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Darling Girl
Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
65 posts | 50 read | 30 to read
In this beautiful, grounded, and darkly magical modern-day reimagining of J. M. Barrie's classic, to save her daughter's life one woman must take on the infamous Peter Pan--who is not the innocent adventurer the fairy tales make him out to be . . .
Life is looking up for Holly Darling, granddaughter of Wendy — yes, that Wendy. She's running a successful skincare company; her son, Jack, is happy and healthy; and the tragedy of her past is well behind her . . . until she gets a call that her daughter, Eden, who has been in a coma for nearly a decade, has gone missing from the estate where she's been long tucked away. And, worst of all, Holly knows who must be responsible: Peter Pan, who is not only very real, but more dangerous than anyone could imagine.
Eden's disappearance is a disaster for more reasons than one. She has a rare condition that causes her to age rapidly — ironic, considering her father is the boy who will never grow up — which also makes her blood incredibly valuable. It's a secret that Holly is desperate to protect, especially from Eden's half-brother, Jack, who knows nothing about his sister or the crucial role she plays in his life. Holly has no one to turn to — her mother is the only other person in the world who knows that Peter is more than a story, but she refuses to accept that he is not the hero she's always imagined. Desperate, Holly enlists the help of Christopher Cooke, a notorious ex-soldier, in the hopes of rescuing Eden before it's too late . . . or she may lose both her children.
Darling Girl brings all the magic of the classic Peter Pan story to the present, while also exploring the dark underpinnings of fairy tales, grief, aging, sacrifice, motherhood, and just how far we will go to protect those we love.
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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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Great book prize excited to read each book.Thanks @penguinrandomhouse

Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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There were times where some of the characters were unlikable, but for the most part I really enjoyed this one. Plus it made me want to go back and binge OUAT again, so there‘s that.

Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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This was the perfect #audiobook for me at the perfect time. Mysterious, dreamy, with some dark moments, the familiar characters and story lines feel both comforting and unsettling. I was totally invested in the story and the thoroughly modern and complicated reimagining of this timeless classic. #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 12mo
Cuilin Another Peter Pan reimagining? Stacked. (I may have a slight obsession). 12mo
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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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I can‘t tell specifically what it was about this one but just not a fan. I like the concept, but ultimately the main character wasn‘t very likeable and a lot of the events can be solved by communicating. Possibly didn‘t live up to the hype I guess but also not for me. #doublespin for May

Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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Darling Girl is a reimagining of the classic novel, Peter Pan, in a modern-day world. Holly Darling, the granddaughter of Wendy Darling, has to face the reality that Peter Pan is not a hero, but a kidnapper who has taken her daughter, Eden, who has been in a coma for years. Holly must find Eden and protect her son, Jack, from Peter‘s schemes and her family‘s secrets. Along the way, she learns about the dark side of fairy tales. 5-Stars #DarkMagic

CarolynM Sounds interesting 1y
suvata @CarolynM Oh, it was. Darker than the original story but I loved it. 1y
Cuilin Love all things Peter Pan. Stacked from another post. 12mo
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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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“In a very tall tree sits a girl.”


Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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A dark retelling of a Peter Pan, it‘s more like a sequel since the main character, Holly, is the granddaughter of Wendy. I felt uncomfortable many times while reading this &didn‘t fully understand some of the plot choices. I think if the Peter Pan aspect was taken out &instead this was a mystery of Holly‘s missing daughter &an element of magical realism, it would have worked better. But aspects of Peter Pan oftentimes felt forced &sometimes silly.

Kristy_K TW: Rape. 1y
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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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Oh my gosh, Misty, look what just arrived to my doorstop s beautifully wrapped. Thank you so much! And the notepad and car freshener too - that‘s so incredibly kind! Sweet Apple may have just become my go scent for air freshener! @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks You‘re very welcome!! Enjoy! 🖤💛 1y
marleed @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks It was just so fun to open - made my day. Thank you! 1y
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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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Attention #LitsyLove members 🎊🎉 we have had some book donations from several members! We will do some random giveaways!! Anyone interested in this one?! 💫⭐️🌟

PageShifter Might be my cup of tea 🧐🧐 1y
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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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Bad Peter Pan? Let‘s go! As long as baby boy stays asleep that is…

wanderinglynn Aw, how sweet! ❤️ 2y
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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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12-1-22: My November Book Wrap Up part 2! These 8 books were all 4⭐️ and I thoroughly enjoyed them.

