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Joined December 2018

Hufflepuff Lucifer, Parks and Rec, Friends fan Travel & nature 💚
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How to Stop Time by Matt Haig
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Stealing: A Novel by Margaret Verble
Lights | Brenna Thummler
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“It‘s strange how much power darkness has over the light”.
The last of this graphic novel trilogy finds the MC helping her ghost friend, Wendell, find out more about his past life and death. She‘s also trying to navigate friendships. A little emotional toward the end—even though I figured out what was coming. Good trilogy.

Delicates | Brenna Thummler
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Also read this tonight. Didn‘t wait to borrow it from my friend. A middle grade/YA graphic novel that continues the stories of ghosts & the 8th grader Marjorie. Introduces a new character who most peers think is “weird”. Has themes of bullying & suicidal thoughts. Marjorie is trying to keep her friendship with ghost Wendell but also can‘t admit he‘s a ghost. 4.5 ⭐️

KadaGul YA always has a way of melting your heart! 1d
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Table For Two | Amor Towles
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I heard about this collection of stories being published from a podcast, & I had to put it on hold at the library asap. I enjoyed the short stories—I often don‘t remember short stories well by the end of the book, but this time I could. I also loved the “novella”which is actually book-length & told from several characters‘ POVs that Eve (from Rules of Civility) meets. The story ends up being thrilling/suspenseful. Between 4.5-5 ⭐️

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I‘ve had this on my Litsy TBR for awhile, finally got around to the audiobook, narrated by author. Think I mainly wanted to read it because of the travel, & I definitely enjoyed hearing about different cultures, traditions, & lifestyles. A lot of the people interviewed by the author were interesting. I really liked the grandmother in Moldova. Amusing at times. The parts about happiness were good but not as interesting to me. 3.75⭐️

BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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Did my #bookspin list early this month. I put a few extra kindle & light reading on here because I‘m going to be on vacation at the end of June. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 6d
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I really liked this story & felt some tension as it went on due to Alfonso‘s behavior & Lucrezia‘s situation. But—I am left frustrated by the ending! Anyone else? #doublespin for May

Stone Blind: A Novel | Natalie Haynes
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1) I don‘t have a specific memory, but I loved the Bookmobile as a kid. Our main library was about 15 minutes away, so we often visited the Bookmobile on Saturdays. I would still go if they had one.
2) bookstore & library, Amazon occasionally for my kindle
3) Tagged
@Eggs #wondrouswednesday

Eggs Thanks for playing! 3w
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Sheets | Brenna Thummler
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Read this GN last night after my friend let me borrow it. Now I have to get the other 2 from her. A sad but hopeful story about a girl who has lost her mom & a ghost who is lonely. Very creative story & great artwork. Relatable characters & am excited to read more about this world.

Forever Is Now | Mariama J Lockington
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I bought this at my Ky Book Fair last October—probably 70% for the cover & 30% for the story. This is a book that needs to be more popular though! A story written in verse about a Black teen who has severe anxiety, witnesses a racist police arrest, & develops agoraphobia. I was worried about how her therapist would be depicted (since I am one & media doesn‘t have a good track record), but she was perfect. The story also shows how Sadie‘s 👇

Scochrane26 mental health affects her family & friends. A romance & activism are big plot points. I felt hopeful for Sadie at the end. I gave it 5⭐️ on GR, it has a great rating but not enough people have read it, imo. 4.5 ⭐️#bookspin for May 3w
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This was on my Litsy tbr, but I don‘t remember who recommended it. This is only a 3 hr audiobook & is written for YA. I just wanted to know the basics of the Stonewall riots, & it provides that along with a good description of life in Greenwich Village at that time. Also goes on to talk about the AIDS epidemic & LGBTQIA+ activism.

