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Joined September 2016

Auntie, 💜방탄 ARMY, coffee drinker. Hello Kitty fan, INFJ-T, library employee 📚 Made in 🇲🇽 Mrs. with an MLS 🌲 PNW gal ⭐️ Virgo ♍️
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Mon Rovîa describes himself as an "Afro Appalachian folk artist. Rescued by grace from the Civil War in Liberia - here to instill peace."

And his music does just that - it instills a sense of calm and melancholy when I listen to it.

I happened upon his music quite by accident on Instagram and you may have heard his song "City on a Hill" as background music on a reel or two.

Truly lovely folk musician ?

#Tuesdaytunes @TieDyeDude

Librarybelle ❤️❤️❤️ 3mo
TheKidUpstairs I love Mon Rovia! I came across him in a random Facebook reel and just fell in love. His music is my calming space 😊 3mo
Deblovestoread Just lovely! Thanks for the introduction 🎶 3mo
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TieDyeDude Very soothing. Thanks for sharing! 3mo
Librariana @Librarybelle 😁😊💜 3mo
Librariana @TheKidUpstairs Oh, I'm so glad you're familiar with his music! And I love that both of us happened upon him very serendipitously ☺️ I completely agree that it is easy to fall in love with how soothing the sound is 🥰 3mo
Librariana @Deblovestoread You are most welcome! 😄😊 3mo
Librariana @TieDyeDude Absolutely! Thank you for creating such a fun tag! 3mo
Hooked_on_books Hi Ana! I hope you‘re lurking and just not posting much. I‘m thinking about you and hope you are well! 1mo
Librariana @Hooked_on_books Sweetest Holly! So thoughtful of you to leave such a kind and thoughtful comment 😊 I am indeed 'lurking' a bit 😁 I feel like I've been reading the same book for ages - Most Ardently - and really milking it since I'm finding it so modernly delightful. I'm doing well (as I hope you are, too!) but will soon be traveling to Texas (along with my hubby) to take care of my mamá. How are you?? 1mo
Hooked_on_books That‘s the best reason for a book to take a while to read! You‘ll be sad when it‘s finally over. I‘m doing well. We‘re trying to sell our property, which is a challenging thing to do, as it is unique and the potential buyer pool is quite small. I have no idea how long it will take, probably years, so just trying to be patient. My husband is jonesing to get back to Oregon. Safe travels to Texas for you two! 1mo
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Monday, Monday: A Novel | Elizabeth Crook
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1. Quite a few of them, actually! An assortment of medical appointments to go to as well as a dinner date with my husband, coffee date with a co-worker so we can discuss a buddy read we just finished (Shark Heart), and another dinner date with my favorite indie-bookstore-supporting gal pals.

2. City on a Hill - Mon Rovîa

3. BTS 💜

#MotivationalMonday @Cupcake12

Cupcake12 A busy week for you! Thanks for joining in x 3mo
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Pantone: Colors | Pantone
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Lately, I've been trying to concentrate on my reading. A novel idea, I know.

In the past, I've chatted with my adopted sis @CBee about not feeling like a part of the Litsy community... but I realize it's my own doing, choosing to be digitally absent because I don't feel "good enough," whether it be in the quality of a review or the amount of participation I engage in.

(Cont'd ⬇️)

(1/2) I have to remind myself that these comparisons are self-created... that these feelings are my own, and not something anyone else has imposed.

So I'm gonna try to get back to the joy and not make this unnecessarily difficult on myself... at least while the app continues to work on my Samsung phone 😉
Librariana (2/2) For now, I did remember how much I enjoyed the Pantone reading challenge, and since I didn't see a post about it (again, my own fault for not being around), I decided to make my own cards and focus on the New York Fashion Week colors only.

If anyone would like the digital images, I'd be more than happy to share them ☺️
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Librarybelle I love reading your posts! What did you think of Legends & Lattes? I really liked it, though it‘s not my usual genre. 3mo
Julsmarshall Love all these colors! And I loved Shark Heart-so strange and wonderful! 3mo
ChaoticMissAdventures ❤️❤️❤️❤️ social media is hard!! I love seeing you here though! 3mo
CBee @Librariana SIS!!! You have no idea how lovely it is to see a post from you ♥️♥️♥️ 3mo
BarbaraBB Very glad you‘re thinking this way! I‘ve been doing the #Pantone2024 challenge as well because I enjoyed it so much! 3mo
Librariana @Librarybelle Thank you for your kind words ? I appreciate and love reading your posts as well, although timing isn't always on my side... which means I miss out on a lot of people's posts and need to do a better job of not just relying on home page updates. As for Legends & Lattes, I'll confess it's also not my go-to genre, but I found the "slice of life" aspect put under a high fantasy lens to be very sweet and imaginative! What did you think? 3mo
Librariana @Julsmarshall Shark Heart was definitely NOT what I was expecting, but it was certainly more lyrical and lovely in its writing style than I anticipated. There were so many deep thought morsels... things to reflect on later... and I flagged/hughlighted/annotated SO many of them. I did a buddy read of it with a coworker and we plan to chat more about it over coffee this week. I'm looking forward to hearing her perspective on it! 3mo
Librariana @ChaoticMissAdventures Social media IS hard! It is a tricky 'machine' to maneuver. Funny enough, I'm listening to an audiobook called "Generations" by Jean M. Twenge, PhD and the Gen Z chapter talks a great deal about social media ramping up social comparison... how everyone feels like they have to be perfect. It's very fascinating stuff! Makes me very grateful to be a Gen X-er and wise enough to regulate my feelings about my digital presence. 3mo
Librariana @ChaoticMissAdventures I am ALSO very glad that you're here and that I get to see your posts and interact with you via this platform ☺️ 3mo
Librariana @CBee Please think of this reply as though it were a "Care Bear Stare" and I am beaming sunshine and rainbows in your direction! ??? 3mo
Librariana @BarbaraBB 😄😁😊 I know in the past, Clwojick would share her images of the colors and would include London... but when I saw the colors, I wasn't too keen on some 🫤, so I decided to go rogue and just do the 2024 New York Fashion Week shades for both Spring/Summer AND Autumn/Winter ☺️ I'll see how close I can get the covers to match! 3mo
Centique I know what you mean about timing! Because im in NZ most of the Littens i usually talk to are posting when im asleep! I have to make a list of names and go check on what people have posted. Not super convenient! So i end up reading and commenting on a whole lot of old posts - but people are cool with that. I hope you feel more welcomed and included. Feel free to tap me on the shoulder if i havent seen your posts! 💕 3mo
Librarybelle @Librariana I surprisingly really liked it! I got sucked in right away to the story, and the pacing was great. I actually just checked out the second book from the library so I can continue the story! And, feel free to comment on any posts that are not immediately on the home feed - it doesn‘t matter if it‘s from last week or last year! I think we all in the Litsy community just love connecting and talking about books! ❤️ 3mo
kspenmoll Please do not worry about posts or reviews etc. this is a judgement free platform which is why I love it. Often I do not get on until weekends when I am not working- it‘s nice to get a “like” or comment from old posts. We care about each other, including you! Thank you for putting yourself out there & being so open & honest. Appreciate your words so much! Sending ❤️💙🩷💜🩷 3mo
CBee @Librariana Care Bear Stare right back at you, sis ♥️♥️♥️ 3mo
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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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A very small #progressreport for the #NovelNovember #Readathon (ALL the hashtags!), but happy to've finished 2 books and be on track to finish a 3rd (even if one of the two books was a quick little picture book!)


Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 6mo
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Texas game on the TV (HOOK 'EM! ??), Thanksgiving tree up and sparkly, with a hubby to my right and a cup of coffee to my left, while I continue reading "How to Sell a Haunted House" by Grady Hendrix.

#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

ShyBookOwl Loved this one! 7mo
Librariana @ShyBookOwl My husband did, too! 😊 I'm just a much slower reader than he is. Right now, I'm finding it VERY difficult to like the brother a whole lot. He's being so infuriating and irritating! 7mo
Librariana @ShyBookOwl I'm currently on pg. 140 or so and they're cleaning out the living room of all the creepy dolls. 7mo
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Fangirl, Vol. 3: The Manga | Rainbow Rowell,Sam Maggs
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Currently reading.

? How to Sell a Haunted House has been slow going for me, but I'm sticking with it.

? While Idaho Slept has been a tough one about the murders of 4 college students in Moscow, ID.

And the tagged title - vol. 3 of the Fangirl manga - qualifies for the November #TBRtarot prompt! "Choose a book... which has a person on the cover" ?


CBee YAY SIS 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7mo
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Outside, it is my favorite kind of day - gloomy, foggy - and inside, I'm spending it in my new favorite place - cozy under a blanket, accompanied by candlelight, reading... and getting over COVID 😔

Didn't think Lady 'Rona and I would become acquainted... but here we are.

quietlycuriouskate That looks like a very healing place to be! 7mo
ravenlee Oh, I‘m sorry she caught up to you. Hope you get better soon. Your sanctuary looks lovely, at least. 7mo
Librarybelle Hope you feel better soon! Your home library looks amazing! 7mo
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Hooked_on_books That looks so perfect! You know, except the COVID part. 😉 Hope you mend up fast and get lots of reading in. 7mo
JamieArc It seems she is meeting lots of new people lately! My spouse and I got Covid in September for the first time. Turns out we weren‘t the unicorns we thought we were. 7mo
BookmarkTavern Good vibes for a quick and complete recovery! 7mo
ChaoticMissAdventures oh no!! I hope you are feeling better quickly.
Librariana @quietlycuriouskate Thank you! My husband and I spent a couple of months working on this home library project, and I am slowly but surely adding touches and details to make it the absolute perfect cozy spot my child self grew up dreaming of 🥰 7mo
Librariana @ravenlee Thank you kindly 😊 I'm pretty sorry she caught up to me, too! I thought I had escaped her clutches, but after 3 years, she finally got me. 7mo
Librariana @ravenlee And thank you for referring to this space as a sanctuary 🥰 I think that is the perfect word for it! Now I just gotta tackle the scary, scary closet 😳 7mo
Librariana @Librarybelle Thank you so much for your sweet compliments about the home library and for your kind well wishes! 💜 I tested positive this past Sunday and qualified for a medication due to being high risk. I'm very grateful there was something I could take to keep the virus from multiplying and grateful to've been vaccinated already. It kept my symptoms rather mild. 7mo
Librariana @Hooked_on_books Thank you so much, Holly! 💜 A very humbling compliment. I agree that the COVID part is anything BUT perfect. I genuinely wasn't expecting it! Thought it was just a cold. Good thing I tested before going to work! I felt pretty cruddy until Tuesday, so I was rather lethargic and with little energy for much. Have read a little more the past two days and am hoping for more reading this weekend 😊 7mo
Librariana @JamieArc I am right there with ya! ? I was like, "Am I gonna be one of those shiny, happy people who doesn't get it!??" And then I thought... wow... that must mean I have no social life ? And I mean... I DON'T... but that's beside the point ? I'm sorry you and your spouse BOTH got a visit from Corona! My husband is still testing negative, so here's to hoping it misses him completely! 7mo
Librariana @BookmarkTavern Thank you, kindly! I feel like I am on the mend! 😊 Symptoms have definitely subsided, thank goodness. 7mo
Librariana @ChaoticMissAdventures Thank you, Shawna! 💜 I was just really scared it would progress to something severe or that I'd need to go to the hospital, and I am *very* grateful that did not happen. As a high-risk individual, I qualified for a medication that helped keep the virus from multiplying. My symptoms have certainly subsided. 7mo
marleed Your space is wonderful and thank goodness Covid could be tackled when it found its way to you! 7mo
Librariana I agree 1,000% @marleed ! My husband and I remarked on the same thing... how grateful we both were that this happened to me NOW vs. at the beginning of the pandemic... when we were still figuring things out. I'm grateful to've been recently vaccinated and to have medication on hand that could help! 😊💕 7mo
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The book-buying ban held... until June, when we went on our family trip to Utah, and I couldn't resist an indie bookstore in Moab. And yesterday, I added 2 more titles to the collection - Days at the Morisaki Bookshop and Shark Heart.

