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I disappeared again after my cryptic post about how the previous 8 months had sucked… well, the following year wasn‘t much better. A lot of changes. Starting in June 2021: I lost my childhood dog (not the one pictured here), then my dad (who I flew to Hawaii on my own to say goodbye to; a whole story in itself), then my beloved JackyCat. Those are all the things that led up to my posts a year ago. Since then… (more in comments)

MolliesaurusRex I should also mention I got my Master‘s degree shortly after my dad passed - I submitted my final assignments two weeks after he took his last breath. Since that time, I‘ve realized I very very likely have autism, I adopted the sweetest three-legged pitbull (pictured) and left the classroom to work with individuals with disabilities in a whole new capacity. Now I‘m working on finding myself again, so I‘m back! 1y
MolliesaurusRex I‘ve missed this community so much, and I‘m hoping that coming back to it will help me get back to myself after everything that‘s happened in the past two years!🥰🥰🥰🥰 1y
Jenken1998 Take your time. You have been through a lot this year. Hugs. 1y
MolliesaurusRex @Jenken1998 thank you❤️ I only just started coping with it all in the past six months or so, and with the encouragement of my therapist and friends, I‘m working on focusing on me and my happiness. Books have always brought me that, so coming back to this amazing community feels like a great step in the right direction! 1y
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Taking another break from Jade City - the story is amazing but I feel like I‘m running a marathon on a treadmill when I read it; always moving but never going forward. (Seriously, I‘m on chapter 39 & just barely halfway) This one is an interesting look at the things in our daily lives that cause us anxiety, all in the context of Maslow‘s Hierarchy of Needs.

Jade City | Fonda Lee
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Hey #LitsyFam - I‘m back after a long hiatus. The past 8 months have been awful. 0/10, do not recommend. We‘ll talk more on that later, though. For now, I‘m determined to finally finish this damn book that I‘ve been reading for approximately one million years now.

CBee Welcome back ♥️ I‘m sorry things have been so rough 🙁🙁 2y
wanderinglynn Welcome back! 👋🏻 I hope things are going better now. 💜 2y
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Speak: The Graphic Novel | Laurie Halse Anderson
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I didn‘t think it was possible, but this one hits even harder as an adult. I read the original in high school, & when I saw that it had been adapted to a graphic novel I knew I had to reread it. Definitely heavy, & a serious TW/CW as it‘s about surviving sexual assault, but an amazing and inspiring story nonetheless.

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I found two of the books in this Dark Tales series at Ollie‘s and decided that, for $3 a piece, I would get them & read them. This one is actually a really good retelling of the traditional Beauty & the Beast story, and I‘m excited to read the other one (which is a retelling of the snow queen I think?). Definitely a nice, quick read in between grad school readings.

Game of Thrones | George R R Martin
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Audiobooks have become my go-to listens for driving and working out, although I‘m starting to think I need to avoid working out with my boyfriend (he got me big mad at the gym today - an hour workout and I spent half the time telling him to leave me alone🤦🏻‍♀️🤣) #audiofitness #audiobooks #audiofit #audiobooksandworkouts #fitsy #fitlitsy


4/5⭐️ (allegory was way too obvious in this one for my liking🤷🏻‍♀️)




5/5⭐️ (I‘m getting a Reepicheep tattoo because he‘s the best)







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The full series is listed as one, 33-hour audiobook on Audible so of course I decided to download it and listen to it. I‘ve never read these books (though I have tried) & am definitely enjoying listening to the stories.

The Hobbit | J. R. R. Tolkien

Finished this audiobook last week. I‘ve never seen these movies, but I‘m glad I haven‘t because I‘ve heard they‘re awful and half of it is made up🤣 unsurprisingly, I loved the book, especially with Andy Serkis narrating it.

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It‘s been a minute, Litsy. I‘m (mostly) finished with Return of the King (I‘m struggling with the appendices) and love it, although I definitely prefer Eowyn‘s bad bitch moment as it was portrayed in the movie over how it was written (sorry🤷🏻‍♀️). We‘ve been busy beavers in the past month, too, with new furniture and a new DIY backsplash☺️

Bklover Looks beautiful! 3y
MolliesaurusRex @Bklover thank you! I‘m so excited for my reading nook - I‘m looking forward to many sunny days sitting in front of the window with a good book and a cup of coffee☀️☕️📚 3y
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The Big Book of Less: Finding Joy in Living Lighter | Astrid Van Der Hulst, Irene Smit, Editors of Flow magazine

Why does a book about “living with less” have so many “goodies” included? Otherwise, good insights & lots of things to think about.


