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2.5ish weeks before I go back to work full time (aka school is back in session) & I am trying my hardest to knock as many books of my TBR as I can!!

Currently about 50% through Amina (my fantasy book club pick for July) & just starting Heartless Hunter.

The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi | Shannon Chakraborty
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House work done so my plans today consist of soaking up as much Vitamin D as I can while it is semi decent outside (as opposed to hiding out in the AC).

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Our true crime book club meets Sunday & I am barely halfway through the book. I think the audiobook just isn't working for me on this one. Time to switch it up. I couldn't get a physical copy in time but thankfully Everand has the ebook available. Don't mind me while I read at work.

Night of the Witch | Sara Raasch, Beth Revis
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Storm hit and the power went out. Guess I am reading by booklight & candlelight tonight. It has been out for a few hrs at this point. The lack of AC and/or air movement is what's really going to do me in though.

The Black Bird Oracle | Deborah Harkness
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My personal copy wont arrive at my house until after release day but the library had it ready for me to cover today. Do you know how much will power it took for me not to just forget about work & instead hide in the basement all day reading this?

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Since all of my is out of town/state for the 4th and the people I usually spend the day with made different plans this year guess now is as good of time as any pick up the last book in this trilogy. Let's see how far I can get.

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Books by 3 of my favorite authors (Tessa Bailey, Alexandra Bracken, & Christina Lauren) and a book I have been meaning to read for years...July looks like it could end up being a great reading montn.

#readyourkindle #readyourebooks @CBee

TheSpineView I need to read Soulmate too! 3w
jackilynn @TheSpineView I made the mistake of reading the True Love Experiment first...ooops lol 3w
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Reckless | Lauren Roberts
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House sitting for my parents while they are out of town so I have different reading buddy to snuggle with. (My cats & my parents dog don't get along so I get to spend the whole week bouncing back & forth).

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Overall June was probably one of my best reading months is awhile. I can't think of one book that I didn't like.

My Lady Jane | Jodi Meadows, Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand
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I have really enjoyed these books so I am excited to see how they play out on the small screen. Plus, Gilford is played by the same actor who played Marcus in Discovery of Witches 😍. I know what I'm bingeing this weekend!!

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I decided to make things a little easier this time when it came to making my #readyourkindle list. I took 4 books from each of the previous 5 months and put them all together to make my new list. 😜📚

The Dark Half | Stephen King
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For some reason the summer always screams Stephen King to me so I figured now was the perfect time to pick up the next book in my journey to read his entire backlist.

JenReadsAlot Oh how is that beer? I love summer shandy! 1mo
jackilynn @JenReadsAlot I prefer the grapefruit one but this one isn't horrible lol 1mo
JenReadsAlot Lol I'll just stick with my shandy then! 1mo
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For some reason summer for me has always meant (well at least the last several years) that I read

1. A Stephen King book
2. The next Outlander book
3. An epic fantasy (usually the next in whichever series I am working)

Now as I work to finish my current reads I need to decide which one I want to tackle first 🤔😬📚

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Enjoying a lazy start to the day...just my snuggle buddy and me. It is supposed to be hot this week so I look forward to last of snuggle time.

Five Broken Blades | Mai Corland
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I could not put this down. The only downfall is now I have to wait for book 2 😟😬

Five Broken Blades | Mai Corland
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Gold for blood--that's my advertisement and the words I live by.

#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

Gild | Raven Kennedy
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Sail!!! Just when I thought she finally had a friend 😭😭

The Dark Man | Stephen King
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The poem that started it all and introduced the world to The Man in Black aka Randall Flagg. I need this to add to my collection (along with the Secretary of Dreams volumes) but they are impossible to find for a decent price anymore.

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Five Broken Blades | Mai Corland
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Ok let's do this!! I figured with the cover reveal of book 2 now was the perfect time to finally pick this one up.

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...here are my picks this month! Looks like I am leaning hard on the romance/fantasy this month & I am 100% ok with that.

#readyourkindle #readyourebooks

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CBee Love the Sunshine Vicram series 🙌🏻 2mo
jackilynn @CBee me too! I think I put this one off for so long mainly because I don't want it to end lol 2mo
CBee @jackilynn I read the 2nd and immediately read the 3rd. Keep hoping maybe she‘ll come back to it 🤞🏻🤷‍♀️ 2mo
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A little late but here's my May Wrap up.

May started of pretty slumpy for me (by the last week in May I had only read 4 books) but I think I finally bounced back & made it to the other side to finish strong. I only got 2 of my #readyourkindle books read for May but 2 is better than nothing (technically I also finished one of last months picks as well).

Fingers crossed I can keep up the momentum!

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Thinking my next read (after I finish my current line up) I will tackle this. I figured this was a less intimidating tandem read than Empire Storms/Tower of Dawn. 🤔😂

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When you read 1 book in the sun & 1 book in the shade....I may have a slight problem 🤔😬🤦‍♀️ #bookwormproblems #summerbreak #currentlyreading

Love and Other Words | Christina Lauren
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Simply because I need a bit of a palette cleanser after my last read and a little Christina Lauren is always good for my soul.

Erinreadsthebooks The bookmark!!!! 😂😂😂 1d
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Oregon Public Library | Oregon, IL (Library)
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If anyone needs me this summer I will be at job number 2 a little bit more. I still plan to enjoy my summer break but I still have bills to pay as well. I am hoping I can use my break to knock a good dent into my TBR pile but I have found working at a library tends to make my TBR pile bigger not smaller 🤔 #teacheroffduty #libraryclerk

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It's like I knew the new Stephen King book would arrive at work today & planned accordingly. Don't mind me. I will be in the basement "covering" the new books ??

vivastory I haven't bought the last couple King books (although I plan on reading them) but I do 100% plan on buying this. A King story collection is cause for celebration. 2mo
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I am sensing a bit of a theme today 🤔😜

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Was MIA for a bit. My sisters and I treated my mom to a 5 day girls trip to Seattle. It was quite the city. We saw so much (including this Massive library). Back to reality I go though. I am really not ready to go back to work today.

