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Joined May 2019

BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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A gloomy day here, so I think it's a perfect day for reading!!! Our BookSpin number conveniently got slotted into a line with TWO free spaces!! 🎉 Also, when I was making this post, I realized that the BookSpinBingo “book title“ has over 2000 posts! I just want to thank all of you again for participating in this challenge and reading with me. It's SO fun to see how all of you make this work for you. I love it!!!

My standard monthly text below ⬇

TheAromaofBooks Here's the #BookSpinBingo card! First, I put our official numbers (17 & 6) back in the mix. Then I drew them all out & wrote them down as I went, meaning the official numbers are just mixed into the card with the rest! As you can see, 21-25 are both labeled with their numbers & also as free spaces, so you can use them to match however you wrote your list. To score a bingo, just read books (in any order) that are in any row or column!! MORE INFO ⬇ 47m
TheAromaofBooks 1 - I don't tag anyone on this post except for @LitsyEvents but anyone is welcome to play along!!
2 - Remember – NO PRESSURE!!!! If this starts to stress you out, just take that page right out of your journal and pretend it never existed!! This challenge is to encourage you to read, not to make you feel like reading is a chore!!!
3 - FREE SPACES can be filled with any book that is NOT already on your list!! ⬇
TheAromaofBooks 4 & final - As a reminder, only the “official” BookSpin/DoubleSpin numbers will count towards giveaway entries. I don‘t want the giveaway to be stacked against people who aren‘t able to read lots of books each month. So basically there is still a maximum of 2 entries possible per month no matter how many books you read from your list. This bingo card is just for fun & glory! 😁

Thanks for playing & happy reading!!!
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Bookwormjillk Woo hoo! 39m
triplem80 I'm not gonna lie...even though I don't spend a lot of time (or post often) on Litsy, the release of the #bookspin numbers and #bookspinbingo is always one of the highlights of my month! So thank you!! 30m
TheAromaofBooks @triplem80 - Thank you so much!!! 💕 24m
BarkingMadRead So excited! I had three “almost bingos” last month 🤣 I‘m determined to get one in June! 15m
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Spin of Fate | A. A. Vora
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Good morning, everyone! The moment you have all been waiting for!! Our official #BookSpin number is SEVENTEEN! Our official #DoubleSpin number is SIX!! I have thoroughly enjoyed looking at everyone‘s lists & am really looking forward to seeing your reviews!!

My next post will be the #BookSpinBingo card. I am NOT tagging anyone on that post!! If you want to bingo, please just check my profile for the card. This saves me having to double tag ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont‘d) everyone/keep track of who wants to bingo and who doesn‘t!!

I use the same tag list for the entire year, so if you would like to be added or removed, please just let me know. It takes me a while to tag everyone (there are over 200 of you!!!) so I will add “FINISHED” to the last tag batch so you know whether or not I missed you. If I did, it was completely inadvertent. Sometimes I just spell someone‘s username wrong. ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) As always, the link to the masterpost about how this challenge works can be found on my profile or here - https://thearomaofbooks.wordpress.com/bookspin-bookspinbingo-litsy-challenge/ - and the link to the Google Form where you can track your reads for the end-of-the-year-giveaway can be found here - https://forms.gle/4kTBMWAsCa9Cvmqs6

Thanks for playing, everyone!! Please know that I read EVERY comment on this post but don't always ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) have time to reply to them all!! Thank you all so much for your enthusiasm and for making this challenge SO much fun!!

I'm going to post the Bingo board, and then come back and start the tag list on this post. Happy reading!!!
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TheAromaofBooks @CoffeeK8 @rachelsbrittain @LaraReads

This is the end of my tag list!!! If you didn't get tagged and would like to be added, please just let me know. Happy reading!! 💕
AllDebooks Please add me to the taglist. I'm ready to pick #bookspinbingo up again 33m
AmyG Thank you! 26m
TheAromaofBooks @AllDebooks - Yay!! Glad to have you back!! 25m
GinaKButler Yay!! So excited for a great month! Thank you for hosting! 18m
Suet624 Thank you so much!!! 6m
20 likes20 comments
Puck of Pook's Hill | Rudyard Kipling
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Okay #RandomClassics friends, here is the schedule for Puck of Pook's Hill!! It seems that this is a collection of short stories and poems. So the main title for each bullet point is the story, and the parenthetical titles are the associated poems. Each story is about 25-30pgs, so 2-3 a week feels doable. We'll see how it goes!!!

@BarkingMadRead @CatLass007 @julieclair @TheBookHippie

BarkingMadRead Sounds like a plan! 3d
julieclair This sounds interesting! 😀 2d
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The Obsession | Nora Roberts
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Another soft pick. This one starts strong with 12-year-old Naomi discovering that her dad is actually a serial killer and rescuing his latest victim. It's super creepy. Adult Namoi has changed her last name and tried to put her past behind her. She's a successful and somehow stupidly rich photographer and purchases a very rundown but beautiful old house in Washington state. That's where this book got muddled. I actually didn't mind the ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) “boring“ parts with her shopping for stuff for her house, painting, getting to know the neighbors, etc. But Roberts tries to introduce a second serial killer into the story and it just didn't mesh. The story needed to be either more focused on this killer or less, because I honestly just found him a distraction from the pleasant little romance story we had going on lol

So, a fine one-off, but not one I'll reread.
(edited) 3d
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Pedigree Unknown | Dorothy Lyons
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It's no secret that I'm a lifelong lover of horse stories of all kinds. I've read one or two other books by Lyons, so I was interested to read this one. However, it just didn't work for me. Jill breaks off her engagement with Hadley because he's a jerk, but then decides that actually she is going to show him that he was wrong about what he said, and of course he'll admit that, and then he won't be a jerk, so it will all work out. Except that's ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) dumb because he's obviously a jerk forever. Plus, it never even felt like Jill particularly liked, much less loved, Hadley, so her whole “I want him back“ schtick seemed unrealistic. The book would have definitely read better if she had just wanted to prove him wrong without actually “winning him back.“ Of course, in the end she finally realizes he really is a jerk and goes with the not-jerk guy, but by then it was too late - I'd already⬇ 3d
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) lost all my respect for this girl haha Other parts of the book - the bits about the actual horses - were interesting, but Jill just made me feel tired all over. This one is off to the giveaway bin.

#192025 - 1973 @Librarybelle
Librarybelle Hooray!! 3d
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Crazeedi If you live horse books did you read 3d
TheAromaofBooks @Crazeedi - I haven't read that one!! Most of my horse books are from the 50s-70s haha but I will check this one out!! 2d
PaperbackPirate Love the cover but sorry the story didn‘t live up to it. 🐴💙📚 15h
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The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O. | Neal Stephenson, Nicole Gallan
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Since I actually finished this 700pg book, you would think that I would have strong feelings about it. But I weirdly don't. There's a lot here that I enjoyed. It's a time-travel book, which isn't always my thing, but it's handled here in a way that actually did (mostly) make sense to me. I actually enjoyed the format, which is a mixture of journal entries from various characters, plus other documents, notes, transcripts, etc.

This book was ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) just tooooo long. There are a lot of sections where nothing is really happening. Part of this is kind of the point, how this little organization gets caught up in so much red tape and government bureaucracy/bloat, so I get it... but it still makes for some boring reading in various sections. There's a lot of action right at the end, which weirdly made this entire book feel like it was a big long prologue for book two. Like it doesn't ⬇ (edited) 3d
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) end on a cliffhanger or anything, but it kind of felt like “we've got the band back together and now we're off to take on the world... and this book was all the story of how we got here.“

So a soft pick here, and the sheer length makes me hesitate to recommend it. I do have book 2 from the library and may get to it... someday haha

#Roll100 @PuddleJumper
#WickedWords - Shakespeare @AsYouWish
#ReadtheUSA - MA
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YAY!! Another fabulous outing with Trixie and Honey!!! This one definitely feels like Part 2 of the first book. While I 100% enjoyed this, some of it felt genuinely ridiculous, but in that fun, campy way that I love. And as a kid I still felt like these were adventures that could happen to me. So many characters running around in the woods in this book!! 😂 I honestly loved how the girls were terrible at directions and didn't always make the ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) right choices.

Side note: These girls should NOT own dogs!!! 😂 😂 😂

How did you feel about this one? Was the ending too over-the-top? I liked that the author at least TRIED to make it feel reasonable for the Wheelers to adopt Jim out of no where by saying they used to know Jim's dad... but it still kind of feels like it's out of nowhere haha

Favorite scene was probably Honey trying to be a gangster 😆 ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) Do let me know what you thought. Did anything stick out to you? Anything you thought was especially ridiculous or especially clever? Did the story and characters work for you, or did it feel too unlikely?

Next month we are on to The Gatehouse Mystery and I THINK Trixie's brothers come home from camp. Brian was definitely my crush in this series, so I'm looking forward to his return 😂

Thanks for reading with me #BobWhiteBuddies !!!!
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Read4life I‘m just enjoying rereading these. I agree that the girls aren‘t great at keeping up with the dogs! 😂 I liked how Honey‘s mom was portrayed at the end of the book. 3d
lauraisntwilder Mine has a misprint and page 225 is repeated in place of 235, so I don't have the second-to-last page! I'm pretty sure they all made it back to Sleepyside though. This was such a fun book! I loved Trixie and Joeanne separately getting tangled in branches and vines. They should've left the dogs at home! 😂 Yes, there are some far-fetched plot points, but after reading a few Nancy Drew books, this one feels almost pretty reasonable. 2d
TheAromaofBooks @Read4life - I loved that, too!! The part earlier in the book where Honey said she thought her mother would have loved her if she had been a boy 😢 That made the ending even sweeter when her mother was so genuinely happy to see and hug her. 2d
TheAromaofBooks @lauraisntwilder - Oh no!! 😂 Truly, let me know if you want me to scan the last page and email it to you because I totally can!! Those dogs were NOT a good match for this trip haha I think growing up that made Honey and Trixie feel more realistic to me, though. Their mistakes always felt relatable lol 2d
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East of Eden | J. Steinbeck
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(thru ch 29 because I haven't finished today's chapter yet haha)

Well, I can't say I was sad to leave creepy Cathy behind and check in on some other characters this week. Mr. Hamilton though 😞 He and Lee are literally the only two people I even like in this book!