Amazing. Movie & books are on par, though for different reasons. Halfway through Two Towers and loving it just as much.🥰

Sailor Moon, Volume 3 | Naoko Takeuchi

Still hate chibi moon🤣

Sailor Moon, Volume 2 | Naoko Takeuchi

Still the best hero

The Big Book of Less: Finding Joy in Living Lighter | Astrid Van Der Hulst, Irene Smit, Editors of Flow magazine
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I‘ve been slacking a bit in my goals - I haven‘t been consistent in working out or reading every day. I‘m not going to beat myself up over it, though - my true goal was to create the habits of working out and reading for enjoyment on a regular basis, which I am doing. I was just using the daily goal as a motivator. So far I‘ve finished 5 books in 2021, & I plan on getting through maybe even one more today with the snow day!

Thank You | Amelia Riedler
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Thank you @Come-read-with-me for the lovely cards this holiday season! I know I‘m a little late with the Christmas one, but I really appreciated them, and they absolutely made my day. You‘re the best!❤️ #litsylove

Come-read-with-me @MolliesaurusRex I‘m glad they arrived. I‘m usually late with everything!!! 💕 4y
MolliesaurusRex @Come-read-with-me I don‘t even bother with cards anymore because I always forget to mail them and then a year goes by and I‘m like “oh, I never mailed these”🤦🏻‍♀️🤣 4y
Come-read-with-me @MolliesaurusRex I often do the same thing! I tell myself that is why they have “forever” stamps. Even if I don‘t mail something for a year the postage is still good! 4y
MolliesaurusRex @Come-read-with-me haha exactly!!! 4y
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Sailor Moon 1 | Naoko Takeuchi
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I loved the Sailor Moon anime series so of course I love the mangas. 1st finished book of 2021! So far I‘m on track with my daily reading & exercising goals. A little over 6 hours left in The Fellowship of the Ring, so I should be done with that one soon too. Working on the second Sailor Moon, Jade City, & Practical Magic for Beginners, too.🤦🏻‍♀️😅 #readinggoals #goalupdates #readingtoomanybooks #istheresuchathing?

Sailor Moon 1 | Naoko Takeuchi
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Making my goals for this year less overwhelming. I‘m going to focus more on creating positive habits and less on reaching a specific number - either books read or weight lost. 2020 took a lot out of me, physically and emotionally, and I‘m going into 2021 with the intention of reclaiming those things. #newyeargoals #getitdone #smallgoals #creatinghabits

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Listening to this while I fold laundry as a distraction from the tingling in my shoulder. #audiobook #audiocleaning #laundryday #morelikelaundryweek #christmasbreak #litsylistens

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Litsy! I‘ve missed you all! It‘s been a long time; but life has been happening A LOT lately. Going to court for full custody of my stepdaughters. Starting & working through grad school. Going back to school now that the world has changed. It‘s all been crazy. BUT! I‘m back, and going to make the most of 2021.

candority Welcome back! 🎉 It sounds like you‘ve had a busy and stressful year. I hope 2021 is kind to you! 4y
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The Divide | Elizabeth Kay
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Does anyone else get random bouts of nostalgia and impulsively buy things they remember from childhood? Because I did, and thankfully ThriftBooks had this trilogy available because it apparently isn‘t being published anymore. This was one of my favorite series as a kid and I‘m so excited to read it again!❤️ #nostalgiabooks #bookseries #thriftbooksbuys #thanksthriftbooks #fifteendollarsfortheset #whaaaat #dealslut

Jade City | Fonda Lee
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The 4th was great - until baby mama drama started. I‘m so done with people; I‘m emotionally drained. So are the kitties because we traumatized them with fireworks in the backyard; now we‘re all relaxing in bed while mama reads. #sendhelp #thiswomanisanightmare #anxietyonhigh #peoplesuck #booksandcatsarebetter

Challenges | Ben Bova
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Sorry if I‘m late to the game - finishing my classes has killed me over the past two weeks.😫 #booked2020 spring accomplishments/prompts: #aboutgenocide was Maus (which I technically read in winter so take that as you will), #silkpunk is Jade City (still reading, because college) & #animaloncover was HP & the Sorcerer‘s Stone👌🏼 here‘s hoping to getting through some more of the #summer prompts🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

BarbaraTheBibliophage Great job! You‘re not too late for this season‘s drawing! 4y
Cinfhen Well done 🧡You can read outside the seasons too!!! And every prompt completed (at any time) counts towards the quarterly drawings 😀 Hope you have some time off now - relax & rest 📚☀️This is your #OfficialSecondQuarterEntry 🎊🎊 4y
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#booked2020 animal on the cover prompt. Listening to this with the girls during their rest times❤️ #audiobooks #resttimereading #familyreads #harrypotter #introducingthelittlestothemagic