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I think this was a rec from @Megabooks so decided to finally listen to it. I enjoyed learning about these 4 gutsy, hard-working, creative women. There wasn‘t enough Betty White, imo, but still a good book.

vivastory One of my favorite podcasts is Reading Glasses. One of the co-hosts, Mallory O'Meara, recently announced she's going to be releasing a biography on the first Hollywood stunt woman & how at the beginning of Hollywood the studios were mostly run by women. I'm really intrigued. I really liked her book about the designer of the creature from the black lagoon 3w
Megabooks I‘m glad you enjoyed this, too! That sounds like it would be a really interesting book @vivastory . 3w
Scochrane26 @vivastory Yes, that book sounds interesting! I‘ll have to look out for it. 3w
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Another 5 ⭐️ read. I‘m not evangelical (I‘m in the evil left they talk about in the book), but I‘m glad the author is because he has a unique perspective. We all know about the alt-right, but what is going on in some “churches” is eye-opening. I recommend this to any religious person—he does talk about faith/Christian beliefs so for non-believers, it might not be a book for you.

BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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Last-minute, but this is my #bookspin list for May. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 1mo
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I‘ve been so good about not buying books this year & have mostly used a gift card & coupons when I did get a book. But, today is Independent Bookstore Day, and I needed to use a coupon only for April, so I felt obligated to spend some money. 🤣 The Penelope book is for work…I love this series. #bookhaul
Also, I really wanted Amor Towles‘ new book but decided the library is a better option.

Sargar114 The Penelope books are so fun! My boys love them. 💛🦖 1mo
Scochrane26 @Sargar114 Yes, I may buy them a little more for me lol, but my child clients like them a lot. I think this one will be great since we often talk about their pets. 1mo
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This is going to be a gift for my mom. Here in our area of Kentucky, Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill (we all call it Shakertown) is a preserved Shaker settlement that has tours, farm animals, homemade crafts, and delicious food. A member of my church has been working on this history of her mother/cookbook, & it finally was published. Her mother ran the kitchen at Shakertown, so there‘s some of those recipes, as well as other recipes.

Scochrane26 The book is pricey because it‘s from an indie press, but I thought some of you all might be interested. Have I mentioned that Shakertown‘s food is delicious? (edited) 1mo
Tamra What a beautiful cover! 1mo
Scochrane26 @Tamra The cover is one of the staircases at Shaker Village. 1mo
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Half of a Yellow Sun | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
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Adichie is an amazing writer, & I wish I had more novels from her to read. This one is tough—plenty of trigger warnings. Had to do a little research partway through about the Biafran war, so I could understand better. The story is centered around 3 characters who are connected. Sometimes it was hard to keep track of other characters. A powerful historical novel about the horrors of a war that most of us have never heard about. 5 ⭐️

Scochrane26 Can‘t help but think of the wars going on now, with people starving and being bombed. Will different people ever get along? 1mo
Amiable Have you read “Americanah”? It‘s fabulous. I love her work. 1mo
Scochrane26 @Amiable Yes, that‘s the first of her books I read & still my favorite. 1mo
Amiable @Scochrane26 Mine, too! 1mo
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Just an FYI for the fans of Erik Larson who live near enough to attend. Hosted by Joseph-Beth bookstore in Cincinnati, more info is on their site under events.

marleed I saw him speak about the tagged on the evening 13Mar2020. His wife worked in a NYC hospital. He flew from there to Chicago to a packed auditorium in Kansas City. His airport layover was eerie. It was clear he was concerned (no hand shaking or book signing). I look at my unsigned copy of the tagged on my shelves and always remember that this is when a pandemic got real for me. 1mo
Scochrane26 @marleed That‘s an interesting memory. I hope you were able to enjoy his talk. The last book signing I went to before was Erin Morgenstern & Alix E Harrow, but it was in Jan or Feb of 2020. 1mo
jlhammar So excited for a new Larson! 1mo
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I knew I was at the emotional part of this book & had put it off for a couple of days. I should know better than to finish it in the middle of night when I‘m more likely to cry. Despite some sadness, this story is so interesting. It starts with Esme as a child spending time with her dad at work, where he‘s researching & putting together the first Oxford English Dictionary. The making of the dictionary is fascinating. 5 ⭐️