I was so glad that Adam finally got some closure with his psychopath wife and can move on, but I definitely get the feeling that his lies to his sons about their mother will come ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) back to bite him.

At this point, I just want Lee to get out of there and open his bookstore. THAT is a story I would enjoy reading!!!

I don't like this book at all, but I do find myself continuing to read with a kind of fascinated horror. My husband said he had to read this in his sophomore English class. It's not even that this seems like inappropriate high school material (although it does), it's more like - POINTLESS high school ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) material?? Like why???? At least Grapes of Wrath has some historical context and insights into the struggles of the Great Depression. Frankly, I've found this book to be just kind of dumb and pointless. Sometimes I swear they pick high school reading material with the idea of discouraging kids from reading on their own.

ANYWAY are any of you enjoying this more than me?? I realize that just because I don't like a book doesn't mean that⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) no one does, so please feel free to express conflicting opinions in the comments 😂

#RandomClassics @BarbaraJean @BarkingMadRead @Bklover @Librarybelle @Read4life @SaceReads @SamAnne @TheBookHippie
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BarkingMadRead I‘m not minding it 🤷🏻‍♀️ I won‘t say I love it, because it‘s very disturbing, but I like it. I‘m wondering if these boys are Adam‘s? Charles? One of each? I‘m voting Charles, Cal is sincerely creepy. Lee needs to hightail it out of there. But not in that car 🚗 (edited) 3d
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead - I have to say that I loved the car scene. And also... not sure if I would enjoy driving if I had to go through so many steps every time I started mine!!! 3d
Librarybelle I agree with @BarkingMadRead …I like it, not love it. Some of the chapters seem to meander too much for me, but then others are absolutely horrifying. I have a feeling we‘ll see Cathy again. She‘s a bad penny. 3d
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George Washington's World | Genevieve Foster
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I LOVE Genevieve Foster's “parallel history“ books. I remember reading these in middle school and realizing for the first time that even though America History and World History were two separate courses in school, the history itself all happened at the same time, and what was going on in France, China, Australia, etc impacted and influenced what was happening here and vice versa. It was fun to revisit this one. And her illustrations are adorable.

Hooked_on_books That binding just makes me smile 🙂 5d
TheAromaofBooks @Hooked_on_books - My great-grandmother was an elementary school teacher in the 40s/50s/60s and this was one of her classroom books!! A first edition from 1941 and has “Property of Mrs. Wilson, Cedar Heights Elementary“ stamped inside!! It's kind of crazy to me to think of her going out and buying this brand new for her class! 5d
Hooked_on_books Oh my gosh, that is so special! It was clear that this book had a story and I love that you know what it is and that it‘s so personal. What a treasure! 5d
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Ceremony in Death | Nora Roberts, J. D. Robb
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This series has really grown on me. I love Eve and Roark together. They balance each other so well. Eve is a fantastic MC and all the support characters are also so well-drawn. Reading this right after finishing the Amelia Peabody book had me wondering if Robb was giving Elizabeth Peter's heroine a nod by naming Eve's sidekick Peabody 😂

#SeriesLove2024 @TheSpineView @Andrew65
#192025 - 1997 @Librarybelle

Librarybelle I am really enjoying this series too! So glad I‘m finally reading them. 6d
TheAromaofBooks @Librarybelle - I didn't completely enjoy the first book, but I'm super glad that I stuck it out and tried the next one, because I've enjoyed every book more than the last!! 6d
TheSpineView Sounds like a great series!❤️📖📚 6d
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The Curse of the Pharaohs | Elizabeth Peters
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Rereading Crocodile on the Sandbank last month gave me the momentum I needed to start rereading this whole series. I really enjoyed this book even more the second time around. Amelia and Emerson are just a fantastic couple, and Amelia's narration is hilarious. The historical detail is also excellent. And maybe by the time I'm done rereading this series I'll remember whether it's spelled pharoah, phaoroh, or pharaoh. 😂

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The Recovery Agent: A Novel | Janet Evanovich
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Another soft pick. This one had the right ingredients but somehow just didn't quite jive for me. The writing was weirdly wooden and scenes that should have felt suspenseful and engaging just... didn't. I liked the characters and the concept was great, but for me the writing kept getting in the way of the story.


RamsFan1963 It was a soft pick for me too. I expected more of a Lara Croft adventure, with intricate puzzles to solve. It all seemed to come so simple for them, without much effort or mental gymnastics 5d
TheAromaofBooks @RamsFan1963 - it was weird to me how un-suspenseful this ended up feeling. All the snakes should have had me all squicky and instead it was just sort of ho-hum haha 5d
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One of those random paperbacks someone gave me years ago because I “like to read“ haha Soft pick. A group of random citizens have to decide whether or not the town should sell a historic but ramshackle house. However, someone doesn't want them rooting around in the house's history. I enjoyed the characters and the way they became a little family unit of sorts, but the actual reveal/secrets didn't really jive for me. Spoiler below.


TheAromaofBooks I couldn't understand why Rosa Lee didn't stay in some kind of contact with the baby she had given up/the adopted mother. Giving up her baby so she could take care of her father already seemed sad/like the wrong decision to me. After he died, why didn't she meet her now-adult baby? Or give her that choice? It all just ended up being really sad, and since everyone is dead, too late for anything to happen. Not for me; I'm an HEA girl!! 6d
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One of the few Nancy Drews I don't own for myself, so this one came from the library. Another enjoyable outing with Nancy, George, and Bess - and, finally, Ned!! ❤ ❤ ❤

Thanks as always for hosting @Librarybelle !!

#SeriesLove2024 @TheSpineView @Andrew65
#WickedWords - Deal @AsYouWish

Librarybelle Yay…we finally meet Ned!! 6d
TheSpineView 🤩🤩🤩 6d
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Old Bones the Wonder Horse | Mildred Mastin Pace
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A short paperback I picked up years ago because of the illustrations by Wesley Dennis. Enjoyable but not groundbreaking, a story about Exterminator, who won the Kentucky Derby in 1918, despite being virtually an unknown. However, my camera wanted to focus more on Robert Plant in the background than the cover of the book. You'll have that 😂

#Roll100 @PuddleJumper

TheSpineView ❤️🐎❤️ 6d
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The Honeymoon House | Grace Livingston Hill
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A collection of short stories by GLH, these were much more focused on religion than romance. Some were heavy-handed allegories, while others were just straight stories about someone realizing something important. If you're not a Christian, you probably won't enjoy these. However, I found it quite interesting to see how many of the issues Hill saw within the church almost a hundred years ago are still areas of controversy today, and I actually did⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) find these making me think about aspects of my own life and faith. I appreciate that she doesn't try to pretend that these aren't exactly what they are: short, simple stories to make her Christian readers think.

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Tribute | Nora Roberts
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Soft pick from an author I generally enjoy. While I really did like the characters, some of the “bad guy/thriller“ aspects didn't really work for me. Enjoyable for a one-off, but I'm glad I only paid a dollar for it 😂


June Moon | Kathleen Souza
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Ack! June is less than a week away! WHAT IS HAPPENING?! 😂 Don't mind me, just having my monthly existential crisis LOL

Anyway, hope everyone has had a lovely spring!!! Summer is upon us!! (Well, around here anyway; I have trouble getting my head around the fact that June is December in other place haha) The garden is mostly in, and the list of summer projects is LONG so we will see how things go!!

If you're planning to #BookSpin in June, it's ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) time to start thinking about your lists. Some of you have already posted yours, which is part of what made me realize that May is actually almost over! My word. Looking forward to seeing what everyone is thinking about reading!!

As always, if you need more details on the challenge, please just ask or check out my master post (on my book blog) found here - https://thearomaofbooks.wordpress.com/bookspin-bookspinbingo-litsy-challenge/
See All 27 Comments
PuddleJumper Nope, nope, nope it's still February!!! 1w
claudiuo June already?!🙀 I'll work on my list soon. Thank you! 1w
TheSpineView I need to get going on my June lists. 1w
BarkingMadRead May flew by! 1w
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm YAY!!!!! ❤️ 7d
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick May is flying by! I have hardly read this month so I'll likely just use most of the same list. Life keeps getting in the way. 7d
GinaKButler Already? Maycember got me! 🤪 7d
CoffeeK8 May just flew by!! 7d
Librarybelle Time flies! 7d
Allylu I know, I know. I was just working on it! 😊💕📚 7d
Sace May was excruciatingly long but that's the nature of the school year, but I'm going to wake up tomorrow and it's going to be August 😂 7d
Eggs Thank you Sarah🧡 Time flies when you have fun 🤩 7d
kelli7990 I‘m still working on reading books from my May list but that‘s okay. I‘ll keep carrying the books over until I read them but at the same time, maybe I need to choose some new books. I have mood reading prompts on my list this month so I can read books that aren‘t on my list but I seem to be struggling with finding books I‘m in the mood to read or if I‘m in the mood to read what I pick, I end up not liking it. 7d
Soubhiville I was thinking about my list this morning. Time flies! 7d
110 likes27 comments
The Wind in the Willows | Kenneth Grahame
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It was just an absolute delight to revisit this old favorite. Mole abandoning his spring cleaning because the weather outside is so amazing is a definite mood, and I was here for it 😂 Loads of fun adventures and delightful characters make this such a fun read. I have vivid memories of Dad reading this one out loud to us because at one point Toad becomes enamored with a car whose horn (according to him) goes “poop poop“ and as kids we thought ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) our very proper dad saying “poop“ was absolutely hilarious 😆

#WickedWords - Poem @AsYouWish
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Puck of Pook's Hill | Rudyard Kipling
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June's book is Puck of Pook's Hill, which should, if nothing else, be a contrast to East of Eden 😂 I have several of Kipling's books on my list because I enjoyed the two Jungle Books and Just So stories so much, but I don't really know anything about this one. I don't have my copy yet, so I'm not sure how many chapters there are, either!! If anyone would like to read along, let me know!!


Librarybelle I‘m planning to set out June and July but will be back for Fahrenheit 451 in August! Have fun reading June and July! 2w
BarkingMadRead I‘m ready!! 2w
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CatLass007 It‘s currently available for free on Audible so I plan to join in. 2w
TheBookHippie It‘s on hoopla for next month! 2w
julieclair I‘m going to try! Thanks for the heads up about Audible, @catlass007 ! 1w
51 likes6 comments
East of Eden | J. Steinbeck
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(thru ch 21) So APPARENTLY this book is about a psychopathic prostitute! Who knew!

