start a bit slow, which was made worse because I mostly read this one at the gym. Then so much was happening. I can‘t imagine the faces I made while reading on the treadmill. Today I sat in the parking lot to finish it before I went to the grocery store. Definite pick! #Bookspin #OneGiftedToMe

Reggie My favorite is We Sold Our Soul but I still loved this one. The puppet funeral, the imaginary dog, like there was a lot going on in here, the crazy brother and the history of his puppet group. Loved it. Great review! Also how‘s the gym going. 2 guys and I are in a diet competition, since Thanksgiving and 2 of us have really gotten real since Xmas. Since Xmas I‘ve only eaten 2lbs of ground beef a day and water. It ends on April 1st and that 👇🏼 8mo
Reggie will be my first huge cheat day. lol bingeing Beat Bobby Flay has not really helped. Whoever wins takes home 500 so wish me luck. Good luck to you too, Margie! 8mo
Bookzombie @Reggie Thanks! think We Sold Our Soul might be the only one I haven‘t read yet. I totally was not expecting an anti-war puppet collective. The gym is going pretty well. It‘s getting me moving and unless I do the circuit I can read while I‘m there. I hope you win! Good luck to you too! That‘s a nice prize! (edited) 8mo
Bookzombie @Reggie Are you cooking your meat in different ways to give you variety? Stay strong! 🙂 (edited) 8mo
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A young mom confronts her grief over the loss of her parents, family secrets, & creepy AF dolls & puppets. Seriously scary with interesting thoughts on grief & family sprinkled in between battles with the Puppet From Hell! 5 stars. #horror #familysynamics

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Andrew65 Love the title. 8mo
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I truly can‘t decide if I should read The Velveteen Rabbit now or run in fear. I‘m pretty sure I read it and/or saw the cartoon as a child and don‘t remember feeling like this.

The tagged is my #Bookspin for January, one gifted to me. 🙂

IndoorDame It‘s a beautiful story, but so devastating! I‘m all for not coddling kids and showing them the dark side of life, but some of the things they read and sang to our generation as bedtime stories… yikes! 9mo
Ruthiella That quote makes me think of The Giving Tree. You can take it at face value, but some readers see a more sinister side to it. 9mo
rubyslippersreads I hate The Velveteen Rabbit! It always makes me feel terrible, even as an adult. 9mo
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tpixie @Ruthiella I always felt so sorry for that tree. The boy was so selfish, hurting that tree 🌲 9mo
Bookzombie @IndoorDame That‘s so true. 9mo
Bookzombie @Ruthiella @tpixie I don‘t know if I had read The Giving Tree before today, but I read it tonight. I did not like it at all. ☹️ 9mo
Bookzombie @rubyslippersreads I think I will not revisit it. 🙂 9mo
tpixie @Bookzombie 🫂 hugs are needed after reading The Velveteen Rabbit & The Giving Tree!! 9mo
Bookzombie Aww, thanks! I skipped rereading Velveteen. ☺️ @tpixie (edited) 9mo
Reggie lol, yeah I read TVR while reading this and I just could not see people reading that story to kids without crying. 9mo
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Just finished this one. As a doll collector I thought this would be my jam but the campy nature didn‘t do it for me. Amazingly talented writer and I‘ll definitely try his other work. #horrorlit #horror

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My husband nailed it with the books he gave me for Christmas this year! Especially grateful for “How to sell…” and excited to start reading it tomorrow! #bookishgifts #tbr

Ericalambbrown I really liked this one! Enjoy! 9mo
SomedayAlmost @Ericalambbrown Pupkin! Yikes! (Still reading.) 9mo
Ericalambbrown @SomedayAlmost OMG YES!!!! That evil little sh$t!!! I was just pondering the other night how I could be so completely freaked out by puppets in general but still live the Muppets so dearly. 😂 9mo
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It was a bit slow in the set up, which was about the first half of the book, but it really picked up over that night Louise spent in the house. Then, there was a twist! What would Louise do now!? I really liked it. Be warned, there are gruesome parts, though. There was a bit of humour, but not as much as I was expecting

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Creepy dolls. Interesting story, but not my favorite by Grady Hendrix. It took me forever to get through this one. I would get interested and then just lose it for awhile and have to go back. There were some good twists and it was strange and fun in parts, but something just was missing for me with this one.

