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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
I used to be your average, everyday girl but all that changed one night in Dublin when I saw my first Fae, and got dragged into a world of deadly immortals and ancient secrets ... In her fight to stay alive, MacKayla must find the Sinsar Dubh - a million-year-old book of the blackest magic imaginable, which holds the key to power over the worlds of both the Fae and Man. Pursued by assassins, surrounded by mysterious figures she knows she can't trust, Mac finds herself torn between two deadly and powerful men: V'lane, the immortal Fae Prince, and Jericho Barrons, a man as irresistible as he is dangerous. For centuries the shadowy realm of the Fae has coexisted with that of humans. Now the walls between the two are coming down, and Mac is the only thing that stands between them.
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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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Slajaunie First time reading this series? 2y
Ellohcin @Slajaunie yes. my Grammy loved it and recommended it to me. Enjoying so far! 2y
Slajaunie I love this series! Enjoy! 2y
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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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“It had taken a bit of thinking outside the box, but that‘s something I‘m getting better at every day, although I really can‘t take much credit for the improvement. It‘s easy to think outside the box when life has dropped a two-ton elephant on yours. What is that box anyway but the beliefs we choose to hold about the world that make us feel safe?”

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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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This is my comfort series! I‘m telling you, every book gets better and better! KMM‘s world building is TOP NOTCH. She doesn‘t info-dump; instead we learn with Mac (usually right smack in the middle of all the action) and damn does she make her work for it! It makes for a very compelling read. I‘m usually not a fan of the slow burn romance, but FECK the chemistry between Mac and Barrons is HOT. Karen loves to tease us, doesn‘t she? 🥲

Victoriahoperose YES! Agree so much. I love this series, too!! Not many people have heard of it that I know and it‘s one of my faves!! 2y
BooksNBowls @Victoriahoperose It‘s definitely underrated so I try to recommend to everyone I can! I love it so much! I love their relationship! 2y
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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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First book of #20in4 finished in the early hours.

Love revisiting this comfort series!

I think I feel a binge coming on. Onto the next!

#bookspinbingo #reread #favourite
@TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65

Andrew65 👏👏👏 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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Next reads are locked, loaded and ready to go! Will probably switch back and forth with audio for Bloodfever because I need to do some serious extra day off purging today!

ShelleyBooksie This is a great series. 3y
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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I really enjoyed the action in this book. I really love Mac as a character as well as the other characters she encounters. I‘m still waiting for the romance aspect to enter the story, but I‘m thinking it‘s going to be a slow burn one. I can‘t wait for the next book.
#bookstagram #bibliophile #litsy #littens #bookreview #review

Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning

⭐️ ⭐️ 1/2

Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning


Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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Likes the first book, had to continue. 😊

Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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Back from vacation and once again someone can‘t sleep. Changes in routine are so tough on this guy. At least I have the next Fever book to keep me occupied.

TheBookDream That‘s rough. Having sleeping problems myself so I feel that. 5y
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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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This series is ridiculous. I roll my eyes a lot while reading it. But it is light, entertaining fluff and sometimes that is exactly what I need.
#booked19 #setinireland @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft

BarbaraTheBibliophage Good job!! 👏🏻👏🏻 I read the first several from this series. Now, I‘ve let myself get behind because they didn‘t have as much charm for me. 6y
Cinfhen Sometimes fluff and eye rolls are a good thing 💚 6y
LoverofLit So ridiculous! 6y
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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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Second verse, same as the first! Finished the second in this series in a day and a half. The writing can be stereotypical at times, but I really enjoy that McKayla, the protagonist is a girly girl who loves pink. Many times, female protagonists get made more masculine to appear tougher. Mac toughened up in this one without losing her femininity and that's appreciated. Onward to the next one!

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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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"One day you may kiss a man you can't breathe without, and find breath is of little consequence."
Steamy line alert! ? ? ?