BarbaraTheBibliophage Great pick for this prompt! Just tagging my cohosts here too. @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft 4y
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Jade City | Fonda Lee
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erinachu CONGRATS!! 4y
Singout Just about to start this for the same prompt. And congratulations! 4y
cozypunk How exciting! Congratulations 4y
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Back‘s out but the garden beds are in.😅Also, check out my broccoli cheddar frittata that both kids loved and ate a full quarter of! Been working on projects but I‘m missing books so hopefully I‘ll be back into it soon!❤️

MolliesaurusRex @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks it was so yum! & easy too! 4y
BookmarkTavern Those vegetable beds look great! 4y
MolliesaurusRex @ozma.of.oz thank you! We need a bit more soil for the one on the right but hopefully they work out well!🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 4y
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Shelves, Cabinets & Bookcases | Matthew Teague, Helen Albert
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I‘ve been kinda MIA on here lately. Haven‘t been reading. This whole lockdown thing is not doing great things for my mental health. BUT! I finally got my office organized and a bookshelf for in there so I don‘t have random stacks of books all over the place!😅

marleed I hope you are doing better. This is such a surreal time. 4y
Chelseabillups30 I feel you on the mental health struggle end of things, @MolliesaurusRex. It is real and so difficult to navigate. Hang in there! I‘m rooting for you! 4y
MolliesaurusRex @marleed @Chelseabillups30 thank you! My moods have been up and down a lot, my stepkids are sick of everything and everyone so they‘ve been miserable, my mom is an essential worker so I‘m constantly worried about her. It‘s just so much to process & handle. I hope you‘re doing well! (edited) 4y
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Powered_By_Plants @MolliesaurusRex hope your feeling better hun and your mum is staying safe. It‘s such a worrying time . Giving gratitude really helps me to stay positive when I have down days. Your veggie patches are looking good 💕 4y
MolliesaurusRex @Powered_By_Plants thank you! It‘s still a roller coaster but we all just gotta take it day by day, yaknow? I hope you & your family are doing well! 4y
cozypunk I'm coming out of a reading slump. First lost a job, then covid shut down, then sick, now civil untest (I live in Minnesota). Even with all that, me and my family are good, physically and mentally. This is the new normal. 4y
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Challenges | Ben Bova
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#booked2020 quarterly update:
1. Millennial Author - Severance by Ling Ma
2. Hat/Head Covering on Cover - Snow, Glass, Apples by Neil Gaiman
3. #LiveAndLearn - The Search for the Green River Killer
4. Set in Hollywood - The Black Dhalia (in progress)
5. #CoverCrush - Illegal (switching books for this & 6)
6. Finished in a Day - Even Grimmer Tales

Cinfhen Well done 🥳This is your “official” entry for #Booked2020 #FirstQuarterDrawing 📚😊♥️ 4y
MolliesaurusRex @Cinfhen I‘m legitimately impressed that I got through all 6 prompts, not even gonna lie.🤣🤣🤣 4y
Cinfhen Hahaha 😂 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Cinfhen Good luck with #Spring 🌷🌻🌹 4y
MolliesaurusRex @Cinfhen haha, thanks! I‘ll need it.😅 4y
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Thank you so much @Come-read-with-me for the goodies!!! You are too kind!❤️ it definitely brightened my weekend. #litsylove #spreadingkindness

Come-read-with-me @MolliesaurusRex These are many of my favourite “at home spa” treats! Relax and enjoy! 😘 4y
MolliesaurusRex @Come-read-with-me I‘m looking forward to using them!😊😊😊 4y
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Freaky Friday | Mary Rodgers
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1. Anything by Neil Gaiman. The Wrath & the Dawn books. The Lunar Chronicles. The list goes on and on.
2. Favorite comedies are all pretty much Seth Rogan comedies or other such dumb comedies. I also thoroughly enjoy White Chicks. Fantasy movies are always great for distractions.
3. Favorite podcast, hands down, is Lore. TV shows include GoT, My 600-Pound Life, Hoarders, Catfish (yes I love trashy reality TV)
4. Reading (obvs), also cross-stitch

wanderinglynn Neil Gaiman! 👍🏻🙌🏻 Thanks for playing 😀 4y
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The Black Dahlia | James Ellroy
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Snuggling on the couch with cats. Everything is closed in N.Y. other than essential businesses. My copy of the new Animal Crossing game is looking like it won‘t be here today. And it‘s hella gross outside. Looks like I‘m just bunkering down and reading all day again. #coronavirusreadathon #covid19readathon #quarantinereadathon #lockdown #day4 #teachersoflitsy #readalldayeveryday