But seriously, what the HECK is going on?! I don't actually enjoy reading about Cathy/Kate and am much more interested in what is going on with Adam and the twins, and the Hamilton family. But also I can't help reading these chapters with a kind of horrified fascination. Any thoughts from you all??

I did love one thing Samuel said to Adam, when Adam was thinking ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) about just giving up on life. He said, “You're going to pass something down no matter what you do or if you do nothing. Even if you let yourself go fallow, the weeds will grow and the brambles. Something will grow.“ I don't know why, but I just really liked that quote.

I also like the term “Welshrats“ (ch 16) - “the world sadness that rises into the soul like a gas and spreads despair so that you probe for the offending event and can ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) find none.“ What an apt description!

Love to hear everyone's thoughts on this book. A much crazier ride than I was anticipating, if I'm honest 😂

@BarbaraJean @BarkingMadRead @Bklover @Librarybelle @Read4life @SaceReads @SamAnne @TheBookHippie
Librarybelle I had no clue! None. I‘ve seen none of the adaptations and had only read The Grapes of Wrath in high school. There is the struggle of good versus evil in this, but I did not realize how psychologically terrifying this would be. Geez…but, I‘m liking this way more than I liked Wrath (or remember liking it…it‘s been awhile). 2w
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BarkingMadRead This woman is nuts! And yet I can‘t look away 🤣 2w
TheBookHippie It‘s like watching a train wreck I‘m so intrigued I keep reading… 2w
TheBookHippie Also no clue going in we‘d be on this type of reading adventure. 2w
BarbaraJean “Horrified fascination”—YES!! She‘s fascinating exactly because of how horrifying she is. And because she‘s such an anomaly in this story—pretty much all the other characters are good-hearted and well-intentioned in their own ways. And then there‘s Cathy, basically a hollow void of humanity. 😬 2w
BarbaraJean I also loved that quote from Sam to Adam. It feels like such foreshadowing for the twins—what is Adam going to pass down, what will grow in them, what will be the results of their heritage? 2w
Read4life Exactly like a train wreck, @TheBookHippie . I can‘t look. I can‘t look away! 🫣 2w
14 likes9 comments
East of Eden | J. Steinbeck
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(thru ch 14 - I haven't finished today's chapter, but wanted to post this before I leave haha)

Sorry I missed Monday's check in!! Is everyone keeping up? Some of these chapters have been DARK and consequently a bit of a struggle for me. What do you think of Cathy? She's an interesting juxtaposition to the other women mentioned so far.

The chapter where he goes off on a tangent about Olive/narrator's mother felt super random, but the story of ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) her in the airplane WAS pretty entertaining.

Any other thoughts? I still have no idea where this story is going, what the point is, or even who the main characters are supposed to be 😂

@BarbaraJean @BarkingMadRead @Bklover @Librarybelle @Read4life @SaceReads @SamAnne @TheBookHippie
BarkingMadRead I can‘t wait until we settle in to the actual storyline 🤣 Olive in that plane was priceless! Cathy is one messed up chick and I‘m wondering who the baby daddy is 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3w
Librarybelle Oh yes, some parts are really dark. Cathy is horrible! 3w
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TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead @Librarybelle - Why do you think she's so against being in California with Adam? It seems like she has everything she wants - he's super rich and worships the ground she walks on. I'm a little confused about why she wants to get away so badly/what she is looking for? 3w
Librarybelle @TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead Maybe it‘s a control thing. She did not have the idea, so she doesn‘t want to do it. She always felt trapped by her parents, which to me was weird because they let her do whatever, but this is a situation where she could not manipulate Adam to do what she wants. The way Steinbeck describes her…yikes! He calls her a monster from the first introduction, and he certainly portrays her as one. 3w
BarkingMadRead @Librarybelle @TheAromaofBooks I definitely think she likes being in control, I also think she liked the idea of leading on both brothers at the same time 3w
BarbaraJean Ugh, Cathy!!! I remember Cathy being fascinatingly creepy--one of the most chilling characters I've ever read. I agree with @Librarybelle and @BarkingMadRead that she's against being in California partly because of control--it wasn't her choice, and it narrows her options. I think she only married Adam as a short-term measure and going to California means she's stuck in the marriage for longer. I also think she's pretty clearly a sociopath! 2w
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Untitled | Unknown
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Even though this is my first time participating, I really love seeing everyone's #5JoysFriday posts so I thought I would jump in. Thank you for the tag @Debinhawaii !!!

It's finally spring here!!! So my joys include being able to get out into my garden this week. Dirt, sunshine, rain, flowers, fish pond - so happy!!! Also, my uncle-in-law mowed the grass so I didn't have to. YAY!! 😂

Feel free to play along - Deb has a blank template available!

Sace I love your list and your garden! It‘s gorgeous. 3w
LiseWorks Yay when someone mows the lawn for you 3w
TheBookHippie It‘s so lovely!! 3w
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DebinHawaii A wonderful list of joys! 💛💛💛 Your garden is so lovely! 🪴 Thanks for joining in & spreading the joy this week! 🤗 3w
TheAromaofBooks @Sace @TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii - Thank you!!! It's my happy place. By late June it's just EXPLODING with flowers and colors and it's soooo pretty!!! 3w
TheAromaofBooks @LiseWorks - For real!!! We have a yard that is just small enough to make buying a riding mower feel like a dumb investment haha We had an old one someone gave us and it finally exploded last year, so now I have to push mow - but Uncle Jeff has been popping over from across the street and using his riding mower and it's been amazing!! With all this rain the grass is going crazy!! 3w
UwannaPublishme Just saw this! Your garden is gorgeous! 😍😍😍 7d
50 likes7 comments
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Jewell always manages to hook me in. While the ending made this one a soft pick for me, the pacing was great. I appreciated that Alix's ignoring of major red flags felt like a natural progression here - she's just too far into the story to back down now. I like my fiction tied with a bow, so some of the ambiguity at the end annoyed me (plus one major plot point wasn't how I would have gone so), but overall I couldn't stop turning pages.

PuddleJumper ❤️💜❤️ 4w
vlwelser Everyone on my work team (4 people) shared a 21 day library loan for this. Such a page turner. 4w
See All 6 Comments
julieclair Glad you enjoyed it! Mostly. 😉 4w
TheAromaofBooks @vlwelser - Oh what a fun idea, to all read the same book. Gives you something to talk about at work 😂 She's a great author for that. I feel like she creates situations for her characters that really leave you wondering what you would do if you were in that position - bad choices are made, but they feel like reasonable bad choices. 4w
vlwelser All of the bad choices. Who knew there could be SO many. I swear my intern spent that entire book gasping and swearing at it in Spanish. We often pass a book around. This was the first time it was a library book. I highly recommend it if you end up with a group of readers you spend a lot of time with. 4w
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This was a fun book if you're a fan of the show. Porter worked for “New Top Gear“ as the script editor during all the seasons that Clarkson, May, and Hammond were the presenters. The book is roughly linear but divided into very short chapters that each kind of read like their own little essay, so at times it felt a little abrupt, but also meant that it was easy to delve in and out of. As you'd expect, the writing is a bit snarky and entertaining⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) Porter presents his coworkers, including the three famous presenters, with a fairly even hand, and the book feels genuinely informative/entertaining and not like its trying to cash in on scandalous memoirs, even when he discusses the abrupt ending of the show (in that incarnation). I'm not British, so some of the references went over my head (TV shows “everyone“ watched or people more famous there than here), but overall this was ⬇ 4w
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) readable and enjoyable - if you like the show, you'll probably find this engaging as well.

This was my #BookSpin for April 🎉
lil1inblue Stacking as a gift idea for my husband. He loved this iteration of Top Gear. 4w
See All 7 Comments
InkedBookworm13 This is awesome. I just ordered it for my husband. We used to watch the original Top Gear all the time. 😍 4w
TheAromaofBooks @lil1inblue @InkedBookworm13 - My biggest issue with the book was that Porter seems to assume that I already know who some people are (i.e. famous racecar drivers, actors, British politicians) so some of his stories kind of went over my head. But overall there is a lot of fun stuff here and an interesting perspective. 4w
Jari-chan Oh, we had so much fun with Top Gear 😁 4w
Roary47 I‘ll have to get this for my husband to not read, and then read it for him. 😅 4w
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The Robe | Lloyd C. Douglas
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Oof, what an ending! Did you find it satisfying? I wish I had gotten more details on what happens to Demetrius next, but at least he's safe for now. I really enjoyed this book and found it more gripping than I anticipated. I felt like Douglas was respectful of Jesus and His followers while still writing a compelling story. Any final thoughts?

@BarkingMadRead @julieclair @Lcsmcat @UwannaPublishme #RandomClassics

BarkingMadRead The ending felt so abrupt! I hated not knowing what happened to Demetrius but I loved this book! 4w
UwannaPublishme I thought it was a powerful ending and I was happy that Marcellus and Diana stood together in their faith. I also loved that they ended with the Robe headed into the hands of the Big Fisherman. I‘m wondering if the story of Demetrius may continue in the next book about the Big Fisherman. I hope so! 4w
UwannaPublishme Thanks so much for hosting #RandomClassics and choosing this book, Sarah. Despite the loooong chapters, I really enjoyed reading it with you and @BarkingMadRead ! 4w
See All 7 Comments
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead @UwannaPublishme - I'm hoping to pick up The Big Fisherman sometime - I think I've never gone on to read it because it feels a little weirder to write an entire fictional book completely focused on such an important church father, if that makes any sense haha But now I'm wondering if there will actually be more about Demetrius and his life, so I'm curious!!! 4w
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead @UwannaPublishme - Actually, after I typed that, I was like, “I should just go LOOK at my copy of The Big Fisherman and flip through it so see if Demetrius is mentioned. And would you believe that it goes backwards in time?! It's actually about Peter before and during his time with Jesus! Which is fine, but not really a SEQUEL haha So Demetrius's future remains unknown... 4w
UwannaPublishme Ha! I‘m surprised that Douglas left us hanging about the future of Demetrius. Good news though: There are the 2 movies to check out. The sequel to The Robe is Demetrius and the Gladiators. I‘ll be watching both DVDs so I‘ll keep you posted. I can even pass them along to you. I haven‘t seen Demetrius yet, but The Robe is a great film. 4w
UwannaPublishme I just Googled Demetrius to see if there were other books about him. There‘s one called Demetrius: Sacker of Cities. Too bad Douglas didn‘t devote a book to him. 🤔 4w
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East of Eden | J. Steinbeck
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(thru ch 6) I think this is the part of the program where I remind all of you that I'm just a random person reading a random book, and actually know nothing about this book or its cultural impact, so these will literally just be my opinions, not, like, insightful commentary from a literature professor haha

So, disclaimer out of the way - what do you all think? I feel like the first six chapters have literally just been introductions! I finally ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) got out a piece of paper and wrote down all the Hamiltons, goodness. And found it quite interesting to discover that our narrator is Samuel and Liza's grandchild. I didn't realize that this was going to be a more personal story, rather than just a straight third-person account.

