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Joined June 2016

I read too much fanfiction. Eclectic reader across the spectrum of genres. Find me here: https://linktr.ee/coffeymuse
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I'm a little behind on my challenges for the month/year. I have surgery on Thursday and hoping to get some books read during recuperating.

Here's my #Bookspin #Bookbingo list!


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Hope your surgery goes smoothly!! 5d
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Grave Dance | Kalayna Price
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Book 2 in the Alex Craft novels!

These are great popcorn books with fae and reapers and all sorts of bureaucracy. Should have this one finish today!

#FirstLineFridays #ShyBookOwl

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Duke and Coltrane for #TuesdayTunes

I absolutely adore this song and find it quite frequently playing.



TieDyeDude Excellent! Thanks for sharing. 2w
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City of the Lost | Kelley Armstrong
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First in a new-to-me series! This was definitely a pick, somewhere between 3 and 4 stars but I rounded up.

If there was a Rockton, I can't tell you how tempted I'd be to run there. Not because life is horrible but because this sounds like nirvana (also hard as heck!).

I enjoyed Casey's story and am looking forward to more in this series.


TheSpineView Love finding new series. Great job! 1w
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I decided to join @TieDyeDude in #tuesdaytunes this week!

I am a Christmas music aficionado and have two for you: “The Christmas Shoes“ and “Baby It's Cold Outside.“ Both will get skipped if they come up on an album.

For good stuff, was jamming out to “Dear Mr. Fantasy“ by Traffic this morning:

Dear Mister Fantasy play us a tune
Something to make us all happy
Do anything take us out of this gloom
Sing a song, play guitar
Make it snappy

willaful I've been lucky enough to never hear Christmas Shoes, except in this amazing format. 😂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iq10bz3PxyY
Megabooks I hate Baby It‘s Cold Outside too. It‘s disturbingly rape-y. 3w
TieDyeDude I'm a “Baby It's Cold“ supporter, but I get the aversion.

I've never heard the Christmas Shoes, and I think I can figure out why! It's not a good sign when you have a Christmas song that no one else bothers to cover. Maybe there will be a reevaluation of the song this year for its 20th anniversary 😂

I've never heard the Christmas Shoes, and I think I can figure out why!

“Thanks“ for playing 😉
TieDyeDude Dear Mr. Fantasy is a great jam. I've heard it before, probably on a classic rock radio station, but never noted the title or band. Thanks for sharing! 3w
TieDyeDude @willaful Thanks for that link! Patton Oswalt is a treasure. 3w
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Finally getting around to showing what eBooks I'll be reading for #ReadYourKindle.

I am hoping to get at least two read this month and start really putting the effort in to get these books off my Kindle.


CBee Looks great! 😊 4w
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Just started this over lunch-looking forward to spending weekend with Larson!

#FirstLineFriday @ShyBookOwl

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I randomize my list but still ended up with the same category for both #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin!

I've got a couple of great options in my TBR cart but we'll see what May brings!


TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!!! 1mo
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Two of three #Roll100 selections look good. That third one, “Outliers“ is one I'm not sure about so I've pulled it to get it off my shelf. I attempted another Gladwell book earlier this year but couldn't get into it.

Thanks @Puddlejumper for this challenge!

PuddleJumper ❤️❤️ 1mo
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I deferred one book from last month because apparently it's book 1.5 in the series. So, I'll read book one this summer and if enjoyed, I'll get that eBook off of my Kindle.

Otherwise, this list hasn't changed. I really need to get it together and start getting books off my Kindle! While #ReadYourKindle is helping, I am not actively trying and I want to be more deliberate reading at least a couple next month.

Thanks @CBee for the challenge!

rubyslippersreads I‘m glad I‘m not the only one who‘s behind. 1mo
Coffeymuse @rubyslippersreads I've been trying to read 2 of 4 but, yeah, I just haven't the past couple of months. I may catch up on the backlog or just ignore it and move forward! :D
CBee @Coffeymuse I‘m behind too 😉 1mo
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May #Bingo!

I shuffled my categories for more random goodness. Looking forward to @TheAromaOfBooks roll!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 1mo
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Successful vacation last week-stayed home and watched baseball, read, and knitted.

“Toxic Prey“ was awesome. “Forgotten Trail“ was another solid entry in the series.