Home library organization is still going strong, and some shifting is happening... along with some weeding.

The Home Library | Brander Matthews
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It's move-in day 🥰🥰🥰
I should probably elaborate... 😉

After months of cutting, affixing, sanding, priming, and painting (and then going on a family trip to Utah... and then deciding to paint the trim to match the baseboards), we're finally finished with our #homelibrary project. Yay!!

Now, on to the fun part - bringing aaaallllll the books back and deciding where everything is going to go...

ChaoticMissAdventures Those bookcases look gorgeous!! How exciting! 10mo
Librariana @ChaoticMissAdventures Thank you!! 😊😊 It feels SO good to finally be done with this project and be moving books back on. I'm slowly moving small piles and just putting things in general areas to get an idea of how things will be organized. I want to take my time and enjoy it... but I also want to be able to know where things are - lol! 10mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @Librariana one of my favorite things is just organizing the books!! 10mo
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5feet.of.fury Nice! The shelves are so pretty! 10mo
Cinfhen Wow!!! That‘s incredible!! Beautiful 🤩🙌🏻🎉 10mo
Hooked_on_books It looks amazing! 😍 10mo
Kimberlone 😍 10mo
marleed Those shelves are gorgeous. Book arranging is a favorite aspect in my book management hobby! 10mo
Christine Wow, beautiful!! 10mo
Librariana @ChaoticMissAdventures I went out to lunch with some friends and I was eager to come back home so I could keep working! 😆🤣 10mo
Librariana @5feet.of.fury @Christine @Cinfhen @Hooked_on_books @Kimberlone @marleed Thank you all for mirroring my own excitement and for being so generous with your kind compliments. It was a labor of love and I consider myself very fortunate to get to enjoy it 😁😊😊😊 10mo
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Pageboy: A Memoir | Elliot Page
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A deeply personal and fiercely honest memoir written in thoughtful prose. At many times, vulnerable and heart-wrenching when exploring gender dysphoria and transition, while also including both infuriating details about unwelcome sexual advances and intimate details about consensual encounters.

Cont'd in comments ⬇️

Librariana The anecdotal style was certainly refreshing and easier to engage with in audiobook format, but could've perhaps benefitted from a more chronological arrangement vs. its non-linear narrative. 11mo
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In Limbo | Deb JJ Lee
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It can be a monumental challenge to capture the idiosyncrasies of youth, mental health, and high school friendships in a graphic memoir... but to do so while also tackling the intersections of race, culture, family, and identity is quite the feat.

Lee tackled these subjects with grace and honesty in a stunningly delicate and detailed illustrative style that, although entirely monochromatic, beautifully complimented the themes depicted.

Pageboy: A Memoir | Elliot Page
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"Hollywood is built on leveraging queerness. Tucking it away when needed, pulling it out when beneficial while patting themselves on the back. Hollywood doesn't lead the way... it responds, it follows, slowly and far behind.

The depth of that closet, the trove of secrets buried, indifferent to the consequences. I was punished for being queer while I watched others be protected and celebrated." -- Elliot Page

Hooked_on_books I loved this book. And love him! 11mo
Librariana @Hooked_on_books 😍😍 He's a great writer! I find his prose/writing style to be very... literary? Lyrical? I don't know how else to describe it. I do appreciate his raw honesty, but it also makes me quite sad to learn about people being mean to him. Hurts my heart! 11mo
Hooked_on_books @Librariana It hurts my heart, too, but sadly doesn‘t surprise me. I feel like deep down he has a lot of strength. He‘s a great example to trans folks going through abuse and trauma to give them strength. I‘m so glad for that. 11mo
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Spinning Around | Catherine Jinks
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Complimentary spin titles.

#Bookspin is Historical Fiction with a dash of Mystery; #Doublespin is a Young Adult Fiction, modern retelling of "Sense and Sensibility" with a sprinkle of Mystery... and a dash of nutmeg ?

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July #Bookspin list ?

Currently listening to # 16 - "Pageboy: a Memoir" by Elliot Page (57%).

Currently reading # 6 - "In Limbo" a graphic memoir by Deb JJ Lee (46%).

Still searching through stacks of books on the floor to find what I'm looking for. Some days are more successful than others.

Bookshelves have been sanded and will need to be primed and painted next. I can see the light at the end.

Quietly Hostile | Samantha Irby
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Samantha Irby is hilarious.
And although there were a few essays that weren't exactly my cuppa (porn preferences, toilet tales, and gastrointestinal anecdotes), there was plenty of her signature self-deprecating humor and spot-on observations to carry this collection through. I especially loved "The Last Normal Day," "How to Look Cool in Front of Teens?", and "Please Invite Me to Your Party."

#audiobook #pantone2023 @Clwojick

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You know it's gonna be a fabulous day in the library when THESE type of standing orders come in!

I feel equal parts amused and delighted and nostalgic... and slightly MORTIFIED that we are "flashing back" to the '80s and '90s. That was my youth!!


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#SundayFunday @ozma.of.oz

I can't say I *always* pay attention to a book's publisher, but when I like a book and appreciate some detail about it, I have to look at the copyright page.

I've noticed a pattern in loving:
• travel guides by DK Eyewitness. I adore their photography, layouts, and their illustrations of buildings' interiors.
• graphic novels by First Second as well as Graphix.
• titles by Quirk Books and Scholastic Press.

Cinfhen This post really caught my eye!! Beautiful graphics 🥰and of course im always happy to see a post from you 12mo
BookmarkTavern How cool! Thanks for providing so many examples! ❤️ 12mo
Librariana @Cinfhen - Aawww! Thank you for always being so kind and complimentary, Cindy! 🥰🩷 I'm so humbled! 12mo
Librariana @ozma.of.oz - Thank you for the fabulous prompt and for letting me play along! As @Cinfhen ⬆️ has come to know about me, I'm very visual when it comes to my examples and love to build digital collages 😄😁😊 12mo
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On October 1st, 2015, students at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, lost a professor and 8 of their peers to a mass shooting. Kindra Neely, a survivor, shares her experiences coping with this tragic event and with the effects of her PTSD in her debut graphic memoir.