As always, Steinbeck's writing is beautiful and depressing. The entire (LONG) chapter recounting Adam's childhood, whew.

I don't know why, but I loved this ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) line about Samuel's son, Tom - “He was born in fury and he lived in lightning.“ What a description.

I feel like Steinbeck always presents religious people has being dour, repressed, hateful, etc. and it does annoy me. “Idleness was a sin ... she was suspicious of fun whether it involved dancing or singing or even laughter. She felt that people having a good time were wide open to the devil.“ I just... yes, many religious people are ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) strict/grim, but many are also full of joy, love, kindness, and generosity, and it would be nice to get some of that representation on the page as well.

So, let me know any of your thoughts!! I feel like we don't have much of a story yet, just lots of character sketches. Does anyone jump out at you? I honestly don't even know who the main character is supposed to be at this point haha And literally still have no idea what this book is ⬇
See All 16 Comments
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) about, so that's fun. We'll see how the next week goes.

Also, is a chapter a day too much reading? Let me know if we need to cut back to five chapters a week instead.

#RandomClassics @BarbaraJean @BarkingMadRead @Bklover @Librarybelle @Read4life @SaceReads @SamAnne @TheBookHippie
Librarybelle I‘m fine with a chapter a day! Adam‘s childhood chapter was so sad. It is beautiful writing. 4w
BarkingMadRead It‘s working so well, I think k a chapter a day is great. I saw the movie as a teen in my James Dean obsession days and I still don‘t know what this book is about. I barely remember the movie! I‘m loving it so far, though! 4w
TheBookHippie The evangelical religious people here are hateful, spiteful, repressed, rigid and legalistic so that read true. My experience and of course that isn‘t all people - just the ones I know and experience, I hear it is different in other parts of the country/world. Chapter a day is good. The writing is better than I remember from this author and I can‘t really remember the movie either. 4w
TheAromaofBooks @Librarybelle @BarkingMadRead @TheBookHippie - We'll probably stick with the chapter a day pace for now then. We may take a break around Memorial Day weekend depending on life 😂 May have to look the movie up when we're done if it means James Dean!! 😁 4w
TheAromaofBooks @TheBookHippie - Well, I would consider myself to be an evangelical Christian, so I would hope that being a dreadful person is not a universal requirement lol 4w
SamAnne I‘m slow starting but very much looking forward to finally reading this classic. 4w
TheBookHippie @TheAromaofBooks One would hope😵‍💫 I work with many Protestants in Chicago in a charity that I support that are very kind and loving. But in my town there‘s no hate like Christian love is a daily occurrence. It‘s generational and they don‘t know another way. It‘s sad. Look at the joy they‘re missing. 4w
BarbaraJean @TheBookHippie @TheAromaofBooks It's SO interesting to note the “joyless“ depiction of anyone religious. I hadn't clocked that; maybe because I'm used to seeing that depiction of “religious“ Christianity without much faith or heart behind it. I've also met a lot of those joyless people (both when I was in evangelical churches and at my (Episcopal) church now!), so in many ways it rang true for me as well. It's sad--there's so much more to faith. ⬇ 4w
BarbaraJean Honestly, it's a lot easier to depict any religion based on negatives: narrow-minded, rule-following, repressed, etc. It would be nice to see some nuance instead of that stereotype. But Steinbeck isn't usually about joy, so...😂 What stuck out to me was how the women receive very little page time, and those he does focus on are in that negative, joyless (religious!) category.

I'm interested to get into the story as we get out of “intro“ mode.
BarbaraJean I remember so little of the story from reading this before, so I don't know who the main character is, either!! When Steinbeck went back to the Hamiltons after the Charles and Adam chapter, I said: “Wait, who are the Hamiltons again??“ 😂 Adam definitely sticks out as a main character, but the grandchild comment and the return to the Hamiltons threw me off, and I'm not sure where the focus will land. 4w
TheBookHippie @BarbaraJean Is he following the I write what I know? Or are women supposed to be background 😬 I agree joy not a word for this author😅 I usually get in trouble with my stance on religion and religiosity -I‘ve never met anyone that is kind or joyful. Faith and spirituality an entirely different thing -lots of hope generally and joy. I can‘t wait to see the rest of this story panned out. It‘s intriguing. 4w
TheAromaofBooks @BarbaraJean @theBookHippie - He does seem to use “religion“ as a shorthand for letting you know someone is a grump 😂 I hadn't thought about the correlation between that and all the female characters so far. His women are all very “small,“ very narrow-minded, very uninterested in life outside their own four walls. It will be interesting to see if all the women characters stay that way as the story progresses, or if that will be a continuous theme 4w
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The Red Trailer Mystery | Julie Campbell
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Hey friends!!! @BookmarkTavern came up with a great hashtag for us to use!!!! Thank you!!!

I THOROUGHLY enjoyed rereading The Secret of the Mansion last month and can hardly wait to pick up book two!!! Hope you all will be able to join me!!!


@curiouserandcurioser @BookmarkTavern @DebinHawaii @Read4life @lauraisntwilder @MaleficentBookDragon

BookmarkTavern Aw! Yay! I‘m so excited to continue this adventure! ❤️ 1mo
Read4life Looking forward to it. 🤓 1mo
curiouserandcurioser @TheAromaofBooks I cant wait to start the next adventure! This is so much fun:) 1mo
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DebinHawaii Great job @BookmarkTavern ! Love the # ! 💛💛💛 Looking forward to the next book! 1mo
RedxoHearts I loved the Trixie Belden books growing up! 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @kimmypete1 @RedxoHearts - Come read them with us!! 😁 1mo
51 likes8 comments
BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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This month is a bit of a mixed bag. BS is set up well with two free spaces next door, but DS is sort of hanging out all by itself haha I'm excited about starting a new board!! Thank you all so much for playing along with me. There is something so fun about getting a fresh start each month and seeing where it goes!! April was really stressful for me, so I'm ready for some spring weather and good books!!!

My usual text below ⬇

TheAromaofBooks Here's the #BookSpinBingo card! First, I put our official numbers (18 & 4) back in the mix. Then I drew them all out & wrote them down as I went, meaning the official numbers are just mixed into the card with the rest! As you can see, 21-25 are both labeled with their numbers & also as free spaces, so you can use them to match however you wrote your list. To score a bingo, just read books (in any order) that are in any row or column!! MORE INFO ⬇ 1mo
TheAromaofBooks 1 - I don't tag anyone on this post except for @LitsyEvents but anyone is welcome to play along!!
2 - Remember – NO PRESSURE!!!! If this starts to stress you out, just take that page right out of your journal and pretend it never existed!! This challenge is to encourage you to read, not to make you feel like reading is a chore!!!
3 - FREE SPACES can be filled with any book that is NOT already on your list!! ⬇
TheAromaofBooks 4 & final - As a reminder, only the “official” BookSpin/DoubleSpin numbers will count towards giveaway entries. I don‘t want the giveaway to be stacked against people who aren‘t able to read lots of books each month. So basically there is still a maximum of 2 entries possible per month no matter how many books you read from your list. This bingo card is just for fun & glory! 😁

Thanks for playing & happy reading!!!
See All 9 Comments
MaGoose Thanks for coordinating this! This is my first time participating, and I look forward to enjoying it. 1mo
BookishMadHatter Here's to another fun reading month! Thanks so much @TheAromaofBooks for organizing this fun challenge 1mo
kelli7990 Yay! I‘m looking forward to making my Bingo board for this month. 1mo
claudiuo Yay! Thank you so much! 1mo
Bookbuyingaddict Thank you thank you ☺️ looking forward to a better bingo month 🥰😀😘x x x 1mo
bthegood Thank you !! 1mo
82 likes9 comments
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Good morning, everyone! The moment you have all been waiting for!! Our official #BookSpin number is EIGHTEEN! Our official #DoubleSpin number is FOUR!! I have thoroughly enjoyed looking at everyone‘s lists & am really looking forward to seeing your reviews!!

My next post will be the #BookSpinBingo card. I am NOT tagging anyone on that post!! If you want to bingo, please just check my profile for the card. This saves me having to double tag ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont‘d) everyone/keep track of who wants to bingo and who doesn‘t!!

I use the same tag list for the entire year, so if you would like to be added or removed, please just let me know. It takes me a while to tag everyone (there are over 200 of you!!!) so I will add “FINISHED” to the last tag batch so you know whether or not I missed you. If I did, it was completely inadvertent. Sometimes I just spell someone‘s username wrong. ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) As always, the link to the masterpost about how this challenge works can be found on my profile or here - https://thearomaofbooks.wordpress.com/bookspin-bookspinbingo-litsy-challenge/ - and the link to the Google Form where you can track your reads for the end-of-the-year-giveaway can be found here - https://forms.gle/4kTBMWAsCa9Cvmqs6

Thanks for playing, everyone!! Please know that I read EVERY comment on this post but don't always ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) have time to reply to them all!! Thank you all so much for your enthusiasm and for making this challenge SO much fun!!

