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Joined February 2017

Obsessed with Audiobooks 🎧 ~ INFP-T Mediator 🤝 ~ Gemini ♊ ~ 🦀 Leg Eater and Eggo devourer ~ American
Unknown Book 4475976 | Unknown Unknown
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RE-CAP for the month of May. 16 books total, I went on vacation this month and it shows...I was too busy in the mountains of Tennessee to finish any books. Had fun, though. I tried to make up for it this past week by finishing five in a row. DNF's are in my next post. All were Audiobooks except A Girl Called Samson.

Unknown Book 7535597 | Unknown Unknown
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I DNF'd a total of 3 books this month. Here they are with a quick summary as to why.

BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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MAY's #bookspinbingo board. I ended up with 3 Bingo's since I cranked out 5 books in the last week of May. I got so many Holds from the library that I wasn't expecting. (Faded books are the ones I didn't complete)

#bookspin PRAY FOR SILENCE = completed.
#doublespin IF SOMETHING HAPPENS =completed.


TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Fantastic month!!! 19h
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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For JUNE's #bookspinbingo I went with an 80s theme....definitely looking forward to quite a few of these books.


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 19h
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What Happened to Nina? | Dervla McTiernan
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This was surprisingly captivating for a book that doesn't shy away from revealing its mysteries early on. The allure was not in the suspense of the unknown but in the unfolding drama and the anticipation of the repercussions. The intrigue lay is in the mystery itself but in the aftermath. The narrative journey had me completely hooked. But the horrible cover does not do this book justice at all. The full-cast narration was also super good.

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This particular piece pulls at your emotional core, tugging at the heartstrings in a way that leaves a lasting impact. Yet, it must be noted that it also contains elements that could be described as sorrowful, adding a depth of sadness that can't be overlooked. Michael Kramer did a wonderful job of narrating. Although, there is a newer version of the book (available on Audible) with Jay Kopelman, himself, narrating the story.

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Damsel | Evelyn Skye
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This might be a good fit for people who don‘t like fantasy all that much…because it‘s not bogged down with extraneous details or characters. It‘s a one-and-done kind of book, and the princess doesn‘t suck, which is why I probably enjoyed it well enough. The narration by Imani Jade Powers was very good and really worked for me.

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I do love an Amy Harmon romance and with this book, she skillfully weaves a tapestry of historical facts and creative fiction. This novel was inspired by the extraordinary experiences of a real-life young woman who dared to defy societal norms during the Revolutionary War. It is full of grit, determination, and love...including but not limited to romantic love. This was also my first finished “read with my eyes“ book this year.

KadaGul I picked this book for Amazon First Reads 📖 It 👀 interesting. #AmazonFirstReads 1w
AudiobookingWithLeah @KadaGul I think that's where I got it from...either that or KU. I wanted to listen to it...but I don't like the narrator who narrates it. 6d
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If the Tide Turns | Rachel Rueckert
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⬗historical adventure⬗w/some romance⬗pirates⬗based in truth⬗ostracizing, occultism, & holding fast to your own beliefs

I seem to be in the minority, as many people loved this. My mood might have influenced my opinion, but I found much of it, especially the beginning, quite boring. In my view, it focused on less interesting aspects of the MMC and the FMC's story. I also did not enjoy the narration by Pilar Witherspoon all that much.

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Light Pick 3.5⭐
Interestingly, they mentioned the Ashley Madison Hack in this book, especially since I recently listened to an Audible Original book highlighting it. This story seems to have been inspired by that event. While the story was generally good, there were moments where I lost interest. However, the ending was surprising and wrapped up the situations quite well.

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4⭐The murders in this book are not for the faint of heart. They are graphic, to a sickening extent. I believe this is done to make a significant impact, and it does...but it might be too much for some. We also see a continuation of the budding romance between Kate&John. I'm uncertain about the vibes John was giving off. However, I‘m sure this is a way to extend their love story over several books. The narration by Kathleen McInerney was fantastic.

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4.25⭐I love the title of this book and it fits her story perfectly. My first memoir by someone who isn‘t already famous. All I can say is I hope her current boyfriend/husband treats her like a queen…because she deserves it after what she‘s been through.

As for the narration…I‘m glad she narrated it herself because she can tell her story best since she lived it…but her child-like voice made me tune out of the story a little too often.

Confessions | Kanae Minato
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4.5⭐This story moves from one POV to another, giving their account of events centering around the death of a child at a school where the mother is a teacher. Each POV is a single chapter, so the chapters are rather long. Despite this…it still moves along quickly…it‘s repetitive without feeling repetitive since each POV is so different. Eventually, the whole story is unraveled…at the end, you‘ll get one last bombshell dropped...which is a stunner.

