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Joined October 2016

Favorite authors: Per Petterson, Lorrie Moore, Hiromi Kawakami. Favorite genres: Literary fiction, mysteries.
BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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May was a blur! My nephew graduated college and my son finished middle school, so I spent time traveling to a graduation and my parents stayed with us for a week for 8th grade crossover and Memorial Day Weekend. I didn't read as much as I wanted, but I did finish my #bookspin and #doublespin. Hoping for a quiet June! 🤞 @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Fantastic month!!!! 15h
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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Here's my #bookspinbingo list for June, without a second to spare! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 15h
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Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm | Kate Douglas Wiggin
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I don't know about this one. The beginning was really cute and there were some nice moments throughout, but it felt like Wiggin was in a hurry to finish. Rebecca's time at Wareham is so glossed over and, by that time, the relationship with Mr. Aladdin was starting to give me the creeps. It felt like we were racing towards a bad ending, which wasn't totally true. I didn't like the ending (too easy), but it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be.

Hag | Kirsty Logan, Eimear Mcbride, Daisy Johnson, Naomi Booth, Mahsuda Snaith, Natasha Carthew, Emma Glass, Liv Little
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I found this book because I'm (im)patiently waiting for Daisy Johnson to write another book. Her story was first and fantastic, but the rest were great, too. I especially loved "Sour Hall" by Naomi Booth and "The Dampness Is Spreading" by Emma Glass.

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I'm loving these Trixie books so far. It was a huge missed opportunity that no one adapted these into a movie starring Hayley Mills around the time she did "The Parent Trap." #bobwhitebuddies

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I liked how this book balanced out the somewhat light main plot with heavier "research" sections. Fawcett was successful in making the faeries both charming and cruelly dispassionate.

Anne of Avonlea | L.M. Montgomery
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I'm hoping to do some catch-up posts today, but first, here are the new bookish stickers on my water bottle. 💕

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I haven't read much this week because we've had house guests. Today I took them for a day trip to New Orleans, so naturally I stopped by Faulkner House. I found a signed Ellen Gilchrist novel that I don't already own! 💙

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Bess has quickly become my favorite character I'm this series. 😂 This installment was much more straightforward than others have been. And Ned finally showed up!

Librarybelle Yay for Ned finally appearing! 3w
dabbe Bess provides the comic relief! 🤩 3w
lauraisntwilder @dabbe She does! 3w
bookandbedandtea I relate strongly to Bess! 😄 3w
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Little Women, Good Wives | Louisa May Alcott
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I'm not sure why I own three copies of this book, since I've only just read it for the first time. I loved it. I expected to, but I loved it for all the ways it wasn't quite what I expected. Poor Amy gets a bad rap in the movie adaptations, but she ended up being a favorite of mine by the end. Of course, I loved them all and cried several times.

BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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Here's my #bookspinbingo card for May. My #bookspin is Little Women and my #doublespin is Hag. Thanks (as always!), Sarah! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks fantastic!! 1mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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HOW is it May already? Here's my #bookspinbingo card for April. These were all pretty good books, so it was a good month. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!! Not ready for May, though!!! 1mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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This picture looks a little like I took it in a dark cave, but nevertheless, here's my #bookspin list for May! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1mo
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Secret of the Mansion | Julie Campbell
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I finally broke down and ordered some Trixie Belden books from eBay, then I found a couple at a used bookstore. These were books my mom loved as a girl, but her copies have vanished. This first one was really charming (except for all the times they had chocolate with lemonade--and once it was pineapple juice 🤮). I can tell I'm going to like these.

Fire Will Freeze | Margaret Millar
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This was just delightful. I laughed out loud more than once at the sarcastic and witty comments in the narration and dialogue. The story unfolded beautifully, definitely a "this is why it's a classic" situation. I look forward to reading the others books in this massive collection.

Sing to It | Amy Hempel
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The last story in the collection, which was almost a novella on its own, was excellent. The others were good, but some were incredibly short. Flash fiction isn't really my thing. So, the writing is great, but not always to my taste.

This was my #bookspin for April. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1mo
sarahbarnes People have recommended her stories to me and I‘ve still never read her. Maybe I‘ll give it a try one of these days. 1mo
lauraisntwilder @sarahbarnes She's pretty fantastic, really, even if I was lukewarm about this collection. 1mo
sarahbarnes Good to know - is there one you‘d recommend? 1mo
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Yesterday evening. 🌼 🌸 📖 🎧

Jalna | Mazo de la Roche
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I wanted to read this because of all that was said about it in Mary Rubio's bio of LM Montgomery. The critics in the late 1920s said Jalna was an example of the way forward for Canadian literature, with Montgomery's books being relegated to children's books exclusively. I started this with a feeling of loyalty towards LMM and wanted to hate it, but I didn't. It had some moments/lines that didn't age well, but that's true for most books from 1927.

lauraisntwilder I hated the grandmother though! 1mo
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Manazuru | Hiromi Kawakami
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Manazuru was the last of Hiromi Kawakami's books (that have been translated into English) that I hadn't read -- until Under the Eye of the Big Bird comes out in September. This one was quieter than some of her others. The fantastical parts weren't as colorful as in Dragon Palace or People from my Neighborhood. The pace was on the slow side, but once I got into it, I found it to be a gripping rumination on grief and memory.