Scochrane26 Esme & the women characters in this book are intelligent & supportive of each other. I hope our current dictionary has much more input from women than the first edition. (edited) 2mo
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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#bookspin list for April @TheAromaofBooks
I‘m almost done with the first part of my book challenge (from my library), so these are mostly for fun/mood reads.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
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Audiobook. Needed a book with a beach on the cover for my library‘s book challenge & then @Eggs reviewed this HF about Guernsey, which I would love to visit. The story of 3 young women during the German WW2 occupation who want to make a difference in the war. A little suspenseful towards the end; I really wanted to know what was going to happen. Wasn‘t sure about the ending at first, but now I think it was a good way to tie things up.

Eggs Wonderful to hear! Glad you enjoyed it 🙌🏻 3mo
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Positives about this book—it had a lot less typos/mistakes than in Clanlands Almanac, history I didn‘t know about New Zealand, interesting adventures, & enjoyable banter.
Negatives—don‘t like the continued jokes about Black Jack from Outlander

BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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#bookspin list for March. I actually did both my bookspin & doublespin books for February but won‘t get a bingo. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3mo
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A Minute to Midnight | David Baldacci
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Another book gifted to me from a library sale. Not my typical genre. It‘s a good story, but not a series I‘ll continue (my personal choice). An FBI agent is trying to solve her sister‘s case because she was kidnapped & presumed dead at age 6. Agent returns to former home, but then ends up involved in a serial killer case in the same town. Some twists, interesting cases, & really liked the agent‘s assistant. This is one of my #bookspin for Feb.

Welcome, Caller | M Dean Wright
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I picked this up at the Ky Book Fair. It‘s a debut from a college student who self-published, & I thought I‘d give it a try. It‘s a low pick, but I feel there‘s potential to improve. The MC is a transgender male who has a close group of LGBTQIA+ friends. He starts listening to a radio call-in show & connects with the DJ while he‘s also starting to build a friendship with a guy IRL. Found family, mental health, diverse characters, romance

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2nd book picked by librarian (book bundle). I had no idea there was a series starting in 1996 with Jane Austen as a detective (before I read any Austen). Written close to Austen‘s style, this 1st story involves Jane trying to prove her friend is innocent of murder after her husband dies while Jane is staying there. There‘s complications, interesting characters,& overall, a good mystery. 8 books in series. @StayCurious -you may be interested

TheBookHippie I read them all with the #Janeandtheexcellentreadalong with @Crinoline_Laphroaig last year into this year. It was amazing and so fun. (edited) 3mo
Ruthiella I also read about half of the series as part of #janeandtheexcellentreadalong and recommend the rest of them. Each subsequent book improves upon the previous one. 3mo
Scochrane26 @TheBookHippie @Ruthiella Thanks for the info. I was on the fence about continuing the series, but I think they‘d be good whenever I need a mystery. 3mo
TheBookHippie @Scochrane26 they definitely get better as you go along. 3mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig And you can check out the #JaneAndTheExcellentReadalong posts as you read series. 3mo
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As part of my library‘s book challenge, I had to try out a service called book bundles. I filled out a brief online form about my likes/dislikes & a librarian found 3 books to match my tastes. This is the 1st one.
This story centers around an arranged marriage in order to combine family businesses. The MCs are both ambitious so go along with it, at first. An enjoyable story, but a little too long & the ending conflict wasn‘t necessary, imo.3.5 ⭐️

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So, I got to meet Graham McTavish, aka Dougal Mackenzie, war chief, yesterday at a book signing. He has been in Lexington, Kentucky several times in the last year because he has developed his own bourbon brand (it‘s only bourbon if it‘s from KY). He didn‘t do a talk about the new Clanlands but spoke to each of us as we went through line & allowed pics. A friend went with me, it was a good time.

wanderinglynn How awesome! 4mo
Ruthiella Wow! 🤩 4mo
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Plume, Volume 1 | K. Lynn Smith
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My friend wanted this GN series when we went to Cincinnati, OH for comic con. She couldn‘t go, so we got them for her. She wanted me to read them. I love all 3 & can‘t wait to get the 4th one from her (think it‘s only a 4 volume series). An adventure story about revenge & ancient, magical artifacts. Check it out if you enjoy GN.

