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Tolkien's World
Tolkien's World: Paintings of Middle-earth | J. R. R. Tolkien
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Each painting is accompanied by a page of text drawn from the work that inspired it, describing the scene the artist has chosen to illustrate.
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I did write a short blog to celebrate Tolkien's birthday. I'm late as usual, but here it is 😁


BethM His quote is Greta 7mo
JazzFeathers @BethM It is. The entire passage is so good actually. There are lines that echo what Tolkien write in the dialogue between Sam and Frodo in their pause from the climbing of Cirith Ungol and I fancy Tolkien was writing that part when also writing to Christopher away at war, his art and his life intertwining. 7mo
dabbe 🖤💜🖤 7mo
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Here‘s the first in a set of 6 reading challenges I created for my library system. Each book is related to a fact about the author. As an extra challenge, discover the facts! #ReadingChallenge #ReadingChallenge2024

Sapphire Wow! Now that‘s a fun and novel way to do a challenge! 7mo
Sapphire Can‘t wait to see what the other challenges are! 7mo
Daisey This is fun! I had to look up a couple of the books that I didn‘t recognize, but I have an idea of the connections to Tolkien. #FellowshipOfTolkien (edited) 7mo
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#HobbitWeek - Day 2 - Entish: Middle-earth Landscape

I love Tolkien's relationship with nature. I think his is more than just respect. He relates to Nature as with an equal. He doesn't just worship her, but he tries to understan her and act in her same way.
He treats herime a beloved friend, not like a goddess.
I love this attitude.

wisherwishinguponastar I am really glad you posted. I forgot about this and really wanted to participate. 10mo
JazzFeathers @wisherwishinguponastar Are you managing to keep up? I haven't posted again, but am trying to catch up today. 10mo
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It was such a busy week that l almost forgot about the #HobbitWeek but today l finally got abou it.

Day 1 - Adunaic - Kingdoms of Man

I loved the Akallabeth since the first time l read it. It's such a tragic, and still beautiful story. And with so many incredible character, for a relatively short story.

I'm also quite impressed that Tolkien created a language for them many years after working to his Elvish languages.

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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

Another find on Instagram and couldn't resist sharing.
It's so perfect for our readalong 🤩

BarkingMadRead Omg I have Silmarillion but I have never been able to read much of it! Maybe someday! 11mo
JazzFeathers @BarkingMadRead l'm sure we will, at a certain point, reread The Silmarillion too 😊 l do think it's easier reading it with a group rather than alone. 10mo
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Happy Hobbit Day, everyone!
This is one of my favourite days of the year!
I love celebrating Bilbo and Frodo's birthdays with fellow Tolkien fans from around the world. It's almost like getting around the Party Tree in a place that exists in our hearts, if not in the real world.

I wish a fantastic Hobbit Day to everyone. Do something hobbit today!
Do something hobbit every day! I think our lives would be better if we did.


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Errrr.... The app tells me l've been away for over one month. I really didn't realise it. I've been so busy with work, and the blog and a possible new business - it just swallowed me up.

But hey! Here l am on Tolkien Reading Day.
Couldn't miss this one 😜

Daisey I‘m just barely fitting it in, but I‘m making some time for Tolkien this evening as well. 2y
JazzFeathers @Daisey Look. Almost a week passed before l answered 🙄 March/April have always been exceptionally busy for me, bit this year more than ever. I'm reading ARCs for NetGalley at the moment, because they are about to expire, but then, l'll go back to the Letters 😁 2y
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Aur Onnad Meren! #OnThisDay in 1892 J.R.R Tolkien was born in Bloemfontein, South Africa. He grew up to write a few books you may have heard of, create a few languages, cause a resurgence in the high fantasy genre, and inspire the names of moons, mountains, fossils, bugs, and more. Classic under-achiever. #HistoryGetsLIT

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm “…a few books you may have heard of…” 🤣❤️ 3y
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Happy birthday, Professor Tolkien!