“The Barrow...“ and “Black God's Drum“ was going to be my Sunday reads but I've got stuff to do for work. I'm going to save them for lunches this week.

After these two novellas, King's “Running Man“ is in the hole (to use a baseball term).

Forgotten Trail | Claire Kells
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I inhaled this book in a couple of lazy mornings.

If you like mysteries, I would definitely recommend this series. The setting is unique and it gives me insight into how the National Park Service works.

Needless to say, this was the bomb diggity!


@Andrew65 @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Fantastic! 1mo
Andrew65 Sounds a good read, well done 👏👏👏 1mo
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Forgotten Trail | Claire Kells
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Thunderstorms woke me early this morning so I got up. Coffee in hand, I delved into this book and am about 30% read.

This series isn't groundbreaking but it's an enjoyable read with an unique investigator-Harland is a investigator with the National Parks Service.

This series is fun and it's a great way to wrap up a staycation week.

#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

Toxic Prey | John Sandford
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Perfect vacation read, except for the part that this is a virus gone wild mystery. Now I want to hibernate and avoid crowded spaces. Like work.

Seriously though, this was another solid Lucas Davenport novel and I loved seeing how Lucas and his daughter Letty interacted as professionals.

This fulfills my #DoubleSpin for #Bingo and it's a #SeriesLove2024.

Toxic Prey | John Sandford
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Baseball and a hot new release. It's a wonderful evening! ⚾ 📚

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Finally finished “Neverwhere“ on last Wednesday. The rest were read during #DeweysReadathon. It's been a good week.

My hold for “Toxic Prey“ came in this morning and I started it over lunch. Love Lucas and Letty Davenport!

Next is a Gray Man novel-these books on average take 7-10 days to read so I'm prepared for a lot excitement and intensity.

#WeeklyForecast #BookReport

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This is in my top five of Sackett novels. I love this story of Tell Sackett fighting with everything he has and kinfolk come riding in to save his bacon at the last minute.

Yes, I am aware that L'Amour is formulaic but I enjoy these westerns like I enjoy John Wayne movies. Just something about them is comforting.

My #Doublespin for March #Bingo was Perpetual Challenge.


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! My dad used to listen to books on tape during his long commute back in the 90s and he went through a serious Louis L'Amour kick, possibly because there were so many of them at the library 😂 I haven't read one since, so I should pick one up!! 2mo
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Borrowers | Mary Norton
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Book 2 of #DeweysReadathon done!

This was super cute and something I would have adored as a kid. I seem to have gone from Nancy Drew to “In Cold Blood“. I just missed a lot of kid's book and classics like this one.

Short story shorter: read this one. It's short, it's cute, and it's magical.

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Grave Witch | Kalayna Price
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Urban fantasy is hit or miss with me (mostly miss) but I keep trying. I am not a fan of vampire books and a lot of urban fantasy has vampires in it.

This one though has nary a vampire in it. Fae and witches plenty which is cool. I really enjoyed Alex, Death, and Falin.

I really didn't need another series but here we go. I'm looking forward to the six other books in the series.

@Andrew65 @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Series are like books, there is never enough. 🤣🤣📚 2mo
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#DeweysReadathon is tomorrow and I'm excited!

This is my overly ambitious, plenty to choose from, variety pack of books to choose from for the Readathon.

There's not one in particular I'm looking forward to as they all look good! I'll post reviews here and post on Instagram (coffeymuse) throughout the day.

And no, I won't last the 24 hours but I'll take 12-15 hours and consider it a win.

Morr_Books I, too, do not think I will last 24 hours. I've done it in the past, but I'm older and more tired now 😋. Good luck! 2mo
Coffeymuse @Morr_Books Me too-older and definitely more tired! Good luck on what you do accomplish in the readathon! 2mo
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Neverwhere | Neil Gaiman
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I don't know if I'm reading slower or reading Gaiman slow. Either way, this 330 page book took me a month to read. However, I still loved it!

I've discovered there's a miniseries and can't wait to get my hands on it and see this world brought to life.

The was my #GenreChallenge for March. Contemporary fantasy was the randomly chosen genre. This subgenre is a fantasy story in a modern-day setting. It often contains magic but it is not obvious.