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I listened to 3 different & really good audiobooks in January. This one is the first book that is referenced in The World Record Book of Racist Stories. It‘s also hilarious while encouraging us white people to think about our words & actions. It‘s amazing that some people feel comfortable making blatant racist comments or treating people so differently.

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I feel like I‘m the last person to read this book, so I won‘t say much about it. It‘s trippy, & I had a hard time putting it down, except for when I needed to think through all the characters. May be one I reread in the future because I know I missed details.

Tamra You aren‘t alone - still on my shelf! 4mo
Sargar114 It‘s on my shelf as well. The husband got it for me for Christmas 2022 🙈 4mo
Scochrane26 @tamra @Sargar114 I‘ve had it for at least a year. I‘m doing my library‘s book challenge again & needed a book with a map. It finally was read because it has a map. 4mo
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This story has some twists that were a bit different from other books I‘ve read. I enjoyed the characters but sometimes wished the MC was less innocent (it‘s set after WW2 so had to lessen my expectations). A huge library is involved which made me happy. Don‘t want to give away spoilers. Thanks @Gissy for gifting me this one. 4 ⭐️

Gissy I‘m glad to here that. I need to read this one🤗❤️❤️❤️ 4mo
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2nd 5 ⭐️ read for January, an audiobook. I‘m old enough to remember the Challenger explosion, which is toward the end of this book, but I didn‘t know anything before that. This is so interesting, I looked forward to the drive to & from work. These women are/were amazing, courageous, & way smarter than me.

Singout If you like that book, you‘d probably like this excellent one, the bio of female teacher and passenger Christa McAuliffe, recommended for #AuldLangSpine by @Amiable two years ago. 4mo
Scochrane26 @Singout Thanks, I‘ll look for that one. 4mo
Amiable I have this book sitting right on the top of my TBR stack! 4mo
Singout @Amiable Didn‘t you read it in 2021? 4mo
Amiable @Singout I read “The Burning Blue” in 2021. I have “The Six” in my stacks. 4mo
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One of two NF 5 ⭐️ reads in January. After reading Horse, I was curious about the real-life story of Lexington. Plus, I live around the city of Lexington, so it‘s easy to imagine the farms back in the 1850‘s. Even if you don‘t know much about horses, this is a great read. I learned new information & really need to visit the KY Horse Park museum soon. @Megabooks

Megabooks So glad you loved this piece of KY history, too! 4mo
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The Wednesdays | Julie Bourbeau
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My Kentucky Wildcats are stressing me out in basketball right now, so I‘m posting to calm down. 😂
1. My middle name “Cochrane” was my grandmother‘s maiden name.
2. 1 sister
3. In the Lives of Puppets
#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

Eggs #2 Love that❣️ Thanks for joining in! 4mo
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Took Littens‘ recommendations to listen to this memoir. Y‘all were right—this is a delightful book with Winkler like a friendly neighbor. I often watched Happy Days as a kid but I also love Winkler in Parks and Rec. Found the parts about his dyslexia really interesting.

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Finally continued this fun mystery series starring Queen Elizabeth. This one involved stolen art. Enjoyable series.

