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Joined December 2017

“And she's reading again. How novel.“
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I savored this story of a life well lived, told in a series of delicious morsels over the course of 30+ years.

In the making of friends, and family, and in the mastering of one‘s circumstances, The Count is a delight and an inspiration. For some limitations are no match for an open heart.

Gabbymags123 Sounds amazing 6h
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The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi | Shannon Chakraborty
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Judging this book by its cover worked out fine — the tale was as fun and epic as the artwork suggests. Retired pirate and single-mother is forced to get her ol‘ band back together for a rescue mission across the sea (or Indian Ocean more specifically). Real magic and ancient legends are both help and hindrance. It was a wild ride (sail?) and I could practically feel and taste the salt water spray…

behudd One of my best reads from last year - so good! 1w
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Come and Get It | Kiley Reid
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I know what this book is supposed to be about.
Or at least, what the reviews and interviews claim.

But the “point” didn‘t really land for me.

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Absolutely gripping. Nearly un-put-down-able even, my reading fueled by rage and frustration…and the prevailing hope for some sliver of justice.

I‘m sorry I didn‘t read it sooner. And I have now put the rest of Grann‘s works on my TBR.

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Apparently I only have the stomach for the ultra-wealthy, old money types if they are the Crawley family of Downton Abbey.

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Chain-Gang All-Stars | Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah
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This book will break your heart while it opens your eyes.

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These books are just so fun.

In what has to be a meta moment, Finlay‘s agent Sylvia remarks that the plots of her books are outlandish but that “the characters are just so real.” Both points are what make this series so charming for me — I cackle at the increasingly ludicrous situations, but I also feel like Finn and Vero are true friends of mine.

I‘m so glad to hear that a fifth novel is in the works.

A Court of Mist and Fury | Sarah J. Maas
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Enjoyed this book more than the first, even though it goes hard on one of my least favorite Romantasy tropes. (I don‘t dig predestined/fated/bonded mates — thought it was romantic as a teen, but now I‘m like, “You know what‘s romantic? Two people choosing each other over and over again while continuously putting in the effort to make it work.” But I digress…) Will continue the series at some point, as much for the revenge plot as the love stories.

5feet.of.fury I very much agree with you about that trope. Who wants to feel like they have no control over their life? It‘s just sheer luck if you get a good one? No no no 1mo
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Dark, bizarre, sad. But hopeful. Maybe.

In the decaying remains of a post-industrial Midwestern town, in a low-rent apartment building known as The Rabbit Hutch, a collection of neighbors and strangers stumble toward / upon an explosive act of violence. And possibly, a wake-up call.

Suet624 I bought this ages ago. I‘m looking at it right now. I feel as though your post is a message that I should read it next. 2mo
BkClubCare And it has the coolest pie shoppe 2mo
BarbaraBB Great review. I loved it! 2mo
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Anxious People: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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Backman has been my favorite (living) author since Beartown knocked my socks off in 2017.

I just fall in love with his characters. Even the ones I don‘t like very much.

He writes about the plight of being human with sharp humor & blunt observation. But more importantly, with astonishing grace.

Even while weaving together plots as absurd as those in this book, Backman reminds how powerful, & necessary, empathy is.

It‘s a gift.

Ddzmini Loved this book 📖 2mo
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Happiness for Beginners | Katherine Center
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I was more into the backcountry hiking trip and wilderness aspect than the romance, but still enjoyed it all.

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Not as revelatory as I was hoping, but still provided a sound case for the need to address the stress as well as the stressor. I‘ve often wondered why I didn‘t feel the relief when a stressful situation passed…now I know why. And will be looking for my personal hows for reliably completing the stress cycle going forward.

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It‘s a pick for the right reader. There‘s a valuable message about inherent worthiness and the moral neutrality of a tidy home (no “cleanliness is next to godliness” here). Plus, some practical tips for how to start, or even just tackle the most crucial things, when overwhelmed. But it wasn‘t exactly what I needed, at least not beyond the reminder of how much work I need to do in shedding my perfectionism and separating my motivation from shame.