Darling Girl | Liz Michalski

I loved this book. I did find it a little slow paced sometimes. However, I loved the characters and the story.Great book.

Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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11-1-22: My 109th finished book of 2022! A fascinating take on the Peter Pan story. Holly Darling, a scientist, is the granddaughter of Wendy, from the Peter Pan story. She owns a successful skin care company in NYC. When her invalid daughter goes missing, she takes her son Jack to England to search for her. I don‘t want to give too many specifics because the author really worked in all the Pan characters so well.

GidgetsTreasures75 I wanted more from the ending, a more front row seat to the final action but other than that I really enjoyed this story. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️📖#️⃣1️⃣0️⃣9️⃣ (edited) 2y
rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 2y
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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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Holly Darling, a descendant of the famous Darling family, suspects Peter Pan is behind her daughter‘s mysterious disappearance.

Motherhood ✨ Sinister ✨ Retelling

NOTES: I found the plot to be slow moving and boring, and felt robbed of a satisfying showdown at the end of the story. I also get incredibly frustrated with stories in which the character creates additional problems just because they refuse to ask for help or call the police.

Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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Finished Darling Girl by Liz Michalski. It‘s a reimagining of what happened long after Wendy came back from Neverland. Peter is not a good guy - evil really. Why? There were lots of twists and interesting things that happened, but it was a little dark. Characters were rearranged. But I‘m still glad I read it. #92 #BookSpin #BFC22 #ReadMyRoom #OUBC #Pantone22 #NotSoScaryAthon #Autumnbingo2022 #FallReadathon #LitsyLoveReads

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
AnnR Great progress! 😁😁😁 2y
Clwojick Way to go! 2y
oddandbookish I loved this one! 2y
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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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Started the tagged book for the #NotSoScaryAthon by @TheBrightSideGirl . It‘s a reimagining of Peter Pan and one of my Once Upon A Book Club selections. So glad to be getting to one of those! I have 3 more in my stack and undoubtably one on the way. Maybe if I sprinkle my pixie dust all will be well! 🧚📚😊 The other books are my TBR for this Readathon.

TheAromaofBooks I've been meaning to reread my Nancy Drew collection!! 2y
Allylu @TheAromaofBooks Always good to have a Nancy handy! 🕵️‍♀️📚🥰 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Looks good!! 2y
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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Pretty unique and interesting spin to Peter Pan. I loved the characters and different story lines. Especially Captain Hook, I mean Christopher Cook in this story 😍 Makes me want to rewatch Once Upon A Time!

#darlinggirl #lizmichalski

Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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I‘m torn on this book. I liked the idea of the story but the execution wasn‘t quite there for me. It did fulfill a dark retelling of Peter Pan, I was just bored with the main character. There were plenty of other characters we really missed out on in this story. 3⭐️ #botm

marleed I couldn‘t quite give it a pick either. 2y
bridge12 @marleed right!?!?!? I had high hopes for the concept but it didn‘t really follow through 2y
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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski

The idea behind this book is great! What a twist to the Peter Pan story that many of us grew up with. Nobody is who they seem, and everything is backwards. The book did seem to skip around more than I‘m used to. I felt lost a few times. Other than that, it wasn‘t a bad read at all. I‘ve always loved the scene where the children flew around Big Ben. Take scene also appeared in the book.

fredamans I'm with you on this one 100%! At times it was just confusing, but it was a great premise! 2y
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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski

That was a fantastic re-telling! I was getting impatient with the protagonist while recognizing she was written that way quite purposefully. This book may have opened up a whole new genre for me.

Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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Time to start my next #ouabc book!! I‘m so far behind!

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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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“In this beautiful, grounded, and darkly magical modern-day reimagining of J. M. Barrie‘s classic, to save her daughter's life one woman must take on the infamous Peter Pan—who is not the innocent adventurer the fairy tales make him out to be . . .”

