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Joined March 2016

🏳️‍🌈🇦🇺Books. Feminism. Wonder Woman. Pizza.
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I throughly enjoyed the Princess Diaries books when they came out, so when Cabot started this new series I was there for it. Olivia is just as sweet as Mia was at her age, and while I would prefer more Mia books, I'm happy to sit down and read these. 😊

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Full disclosure - I'm a huge fan of The Politically Reactive podcast and that is what drew me to this. I really liked it; it was laugh-out-loud funny. A little bit too much about stand-up comedy that I would have liked, but it is to be expected bc he is a comedian. One thing bugged me - the addition of another A to LGBTIQA+: adding another A for Ally is something that I, as a queer woman, personally don't believe belongs.

Notafraidofwords Perhaps he added the a for asexuals ? 7y
mischa @Notafraidofwords No, he used LGBTIQAA, and specifically called out the second A as being for Ally. 7y
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I'm baaaaack! Been out of touch for the past few months partially due to an epic book slump but also due to a minor Michelle slump. But it seems I got my mojo back a week or so ago so here I am.

Currently waiting for some files to download so thought I'd sneak in some of my current read (laugh out loud funny, you guys), and food of champions!

I've missed you all and can't wait to get back into the groove. 😍😘🖤🖤

Smrloomis Welcome back! 🎉 7y
mischa @Smrloomis thank you! So happy to be back. 7y
Julsmarshall Good to see you! 7y
mischa @Julsmarshall 🤘🏼🤘🏼 7y
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In the Woods | Tana French
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Sigh. I wanted to love this book but I found it dreary. Ryan was an arsehole who I thoroughly despised. I'm usually cool with unlikeable characters but not this time. I loved Cassie though - I will read The Likeness bc of her but I doubt I will read more after that. I also felt deeply insulted by the last chapter and a comment Ryan makes about the reader's intelligence - I worked out the "twist" well before the end of the book, dipshit.

Chrissyreadit I could not get into it at at all. Never read past the first chapter, which is unusual for me. 7y
mischa @Chrissyreadit It took me a while to get used to the style of writing but once I was OK with it it wasn't terribly painful. Except Ryan. So painful being in his head. 🙄 7y
Chrissyreadit @mischa I have so many on my tbr pile I doubt I will revisit it. I'm always a little bummed by not finishing a book I start but learned it's ok and I need to move on. 7y
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Weaponxgirl I wasn't a huge fan of this either, I'd heard such great things and just came away kinda meh I get it but it's not as great as the hype 7y
mischa @Chrissyreadit Absolutely. Some books you put down and never want to try again, others you will try at a later date. Or even change your mind on both of those positions! 7y
mischa @Weaponxgirl Exactly. If The Likeness is better I *may* try further but ... 🤷🏼‍♀️ 7y
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Dirty: Dive Bar 1 | Kylie Scott
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🙌🏻🙌🏻 #romantsy

silentrequiem And bought! 7y
Chachic 🙌🙌 7y
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The Derby Girl | Tamara Morgan
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I wanted to like this so much more than I did. But the hero started as a d-bag and remained a d-bag. More derby, less arsehole please! #romantsy

The Witching Hour | Anne Rice
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Definitely my most well-loved read. I bought it when I was 19, from a book-exchange in the town I grew up in. I was going through a major depressive episode but this managed to break through the fog and I read it in two days. I've never reread it but it hit so many things that are still in my wheelhouse I will at some point. So many others to read though! #riotgrams

Chrissyreadit I loved this book too- and read it about 20 years ago. May need a re-read. 7y
mischa @Chrissyreadit My favourite part of it was all this historical stuff. I remember that more than any other part tbh 7y
Jenuine1 Must have read this book about 10 times in 15 years! I've gone through 3 copies and finally found a signed first edition! Must post a pic. Great book x 7y
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84 Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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Not a lot of #numbertitles on my shelves - this is about half of them. #riotgrams

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I'm way behind on #riotgrams so rather than spamming everyone with 7 or 8 of them in one hit, I thought I'd do two or three a day until I catch up.

