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Zombie Haiku
Zombie Haiku: Good Poetry For Your...Brains | Ryan Mecum
14 posts | 13 read | 6 to read
In your hands is a poetry journal written by an undead poet, recounting his firsthand experience during the zombie plague. Little is known about the author before he turned into a zombie, but thanks to his continued writings in this journal - even after his death - you can accompany him from infection to demise. Through the intimate poetry of haiku, the zombie chronicles his epic journey through deserted streets and barricaded doors. Each three-line poem, structured in the classic 5-7-5 syllable structure, unravels a little more of the story. You'll love every eye-popping, gut-wrenching, flesh-eating page!
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Day 18 - zombie - zombies falling in love.
The book attached is amazing. One of my favorite poetry books. Many of them very entertaining. I will be using it to help inspire my own spooky season/horror haikus.

#scarathlon #skeletoncrew @CIwojick & @StayCurious #zombies

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Hahahaha! What a fun, goofy little book! Thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it. Zombie lovers give it a shot!

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It was an interesting read. Definitely graphic with words and pictures but I made it through just fine! Many years of watching Walking Dead has sort of desensitized me with zombies. I particularly enjoyed the introduction and the ending when he started changing. I'm just curious how the zombie kept writing even though he was a zombie... hmmm.... Good read for Halloween or any time of year.
3 stars

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The poet was not to bright when he was alive. Let‘s see what happens when he‘s undead.

IamIamIam 😂 5y
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Why not?

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Read this as a little palette cleanser between Halloween reads. It‘s the usual zombie story but told in haiku which makes it pretty awesome. Here‘s a page told from the zombie‘s POV about his #darknecessities. #rocktober

Blueberry Haha. I was going to post something from that book but got busy watching the news about the fires and forgot. I bought that book for daughter a few years ago. 7y
Reggie @Blueberry It‘s a pretty fun book even if it took me awhile to stop counting the syllables cause I‘m ocd like that, lol. 7y
Cinfhen 😂🤣😂 7y
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Blueberry It took me awhile to realize it was telling a story. I thought they were all individual stories. Quite remarkable. 7y
DivineDiana Crazy!😂 7y
Rachbb3 Lol!!! 🍇 7y
Avanders Love it😄 (edited) 7y
ValerieAndBooks I almost picked this one up at a library sale a few years ago, thought about it too long, then when I went back there it was gone! I was like oh well — but now thanks to this, I‘m like dang it 😢!! 7y
Reggie Shoulda, coulda, woulda @ValerieAndBooks. I know how you feel. There is this deceased author whose books I buy and they were cheaper when I first thought about buying them and now they‘re getting pricey. 7y
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I gave this to my daughter during her Walking Dead phase. It had some funny parts. The haiku's tell a story.

#Zombie #rockinMay

Hobbinol What a fun gift! 7y
Cinfhen Fun mom😉💕💕 7y
NataliePatalie Best mom ever 💜 7y
Blueberry @NataliePatalie. Love you Nat ♡ 7y
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We love zombies! The book tagged actually got me I trouble with my daughter's teacher. In 4th grade, her class was learning about the haiku, so she wanted to take Zombie Haiku into show her teacher. Her teacher was horrified and talked to me about her reading 'inappropriate content.' 🤦🏻‍♀️#rockinmay

Wife I'm sure everyone in the class has heard worse!🌹 7y
Marchpane But it's poetry! Culture!! 😂 7y
Sue @wife @Marchpane it was as though she couldn't comprehend the content. She said to me 'It's about suicide!' And I'm like 'No dude, it's just zombies!' 7y
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SaturnDoo Ummm is this your daughter or teacher's daughter.🤔🤔 If I am thinking correctly, you can and have the right to decide what is appropriate for her to read at home. There are much worse books sitting in the school library I am sure. ❤ your response to teacher 🖒🖒🖒 7y
Lizpixie I know what I'd say to that teacher!🙊 7y
Cinfhen Hahaha, obviously she's NOT a #TeacherOfLitsy 7y
TrishB I' ve had that from a couple of teachers over the years and took absolutely 0 notice! 7y
Gayan Uh, no! I'm really glad no teacher ever said that to my Mom. Signed the girl who read Helter Skelter at 11. 7y
Sue Thanks everyone! @SaturnDoo Yes, my daughter, who has always read exactly what she wanted. @Lizpixie We figured out pretty quick she wasn't one of our peeps @Cinfhen definitely not! @TrishB Good for you! @Gayan That would have been intense for you! The only thing I've asked my daughter not to read was Carrie at the age of 12. She defied me of course, but found it boring, so she didn't finish it anyway! (edited) 7y
mischa I wish I could remember all the books I read that were "inappropriate" for my age. One that stands out was Stephen King's Thinner when I was 10. I distinctly remember reading it late at night in my hospital bed! 7y
Reviewsbylola Ummmm that teacher kind of sucks. 😬 I am pretty laid back in what my kids read, although my youngest two are only 4 and 2 and my 17 yo isn't much of a reader. 7y
Dragon Wow, that teacher had some nerve 📚 7y
Yournewfriendsams All of these 🙌🏽🙌🏽 7y
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I bought this for my daughter a few years ago. At that time it had a more conservative cover (read less disturbing).

