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Zami: A New Spelling of My Name | Audre Lorde
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I‘ve been wanting to read Audre Lorde for a long time and now I‘ll definitely be reading more by her.

✅ memoir
✅ coming of age
✅ lgbtq author
✅ Black author
✅ 1950s New York

Thanks again for hosting #12booksof2023
@Andrew65 !

Andrew65 Excellent. Thanks for playing long, a great way to review 2023. See you for #12Booksof2024 on Christmas Day. 7mo
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I finally finished this yesterday and I really liked it. I love a good memoir, or biomythography as she calls it. It was so interesting to read about 1950s New York City and see it through the eyes of one Black woman coming of age and into her (homo)sexuality. She has a very poetically descriptive writing style I enjoyed and I will definitely be seeking out more books by her.
#ghostsofxmas #wintergames @BookwormAHN

BookwormAHN Nice ❄️🤍❄️ 7mo
PaperbackPirate Thank you @BookwormAHN ! 🙌 7mo
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#20in4 Readathon time with @Andrew65 !

My goals:
✒️ finish Zami - 18 chapters
❤️ Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown - 2 chapters
🐴 She Had Some Horses by Joy Harjo - 4 poems
🟰 20 chapters and 4 poems
😝 20 and 4 for 20 in 4

👻🎄 Get some points for #GhostsOfXmas and #wintergames !

BookwormAHN Yay 🩶💚🩶 8mo
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Gorgeous writing about the poets life growing up in Harlem
It was a bit slow going for me, but I appreciate the writing and storytelling.
This is part of my #14booksin14weeks2023 list! This has been on my TBR since 2019

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"I have always wanted to be both man and woman, to incorporate the strongest and richest parts of my mother and father within/into me - to share valleys and mountains upon my body the way the earth does in hills and peaks."

Lorde was a gorgeous writer.


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Weekly forecast!
I am already behind on #14booksin14weeks so getting 2 done this week Zami & Not Without Laughter
I am reading We Hunt the Flame with my niece
And I grabbed The Magician on audio from the library.

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Big Gay Bingo Card!

Ready to goooo!


TheAromaofBooks Yay!! 14mo
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there‘s no other way to describe her writing style, just LESBIAN

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I love the works of Audre Lorde, so I‘m excited to get to this one from my TBR!

#IntegrateYourShelf @ChasingOm

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Get your reading done right 🍓🍓

Emilymdxn Love this book! 4y
BiblioLitten I love this book and the cover! 4y
ju.ca.no 😍 4y
readordierachel Wow, this cover! 4y
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Sadly I didn't love this as much as I thought, despite some stunning writing. I sometimes had trouble emotionally connecting with Audre and wanted more content about poetry and libraries. I was disappointed she labelled butch femme culture inherently oppressive role playing and said she can tell who is a lesbian by looking. I see how this is a queer classic (Black lesbian classic specifically) but it didn't always translate to an enjoyable read.

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"With no intent and less insight, I fashioned this girl of wind and ravens into a symbol of surrogate survival, and fell into love like a stone off a cliff."
#QueerBooks #LGBTQBooks #LGBTQ #BlackBooks

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I loved the last queer classic I owned but had never gotten around to reading (Mrs Dalloway), so I thought I'd do another! Don't miss the photobomb by my dog. 🐩 #QueerBooks #LGBTQBooks #LGBTQ #AudreLorde

CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian "To the first woman I ever courted and left. She taught me that women who want without needing are expensive and sometimes wasteful, but women who need without wanting are dangerous--they suck you in and pretend not to notice." 4y
BookmarkTavern I have similar vegetable boxes! 4y
Branwen Mrs Dalloway seriously changed my life! It's such an amazing book! 4y
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CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @ozma.of.oz my partner and I just made them! 4y
Clare-Dragonfly Both books are incredible and heartbreaking! You won‘t regret it. 4y
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Gorgeous prose, some weird bits, but overall a pick.

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I‘ve been in a bit of a reading slump, but thanks to self-isolation I might get out of it - for one thing I‘ve got to read these library books asap.

So, let‘s see how far I get.

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Easily one of the best books I‘ve ever read in my life.

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Here‘s what I plan to read in March. I‘m also rounding my recommendations up each month in a tinyletter if you want to subscribe! tinyletter.com/tholmz

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Leftcoastzen I love this book. 4y
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Lorde wrote a powerful book about coming of age in the 50s.Black, poor , Lesbian, she knew she would be a poet.She also knew all the things she was will make her voice unforgettable.Leaving home at 17 , she worked grueling jobs to keep herself alive .Plath knew she would be a poet too . Her book the Bell Jar and Lordes book both have sections on NYC in 1953 where the execution of the Rosenbergs are on the minds of both women.