FULL POST: https://tinyurl.com/yck6xzh4


Darling Girl | Liz Michalski

Sometimes it's easier to remember sorrow than joy, Sorrow doesn't hurt as much"

Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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I thought this book was magical. This modern day retelling/ extension of Peter Pan was dark and suspenseful and everything I had hoped it would be. I didn‘t want to put it down and never wanted it to end. The author did a fantastic job of blending the fantasy with the modern time and I loved reading about the Darlings and her interpretation of what they would look like after a few generations. Excellent writing. Compelling story. I loved this!

kstadt929 The cat 😂 2y
Victoriahoperose He was not moving 😂😂 that‘s okay. He‘s lucky he‘s cute 😂😂 2y
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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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I loved the twist on the narrative, I just wish there as a little more information on the world building. The way Neverland functions and the ability to get there and come back is quite important to the story, but never really explained. I was left with lots of questions, but I do think that was what the author was going for. To leave the reader in wonder.

Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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"The way I see it , the ones who feel sorry for themselves don't survive. Not with any kind of life to speak of. So I could whinge or I could get on and make the most of what I still had, So that's what I did" - Christopher Cooke /Liz Michalski

Same Captn ? same

Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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So I understand the mediocre reviews but surprised there aren‘t more overly enthusiastic reviews. Loved the concept, Peter is just as creepy as I thought he would be. It may have taken a little longer than necessary to get to the point but I enjoyed it.

Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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3✨ I have very mixed feelings about this book. I think the main plot line is excellent. The writing is even better. I was hooked on finding out what exactly Holly was doing and trying to navigate through her past to understand what happened. It was her meeting with Peter that threw me off this story. Yes, it was necessary for this plot line. However, how I translated and viewed it was a pedophilic situation in the beginning. ⬇️

Roary47 While Peter is obviously older because Hollys grandmother is Wendy it still didn‘t sit right with me. I think I also had trouble viewing Peter as a bad guys, but also see that it can happen to a neglected child. 2y
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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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Okay… that just got weird… I mean still a good book, but that scene alone is unhauling this book from my shelf when I‘m done. 😱🥺🤢

Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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This took me so long to finish! I kept picking the book up, putting it down to read something else, picking it back up again, over and over. The writing is beautiful but I just had such a hard time connecting to it or the characters. I ended up finishing it on audiobook and did enjoy it more that way. Sort of a bittersweet story. Neat concept though. 🌟🌟🌟

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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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I started out liking this imagining of the life of Wendy Darling‘s granddaughter and her children. I became less enchanted (ha!) as the end grew nearer. I couldn‘t reconcile Eden going from here to there (no spoilers). Then as Peter became more prominent to the story - I mean, I just thought I knew him better ;)

Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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Ehh. Feels like it tried to hard to be a retelling, since besides character names or similar aspects there really wasn‘t any connection. This Peter is manipulative. Hoped to get more of him fleshed out. The line of magic was so blurred it didn‘t make sense; where‘s Neverland? Slow storytelling is good, but this never picked up. Had trouble putting it down either way.

Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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Reviews seem to be mixed for this darker, sadder reimagining of the Peter Pan story, but I‘m firmly in the loved it column.

For a fantasy, it‘s starkly realistic in dealing with grief, tragedy, trauma, and family relationships. It‘s not whimsical, but it has nice touches of joy and magic. I had a love/hate relationship with our main Darling girl (Holly—Wendy‘s granddaughter), but found her oddly relatable.

Great on audio!


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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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I really loved this book! I‘ve heard so many good things and I was not disappointed. I loved the story of Peter Pan when I was younger and I loved this much darker spin-off as an adult! I was so excited to get the book in my OUABC box. I loved all the gifts!

Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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Wow! What a book! This was a dark retelling/reimagining of Peter Pan that managed to creep me out quite a bit. This book won‘t be everyone‘s cup of tea, but for me it worked.

I loved the dark take on Peter Pan. There is something inherently a little sinister about the original story and this book really delved into that.

Full review: https://oddandbookish.wordpress.com/2022/06/12/review-darling-girl/

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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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Reviews for this book are all over the place, but I LOVED it. On the surface, it‘s a retelling of Peter Pan, and Peter is not the hero in any way, shape, or form (my favorite kind of Pan retelling!). More importantly, it‘s a novel about grief, loss, and how we cope with tragedy. It‘s also about forgiveness, empathy, and the power of a mother‘s love. It‘s brilliant.