#booksthatstartwithxyz #seasonsreadings2016

NataliePatalie Nope mine is the same hahaha. Love you mom ❤ 8y
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Zombies write haiku
Kind of sick, artfully gross,
Crazy clever. Brains.

Laura317 😂😂😂👍🏼 8y
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This seems appropriate reading for Halloween eve.

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I'm not much for poetry, but we do have this book, which got me in trouble with my daughter's grade 4 teacher. She took this in to class to share for whatever poetry unit they were studying, and the teacher pulled me up to express her concern about Imogen's 'reading material'. 'It's about suicide!!' she declared stridently. And I'm like dude, it's zombies. Zombies are cool. #augustphotochallenge #poetry

Yournewfriendsams Haha I haven't read this but, zombies = suicide?!? 🤔 8y
Peddler410 Patiently waiting for October! 😊 8y
BekahB HA! Hilarious. I read this years ago and thought it was pretty clever how the poems told the character's story. That definitely counts as poetry! Not sure where your daughter's teacher got suicide from that book. 😂 8y
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Sue @Yournewfriendsams @BekahB We came to the conclusion that this particular teacher wasn't our type of people. She would have been horrified to know we had specially designed magnets on our fridge so we could write our own zombie haikus at home 😂 8y
Soubhiville @Peddler410 me too!!! Also dreading the reveal! 8y
LibrarianJen I hate judgy teachers (and some parents for that matter). You see this at the library all the time; they want children to read but not anything the child might actually be interested in. 8y
kammartinez Boo on that teacher :(. Kids should be allowed to read whatever they want to read; they're more than capable of judging what they can and can't handle. The role of parents and teachers is to gently guide them when they have questions, NOT tell them what they can or can't read :(. 8y
Sue @LibrarianJen @kammartinez Thanks guys, I feel much the same. The only thing I've refused to let her read over the years was Carrie at the age of 11 or 12. But otherwise it's been open slather. How are kids supposed to find what they are interested in if they are so strongly dictated to? 8y
kammartinez My mom thought the same as you do; the only thing she didn't let me read were romance novels, but that restriction was taken off when I turned sixteen. I was reading way ahead of my grade level because she gave me free reign over her novel pile - and since she read gory thrillers, I developed a cast-iron stomach for gore along with my reading level ;). 8y
Sue @kammartinez Your mom sounds awesome. My kid has always had nightmares and I was a little worried that if I let her read Carrie she wouldn't sleep in her own bed ever again! 8y
kammartinez Absolutely do not blame you for steering her away from Carrie, especially if your kid is prone to nightmares. My first King novel was It. It was, oh, twelve I think? Stayed FAR away from King's novels for several years after that, especially since my dreams were haunted by evil clowns :(. 8y
Sue @kammartinez oh, that's awful. I hope your dreamscape has recovered! 8y
ImaginativeMom There's a DUMB ASS reading program here in the elementary schools that assesses kids' reading levels, not letting them read outside them. (They have to read and test to a certain number of points each nine weeks.) So if a really smart and curious kid is limited to reading up to a tenth grade level, but wants to read, oh, Austen, NOPE! But they have to constantly read to make points so they don't have time to read these on their own. FRUSTRATING! 8y
Darthdad @ZackE89 this book looks like it might be up our alley 8y
Sue @ImaginativeMom That's awful!! I can understand why you are frustrated by that. :( 8y
Gezemice We had gotten into trouble at school when my daughter said things she considered funny (and so did we), but the school thought she was violent (well, the principal did, the teacher did not). She is the least violent kid you can find - literally would never harm an insect! We had to talk to her about what you can say in school and what you can't. 8y
Gezemice @ImaginativeMom That sucks! Thankfully, my kids teachers always let them go beyond requirements. 8y
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