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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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Congrats on your milestone, @BookaholicNatty !
I read the first book in the Fever series not long ago, and I really want to keep going with it. So, my 3 top TBR choices are the next 3 in the series: Bloodfever, Faefever, and Dreamfever.
I'll tag the 3 littens I've most recently started following:
@MrsMalaprop @Looseleafbooks @rucktaadn

SilversReviews Congrats on 25,000 6y
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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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I finished Bloodfever just as I finished this Hue Shift afghan for my son. It‘s taken me three years to get it done and I was likely working on it during the last time I listened to this book. I have already started on my next Hue Shift. Hopefully I can finish it before I start the Fever series from the beginning again, but I am not holding my breath.

JoyBlue Gorgeous! 7y
MarriedtoMrT 😍 7y
Avanders Agree - that is gorgeous!! 7y
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Curiouser_and_curiouser So beautiful 💖 5y
Nute Gorgeous is the right word! 4y
carys14 @Nute Thank you!!! 4y
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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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This series seems to be getting better with each book!

Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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I read a total of 10 books in January and they all fit into a category for my reading challenge so that means I‘m at 10/50 - Just 40 books to go! #2018popsugarreadingchallenge #readingmilestone #imareader #booknerd #bookish #bookworm

alisiakae 🎉🎉🎉 7y
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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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Very late night reading.

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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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Oh for goodness sake! I just downloaded this and the next two in the series from the library!
Fair warning... be prepared to get sucked in. I was a little annoyed at the ending of the first book but when I read how many people liked the following books BETTER - I jumped in.
I guess I will be spending the weekend in the fantasy world of Karen Marie Moning.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Be warned, they all cliffhanger amazingly one into the next. I think I read them all back to back and then I hit the last one out and had to wait a year for Shadowfever to be released. It was deliciously torturous! Enjoy the ride! 7y
That-Bookish-Hiker This series is amazing!!! I started a few years ago and waiting a year between each book is so hard!!! 7y
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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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I haven‘t even written a review of first book in this series because book two was available from the library as soon as I finished Darkfever. This book was even better. I was addicted and I‘m currently dying for book three. This series is going so fast! I love the characters and the world. What am I going to do until I can get the next one!?

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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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Enjoyed this one too, a fun series so far! They were playing to much to sit still for the pic!

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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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Ok, am hooked on this series now and clearly won't be able to put it down until I'm done. I need this slow burn romance to speed up! Also this was my favorite pic that came up when I googled Jericho Barrons. 😜

Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning


Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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The second book of this series was more enjoyable although I still find the main character/narrator to be mildly annoying, whiny, and a filling a mostly traditional weak woman's role. I enjoy the pace of the plot and the little challenges that pop up. This is a nice, light read and sometimes that is all you want!

Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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Moving on to book 2. Definitely enjoying this series much more this time around. 😍📚

Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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Maybe I'm just not in the mood, but I'm bailing at 40 pages in to the second book of the series. Or maybe I liked the first one, but not enough to keep going? Either way, life is too short and my TBR pile is too long to dawdle!

Sarah MacLean and the first in the Scoundrels series is up next, I think. If it doesn't hold my attention then it may just be me still feeling too rough to read!

Oh, and countertop installation has started! YAY!

Myhusbandhatesreading Aww, that's a shame you couldn't get into this one. I read all except the last 2 I think in the series. I liked them all but some were definitely better than others and I think I actually liked her highlander series better than this one. Good luck on your next read!! 8y
Joybishoptx I loved this series but I understand. Sometimes you just have to walk away. 8y
jpease89 🙈 those counters 😍 8y
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gibblr Hi Jen! If you haven't already gotten rid of it, and it doesn't add too much to the cost of the next Litsy Around the World package, would you mind passing Bloodfever on to me? I wanted to try it after the first one too... Let me know! Thanks 7y
Jenshootsweddings @gibblr consider it yours! 7y
gibblr Thanks! Let's see if I can get through it haha 7y
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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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My usual winter reading spot is downstairs, in the corner of the living room by the window. Unfortunately there's a fridge in that spot right now! Our entire main floor isn't useable for more than the basics right now, so the guest room bed is where I do pretty much everything - read, work, nap. Bentley likes to help. #riotgrams #whereiread

Desha What a cutie! ❤️ 8y
Joybishoptx Hi Bentley! 8y
saresmoore Lovely headboard! 8y
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Mrscastro Awwww 😘💞 8y
Megabooks Your dogs are always so cute! 8y
Cortg I love the headboard. Reminds me of my guest room. 8y
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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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I totally devoured this book like Cookie Monster devours cookies. Omm nom nom. 🍪

BookishMarginalia 😂😂😂 8y
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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning

Another quick and good read! I like how she just goes straight into the next with just a bit of backstory. I do wish she'd tell what/who the hell Barrons is!!! So glad my library has the entire series available on overdrive!