Cont'd in comments ⬇️

Librariana (1 of 1) Given the subject matter, this book will not be for everyone, but for me, it was a necessary window into the life of someone affected by this preventable form of violence which is shamefully becoming commonplace in our country. 12mo
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Hello friends!
A month or two in, and we've made some progress on the home library. IKEA Billys (and extenders!) were assembled, original bookcases were donated to loving homes, paint was ordered, and additional trim supplies were purchased. Wekends never seem long enough, and we've had to juggle complete dedication to this project with errands and prior commitments, but we're getting closer to me knowing, with certainty, where my books are 😁

Librariana @Cinfhen - Hi Cindy! 👋😁 I promise I'm still around 😄😊 I realize I've been very quiet and absent; I blame my books being in stacks on the floor for that (I don't know where anything is!). My reading life feels like it's taken a hit and is in a bit of disarray, but I do hope that once the library is all finished, I can get myself into a better mental and physical space. Thank you for thinking of me and sweetly checking in! 💜 13mo
Cinfhen Can‘t wait to see the finished product and I‘m soooo glad to know all is well xxx miss you 😘 13mo
TheSpineView How exciting! 13mo
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JamieArc Very excited to see the finished space! 13mo
ravenlee Looks great! So excited to see it when you‘re done! 13mo
marleed Beautiful! I love it! I have a spare bedroom lined in white Billy‘s but my old house walls are too low for extensions. Yours look great! 13mo
ChaoticMissAdventures Nice!! How exciting to see it start to come together. Big projects like this make it tough to read, and really tough for social media use. Hope everything goes smoothly. 13mo
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Playing catch-up on #Pantone2023 😁

Clwojick Well done! 14mo
Cinfhen Hi Ana! Feel like I haven‘t “seen” you around in a while😔Hope all is well xx 13mo
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The World We Make | N. K. Jemisin
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Bummed to learn that this would be the end of the "Great Cities" series for N.K. Jemisin... That where the author had planned for a trilogy, this became a duology. It saddens me to learn of innovative writers losing steam with a project, but I can't fault Ms. Jemisin for doing so considering she was writing this in the middle of the pandemic! An emotionally-draining time of great turmoil and uncertainty indeed.

Cont'd in comments ⬇️

Librariana (1 of 1) I so loved the idea of cities "coming to life", being represented by human avatars that embodied the essence of their boroughs and citizens, fighting a battle with metaphysical constructs and concepts against forces wanting to bend them into submission through assimilation and gentrification. The ending, although concise, felt... hopeful. But I will certainly miss its characters, especially Padmini (Queens), who I grew quite fond of. 14mo
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Spinning Around | Catherine Jinks
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Late to the party, but always delighted to be here 😁😊🥳

Many #TBRtarot titles that I DO genuinely want to get to (and am excited about!) as well as plenty of #Roll100 choices.

Not entirely certain how this will work out with so many of my books on the floor in a very haphazard, loose genre arrangement, but I'll figure it out! 😉

#Bookspinlist @TheAromaofBooks @CBee @PuddleJumper

CBee Let me know how you like The Ten Thousand Doors! I‘m still thinking about Once and Future Witches 😍 14mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 14mo
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The Home Library | Brander Matthews
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This is what 15 years of marriage looks like in book form.

97% of the books are mine. My husband claims... maybe about a total of 40. We haven't counted them 😳

Some came into the wedded bliss chapter with me; the majority of them have been acquired since.

As I shared at the beginning of the year (for this VERY visually OBVIOUS reason!), I haven't purchased any since January 1st and have been gifted a total of 5.

I regret nothing.

Hooked_on_books This picture is absolutely delicious! 😍 1y
Librariana @Hooked_on_books 🥰 Glad our books could be a visually decadent snack 😁😊 1y
Librariana @Hooked_on_books P.S. I'm looking forward to the day when the home library project is finished, but for now, I'm grateful we've started! And grateful my husband (Jeremy) enjoys carpentry! This is gonna be a labor of love, but we want to hack the bookshelves to make them look like faux built-ins. So excited! 😆😆🥳 1y
Hooked_on_books That sounds fabulous! I can‘t wait to see the finished product! I‘m sure it‘ll be worth all the sweat and frustration. 1y
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We are bidding farewell to the old shelves... and entering our Billy era.

marleed I have an entire spare room lined in Billy shelves. I love them. And every shelf is stacked with books! So, my reading room and everyone‘s favorite space in my house! 1y
Librariana @marleed ??? That sounds absolutely heavenly! We won't have quite an entire room lined, but we will have one wall decked out in Billy with 4 bookcases stretching to the ceiling ? I already have a little couch set up in there and will bring in some ottomans once the home library "faux built-in" project is complete. Can't wait to make it a super cozy spot! 1y
Reggie Have you been watching Rupaul‘s Drag Race? Because they had a lot eras this season. If not, ignore me. It‘s just that, the girls kept referencing what era they were in so much it became hilarious. 1y
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Librariana @Reggie Oh, I am ABSOLUTELY watching! I love me some RPDR! And I totally added 'era' not only as a nod to Ms. T Swift, but as an homage to Luxx and to MIB *repeatedly* using it! It cracks me up! 1y
Reggie 😁lol nice! 1y
Librariana @Reggie I should also add that I am not caught up! 😳 I finished watching the Rusical episode last night and am due to watch the makeover and Final Four episodes respectively. I am equal parts #TeamAnetra and #TeamSasha 💖 1y
Reggie As much as I love MIB and Anetra, I want Sasha to take it. The Rusical was fantastic. It‘s my new favorite alongside the one they did for Madonna when poor Jan should have won, lol. You‘ll like the last 2 episodes. 1y
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The World We Make | N. K. Jemisin
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Denial won't save us...

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Filmed in the mid-to-late 1980s, the documentary "Paris is Burning" chronicled the New York City Ballroom culture of the time, introducing us to its drag queen-organized pageants, and to a small cast of its iconic participants, among them performers such as Dorian Corey (who made headlines posthumously when a mummified body was found in her closet) and Pepper LaBeija, as well as Angie and Venus Xtravaganza.