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This translated collection of a Palestinian author/poet‘s work was only available to me in fragments. Some of the imagery, many of the references, & the backdrop — or sometimes the front-facing focus — of a life surrounded by war…are things I can only loosely grasp & I no doubt missed much that was buried in subtext within her lines. But it made me feel & consider, & as I read I tried to “listen” hard.

All the Little Bird-Hearts | Viktoria Lloyd-Barlow
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This one wrecked me. It‘s small in scope, but the ache it planted in my chest was big & deep & lingering. Mother/daughter relationships can be hard. So can those with ex-in-laws or new friends. But for Sunday, the novel‘s neurodivergent protagonist, they‘re further complicated by the canyon between who she is & who others want/expect her to be. The hurts & hardships caused by this gully - some accidental, some not - were enough to break my heart.

Graywacke Great review. I‘m not exactly glad you were wrecked 🙂, but glad you were moved! It‘s a terrific book. 3mo
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After reading (and enjoying) several of Ms. Haynes fiction works, I decided to give her non-fiction a try and was riveted start to finish. As she discusses the various depictions and interpretations, ancient or otherwise, of several of Greek mythology‘s female characters, the author educates and entertains, and illuminates the complex natures of these women who have too often been diminished or demeaned by storytellers, playwrights, and academics.

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Stone Blind: A Novel | Natalie Haynes
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Medusa was not a monster. Perseus was not a hero. The gods are cruel and the myths ring of injustice.

None of this was news to me, yet this retelling — which weaves together opposing narrators and pulls in context from adjacent tales — feels fresh, even though I know where it‘s all headed. (Pun intended?)

Maybe not an instant classic like the last two book club picks, but still a great read that I‘m looking forward to discussing. 🐍

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With its mix of AG fangirling and academia-trained analysis, this book was right up my alley — though I did find myself wanting more depth at times (and definitely would have preferred a tighter structure). But I loved this stroll down memory lane as a way to appreciate what the brand still means to so many, while also examining critically its faults and missteps.

Maybe it‘s time to get my Samantha doll out of storage?

jewright I read all the books and wanted one so badly when I was little. 4mo
LadyCait84 @jewright I so loved the books — some of my earliest memories of reading (that didn‘t involve being read to by my mom) are of the America Girl books. They were my first experience of begging to postpone bedtime so I could finish a chapter! 4mo
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Let Us Descend | Jesmyn Ward
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Another 5⭐️ book club read!

This one‘s a work of beauty, even as it contains so much ugliness & agony. The prose is lyrical, amplifying Annis‘ emotional journey of despair & hope, longing & remembrance, alongside her physical journey through the hells of enslavement.

I hadn‘t realized the book‘s strong ties to Dante‘s Inferno, so I do wish I‘d brushed up a bit on that first. But because I‘m a nerd, not because that context was needed.

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I really wish I could have read it without out so many series spoilers hanging out in the back of my mind (honestly, so much bookish content on Insta is both a blessing & a curse), but I enjoyed it. Also, love any excuse to discuss magic lore & handsome faeries with my gal pals. Our book club sticks mostly to literary fiction, so it‘s nice to take a break from real-world heavy topics & giggle over fae, fantasy & spicy escapism once in a while.

jamield1911 Been on my TBR for so long! 5mo
Captivatedbybooks People ask me why I read so much fantasy and its cause i want a break from the real world 5mo
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Fourth Wing | Rebecca Yarros
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The hype about this one made me curious. And what fun it turned out to be, having that rare “one more chapter, bedtime be damned” addictive pull. Eager to get my hands on book 2 of the series.

(Pic is from a silent book club meet-up a few days ago, which was the reading session when I got well and truly hooked on this book. But I‘m glad I didn‘t get to the spicier parts while reading in public — I‘m a blusher.)

5feet.of.fury 😂 5mo
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Historical fiction inspired by midwife Martha Ballard & a rape case for which she served as witness during the winter of 1789-90.

Considering how far we both have & haven‘t come regarding women who seek justice against powerful men, the courtroom drama is an interesting & important part of the story. But the most compelling part is still Martha herself. Seeming very OF a time, yet also outside it, given how rare & invaluable her literacy was.