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Fire Will Freeze | Margaret Millar
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"So Maudie, who had been on the verge of fainting for twenty years, finally accomplished it and was bundled back into the bedroom by Herbert." ? Also, the print in this book is so tiny!

The Lying Life of Adults | Elena Ferrante
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I finally read this and of course I loved it, just like I have loved all the Elena Ferrante books I've read.

Amor4Libros I have not read this but watched the Netflix show and I loved it! 2mo
lauraisntwilder @Amor4Libros I haven't watched that yet, but I plan to. It looks so good! 1mo
Amor4Libros @lauraisntwilder I hope you like it! 1mo
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This is the only Nancy Drew book I know for sure I read as a kid. I checked it out of the school library. One day, while I was reading, a boy (who everyone universally thought was really cute) interrupted me. He asked, "What's the secret?" I said, "I don't know yet." I never thought much of him after that. ? All I remembered of the book was people walking around wearing sheets in the night. Reading it now, this was one of the better ones so far.

Librarybelle Agreed! One of the better ones for sure! 2mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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The Turquoise Shop | Frances Crane
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I enjoy reading older mysteries, but the open racism and xenophobia can sometimes be a distraction. It was interesting, then, in this one, when the main character's preconceptions caused her to miss what was really happening. I enjoyed the easy dialogue and it felt (again, except for the open racism) much more recent than the 1940s. I would like to read more in this series--if I can find them. The others might be out of print.

lauraisntwilder Oh, I forgot! This was my #doublespin for April! @TheAromaofBooks 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Great review!!! 2mo
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A Midsummer Night's Dream | William Shakespeare
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My son has been assigned Shakespeare for the first time. 🤎 I decided we needed to read outside with fairy lights. My husband and I read from these two copies of mine from college, while my son read his parts from his copy from school. We had snacks and the weather was lovely. I can't wait to start Act 2 and meet Puck again.

Ruthiella What a wonderful family activity! 😃 2mo
Clare-Dragonfly How lovely! 2mo
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Unlikely Animals | Annie Hartnett
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I finished Unlikely Animals yesterday, just before Annie Hartnett's speaking engagement tonight. I had met her years ago, before Rabbit Cake came out (my signed copy is an ARC). I have loved both of her novels so much. Unlikely Animals was absolutely charming. She said tonight that she has another book that will hopefully come out in June of 2025. Yay!

Kimzey I was there too! My book club is reading Unlikely Animals this month. 2mo
jlhammar Excited to hear that we‘re getting a new one from her next year! I loved this book. 2mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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My April #bookspinbingo board is ready to go! My #bookspin is Sing to It and my #doublespin is The Turquoise Shop. Thanks, Sarah! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Looks fantastic!!! 2mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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Here's my #bookspin list for April, just in time. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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Here's my #bookspinbingo card for March. I haven't gotten a bingo yet this year! 😂 Oh well! Family Meal was great and I love, love, loved The Postcard. A good month overall. Thanks, @TheAromaofBooks!

Family Meal | Bryan Washington
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These PJs are ridiculous, but I'm including them b/c I neglected my TBR in preparation for and recovering from a trip to WDW with my sister. I did manage to finish this today though. It didn't grab me quite like Memorial did, but it was still great. Washington creates such complete, believable characters. His writing continues to impress me. The connection between love & food is beautifully done. This was my #bookspin for March. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
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For everyone doing the #NancyDrewBR, I just discovered there's a video game based on this one.


There's a whole series of these video games, apparently. This one is at least 20 years old and doesn't look like it has aged well. The trailer was entertaining to watch though!

PurpleyPumpkin Wow, I had no idea there were ND video games! Very interesting. 🕵️ 3mo
Librarybelle Thanks for posting this!! 3mo
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It's been a while since I read the second Sidney Chambers book, and it was nice to slip back into Sidney's world again. There are four mysteries in this installment, in addition to the overarching storylines of Sidney and Geordie's private lives. I can't help but compare the books to the TV show and, at this point, they have very little in common.

This was my ##doublespin for March. @TheAromaofBooks

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I liked that Nancy left River Heights and found a mystery somewhere else. Even in this updated edition, the language was a bit dated in some parts (but definitely could've been worse). The overlapping mysteries were simpler than in previous books, but I enjoyed the descriptions of the scenery and all the rides on mountain trails. And I got to "meet" George and Bess! #NancyDrewBR