I'm going to post the Bingo board, and then come back and start the tag list on this post. Happy reading!!!
See All 41 Comments
Bookwormjillk Yay!! 1mo
Librarybelle Hooray!!! Mine this month are a library book and Ceremony in Death! 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @CoffeeK8 @rachelsbrittain @LaraReads - Finished!! If you weren't tagged and wish you were, just let me know!! 😁 1mo
RaeLovesToRead C'mon May! Let's do this!! 😁 1mo
CoffeeNBooks Yay! 1mo
Soubhiville I‘m excited for my books this month! Thanks Sarah 🩷📚 1mo
TheSpineView My BookSpin is an impulse read and my Double Spin is my BOTM. I got this... 6 think😋😆 1mo
kelli7990 Yay! 1mo
claudiuo Thank you so much! Both my books are TBD, I'll pick them soon. May officially starts now. 😊 1mo
CoffeeK8 Thank you! Yay! 1mo
BarbaraJean 🎉🎉BookSpin is something from the 1920s-30s for #192025, and DoubleSpin is this month‘s IRL book club pick (tagged)—super helpful that they‘re “required” reading for the month! Now to peruse the bingo board… 1mo
Sace So I‘ll be reading another Nancy Drew (4) and something from my kindle (18). Woohoo! 🎉 Thanks for creating such a fun way to pick my next reads! 1mo
bookandbedandtea Yay for #BookSpin Day! Thanks Sarah 💜 1mo
AmyG Manhattan Girls and Mad Honey! Thanks Sarah!!! 1mo
julieclair My BookSpin is The School of Mirrors for #LiteraryCrew, and my DoubleSpin is a book from my #AuldLangSpine choices! Yay! 1mo
Eggs Thx 🙏🏻 1mo
robinb I‘m excited about my books this round! Play Dead is the next Kim Stone in series, and Miss Moriarty, I Presume? is the next Lady Sherlock for me. I‘m behind on both series so it‘ll be nice to be moving forward. 😊👍 Thanks Sarah! 🩵 1mo
TieDyeDude Thanks for organizing! I think I'll be able to catch up on this year's bookspins this month, head strong into summer 😁 🌼 1mo
CSeydel Thanks Sarah! 🩷 My bookspin is Tender at the Bone (memoir) by Ruth Reichl & doublespin is Rebecca Wait‘s 1mo
willaful My Name is Lucy Barton and I Was Born for This for me! 1mo
Clare-Dragonfly Two baking cookbooks. In a month when I‘ll probably be too weak from surgical recovery to bake much 😂😅 1mo
staci.reads The tagged is my #Bookspin, and The River We Remember is my #Doublespin! 1mo
UwannaPublishme Yay! Best day of the month! 🤗 1mo
Bookbuyingaddict Thank you thank you 🙏 I‘m late as Wev been away so I will post my list this weekend much love ❤️ and happy 😃 reading 📖 x x x 1mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Two total opposites. My bookspin is Lumberjanes Volume 10, and DoubleSpin is the non-fiction book Come As You Are (and it's not about the band Nirvana). 4w
tokorowilliamwallace I just made my spring list, and one of my draws was BOTM backlist, which is interesting because last night I just started one of my BOTM picks from April. 4w
tokorowilliamwallace @staci.reads Nice nonfiction pick you got; it suits Taurus season, too. 4w
108 likes41 comments
When Dimple Met Rishi | Sandhya Menon
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I always feel like such a grumpy old woman when I so fervently dislike a book that everyone else seems to love. I ranted about this one a lot on GR. My main issue probably comes down to finding Dimple irredeemably unlikable. Just because someone is a strong female character interested in computers doesn't mean she also needs to be an absolute ass who goes off on everyone who doesn't 100% agree with her, ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) physically punches her boyfriend when she disagrees with what he says (and then when he says that it hurts tells him that she's “not like other girls“... guess that makes it okay??), and talks down CONSTANTLY about every other female in the story because they don't want what Dimple wants, which obviously means that what they want is wrong/bad. Look, I also don't wear makeup or get super girly, and I didn't in high school either, but that⬇ 1mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) doesn't make me somehow morally superior to girls who do/did. I hated the “getting married ruins everything“ vibe (like I am not saying 18-year-olds should all get married straight out of high school, but acting like getting married at any point in her 20s would mean her life is OVER was just so ridiculous). Also, nothing about this coding camp she was at made sense to me, mostly because they literally never seemed to be doing ANY app ⬇ 1mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) development at ANY point in this book lol I had other issues, but that's enough whining for now. There were cute moments in this book, and I liked Rishi a lot, but overall this book just didn't work for me.

See All 20 Comments
LiseWorks Oh my! I love it when a book gets emotions running. I love that rant. 1mo
thegreensofa Great pan review. I think I would probably agree with you if I read it, so you saved me and I‘m not going to read it! (sorry for your experience though). 👍 1mo
batsy Go forth and pan with abandon! I had fun reading this review 😁 1mo
Susanita Tell us how you really feel! 😂 1mo
BookishMadHatter I love this rant because I finally found someone who said what I've been thinking about a bunch of books ive read lately. I find that whenever someone tries to make a "strong" female character, they turn her into a total unbearable b!t@h. It's even made me not want to read books with females as the lead 1mo
BarbaraJean Hahaha—YES. This book annoyed me so much. Great concept, terrible execution. Especially the stupid pretext of a coding camp at which they did literally no coding. And I hated the writing, too: things like “his heart was like melted chocolate” and other terrible comparisons. #fanofthepan 😁 1mo
Anna40 Love the rant too 😝 1mo
TheLudicReader I hate loads of popular books. You are not alone. 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @LiseWorks @thegreensofa @batsy @Susanita @dabbe @Anna40 @TheLudicReader - Thank you for making me feel better about all my whining 😂 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @BookishMadHatter - I think what really frustrates me about this “strong=bitch“ attitude is that then the implication is that the flipside is also true - if you're a nice/kind person that means you're a pathetic doormat. I'm not here to say that women/people should just roll over and take it when someone is mean to them, but to act like kindness, empathy, patience, and a willingness to explain your position reasonably somehow makes you weak ⬇ 1mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) really frustrates me. It seems especially harmful in YA, to teach girls that being rude, obnoxious, and cruelly snarky is what will get you forward in life and prove that you're “strong.“ 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarbaraJean - I was just like... what is the point of this camp?! Do they have classes? Workshops? Scheduled lab sessions? ANYTHING?! The entire talent show made zero sense (what does this have to do with coding?!?!?!) I was confused about the talent show prize's implication that each team is funding their own research, since that $1000 goes towards that?? Or something?? And apparently if you win you get everything, but if you don't win you ⬇ 1mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) you don't even get, I don't know, feedback on your project?? A chance to share it with someone else?? A little show-and-tell session where your parents/random people who are interested in app development could come see the projects?? ANYTHING?! I loved the concept of this camp, but it NEVER felt like they were actually at one, so it just seemed like a plot device to make sure we know how SERIOUS Dimple is about IMPORTANT stuff 🙄 1mo
BarbaraJean Seriously!! The author could have at least MENTIONED them attending workshops, classes, SOMETHING! The setting was clearly only a pretext for her premise of girl-who-likes-tech meets sensitive boy. The huge focus on the talent show instead of any, you know, ACTUAL CODING seemed to indicate the author had not only done little to no research about the entire setting, she literally did not care about continuity, plausibility, or even good writing.😩 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarbaraJean - The initial little “get to know you“ run around with the photographs felt like a natural part of the camp, but the talent show definitely felt like a plot point instead of something that would actually happen. We're super serious about developing this app and you have very limited time to do it and some people even stay up all night because time is so tight... so we're going to spend hours and hours preparing for a talent show!? 😑 1mo
BarbaraJean 😂 😂 YES. So. Dumb. 4w
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Rebecca | Daphne Du Maurier
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It had been about ten years since I last read this book, and I was surprised at how many details/scenes had slipped my mind. While there are things about this book that I don't like, the writing somehow grips me every time, despite a third of it being the unnamed narrator's imagination instead of things that are actually happening. Creepy, suspenseful, twisty - this one is just SO good.

TheAromaofBooks Absolute delight to read with the #HashtagBrigade @BarkingMadRead - the daily memes/pictures/comments really added so much to my reread this time around!!

BarkingMadRead I am so glad you liked it! Your copy is 😍 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead - Thank you!!! Can you believe I got it used for a dollar?? It has that delightful amount of age to it where the pages are all soft on the edges from being read so many times. It only has the original 1938 copyright in it. I don't THINK it's from that year, but it has to be close. LOVE old library editions. The date-stamp card in the back has check-out dates from 1947!! 1mo
See All 8 Comments
BarkingMadRead Ahhhhhhh that‘s so cool!! 1mo
IndoorDame A dollar!!!! Used books are amazing! And this one is stunning 🤩 1mo
AvidReader25 I love this book so much and your edition is gorgeous! I can‘t believe it was only a dollar! 1mo
lazydaizee That looks like an old book, is it a first edition? 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @lazydaizee - I'm not completely sure!! It only has the 1938 copyright in it. It's an old library discard, and some of the check-out dates are from 1947!! 1mo
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The Robe | Lloyd C. Douglas
This post contains spoilers
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(thru ch25) - Sorry I missed my Monday post, friends! This week has been a bit more chaotic than I initially anticipated haha

So much happened in these chapters!!!! Demetrius and Marcellus both become Christians. Marcellus is very reluctant, but watching Stephen be martyred changes his entire perspective. I found it so interesting that watching someone die for his faith is what made Marcellus believe, instead of turning him off of it completely.⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) Now Marcellus is back with the emperor, and is receiving an intense test of his new faith.

I'm genuinely impressed by the way Douglas has handled many of the scenes from the early church. I love how he doesn't gloss over their struggles, but while he makes people like Peter seem human, I never feel like he trivializes their importance, or has them act in a way that conflicts with how they are recorded Scripturally.

My hope is to ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) finish this week and have a final post on Monday. Any thoughts from any of you on this week's chapters? How do you feel about the book/story on the whole?