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Two bored and awkward teens spend a summer creating art — what could go wrong?

A lot actually, when the art takes on a life of its own.

I really enjoyed this one. A short, easy read that also happened to give me a lot to think about.

Demon Copperhead: A Novel | Barbara Kingsolver
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This one hit hard in all my tenderest places, but what a masterpiece.

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Before the Coffee Gets Cold | Toshikazu Kawaguchi
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I was intrigued by the concept & the specific relationships each section explored.

But the writing style just felt so flat. I saw other reviewers suggest it might have been due to translation, but I don‘t think that was my issue. It was more about where the author offered detail (like describing everybody‘s outfits?!) vs where he kept it sparse or oversimplified (the action, character development)? I was left annoyed; so much missed potential.

David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Finally finished! Doing it mostly on audio helped & it‘s easy to forgive the length when remembering it was first released as a serial. David himself is easy to root for (even as you want to shout at him for his naivety on occasion) & the gaggle of side characters are easy to love: the eternally devoted Peggotty, the bombastic Mr. Micawber, the donkey-hating Aunt Betsey...

Except Dora. I almost couldn‘t stand Dora as much as the real villains.

rachelk Dora was so incredibly frustrating! Ugh! 6mo
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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I‘m so excited my book club is reading Demon Copperhead this month, but the only reason I haven‘t read it already is that I was insistent on reading this first. (Or listening to it, as the case may be — don‘t think I could finish it in time otherwise.)

This is by no means my first Dickens, but it‘s been quite a while. And I keep being struck by how funny this book is. 22% in and, yes, I‘ve cried twice. But I‘ve laughed much more.

Ruthiella I‘m always surprised when I am reminded of just how funny Dickens is! 😃 7mo
dabbe LOVE this book! 🖤💜🖤 7mo
rachelk I just finished ‘David Copperfield‘ in anticipation of reading ‘Demon Copperhead‘. I absolutely loved it, even more than ‘Great Expectations‘. 6mo
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Last book of 2023 was the latest continuation of the Emmy Lake Chronicles.

I‘m growing fonder and more attached to Emmy with each entry into this series, as well as attached to her friends and colleagues. I hope AJ Pearce plans to continue, especially as I believe she‘s particularly skilled at balancing the tragedies of wartime London with heartwarming scenes of community and perseverance.

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This was my book club‘s last read of 2023 (and our 60th read overall as we close out our fifth year together) and I‘m so bummed that I hated it.

The premise had potential, and the fact that the author had written for Schitt‘s Creek had me so hopeful. But sadly, I found the protagonist unlikable at every turn. Even bits obviously intended to be found funny, just made me annoyed or frustrated.

squirrelbrain I felt the same about this book - it‘s not often I hate a book, but I did with this. 7mo
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Some of the action was clunky, and even more of the dialogue was cringey, but I was still rooting for the romantic pairing and loved every moment devoted to swooning over the Alaskan scenery and wildlife. I‘ll probably pick up the second book, but not sure if it‘s a good thing that my favorite part was the main dude‘s bromance with a bull moose?

Small Things Like These | Claire Keegan
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Quiet, even cozy at times, but also challenging and thought-provoking. This novella packed some punch into its 112 pages, dealing with the Magdalene laundries of Ireland. It resonated on multiple levels for me — tugging on tangled, complex feelings regarding my own religious upbringing, as well as reminding me of many past and present horrors that are / have been enabled, if not directly perpetrated, by an intwined Church and State.

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 7mo
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Once Upon a Wardrobe | Patti Callahan
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I love stories that are about the power of stories.

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First time rereading since childhood — maybe at age 8 or so — and Edmund is even more of a shit than I remembered (like, way earlier than the bewitched Turkish Delights). Plus, the Biblical allegory is much more obvious. Still, it IS wonderfully atmospheric and charming. Full of enchanting visuals that I was pleased to find have lingered much more accurately in my memory.

Maud's Line | Margaret Verble
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Edged by a so-so but, oh my, were many of the characters‘ choices frustrating. Though I suppose that makes them believable — who isn‘t prone to self-sabotage every once in a while?

