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The Cousins
The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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I could not finish! It did not draw my interest in any way and it just seemed too basic to me.
As @dabbe would say, Hail the Bail!

dabbe You said it! 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
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The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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2 girl, 1 imposter. 3 parents, 1 uncle. Many secrets that all lead to one grandmother. This book so far has been pretty mid. I thought it would be better but I also think spring semester has been making reading more difficult!

The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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This was such a quick read and kept me completely sucked in from the first page. If you were a fan of shows (books) like Pretty Little Liars or Revenge, then you will love this one. The setting with the vacation island for the rich and the cousins reuniting there to find out family secrets was a lot of fun and lots of twists and turns kept the story going until the very end!

BooksNBowls This is a standalone? 5mo
Victoriahoperose @BooksNBowls I believe so! I don‘t think I saw another one listed. I just checked Goodreads and it doesn‘t look like there is a second one if I‘m reading it right 😊 5mo
BooksNBowls @Victoriahoperose I didn‘t know if it was connected to the One of Us is Lying series or not! I really enjoyed those, I‘ll have to check this one out! ☺️ 5mo
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Victoriahoperose @BooksNBowls I read them too! So good. Definitely no connection! Can‘t wait to see what you think when you get to it!! 5mo
BooksNBowls @Victoriahoperose for sure!! Thanks! Happy Valentine‘s Day, btw! 🫶🏻 5mo
Victoriahoperose @BooksNBowls you too!! 💕 5mo
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The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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I‘m late for dinner again, but this time it‘s not my fault. There‘s a mansplainer in my way.
“Mildred? That‘s a grandmother‘s name. But not even a cool grandmother.” He says it like he thinks he‘s being clever.
#TheCousins #KarenMMcManus #firstline #openingline #book #books #bookmark #bookmarks #bookmarket #bookmarkets #bookmoment #bookmoments #bookquote #Mystery #YoungAdult #Thriller #MysteryThriller #Contemporary #Fiction #Audiobook #Crime ❤️❤️

The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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It's an epic tale of family, inheritance and lies. The storyline is straightforward: Mildred Story disinherited her children with no cause except a letter saying “You know what you did.” Twenty four years later she invites cousins Jonah, Aubrey and Milly Story to Gull Cove Island where nothing is as it seems.
#TheCousins #KarenMMcManus #book #books #Mystery #YoungAdult #Thriller #MysteryThrilled #Fiction #Contemporary #Audiobook #Crime 🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶

The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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Day 24. Cousins Day

Eggs Great choice 👌🏼 12mo
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The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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Hmmm the risks of audiobooking while sick... I thought I was resting my eyes, but i must have fallen asleep because now I'm more than halfway through this book and I have no idea who is who, what's happening, or how much I've missed 😅 Makes me wanna move on completely.. ugh 🤧

IndoorDame I do that all the time! It‘s so hard to go back and find your place on audio 12mo
vonnie862 🤣 I've done that so many times! 12mo
Jari-chan Happened to me as well😏 12mo
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TravelsWithBooks I set a 30 minute timer. Then go back 30 minutes! Lol 12mo
ShyBookOwl @TravelsWithBooks Ah!! So smart! 12mo
dabbe Feel better soon! 💙🖤🩵 12mo
ShyBookOwl @dabbe Slowly but surely getting there! ❤️ 12mo
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The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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Decent teen mystery- likable characters and a buncha family drama. Also the setting is pretty cool, as it takes place in an island resort during peak tourism season

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The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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Despite goodreads, the cover, and the author, this book is NOT a thriller and it would have to nice to know that going in. It was like if Knives Out was a little more boring and less detective-y. It would have been a totally different experience if I knew it was a mystery going in and wasn‘t waiting for a family serial killer to show up. 3⭐️

The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus

twist after twist after twist

The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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My cousin and I decided to start celebrating Jolabokaflod (And Icelandic Tradition)about 5 - 6 years back. Over the years we've added more people to our exchange but we still sit down and have a fun exchange with coffee or cocoa and warm fuzzy blankets.

This was my haul this year! Can't wait to dig into the pile!


The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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Loved this YA mystery/family drama. #12BooksOf2022 @Andrew65

Andrew65 This looks a good choice. 2y
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The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus

I liked the twists and turns this took. Good read.