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Are you following Grady Hendrix on Instagram? If you‘re not, you‘re really missing out. The caption for this post says, “Happy Thanksgiving from Pupkin! He made you something!” #iykyk. 😂🤣🤣

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Wow!! What a ride!! The friction between brother and sister drove me crazy at first, but then things started to make sense. Dolls, puppets, imaginary dog, complete craziness put together as a fetching story!! I love Grady Hendrix. This is the third book I‘ve read by him and it was quite the yarn!!!
#Charleston Fun Read!

JanuarieTimewalker13 Book 31 11/21/23 12:50 am….lol…way past my bedtime, but worth it! 10mo
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This is my second book by the author and didn‘t really get into either story , the back ground story to this one was dull dull dull just couldn‘t keep my eyes open at bedtime , so spooky it is not !

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Texas game on the TV (HOOK 'EM! ??), Thanksgiving tree up and sparkly, with a hubby to my right and a cup of coffee to my left, while I continue reading "How to Sell a Haunted House" by Grady Hendrix.

#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

ShyBookOwl Loved this one! 11mo
Librariana @ShyBookOwl My husband did, too! 😊 I'm just a much slower reader than he is. Right now, I'm finding it VERY difficult to like the brother a whole lot. He's being so infuriating and irritating! 11mo
Librariana @ShyBookOwl I'm currently on pg. 140 or so and they're cleaning out the living room of all the creepy dolls. 11mo
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Grady Hendrix just keeps getting better.

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TheSpineView Great job! 11mo
Read4life 🍁👻🎃 11mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 11mo
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DebinHawaii Hah! Love your summary! 🤡😱🤣 11mo
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼🦇🧡 11mo
Clwojick I‘ve always thought puppets are shady as heck, and this book did not change my opinion on that matter. 😅 11mo
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#Scarathlon photo challenge Day 17
Yes, it is in my tbr

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Dark. Daring. Delightful.

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I wanted to get this yesterday but I was under the weather. Still not 100% but at least I can share my photos #scarathlon2023 #scarathlon #mischiefandmayhem scarathlonphotochallenge day 17: Haunt

PuddleJumper 🖤🖤 11mo
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dabbe 🖤🧡🖤 11mo
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Book seller approved! 🧟‍♂️ Photo Challenge - Haunt 👀 #Scarathlon #TeamWhoYaGonnaCall

WildAlaskaBibliophile I read this book and am curious as to why the reviewers of this book cried. Hmmm.... 11mo
Melismatic @WildAlaskaBibliophile 😂😂😂😂🤷🏻‍♀️ 11mo
SomedayAlmost In my tbr… 11mo
FlynnDewey That employee knows how to write a review! 11mo
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I do want to read this but it‘ll probably be next Halloween! 🤣

#scarathlon #TeamCreepinItReal #scarathlonphotochallenge #haunt 6 pts

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This was suggested to me on my booktok so guess ill be reading it.

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It starts out with lots of sibling bickering but keep reading and it gets really wild and scary.


NataliePatalie 👻 11mo
JenniferEgnor You might like the Hulu series ‘Surreal Estate‘. This guy and his team ‘clean‘ these type of houses and then sell them. Everyone on the team has a different psychic gift. 11mo
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I put off reading this book because of all the mixed reviews but it‘s a solid ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ read for me. The audiobook was entertaining and creepy puppets are the perfect start to spooky reading season.

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The authors are certainly stepping up the game with haunted house stories. It is terrifically terrifying and is definitely a book for the freezer. Read for a few readathons, found a few word find words. #scarathlon #blackcatcrew #31by31 #spookoween @Catsandbooks @TheSpineView #falling4books @Read4life

851 pts
Plus 5 pts for watching The Birds

Read4life 🍁👻🎃 12mo
TheSpineView Well done!🧡🎃📖 12mo
Catsandbooks The freezer is always the safest! 12mo
BookwormAHN I loved this one 🐈‍⬛️ 11mo
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I don‘t think there is a single Grady Hendrix book I have not absolutely devoured! I adored this book! Another 20 points for a spooky book! And another square on my bingo card! #mischiefandmayhem #scarathlon

PuddleJumper Yay! Well done 12mo
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I'm not a big fan of this book, I'll say that from the off. It's an odd mix of very slow plodding family history & frenetic breakneck violence - most of it perpetrated by a demonic little puppet called Pupkin. I've never been a big fan of puppets or those creepy lifelike dolls, especially ones that look like clowns. The two main characters, brother & sister, Mark & Louise were not particularly likeable either. (Continued)

OutsmartYourShelf Mark was a bit of a whingefest at first but as the story progresses you begin to understand why he acts like he does, Louise was also rather odd. Overall it was not really my thing. Will not be re-reading it. Ever. 2⭐

TWs: child death, violence, creepy puppets/dolls.

