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Gothikana | Runyx
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Gothikana | Runyx

I have nothing else to add at this time, this book is amazing and speaks for itself. 😍

Gothikana | Runyx
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1.5/5⭐ I would have devoured this book as a teenager. It suffocates you in stereotypical gothic vibes. The man is a dangerous enigma, the woman is a young mystery, and the author reminds you of these things in every weakly written paragraph. I DNFed at the line “a part of her wanted to...blush furiously at the singular masculine attention from a very masculine male.“ 🤢 #doublespin

slategreyskies Okay, I‘ll admit it. That line actually made me laugh. 😂 2mo
wanderinglynn 😆 I agree with @slategreyskies – that line is hysterical. Definitely a candidate for best worst line. I can see why you bailed if the book full of lines like that. #hailthebail 2mo
5feet.of.fury 😂😂 2mo
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Another #readyourkindle pick. I expected dark academia but got spooky smut instead! A gothic school with dark secrets and many disappearances. The ending was a little anti climactic but I did love Vad and trying to figure out if Corvina is struggling with an actual illness or if it‘s magic. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1/2

CBee Spooky smut 😂😂😂 3mo
AnnCrystal 👏📘😉👍💝. My vote is with magic. There was insightfulness in what she experienced. 🏰🧛🥀💝.

This did seem to leave us readers with many unanswered questions.
(edited) 3mo
Meshell1313 @AnnCrystal yes I‘m totally with you! 3mo
AnnCrystal @Meshell1313 😉👍💝. 3mo
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When we went to Walmart a few weeks ago, the store had revamped the DVD and book selection. This was one of the goodies I discovered.

Mix of the TV show Wednesday, with equal parts Beauty and The Beast meets Dracula, and a bit of Orson Welles as Edward Rochester in the 1943 version of Jane Eyre...all of this mixed well and transformed into a uniquely original, paranormal mystery. 👇

AnnCrystal This did get a bit too steamy, which seemed to interrupt on the mysterious flow of the story.

Wraps up nicely, & seemed to hint at a continuation. The next book doesn't seem to continue, it goes back to the 1870s with new characters at the same castle.

If there is a 3rd book, possibly we will be given a story that moves forward from this 1st one. Nonetheless, I'm excited about Arkana (the second book, which has no release date yet). 👇
AnnCrystal The “who did it“ came as a complete surprise. A well done mystery. Yet, there is still a bunch of the mystery left unwritten.

This book has a “readers warning note.“ While I don't feel there is a need to add on to this warning, I do want to highlight something that I will hide in the following comment 👇.

AnnCrystal There is an apparent suicide actually depicted when everyone watches as one of the characters steps off the rooftop. 3mo
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Gothikana | Runyx
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Spooky smut. Thats what this book was and i was here for it! The book itself is gorgeous with quote pages at the beginning of each chapter. I thought the story was really good and it had me locked to see what would happen next. The chapters are broken up between Corvina and Vad which i loved! I don‘t want to give anything away but you should definitely read it if spooky smut is your jam!

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Fell to sleep while reading this, and awoke with the song, Bring Me To Life by Evanescence blasting (not literally). I guess my subconscious has found a song match for this book 😂, and here my waking self has been considering something more classical 🤔. Been ages since listening to this...

I guess “ghost“ wins even over Batman. This book has held my interest over all other current reads...bewitching (so far)!

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Already reading four books at the moment, don't need to start another book when my limit is normally three.

Then I decided to take a peek inside this beauty before adding it to my bookshelf.

I understand colors, purple invokes mystique, framed by black increases that mystery. Yet I have allowed this book to put its spell on me 🧐. 👇

AnnCrystal I felt like I opened something antique and magical when I went to peek inside.

It began with one page, just to get a preview (you all probably know how that goes 😂).

This does have a reader warning, which I always appreciate. I know to be prepared to jump scenes if necessary.

Hope the story is as good as its packaging...

(edited) 3mo
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Gothikana | Runyx
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I didn't really enjoy this one.
It is like the show Wednesday with spicy scenes.
I felt there was a lot of build-up for the mystery surrounding the school and the murders, but it was wrapped up really fast. I probably wouldn't recommend this.

emz711 Oh no! I loved it! 3mo
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I don't usually buy books from Target but it was staring at me at checkout and 30% off!
And my smut shelf begins.
#romantasy #WednesdayAddams #smut

Texreader 😂 3mo
slategreyskies We should have a #blameitontarget tag. 🤣 3mo
Gissy I bet it jumped into your shopping cart😜🤣 3mo
emz711 @Gissy whoops! 3mo
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I know this one has gotten a lot of mixed reviews so i thought i would give it a read. Its almost 400 pages so if it‘s as badly written and edited as the reviews say, then i‘ll bail early!

emz711 I loved it! 3mo
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Gothikana | Runyx
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Someone isn't amused that I am using her back as a book rest 🤔😜

Texreader She‘s a beauty!! ❤️🐈‍⬛ 4mo
Meshell1313 😻 can‘t wait to hear if you liked the book! It‘s on my TBR! 4mo
jackilynn @Meshell1313 overall I enjoyed it. It was a pretty quick read. 3mo
emz711 @Meshell1313 I Loved it! Read it twice 3mo
Jari-chan Isn't it usually the other way around? 😹 3mo
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Gothikana | Runyx

Oof. Whoever gave this one the green light, especially the weirdly giant font on the first page of each new chapter and the awkward AI art, ought to have a good long think about what they‘ve done.

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emz711 Did you like it? 3mo
ladym30 @emz711 I loved it!!!! 3mo
emz711 Same. Can't stop thinking about it. So mysterious 3mo
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Gothikana | Runyx
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I loved it.
Like Wednesday, the Addams family TV show, but with spice 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Going to start reading it again to see what clues I missed.

Gothikana | Runyx
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Dark academia, supernatural occurrences, and a gothic atmosphere combine together with some very spicy romance to create a fun read! I loved Corvina and her backstory, especially her relationship with her mother, and Vad is a strong, forbidden, dark, romantic character. I loved the multiple references to other gothic authors (especially Poe), and the images throughout the book added to the whole experience.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 🖤 🥀 6mo
emz711 I loved it too! Whose got recommendations of something similar? 5mo
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Gothikana | Runyx
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Book mail! 😍😍😍

emz711 So good, wish there was more 5mo
ladym30 @emz711 Me, too. 3mo
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Gothikana | Runyx
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I had to add this book to the Litsy database, but please don‘t take that as an endorsement.😂

I needed a #DarkAcademia book for #Booked2022 and since I‘ve read most of the great ones, took a chance with a book that Booktok actually seems to think fits that category. While it is dark, and at a school, it‘s also ridiculous and just not well written at all. Must get myself on a better side of Booktok.


JamieArc I still need to complete that prompt. What are some of your favorites/recommended for Dark Academia? 2y
sprainedbrain @JamieArc I really loved The Secret History (Tartt), Ninth House (Bardugo), and Babel (Kuang). I‘ve seen this book on lists of dark academia as well and I really liked it: 2y
JamieArc @sprainedbrain Thanks! The tagged looks really good! 2y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage Ooof. So sorry … 2y
sprainedbrain @BarbaraTheBibliophage haha, totally my fault for choosing this one! I actually had a different one planned but fell for Booktok hype. 😜 2y
LeeRHarry I have this one and have only heard bad things since I got it ….it may be going in the charity bag sooner than I thought 🤔 2y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @sprainedbrain Ahhh …the socials…that‘ll do it! 2y
Cinfhen I LOVE this review 2y
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