Review & CW/TW cont'd in comments ⬇️

Librariana (1 of 3) These competitions showcased contestants 'walking' a fashion category (much like a model on a runway) and representing their 'houses' - surrogate families that provided (oftentimes runaway) LGBTQ youth with shelter and support.

One of these was the legendary House of Xtravaganza, also known as "The House of Impossible Beauties" where the tagged title takes its name.
Librariana (2 of 3) I watched "Paris is Burning" well more than 10 years ago and oftentimes wondered about its protagonists, curious about where the future might take them.

This fictionalized account gives us brief glimpses into the lives of Angel, Venus, Juanito, and Daniel, four characters who are all inspired by and modeled after some of the House of Xtravaganza's most famous members
Librariana (3 of 3) with Venus being the one who most closely resembles her real life counterpart both in name and sadly, in the manner of her untimely and tragic death. 1y
Librariana ❗️ If you should choose to read this book, please do so knowing that it tackles the difficult and heartbreaking realities that sometimes accompany gender expression and identity. Content warnings for detailed and graphic descriptions of drug addiction, sex work, terminal illness, transphobia, and suicide. 1y
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The World We Make | N. K. Jemisin
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In recent weeks, my eyes have begun to let me know (in subtle and LOUD ways!) that my computer-heavy job is taking a toll on them. After a visit to the optometrist, I was diagnosed with SPK (superficial punctate keratitis) - a (treatable!) ocular surface disease that affects the cornea, decreasing vision and causing the eye to become red, watery, and sensitive to light.

(Cont'd ⬇️)

Librariana 1 of 2 - All that to say... I'm trying to take better care of my vision 😁😊🧐🤓😎 I'm still reading!... but I'm also resting my eyes more frequently and listening to audiobooks, taking omega-3 supplements, applying drops and hot compresses. Fun stuff! 🙃 I chose to re-read Book 1 of the Great Cities duology (4⭐️) and am now almost 8hrs into its sequel. 1y
Librariana 2 of 2 - Thank you for checking in on me @CBee (my kindred spirit sister from another mister!) 💜 and Thank you @Andrew65 as well as @Clwojick for continuing to tag me in readathon and reading challenge posts. I appreciate y'all making me feel included 😌 1y
Librarybelle So good to hear you have a treatment plan in place and you finally have answers! 1y
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CBee @Librariana so sorry about your eye issues! Glad to hear it‘s treatable and that you‘re doing better 💚 1y
Librariana @CBee @Librarybelle I mean, I'm already a slow-as-molasses type of reader that's comically delusional about "reading multiple books simultaneously means I read more!" So now I'm just reading (listening to ?) one book and trying to spend less time on my phone (these little screens!) But yes! Thank you both! I'll be taking more intense, steroid-based eye drops soon and am grateful for a treatment plan/course of action ? 1y
Clwojick So glad it‘s treatable! Take it easy, and keep those headphones nice and charged up for audiobooks ☺️ I‘d say about 80% of my reads are audiobooks, so let me know if you ever need a recommendation. 🎧 1y
Andrew65 Sorry to hear the problem you are having with your eyes, but pleased to know the issue has been diagnosed and even better that it is treatable. Sending love and best wishes and enjoy sone good audiobooks. ❤️ 1y
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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Here is my February #BookSpinList ?

My #BookSpin is "The Midnight Library" and my #Doublespin is "This Time Tomorrow".

Goal for the month is to read! ? And to get some of my sweet #TBRtarot as well as #Roll100 selections off their respective lists.

Fingers crossed ?? for a better reading month than January! ❄️

My gratitude to @TheAromaofBooks @CBee @PuddleJumper for all they do to help us add even more joy to our reading ?

CBee Awwwww sis! Btw, The Midnight Library is EXCELLENT as is Station Eleven. But Midnight has a special place in my heart 😊 1y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 1y
CBee Hi! Just checking on you, sis! 😊😊 @Librariana (edited) 1y
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#ManicMonday on a very late Tuesday, but here I am swooning over this lovely lemon 🍋 yellow 💛 picture background, thinking about the #LetterY 😁😊 @CBee @ChaoticMissAdventures

📚 The Year of Magical Thinking [Didion], Yes Please [Poehler], You Do You: How to Be Who You Are and Use What You've Got... [Knight], You Don't Have to Say You Love Me [Alexie]
🖊 Yakoub, Nastasia; Yancey, Rick; Yang, Gene Luen

Cont'd in comments ⬇️ 😁

Librariana 🎬 Yesterday (2019), You've Got Mail
🎤 Yann Tiersen, Yiruma, Young the Giant
🎶 Yellow [Coldplay]; Yet to Come [BTS 💜]; You [Charlotte Lawrence]; You And Me [The Cranberries]; You Are My Joy [Reindeer Section]; You Might Not Like Her [Maddie Zahm]; you'd never know [Blü Eyes]; Your Power [Billie Eilish]; You're On Your Own, Kid [Taylor Swift]
vivastory Great choices! I almost included Yes Please 👏 1y
CBee Happy Wednesday, sis! Awesome choices 😊😊 1y
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Born a Crime | Trevor Noah
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My husband and I both greatly enjoyed listening to Trevor Noah narrate stories from his childhood. Although at times tackling very difficult moments and traumatic experiences in his life, we appreciated the frankness and humor with which he approached these topics. His mom's grace and wisdom were also especially admirable.