Full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4928082887

Read 1st-2nd Oct 2023
(edited) 12mo
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TheSpineView Bummer. Hope the next book is better.🤞 12mo
PuddleJumper 🖤🖤 12mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 12mo
Catsandbooks 👻🧡 12mo
Andrew65 Oh no 🫣 But you did earn a stack of points. 12mo
StayCurious at least you got some great points! 11mo
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Bookwormjillk 🎃👻🎃👻 12mo
Clwojick Love this cover! 🖤 12mo
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I don‘t think I could have gotten three more perfect picks for #CastTheDie if I had planned it. And three of my favorite authors! I may or may not be finished with the R.L. Stine by end-of-day tomorrow.

Bookzombie I remember that being one my favorite Fear Street books. 12mo
PuddleJumper Brilliant! 12mo
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"Louise thought it might not go well, so she told her parents she was pregnant over the phone, from three thousand miles away, in San Francisco."


ShyBookOwl Omg I love this one!! 12mo
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The start of my October/Halloween reading.


NataliePatalie Yeah! 12mo
Emilymdxn I loved this book SO much - it's a great start to Halloween reading :) 12mo
Cinfhen Thanks for reminding me I wanted to read this in October 👻🎃👻🎃 12mo
Read-y_Picker Counting down the days until my hold comes in on Libby!!! 12mo
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This is a very odd book. Slow burn until 2/3 of the way through and then BAM! Things pick up and get very strange. I enjoyed it!

Jess Welcome to Litsy!! 12mo
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This is the most terrifying book I‘ve ever read. I actually had trouble sleeping last night because of it. I kept envisioning the creepy dolls and puppets from this story. When I was younger, my Grandma had a “doll room” with life size dolls set up lifelike in it-they looked like real people. And now I‘m just extra creeped out after finishing this. A fun read, a la Grady Hendrix, but I‘m sufficiently traumatized by the imagery in here.

Suet624 Don‘t know why I stacked this book but I think I will I unstack it now. 12mo
intothehallofbooks @Suet624 I think my feelings aren‘t very common with this one? There is the nostalgic, campy horror that Hendrix is known for. I enjoy that aspect of his storytelling, so that‘s why I wanted to read this one. I just think I may be extra sensitive to evil dolls and puppets? Plus I listened to part of the book, which just elevated my unease because the puppet‘s voice really got in my head. I was really unnerved by it. But you may like it! 12mo
LeahBergen Pupkin!!! 😱 12mo
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GondorGirl My aunt collected nutcrackers and had hundreds of them in glass cases. She had to keep the doors cracked because of humidity, but as a child I thought it was so that the nutcrackers could breathe. I airways hated staying the night there, because it was so creepy. Punkin gave me total nutcracker flashbacks. 😱 12mo
intothehallofbooks @GondorGirl Oh wow, that would have creeped me right out! It actually sounds like it could have been written right into this story! 12mo
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This was super creepy but also super annoying. I got so tired of hearing the brother and sister (the 2 MCs) bickering between themselves. It made this extra-long story drag immensely. It did have its moments where the story f*cked with my head for sure but I don‘t feel like they made up for the other less likable moments.
- Mikhaila Aaseng & Jay Aaseng were okay…but again, the constant bickering…made it difficult to enjoy the narration.

GondorGirl Ugh, I felt the same way! Like, c'mon, your parents are dead and their house is haunted by an evil murder puppet. Put your petty differences aside! 12mo
AudiobookingWithLeah @GondorGirl IKR, even once they started working together...they still kept fighting with each other. 12mo
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Sunday morning ☕️ 🐕 📖

dabbe Hello there, sweetest sleepy pup! 🖤🐾🖤 12mo
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