#RandomClassics @BarkingMadRead @julieclair @Lcsmcat @UwannaPublishme
UwannaPublishme I was also fascinated by Marcellus‘ conversion. By watching the expression on Stephen‘s face at the moment of his death, Marcellus seemed to somehow know in his heart that his friend was in the presence of Jesus. Very powerful! 1mo
UwannaPublishme I‘m still anxious to see how Marcellus‘ relationship with Diana will unfold. Will she become a believer? And what‘s in store for Demetrius‘ future? Really looking forward to these last chapters. 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @UwannaPublishme - Yes!! I'm worried about Diana!! I don't think she's going to understand, and she's in a bad position with the emperor right now. 1mo
10 likes5 comments
Top Horse of Crescent Ranch | Howard L. Hastings
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This was fairly typical “horse fare“ from the era, and which I have always collected because something about the semi-predictability of these simple stories draws me in. Hastings's book is a bit more about teaching readers about various aspects of ranching life than it is about an actual storyline, but it was still an interesting (although not thrilling) read.

#192025 - 1942 @Librarybelle

Librarybelle That‘s interesting - teaching about ranch life 1mo
57 likes1 comment
The Secret of the Mansion | Julie Campbell
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I had SO MUCH FUN rereading this and am not sure I want to stick to only one book per month 😂 I remember now how I found Trixie to be a much more relatable heroine than Nancy Drew (although I love Nancy very much) - closer to my age when I was reading these, a big family with lots of brothers, parents who make her do chores, her yearning for a horse, her enjoyment in being outside, etc. Trixie's adventures always felt more like something that ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) almost COULD happen in real life haha

Friends, we need a hashtag for our little reading group!! I'm open to suggestions - something with Bobwhite???

Did you enjoy your reread? Were there parts that you hadn't remembered or that surprised you? Was there anything that surprised you in a bad way?

I had forgotten that Trixie is kind of mean to Honey at first - thinks she's a wimp and laughs at her. I enjoyed seeing Trixie soften as the ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) story went on. It felt like their friendship developed well.

One thing that seemed weird to me on this reread - Trixie has so much love and respect for her parents that it honestly felt a little odd that she wouldn't trust them with Jim's secret. I understood why, but I honestly feel like in real life she would have confided in them for help. What do you think?

I was a bit shocked by the entire stray/“mad“ dog storyline. Why did this ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) dog keep chasing them!? And Jim just SHOOTS it?!!? My goodness!

I also hadn't realized that this book was originally published in 1948. My edition is 1977. I couldn't find any information as to whether these books got rewrites like Nancy Drew and some of the others did, but I think maybe no? Or not dramatically?

The ending feels a little abrupt. I know it's leading right into book two, where they head out to try and find Jim, but it ⬇
See All 18 Comments
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) still felt sudden.

As an adult reader, I'm now somewhat interested in the adults in the story. What do you think of Trixie's parents, Honey's parents, and Honey's substitute parents aka Reagan and Miss Trask?

I honestly could talk about this book all day and how much I enjoyed it, so please let me know your thoughts and feel free to ask questions of your own!! There are only six of us, so when you comment, do tag everyone else who ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) has commented so we can keep the conversation going 😁 And let me know if you have any hashtag ideas 😂 #BobwhiteBash? #TrixieTroubles? Should we just be #BobwhitesoftheGlen?

@curiouserandcurioser @BookmarkTavern @DebinHawaii @Read4life @lauraisntwilder
TheAromaofBooks Oh, and my actual hashtags for this book's review...

#192025 - 1948 - @Librarybelle
#WickedWords - Athlete @AsYouWish
#ISpyBingo - Blue Eyes, Front Porch
#SeriesLove2024 @TheSpineView @Andrew65
Librarybelle Oh wow! 1948! 1mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 1mo
MaleficentBookDragon I ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ these as a kid! My parents would buy me a new one for birthdays, doing chores, good grades, etc. BUT, never fast enough for my reading speed. I actually just donated my collection to the library and kind of regret it.😞 1mo
MaleficentBookDragon @TheAromaofBooks 1948?!?! I too thought they were written in the 70s. Can I join? 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @MaleficentBookDragon - I would love to have you along!! We are planning to read one book a month with a discussion around the 30th of each month. 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @MaleficentBookDragon - My understanding is that the same person wrote the first six books, which were published in 1948 and then throughout the 50s. Then, similar to the way Nancy Drew, etc., were written, the rest (33 more books!) were written by several people under the name of “Kathryn Kenny“ in the 60s through the 80s. I also always thought of these as more 70s books (maybe because of my editions) and hadn't realized they started so early! 1mo
lauraisntwilder My mom read these when she was about the same age as Trixie, which would've been in the early 60s. She told me the first one she got was the 3rd one and she spent Christmas day reading it and was "no help to anyone." ? I don't know what happened to her books though because I've never read them. I can see why she liked them though! I understood why Trixie didn't tell her parents about Jim. It wasn't that she didn't trust them, but that she ⬇️ 1mo
lauraisntwilder (Cont'd) wanted Jim to trust her. He asked her not to tell & she didn't want him to doubt her. I was surprised at how many things went wrong. A snake bite, both girls being thrown from horses or nearly being run over on a bike, the mad dog, a plane crash, a house fire, & I don't think that's everything! Trixie feels much more like a real person than Nancy Drew, who can do everything. @curiouserandcurioser @BookmarkTavern @DebinHawaii @Read4life 1mo
BookmarkTavern #BobwhiteBuddies ? I hadn‘t realized just how much happens in just one book! But I totally got Trixie‘s hesitance. Making real solid friends for the first time, and then being trusted with their secrets? I would have kept my mouth shut too. 😄 And I love how the parents aren‘t stupid, evil, or absent. Except Honey‘s parents. 😅 @lauraisntwilder @DebinHawaii @curiouserandcurioser @Read4life (edited) 1mo
curiouserandcurioser @TheAromaofBooks @BookmarkTavern @DebinHawaii @Read4life @lauraisntwilder @MaleficentBookDragon I had forgotten how much I LOVE Trixie!:) i also love Nancy Drew so much, but I think Trixie is probably much more relatable! Even though Trixie was kindof mean to Honey at first, I really enjoyed how their friendship developed. I also wouldnt mind reading more than one each month!❤ 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @lauraisntwilder @BookmarkTavern @curiouserandcurioser - There were definitely a LOT of adventures in just one book 😂 I loved how while Trixie was a “natural“ at riding a horse, she still wasn't perfect right away and made mistakes. And like Krysta said, I really like how Trixie's parents seem like regular, kind, reasonable parents. I can definitely remember Trixie feeling more like a real person to me because she also had to do chores and ⬇ 1mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) and babysit her little brother!! I'm already so excited about reading the next book!! 1mo
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The Secret Garden | F. Burnett
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It had been several years since my last reread of this one, and this spring it just felt right to pick it up. There is SO much to love about this delightful book, and I loved revisiting it. I will say that at one point it feels like Burnett kind of gets a little weird about “the Magic“ but overall this is still a heart book.

Pictured with some of the flats of annuals I purchased today... getting ready to get my own garden going!!!

TheAromaofBooks #ISpyBingo
#TPRC - I'll Meet You Again in 25 Years @Yuki_Onna
julieclair Lovely book, lovely flowers! 1mo
Yuki_Onna 👏 1mo
82 likes3 comments
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When @BarbaraJean reviewed this one last year I knew I had to read it because LOOK AT THAT COVER 😂 Overall, I loved this book - with the exception of the ending which felt strangely, almost disorientingly, abrupt. I felt that I had become very attached to these characters and their journey, and was left with a lot of unanswered questions about their future. I mean, it wasn't a cliffhanger. It just didn't tidy up. But the rest was delightfully ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) magical and well worth reading.

BarbaraJean The cover is what sold me as well!! Well, that and Hilary McKay in general 😁 I remember wanting more from the ending as well. But I do love McKay's messy, lovable families! Have you read any of her Casson family books? 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarbaraJean - I haven't read any of her other books, but I will definitely be checking some of them out because this book had SO much that I really liked!! 1mo
70 likes3 comments
Sourcery | Terry Pratchett
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Pratchett has been on my radar for quite some time, but I've never actually jumped in. So when @julesg said that the #OokBookClub was starting over, this seemed like a great time to give his writing a whirl. I enjoyed but wasn't mind-blown by this one, but the consensus seems to be that it isn't his best, and this was still an easy pick. I'm looking forward to working through some of these, as I found the characters, world-building, and humor ⬇

Librarybelle Nice! I‘ve yet to read anything by Pratchett! 1mo
BarbaraJean Ohhh, I hadn't seen that #OokBookClub was starting over... I may have to jump into that! Because I need more buddy reads 😂 I've only read Pratchett's Tiffany Aching series, and then Mort--and I loved all of them. 1mo
See All 9 Comments
TheSpineView Great job! Currently working on this book. Maybe will finish tomorrow. 1mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 1mo
julesG @Librarybelle you can always join us for a book or more 😉 1mo
Librarybelle Thanks, @julesG ! Maybe someday I will pick up the book… #somanybookssolittletime 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarbaraJean - Yes, and that group runs from the 8th of the month to the 8th of the next month, so if you want to join you still have over a week to read the first book!! 😁 1mo
BarbaraJean @TheAromaofBooks My thought exactly!! I just checked it out on Hoopla…😁 1mo
59 likes9 comments
Stormy Springtime | Betty Neels
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Oh my word, I cannot BELIEVE that it's the end of April! #BookSpin day is less than a week away!!! We've had a very rainy/stormy month but it looks like this weekend the weather is FINALLY going to be cooperative. I'm ready to open the windows and let the sunshine in!!!

If you're interested in spinning with me this month, it's time to think about your lists (if you haven't already). As always, no worries if you'd like to be removed (or added) ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) from the list.

More details on how the challenge works can be found from the link in my profile - https://thearomaofbooks.wordpress.com/bookspin-bookspinbingo-litsy-challenge/ - or feel free to ask any questions you may have!!!