Neverwhere | Neil Gaiman
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Working oh so hard! Almost done with Gaiman and enjoying afternoon baseball in between calls.

wanderinglynn Love this book! 2mo
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My #readyourkindle selections. Fun note, “Strange Case of Finley Jayne“ is an actual eBook but Amazon only has audio now of the book.

Was reading on “Velvet Ribbon“ last month an am about 50% of the way through so that will be at least one read this month.

Thanks @CBee for getting me to read my Kindle books!

CBee You‘re very welcome 🤗 2mo
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April's #BookSpin is here! I should get these (and March's picks) easily read with Dewey's Readathon happening in a couple of weeks.

Library book will be a novella I have our OR a mob book. Perpetual Challenge will be either Stephen King or Louis L'Amour-which ever I get to this month.

Thanks for hosting @TheAromaOfBooks!

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Enjoy!!! 2mo
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Neverwhere | Neil Gaiman
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Still working on “Neverwhere“ slowly but surely. Hoping to finish by the weekend and dive into my next read.

Love Gaiman but man, I read his works so slow. They are so good though!

#weeklyforecast #bookreport

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Thank goodness the rest of the series is on Amazon Unlimited cause book 1 ends on a cliff hanger. I'm probably going to read the rest of the series ASAP as I'm intrigued.

This is fun novella with fae and mates and mythical creatures. Fun, breezy read that I probably won't remember come December.

This was one of my March #ReadYourKindle Books.


CBee Awesome!! 2mo
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Can't believe it's almost April! I haven't gotten to my March reads yet-my current book is taking me a bit to read.

Excited to see what my April #Bookspin is this coming month!


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2mo
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Playing catch up and haven't gotten to March's #Roll100 but here's April's selection.

Honestly, all three look good-how am I supposed to choose? I may pull all three, read the first chapter, and go from there.

Neverwhere | Neil Gaiman
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#FirstLineFriday is from a great book I just started.

Love Gaiman and already enjoying this one.

Happy Friday!

TheSpineView Great book! 💜 📘 3mo
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February was a tough month for me and as a result I didn't read anything last month.

New month and I'm actually finishing books!

This was February's #Bookspin and #Doublespin picks.

Just finished “Kiowa Trail“ this afternoon. It was an enjoyable read but ultimately forgettable. I'm a completest when it comes to L'Amour so it was nice being in his worlds.

Now, it's on to March's Bookspin!


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3mo
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Lost Hours | Paige Shelton
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First book finished since January! I am not much a cozy mystery gal but I really enjoy this series and the setting.

This is book 5 in the series.

#SeriesLove2024 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Fantastic! 3mo
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#FirstLineFriday @ShyBookOwl

I'm about halfway through and really enjoying this book!

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It's #ReadYourKindle day! @CBee has drawn the numbers and I have two romance and two Amazon First Reads. I am really intrigued by the “Amish Wife“ so maybe that will be read!

What are you reading?

CBee Looks great!! 4mo
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Series won't be hard as I am currently reading book one in the Hell's Belles series. And I have several new books in series that I am eagerly awaiting my library to process.
Perpetual challenge is an ongoing personal book challenge. For instance, I have a list of all the Stephen King and Louis L'Amour books and am slowly working my way through them. Also, I want to read on my 50 States 50 Books list. Then there's presidential bios I want to read⬇️

Coffeymuse I have both a King and L'Amour book headed my way so that will be my perpetual challenge.

And apparently, I'm sorta wordy today!

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Enjoy!! I have a lot of those perpetual challenges going on as well 😂 4mo
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I have 787 books with pitifully few of that number actually read. So I'm joing @CBee & #ReadYourKindle.

I have mostly romance of varying spice which is hilarious because I'm not a heavy romance reader! But I enjoy these usually quick reads.

I usually pick up free books so this is why my list is mostly romance. However, books 15-20 is either fantasy, Kindle first picks, or mystery.

Here's hoping this is the nudge to get through my Kindle books.

CBee I‘ll add you to my tag list - welcome! 😊 4mo
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February's #GenreChallenge is science fiction romance!

Science Fiction Romance is: A subgenre that is set in the future and often involves aliens.

I'm going to give “Polaris Rising“ by Jessie Mihalik a try in February!

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Here's my #Roll100 selections for February.

I've already decided that the Arthurian Encyclopedia is going to be donated.

“Billy Bob Walker“ is a bit chunky and I've got quite the stack of TBRs for February.