Librarybelle The scenery description was terrific! 3mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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Oh my goodness, that ending! The whole book was fantastic -- poignant, compulsively readable, wonderful characters -- but the ending was so beautiful. I've told my mom and sister they need to read it, too. I think the most powerful part, for me, was when she addresses the idea of “only being Jewish when it suits her.“ The ever-present fear she described was so palpable. #EuropaCollective

jlhammar Yes, loved the ending! Great review. Sure to be one of my favorite reads this year. 3mo
squirrelbrain I loved the ending too - sad, but kind of not, in some way. 3mo
BarbaraBB Yes that was such a powerful part, when that woman accused her of being Jewish only when it suited her. And that ending, so beautiful 3mo
tpixie Great review. So many feelings! This will surely be one of my favorites of the year! 3mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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Here's my ##bookspinbingo board for March. I'm feeling hopeful that I'll get more reading time this month. My #bookspin is Family Meal and my #doublespin is the third in the Sidney Chambers series. Thank you, Sarah! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Looks fabulous!! 3mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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I was so busy in February. My parents came for a visit and we spent a different weekend out of town for a robotics competition for my son's school team. That was two whole weekends with zero reading. I read my #bookspin, but I'm still working on my #doublespin. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Still a great month!!! 3mo
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The Sentence Is Death | Anthony Horowitz
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Another Anthony Horowitz audiobook! I liked this better than the first one in the series. The mystery wasn't necessarily better (although it was good), but I think I'm getting used to the self-insertion of the author. I got the first three books on sale from Libro.fm, so I'll be starting the third one soon.

BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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My #bookspin list for March is very similar to my list for February. 🤷‍♀️ Thanks, Sarah! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3mo
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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This short novel was my #bookspin for February. I'm not sure I quite know what it is about Tove Jansson's books that appeals to me so much. These characters made me want to revisit the Moomin books. I assume that Jonna, like Too-Ticky in the Moomin stories, was based on Tuulikki Pietilä. If you like The Summer Book, I think you'd like this, too.

JuniperWilde I loved the Summer Book and agree that there is something unusually compelling about her writing. 3mo
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I finished this audiobook during our evening walk. I liked it, but there is something odd about the author being a main character in their own novel. I'm not saying it doesn't work, but there were moments that took me out of the story and made me think about what really happened, specifically where film productions were concerned. Overall, I enjoyed the mystery, even if the Watson-Holmes archetype was slightly too obvious.

The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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This one was a little too over the top. Boat wrecks, an impersonator, diving, a time bomb, stolen diamonds, AND a fake ghost? And someone throws a rock at Nancy's car? I enjoyed the first half, but it spun out of control until the end felt almost like a Scooby-Doo episode.

Librarybelle There was a lot taking place in this one! 3mo
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The Trees: A Novel | Percival Everett
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I went to hear Percival Everett speak last month at the University of South Alabama. After that, I was anxious to read one of his books. This one was a stunner. The subject matter was hard, but there were still bits of humor throughout and really solid characterization.

BarbaraBB How cool! I loved all the books I read by him 3mo
SamAnne Jealous! Loved this one. Starting Erasure this week. Absolutely loved Telephone. 3mo
lauraisntwilder @BarbaraBB @SamAnne I definitely need to read more by him. 3mo
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Flights of Angels: Stories | Ellen Gilchrist
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Noooo!!!! I knew she was old, but I secretly hoped I'd get to meet her one day. 😢

BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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Here we go, February! I'm keeping my ambitions low since this is a short month, and I'm already a day late. My #bookspin is Fair Play by Tove Jansson. My #doublespin is Manazuru by Hiromi Kawakami, which is the last of her books that have been translated into English (so far) that I haven't read. Thanks, Sarah! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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My #bookspinbingo card for January. I bailed on my #bookspin, A Novel Bookstore, and will be donating it. I didn't finish my #doublespin (Flights of Angels) until today, but it was fantastic. I work in royalties and accounting for a literary agency and prepared about 700 1099's in January, so it's sort of a miracle I read anything at all!


TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fabulous month!! 4mo
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Flights of Angels: Stories | Ellen Gilchrist
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What in the late-90's-dELiA*s-catalog-nonsense is this cover?! Can you tell I have a used copy of the 1998 hardcover? 😂 Regardless, the stories were great and I will continue to read everything by Ellen Gilchrist I can find.

JamieArc 😂😂. One of my favorite IG accounts flips through old Delia‘s catalogs 😂😂 4mo
TheBookHippie OMG my daughter LOVED Delia‘s 😂 4mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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Here's my #bookspin list for February. 💝💖

Thanks, Sarah! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4mo
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I understand how great Anne is, I do. I actually met Megan Follows once (I rang up her purchases at the bookstore where I was working) & was so starstruck that I couldn't tell her I was a fan. I get it. But, Anne of GG is about a whole town, not just Anne. I don't believe she would have had any more sway over LMM than any of her other characters. To make Anne a voice in LMM's head didn't work for me. I feel like this focused on the wrong things.

Sea Wife: A novel | Amity Gaige
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This was a thoughtful and thought-provoking novel. It was definitely a pick, but there were some things about it I'd have changed. The whole last section seemed disjointed and unnecessary. It was a small section, in a book that was good overall, but it left a bad taste since it came last.

The bungalow mystery | Carolyn Keene, Russell H. Tandy
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These all wrap up so neat and tidy! They're fun though, even though Nancy put herself in danger multiple times in this one.

Librarybelle Perfect bookmark! 5mo
Ruthiella Agree! Love the bookmark. 😍 5mo
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I picked up another first edition Ellen Gilchrist today in New Orleans, this one from Faulkner House Books.