Today is Tolkien 130th birthday.
I've celebrated it with a little homage 😊


JazzFeathers @Daisey @wordslinger42 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BookwormAHN Sorry, gals, I totally missed December. I don't know how it became so messy. But I'm preparing the new schedule for the letter ASAP, possibly already today. And, late as always, happy new year 😊 3y
wordslinger42 Happy Birthday to Tolkien!! I'm starting my reading for the coming semester, which starts next Monday, and I won't be able to keep up with another readalong. I'm so sorry! I'll be off from mid-April to August, so if you gals are reading something then, I'd love to jump back in 😊 3y
JazzFeathers @wordslinger42 do share what you read of anything Tolkien. I'm so curious and we could have good conversations about it 😊 3y
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BookwormAHN Happy Birthday Tolkien 🎉 I was just watching The Fellowship of the Ring last night. 3y
wordslinger42 @JazzFeathers I'd love that! My class this semester is Tolkien's World of Middle-Earth. We're reading The Monsters and the Critics first! Are you still planning on auditing classes with Signum?! 3y
JazzFeathers @wordslinger42 I am, thought I need to find a moment when I can make the financial investment. But keep me posted. You never know! 3y
JazzFeathers @BookwormAHN @Daisey @wordslinger42 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Did we read The Monster and the Critics? I don't recall us doing it 🤔 I read it sooooo many years ago, and loved it 😍 3y
JazzFeathers @BookwormAHN I really want to rewatch the trilogy before going back to work, which will be on 10 Jan here in Italy. I am attending a webinar over four days this week (9 to 11 pm, that's what happens here in Europe with American courses), so I suppose I need to make it happen over the weekend 😜 3y
Daisey @JazzFeathers We haven‘t read it as part of this group , and I‘ve never read it. 3y
BookwormAHN I haven't read it either. 3y
BookwormAHN Works for me 😺 3y
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More little books about Tolkien from Luna Press 😁

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Yesterday was such a great - and busy - Tolkien Reading Day... And l can't believe l didn't post anything here!
But l'm not missing this chance to to it just now! 😜


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I can't believe l posted my celebration of Tolkien's birthday everywhere but here, the home of my #FellowshipOfTolkien 😭

Well, let's right that out!

Susanita I love that scene! 4y
JazzFeathers @Susanita One of my favourite quotes. 4y
Susanita I‘m sorry I didn‘t remember it when I was asked for contributions to this article. 🤦🏻‍♀️ https://www.theonering.net/torwp/2021/01/03/109990-tolkien-quotes-inspiration-fo... 4y
Daisey This is a lovely tribute as well! 4y
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Eggs Beautiful 👏🏻📚🤗👏🏻 4y
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readingjedi Ha. Ha ha. HA HA HA!!! 🤣🤣🤣 4y
TheAromaofBooks Oh my gosh 😂 4y
BookwormM 🤣🤣 4y
Reggie Lolol 4y
NikkiM5 Ok, I laughed out loud for real 😝 4y
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All Tolkien fans:
Along with my Litsy reading, I recently started getting involved with the Tolkien Society of Kansas City. On October 10, they are hosting a virtual Tolkien conference called MiddleMoot with Signum University. The event is $30 but all sessions will also be recorded and available to registrants. If you might be interested, see https://signumuniversity.org/event/middlemoot-2020/

#FellowshipofTolkien #JRRTolkien

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Our Tolkien reading group has been reading together for three years! We‘ve been through some changes, from #LotRChapterADay to #YearOfTolkien to now #FellowshipOfTolkien with many different people joining in for a time. The main square shows the books we‘ve read together from beginning to now, the lower left is our current read, and the others around the outside are books I‘ve read alongside. The column on the right are all nonfiction.

JazzFeathers What a great celebration! I'm so happy to be part of this group. This is a journey that is giving me a lot and in so many ways. And l'd have never done it alone. Tolkien was right, the people who travel with you make the journey 😊💙 4y
Daisey @JazzFeathers I would have never made it through all of these on my own either, and I‘m so glad to have such a great group to read and discuss them with! 4y
Hamlet Congratulations! I haven‘t been part of your reading group, but I own & have read all the books you‘ve listed; I share in your delight. There are many more wonderful books ahead of you! 4y
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Daisey @Hamlet Thanks! I am so looking forward to reading the rest of the History of Middle-Earth books as well more books. 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa It looks so impressive put together like that! It‘s amazing where 1 Chapter a day (with a few breaks) and good company can get you. (edited) 4y
Daisey @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Yes, it really adds up when you read consistently. I don‘t think I‘ll be able to fit another year of reading into a single graphic. 4y
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Can you believe it's almost our third anniversary? 😱😆