#Pantone2023 @Clwojick

Clwojick Great match! 1y
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#ManicMonday #LetterW @CBee @ChaoticMissAdventures

📚 Walking Your Octopus: A Guidebook to the Domesticated Cephalopod [Kesinger]; We Don't Eat Our Classmates [Higgins]; We Were Liars [Lockhart]; The Weird Sisters [Brown]; Where I Live [Spinelli]; Will Grayson, Will Grayson [Green & Levithan]; Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs?: Big Questions from Tiny Mortals About Death [Doughty]; With the Fire on High [Acevedo]

Cont'd in comments ⬇️

Librariana (1 of 2) 🖊 Walls, Jeannette; Weinstein, Alexander; Westerfeld, Scott; Wiesel, Eli; Willems, Mo; Wilson, G. Willow; Woodson, Jacqueline
🎬 WALL-E, Waitress, A Walk to Remember, Warm Bodies, The Wedding Singer, What Dreams May Come, Wonder Woman (2017), World War Z
📺 Walking Dead, WandaVision, Wednesday, What We Do in the Shadows (Guillermo!! 🥰), Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?, The Witcher (Henry Cavill era only!)
Librariana (1.5 of 2) 🎤 The Wallflowers, The Weeknd, Weezer, WINNER (K-Pop)
🎶 Wait [M83], Walking on Sunshine [Katrina & The Waves], Waltz With Me [Tonic], WANNABE [ITZY], We Are Bulletproof: the Eternal [BTS 💜]
Librariana (2 of 2) 🎶 When You Think of Me? [JP Saxe], When You're Gone [The Cranberries], Where's My Love (Acoustic) [SYML], Why Am I Like This? [Orla Gartland], Why Does it Always Rain on Me? [Travis], Wild Flower [RM 💜], Wild Horses [The Sundays], willow [Taylor Swift], Wind [Prm.], Wishing [Alexis Ffrench], Would That I [Hozier], WYD Now? [Sadie Jean] 1y
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CBee WOO GIRL 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 1y
Librariana @CBee 😁😁 Did you see me having to throw in a 1.5, sis!? Lol! 1y
CBee @Librariana YESSSSSS amazing 👏🏻👏🏻♥️♥️ 1y
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Inheritance | Elizabeth Acevedo
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An unapologetic love letter to cultural identity, heritage, and ancestry. A visual poem honoring the beauty of one's complexion, praising the legacy written in the tresses of natural Black hair, and in celebration of self-acceptance.

#Pantone2023 @Clwojick

Clwojick Wow! Spot on! Way to go! 1y
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These are four book series I definitely want to tackle this year. Here's to hoping this will be the year I stop postponing them!🤞🍀💜📚

#SeriesLove2023 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView

catiewithac Simon Snow Forever!! ❄️ #snowbaz ❤️ 1y
Clwojick Seanan McGuire 💖💖💖 (edited) 1y
TheSpineView Looks great! Good luck! 1y
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Kenyazero You have an excellent year ahead of you! 1y
Andrew65 I love Rainbow Rowell. Looks like you have a good year of reading ahead. 1y
CBee I need to read the last book of the Rowell series 🤦‍♀️ And I plan to finally read Psalm! 1y
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Let the tardiness continue! 🥳🍾🥂

I genuinely *DID* want this to be the year of organization, mindfulness, and *planning*... of being *prepared*... and I know it still CAN be... but being a perfectionist always throws a wrench into the works and I get paralyzed. I wanted to have beautiful written journal spreads, but here we are. Better late than never! 😁

Above are more of the #readingchallenges I plan to participate in this year. Yay! 💜📚

MatchlessMarie I still haven‘t figured out all mine yet 😆 thanks for reminding me about Series Love! 1y
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Always fashionably late to the best Litsy parties in town 😉🥳🍾🥂

Be prepared to see plenty of catch up posts from yours truly for beginning of the year reading plans that I procrastinated on because I a) was too overwhelmed by all the fabulous options and b) let the pursuit of general holiday coziness take over my life. Planning kinda went out the window. I regret nothing. 😁🤩 More to come!

#goodreads #readingchallenge #readinggoals

Clwojick You‘ve got this! ❤️❤️ 1y
ravenlee Nothing wrong with doing the planning and setup the first week! 1y
Librariana @Clwojick Thank you for the vote of confidence! ☺️ I've also got my first Pantone read and it was a lovely feeling to be able to complete my first prompt 😁 1y
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#ManicMonday #LetterU @CBee @ChaoticMissAdventures @Read4Life

📚 The Unfinished Life of Addison Stone [Griffin], Untamed [Doyle], Unwind [Shusterman]
🖊 Ukazu, Ngozi; Usdin, Carly
🎬 Under the Tuscan Sun, Up
📺 The Umbrella Academy, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Unsolved Mysteries
🎤 U2

Cont'd in comments ⬇️

Librariana (1 of 1) 🎶 Under the Willow [Brian Crain], Unforgettable [Nat King Cole], Unstoppable [Sia], Us [Regina Spektor], Used To [Wilma Laverne Miner], The Usual (Homework Live Acoustic Sessions) [Sam Fischer] 1y
CBee Unsolved Mysteries 😻😻 1y
Read4life Untamed is on my tbr 🤓 1y
Librariana @Read4life It's been a little while since I read it, but I do hope you enjoy it! 😁😊 I find the relationship between Glennon and her wife Abby to be just darling and sweet. The two of them together are just a hoot! 1y
Librariana @CBee YAAASSSS, sister! Yas, yas, yaasss! I love the classic AND the revamped, documentary style Netflix went with. 🥰🥰 1y
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The Most Likely Club | Elyssa Friedland
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These are (were?) my last book purchases of 2022.

I took advantage of Barnes & Noble's 50% Off Sale after Christmas AND bought the top 2 books from a local indie on Friday.

And with that I enter the #NoBuy/#BuyLess zone to #PrioritizeMyShelves in 2023 😁

The only exceptions I plan to make are for pre-orders already made and for gifts (although I'll encourage my family to get creative and think beyond books!)