More than half of the fiction I have on my shelves contains #somethingmagical. I decided to pull out some that I don't think get much airplay, but that I love.

Dreadnought | April Daniels
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I thoroughly enjoyed this but I would have liked more development of the secondary characters. Loved loved loved Danny, Magma, and Doc Impossible.

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Such a timely book. Absolutely worth the read, particularly if you are American or even just interested in American politics.

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This book. THIS BOOK. If you've not read it, I cannot urge you enough to do so. It is also an excellent companion to Michelle Alexander's The New Jim Crow.

Fernoppy Yes, this was a brilliant read. Incredibly heartbreaking but also inspiring. 7y
mischa @Fernoppy Just when I thought I couldn't get more upset, he started talking about the kids. 😟 7y
alisiakae YES! I agree, this book, along with The New Jim Crow, are excellent companion books. 7y
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My three favourite #notebook/journals that I've yet to start using because I'm at the paralysis stage - what if I ruin them and no longer want to keep them‽ #stationerynerdproblems #riotgrams

BookishFeminist I love these 😍😍 7y
TrishB Very cool 😀 7y
hlgreenfield Oh my god! I need those journals!! They are so amazing. I have the same problem! I have a ton of journals I have yet to start for fear of ruining them 😂 7y
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Aside from bed, #howiread is on the couch. This past week it is under a blanket with my kindle. #riotgrams

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#riotgrams I didn't think I had any #yellowcovers but happily I was very wrong about that. Given that we are now feeling the pinch of winter here, a bit of sunshine on my bookshelves is good.

Who Is Wonder Woman? | Allan Heinberg
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Time to catch up on #riotgrams! Since Thursday was the first and it called for a #shelfie AND I saw WW that night, this seems appropriate. 🤘🏼

moranadatter 😍😍😍 7y
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It took me a while to get comfortable with the style of prose but once I got into the swing of it I found it very difficult to put it down. I had to stop myself from turning to the final pages to find out what happens. Normally it doesn't bother me knowing the end but it was much better having Cora's journey be a mystery.

Buns | Alice Clayton
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I've spent my day off on the couch under a cosy blanket, reading this much anticipated final book in Clayton's Hudson Valley series. I loved it! And, I may have gotten some of my reading mojo back! #romantsy

BestOfFates That is an amazing cover! 7y
mischa @BestOfFates All her books have equally fantastic covers. You should totally check out the one for Wallbanger. 😂 7y
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Buns | Alice Clayton
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Still in a book slump (5 books started & not finished), but I can do this!

1. Maryborough, QLD. But have lived in Brisbane for the past 22 years
2. LOTR & Bet Me
3. Kim Harrison's The Hollows (but I have yet to finish it - keep getting distracted 😉)
5. Agent Carter, but currently obsessed with Orphan Black
6. No one in particular
7. Pink
8. Can't pick!
8. Finance
10. No 😭

BarbaraTheBibliophage Love The Hollows series, but I get distracted also. 7y
mcipher Bet Me is such a great book!! 😍 7y
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I wanted to like this more than I did. Right up my alley, but I didn't feel drawn to all of the stories in it. I did still enjoy it quite a lot. (A few quibbles about some glaring copy-edit errors - something I can usually ignore.) Still, definitely recommended. #romantsy

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#bookstoreaccident! I've found myself unable to focus on reading books over this past week but that hasn't stopped me from purchasing books. For that time, you know, when I run out of books to read. 🙄😉

TrishB Assassin's Fate 💝 7y
mjdowens I have been having the same issue this week. Too many bought just this week alone and cannot seem to concentrate or get into anything 7y
mischa @mjdowens 😔 Mine has really been work related. It is super stressful at the moment and I'm struggling to concentrate on reading for any great period of time. 7y
mjdowens @mischa I sympathize with your work situation. My direct boss quit with no notice a week ago and I have been given a chunk to try and figure out what she did. It is possible that has been a part of my problem too. Hope things get better for you soon👍 7y
mischa @mjdowens OMG. That is definitely sounding like that may not be helping things with you. And same. Definitely hope it gets better for you. 7y
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OMG Elle is the greatest. I love her with my whole heart. You too, Alyssa Cole! 💙 #romantsy

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Blood of My Blood | Barry Lyga
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An interesting, if somewhat predictable, ending to the trilogy. Like the second one, a lot longer than I felt it could be, but overall still enjoyable watching it all play out.