Gabbymags123 True 8mo
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Lightning Strike: A Novel | William Kent Krueger
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Read this because of my mother‘s rather forceful recommendation, but ended up really enjoying the mystery/coming-of-age story. Will likely pick up more of Krueger‘s Cork O‘Connor series at some point and might bump This Tender Land higher up my TBR list (it‘s been sitting patiently on my shelf for years).

AmyG This Tender Land is fabulous. 9mo
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Scarathlon | Litsy
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Chrissyreadit wow!!!!🤩 9mo
dabbe #yahooyou! Thanks for being such a lovely part of our group! 🧡🖤💜 9mo
emz711 How do I get involved in a points game? 8mo
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Pumpkinheads | Rainbow Rowell
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Oh this was just the cutest — a perfect autumn read I will likely revisit again and again. (And I really wish I could try all the delicious treats sold at this pumpkin patch!)

LiteraryinLawrence This book is the best. 9mo
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Scarathlon | Litsy
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A fitting screenshot for prompt 31, “Halloween,” because I watch it at least 5 times through every year.
Any questions?

#hhc #halloweenhexescoven #scarathlon
@dabbe @BookmarkTavern @Liatrek @JessClark78 @Chrissyreadit @TheDaysGoBy @vonnie862 @Sresendez12 @Nessavamusic @kelli7990 @JessieKB

dabbe 🖤💜🖤 9mo
emz711 David 🐍🎃🎃 8mo
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Scarathlon | Litsy
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Texreader What hauls some kids are going to get! That‘s awesome!! 9mo
TEArificbooks Cool fidget spinners 9mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 9mo
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Pumpkinheads | Rainbow Rowell
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Oh, @THill — this was the most wonderful package!!!! First, every part was so beautifully wrapped, I almost didn‘t want to open them. Almost. But, of course I did, and then the books and goodies were all SO PERFECT!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for spoiling me so spookily!!!

#hhs #hauntedhollowswap @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Awesome! 🎃🖤👻🧡 9mo
JessieKB What a great treat!!!🧡🖤 9mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome package 🧡 9mo
THill I‘m so happy you loved everything!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! 🧡🖤👻🎃 9mo
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I really enjoyed the historical setting, but of course still mostly appreciated this one for its connection to the tales of the modern Owens women I love so much.

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Scarathlon | Litsy
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Some Sunday evening gaming…

130 points for the A-Z game, 90 points for the creature feature game, and I got 1,570 points for the book titles game throughout the week.

#scarathlon #halloweenhexescoven #hhc

@dabbe @BookmarkTavern @Liatrek @JessClark78 @Chrissyreadit @TheDaysGoBy @vonnie862 @Sresendez12 @Nessavamusic @kelli7990 @JessieKB

dabbe 🖤🎃🖤 9mo
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Scarathlon | Litsy
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dabbe 🖤🎃🖤 9mo
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The Shining | Stephen King
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Doing a spooky movie night double feature…have to admit The Shining hits different now that I‘ve read the book.

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JessieKB Sweet baby!!!!🤍🤍 9mo
emz711 🦟🐌🐛🐜🐝🐞🦋🦗🪲🎃 9mo
dabbe Hello there, cutest pup with your oogie boogie! 🖤🐾🖤 9mo
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The Legend of Sleepy Hollow | Irving Washington
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dabbe 🖤🎃🖤 9mo
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Scarathlon | Litsy
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dabbe 🖤🎃🖤 9mo
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Scarathlon | Litsy
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Have really been enjoying the changing leaves on our afternoon dog walks lately — a good fit for prompt 25: “fall/autumn.”

#scarathlon #halloweenhexescoven #hhc

@dabbe @BookmarkTavern @Liatrek @JessClark78 @Chrissyreadit @TheDaysGoBy @vonnie862 @Sresendez12 @Nessavamusic @kelli7990 @JessieKB

dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 9mo
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At the beginning, the storyline felt like a PBS period drama with witches (which would have been my cup of tea, indeed)…but the back half got derailed by increasingly awkward and convoluted plot points. It did provide ample #scarathlon word search points, however.

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dabbe 💜🧡💜 9mo
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