@CBee @JamieArc @RaeLovesToRead

RaeLovesToRead Glad I'm not alone. Today was day 1 dessert free as well. No book buying... no dessert... how will I survive?!?! 😯😱😅 1y
rubyslippersreads @RaeLovesToRead You‘re very brave. 1y
CBee Oooooo 😍😍 Lessons in Chemistry - one of my 2022 faves!! I also look forward to the Joella - have you read his first? 1y
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CBee @RaeLovesToRead oh honey. I couldn‘t do both 😱😱 You‘re stronger than I!! 1y
TrishB @RaeLovesToRead 😱 for how long? 1y
Librariana @RaeLovesToRead Ok, remind me darling, is it gonna be for the WHOLE YEAR!?? Or just for the month of January??? 1y
JamieArc I plan on limiting myself to 1 book/month, plus two times when I can buy a few later this year. 1y
Librariana @JamieArc I think that is extremely sensible 😊 I have three pre-orders that happened in 2022 that I look forward to this year 😁 I think the only other times were book gifts might happen are anniversary, birthday, and Christmas. 1y
RaeLovesToRead @rubyslippersreads @CBee @TrishB @Librariana My plan is to review my goals month by month. So January is a dessert detox (Day 1 and I have a cracking headache 😬😬😬) and for the whole year I need to be CAREFUL about my purchases. I can't say I'm not going to buy anything, but I'm going to do my best. If any special editions come out, I may buy them and give them to Mum to gift me next Xmas 😅😅 It's a space thing as well as a money thing! 😋 1y
Librariana @CBee Awesome to hear that Lessons in Chemistry was one of your faves! 😁😊 I've heard great things about it from multiple friends. As for the Joella, I'm embarrassed to say... but I've never read anything by him 😳 I added A Quiet Life to our library system's catalog and was very intrigued by the premise. I realize I could've just borrowed it, but there was a holds queue already AND it mirrored the theme of the other memoirs I wanted to pick up. 1y
Librariana @RaeLovesToRead I promise this is a judgment free zone, hon so you do you! There's no judgment if something is purchased because goodness knows I've already made allowances for pre-orders and special occasions. As for the dessert detox, I do wish you luck 🍀 and hope it just gets easier. Hang in there! 🌈 1y
CBee @Librariana well, A Little Hope was his first book, so you‘re 1 book away from reading his whole body of work 😂 I enjoyed it! 1y
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Had I not decided that Psychology and Library Science were my academic paths in life, I think I would've liked to've given graphic design a shot!

I had quite a bit of fun digitally collaging this together 😁☺️

@Tove_Reads @Andrew65 - I humbly submit this image for your consideration for the #OffTheShelf2023 reading challenge. Hope you like it! 💜😊

@JamieArc @RaeLovesToRead

Tove_Reads Cool! Thanks! 😊 I‘m far from a graphic designer myself, so much appreciated 👍🏽 1y
Andrew65 This is absolutely brilliant @librariana, wish I had 10% of your talent. This is definitely the graphic we will be using and thank you, we might need to put you on commission for future graphics 😂 Happy New Year to you. 1y
Librariana @Tove_Reads Any time! I'm happy to help and I genuinely enjoy making things like this 😊 1y
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Librariana @Andrew65 Aawww! *BLUSH* ☺️😊 Thank you so much for that incredibly kind compliment! 💜 In all fairness though, it was just a variety of stock images that I collaged together, but boy, did I have fun doing it! Please know that I am more than happy to be on stand-by any time you need a graphic 😁 Wishing you a happy and prosperous new year filled with lots of opportunities for reading 📚 1y
Andrew65 @Librariana It may be just pulling together stock images but still very creative in the way you‘ve pulled them together, I don‘t have that creative vision so mine would have looked nowhere as good even with the same images! You may regret offering to do other graphics 😂 but a big thank you. Here‘s wishing you the best possible 2023. 1y
RaeLovesToRead This is super cute! 😊 1y
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Heartstopper: Volume 1 | Alice Oseman
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🎶 On the 4th day of Christmas... 🎶

Blame it on Netflix!

This sweet graphic novel makes me want to take all of its main characters, wrap them in a blanket of acceptance, and keep them safe in a little snow globe filled with candy sprinkles. Gives me all the warm fuzzies! 🥰

#12booksof2022 @Andrew65

Andrew65 Looks fun. 1y
peanutnine Aww I love the image you painted with that description 🥰 1y
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"Personal Effects: What Recovering the Dead Teaches Me About Caring for the Living" was my favorite March read.

As the owner of a disaster management company, Jensen doesn't shy away from talking plainly about recovery work after mass casualty events, from the Oklahoma City bombing to the Grenfell Tower Fire.

Not necessarily a book for everyone but one I found fascinating.

#12booksof2022 @Andrew65

Andrew65 It does sound fascinating. 1y
tpixie Sounds incredible. And I need to keep purging!! 1y
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Weekly Forecast | Thomas Gibson Inc
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Meant to post this yesterday, @Cinfhen, but I think yours truly spent WAAAYYY more time fiddling with the image and watching Christmas movies 🎄🎬

It is my sincerest wish to complete at least 2 of the books on the top row this week and to start on the 3 below as well 😁

Because I CANNOT, for the life of me, read one book at a time.


Cinfhen Well your crafty efforts are FABULOUS ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️Love these graphics 😍Good luck with your reading xx 1y
rubyslippersreads I always have several books going at once. So did my mom, and now my nephew is carrying on the family tradition. 1y
Librariana Thank you, @Cinfhen (Cindy!) 😄😁😊 I'm crossing my fingers and toes that I can make the kind of progress that'll make future me proud ☺️ 1y
Librariana I'm glad to be in good company then, @rubyslippersreads! And glad that your nephew is proudly carrying on the family tradition 😁😊 1y
kspenmoll Love your collage! 1y
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Cheating a tiny bit on Day 2 of the #12booksof2022, but I couldn't include one without the other.

My favorite February read was "Alone Together", edited by Jennifer Haupt, and although it took me a while to complete due to its anthology format, it was still a very worthwhile perspective on how folks coped with life during lockdown and with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Love Was Inside" gave a child's view of the same.


Andrew65 Important times, with important messages. 1y
Librariana Agreed, @Andrew65! Some of the stories were definitely sad but plenty had uplifting messages of resilience 💜 1y
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My favorite January read had me reminiscing on old habits (wrapping myself with the chord of the kitchen phone) and beloved objects of the pre-Internet era (Rolodex, anyone?) It was a nostalgic walk down memory lane and provided welcome moments of reflection on things lost (and gained!) Pamela Paul has also written another book I'm looking forward to reading in the new year - My Life With Bob.

#12booksof2022 @Andrew65

Andrew65 Sounds a good nostalgic read. 1y
tpixie Fun! 1y
Leftcoastzen Ahhh,love a Rolodex! 1y
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Last food post of the day! 😁

Spokane is currently experiencing NEGATIVE degree wind chills (as are many other parts of the country, so I know we're not special!) Made for a perfect day to get some chowder!