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Bezzina was a senior member of the Victorian homicide squad for about 17 years and was pushed out because of politics. But his career was incredibly distinguished, with some big names in his career (he assisted with the NSW investigation of the murder of Victor Chang, was lead on Alphonse Gangitano's death, caught Paul Denyer, among others). It was an interesting read from someone who took great pride in his work and successes.

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If any of my fellow Brisbane Littens want to learn to make cheese, this sounds like a good place to start! #librariesarethebest


AceOnRoam Yum. 🧀 7y
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Housewitch: A Novel | Katie Schickel
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Part 1 of my birthday book haul! (Part 2 will occur on Tuesday or Wednesday). I've only read Housewitch (obviously I loved it enough to get a physical copy), and am excited about each of the others.

Marchpane Happy birthday!! 🎉🎉 7y
LeeRHarry Happy birthday!!! 7y
mischa @Marchpane @LeeRHarry Thank you! 🙃 7y
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TrishB Happy birthday 🎉🎂 7y
AceOnRoam Happy birthday 🎂🍹 7y
mischa @TrishB @AceOnRoam Thanks! 🤘🏼 7y
BestOfFates Happy birthday!! 7y
mischa @BestOfFates Thank you 😃 7y
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This was like catching up with an old friend who you've not seen in years and she's been on a grand adventure. Memoirs of people who work in politics have a tendency to be heavy and bogged down with minutiae but this wasn't, which made for a much better reading experience. It was lovely to hear about the less formal side of Obama as well.

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Jasper Dent #2! I didn't like this as much as the first, only because it felt a bit too long. Frustratingly, it also ends on a cliffhanger. I need a break from Jazz and Billy for a book or two, before I read the third. Because I will be reading the third, yes indeedy.

I Hunt Killers | Barry Lyga
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When your father is the most notorious serial killer in the country, and he groomed you to be even more skilled at it than he, what do you do? Well, when a series of murders occur in your town, you investigate, of course.

Heard about this one on last week's episode of Get Booked and I just knew I had to read it. It was a bit slow at first, but when it picked up, boy did it pick up.

I've already downloaded the next in the series.

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I'm so sad Chelsea Cain's run of Mockingbird was cancelled, but I am so grateful for the issues we do have. 🖤🖤

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Yesterday's #bookhaul. I've not had a #bookstoreaccident for quite a number of weeks (my lack of restraint when it comes to ebooks shall not be acknowledged), so was quite happy to find some stuff I wanted physical copies of. 🎉

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My #libraryhaul from Thursday night. Went to the library to pick up two holds (top row), walked out with four. Quite restrained, really. 😉

The Handmaid's Tale | Margaret Atwood
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It's after 11pm and I only finished this about 10 minutes ago. (Reading with one eye open because I'm exhausted but couldn't put the damn book down!)

I'm finding it difficult to talk about this story. I need to sit with it a while before I can make words.

The Handmaid's Tale | Margaret Atwood
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This is my first time reading this and I am really enjoying it! Disturbed, yes, but I'm finding it difficult to put down at night.

No word yet in when the series will be shown here, though.

Untitled | Unknown
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ReadingSusan 😂😂 8y
Yeah_I_Read My life 😂😂 7y
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Passing Strange | Ellen Klages
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A beautiful novella set in 1940s San Francisco. It's a queer love story of Emily and Haskel and their friends and coworkers. All with a touch of magic. Absolutely wonderful.

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My grandmother was a hoarder. Not the "can't move through the house but for this one path" type, but she had a room that took my mum and aunt weeks to clean out when she died. My mum has yet to be that bad, but she is a massive fan of clutter. Me, I make a point of doing a clean out at least once a year so I don't turn into either of them.