@Daisey @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @wordslinger42 @BookwormAHN

BookwormAHN 💚 4y
JazzFeathers @BookwormAHN @Daisey @wordslinger42 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa What about an easy celebration with a day of quotes? 😁 4y
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Daisey Yes! I‘m always happy to celebrate and share Tolkien. I can‘t believe we‘ve almost finished another year. 4y
BookwormAHN Sounds good and this last year feels like it went by quick 💚 4y
JazzFeathers @Daisey True, eh? When l started the readalong three years ago, l never imagined this journey. But l'm so happy it's happening. 4y
JazzFeathers @BookwormAHN I feel the longer year was the first. Maybe because we didn't think we could do it 😆 4y
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Tolkien read in progress 😆

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😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #LitsyHumor

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Last book of 2019 and first book of 2020.
It's a friend's book addressing Tolkien's own illustrations.

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I couldn't be more geeky than I already am: I bought a dress with a print of Tolkien's universe

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BookwormAHN Definitely 💚 5y
JazzFeathers 👍👍😆 5y
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BookwormAHN 💚💚💚 5y
JazzFeathers I do think so. 5y
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BookwormAHN 💚💚💚 5y
JazzFeathers Love this quote. And so pertinent to our times. 5y
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Some of his quotes are so relevant even today.


BookwormAHN 💚💚💚 5y
JazzFeathers 💔 5y
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BookwormAHN 💚💚💚 5y
JazzFeathers That's such an awesome exchange 💕 5y
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aeeklund I‘ve always loved this quote so much. 5y
JazzFeathers This part of Tolkien's philidophy is one of the things more close to my heart in hus work 5y
Daisey This theme in Tolkien‘s writing resonates deeply for me. 5y
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LorieL Wow...this is deep and so very true. 5y
BookwormAHN 💚💚💚 5y
JazzFeathers 💔 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @LorieL Yes....Tolkien‘s stories are great because you can read them as grand adventures when times are good, and as deep and meaningful when times are dark. 5y
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Today marks the 2 year anniversary of reading Tolkien on an almost daily basis with an amazing group of readers! These are the 24 books completed on my Goodreads Tolkien shelf since joining the #LotRChapterADay readalong on July 18, 2017. 18 are books I read with the group, along with 6 more I read alongside. We‘ve had wonderful sharing and discussion about the work of one of my favorite writers, and I look forward to continuing. #YearofTolkien

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Wow 18! I didn‘t even realize it was that many! I‘m impressed with us! 5y
BarbaraJean I love that this is still going!! #LOTRchapteraday was one of my favorite group reads on Litsy, although I had to drop out somewhere around Beren & Luthien. I love still seeing your posts as you all continue! 5y
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Scochrane26 That‘s impressive! 5y
DivineDiana What a fantastic journey! 👏🏻📚👏🏻 5y
BookwormAHN Fantastic 💚 5y
mhillis That‘s amazing! 5y
Daisey @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I know! I was kind of surprised when I counted them up. 5y
Daisey @BarbaraJean It really has been amazing, and I‘m glad you continue to enjoy our never ending posts! 😂 5y
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The other thing I‘ve found in all of our Tolkien reading, is he is a great writer to read in times of adversity ...Tolkien speaks well in troubling times.


LorieL I've never read the books, but this scene in the movie is powerful! 5y
BookwormAHN I love that speech 💚 5y
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Indeed...I stepped out my door one day and decided to join a Hobbit and LOTR Chapter a Day reading group, led by @freyaheart ...and poof here it is 2 years later with a small group that took off from there and I‘m still reading, and still enjoying every turn of phrase and insight!