I shared their clever drink menu earlier, but these were our lunch choices: I had elote corn chowder while hubby had pork carnitas chowder. He had a cheesesteak sandwich with salad and I had a Cuban sandwich with tater tots!

ChaoticMissAdventures Portland isn't supposed to get over 25 the next couple of days I stocked up and am now refusing to leave my house. 1y
Librariana @ChaoticMissAdventures Don't blame you in the slightest! News is reporting single digit temperatures for the next few days with wind chills in the -20⁰ to -30⁰ range 🥶🥶🥶 I've been off work the last 2 days for routine medical appointments, but hubby and I both have to go to work tomorrow. We'll hunker down the remainder of the evening until we have to venture out for tamales on Friday ☺️ 1y
mandarchy I'm over here in balmy Thurston Co. The wind chill brings us to 20° and I'm freaking out. 1y
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Hubby and I are having lunch together at a spot called "Chowderhead" and I love their cheeky drink menu ?

Cold Soups: Drip coffee, Cold brew, Soda can, etc.

Grown-up Soups: Lumberbeard Stout, Trailbreaker Cider, etc.

Tuesday | David Wiesner
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Thanks for the tag @Read4life 😁😊 And thanks for the #Two4Tuesday questions, @TheSpineView

1. No traveling this year as we have family all over the States. Hubby and I are staying put in the PNW 🥰🎄

2. YES! Oh gosh, yes! It's been snowing 🌨 ❄️ ALL day today and will probably continue to do so well into the next two days. Will likely stick around for the weekend, too before our weather warms up.

Play along if you'd like @CBee 💜

Read4life You‘re welcome. Enjoy your time at home and I hope you have a Merry & white Christmas 🤓❄️ 1y
TheSpineView Enjoy your white Christmas! Thanks for playing!🤍❄️❤️🎄 1y
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? I'm late, I'm late! For a very important date! ?
#ManicMonday #LetterT @CBee @ChaoticMissAdventures

? They Call Me Güero [Bowles], They Called Us Enemy [Takei], This Book is Overdue! [Johnson], Twilight: the Graphic Novel (vols. 1 & 2) [Kim]
? Tamiko, Mariko; Tan, Amy; Telgemeier, Raina; Tucholke, April Genevieve; Tung, Debbie
? Transformers ("Autobots, roll out!"), Twilight (I know... It's my cheesy, guilty pleasure movie!)

Cont'd ⬇️

Librariana 📺 True Detective
🎤 Tegan and Sara, TOMORROW X TOGETHER, Tonic, Travis, TWICE
🎶 Take on Me (all-time, top favorite song in the history of EVER)[A-Ha], Talk that Talk [TWICE], This is Me [Keala Settle]
CBee Hi 👋🏻 did you have a crazy manic ridiculous Monday like I did? 🫣🤯 1y
Librariana @CBee ¡Hola hermana! 👋 Hello Sis! And YES!! Oh my gosh, yes. Monday was WHOA 😳😳 And now it's Tuesday and it's been snowing all morning and I have a 2nd doctor's appointment. Y mañana (and tomorrow) dental! It's non-stop before the holidays! 1y
CBee @Librariana whoa indeed. I‘m just glad Tuesday has been more tame 🫣🫣🫣 1y
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Pride and Prejudice | Jane Austen
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Asked Santa for an early Christmas present that'll be a tad delayed as it is a pre-order.

For those who might not know this about me, I am quite fond of the tagged title and greatly enjoy modern retellings of it. Although this is not the latter, it IS a new edition of the classic, designed by Nerdy Ink, due out in February 2023.

I'm in love 🥰 and grateful that the Instagram fairies were smiling down upon me while browsing.

JamieArc Wow! So interesting and gorgeous! 😍 1y
Librariana @JamieArc I thought so, too! 🥰🥰 It caught me off guard when I saw it on an Instagram ad. I follow the NerdyInk account, but with the algorithm being what it is, I don't always see her posts. I'm so glad I happened upon this one when I did and that I was able to pre-order it! 1y
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#ManicMonday #LetterS @CBee @ChaoticMissAdventures

📚 Sarah's Key [de Rosnay], The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet [Su], Severance [Ma], The Shadow of the Wind [Zafón], Slothilda [Fabiero], Southern Lady Code [Ellis], Spilling Open [Harrison], Stargirl [Spinelli], Still Alice [Genova], The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry [Zevin]

Cont'd in comments, of course ⬇️😁

Librariana (1 of 2) 🖊 Sáenz, Benjamin Alire; Sebold, Alice; Sepetys, Ruta; Serle, Rebecca; Snider, Grant; Solnit, Rebecca; the Spinellis - Eileen and Jerry; Stevenson, N. D.; Stirling, Danie
🎬 The Sandlot, The Shawshank Redemption, The Silence of the Lambs, Sleepless in Seattle, The Sixth Sense, Star Wars, Stranger Than Fiction, Super 8, Sweet November
Librariana (2 of 2) 📺 Schitt's Creek, Sherlock, Stranger Things
🎤 Sara Bareilles, Sara Kays, Sia, Snail Mail, Snow Patrol, Stray Kids, SUGA of BTS 💜
🎶 Serendipity [BTS]; Simply the Best [covers by Billianne & Noah Reid]; Somewhere Only We Know [Keane]; Sparrow [Jump, Little Children]; Sparks & Speed of Sound [Coldplay]; Such Great Heights [The Postal Service]; Suddenly I See [KT Tunstall]
ChaoticMissAdventures Schitts Creek has given me the best work Gif game of my life! ❤️ 1y
Librariana @ChaoticMissAdventures - Moira, David, and Alexis are just 🥰🥰🥰 1y
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This was supposed to be #Day6 for the #WinterReadathonDailyChallenge - celebrating St. Nick.

And the best I could do/find was a picture of our jolly hand sanitizer station last year during the panini. He got new outfits for every major holiday!

Upper left is yours truly with reindeer antlers that light up! (And a festive mask because we had to find small joys where we could get 'em! 😷 )

@Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

Andrew65 Love this! Tough times and as you say we have to find joy wherever we can. 🎄🎄🎄 1y
DieAReader 🎄🎄🎄 1y
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