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If I Lose Her | Brianne Sommerville
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This is a great debut with a solid plot and great narration. If you go into this knowing all the vibes it has at play, and you're prepared for it mentally, this could be a five-star book for you. But if, like me, you feel too much gaslighting in a story can weigh down the whole tone of the book…then maybe not so much.

The Slaying Game | Faith Gardner
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I've enjoyed all the other books in this series much more than I did this one. So, overall…I wanted to like this more than I actually did…it had an interesting concept but I wasn‘t engaged most of the time and found my mind wandering which was mostly due to the narration…I think. You can read the series out of order but make sure you read Eve In Overdrive before this one because it leads into this one.

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It‘s best to go into this one blind…or at least blind-ish. So I‘m keeping the Vibes as vague as the synopsis. Overall, I had no clue where this was going, so that was a pleasant surprise after the slow start. Although, it did get a tad difficult to swallow at times…although, it wasn‘t a deal-breaker by any means. Where the story goes, ultimately, could be a turn-off for some people.

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3.5⭐ - Light Pick w/caveats
I find it difficult to believe they have known each other for years (at least 4) and have never gotten the courage to say how they really feel about the other. I don‘t buy it. But hey…if the vibes👆🏼 are something you're into…and dark/humorous romance is your thing, then maybe this will be to your liking. And as a bonus, the ending even got a little bit thrilling. The DUET narration was super good...loved it😍

BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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The results of my APRIL #bookspinbingo board.

BS = If I Lose Her by Brianne Sommerville✔️ (squeezed in on the last day of the month)
DS = We Play Games by Sarah A Denzil✔️

3 Bingos✔️ Not too bad...


TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!! 1mo
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WE PLAY GAMES | Sarah A. Denzil
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These are both free on Audible+. They both have full cast narration and they are both very well performed.
WPG: This was a decent short story that unfortunately fell short for me because of my inability to grasp accents.
ETAMH: This started out well since I don't recollect this hack from when it happened. Unfortunately, its momentum and my interest crashed and burned rather quickly.

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One Of Our Own | Lucinda Berry
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One of Our Own actually blew me away with how hard-hitting and thought-provoking it is…especially for something so short. The narration by Tessa Albertson and A.J. Cook was fantastic.

BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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My #bookspinbingo Board for May. I purposefully added quite a few shorter books because I'm going on vacation in May.


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 1mo
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After All I've Done | Mina Hardy
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Pick-ish 3.5⭐
So, it turns out this pretty cover is hiding something so very twisted. What started rather slow eventually picked up steam as it went along and that ending left me stunned plus a few other feelings but in the moment, I was there for it just because of how much it took me by surprise. The shifting timelines coupled with the shifting POVs do get a touch confusing but otherwise, this one has the potential to appeal to some.

The Kill Factor | Ben Oliver
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4.25⭐If you loved The Hunger Games but thought maybe it could be more murdery…and you think the idea of convicted youth on a reality TV show playing for the chance to exonerate themselves sounds like a good time, this could be the book for you. Of course…everything you think you know about this story will get turned on its head…so, you have to be able to go with that, too. It didn't hurt that it was narrated by my fav, Brittany Pressley, either.

Rules for Being a Girl | Katie Cotugno, Candace Bushnell
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This is a book that explores the implicit societal rules imposed on girls, presenting a realistic yet hopeful narrative. It stands out for its excellent writing, compelling characters, and powerful message. The narration by Julia Whelan was perfect.

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I should‘ve DNF‘d this one since early on I was finding myself bored as shit with it. For some reason, I stuck with it. It must‘ve had something to do with liking this author's previous novel. It had the makings of something I would‘ve liked it just didn‘t deliver for me…but apparently, it did for others.

See comments for Exit Black..⬇️⬇️⬇️.

AudiobookingWithLeah 2⭐The narration is what killed this for me. She has a great voice and her dialogue was really quite good…but everything else felt like AI was reading a book to me. That, coupled with the super fast pacing made this a less than mediocre listen. Normally, I like my books fast-paced but this one took it to a whole new level because I had a lot of WTF is going on moments.
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Kill For Me Kill For You | Steve Cavanagh
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This was one smart thriller with a twist or two you won‘t see coming…at least I didn‘t. It's a play on the “Strangers On A Train” trope that is unmatched by any other out there. I highly recommend this mystery suspense thriller to fans of the genre. The narration by Stephanie Cannon was fine but I would‘ve liked multiple narrators for the multiple POVs.