The Seven Year Slip | Ashley Poston
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My first book of the year, a romance featuring a hot chef. The twist is the protagonist has an apartment that puts her 7 years in the past sometimes. Also a story about grief. TW discussion about suicide

BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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I have a lot of books to post about for January, but for right now, I‘m doing my #bookspin list for February. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4mo
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End of the Chapter | John Galsworthy
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End of 2023 stats. May post more from SG later. Think I upped my page count this year & somehow fit a few more in than last year (think because of audiobooks).

Ruthiella Good job! 👏👏👏 5mo
Cuilin 🎉🥳🎉 5mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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January 2024 #bookspin list. Mostly the same as December because I was catching up on past bookspins. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 5mo
Megabooks You‘ll enjoy 10! 5mo
Scochrane26 @Megabooks yes, that‘s one of my Book Fair books, so we met the author. Since I liked Horse, I‘m interested in the NF story. 5mo
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Several good stories, including Poirot & Mr. Quin stories. I think I‘ve completed all of Christie‘s books with this one. Most of the ones I read this year were audio, & I‘m sure I‘ll revisit my favorites.

Wrecked | Heather Henson
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This is a pretty quick YA read set in Kentucky around the opioid epidemic. Got this at Ky Book Fair. A retelling of The Tempest, it‘s about a male teen who moves to the area, meets & falls for a female teen whose dad happens to be the main meth cooker/seller in the area. Stuff happens, it‘s a good book, esp for teens. #doublespin for December
This may be my last finished physical book for the year. Bookend the year with opioid epidemic books.

Warrior Girl Unearthed | Angeline Boulley
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This is my pick for June. #12booksof2023. I loved Firekeeper‘s Daughter & loved this one even more. @Andrew65

Andrew65 Excellent. 5mo
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Remarkably Bright Creatures | Shelby Van Pelt
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May is the hardest month to choose a favorite book because there‘s 4. I‘m choosing this one because of Marcellus the octopus. This story has stuck with me since reading it, think I rated it a 4 on GR at the time but I need to change that. #12booksof2023 @Andrew65
The others are The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, Convenience Store Woman, & I‘m Glad my Mom Died.

Andrew65 This is on my list for next year. 5mo
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For the 4th day of Christmas, I‘m choosing this one as my favorite of April. I love this trilogy, so much that I reread the first 2 later in the year. It‘s a fun book. #12booksof2023 @Andrew65

Andrew65 Love the sound of this one. 5mo
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Wednesday's Wrath | Don Pendleton
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1. Yes, I had a few goals. I met my GR goal & completed my library‘s book challenge. I didn‘t finish all my bookspin books but got close.
2. 5 ⭐️ for The World Record Book of Racist Stories because the audio version earned it an extra ⭐️
3. Don‘t think I have any series planned for next year
#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

Eggs Thanks for joining in 🥳 5mo
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This book wins my top spot for March because I learned a lot from it & I liked the audiobook narration. I didn‘t agree with everything Hari presented, but the information is useful in my clinical practice.
I like picking a favorite each month because not all of them will be in my yearly top ten but are still great.
#12booksof2023 @Andrew65

Andrew65 Sounds a fascinating read, I like books of this nature. (edited) 5mo
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Tuesday's Socks | Alison Ragsdale
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1. I received 2 books & gifted 1 (not counting Litsy swap)
2. I like to cross stitch bookmarks for gifts
@TheSpineView #two4tuesday

TheSpineView Homemade gifts are the best! Thanks for playing 🎄🎁📚 5mo
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Scattered Showers | Rainbow Rowell
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Looking at my February books for #12booksof2023 , I realized I don‘t have any year-end favorites in February. Rainbow Rowell is a fave author, so this short story collection is my pick. Plus, the cover is lovely. @Andrew65 12 days of Christmas

Andrew65 I‘ve loved her books. 5mo
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Demon Copperhead: A Novel | Barbara Kingsolver
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Joining in on #12booksof2023
12 Days of Christmas This is an easy choice for January, first book of the year, still my overall fave of 2023. @Andrew65

Andrew65 Excellent choice. 5mo
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