The link for tracking your reads for the end-of-the-year giveaway (each spin completed = one entry, and I draw five winners to receive a book!!) - https://forms.gle/Cb63LhTodq5CoRhHA
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) Stardew Valley has a STRANGLEHOLD on my free time right now, but maybe I'll get more reading in for May 😂 Hope everyone's April is going well, and I can't wait to see everyone's lists!!! 1mo
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Librarybelle Woohoo! I have been thinking about my list! 1mo
Sace I think I‘m still contemplating, adding, subtracting and polishing, but I might have a list ready for May! 1mo
Bookwormjillk Send some rain this way! We‘re dry as a bone and the pollen is killing me. I‘ll get a list together soon, 1mo
MaGoose I'll have to contemplate about what I'll want to read, but I will definitely have a list ready by the end of the weekend. 1mo
PuddleJumper I refuse. It is still March! 🤣 1mo
TheSpineView Not ready... send caffeine 1mo
claudiuo Not ready for May, no way! List not ready either, but it will be done. 1mo
peanutnine I literally woke up this morning thinking "April 30th is a Tuesday so we still have over a week left of the month... Wait" ??‍♀️ Anyway my May list is almost ready ? 1mo
bookandbedandtea My list is ready but I cannot believe how this year is speeding along 🙀 1mo
Suet624 I think I‘m still trying to get to my February book spin selection. 🥴 please keep me on your list. Hopefully things will settle down soon. 1mo
Eggs Thx 🙏🏻 1mo
Amandakay Ready!! ☀️ 1mo
kelli7990 I haven‘t made my list yet for May. I still need to start reading one of my books from my #readyourkindle list. I only read 6 books from my #bookspin list this month but they were Netgalley ARCs. I‘m looking forward to not having any more ARCs to read for a while. I signed up for Fall ARCs from St. Martin‘s Press so I don‘t know what I‘ll be approved for but I‘m looking forward to reading what I want instead of priority reads. 1mo
BookmarkTavern I‘m not ready for April to be over! 🫣😅 1mo
DieAReader 😏I‘ll be working on my list those weekend📚 1mo
janeycanuck HOW IS IT MAY?! I haven‘t even started my April books!!! 1mo
gossamerchild @janeycanuck I'm SO glad I'm not the only one! 1mo
tokorowilliamwallace Almost no rain where I am in Florida. And it's often still cool at night. 1mo
CoffeeK8 Can you add me to the list! Thanks! 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @CoffeeK8 - Absolutely!!! Glad to have you along!! 1mo
Crazeedi I need to post my list, April has been crazy 1mo
rachelsbrittain I think @sebrittainclark convinced me to try it out this month! Gonna work on a list for May 1mo
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The Robe | Lloyd C. Douglas
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(thru ch15) - I'm really enjoying Marcellus's journey as he learns different stories and tales of Jesus. I love the way he is coming up with “practical“ explanations for the miracles he is hearing about - but as the reader we know that at some point he is going to have to decide whether or not to take a leap of faith.

I'm anxious to find out what is happening with some of the other characters, though! Diana, Demetrius, and Marcellus's family!!

BarkingMadRead I can‘t wait until he realizes he can‘t explain it all away. I feel like it‘s going to happen sooner rather than later! 1mo
UwannaPublishme I think if I were living in this time period and heard some of these stories, I‘d be a Doubting Thomas too! Without faith, they do seem very far-fetched. 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead @UwannaPublishme - I feel like Marcellus's explanations for many of the miracles make sense, and I love his efforts to rationalize them. But now he is starting to hear stories that can't just be explained away and I'm SO intrigued to see how he takes it! 1mo
45 likes4 comments
East of Eden | J. Steinbeck
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We should be finished with The Robe by the end of April, which gives us a fresh slate for starting East of Eden. I have a kind of love/hate relationship with Steinbeck's writing, so we'll see what happens 😂 Some of the chapters are long, but some are really short, so I think we're going to go with a chapter a day and hope it averages out. There are 55 chapters, so this one will carry into June. We may take a little break around Memorial Day if ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) it feels like we need some catch up time, or just a break from what I'm assuming (being Steinbeck) will be fairly unrelenting depression haha

June is going to be a Kipling I've never read. July is going to be tricky because I own two copies of Robinson Crusoe and they both have wildly different chapter divisions. So. That's fun. We'll figure that out when we get there haha

Tagging the master list, so let me know if you want to be on ⬇
Librarybelle I‘m in for May! I have a copy of East of Eden ready to go!! 1mo
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SaceReads I might be able to make May. I‘ll definitely be on board for November. I‘d love to be tagged, even though I‘ll mainly be watching from the sidelines. 1mo
SaceReads Oh! I just searched my bookshelf and I have The Red Pony too! Maybe I can make it for September too. I love John Steinbeck. 1mo
BarkingMadRead I‘m ready to go!! 1mo
Bklover Please include me on the list! 1mo
TheBookHippie I too feel this way 😂😂😂 I put it on hold should be here in time!!! 1mo
Read4life I‘m ready to go for May! 🤓 1mo
CogsOfEncouragement I appreciate this schedule. I‘ll join in for July and November. 1mo
BarbaraJean Ohhh, would you tag me for East of Eden? I often think about re-reading it, and you know my weakness for buddy reads… 😆 Two of my current buddy reads will end in April, and Kindred Spirits is starting up again, so why not slot in another buddy read to keep my overcommitments going? 😂 1mo
julieclair I‘m in! I have always wanted to read East of Eden. And @BarbaraJean is there any way to live other than in a state of overcommitment? 🫠🥴 1mo
BarbaraJean @julieclair When it comes to reading commitments for me, apparently there is no other way to live!! 😂 1mo
SamAnne I‘m in. Really looking forward to finally reading this Steinbeck! 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarbaraJean - That's the kind of can-do attitude I like to see around Litsy 😂 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarbaraJean @BarkingMadRead @Bklover @Librarybelle @Read4life @SaceReads @TheBookHippie - Okay, I have all of you down for East of Eden!! Literally know nothing about it, although my copy's blurb describes it as a “sprawling and often brutal novel“ so that sounds super fun 😂 😂 😂 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @SamAnne - Accidentally skipped you in the previous comment, but I have you on the list, too!! 1mo
TheBookHippie @TheAromaofBooks I have zero knowledge… 😂 1mo
Read4life @TheAromaofBooks @TheBookHippie We‘re going in clueless together! 🤣 1mo
CoffeeNBooks I would love to read Robinson Crusoe with you all in July- it's been sitting on my bookshelf for years! 1mo
TheAromaofBooks @SaceReads @CogsOfEncouragement @CoffeeNBooks - Yay!! I would love to have you along for later this year!!! I'll tag everyone each month and you can remind if you want to read along that month or not haha 1mo
CoffeeNBooks @TheAromaofBooks Thank you!! I put a reminder in my calendar so I wouldn't forget which month I'm joining. 😁 1mo
Catsandbooks I'd love to join you for Fahrenheit 451 in August! I've been meaning to do a reread 1mo
ChelseaM6010 Oh, crumbs! I thought I had responded to this 😰🫣🙃😅 I am planning on returning for Robinson Crusoe in July! 🙂 3w
TheAromaofBooks @ChelseaM6010 - No worries, I'll be creating that tag list when I get a little closer haha But check your copy... I have two copies and one has chapters and one doesn't!!! So I'm not completely sure how to divide up the buddy read LOL 3w
54 likes25 comments
The Phantom Tollbooth | Norton Juster
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This one has been on my want-to-reread list forever, so having it be a #Roll100 pick this month gave me that final nudge! While some parts of this story feel a little cluttered, overall it's just such a fun little story with some delightfully memorable characters. Feiffer's illustrations really add so much.

PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 1mo
Librarybelle I‘m amazed I‘ve yet to read this! 1mo
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage This book is one of my childhood favorites 1mo
Ruthiella I only first read this a few years ago as an adult. I remember it being in the school library in elementary school but I never picked it up. I think I thought it was about math. 😆 1mo
86 likes1 stack add5 comments
Fragile: A Novel | Lisa Unger
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Despite the cover blurb, I don't think I would term this one as “nail-biting“. However, it did keep me turning the pages. This is a sort of character-study thriller, with a slow reveal of backstories and motivations, exploring both a current and past case. While I did have some mixed feelings about some aspects, overall I enjoyed it and actually reserved the second book at the library. 😁

TheAromaofBooks Great #LMPBC pick @Jerdencon !!! @bookandbedandtea I'll mail this one sometime next week!!!! @robinb 1mo
PuddleJumper ❤️❤️ 1mo
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robinb Sounds good! I actually finished mine last night and will get it out next week as well! @TheAromaofBooks @Jerdencon @bookandbedandtea @suvata (edited) 1mo
Jerdencon I finished mine too - hoping to get it in the mail on Saturday otherwise will send it out on 4/29 when I get back from vacation. @robinb 1mo
TheAromaofBooks This one is on the way to you @bookandbedandtea !!! @Jerdencon @robinb 1mo
bookandbedandtea @TheAromaofBooks Are you able to track it, Sarah? I haven't received it yet. 4w
TheAromaofBooks @bookandbedandtea - Oh no!!!! I have been looking everywhere for the tracking number and can't find it 😔 I'm so sorry... I hope it hasn't gone missing completely! But it definitely should have been there by now!!! @Jerdencon @robinb 4w
68 likes9 comments
The Secret of the Mansion | Julie Campbell
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Now that we've finished our Nancy Drew read for the month, I'm starting another childhood nostalgia series!! I read Nancy when I was younger, 9-10ish, and didn't discover Trixie until I was a little older, maybe 12-13. I remember finding her a more relatable character - where Nancy is almost superhuman in her skills, Trixie, with her everyday family, love of horses, and parents who made her do homework, felt more approachable! A few of us are ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) are going to read these together, one book a month, with discussions around the 30th. Anyone is free to join us!!