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1 wheel of one of our pesky shelves/carts fell off and we did our best to fix it. The sentence created by the random books (from the donation bin) slightly amuses me. Of all the book combinations that could've come out of the bin this is what we ended up with. 🤔🤦‍♀️😜

tpixie 😂 perfect 😍 3mo
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Looks like May is going to be Romance heavy with a touch of Fantasy and I am ok with that.

May is always a rough reading month for me with school ending so I am ready for an easy month.

#readyourkindle #readyourebooks @CBee

CBee Easy is good 😊 3mo
jackilynn @CBee it really is. Especially since I have been to exhausted to read much lately. 3mo
CBee @jackilynn I understand that feeling! 3mo
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April Wrap Up

I slacked a little this month (at least for me) but we are reaching the end of the school year and it is exhausting.

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Ok @CBee I think I am ready. I slacked a little this month but here's hoping May is better. 🤞
#readyourkindle #readyourebooks

CBee I‘m behind too 🤷‍♀️😊 3mo
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Well it looks like May is going to be an interesting reading month when it comes to the various book clubs I participate in (all club names are abbreviated here). 🤔😂

Grave Mercy | Robin LaFevers
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This book as been sitting on my shelf for years so I decided to throw it out there for my book club to read this month. I am glad I did. All of us enjoyed it and several of us (myself included) have already binged our way through the rest of the original trilogy.

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Question of the day....should I ignore my massive pile of work to do today (patron purge time) and pull this off the shelves for a read or should I actually do my work? It's a tough call 🤔😜 #librarylife #libraryclerk #oregonpubliclibrary

Gothikana | Runyx
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Someone isn't amused that I am using her back as a book rest 🤔😜

Texreader She‘s a beauty!! ❤️🐈‍⬛ 4mo
Meshell1313 😻 can‘t wait to hear if you liked the book! It‘s on my TBR! 4mo
jackilynn @Meshell1313 overall I enjoyed it. It was a pretty quick read. 3mo
emz711 @Meshell1313 I Loved it! Read it twice 3mo
Jari-chan Isn't it usually the other way around? 😹 3mo
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Hmm, this could be an interesting reading month 🤔

#readyourkindle #readyourebooks @CBee

CBee Definitely! 4mo
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The Lord of the Rings | J. R. R. Tolkien
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#TLT #ThreeListThursday @dabbe

Is it wrong of me to put...😂😂

1. Fellowship of the Ring
2. Two Towers
3. Return of the King
(All extended editions of course)

Texreader Love this!! 4mo
dabbe Absolutely not! Three excellent novels + three excellent movies! 🤩🤩🤩 Thanks for sharing. 💚🩷💚 4mo
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March wrap up. I must say I had a great reading month. I really enjoyed my spring break (almost a book a day). It was tough going back to work.

Favorites: Forged By Magic, A Broken Blade, the Blood Trials

Least Favorite: The Locked Door & the Lady Poisoners.

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@CBee I have my list ready to go as well.

#readyourkindle #readyourebooks

CBee I loved Hart and Mercy!! 4mo
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Fate Breaker | Victoria Aveyard
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My goal was to knock this out over my spring break. Chapter 29 out of 46 so I am getting there. Will it be finished before I head back to work on Monday? I guess only time will tell but it would probably help of I stopped reading other books at the same time 🤔🤦‍♀️😜

Fate Breaker | Victoria Aveyard
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How I choose to spend my spring break..hot beverages, warm blankets, and good books. I am hoping to knock this one out quickly since I can actually read most of the day as opposed to being stuck at work. 🤞😜📚

American Queen | Sierra Simone
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After completing only 2 of my #readyourkindle picks last month I made it my goal to do better this month and it is safe to say I succeeded. I finished all 4 picks. They were some great picks because I thoroughly enjoyed them all. I have already read the sequel to one and have the next books on hold for the others. Hopefully I can keep this momentum going.

The Blood Trials: A Novel | N. E. Davenport
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"Blood is my gift. And blood is what they will get if anyone gets in my godsdamned way."

I need book 2...ASAP!!

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Wow, just wow!!

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I was looking up something at work and stumbled upon this. I immediately knew I had to check it out 🤔🤓

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Forged by Magic | Jenna Wolfhart
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I only read 2 of my picks last month but this month I am hoping to read more. Maybe I will even attempt the 2 picks from last month i didn't get to. I guess we shall see. 3 of these are parts of series so I may end up going down the rabbit hole to complete the series 🤔😂🤷‍♀️

#readyourkindle #readyourebooks @CBee

CBee Sometimes I find myself avoiding series because there are just so many other (standalone) books I want to read 😂 5mo
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My February wrap up. I got a little slumpy towards the end but I kept pushing.

Favorite: What the River Knows.
Least Favorite: Spaceman in Bohemia

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Ok @CBee I think I am ready for the next round of #readyourkindle . I only read 2 of my picks for last month but this month I plan to stick to it more. *fingerscrossed* #readyourebooks

CBee You read two and that‘s awesome 😊 5mo
jackilynn @CBee my issue is I always get distracted by all of the shiny new books lol 5mo
CBee @jackilynn same, girl, same 🫣🫣😂😂 5mo
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