TheLibrarian Don't worry, you'll find more out about him! 8y
JulieAnn @TheLibrarian Enigmatic is good but the suspense is killing me! 8y
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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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lol Finally finished this book. I love this series 💗. The second book was an okay read. The characters and plot are very intriguing. Love that the setting is Ireland💗. I would love to go there some day🌠. Cant wait for the next book!!!. I think Barrons is a werewolf😮

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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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Still reading this book😂. lol life gets in the way sometimes😔. Im shooting to be done tomorrow🙏. im on page 203 out 298 and idk not alot of action/drama. Finally, after almost finishing the book, it feels like the story is getting exicting.

HeidiR They keep getting better and better. 8y
BookWarriorPrincess93 @HeidiR That's what I heard. Its not that I dont enjoy reading them but just needs more action. 8y
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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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Sugar and caffeine are essential at this point on! Root beer, anyone? #readathon #deweys #hour17

LittleWonder I love that series! Barron's Baubles & Books! 8y
OceanCityMama @LittleWonder I would love to see the BB&B irl! 8y
OceanCityMama @LittleWonder How far have you into the series? 8y
LittleWonder @OceanCityMama I'm 1/3 into Shadowfever - book 5. 8y
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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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Hour 12 and hubby gifts me chocolate! Perfect timing! #readathon #deweys #chocolate

coastalreader You're awesome! 8y
OceanCityMama @coastalreader I'm feeling it today!! My eyeballs are so sad... 8y
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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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I got the job at Krystals 😎😀!!!! Book is good so far😊

MrBook 😁👏🏻 8y
bmsddk Congratulations! 😄🎉 8y
BookWarriorPrincess93 @MrBook Thank you😊. Im so happy I got the job. 8y
BookWarriorPrincess93 @bmsddk Thank you. I'm happy that I finally have a job 😎. It will be nice to have my own money😊. 8y
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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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Who's stoked for #Spookathon week to begin?!

MyNamesParadise With Malice is amazing!! As is The Walking Dead! 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Loved the Fever series! 8y
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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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My cat Bellatrix

Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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I just got accepted to PHI THETA KAPPA for mine good grades🎈🎉😊.

bmsddk Congratulations! 😄🎉 8y
BookWarriorPrincess93 Thank you. I've been hoping for an invite for two years. 8y
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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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My reading companion for BloodFever😊. My sweet prince💗

BookWarriorPrincess93 That's just rude sis😑. 8y
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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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Look at all the KMM my library has!!! *swoon* Getting the next in the series today @BooksTeasAndBookishThings ❤️❤️❤️

BooksTeasAndBookishThings Yay!!! She even has a graphic novel! Such a great world 📚🤘 8y
Zelma I am intrigued. I love urban fantasy and adult paranormal but am really picky about it. 8y
BooksTeasAndBookishThings @Zelma she did her mythological research as well as her research about Ireland itself. It does have some adult scenes in the later books for sure, but if you don't mind that, this series is one j would recommend every day. 8y
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tricours @BooksTeasAndBookishThings @Zelma the adult scenes are what save those books 😺 8y
Zelma @BooksTeasAndBookishThings I don't mind adult scenes at all! 😉 😋 8y
Zelma @tricours 😂 good to know! 8y
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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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Adored this reread! Mac is still learning and being awesome, and the chemistry between her and Barrons really heats up. LOVED it! 4⭐️/5

#book #books #ereader #ebook #iPad #bookworm #Feverseries #KarenMarieMoning

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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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These books are so amazing! I'm so sad I held out on them for so long before finally reading them! I'm currently on book 5 and it just gets better and better and better. Definitely one of my top series favorites!

bookplaits These books are so addictive, it's ridiculous!! I'm currently rereading the first five so I can read six and seven some time this year 😄 8y
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Bloodfever | Karen Marie Moning
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Barrons 😍😍😍