@curiouserandcurioser @BookmarkTavern @DebinHawaii - really looking forward to rereading these!!!
mabell I LOVED Trixie!! I would look for her in secondhand shops on road trips growing up! I haven‘t read them since I was young, and I would be nervous to in case they‘re different than I remember 😬 2mo
DGRachel I never read this series. Tempting! 2mo
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UwannaPublishme How did I miss this series? 🤔 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @mabell @DGRachel @UwannaPublishme - I also loved these because HORSES 😂 I remember wishing that I had a rich friend with stables right up the road!! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @mabell - you should join us for the first book and then go from there!!! 2mo
DebinHawaii Woo Hoo! I am excited & need to go dig book 1 off my bookshelves! 🎉📚🎉 Yay for Trixie & the Bob-Whites! 2mo
Read4life I have this series. Please tag me. I‘d love to join you. 2mo
lauraisntwilder I've been wanting to read these! My mom loved them, but her copies are lost somewhere in her house. (They were old, with pulpy paper, so I wonder if they've been stored poorly and have turned to dust!) I've been searching online, but haven't had much luck. I may have to read them as ebooks. 2mo
curiouserandcurioser @TheAromaofBooks I'm so excited for this! I love Trixie Belden!! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @Read4life @lauraisntwilder - I added you both to the tag list!! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @lauraisntwilder - My copies are all cheap ones from the 70s, so I am going to have to read them with caution!! Hope you can find them somewhere!! 2mo
mjtwo I was such a huge fan and still have most of the series at my parents‘ house. My youngest daughter is actually named Beatrix, which is my secret tribute. No one else seems to remember them! Such a lovely surprise to see it on Litsy. 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @mjtwo - Well if you find your copies and would like to join us, feel free to jump in any time!! That's actually fantastic about your daughter being named Beatrix - I think it's such a fun name!! 2mo
mabell @TheAromaofBooks It does sound fun! Are you starting April 30 or May? I still haven‘t started The Wind in the Willows 😅😆 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @mabell - We are starting this month, and then one book a month going forward. I actually haven't started Willows yet either! 😂 1mo
59 likes16 comments
The Robe | Lloyd C. Douglas
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(thru ch10) No idea what is going on with this whacky cover 😂

Whew, a lot of drama in this week's chapters!!! Marcellus is on the mend, but determined that there has to be some kind of logical/non-spiritual reason for everything that has happened to him. I really loved meeting Benjamin, and the whole section where he is closely questioning M as to whether or not Jesus was really, truly dead is goosebumpy, knowing that His followers are now ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) claiming that He is alive!!

Demetrius has now given up freedom TWICE to save Marcellus - once when he chose not to run away, and once when he refused Gallio's certificate of freedom. I was really amazed by this level of love and friendship - I'm not sure that I would be able to do that.

Any thoughts/complaints/intrigue from this week's reading? These chapters are lonnnng!!!!
TheBookHippie I bailed already 😬 2mo
See All 10 Comments
TheAromaofBooks @TheBookHippie - No worries, pretty much everyone who “signed up“ for this month said they were probably weren't going to finish 😂 Do you want me to take you off the tag list for this one? 2mo
TheBookHippie @TheAromaofBooks yes I‘ll see you all next book 🤣 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @TheBookHippie - Sounds good!!! 😆 2mo
UwannaPublishme Like you, I loved the chapters about Benjamin. I‘m looking forward to finding out more about his connection with the Apostles. He must have one! I was very wary about Demetrius telling Theodosia the whole story about Marcellus and the strange mysticism of the robe and then Marcellus‘ father spilling all the beans to Tiberius (who seems like quite a slimy character). I feel that one of these confidences will surely backfire on Marcellus. 2mo
UwannaPublishme I thought the author did a good job of portraying M‘s mental agony over his role in the tragic event. And also in using the robe that Marcellus was so fearful of, as the element that healed him. 2mo
BarkingMadRead I just finished it, it‘s really good! I didn‘t think I would like it, but I did! 1mo
BarkingMadRead Also, I was so impressed with Demetrius, not taking his freedom when it was offered. I hope he gets to accept freedom in the future! 1mo
43 likes10 comments
Swallowdale | Arthur Ransome
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Another series I'm rereading this year - absolutely LOVED the Swallows & Amazons books when I first read them, so I'm going through them again. This is the second book in the series, full of exploring, pirates, shipwrecks, mountain climbing, caves, and more! Every page was a delight.

65 likes3 comments
Crocodile on the Sandbank | Elizabeth Peters
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I've been wanting to reread this series for quite some time, so I was pleased when the first book was chosen as this month's read for the #BakerStreetIrregulars, giving me an excuse to kick off the series reread!! This book was just as funny and entertaining as I remember, with just delightful characters and a romp of a mystery. I remember reading that Peters wasn't intending this to be a series originally, so this one ends with a HEA epilogue ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) but I'm definitely planning to reread the other 19 books in the series as well. Is it because I'm using this as an excuse to slowly purchase all of them in these gorgeous editions? No comment 😂

@CatLass007 @StayCurious
#SeriesLove2024 @TheSpineView @Andrew65
#WickedWords - Voyage @AsYouWish
#GottaCatchEmAll - Impractical Clothes (Vespiquen) @PuddleJumper
TheSpineView Fantastic!🤩📖📚 2mo
mabell Those are great editions! 2mo
See All 7 Comments
CatLass007 It‘s always a pleasure to tempt someone into doing something they already want to do. 2mo
PuddleJumper ❤️❤️ 2mo
StayCurious I love those editions! 2mo
Hooked_on_books What a pretty stack! 2mo
66 likes7 comments
The Robe | Lloyd C. Douglas
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(thru ch 5) Well! We've been given quite the set up. What do you think of the characters so far? I feel like I should make it clear that I don't know much about the culture from this era/place, so I will NOT be speaking about the inaccuracies and/or accuracies thereof 😂 Marcellus and Demetrius are both intriguing characters to me. I really admired Marcellus's determination to make the best of a bad situation, trying to live up to his ideals. ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) What do you think of Lloyd's portrayal of Jesus? I thought it was so interesting that M&D don't actually know what is going on at the trial because they don't speak the same language, something that I hadn't really thought about.

Also, does five chapters a week seem about right? Also, a few of you said you weren't even sure you wanted to read this book, so no hard feelings if you've decided to bail, just let me know 😂
BarkingMadRead I‘ve liked it so far! I‘ve enjoyed all the characters, even the drunken soldiers at the fort, or whatever it is 🤣 I think (personally, being a person who doesn‘t go to church much) that Jesus was portrayed really well and I was especially interested in his interactions with D. I think I read one chapter ahead, so I‘m gonna stop here 🤣 2mo
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julieclair I really want to read this, but doubt I will have time this month. But please keep me on the tag list. 2mo
UwannaPublishme I‘m enjoying it too! Since I‘ve seen the movie so many times, I can‘t help picturing Richard Burton and Victor Mature as I‘m reading. I like the portrayal of Jesus…just enough snippets interwoven in M & D‘s story since we already know the details. Great bond of friendship and dedication between both M & D! Chapters are reeeeeeeally long, but I‘ll try to keep up. 😅 2mo
UwannaPublishme @BarkingMadRead I was also moved by how Jesus made such an impact on D without uttering a word. Powerful! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks I thought Lloyd did such a good job setting up his cast of characters without getting too bogged down in details. Both Marcellus and Demetrius are very admirable in their own ways, and I liked the way Marcellus came into the fort like a boss and got everyone in line 😂 I've never seen the movie, so I'll be interested to hear how you think they compare @UwannaPublishme !!! @BarkingMadRead @julieclair 2mo
UwannaPublishme Oh, you must see the movie! There‘s also a second movie, a sequel about Demetrius. I‘m planning to watch them both after reading the book. Then I may have to pass them along to you. 😊 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @UwannaPublishme - Mom may have a copy of the movie somewhere; I feel like she has seen it. The book also has a sequel!! It's called The Big Fisherman, but while I read The Robe back in the mists of antiquity, I haven't ever read The Big Fisherman. This book is more engrossing than I remember it being (maybe just because I'm older now??) so I may try the sequel when I'm done!! 2mo
UwannaPublishme I had no idea that this book had a sequel. Hmm… I may have to check it out. When I looked it up, I noticed a movie based on the book The Big Fisherman was released in 1959. 2mo
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Never Fall Again | Lynn H Blackburn
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On the whole, I really enjoyed this romantic suspense, although I did find the suspense part to be a bit unevenly paced. The characters are likable and I totally shipped the main couple. I also liked that Landry was becoming part of an entire community/support system, not just learning to depend on one person. I had a few niggles, but found this to be a solid start to a new series.

Chrissyreadit are we reading The Wind in the Willows? 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @Chrissyreadit - Yes!! Here's the link!! 😁 (I had posted it at the end of the Powder & Patch discussion) https://app.thestorygraph.com/readalongs/55eb62d4-71c3-4792-acff-84ec79754f12 2mo
Chrissyreadit omg!! i bet i read it at work and never thought about it!!! my annoying foggy brain! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @Chrissyreadit - No worries!! I feel like I have been in a spinning circle of forgetfulness the last few weeks!! 😂 2mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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Bwahaha the Fates have been KIND to us this month, friends!! BookSpin, DoubleSpin, and a free space all in the same row!!! Funny story, I had already drawn the BS number like a week ago because I'm in charge and can find out my own BS read early 😂 but didn't draw the DS number until after I had filled in the card! I couldn't believe when I pulled the 2!

Good luck, everyone!!

My regular monthly text/info below ⬇

TheAromaofBooks Here's the #BookSpinBingo card! First, I put our official numbers (11 & 2) back in the mix. Then I drew them all out & wrote them down as I went, meaning the official numbers are just mixed into the card with the rest! As you can see, 21-25 are both labeled with their numbers & also as free spaces, so you can use them to match however you wrote your list. To score a bingo, just read books (in any order) that are in any row or column!! MORE INFO ⬇ 2mo
TheAromaofBooks 1 - I don't tag anyone on this post except for @LitsyEvents but anyone is welcome to play along!!
2 - Remember – NO PRESSURE!!!! If this starts to stress you out, just take that page right out of your journal and pretend it never existed!! This challenge is to encourage you to read, not to make you feel like reading is a chore!!!
3 - FREE SPACES can be filled with any book that is NOT already on your list!! ⬇
TheAromaofBooks 4 & final - As a reminder, only the “official” BookSpin/DoubleSpin numbers will count towards giveaway entries. I don‘t want the giveaway to be stacked against people who aren‘t able to read lots of books each month. So basically there is still a maximum of 2 entries possible per month no matter how many books you read from your list. This bingo card is just for fun & glory! 😁

Thanks for playing & happy reading!!!
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BarkingMadRead Ha! One of the books we are reading with the #Brigade is on that list because I wanted to read it and I‘m in charge 🤣🤣🤣 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead - Right!? What's the point of leading a challenge if you don't get to cheat for yourself?? 😂 2mo
claudiuo Thank you so much for the #BookSpinBingo card! Now April can start for real! 😃 2mo
LeslieO Good luck for me- I started my #BookSpin yesterday! 2mo
Bookbuyingaddict Yeah 👍 it‘s here thank you thank you thank you ☺️ so look forward to this every month 🥰🥰happy reading 📖😘 2mo
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