The Black Dahlia | James Ellroy
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My library doesn‘t have this available as an ebook, but I found it on archive.org! This has been on my list for a while, & now seems perfect as the only winter prompt I have left is set in Hollywood.👌🏼 #booked2020 #setinhollywood #winterprompts #coronavirusreadathon #covid19readathon #quarantinereadathon #teachersoflitsy

Cinfhen Yay!!! Hope it‘s good!!! 4y
MolliesaurusRex @Cinfhen I‘m digging it so far! Already up to chapter 4. This kinda stuff is already my jam, though.🤣 4y
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Yup, this was bad. The only good thing about it was the distraction it provided - being lost in thoughts of “oh this is so bad, wtf?!” is much better than the constant thoughts of coronavirus. #coronavirusreadathon #covid19readathon #quarantinereadathon #booked2020 #covercrush #thisiswhyyoudontjudgebookabytheircovers #exceptthisisobkectivelyabadcover #soishouldhaveknown

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Don‘t ask me why I‘m drawn to this based on the cover. I just am. My psyche doesn‘t know how to handle things right now.😅 (& for everyone wondering, I am okay, just feeling all sorts of weird and anxious) #covercrush #booked2020

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This is a good book. It heightened my anxiety beyond words, considering the current global health situation, but it is good. #millenialauthor prompt for #booked2020 - now to find something that actually distracts me from the fact that I‘m stuck home for the foreseeable future. #coronavirusreadathon #teachersoflitsy #imreadytogobacktoschoolnow #catsoflitsy #littenkittens #kittenlittens

Cinfhen I read this last week/ I liked it a lot but the ending pissed me off 🤬 4y
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Well I‘m almost done with this book and pretty sure I won‘t be at work for most of the next four weeks so now the big question: do I try getting books from the library or read the never ending pile I have at home?🤣 #teachersoflitsy #coronavirusreadathon #covid19readathon #abouttoreadeverythinginmyhouse

Curiouser_and_curiouser Hope you're enjoying your home book collection 😊 I know I sure am grateful for a well stocked personal library during this time in the world. 4y
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Yo reading this book right now is feeling super creepy with the current global health situation. I‘m totally into the story, but it‘s giving me the heebies, for sure.

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Starting my pick for the #millenialauthor prompt for #booked2020 today. I‘m only through the prologue but I‘m digging it so far. #lunchbreakreading #readingandlunch

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Sick day means reading all day. Finished this book and totally loved it as much as the first one. Now I plan on reading the webtoon adaptation (after I finish my remaining library books, that is...😅)

Talent | Juliet Lapidos
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Wow. As for writing talent, definitely the ability to develop and balance an entire story, world, cast of characters, etc. that all mesh together. It can be learned, but it is more intuitive for some people than it is for others. & I can‘t pick a most talented writer, but Neil Gaiman, one of my absolute favorites, is definitely up there. Thank you @Come-read-with-me for the tag! #wonderouswednesday

March (Trilogy Slipcase Set) | Andrew Aydin, John Lewis
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Oh. My. Goodness. GIRL! This is so sweet. It‘s like you knew everything about me. I am floored. Thank you sososososo much. I cannot WAIT to curl up with a hot cuppa in my new mug and read through these. I‘ve wanted to read all of them for so long, they‘ve just gotten pushed further and further down on the TBR pile. #bhms #blitsyhistorymonthswap #blackhistorymonthswap #blackhistorymonth #blitsyhistorymonth

Chelleo That mug! And a great set of books too! #bhmswap
MolliesaurusRex @Chelleo right?! So excited!😍 4y
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Okay I haven‘t opened anything else but I am so excited because GARDETTOS DUDE!😍🤣 @sprainedbrain you are already the best.❤️🤣 #bhms #blitsyhistorymonthswap #blackhistorymonthswap

Chelleo 😂😂😂 4y
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Omg @Chelleo this card is amazing - I am obsessed. I love the bookmark, too.❤️Thank you so much! Now onto my package from @sprainedbrain 😍😊😊 #blitsyhistorymonth #blackhistorymonthswap #bhms

Cinfhen Amazing bookmark ❤️ 4y
MolliesaurusRex @Cinfhen I know! I totally love it!!!! 4y
Chelleo Glad you like it 🥰 4y
Cinfhen The design is fierce 4y
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The Wrath & the Dawn | Rene Ahdieh
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Yooooooo. This book is so good. I was going to wait to read the second one until after I finished Severance but I honestly might just have to dive right in. Also how am I at 11 books already this year?! Like it does not seem possible!

VioletMoonBooks I‘m reading The Rose & The Dagger right now 4y
MolliesaurusRex @VioletMoonBooks nice! I just borrowed the ebook from my library & downloaded it to my kindle - I‘m starting it in the morning since it‘s so late. I‘m super excited though! 4y
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