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Expiration Dates | Rebecca Serle
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While I wasn‘t always a fan of the constant timeline switches…I still found this to be another solid heartfelt contemporary romance from this author. I like how this author writes a story…she doesn‘t add extraneous unnecessary details and makes magical realism fun and oddly believable. The narration by Julia Whelan was fantastic.

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Try this if you like…⬗mystery psychological thriller⬗a missing twin sister⬗past & present timelines
I wanted to like this book but it was only barely okay. I couldn‘t connect with the MC or the story which I believe was due to the narration. The ending was maybe good…at least I think it was. So maybe, it would be better to read this one over listening. Although, the two reviews on Audible seemed to like her...so what can I say?

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If you like a thriller that‘s twisty throughout, fairly fast-paced, and easily holds your interest, this could be the one for you. I was constantly trying to figure out the whats and the whys at play in this book. Some I figured out...and some I didn't see coming at all. The narration by Andi Arndt was very well performed.

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Almost Surely Dead | Amina Akhtar
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3⭐The audio was very well done on this book and probably made some elements seem more probable than they were because I was so immersed in the story. However, I wasn't too fond of how the podcast was presented in the story and found the podcasters themselves unlikable; although, I think they were supposed to be unlikable. Either way…they were what brought the story down for me. While the non-ending could be an issue for some it wasn't for me.

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5⭐Wow…I didn‘t know much about Jennette McCurdy before I started this and I was not her target audience when her show was a hit. I was completely there for the story she had to tell. It was quite good and surprised me with how much I enjoyed it. This girl‘s mother was something else…I didn‘t understand the book's title at first, but now, I sure do. Her narration was fantastic and she would actually make a terrific narrator for fiction books.

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This was a spur-of-the-moment read for me. I was randomly looking up audio‘s that were available now and this was the one I went with…I thought it would be more of a survival story…but it was much more reflective than surviving the wilds of Alaska. The ending was its saving grace and made the slow-ish pace of the rest of the book, mostly worthwhile. The narration by Karissa Vacker was amazing as always.

The Cleaner: A Novel | Brandi Wells
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Try this if you like…
⬗something different even if it‘s super boring
⬗a very slow-burn light thriller
⬗mind-numbing stories about cleaning an office

Well…it was an experience even if it wasn‘t good. I‘m over here trying to figure out what the purpose of this book is and 🤷🏼‍♀️. Unless it‘s written by someone who cleans offices for a living and her whole purpose is to get people to quit being so messy…and “messy” can have a double meaning here.

dabbe #fanoftheban! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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Everyone Is Watching | Heather Gudenkauf
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I wouldn't say that I didn‘t like it…but it did take a little bit to get there. This is wildly different than her previous novels and I would say that I prefer her other work more than this one. I think she was probably trying to appeal to her naysayers…but I liked her writing the way it was. Despite this, it was entertaining and filled with thrilling action and all the backstabbing that would come with people competing for a cash prize.⬇️⬇️⬇️

AudiobookingWithLeah The narration by Brittany Pressley was great but since each character was so different from one another, I feel like this book was done a disservice by not having additional narrators. 2mo
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Imagine if you will…a woman held hostage for the past five years by a man in the-middle-of-nowhere BFM (bummed f*cked Michigan) is suddenly set free when the power goes out and her locked door is suddenly unlocked…and from there the story ensues. An interesting concept set against an apocalyptic EMP setting. Being from Michigan, it‘s quite surreal to hear all these very familiar cities and areas talked about in such a daunting situation.

AudiobookingWithLeah Included with the audio version that I listened to was a prequel called Chaos Rising featuring one of the characters (Liam) from Edge of Collapse; which highlights his experience when the EMP hit and it takes place in Chicago, IL. It was short but super intense.

The narration by Stacey Glemboski was good…but….it would‘ve been so much better with additional narrators for the other POVs.
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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New #bookspinbingo board. All ready for APRIL.

#bookspin = If I Lose Her by Brianne Sommerville
#doublespin = We Play Games by Sarah A Denzil


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks fantastic!! 2mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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My MARCH #bookspinbingo board! 5 Bingo's total. I finished all but 4 squares. I had 3 DNFs for the month (Argylle, Under This Red Rock, & One Dark Window).

#bookspin & #doublespin were both completed.


TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Fantastic month!!! 2mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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My #bookspin list for APRIL!

A few carry-overs, a few last-minute adds, a few that fit some other challenges, and of course, a slew of library holds.


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2mo
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I don‘t want to give too much away above…so all I‘m going to add is…if you like insane plots with batshit crazy twists then this might be the book for you. Normally I don‘t vibe with books where religious beliefs are a large part of the plot…but this one didn‘t turn me off. The narration by Gail Shalan was sufficient and even rather good at times. Either she‘s improving or she‘s growing on me.