The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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I love stories that reunite long lost relatives. This one did not disappoint. McManus seems to have a signature style of writing with multiple narrators with interesting and compelling back stories. The way this one ended makes me think it could have a sequel. I would totally read it.

The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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Three cousins meet for the first time when they receive a letter from their grandmother asking them to spend the summer working at her resort. Family secrets abound as the teens explore the small town. Not my favorite from this author, but an entertaining read. A bit too predictable with lots of obvious bad choices and not enough twists.

The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus

Wow, what a suspenseful ride all the way until the end! McManus weaves together an intricate plot of a complicated family seamlessly. My only complaint is the use of so many A names for the Story siblings. While it ties the siblings together and shows their close bond, it often confused me on who was who!

The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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Cousins unite to under the premise of working for their Grandmother (who cut of her children/their parents 24 years ago). Plenty of family secrets, hidden agendas and dubious motives.

Well paced, good premise. Loved Millie. There were a lot of characters to keep track of. Overall a lot of fun.

The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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I feel like the library is disappointed in me. I‘m only at 9% with 2 days left 😂

Blerdgal_Fenix Lol I hate when they rush me 2y
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The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus

This was a thrilling novel with amazing characters and plot twists, but I just couldn‘t love it as much as I wanted to. Her other books “one of us is lying”, and “one of us is next” just set the bar too high.

The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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Book 127📚 3.5⭐️

I wasn‘t a huge fan of the One Of Us is Lying series but this one was better 👍🏻

Estranged from their grandmother all their life, 3 cousins are invited to her island for the summer.

But why invite them now? 🙀

The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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Love these McManus novels 📚

#CousinsDay #JulyJam @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks First one I thought of 👍🏻📚 2y
Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Our minds are kindred💗 2y
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The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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Sadly this mystery book wasn‘t what I expected, the characters were bland & I could predict most of the plot twists. The positives were the third act of the book other than that it was not groundbreaking in my opinion.
#bookspin #freecard #thecousins #review #tuesdayread #mayread #karenmmcmanus

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 2y
melzen @TheAromaofBooks thank you 😊 it‘s going pretty well since I don‘t have any schoolwork left for this semester and starting uni after the summer so it‘s exiting. Now I have more time to read and for hobbies 2y
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The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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4✨ I finished this on Friday, but had a really rocky week. I really like McManus‘ writing and have enjoyed all the books I‘ve read from her so far. This one was about three cousins visiting their grandmother for the very first time. Their parents were disinherited which is the main mystery of this story. As the cousins uncover the truth they become fast friends. I wasn‘t a fan of the ending, but it was realistic.

LiteraryinLawrence Hope the rockiness smooths out. 💗 2y
Roary47 @LiteraryinLawrence Thank you so much! 💛 2y
Roary47 @TheAromaofBooks This was my March #Bookspin 💛 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Hopefully life is getting back on track!! 2y
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The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus

I don't typically read a lot of YA books, but this one was very intriguing. 3 cousins, whose families are estranged from each other, receive an invitation to visit and work for the summer for their grandmother (who they have never met). Lots of secrets and lies throughout this family and small island town. Figured out the ending early on, but didn't ruin the book.

The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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Yeah! I love this title by Karen, too. I'm a little fan gril 😅

The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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Taking my time in these foggy roads to be safe and….finish my audiobook!

Gissy Wow! It is foggy!! Take care, be safe 3y
Sharpeipup @gissy thanks! It has been like this all week. 3y
Sharpeipup @gissy thanks! It has been like this all week. 3y
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The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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I may not be back to 100% after Covid, but I am back to reading again! I hated not being able to concentrate enough to read.
The Cousins is the first book I have finished since Covid. Thank God for audiobooks when holding a physical book feel like a lot of work.
I will give this book 3.5⭐ I am not sure that this could all be really pulled off, but that is the joy of fiction.
I also picked my December books today. Happy to be ready to read again.

Reggie Oh gosh, I‘m glad you‘re ok and feeling better. I have been having these weird echos of it once every two months it seems I‘ll have a day where I‘ll experience all the symptoms I had when I had it and within hours it‘ll be gone. Hope you continue to feel better! 3y
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The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus

This story kept me on my toes with its twists and turns! The story follows three cousins who Tavel to meet with their mysterious grandmother for the first time when things take a sinister turn. Awesome book full of surprises ☺️

The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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Found these on sale at Walmart! Anyone read any of them? 📚📚📚 I started My Dark Vanessa, but got distracted and need to restart it!