Here‘s to year 3 of this grand adventure! 🍻


JazzFeathers I even thought l wouldn't join the #LotRChapterADay readalong because l though l didn't have time. Thank goodness Prof. Tolkien grabbed my hair and dragging me into it. One of the best things that happend to me in these last years. Thanks so much to all my fellow #YearOfTolkien readers, you are the best! @Daisey @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @eanderson @wordslinger42 @tdrosebud @BookwormAHN 5y
Daisey @JazzFeathers @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @eanderson @wordslinger42 @tdrosebud @BookwormAHN @freyaheart It‘s so true! I love so many things about Litsy, but joining the #LotRChapterADay readalong and continuing on with this group is one of my favorites. 5y
BookwormAHN @JazzFeathers @Daisey @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @eanderson @wordslinger42 @tdrosebud I've read a few books in the past with y'all but I'm glad I'm in for the rest of the journey 💚 5y
wordslinger42 @Daisey @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @JazzFeathers @BookwormAHN @eanderson @tdrosebud Yes, I'm so thankful for this group! What better way to journey through the histories 😊💚 I'm so excited for year three!!! 5y
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Today the #YearOfTolkien group celebrate its second year of reading Tolkien (almost) every day!

Two years ago, when l joined the #LotRChapterADay (and l almost didn't, l thought l didn't have time) l never ever ever imagined what journey awaited me. Truly, if we don't keep our feet, there's no telling where we might be sweet off to.

Drop in today. We'll share quotes, thoughts, and a party

JazzFeathers And Hey, we need an hashtag for out third year. Help us find one. And don't forget to visit my and @Riveted_Reader_Melissa buffet later today. As well as all the gals' feed Daisey @eanderson @wordslinger42 @tdrosebud @BookwormAHN 😁🎉🎉🎊🎊 5y
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JazzFeathers @Riveted_Reader_Melissa you're a Mount Doom of ideas! I like #FellowshipOfTolkien. I also like #ReadingTolkienDangerously 😜 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Yay, I think yours is my favorite! 5y
Daisey I really like #FellowshipofTolkien and #ReadingTolkienDangerously! The plays on 3 are fun @Riveted_Reader_Melissa but I like that either of these we can continue to use indefinitely. 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Well hopefully some others will drop in suggestions too 5y
BookwormAHN I also really like #FellowshipofTolkien 💚 5y
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I don't belived it!!! We're almost at out second anniversary! I'm beside myself with excitement!
If this doesn't deserve a celebration, l don't know what does.

So l've been thinking (with help from a friend who's also a Tolkien fun): let's make a party! Let's devise a menu for a particular event in any of Tolkien's stories. Everyone thinks up a menu and everybody else decides what event they would go.

How does this sound?

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Sounds interesting, I‘m not much of a menu maker, but I‘m willing to give it a try. (edited) 5y
JazzFeathers @Riveted_Reader_Melissa lt would be just for fun. Some interesting spending dishes that relate to the event you choose 😉 5y
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BookwormAHN Sounds entertaining. I'll give it some thought 😸 5y
wordslinger42 Oh my word, how fun!!! I'm in 😄 5y
Daisey Sounds like an interesting idea! Not sure what I'll do either, but I'll start thinking about it. 5y
JazzFeathers @Daisey @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @eanderson @wordslinger42 @tdrosebud @BookwormAHN For the second anniversary of the readalong l was thinking something like this: each if us chooses a character who will be the host (say for example Thorin) and chosen an event (say for example the Fall of Smaug). 5y
JazzFeathers Then we devise a menu (say for example, Roaring Dragon Rostbeef cooked on embers, Kingly Cake Under the Mountain Bjewelled in Sugar Bonbons... something like this). Them we invite other readers to the party and invite them to try all menus abd maybe say what they enjoyed the most. What do you think? 5y
JazzFeathers @Daisey @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @eanderson @wordslinger42 @tdrosebud @BookwormAHN Gals, the day is fast approaching. Can you imagine? Two years of reading Tolkien almost every day. I don't know about you, but l can't wait for the third year! What do you think about the celebration? If it sounds too complicated, we can do something else 😊 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Oh, I‘m just reading the more info now. I‘m behind again, sorry about that! 5y
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Happy #tolkienreadingday everyone. 🤗

JoRead Cool! 5y
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La_Cori What a beautiful collection! 😍 5y
cobwebmoth 5y
JazzFeathers Fantastic collection! 5y
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Miladygrimm I am soooo ready 5y
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Knew this was coming as a couple of years ago I was in the cinema waiting for Paddington 2 to come on and the couple sitting next to me and my mum were parents of someone who worked on Paddington 2 and this film!!


