Having do much fun re-reading this book with a 9th grade student whose reading level is low. The student‘s insights are wonderful-she reveled in this quote.This buddy read feeds my joy! #teachersofLitsy
Having do much fun re-reading this book with a 9th grade student whose reading level is low. The student‘s insights are wonderful-she reveled in this quote.This buddy read feeds my joy! #teachersofLitsy
Last day of school and I bringing out all of the festiveness!! #teachersoflitsy
The teachers are doing secret dress up days this week and today is anything but a cup day… pretty sure I rocked it! #teachersoflitsy
Alaska Battle of the Books High School list for 2024-2025. I am on maternity leave this semester, but I will help a bit when I‘m back in January before the battles. I am working on Sunrise over Falluja. I‘ve read Old Man and the Sea and Fighter in the Velvet gloves before.
#akbob2425 #battleofthebooks #alaskabattleofthebooks #teachersoflitsy
Just because they have graduated, doesn‘t mean that they won‘t come back and visit from time to time!! #teachersoflitsy
September‘s class library display
#MiddleGrade #TeachersOfLitsy #MsDsLibrary #Football