BookDragonNotWorm I loved Nothing To See Here! The Cousins was good, but I like her other books better. Happy Reading! 3y
bthegood The Cousins got a so-so from me - - I haven't read any of the others. 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @bthegood I read your review and was thinking oh no!! 😵 3y
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The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus

After loving the other books - One of us is Lying, One of Us is Next, I was disappointed by this one. Too many characters and jumping back and forth, choppy plot line, too many unfilled holes. Not a bad book but not a good one either.

The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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I‘m a McManus fan and this YA mystery/thriller didn‘t disappoint! There were some twists at the end that I didn‘t see coming.

#bookspinbingo This was my #bookspin for this month!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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The tagged book is my #bookspin for this month, and Behind Every Lie is my #doublespin. Very excited to read these two!

TheAromaofBooks I really like these ominous covers together!! 3y
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The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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This was a good book, it held my interest and moved at a good pace - it gets a so-so because the ending was a little “Scooby Doo“ - if it weren't for you meddling kids....

#20in4 readathon thx for hosting @Andrew65 - reached my goal of finishing this book

Make a great day everyone.

MatchlessMarie 😂 love that description 3y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 3y
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The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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#WondrousWednesday @Eggs
Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView

1. 3 - all books #CurrentlyReading
2. I've never set a yearly number - just enjoy reading when and as much as I can
3. No auto-buys/borrows but slow down and look at any Stephen King novel that I have not read yet
4. My family and friends

Anyone reading feel free to join in - make a great day everyone.

Eggs Thanks for joining in 🥳☀️📚👏🏻 3y
TheSpineView You're welcome! 🤗 3y
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The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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McManus fan and this one didn‘t disappoint. Enjoyed this twisty mystery with a murder tossed in. Several old crimes are also brought to light by three cousins who are basically ordered to spend the summer working for their grandmother over a memorable summer.

The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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My first read in so long! This story is about three cousins working for their extremely wealthy grandmother, trying to work out why she disinherited their parents long ago. I‘m used to McManus‘ books revolving around a murder, but this one is more of a mystery with murder woven in. I don‘t want to give away too much! A good example of “everything is not what it seems.”

The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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Cate Blanchett does double duty in Jim Jarmusch's Coffee and Cigarettes, playing both a highly polished version of herself as well as her hard-edged, resentful cousin Shelly who have an awkward meet-up in a hotel lobby. If you love her dual performances as much as I do, you might also like McManus's book- another story of cousins meeting and engaging in family drama. #CateBlanchett #Movie2BookRecs @Klou

Klou Brilliant!! 3y
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The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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June Wrap Up

12 books altogether and I snagged a bingo at the last minute including my #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin picks for the month woohoo 🥳 Also realizing I am a sucker for these Karen M. McManus books they are oddly like comfort reads to me. 🙃 #BookSpinBingo

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Great month!!! 3y
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The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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I really tried to like this book. I loved One of Us is Lying. I know it‘s me, not the book. I‘m just not in a YA mood.
I got bored really fast. I only made it about 75 pages in.
I‘m bailing on this #doublespin from April. I may revisit it another time, but for now it‘s off my #TBR list.

Screenshot from SNL.


KristenDuck The Cousins was definitely not as good as One of Us is Lying 3y
Hooked_on_books I loved One of Us is Lying. Then I read her next book, which was not the sequel, and hated it. It was so bad I won‘t read her again. So it may not be you. 3y
Roary47 Oh man I just bought this one. I normally like YA so hopefully will still like it. 😅 3y
TheAromaofBooks At least it's off the list!! 3y
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The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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The Cousins | Karen M. Mcmanus
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Three cousins, Milly, Aubrey and Jonah, are invited to meet the wealthy grandmother they never knew.

But why would grandchildren never have met their grandmother?

Because years ago, she disinherited her own children, and now this may be the opportunity to finally get back in her good graces.

Before even arriving, someone is lying, and soon enough, more secrets are uncovered. Overall, a decent read. I definitely preferred One of Us is Lying.

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