Given all that it's no wonder this book appealed. It wasn't quite what I expected, but it was enlightening.

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More Phoebe and Marigold. 💖💖

Breathless | Beverly Jenkins
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I'm pretty sure Beverly Jenkins is going to be one of my favourite authors. I loved Portia and Kent's story. This one was filled with a lot more sadness than Forbidden, but I think that helps ground a novel when you have a solid bit of reality. And I love how actual history was woven in - always a bonus in any romance.

I can't wait for Regan's book! #romantsy

Chelleo I love Beverly Jenkins! 6y
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The Thing About Love | Julie James
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I am now suffering from that moment when you realize you have finished the latest book from one of your favourite authors and you now have to wait another couple of years for the next one. 😔 #romantsy

raelaschoenherr I so wish she could write faster!! But they're always worth it ❤️ 8y
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Ah, twitter

mjdowens 😂😂 8y
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Forbidden | Beverly Jenkins
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In my romances I'm more of a contemporary girl, but when I find an historical writer I like, I'm all over them. Tonight I decided to jump back in and try an author I've not read before.

I've heard Beverly Jenkins on the SBTB podcast and I thoroughly adore her, but wasn't sure how I'd go with books set in the US. Worry over, I LOVED IT. Will def be reading more! #romantsy

Note to self: try more historicals 😃

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I first read about Anne Hamilton-Byrne when I was around 13 years old. The article I read in one of my mum's magazines kicked off a fascination with cults which lasts to today. Sadly, this book was not all that great. It was poorly constructed, choppy, and felt mainly anecdotal. I did learn some stuff I hadn't previously known, but it was a jumbled slog to get through. You're better off reading a Wiki entry about The Family.

Chrissyreadit Now I'm curious about the family. 8y
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Carrie | Stephen King
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TrishB Brilliant 😂 8y
Reecaspieces 😂😂😂 8y
Gayan Seriously, my love for him is all encompassing! 8y
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Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy | Chynna Clugston-Flores
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So appropriate for how I feel today (MOAB makes me want to cry).

A great combo of the kids from GA and the Lumberjanes. I wasn't fussed on the artwork, and it felt pretty heavy-handed towards the end there, but overall it was still quite enjoyable. Would like to see another outing with their combined anarchy.

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The Dry | Jane Harper
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I admit, there are aren't heaps of authors where I would read anything they write, but based on this debut, I think Jane Harper may be one of them.

It wasn't perfect (compared to the rest of the book, the ending felt rushed), but I found it so difficult to put down. I'm also going to be insisting my dad read it. (The last time I did that was with Olen Steinhauer's The Tourist.)

mischa For reference: 8y
LeeRHarry I really enjoyed it too - will definitely read more of her books when she writes them 😊 8y
mischa @LeeRHarry Looking at Goodreads it appears this might be the first of a series. I am so there! 8y
LeeRHarry @mischa really? That's excellent news 😊 8y
charl08 Didn't know it was a series either. Good news! 8y
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This was not at all what I expected. I absolutely loved the first book, Sofia Khan is Not Obliged, but it took some time for me to actually begin to enjoy this one. I almost bailed a couple of times but I persevered and I'm glad I did. Not as awesome as the first, but certainly worth taking a chance on. It may not be for everyone, though.

EvieBee I'll have to get on it and read the first book! 8y
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I'd previously read a number of the essays in this collection, given that if I find something with Solnit's name on it in the internet, I will read it.

The one that moved me the most however, was one I'd never read before - The History of Silence - an incredibly powerful examination of how silence is harmful, and how it harms all of us.

Giant Days Vol. 4 | John Allison
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Awww, Susan. 💔

The The Last of August | Brittany Cavallaro
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This was borderline so-so for me. It wasn't as good as the first book. I find the internal whining of teenage boys who aren't getting their own way incredibly irritating and Jamie was getting on my nerves. And wtaf was with the ending? Still, I want to read the next book when it comes out, I just hope it will be better.

alanacristin Yes to all this! 💯 8y
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