ApplesandSpindles What???!!!❤❤❤ 5y
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Didn't have the opportunity to post about Tolkien's birthday yesterday, but here's my little tribut to him 😊



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Thanks to @TK-421 for posting such an interesting quote.
I do think fantasy today can never ignore Tolkien, whether it embraces him or refuses him.

#YearOfTolkien #Tolkien #fantasy

TK-421 Exactly 😊 Glad you liked it! 6y
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#HumpDayPost @mindea

1. Deer in my pasture.
2. Old fashioned southern BBQ with the works.
3. Ride out the remains of the hurricane and read.
4. Tolkien
5. Fall colors

Tanisha_A This pasture! 😍 6y
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1. I love both. But l find historical non-fiction more fascinating
2. I've watched both but l'm not really a fan of either
3. Pizza, l'm ltalian 😆
4. Tolkien. No competition there
5. Everybody consider themselves tagged 😄

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Thank you so much @KKimber ! This picture doesn‘t do justice to what a lovely box this was! (Chocolate goodies were hustled to the fridge so there was even more amazing ness!) lots to decorate my shelves and some intriguing Tolkien nonfiction!! #tolkieniteswap

GondorGirl That is the best Tolkien biography there is! 6y
JazzFeathers @GondorGirl l read the biography years ago. Fantastic! 6y
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Part 2 #tolkieniteswap This bookbag😍 I love all the funkos, especially Smaug! I put him with my Game of Thrones dragons😊. I have enough candy to last at least a couple weeks😋 I already tried the apple tea and it was yummy. @Ddzmini Thank you!!! @Sorceryandswords

Sophoclessweetheart 👏👏👏🖤 6y
Ddzmini Your welcome I had to send it early or there would have been twice as much 🤣🤣🤣 so I‘m so happy you liked everything 😋📚 6y
Marmie7 😂 @Ddzmini I am overwhelmed at your generosity 😘 6y
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Ddzmini Oh your welcome I always go overboard but it‘s so fun I can‘t stop myself 😝 6y
hermyknee Hey there @Marmie7 I just sent you an email - please expect 1-2 amazon packages from me on September 5th! Your match had some issues and your #TCPS package will be late. I was hoping prime would be able to get something to you on Sunday, but the soonest I can get it to you is on the 5th. I thought you deserved some extras since you have to wait 💕 I‘m so sorry about that! 6y
Marmie7 @hermyknee No problem, things happen. I'm patient. You really didn't need to send extras, that's very kind of you🙂 6y
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@Ddzmini I'm speechless...This is the most amazing swap. Thank you for everything! Here's part 1 #tolkieniteswap These booksleeves😍 @Sorceryandswords Thank you for hosting!

Sophoclessweetheart I love these! 6y
JazzFeathers That's amazing. I want that LotR booksleeve too!!!! 6y
Ddzmini I had to get the book marks there so cute 😝😋😍 6y
Marmie7 @Ddzmini Yes! I love the bookmarks❣️ You have amazing taste😉 6y
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Thanks so much Jenni! I absolutely love all of this! I am so excited to have these books detailing the development of The Lord of the Rings, and Beren & Luthien is a favorite I didn‘t own a physical copy of yet. That‘s my first Funko pop and will look great on my Tolkien shelf. I also might be enjoying candy and a cup of tea (just couldn‘t fit all of it in the photo) for breakfast.


sprainedbrain Yay! I‘m so glad you like everything! Getting everyone ready for first day of school, and then I will be opening mine. ❤️ 6y
JazzFeathers Fantastic selection of books! I got a Frodo Funko as well 😄 6y
Sophoclessweetheart Ahh! Great selection! 🙊🖤 6y
Daisey @Sorceryandswords It is a great selection! Thanks again for hosting this swap! 6y
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@Sorceryandswords it's in my hands!
Let me get home. Can't wait!!!!!

Sophoclessweetheart 🖤👏🖤👏🖤 6y
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So, this just arrived from @heikemarie Looking forward to tomorrow! #tolkieniteswap 😁

Sophoclessweetheart ✅ Box Recieved (just checking everyone‘s got theirs!) 6y
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