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I've been splurging too much this month but I regret nothing 🤗 #TBR

youneverarrived This is worth it. Such a good book. 5y
ephemeralwaltz @youneverarrived so glad to hear that! 5y
Weaponxgirl I have this and I need to read it! 5y
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I love Audre Lorde‘s sad, poetic writing about herself and her relationships, and loved the book in general. Reading about lesbian culture in New York in the 50s made me feel uneasy because of me being bi and feeling unwelcome in a lot of queer women‘s spaces, and thinking I would have been unwelcome there, but my own issues aside, Lorde is a visionary writer whose bittersweet, difficult life story is very worth telling.

jenniferw88 Android needs to add the different sexuality flags to their emojis!! 🏳️‍🌈❤ (I may have got a bit excited when I saw 'bi' written there - hi from a fellow bisexual!) 5y
Emilymdxn Hi there @jenniferw88 💖💜💙 I normally spell my bi-ness out with hearts. Always love speaking to fellow bi sisters! 5y
jenniferw88 @Emilymdxn 😊 I wasn't sure how open you were on here, so I put it under a spoiler just in case! 😘 5y
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Soubhiville @Emilymdxn @jenniferw88 ditto ladies, 💖💜💙 ✊ 5y
Leftcoastzen She was an amazing writer! 5y
Naj Loving this thread! Hi from a fellow bi sister 💖💜💙 5y
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Perfect contemplative Saturday morning with Audre Lorde. This is slow to read cause there‘s just so much to think about and let sink in, but I love it. It‘s bright and cold in Surrey today and I‘m at my boyfriend‘s house in the most comfortable chair in the known universe

Amiable Sounds like a lovely day! 5y
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Fitting in a few pages with Audre before my boyfriend gets here for the theatre 💖

jenniferheidi My favourite book of my whole Literature degree! 5y
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Got off work early and went to read Audre Lorde in an expensive coffee and hot chocolate place. Happy birthday to me!

tpixie Happy Birthday 🎁🎈 🥳🎉 5y
SoManyBooksNotEnoughTime Happy Birthday!!📚🎂 5y
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Naj Happy birthday! 🎉🎁 5y
LeahBergen Happy Birthday! 📚📚📚 5y
Redwritinghood Happy birthday! 🎂🎂 5y
Pamwurtzler Happy birthday!! 🎉🎈🎂 5y
paigecon Happy birthday! 5y
Amor4Libros Happy Birthday!! 5y
quietjenn Happy birthday! 🎉📚☕ 5y
Suet624 Happy birthday 🎈🎉🎁 5y
Elma Happy Birthday!! 5y
Leftcoastzen 🎉Happy Birthday! 5y
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Lunch date with Audre Lorde

j.rye Looks delicious! 5y
Emilymdxn @j.rye thanks! My boyfriend cooked it yesterday and left me the leftovers. He‘s such a better cook than me, I could never do something like this. 5y
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Keeping black history month going! I loved Sister outsider, then I heard very good things about this book. Audre Lorde seems like such an important woman whose voice we need to hear. I‘m looking forward to connecting with her in this book.

suzisteffen I love Audre Lorde SO MUCH and this book in particular. Hurray! 5y
Weaponxgirl I just bought sister outsider finally since I didn‘t like the audio version and I have this at home to read too. Looking forward to your review 5y
Emilymdxn @suzisteffen @Weaponxgirl it‘s incredible so far! I love writers like this who are so poetic and ‘deep‘ (for want of a better word) in every single line. I can‘t believe I hadn‘t read it before tbh 5y
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Audre Lorde has been one of those writers I‘ve been meaning to read for years, and she‘s every bit as good as I was envisaging. She writes about her time growing up in a stifled home, her parents, racism, 1950s NY and being a gay woman then, a stint in Mexico and mostly about her girlfriends and relationships. It‘s honest, lyrical and completely engaging. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Cathythoughts What a great review & beautiful pic ♥️👍🏻 5y
Tanisha_A What @Cathythoughts said! 👌 5y
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squirrelbrain I agree - lovely review! Stacked... 5y
Linsy Beautiful pic! 5y
youneverarrived I think you might like it @squirrelbrain 🤞 5y
youneverarrived @Linsy thank you 🥰 5y
MrBook Great review and pic! 5y
youneverarrived @MrBook thanks 😁 5y
LeahBergen This photo! 😍😍 5y
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Calling it a day at 20 hours. Think it‘s the most I‘ve read for #24in48. Read the bottom three books, which were all great (The Choice especially), and started the top two.