So I'll be reading “The Great Divorce“ by CS Lewis.


PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 4mo
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My February #Bookspin list! The categories are really working for me and it's something I'll continue through the year.

Thanks @TheAromaOfBooks for this great challenge!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4mo
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City of Bones (Reprint) | Cassandra Clare
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I'm bored with this book and I'm not picking this up to read. I got about halfway through but I have other items I want to read so I'm marking this as DNF and moving on to the next book.

I had this series down on my #Series2024 list as I had the books at home. Now I can send them to the second hand shop for credit.

@Andrew65 @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Bummer! 5mo
Coffeymuse @TheSpineView I've had this sitting on top of my bookshelves for 10+ years. Glad to have given it a shot and glad to let it go. 5mo
kaysworld1 I loved the series I got through it all in 3 weeks there was lot of late sleepless nights. At least you gave it a go that's the main thing. 4mo
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A little behind but here's my #Bookspin and #Doublespin #Bingo categories!

I have read a library book that would fit already but I'm curious if I read any other “just because“ library books this month.

Roll100 is “Blink“ by Gladwell and I have that scheduled for later in the month.

Here's to another great year of 'Spins!


TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!! 5mo
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I like to choose an uplifting and inspiring book to start the new year off with.

This year, it's this book and a great reminder that things to look forward to are both big and small. This really compliments my list of things to accomplish this year-the list is populated with small things to look forward to accomplishing in 2024. No resolutions this year, just things to look forward to doing.

What are you looking forward to this year?

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There's no way I can afford my reading habit...thank goodness for the local library!

I do work there but I have a ton of holds coming or being turned in every week. I love my library system!

Other acquisitions is either Kindle or own books. I'd like to see this number increased in the next year.

It was a great 2023!

ShananigansReads Same. Idk what I would do without the library and Libby. 5mo
TieDyeDude 💪🎉 5mo
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Stardust | Neil Gaiman
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Ending 2023 Reading Season with a 5 star read!

I savored this one slowly over several days. Ultimately I did binge the last 130 pages tonight to be done with 2023 reads.

I own this book and have been trying to get my owned books down to one bookcase-but this is a keeper and something I'm going to want to come back to and enjoy.

kaysworld1 Have you seen the film? I loved it so funny. 4mo
Coffeymuse @kaysworld1 I haven't seen the movie but I need to-off to request that from the library! 4mo
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I've thought long and hard about what challenges I want to do in 2024. #Roll100 made the list. As did #BookSpinBingo. #SeriesLove2024 is the only new challenge for the year.

As you can tell, I read a lot of series. I have the first book in the three new to me series scheduled for 2024 and we'll try those worlds. Gray Man series will be a priority to get caught up. Prydain will be done in 2024

Thanks for the challenge @Andrew65 and @TheSpineView!

Andrew65 Great to have you on board, have a good series reading year! 5mo
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Here is my #Roll100 for January.

I'm leaning towards “Blink“ by Gladwell as that might be a good first month read. I've got a romance book scheduled for January so “Fancy Pants“ probably wouldn't get read.

Mark Twain-I'm just not feeling it. This might be one I pull, read a few pages, and decide to keep or toss. I don't have to read the classics. I just get so bored with the classics as a general rule.


PuddleJumper 💜💜💜 5mo
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Here's my list for 2024 #Roll100! I cleared off several books last year in this challenge-some read, some donated without reading. Here's hoping for more success this coming year!


PuddleJumper Amazing! Good luck with 2024! 5mo
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Sometimes, just sometimes, the absolute perfect book at the absolute perfect time lands in your hands. It's serendipity.

This book by Cleo Wade was exactly what I needed at this time.

Short essays and poetry talking about tough times and growing through them. I fell in love with this book and added it to my “Christmas gift if you need a last minute idea“ list.

Thank you, Cleo Wade, for these tender words in tough times.

Charlatans | Robin Cook
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So I picked this up for #GenreChallenge and can tell you medical mystery is not my genre!

I did get about 50 pages in and was confused by all the doctors listed and the switch from Ava to Noah as narrators didn't do anything for me.

So, yay for trying new genres. Unfortunately, this one didn't work for me!

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Last #Bookspin #Bingo for 2023!

I haven't been feeling the Christmas books this year-at least so far I haven't. May be a month of non-seasonal reading. We'll see!


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 6mo
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