Graciouswarriorprincess I have this as BOTM pick from last month. Still need to read it! 2y
DGRachel @Graciouswarriorprincess I was really surprised to see the breadth of reviews. I think you‘ll either really enjoy it or really hate it. There doesn‘t seem to be much middle ground. 😳 2y
wordslinger42 I just finished it and really enjoyed it! I appreciate books that deal with grief in a really vulnerable way, so this was a pick for me! 2y
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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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I‘m quitting this book exactly halfway through. It‘s just giving me bad feelings. It also gave me mean dreams last night.
What a bummer of a novel.
I enjoy dark Pan retellings but this was not it. This book felt clinical and stale and sad.
There is no magic or beauty to this retelling, no feeling. No fantasy element to the darkness.
I‘m proud of myself for not forcing myself to finish it.

ICantImReading I‘m sorry it didn‘t work for you, either 😔 I think it was a good decision to bail if you weren‘t enjoying it, I kind of thought it got worse as it went along 😬 2y
reading_rainbow @ICantImReading good to know I didn‘t miss anything, I tried skimming the second half but it was just slow and the characters were really one dimensional and the whole plot in general was a mess. One sad stale mess lol 2y
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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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This wonderful, painful book is about the tragedies wrought by keeping secrets from those we love. A retelling of Barrie‘s Peter Pan, this is not a story about youth and innocence: Peter has become evil, warped by a search for freedom without morality. He has haunted the Darling family for generations, and now needs to destroy his progeny to survive. Well worth reading, but buckle your seatbelt. “Sometimes it‘s easier to remember sorrow than joy”

CaitlinR Image: Solomon Caw and Peter Pan by Arthur Rackham 2y
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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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Getting around to my May #BOTM pick on the last day of the month. Heard mixed reviews about this one, excited to see how it goes ✨

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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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I loved this dark reimagining of the classic Peter Pan tale. Michalski creates a sinister and manipulative version of Peter Pan. The author also works the fairy tale into modern times, mixing it with magical realism in an entertaining way. The surprising twists along the way kept the pages turning. If you like a good retelling and Peter Pan, then I think you will really find this one to be a satisfying take on this iconic character.

Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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Pippin and I are enjoying a beautiful evening on the sun porch. So far I'm enjoying this dark, twisted take on Peter Pan, though I'm very glad I checked the trigger warnings before I started! 😳

CoffeeNBooks Hi Pippin! 💜 2y
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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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#BOTM usually doesn‘t steer me wrong, but this was a mess. Weird (but not in a good way), slow, underdeveloped, and confusing. Holly was unlikable and nonsensical. Can anyone recommend a different Peter Pan retelling?

reading_rainbow This one is told through Tinker Bells pov and follows Tiger Lily. I really liked it 2y
ICantImReading @reading_rainbow ooh thank you so much, stacked!! 2y
Yuki_Onna I heard this one is very good... It's LGBTQ+, too. 2y
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Yuki_Onna And, having liked her dark turn on Alice in Wonderland very much, you might want to check Christina Henry's book. (edited) 2y
kbranscum I'm sad to hear this one isn't as good as you'd hoped. I almost added this to my box, but went with a safer pick. Glad I did. 2y
ICantImReading @Yuki_Onna thank you for both of those options, I‘ll check them out! 🥰 I‘m hopeful a different take on the Peter Pan story will work better for me than this one did! 2y
ICantImReading @kbranscum I would never want to discourage anyone from trying it, because you may feel differently of course! But it was disappointing for me. Maybe one to borrow instead of buy? 😊 2y
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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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Life hasn't been easy for Holly Darling (yes, those Darlings).

She lost her husband and one of her twin boys in a car accident and is keeping her surviving son healthy with the blood of his comatose half-sister.

The fairytale aspect of the story helps with the heaviness.

Peter Pan isn't young and innocent anymore, Tink now goes by Bell and is no longer loyal to Peter, and the guy with the hook isn't so bad after all.

I enjoyed this #botm 🙂

rubyslippersreads I 💚 everything about this photo! 2y
Gissy Great photo!👌 2y
DivineDiana Adorable Tink! 💖 2y
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Darling Girl | Liz Michalski
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So when they say no redemption arc, and that this is not for children, they meant it… like it was a good book but damn. Imma need a sappy happy ending book or twelve to get past this traumatic book 😳😳😳

Aims42 Good to know! 👍 2y
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