Stephaniereads1 Amazing job. I‘m about to hit 21 hours. 5y
erzascarletbookgasm You did so well! 👍 5y
youneverarrived @Stephaniereads1 thanks! Well done 🙌 5y
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Librarybelle Great job! 5y
youneverarrived @Librarybelle thank you 💕 5y
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This.....👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 #Audrelorde #books #women

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I've been thinking long and hard about this question since @TheBookbabeblog84 tagged me. I read so much as a kid, that I couldn't think of anything. The more I though about it, the more I realized my reading was just stories about people like me. White. So the books I'd give my younger self would come from authors like these. Talented men and women of color whose works I'm catching up on now, and learning a lot from! #recommendsday #bannedbooks

KVanRead Wonderful answer! 7y
QuintusMarcus Right there with you. 7y
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Laura317 Thoughtful answer. I like it and agree wholeheartedly. 7y
Libby1 ❤️ 7y
bookloo You rock Barbara. 💙 7y
Readerann 👏 7y
Yellowpigeon Love this 7y
UwannaPublishme 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 7y
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#riotgrams : I love all my notebooks and journals. Here is one of my favorites, from an etsy shop called Vagabroad Journals. I have two of her journals and I don't write in them enough, but I aspire to be as bold as Audre Lorde in Zami.

JoeStalksBeck Come over and win some books 7y
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#junebookbugs day 2 #lgbtqauthors great photo theme!Makes me look through the bookcases in a new way.

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So in preparation for my reading plan for next year -- read only books I already own -- I pulled a bunch off the shelf and realized I almost have enough to do the #LitsyAtoZ challenge! I am only missing books starting with J, Q, and X. I'm kind of surprised I don't own a book that starts with "queer," actually. Maybe I can fill the extra letters in with audiobooks, which I always get from the library. Any recs for those letters?

SuperPunkNinja This is a fantastic collection of books! 😍😍😍 8y
Kristio Omg, love The Night Circus!! 8y
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Kristio Also, any recommendations for Canadian travel memoirs or environment/naturalist books?? 8y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @Kristio Yeah, I'm excited about this one! 8y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @Kristio Hmm, I don't read a lot of memoir or environment books. I've heard LIFE AMONG THE QALLUNAAT is really good. It's a memoir by an Inuit woman about moving south of the Arctic in the 50s and how strange the customs and culture were for her. There must be many more, but I don't know them! 8y
Kristio Well that sounds like a good starting point! Thanks! 8y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @lovelybookshelf Aha! I knew there should be a book starting woth queer, and I haven't read that one! Thanks. 8y
lovelybookshelf That's the only one I could think of, it feels like there should be more! 😅😅 (it's good though, Kate Bornstein is always a different perspective) 8y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @lovelybookshelf I know of Kate Bornstein obviously, and have seen her speak in person actually, but I've never read one of her books! 8y
lovelybookshelf You have?! I'm so jealous!! 😍 This is the only one I've read of hers so far (well, and the Gender Outlaws: The Next Generation compilation that she edited, that one kinda shook my world up a good bit!) 8y
Librariana Isn't this a fun way to build your AtoZ TBR?? 😄 I still need an X.... 8y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @lovelybookshelf Yeah, she was rad, as expected. Oh and haha actually I have read Gender Outlaws the Next Generation, I guess I forgot since she was just an editor. 8y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @librariana So fun! I had a good time laying out all the books on my floor. Also, what book starts with X?? 8y
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This is a few days late for #SeasonsReadings2016 but here are a few #ClassicsIHaventRead. These might not be what you'd think of first as classics, but both of these are feminist and queer classics. WHISPER THEIR LOVE, an original lesbian pulp, is even part of the Little Sister's Classics series by Arsenal Pulp Press. #QueerBooks

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This quote!!! 😍💓

Yamich49 💗💗💗💗 8y
Jenshootsweddings Thank you for your support on my last post ❤️💔❤️ 8y
Bibliogeekery @Jenshootsweddings hugs 😘😘😘 8y
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#orangecovers for #photoadaynov16 - I've been down with the plague 😵 got a lot of catching up to do!

Cinfhen Hope you're feeling better 8y
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Tonight's book for my class, ZAMI. Although what I REALLY wanna read are all these new books I've got. I clearly don't have the attention span for college classes.

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Orange (& black) books. 🎃 #hauntedbooktober

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Up next 😍🌈