Escaping Eleven | Jerri Chisholm
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This was just okay…predictable AF, but okay. It didn‘t bring anything new to the genre…which at this point in a market saturated with so many similar types of dystopias, it needed to; at least if it wanted to stand out. Also…it was tedious at times with too many inane details that nobody needed to know. I doubt that I‘ll continue with the series. The narration by Justis Bolding was quite good.

Bright Young Women | Jessica (Author) Knoll
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3.5⭐Light Pick.
I can appreciate what the author was trying to do here, I just wasn‘t a fan of the execution. I‘m not a fan of extraneous details, so I was left struggling to stay in the story and it was especially difficult with Ruth‘s POV. Whenever I stopped listening, I felt no pull to return to it…so it took me forever to finish. But maybe you shouldn‘t let my opinion keep you from experiencing this book because many others have loved it.

Bride | Ali Hazelwood
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3.75⭐This book has an odd cover, almost as if it was left unfinished….but anyhoo…this is my first Ali Hazelwood book, and while this book was compulsively readable I can‘t help but inevitably come up with some elements that didn‘t work for me. Also…for a Vampyre/Werewolf book, this was surprisingly un-supernatural, other than the knotting🠠WTF seriously, that scene was so awkward. Although, it‘s quite likely that I‘ll listen to the next one.

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Outlier alert: while everyone else liked Eddie‘s POV, I struggled to stay in the story on her part. I guess I‘m an enigma because I didn‘t find her all that interesting. Also, I was not a fan of the ending. Overall, I didn‘t hate this in any way…but I didn‘t like it all that much, either. But while I was not fond of it much I can see how it might appeal to others. The narration by Helen Laser and Karissa Vacker was fantastic.

Bye, Baby: A Novel | Carola Lovering
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If you‘ve been disappointed by the lack of thrills in a Carola Lovering novel before then this one might not work for you since it‘s on par with her other psychological thrillers, they are more psychological than thriller. I find them intriguing, the way she delves into the psyche of the mind of her characters and pulls these complex, nuanced stories out of them. The narration by Helen Laser & Karissa Vacker was very good.

Murder Road | Simone St. James
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This is another fabulous ghost story from the queen of ghost mysteries. She makes ghosts palatable for someone, like me, who doesn‘t typically like the paranormal. This totally gave me some Jeepers Creepers vibes in the beginning. So creepy, the atmosphere she sets is top-notch. The characters are believable and the ending was really satisfying. The narration by Brittany Pressley was absolutely fantastic…she‘s my all-time fav.

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I think my favorite scenes in this series involve her daughter…she‘s such a clever girl, and she has quite a few in this book. Finlay Donovan is up to her shenanigans again. This fourth book in the series takes things on the road and finds closure for many of the threads dangling, which I really liked. But of course…she also ends this with a cliffhanger…it makes me wonder how long she‘s going to milk this series for.

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5⭐This author usually writes YA books…but she has ventured into the adult world of mystery thrillers and she…freaking nailed it. She delivered one of the best unreliable narrators I‘ve ever read before. Lucy, our heroine, was a snark-lovers delight…at first, I wasn‘t sure about her, like maybe she was a little off…but the more I got to know her and her story, the more I loved her. There‘s a reason everyone is loving this and I highly recommend it.

AudiobookingWithLeah The narration by January LaVoy and Will Damron was on point. LaVoy was on🔥! 3mo
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Girl on Trial | Kathleen Fine
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The cover suggests this is about drug addiction but, it was only a small part of the story and in no way the main focus. The main focus is the trial which is what is presently going on…and through the course of the trial, we get flashbacks of what led her to be on trial for manslaughter. Emotionally this could‘ve had a little more depth to it…but otherwise, this was a solid YA legal thriller showcasing the need to fit in with one's peers.

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You may think you know where this story is going….but you‘ll be wrong. Jewel E Ann never fails to make her romance plots unique, angsty and so very awe-inducing. I‘m not going to say that I loved how everything worked out in the end…but it was definitely unlike any other romance ending I‘ve encountered. The narration was terrific by the two narrators.

Downloaded | Robert J Sawyer
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3.5⭐ Low Pick
I think this is only available for free on Audible+ until May 7th when the book comes out. This is worth the listen if you have Audible+ and enjoy audio dramatizations. The narration was so good, especially Brendan Fraser…I loved his deep voice. Unfortunately, the author made this feel more like a statement piece instead of focusing on the characters and plot. But…overall it did have some interesting and thought-provoking moments.